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A time storm sends you back 80yrs to March 1, 1937

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Thread replies: 261
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You are located where you are right now. What do you do? How do you change the world? Do you go into politics or business?
No internet, kill myself
>create the internet
>create 4chan
Plunge to my death. This highrise didn't exist in the 1930s.
33 reasonably well off, near zero debt and a home owner with gold/silver savings, and guns,ammo,food. Depression is happening so these things are important.

with WWII coming its hard to say if trying to stop it would be good, WWII was great for america.

Starting a business and investing would be a good way to make a difference in a few years, or generations. I have enough knowledge to reproduce many of the things we take for granted today, from modern vehicle components and engine designs, guns, farm machinery, to simple electronics. I even have a complex enough understanding of advanced electronics. all of this combined i could edison the shit out of the post war era and give us a 20+ year jump on many of todays luxuries, however this could also push forward the fall of the states

with cheap data and communications (phone/internet/ect) comes potential globalization.

promotion of Nuclear tech, and restriction of its distribution could help push america forward while keeping its enemies down. Along with collaborations with russia, and you might see 2 super powers while all others fall.
Assuming I don't fall 5 stories and die, I'd wind up in the untamed wilds of southern Utah.

I'd probably head to hawaii and warn them about pearl harbor and then fight in the upcoming war

then i'd retire and buy a shitload of stock in ibm, apple, amazon, etc and ride the dividends until I die
Warn USA about Naps, warn Hitler about Russians. Probably go to France to get qt french grills.
But what about Hitler? Will you phone him?
>Warn USA about Naps
They will ask you how you know... and you will imprisoned for being a spy, or put into an insane asylum.
Fighting the good guys. Smart move
Fall from around 5 meters in the middle of a forest.
Take the next train to Berlin and become Hitler's top advisor?
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Get into politics and find a way to convice Getulio Vargas to join the Axis despite American pressure and British blockades.
Go and fuck my grandma, conceive my father.
its pathetic I know but i wouldnt know what to do with myself. im super addicted to the internet... and no vidya either... what the fuck what am i supposed to do ? talk with normies ?
Warn them of something they already know about?
>Oh hey look all of our carriers just happened to be out on an exerciser during this attack. Well good thing we can go attack Germany now goy
Die. I'd be inside of a hill, underground.

Kill following people:

William F Buckley
Make money in business since I'll know which stocks to invest in then use that money to either join politics or become a member of the elite that controls politicians

Id write some books
Kill Hitler. Without him and his poor decisions we will be able to win World War II.
>move to Switzerland
>wait for LSD
I'm a Chink studying for a degree in Cambridge that didn't then exist? I don't know kraut, starve to death maybe
Kill Hitler.
if it was 1932 id move to germany for a good decade hopefully they can cure me from my eternal apathy but 1937 is just before the war
Probably be trying to farm my cotton while complaining about all the Boll Wevils around.

>t. Georgiafag
Wonder how the hell my university just got so many white people.
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what should I try to get franco to do?
I fall 50 stories to my death because the building I'm in didn't exist in 1937.
>sign up for waffen SS
>get rejected due to poor physical form
>sign up for wehrmacht
>enjoy life in the reich for a few years
>die in stalingrad 5 years later

still better than the cucked present
Invade France
Join the war on the side of the Axis once the war was resolved.
As the earth, solar system, and even Galaxy are 80 years behind where I am now I am exposed to the vacuum of deep space.

My head swells, blood boils, and my eyeballs explode. The last fluttering thought to pass my mind is that in 80 years, my frozen corpse will be run over by a fucking planet full of retards and dipshits.
I'd try to become a business consultant to take advantage of the expert craze of the 1930's, using today's business methods to improve efficiency.

I would campaign strongly for Willkie and against embargoing Japan. Fuck FDR's pseudo-fascism and warmongering.
i invent google and facebook. use my wealth to counteract all the dumb shit that is going to take place.
not everyone was a normie back then, in fact i believe that there were far fewer normies in those days. people hadnt yet sacrificed their humor to the god of PC.
Japan was locking American businesses out of all the parts of China under their control, which made them extremely unpopular with US businesses. You won't be a very successful consultant if you're pro-Japan
I'd invent rollerblades, skateboards, pet rocks and squirtguns and enjoy my millions of $$
Without him the Soviet Union would've taken Europe by surprise you autistic moron.
Nothing, since you wouldn't be able to supply your own soldiers. Which would mean Germany would have had to supply your troops for you, hence less supplies to german soldiers abroad.
Don't forget to account for the orbit of the planet, and the motion of our star around the galactic center.
>this may actually happen to you in the future, meaning that by now you are dead of old age
>You are located where you are right now. What do you do? How do you change the world? Do you go into politics or business?

I jump on a ship to Europe and make my way to Germany.

I some how get a message to Hitler that he will lose the war and Europe will become 3rd world within 100 years after his defeat.

That he must appoint his best scientists to work on a nuclear bomb program. That he must beat the Americans to the bomb and its the only way he can win the war.

Id then go join the SS and go die in a ditch in Eastern Europe some where.
>best scientists
>Nuremburg laws

Pick one and only one
>Go and fuck my grandma, conceive my father.

You: Father, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy.
Father: I'll never join you!
You: If you only knew the power of The Dark Side! Pol never told you what happened to your father.
Father: He told me enough! He told me you killed him!
You: No, father. I am your father!
Father: No... that's not true! That's impossible!
You: Search your feelings. You know it to be true.
>steal every successful idea from after 1937 and pass them off as my own
>become super rich
>start dying
>destroy every last penny so nobody can take over my fortune

I don't know his phone number

> As the earth, solar system, and even Galaxy are 80 years behind where I am now I am exposed to the vacuum of deep space.

>My head swells, blood boils, and my eyeballs explode. The last fluttering thought to pass my mind is that in 80 years, my frozen corpse will be run over by a fucking planet full of retards and dipshits.

This guy gets it.

actually I'm probably dead already
>right wing
>upper class

barcelona was basically a communist/anarchist shithole at this point, the reds would've stormed my house and shot my family
You are against globalization but would be okay with killing millions of white people and making jews infest all white states in the world? Wow okay that's some grade a retardation right here.
I would tell the SS whe were very spiritual that I am from the future and predict 2 or 3 minor events. Work my way up to Himmler and ultimatly Hitler. Help him with my knowledge. World is man in the high castle in 2017.
Well I speak Russia so probably warn the Russians about Nazi planes

My great grandfather was killed in ww2 by the Nazi so warm him too
It wasn't any easier to invest in China during the war and the war handed China to the communists, who locked America out of China for decades and seized whatever American assets they could find. It was an obviously high risk market.

Besides, I wouldn't be that kind of consultant. No matter where you want to invest, you'll make more with an efficient workforce using the absolute best in modern administration.
I'd go to bed now to make sure I don't miss my factor work tomorrow morning, because 5 mins late can easily mean 10 years of Gulag
don't tell anyone about my knowledge - even if KGB believe me, they would still torture me a lot.
and would try to get a job which would allow me to avoid being sent to the front especially early on
> be currently a Marine on Camp Pendleton
> 80 years ago
> be marine in camp pendleton waiting for the jap camps.

Are you speaking "american" right now? Because it barely resembles english.
> where you are right now.
Spain, right in the middle of civil war, on the side that's gonna loose. Great-fucking-timing

> What do you do?
Get into a fetal position and cry

> How do you change the world?
Go to Germany, take selfie with Hitler. Tell him about D day and Stalingrad.

> Do you go into politics or business?
Im probably caved in (Basement was dug 40 years ago) But otherwise, I run to the nearest cafe to listen to the bolduc singing on Radio. Singing about the crisis and the fact she'll keep singing until it's over.

I also look for Mr. Lionel groulx, And if possible, Adrien Arcand.
Adolf already knew about the Russians, hence why he invaded.

Not much I can do in canada to affect things. So I would probably just enter public life and join one of the groups opposing refugees from Europe. We were notorious for our indifference to the jews in the 30s and 40s.
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As I am living in a tower block that was built in the 70s, I am dropped approximately 20 meters onto the roof of a two-story wooden building that was demolished to make way for this building. I assume I am immediately killed in the impact, and thus I am unable to do anything.
>I'd invent service websites that do nothing for the 1930's people.
Good call, mate.
My suburb was an empty field. I would be in the middle of literal nowhere.
Do i get to take my smartphone i'm holding with me? A technology this advanced would be able to prove to hitler that i'm actually from the future. I will tell to him how it all will come down so he won't be going to war and instead preserve white nations. Also i wonder what stuff germans would be able to make to get a head start on computers from my phone.
Colonize Canada.
>tfw socal

idk i'd probably eat some oranges and try to get back to civilisation
i fall 4 stories and die
fucking great thanks
>Pick one and only one
Who is Otto Frisch, who is Werner Heisenberg?

Also, a nuclear bomb project doesn't so much require good scientists, but good engineers and a lot of workers. The Manhattan project was 95% building centrifuges and mining uranium and building nuclear power plants to breed plutonium.

Fuck that shit, I'm addicted to the technology jew.
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>Acquire ham radio
>broadcast "tfw no aryan gf" over airwaves
>caught by MI5
>Taken to Blexley Park
>Get raped by Alan Turing
>Divulge secrets of future
>First atom bomb called "flappy bird"
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>Go fight in the civil war
>Fucking die

Sounds like a good time
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>become your own father
I've read enough CLAMP manga to know where this is going.
>I don't know his phone number
+49 1488 HITLER
I will first of all find my relatives and by dropping intimate knowledge about them convince them I'm from the future.

With their help, I will employ in some scientific institute. there I will recreate some well-known math theories.

Having an authority of a genius professor, I will finally share all my knowledge with Soviet command regarding WWII strategic and tactical events, common military trends and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

I starve to death because it's the fucking depression and I have a millennial skillset and work ethic.
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Is that you on the left?
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Politics. Then I'd tell Adolf that since they're going to lie and say that he killed 6 gorillion of them he might as well actually do it and benefit us all.
>Do i get to take my smartphone i'm holding with me?
You have to go through the timestorm naked as every other terminator before you, Mikka.
I build another Antarctic Command Center.
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>sent to gulag for saying communism isn't perfect
Finish off this bath then go invent the iphone.
>not calling him on his buisiness phone 1-800-OVENREPAIR
Well, into those years, 30's and 40's Portugal looked like this under Salazar regime :/


so i have no ideia what I would do... probably just walk around.lel
In Texas. Probably with less minorities. Everything better than expected.
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>>d then go join the SS and go die in a ditch in Eastern Europe somewhere.


Stalin would send you to gulag, for being "unpatriotic" or "uncommunistic" because you said the Soviet Union will collapse. Or because you questioned the military generals planning of the war.

Not even those reasons may be needed... You maybe simply get killed or sent to gulag, because you were too intelligent. Purged.
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I'd fall to my death, as I live on the top floor of a block of flats dated 1998.

Implying I survive that I'd:
>tell Hitler not to slack on the Battle of England - attack the infrastructure and airbases rather than carpet bomb London - and to delay Operation Barbarossa until Britain is dealt with
>in alternative tell Hitler to coordinate with Japan an attack on the USSR on both sides rather than have them #yolo at Pearl Harbor and drag the USA in the war

How? I don't know.
Where I live is the middle of nowhere even in present day where until 3 years ago almost no one knew how to deliver to my home. And I am wearing nothing but a light sleeveless and boxers with no pockets with no socks or shoes.

Even if I somehow manage to make it to a town or anything I have no money or identification and my skill set is completely and utterly worthless so I become a homeless bum who will die in one month.

Even if somehow I find someone willing to take me in and give me food, clothing, and shelter for menial labor, I have no way of doing anything besides surviving.

So the true answer is, die or do nothing and probably end up killing myself anyway.
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> tfw suddenly 20m above the ground

>You are located where you are right now.
Heidel(((berg))), Germany

>What do you do?
Tell him everything relevant that has happened in my timeline and give Germany my knowledge about the war. This includes enemy foreign policy, troop strength, enemy aerial, naval and ground technologies. Then going further into geopolitics, locations of relevant resources (especially uranium) etc. Tell them who the high ranking resistance members are.

>Do you go into politics or business?
Being a physicist, I would offer my help in research in exchange for a "luxury" life. This includes giving them "modern tech" (more like stuff from the 60s and 70s because todays technology can't be produces with the means of 1937 in a relevant time frame. This will mostly include modern weaponry, focusing on cheap heat seaking ground to air and air to air missiles (rendering enemy airforce useless and easily destroy enemy raids within minutes) and also focus on long range jet engine bombers not reachable by the enemy in any way. Further focus on air to ground weapons to destroy the enemy from above, forcing surrender quickly. With all the details given, invade the USSR as liberators when most relevant tech is readily availalabe (Should not take longer than 3-4 years). Then take a bit more clay to the east to make room for 200 million Germans given current population density. Should the allies want to meddle with Germany (which they will because they don't know about all the new tech), bomb them into submission in the first 3-4 weeks (at least for France and Britain). In the end, remove communism, make it illegal, destroy the international finanzjudentum and spread the NatSoc agenda while being 20-30 years ahead in technology, also removing any non whites from US territory.

Spread the ideology, create a NatSoc ruled planet through superior technology and also directly implement population limiting policies all around the world.
Die because my body is probably intersected by an oak tree.
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I would tell him many more secrets.
I sell the work truck I'm in to a car company for money. Eventually i find something to do
>where you are right now
What the fuck I'll be stuck underground
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I have tested this before.
Now I am ready to carry out my masterplan and turn history up on its head.
>get into politics
>tell Hitler to bomb Britain's airports continuously, stock up on submarines and contain Britain's fleet
>tell Hitler to ignore Greece and let the Ottomans have it
>capture Moscow fast, killing Stalin and his henchmen
>tell the Japanese to CHILL THE FUCK OUT until we have the atom bomb
>nuke New York City + Washington D.C. and force unconditional surrender of the USA
>the USA becomes a vassal state against their will or we will nuke other cities
>slowly take over South America
>slowly eradicate all niggers and take Africa
>eternal peace between Japan and Germany
>conquer universe together
The End
I'm not at all pleased seeing you post this smug aryan picture Hans, I will write an angry letter to your local authorities, warning them of your dangerous nationalistic behaviour.
Ya filthy anti-semite
>>eternal peace between Japan and Germany
You stupid or something? Never trust a Jap.

>make it illegal

But then retards will flock to communism because it's forbidden, like todays teens with alcohol and smokes

Fuck that little girl right in the face.
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>You are located where you are right now
In the air?
I guess I fall down and splat on the ground since my apartment block wasn't even built back then and I live pretty high up.
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>Be me
>Live in Berlin
>German is shit

So I'm transported to 1937 Berlin, and I've got no real hope of convincing anyone I'm from the future , and by revealing any information or knowledge I have because of history I'll be seen as a spy.

....I leave the country. Go back to America, and attempt to convince the powers at be that the Soviets are a much bigger threat.
kill hitler duh
Make a pilgrimage to hang out with two of my favourite authors, Hemingway and Fitzgerald.

Maybe warn someone about the Nazis or help make absurd scientific advancements...but I might want to just keep my head low and not change history too much, besides buying choice stocks at the obvious times.
In the middle of a desert thats a marsh during winter im literally fucked
Walk 300 miles to civilization
Use knowledge to become president becomes allies with hitler
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This is good. Made me realize that if they seriously send a guy with knowledge of modern war machines hitler could beat anyone in few weeks.
Finish shitting in the field I would likely now be squatting in, clean the shit of my backside, travel to UK, kill Churchill.
Ain't life beautiful.

All of us here would wanna do that, few would be willing to admit to it.

>whip out iphone
>transcribe everything I have about the rdb rifle design. Tolerances/materials/angles/strength
>start up my own firearms firm
>patent delayed roller blowback firearm operation
>produce a model
>get invited to meeting with hitler
>tell him everything thats about to go down in the next few years.
>sell patent to hitler, with royalties
>he wins war
>I thoroughly and forever BTFO heckler and Koch
>i make more shekels than Eugene stoner
>mikhail kalash dies on battlefield
>I later develop AK47, and AR15

Literally become god, lineage imortalized forever, swimming in a vault of nazi taken jew gold, profiting off the deaths of shekelhoarders.
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You don't understand... Communism will be completely eradicated because we then of the power of a dictatorship to do it. In 2-3 Generations nobody will even know that Karl Marx even existed.

The only reason NatSoc exists today is because they were not able to literally destroy all traces of it... Also, why would anyone want communism when you have Natsoc? It certainly won't be the workers starting to flock to communism given the policies of the NSDAP and other minorities are no longer in the country. And the technological advances will make good enough propaganda to show people that NatSoc is superior to everything else.

>Nazi Flag on the moon by 1950.
Hello, Fry.
I am buck naked right now. I am totally screwed.
>>whip out iphone
>>transcribe everything I have about the rdb rifle design. Tolerances/materials/angles/strength

Ahmmm, your iPhone doesn't work in 1937. No reception, dude.
Some LARPers who barely know anything about living in their own country in the modern day tell me what will happen to me. Nice.

Not occupying any kind of important position in the government/army/management, I would have approximately 0% chance of going to GULAG.
Probably get killed by a leopard or a troop of wogs or something since I'd be in the middle of the bush.
>1937 Birmingham Alabama

How do I stop the civil rights movement, lads?
Wait for trump vs Hilary, bet every cent I have on trump, be rich, then die of cancer
>Tell Hitler not invade Poland
>Wants proof
>Show him my smart phone
>Accuses me of 'jew magic'
>Throws me in an oven
>Hitler invades Poland anyways
>Loses war
>Be born years later
>See the decline of west
>Wants to tell Hitler not to invade Poland
>on 3rd floor of 4 story building
>get sent back to 1937
>fall to my death
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>claims to be a time traveler
>has critical information about the war
>says the perfect system of communism will fail

Stalin would definitely heed your advice and totally not kill you for being a spy.
So progressive.
>shitpost on the engima
>trick Canaris
>trick the british
>germany wins the war
Business man.

Presuming that I keep my knowledge.

Invest in the war machine.

Buy Detective Comics and store in a safety deposit box for offspring.
I drop 100m to my death.
At least I had a good view of farm land on the way down.
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>tfw will have change my french first name to something german
>tfw in 8 years i have to change my german second name to something french
Kill Kennedy or mlk
I would suddenly be surrounded by water and alligators in the Florida Everglades
Killing mlk will achieve nothing because it happened and all it did was venerate him. Maybe distroy his character. Im thinking fuck with brown vs the board of education. Thats the big one.
>killing John F. "Hitler did nothing wrong." Kennedy
>eternal peace between Japan and Germany
Someone here hasn't heard of Man in the High Castle.

You know nothing, John Snow.
Being a scientist would be both comfy giving access to some better gibs and higher society but also safe, as it is not a power structure.
The worst thing that would happen to me is that I would be put in mental asylum.
Beyond that, Stalin's system did value actually talented people.

I, however, will build up my reputation by talking about relevant events, I.e. annexation of Czechoslovakia, results of Finnish war.
Get into politics, kill Hitler and win the goddamn war.
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>so he won't be going to war
>implying that's his call
bluepilled as fuck
Well, those are the kind of people who should go back. I would really like to go back myself, but I wouldn't be much help, assuming I even spoke German.
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>send you to gulag, for being "unpatriotic"
dude do you even know anything about the soviet Union? Until the war started patriotism was dead. Communism is a global movement they surpressed any felling of nationality.
They had to dig into Russian patriotism in wartime tough, as not many like to die for that stupid ideology.
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Haha let's just say I would be investing in stocks and shares for gun companies & other weapons companies and and munitions factories a.s.a.p. and selling those shares for lots of top Great British Pounds when they are worth a fortune not soon after world war 2 starts. Kaching.

Oh sorry am I supposed to do something good and awesome for civilization? Meh, maybe I do maybe I don't from that but at least I will be loaded with cash.
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Why would you help the commies?
leftypol shill?
>1937, I move to Berlin
>one night when no one is looking, descend down a manhole
>start digging, tunneling
>after 8 years, I have dug a massive tunnel
>30th April 1945, arrives
>just as Hitler is about to shoot himself I break through the bunker wall, into his chamber
>Hitlers final sight will be a fat Englishman in a frog costume trying to put a 'just' wig on him

Having taken the selfie, I go back home and wait for 80 years so I can start a reasonably good thread on 4chan.
Nah, you know, some people just have an opinion, and not everyone who has a different one than you is some sort of conspiracy.

Also, never been to leftypol.
>wait 80 years
Assuming you are in your 20s and fat as you just said, i doubt you will live long enough
Try to get into arm sales industry ASAP
He'd shoot you lol but i love the idea
kek, don't take it too serious mate.
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Nobody is talking about conspiracys, I'm just surprised to find a dirty commie on my /pol/ is all.
Go into film and make the plane scene
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Prevent the New Guard from completely disbanding.
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I move to Ireland before Britain declares war on Nazi Germany
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If I could figure out a way to prove I'm from the future I would share all my knowledge with the 3rd Reich. Knowing that the atomic bomb is a thing it should be easy to get it first. As wast ressources can be apllied on it. This among other things would have great impact.
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Give Hitler a call, tell him not to do Stalingrad and you'll beat the soviet union, also tell him to move all your troops to normandy and you'll beat the British and Americans, tell him they're trying to trick you. Afterwards I'm going to Germany, enlisted into their ranks, visit my grandma as a child in nazi Germany, fight alongside with my great grandpa on the eastern front, after I finish my duty, I'll probably disappear because I messed with timeline so my grandma never meet my Grandpa who should have been in a us military base in western Germany but that never happened because the axis won.

I would warn the world about the men in black before it was too late.

Warn the German officer corps that Hitler is a fucking nutjob who will get them all killed. Then, once they take him out and promise to direct their genocide against non-whites instead of slavs, give them technological secrets that will help them overwhelmingly win the eventual war.

Just as planned, white goyim!

Still think you are going to rise up against ((them)) if you can't live without smartphones and pcs?
It sounded like a consistent plan tbqh
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>Warn the German officer corps that Hitler is a fucking nutjob who will get them all killed
You would get executed rather quickly.
Stock market. I would control many powerful companies, and buy up all the politicians. By 1969, I would destroy the whole world myself.
Before he gets big in the 50s moron.
>Then I'd tell Adolf that since they're going to lie and say that he killed 6 gorillion of them he might as well actually do it and benefit us all.

Or you(and all of us) will propably just float in a space and choke, because this planet was maybe located somewhere else back then?
>pretty high

supposed to answer that
With the knowledge of the upcoming 80 years... Investment banking and taking over the finances of the world.
>warn them about pearl harbor
>implying they didn't know
>implying you wouldn't end up in mental asylum/ditch
I'd probably go bang Chinese whores in Shanghai until right before the Japs invade
Successfuly pioneer modern green and nuclear technology. We'll have solar cells and quantum theory before everyone, and of course use new influence to prevent the current power structure of corporations and bankers
I'd try to find my way in the wilderness.
How would you invent facebook? It was basically a clone of myspace, but only for college kids, and without too much extra profile shit... right? Seems like a lot of luck was involved
>I will be on territory that belonged to the mapuche.
> I will try to travel to the nearest chilean city.
> I would try to get a job, and that's gonna be difficult because Chile was terrible back then.
My house didn't exist 80 years ago so I would fall out of mid air and break my back
Oh fuck I'm surrounded by commies and anarchists.
Be honest, how much practical information could you honestly relay on those subjects. Quantum theory was already established/being established in 1937.
I guess i try to become an ambassador to Iran since I am ethnically persian
If he knows how to build a solar panel he could do something.
Chile es aun terrible
I probably get shot by whoever owned this house 80 years ago, or arrested for breaking and entering.
Tbh senpai I would mainly focus on practical polymer chemistry and materials engineering, I could rig up some primitive solar cells as I expand the field. I could probably bullshit some established math theories well enough to keep ahead of the curve. It would also be easy to monopolize the entire organic field at that point. A golden age of science for the US
I figure out how the hell to get out of the forest that was here where this part of town is in 1937

I then make my way to the town I grew up in and use my advanced technical knowledge to ensure it actually becomes a city instead of declining into an irrelevant jobless place with only 50 people
fuck off Carlist
looking back, hitler was a moron. 1950s usa was better than anything nazi germany could have hoped to achieve. i guess i would warn patton that they were going to assassinate him after the war and that it's imperative that we declare war on the soviets and push them back
How can I learn German in 1937 when no German people even lived around here?
About to get purged by commies
I live in a town that was built in the 70s so I guess I wander the forest and freeze to death :^(
How do you invest in stocks without money and before the Internet?
force every white woman to miscegenate, then kill any remaining white man
kill Lenin and save europe
You do realise that the axis would still probably lose right?
Do i have my smartphone with me? If yes, i would safe articles and pictures about germanys defeat and would show it at first some guy with a car in my village, hopefully he will understand and takes me to the nearest train station.

Then i travel to Berlin and show it the first Nazi i see, hopefully he can take me to his officer, then i show it and explain it to the officer and ask him if he can take me to the führer or another high person.

Then i have a nice and long conversation with the führer, telling him everything and having a few laughs and telling him how to build a computer and improve his tech.

I hope he will listen, also i will show him pics of all the refugees and shit, he must believe it.
>Work in sugar cane plantation
>Go to war
>If still alive live in New York when war has ended

Decent life I guess.
>Make BC an independent national socialist nation after I show people the Chinese invasion that happens in the 2000s because of the federal government also the people here really liked the idea of NatSoc in the 30s

>Once independent become leader side with the axis and on a state visit to hitler I drop some hints that a v2 rocket+nuclear bomb would be a war winning weapon. Also tell him where the Manhattan project is taking place so he can send saboteurs

>start nuclear program of my own remain "neutral" during the war and when 5 nukes are finished launch them against an unsuspecting Washington New York Toronto Ottawa LA and Montreal
Dude, with a cellphone you won't need all that
Find an officer or something in Berlin and tell him you got a secret weapon that can win the war
You won't need a computer. Your cellphone could easily help turn the tides of the war if anyone in germany by that time can manage to understand it
The computer that did the calculations for the moon landing was a few thousand times slower than your cellphone.
Stalin already killed Lenin slowly with poison over time and took over

Kill Lenin and Stalin just takes over sooner except he might thank you or something for helping him get into power
So how do you charge that smartphone with no power cable?
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If we won we would get no jews, niggers and natives.
If we lost Ameriga would become our daddy for the next century exterminating all commies and help rebuild like they did with Japan.

Win-win situation.
Id be sitting in a rain forest at least 50kms from the nearest town

I'd probably die pretty quickly
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underrated kek
I don't think they even had the technology to reverse engineer a smartphone

Remember the heart of the whole thing is the microprocessor and I doubt anyone could figure out how a transistor works by looking at one of those on whatever their most powerful microscopes could have been

Even if they did reverse engineer the components in the phone they wouldn't have the manufacturing technology to make them as small so they could probably functionality recreate the smartphone but it would take up a small warehouse
Open a bullet factory making .303 British rounds. Lots of money to be made starting in 2 years time.
Wasn't most of Australia basically a giant prison still?

The empire finds you in the bush you'll probably be shot as an escaping prisoner

No cell phone towers or satellites morons.
My apartment still exists. My neighborhood was built at the turn of the century, and during the early years of the depression the large homes in the area were subdivided into apartments. So I have some immediate concerns, like "falling out of reality into a depression-era family's bedroom".

Once I've finished killing them, probably go be a nazi.
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Australia became a country in 1901. Probably less than 5% was actually lived on back then. The town I'm in now was first settled in the 70s. I wonder when the Aboriginals here stopped living in the wild
wait until the 1950s meanwhile getting to know my family at the time in small town BC and assassinate deifenbaker before he can cancel the Avro arrow

Alternatively break into the factory the day the project is cancelled and steal the orenda engines completed version take it back home dismantle it wrap the parts in airtight material and then hide some parts and bury others revealing its location on my deathbed
The computer as well as any local data you have stored on your smartphone would be of much use
>During the dust bowl
I'd probably die.

> be soviet in 1937
> get shot
Ooh this thread, sage but ill answer regardless

Join the military and become an officer before the war starts, and use knowledge of wars to help USA. Stuff like Pearl Harbor, Operation Barbarossa, Invasion of France, etc.

Likely try to invest in companies, start tech company and pursue a political career.

I wouldn't stop WW2. Preventing it from happening would make things happen differently than they did originally, and the devil you know is better than the devil you don't.

Oh man jet aircraft would be such a fucking steal, and atomic weapons for the USA would be nice.

As President, which could be possible in post 1945-ish, to push for laws which would secure the dominance of the US across the globe.

If I had prior knowledge of the impending storm, I would try to memorize the process for the transistor, the jet engine, much of the research for the atomic bomb, napalm, automatic weapons like the AK-47 and M-16, processes for better and stronger materials for metals, as well as companies/horse races that would do well.

I would try to dismantle the Soviet Union and institute what they have now, and push for Russia to own Tsargrad.

Medical knowledge would be nice to have as well, such as medication, medical procedures, stuff that is useful in combat operations.
get rich with stick until 1983 and pay people to hijack the trucks carrying the two prototype SkyTrains back to the factory from Vancouver after the summer trial phase

Keep them under tarps in my garage for the next owners of my nose to stumble upon alternatively sell them to the soviets to reverse engineer and watch hilarity ensue as both Canada and the USSR present the exact same automated train system as their own at the 1986 worlds fair
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I stay out of politics. I, as a new arrival, won't be able to sway the geopolitical workings of the (((international clique))). Instead I work to use my knowledge in business in order to create my own family dynasty able to use my wealth to protect the American people. I would have to be careful post WW2 as my apparent precognition might bring about suspicion during the red scare. I work to find truly nationalistic business tycoon to partner with, eventually creating a secret society working to overthrow the NWO. Eventually I'd work my organization into politics, spurring right wing revolutions across the western world. Oh wait.....kinda like this time line
>next owners of my HOUSE
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Sign up for the air force and become part of a crew of a strategic bomber.
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I need to get outta here fast before those sneaky Japs show up
So... the entirety of the Australian populace is the equivalent to 3 or 4 of the largest US cities?
Join the reich
Yeah that's kinda like Canada too
move to america knowing that the war and subsequent commie rule will rekt this place hard

invest in computer tech, use future knowledge to make myself super rich and enjoy life

make sure Trump still becomes president through some convoluted plan because butterflying the great election triggering out of reality would be a crime against history
head straight to germany and give hitler all the information i have. come up with some plan to turn allies with germany and stop japan from bombing usa. timeline becomes even more epic desu
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idc about the world
my appartment turns into a coffee bakery's first floor as soon as i skip those 80 years back. Through my window I can see the big house of my grandparents, my dad lives there, he's 7.
Oh wait I'm wrong, he's not yet there, I'm not sure. Anyway he will be soon if he isnt yet. Then I talk to him a lot.
Problem is i'm homeless, family-less (except through time travel, but i doubt i'd tell them) and jobless.
on the other hand i may play some stocks decently well if i can afford to buy some
i know, i'll talk to my granddad about that, he's an investor he'll be interested
99% chance i wont be able to reach through to him though but hey worth a shot.
with luck he'll hire me as a janitor/gardener.
>too late to save ethiopia

Guess I'll just use the benefit of foresight to make a fuckton of money investing.
Join the SS and die fighting in Berlin.
I place some bets and join the border patrol in the hopes I get to shoot some of you little rats when you flee from what you deserve.
Just send me to 1913, id kill that tsar fucker and lenin too.

Tell the leaders of Czechslovakia that their own hope for national survival is a pre-emptive strike on Germany.

tell Stauffenberg to just fucking shoot him
>tfw just a train ride from NYC
I'd open a media company
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>Not leaking copies of complete German/Soviet military plans, order of battle, and dispositions to Poland, France, and Britain and kill two birds with one stone.
I'm in the middle of fucking nowhere and I'll probably just freeze to death.
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that'd just break your legs and maybe your back
enjoy life as a homeless cripple in the late 30s
you'll be the looney beggar who tells about the future while nursing his bottle
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>Not just telling Elser to set the timer back 15 minutes

He literally could've pulled an Inglorious Bastards and ended WW2 before it began

make billions with investments and knowledge of modern tech/compsci/math
Publicly expose anglo.
Publicly expose their ties to hitler, jewgashvili, bolshevism, etc.
Publicly expose their functional philosophy, crippling all attempts at world war instigation.
Just come to Petrovskorazumovskaya, I`ll kill you meself, fucker.
>15 minutes too late for the bombing
>21 days early for the liberation of Dachau

Time was not this man's friend.

Send a letter telling Hitler to split atoms into bombs, then cover them in aluminium so the atoms cannot be deactivated remotely.
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Wonder how many other nobodies visited vienna that year?
>You are located where you are right now. >What do you do?
Get a plane ticket, go to Germany, embrace my people and enjoy 3 years of impossible bliss.
>How do you change the world?
I don't, changing the world is never a good idea.
>Do you go into politics or business?
I definitely invest in some WW2 stuff that goes for high prices nowadays.
move to woods, invest in everything that will succeed, use generated funds to become a country
My great grandfather would shoot me with his hunting rifle for being an intruder in his house
I don't think I have the resources to kill Hitler, and not enough knowhow of 1937 economic status to war profiteer very well. I'd probably go to the Nazi party and do my absolute best to prevent the Nazis from making the mistakes they did.

I fall from the second floor of my house and break my legs because the thing doesn't exist yet.

I probably die because most of my city doesn't exist yet so I'm likely lying in the middle of the woods for coyotes to get me, and nobody is coming for me because the nearest bastion of city is about 30 miles away.

You fucked me good OP.
>Draft into WW2
>fall 20 feet and break both my legs
>find myself on the campus of a female only seminary school which can only be accessed by boat
>get nursed back to health by pure waifu tier 1930s qts
>eventually recover and go to DC
>fabricate college degree and acquire job
>wake up every day feeling fulfilled
>kill some important figure who would have made a major contribution to the war effort, shave my beard, then skip town and vanish because I legally don't exist
>by now I've made enough money to get to Germany
>go to SS and, through whatever means necessary or possible, probably using my knowledge of history, convince them that I'm from the future
>explain in detail what the Allies are going to do, where their strengths lie, the importance of getting Japan to not attack the Americans, the specs of the most modern aircraft in the British inventory, etc
>get the OKW to start building amphibious landing craft for Operation Seelowe
>arrange for Edward Windsor, the ex-king, to come to Germany right before the war breaks out so he can't be sent to the Bahamas
>watch as the war ends in 1940 with the British surrender after Seelowe
>help plan invasion of USSR
>eventually after Germany and Japan win the war, settle down with pure Aryan qt and enjoy the beautiful world I've helped secure for the white race

They were so close to victory in 1940.
I shit you not, I am sitting at my pc right now and it's storming like fucking crazy. Literally just check Georgia's weather radar and that's where I am.

OP, please do not meme me back in time.
fight for my country in ww2 and die or get disabled
Trying to create an atomic bomb a few years earlier seems like a sensible idea, so physics it would be.
I would go back in time and give the SS your grandpa's description so he could be hauled off to a torture chamber then killed
Fuck your grandpa and fuck you
I attempt to scream but it's hopeless as I am trapped in the retaining wall of a building, my limbs partially exposed and the negative space filled with solidified concrete.
In the 30s we are the normies, lad :') damn that genuinely feels good to speak about.
get Mosley in power
Well fuck me... I had no idea there were Nazis on Long Island... LOL
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It rarely is, some of the greatest battles of all time were decided by who got to the top of the hill first.

t. Little Round Top at Gettysburg, 20th Maine beat the 15th Alabama to the top of the hill by a mere 15 minutes


What the fuck were they putting in the coffee?
I fall 9 stories to my death.
This, except 4 not 9.
I hope the farmer that owned the paddocks that my university now stands on finds me with my pants down, shit coming out of my ass and a mysterious rectangle marked with "samsung" in my hand
Expose the banks and run for my life when they send people to silence me.
I was wondering about being naked also...
>go upstairs
>break ceiling open
>steal the loaded .32 we found in 2012
>rob local bank
>steal a car
>figure it out from there
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