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Éire/pol/ - Ash wednesday edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 270
Thread images: 90

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Thread theme: https://youtu.be/tP5FS6IXJJA
Identity Ireland are a meme, National Party our best hope: http://www.nationalparty.ie/
Join the party, spread the word, spread memes and anti immigrant sentiment online and put up posters in your local areas.
Petes song: https://youtu.be/oYos7FCW_FI
Quick rundown on politics here: http://pastebin.com/5VdTq24C
Constitution: https://www.constitution.ie/Documents/Bhunreacht_na_hEireann_web.pdf
Learn Irish: http://www.daltai.com/ http://www.teanglann.ie/en/

>All out strikes for Bus Éireann

>Blunder bomber busted

>McCabe inquiry beginning

>Fucks sake lads

>Hutch-Kinahan bollox continues

>Cowen contaminates think tank

>Who the fuck are the ONH?

>"Ah sure stay a while commissioner!"

>Muh racism in Kerry
Irish navy's getting a new ship called the George Bernard shaw feels good man hopefully they won't fill it with woman and "new Irish"
Anybody know who I should vote for up here? I'm not interested in politics up north because all the parties are shit and there doesn't seem to be any nationalist parties. Think I might skip voting lads. Any party worth voting for?
Skim through and find the least shit, it's your duty as a voter to pick the best of the worst
Vote DUP desu. Yer not getting a United Ireland this election. DUP will at least block fag marriage.
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Michael "Crush The Cucks" Collins
Sinn Féin for a united Ireland.
Lmao, Sinn Fein are commies. There won't be a United ireland any time soon.
Are you having a fucking laugh?
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Election tomorrow up north.
Not even red commies, weird rainbow muh feelings commies.
Fuck off voting for those commies is never okay. Atleast DUP is conservative
Vote Ulster Unionist. Whatever you do don't vote Sinn Fein or SDLP or any far left wank stains like Eamon McCann.
King crisps are really starting to grow on me.
It was a mistake not strarving all of you to death.
They're fucking pathetic. Sinn Fein youth is full of brainwashed middle class university socialists.
Sinn Fein might be commies but if they actually do get a united ireland then their will be absolutely no real reason for nationalists to vote for them so they will eventually just disappear into irrelevance and be replaced by the mighty NP. And the DUP are conservative but they are very anti Irish and have proved themselves to be incompetent in running a country.
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I was asking about this yesterday but got no response, does anyone know if NP has a set date for their economic policies to be announced? Will it be at that meeting in Dublin this month?
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Vote CISTA for a laugh.
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>No Masters
>No Kings
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There ye are,

Look at ye shitposting here like a bunch of normies
Not voting cause abstentionism.
They haven't given a date or atleast not to anyone but members. But I would think some time this month for a release.
Yea I heard it was coming out this month that's why I'm asking.
What policies would you lot like to see NP add to their platform?
>meanwhile in Limerick

This, UUP is the way to go.
>Irish victim of racial slurs
Based Conor Lenihan.
Fucking hell!
Got an email saying it was in Kildare instead
SINN FEIN ARE NOT INTERESTED IN A UNITED IRELAND ANYMORE. It's all communism and Equality. Wise up lad. Sinn Fein are just a generic bogstandard communist party.
Stop doxxing it u spastic
So there's no meeting in Dublin or they're laying out their economic policy in Kildare?
Is there any reason why they moved it?
Im pleasantly surprised.

>Inb4 the resident party cuckolds force him to leave
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God Save Ireland
>We can't discuss party matters online
Libertarian policy's would be a nice change from the current tax haven style of economy Ireland currently has but I don't think the general populace care much about the economy most right wing people focus on social issues that's probably why they talked about those first.
Yeah its probably best never to mention the details of if/when/where a meeting is occurring on a public message board
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You would think after years of this sort of thing we would have sorted this shit out. pic very related.
Do it somewhere else. Not on a public forum. Are you not in any private chats? Do it there.
>discussing the location of party meetings on a public thread.

Aon Opsec agat?
who /Flann O'Brien/ here?
They're also corrupt as fuck and hate catholics

Fuck them, SDLP instead, or at least SF to trigger loyalists
Lads seriously like >>114828022 said read the IRA green book
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>Aon Opsec Agat
What in the fuck was that?
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>Barrett says he's pro-free market

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The only good Irish Republican party in Ireland is Republican Sinn Féin.
Think it translates as
Nothing personal kraut, but I must remind you that your team of aryans lost to irrelevant bogniggers 5-2 during the height of your power.
NP just posted a video on jewtube about some of their economic policies if anyone is interested.

Flann is overrated.

Blindboy of the Rubberbandits sucks his cock but he's a degenerate Marxist so there you go.
Link that shit Anglo
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>"Suicidal men need Feminism"

Fucking degenerates
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>People are not economic units
So based
I just did
Don't lump me in with those guerilleros.
You could learn from them regardless of what you think of them.
A genius, like so !any of his ilk, gone before his time.
It's from 2005 and he gave a little apology but wasn't punished as nobody really gave a single fuck.

Here's another one from an Irish politician a year later. She said blacks instead of niggers though and it's a common saying around my area that someone "worked like a nigger" in reference to niggers working in cotton fields.
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>"I am going to say something controversial. I do not believe in equality. There is no such thing as equality!"

Oh my God, can this man possibly get any more based?
This is going straight to /r/northernireland and you know it
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Fuck white people.
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All my ones still say Darkies.
God your memes make my day father
MON stood up last night and talked shit to the SDLP about how they don't care about a United Ireland anymore. Stop looking for reasons to hate commies when there's already real reasons that exist
Another one here. Wew lad.

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Medical Science hates blacks and there are no whites in Brazil
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Reminder to always kill a traitor before an enemy, who are these kikes anyway?
Christ. I don't even think their own fans buy their drivel anymore. Remember when they tried to defend the "Racism = Power + Privilege" horse shit and got BTFO by their own fans?
Holy shit what a beast. I had some reservations but damn hes definitely the most based politician in western Europe.
Thank god those libtard eunuchs are almost irrelevant.
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Blacks, ergo, CANNOT be racist to whites.
You're the right bolix
It's a party of commie cucks and retarded southerners thinking they're IRA men.
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I-Is Best Boy and Advocate of National Socialism, or am I getting the wrong message from this video?
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posting it
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I like how they went from being a mildly entertaining joke duo to being two retards running political commentary on things they can't understand.
The thing is they are still the most sensible republican party left that's how fucking shit things got.
The reason the first world gets these things and the third world doesn't is simply because of the ability to pay, and national borders. It's not nice, it's not fair, but it's reality.
Where do I get a copy?
My head hurts
>no dogs. no blacks. no irish.
>KKK explicitly went out of their way to lynch Catholics
>muh white privilege
All I know just say niggers.
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Why have the rubberbandits become so cucked lads? Did limerick grow soft or something?
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While we're on the Topic, might I bring up pic related and events such as Duffy's cut?

Beaners have it easy compared to you cunts
Christ Almighty, and my Sociology lecturer (mandatory class, I wouldn't take that shit by choice) tried to pass Sociology as an objective science...and this is the shit people are being fed. Thank God I was redpilled beforehand or I might be a Marxist now.
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>but goy you can't be racist to whites
How is this ok?
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I love this country.
They used to be funny back in the early 2010s, but then they devolved into Postmodernist Marxists to appeal to the SJW crowd and hoover up cash and publicity.
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>Belgian airport terror attack
>never mention the vicitims killed
>tweet instead about people being mean to Islam/muslims

Truly progressive.
Replace "white" with "black" and suddenly it's hate speech
Find me a single person is all of "the arts" that isn't a cucked faggot.

Aside from based Mel.

It's the nature of the beast, I'm afraid.
Saw that on the news. Good stuff.
>tfw they were my early adolescence
>they put Limerick city kid on the map
>now i see this

shit sucks mane
Based Seamus Treanor. http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/independent-councillor-most-muslims-not-8519204

Is an t any surprise that one of these two cucks has a degree in Sociology.
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L-Limerick is hard as shit kid y-you'll see
>Why have the rubberbandits become so cucked lads? Did limerick grow soft or something?

They're middle class lads who present themselves as working class and purport to speak for the common working man.

Not so much Bob, but Dave certainly has Marxist leftist, anti-capitalist leanings.

Important to remember that his background is in Arts and humanities (psychology), not politics.

>He's not a hero for sacrificing himself and killing terrorists
>he IS a terrorist
>people fighting ISIS are the same as ISIS, let's not celebrate them

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>that pic
Have you seen the Armagh CISTA candidate Crossan?
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evening lads.
The biggest problem with this island as of right this moment, is the death of Catholicism.

Fucking gaybos ruin everything.
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Can she do it lads?
I live in Armagh, actually. He's literally the living form of
aren't they white poets themselves or is plastic bag-kin a thing
He looks like Frank Gallagher lol.
Saw him earlier walking into Armagh jobs and benefits.
Post qts not slutty bimbos
The head of Sociology in Trinity college is an Israeli Jewish woman who has corrupted many minds and set them out to destroy their own people in their homeland.
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I'd kill to live in a catholic country desu
>tfw live in Limerick

It's not that bad, to be honest.

I'm atheist and agree with this.

>there's no way I'm riding you
>unless I'm wrecked on bags of glue

Well, it depends on your definition and standard of poetry.
I'm honestly shocked, truly.

It seems like every one of these Sociology lecturers is some middle-aged problem glasses wearing multiculturalist. Mine was anyway.

And it's a shame as well because I think Sociology could be a great field if it wasn't so drenched in Leftist propaganda. But I don't see that going away any time soon since Marx was one of the three founders of the study
Join Justin Best Boy Barrett Against Equality http://www.nationalparty.ie/join
whos your local gaa?
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SF. Sure they're cucks but they trigger loyalists and are pro united Ireland.
I'm not interested in sports, lad, especially not Irish sports. I'd like to be interested in soccer, but I just can't get into it.
The thought of watching soccer with a friend with a few beers sounds nice in my head, but soccer bores the shit out of me.
I don't want Ireland united under the banner of Marxism.
oh god theres a repeal the 8th protest at my uni in a week
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You know what to do...
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You going to do something about the protest goyim?
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My girlfriend expressed concern recently when her sociology of media lecturer wished to push the narrative that criminality isn't really a problem in Limerick council house estates but is instead the media spreading that narrative, and that as students, you are middle class and don't understand things from the perspective of people living in these areas.

He used the example of the Google Street View car not entering Moyross until they were pressured by local politicians and when they did, the lecturer claimed that they deliberately tried to make Moyross look bad in Street View

My girlfriend spoke up, saying that she often stayed in Moyross and that it actually looks much worse than what is presented in Google Street View, and that she lived in another Limerick estate for a number of years which is MUCH worse than Moyross, and it's not because of media narratives, but because some of the people who live their are criminal degenerates.

All the lecturer could respond with was
>Support your claim
>Support your claim


mfw she'll get a pass grade because she questioned her sociology professors Marxism
Do you get emails from them? Still waiting
Which Uni is it?

I'm going to have two guesses:

It's definitely one of them
nop UL home of the Rubbercucks
>and that as students, you are middle class and don't understand things from the perspective of people living in these areas.

If this were twenty years ago, I'd agree. But not everyone who goes to college is middle class now. There's a lot of working class people who go there, and the government to there credit is good for back to education programmes and college funding (that's about all they're good for). The view that all college students are privileged is just horseshit in the modern day.
I live just around the corner from UL, lad. I'm surprised this shite is being peddled there

Rubberbandits never attended UL as students.

They are Limerick School of Art & Design lads.
>But not everyone who goes to college is middle class now. There's a lot of working class people who go there, and the government to there credit is good for back to education programmes and college funding (that's about all they're good for). The view that all college students are privileged is just horseshit in the modern day.

Very true. The downside to this is that college degrees aren't worth shit now.
Of course they are. Why get a real degree like Accounting or Engineering when they can major in feelings studies and Art?
>I'm surprised this shite is being peddled there

The Students Union has a gender neutral toilet for trans students to feel safe and the arts and humanities department faculty are all marxist.

They held an "Islamophobia" conference last year at UL.
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Christ. Are the Institutes of Technology in Ireland this bad? I'm not attending college right now, but I hope colleges aren't this bad in the future when I do decide to go. I was planning to go to UL or LIT for Accounting.

>Hating knackers is now "racism"
I don't know whether this is good or bad. It's good in a sense that it only proves how niggerish pikeys are, but now there's gonna be some fucked up (((anti-discrimination))) laws.

Go, just don't do an Arts $ Humanities degree.

Go into a STEM subject.

They should put on some bags without the holes.
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Why is no one talking about Travellers being officially recognised as their own ethnicity?
Since when?

you didn't think Enda wasnt going to bow out swinging

All the best poets are white and literature has been historically the main Irish export, apart from Irish people ourselves.
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Husbando is one of my favorite writers tbqhwy fampai
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I can't even think of a non-white poet. I'm not trying to be a knob, but I legitimately can't think of one.

What a weak, spineless cunt. How do you think he'll be treated after he leaves the ivory tower?
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>knackers go around fucking shit up
>wonder why people hate them
Fucking hypocrites.
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>knackers are know a race
welp, time for a genocide.
DUP. This whole scandal came about because Sinn Fein don't know how to deal with Foster. She's the best placed candidate. Don't waste your vote.
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When even /r/Ireland discriminate against a group of people for being cunts you know they're the bottom of the barrel
Hey lads /r/ing the pic of Simpson characters that are Irish parties.
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Just got here lads.
And now, the weather.
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Here you go lad
Thoughts on Enda Kenny giving Travellers ethnic status?
More voters.
Now we can round them up and cart them off to lime pits for ethnic cleansing.
Only joking there Garda.
Going to make things worse for normal descent people. Travellers bring alot of shit on themselves tbf. There kinda like the Australians abos. There's a reason people dislike them. I remember and army of the fuckers decided to go looking for a pub. My entire village closed and everyone hid. It was mad. They came through and fucked off thank fuck. The fuckers often destroy pubs they go into by starting fights and not paying the bill. They will use this "minorities" meme to sue businesses that don't want to host them. Expect alot of court cases too because "muh discrimination against travellers".
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>mfw We Ethnic Minority Now
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Thanks lad
At least normal people won't be associated with those albastor niggers.

>Employment rates in 2015 were similar but slightly higher for Irish nationals (63%) than non-Irish nationals (60%). However, employment rates varied across national groups and the employment rate was very low for African nationals (around 40%).

60% of Africans are unemployed. I FUCKING HATE THEM. When can we kill them? GAS THEM NOW.
yeah it'd all be grand if they had jobs

it's the fact that they don't work that's the issue

you ass
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You have my spiked death metal mace.

>No way I'm employing a nigger from Africa
>OMG none of them have jobs lets kill them
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At least they don't make up 12% of your populace.
The most narcissistic, apathetic, idiotic people around
They've turned our cities into war zones, like the places they came from. Truly scum
It's almost like they shouldn't be here in the first place.
I don't see a problem with either of these statements.
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and my semtex!
All halting sites should be dale farm'd
>implying Africans would rather work than collect gibs me dats
Off yourself cuck
I never said I wanted them here at all, you fucking bogger cunt. Don't ever talk directly to me again. I am more right wing than all of you. Fucking kill yourself, you nigger. I will kill you and then the niggers soon after. I want them all dead.

None of your SARKY shite anymore. I hate you cunts who fucking pick ONE bit out of a post and just because I didn't explain every fucking NUANCE of my opinions you think 'TEHEHEHEHEHEHE HE WOULD WANT THEM HERE IF THEY HAD JOBS ETEHEHEHEHEHEE'

You fucking thick bogger cunt. Independent Pale NOW.

I work retail security, now I have this ethnic knacker bullshit to deal with. Fuck this country.
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Is that you peter?
>it's the White man's fault niggers can't get jobs!!

HAHAHAHA we literally can't do anything without getting blamed. Fucking die, you faggot nigger cunt faggot.
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>Best Boy
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>mfw my Id has changed
First half sounds reasonable.
The corruption of Pepe has gone too far lads.
There's an ADL thread about Pepe up.
Someone should add 'free markets' on the National Party side
>Travelers are now recognized as an ethnicity
Here it is.
It's all a bit mad.

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>corruption of pepe
I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what you are talking about

I think you confused my unironic post for parody, which means you lads think that killing Africans is OTT.

Maybe you are the cucks who should kill yourselves for not being hardline like me.

Silly boys.

Yea, replace Nationalism with Ethnonationalism as well and add dank memes
>being this much of a cuck.

Kill yourself
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Way to save face bucko

Peter is a retarded faggot. Every interview I've ever listened to with him has been pure cringe.

Absolute moron. The media will use idiots like him to make all of us on the right look foolish. Do NOT support this moron.
>implying we don't already know this
How new are you here?
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>implying my smug pepe was peter and not Best Boy Barrett
>when you have no culture except for Father Ted

great general, lads
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Peter is such a low energy twat, I saw a vid of him getting his shit kicked in by a group of ANTIFA Shabbos goyim on a college.
They totally derailed the meeting, which was only populated by 2-3 actual supporters and Peyer stood there looking like the defeated cuck he is, SAD!

Now Best Boy on the other hand...
>when you used to rule the world but are soon to be overrun by the muslims you conquered
great empire, lads

Not new, but I only stop by maybe once a month.

The rest of the time I'm extorting money from Africans and Arabs.
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>when this will NEVER happen, and you'll live long enough to see your ""country"" become a caliphate
Shitty post on your part if I can be perfectly honest limey
Where's your general m8?
Shit meant for >>114839719
Britpol it was fine when it started but tripfags and neet liberals just ruined it.
What happened to you m8, you used to be cool.
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>soon people will be arrested for racism against knackers.
Except every time you can say it was self-defence because they're always the ones who start it.
Denounce your jewish god!

Turn back to paganism!

Do it before it's too late!
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Anti Papist swine


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All Pagan Heathens and Protestant Heretics will face the Butcher's knife
what's the PN (SHAN'T be calling them NP)'s Irish language policy?
their policy for the 6 counties?
But how do we make it not gay and have a decent name unlike these "neo pagan" fuckwits, a better choice would be a branch of christianity that blends the two to bring us closer to our dark ages version of the faith which saved literacy.

6? nay lad they are concerned with 32 counties not a mere 6. they have not mentioned Irish but an anon pmed them ages ago and they did say they would talk about it soon enough.
Didn't julius Evola subscribe to "Pagan Catholicism" or something like that? Haven't read into it much, sounds interesting and sounds like what your looking for
Speaking of the North, Elections tomorrow lads.
Gonna be good.
Does anyone know the name of that group of god tier divine aryans from Irish mythology who are like a higher race of angels
Na Fianna? No Tuathann de Denann?
aos sí?
>Tuathann de Denann

Yeah, it's these bad boys I was thinking of


Tuatha Dé Danann
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>Mfw I was serious, but play it off like I was being Ironic the whole time
Lmao my dude, Fenians wuz God tier aryans n shiet amirite? Lol jk
If we were to implement such a thing we need to avoid the word pagan at all costs (awful word anyway may as well translate to "non-jewish") and come up with a decent name to keep out wiccan type nutjobs.
Honestly I don't know what it entails exactly, I remember hearing that it was essentially early Christian ideology, which Im assuming, based on the title of the ideology, is how Christianity was practiced by recent pagans

Honestly Idk
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Any Norn Iron'ers see the Auroras Borealis on now?
Here's a link I found, might provide some light on the subject
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Vote anyone but the DUP or the TUV.

Matters little anyway, once Brexit comes in full force, we will go bankrupt.
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>tfw we bail you out but you won't reunite
Will make no difference. Westminster does not give a shit about us. 2/3rds of our trade goes to the Republic of Ireland while only 1.6% of your trade goes to us.

If a hard border gets set up, we will instantly go to shit. We can't even get a government with our two top parties being terrorist parties and utterly corrupt.

I'm only staying as I can get a job in a law firm. Just wondering, is it true that the Bar Association in RoI accepts barrister in NI after a few years? I would want to live in the RoI and move out like most of my friends.
>voting for a Catholic-bashing Zionist party

Why exactly is that preferable?
National Party isn't even a registered party, fucking pathetic. At least Identity Ireland managed to register itself.
They are registered, stop reading wikipedia
No they aren't.
Will they be running in any elections and I know they said they will only run if they have a chance but it still is a good way of getting their name out there.
It's very early days and they have only really started getting their skates on recently so who knows.
>The National Party has been registered as a third party with SIPO and we are as such a newly formed political party.
Cloudy as FUCK mate
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>putting the flags in the wrong order
My uni unanimously voted to have the SU take the stance of pro-choice

Like, the vote was 9000 to 21000

>They're middle class lads who present themselves as working class and purport to speak for the common working man.

The very definition of fuckstains then; claiming membership of something they were never a part of and then giving themselves any kind of authority to represent the working classes in any way whatsoever.

>attacking Russian soldoer who self sacrificed

How edgy of them. I would love to see their careers tank and them ending up on the fucking dole lije what they rap about in their shite songs. Complete fucking wankers.
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>Like, the vote was 9000 to 21000
That's a massive number of students voting. How did they even manage that level of interest and engagement?
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fucking degeneracy can't be allowed to be repealed.
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>leave for an hour to watch a shirt film and pet my cat
>come back to a ded thread with no discussion
what the fuck lads
It's pub night
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When isn't it?
Where did all the fucking Nigerians in Ireland come from? it's just them theirs practically no other type of nigger but atleast their not Somalians.
Well here, Wendesday is pub night, Thursday is either trad night or student night, Friday and Saturday are Friday and Saturday, Sunday is recovery, and Monday and Tuesday are withdrawal days.
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whilst you lot have come back to fucking life, i wanted to ask; what did you give up for lent?

I gave up fizzy drinks t.bh
Never gave anything up. I only pretend to be religious when it comes to hating foreigners and lefties.
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I gave up the good friday agreement
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fairy 'nuff

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I gave up sweets, because I'm a child at heart :^)
>Mfw I can't eat meat on fridays no more
Sweets & drink
This is good, its gone down even though the economy's gotten better.
why isn't anybody talking about this?
There not really Pepes are they? It's just pictures of people painted green.
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>no nose
>frog like features
on the plus side a lot of the africans piss off to the UK once they get a passport
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We are just the perfect blend between nice place and shithole so the immigrants go elsewhere or back home eventually.
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