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Liberal getting ruined thread let's go!!

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Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 84

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Liberal getting ruined thread let's go!!
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Based old lady
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Fashy Sean Bean nails some Marxist in the jaw
story on this?
Don't know for sure. Best guess is that they're looters during a riot being fought off.
all the same pics that have been reposted over 1000 times before

fuckin boring thread
so you just saved all the webms from the thread yesterday? fucking fag I thought it would be new stuff
Guy was being a faggot and the other one didn't like it
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Store owner kept getting broken into, he just recently got a new AR15, the webm tells the rest

He tagged one
did he died
I made the thread yesterday. Sorry m8
Of course the cops only stop the dudes who beat that faggot to kingdom come instead of having jumped on them when the cunt stole the flag to begin with. Fucking useless Swedish race and country traitor police
is that a pink dildo?
hahahaha, nerger
The best part about that clip is the people of Portland cheering the cops on

When the people in a left-leaning city cheer for you to get slammed by the police, you're in a bad spot.
where was this?
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Heres the news article, you can go from there to follow up
Holy shit, this guy had to kick him seriously hard. He's going from upright to laying down in like 2 frames. I heard this guy died instantly.
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gets me every time
This is undoubtedly the most brutal, inhuman violence committed by an LEA officer I have ever seen
Fuck I want that job

Also nice digits
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He died, because he was on drugs and not suppose to be out due to his health (from the drugs).

Judge ruled that the kicker wasn't fully responsible for the death (due to the shit that got kicked being a moron for being out on the street when he was suppose to be resting), so he got barely a slap on the wrist. lel
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screaming sjw.gif
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Degenerate be gone
Brass balls
>that literal girl in the riot girl pretending shes doing anything

this is such a cancer
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Looks like a zombie film with a lone survivor
I heard that she died instantly
the next day
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IIRC right after the Brussels terror attack antifa organized some sort of anti-racist demo in the city. Rest is history.
gotcha thanks for explaining

and wtf is this lol
I like this thread.
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Am I doing it right?
Why is Stef from the Goonies screaming?
what the fuck is happening here
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fucking this this one
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Has there ever been a more justifiable attempted murder stomp?
It looks like the guy has a position of power and is using it to slap the fuck out of someone
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I wish there was sound with this
He should have waited for them to be inside.
Then they would have had nowhere to hide

Love this one. Robocop up in this bitch. Disperse immediatly, or there will be... Trouble.
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Shit might as well take the girl too
Just a regular day at school in Sweden.
>When you put retarded amounts of strength on your char
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This is from Funland.

He died week after the kick after he left the hospital against doctor's recommendation. Was a drug addict too so probably got shit faced the very same evening and died in the morning.

In the end the kicker, who was a local nazi, got sentenced to 2 years in prison for aggravated assault. He had previous history of violent behavior, so he ended up in prison because of that. If he hasn't been in prison before, he'll only serve half of the prison sentence, because he's considered a "first time offender".

Here's another one from Binland:


The activist yells "I can't breathe", just like they were instructed to do.
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Do you think she's red pilled now or fucking him?
Muslim women psychologist
God bless Mayor Wheeler. Hale wouldn't even charge these same people with citations because he was too scared of them suing the City of Portland.
>The activist yells "I can't breathe", just like they were instructed to do.
If one can't breathe, how can one speak?
>114822555 >>114822606 >>114822941 >>114822972
>File: muslim_marriage_counciling.webm (2.82 MB, 640x480)-[Close]

this is not muslim. i think its some russian guy

Finland iirc
This is some sort of sick Russian cult thing. Not sure if the guy is same as in this clip:


That's supposed to be some sort of Orthodox MMA with a cross.
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Guy who thinks police should stop picking on poor dindu nuffins, so they dindu nuffin to him as a thank you
Do they sell those cool long batons?
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>i think its some russian guy
You realize there are a shit ton of muslim russian right?
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These neck slam ones are crazy

Remember to not try judo on the street unless you know what the fuck you're doing
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Love it
Webm related, how to properly execute a good judo throw on the streets
Damn why'd she have to take the whole bowl? Fucking niggers man.
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Nigs gonna nog.
>Rwanda Rousey
haha holy shit i just gasped aloud at work. That's a fucking takedown, she'd rek half the bitches in UFC. Anyone want to take a guess at her weight class?
Haha what even happens? Does she get the balloon in her eye?
Dumbass tried to slam a guy and broke his own neck
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Yea you can see the balloon pop and fly to the ground
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current generations version of this
Does this snap the neck or just give you a concussion? Also did he died?

>"Arrest me! I'm right here!"
>Gets maced
>Mr. Clean rips the nogbraids from his skull
Happened in the Finnish city of Turku between Saturday and Sunday. Didn't die apparently, but was paralysed from the neck down.
Watch the webm again and pay attention to how far back his neck/head bends in comparison to his body (at around 0:04)

His head is nearly touching his own back.

Breathing requires exhaling. It's the inhaling that's the hard part. Ask a boa constricter. She's totally faking it though, not defending her acting job.
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He's snapped his neck or dead, one of these for sure
Holy shit
Never seen this, he's my new hero.

Sorry, meant to say speaking requires exhaling.
Russian bros, what is he saying?

This reminds me of the corgi flop video.
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>but was paralysed from the neck down
Fuck imagine having to live like that for being a retard one night at a bar kek
Tell me the sound this slap makes
OMG!! Is Matt Damon going to be ok?
da fuck souce leaf.
My all times favorite.
"Putin will teach you how to love the motherland"
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Shieeeeet I'm from Turku. Even found the place:

where the fuck did that bottle on the stairs come from?

Hotdamn, that was a lighting quick throw there.
This >>114826317 to (you).
You came to the wrong neighborhood motherfucker
fucking thieving niggers
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that "we failed" walk off at the end
Did they catch him?
Cops should make an example of this bully.
>Go protest somewhere else

So instead of pinning her down and taking the small bag with money in it, he tries to take the whole purse.
Women make terrible men

anon he's dead
you heard wrong. He went to hospital but left by himself and died a day later of internal bleeding iirc.
>other guy starts fighting him
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If digits The People's Republic of Portland will be leveled by an earthquake this year and the liberal death toll will at least break a thousand.
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Don't worry, he a good boy now
>That lady giving the thumbs up

I love her
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Goddamnit I want to see that city burn
That was mike brown anon
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holy shit based negro
What a bitch
Do my eyes deceive me?!

Is shariablue gone?

A "functioning" /pol/ is back?
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>Liberal getting ruined thread let's go!!

At this point this is probably just another senseless violence and aggression thread. Be it liberals, niggers, muslims or jonnes.
It skips down the stairs at 0:03 seconds and stays perfectly obscured by the guy with brown trousers.
Gotta hand it to him, he took it like a champ. He was clearly trying to keep himself moving to ignore the pain, but that's ten times better than I've seen some react even just being near it let alone money-shotted.
What the fuck is shariablue?
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Actually, from what I heard, there was remnants of pepper spray on the balloon and splashed into her eye when the balloon popped.
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Marriage material right there.

>tfw my gf is unironically a petit qt with gun experience too
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Niggers gonna nig
That's some serious self defence there.
You've been under a rock?
did the nigger bleed out?
I havent and I dont know either
Pls respond
I guess so
Hahaha fucking faggots.
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Let this video be a lesson:


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All the drumpf threads and and slide threads we've been being astroturfed with the last few months seem to have subsided
no fucking way this is real lol
Berserker instinct. Some people react to pain by shutting down, some by crying, but some people react to it by getting really fucking mad and going batshit crazy.
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When she fell I could hear car alarms going off.
this is good
Wtf did I jump timelines again
When I read "drumpf" I skip the thread cause that are obviously some stupid cunts who cant hold real argument
Where have you been nigger?
How is he suppose to know when yhy enter its not a videogame where u have uncharted camera angles
Were he got shot 99%, he died
Place your bets
Yeah I always actually thought this was actually pretty good for the negro. He does a really good job of ignoring it and almost goes full nigger berserker. Course you can't really fight being blinded AND being drug down by your hair.
It's The Comedian, aka. /ourguy/
Because you can easily see the door faggot.

And if they KEEP coming back, you should know what to expect.

Or do you just compare everything to a videogame?
Don't fuck with Officer Meatslab
Funny story. They call "kill cops" then after this happened, they were the first ones to say "CALL THE POLICE"

Numale trash, I bet he couldn't snuggle his pet cats' anuses against that side of his face for weeks.
my bet is jail
Look at the door
*bang shot in the head
Ur no worst thn a nigger who robs someone n expects thm not to have a gun, kys neet virgin
Dizaster is red pilled af desu. Openly racist anti-semitic pro-gun atheist Arab. He even did some "Jews did 9/11" shit against Iron Solomon once which cracked me up.
It seems to me he's attempting to ignore it using willpower. People with a strong tolerance for pain will attempt to deflect it by occupying themselves with another activity, such as tapping or pacing. In this case, he was shaking his arms, exhaling, and pulling his pants up. This is why he did not resist. He was too busy trying to ignore the pain.
based grandma
I installed a train whistle on my truck for shits and giggles. I was coming back home from an out of town concert. Got lost doing a detour because of construction. Stopped to read my map and a group of blacks came out and started crowding around my truck. My gf was freaking and I have a CCW but was outnumbered. I reached down and pulled the handle on the whistle and they took off running.

S Rank degenerate shover, he even got the fat nig cunt throwing something behind the white guilt fatty.
Lmao... Sauce???
the wall of men just giving them impending doom was beautiful
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even niggers hate them

nigger down...we got a nigger down
The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret, Episode 6 of Season 3
Probably from her bag. It's the only explanation that makes sense, since that area was obscured by him and his shitty companion for a full second.
>that women on the right who cracks a smile at the end
>the women on the left smoking and not giving a fuck

this is one of my faves.
>brutal home inv-asian
Where's the full version where they mace the retards holding the door open?

>thank you for getting run over, $5.00 has been deposited into your Organize for Action employee account. if you are unable to attend the next scheduled protest, your employment status will be terminated

>Lady Law & Order
If you look at the red guy he actually really did pull the blue guys head down at the right time to break the fall. It's not just the blue guy's fault.

Really reminds me of Toribash btw.
No. He is definitely harmed, but it is likely not a fatal wound. He was probably shot in the spine and rendered a paraplegic, as he can be seen removing his gloves and feeling his legs, as though to check to see whether they were still working.
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Yea it's worth watching a few times, you can see him re-orient himself mid-lift and go for the neck grab. Pretty sweet move, probably cracked that skull
Sweden needs to fix it's cops.

See? We can work together
made this last week

I think the cavalry is in Sweden?

I remember the lefties crying about some retard getting trampled
wtf i didnt know you could knock out someone like that, weird attack
The cavalry charge is from Sweden.
What's impressive about this? Obviously the cyborg is going to be stronger
Serious question, what's it like in Sweden?

Are there any nice areas?

Is the media the same as ours (cucked leftist anti white bs)?
kek lots of montreal cops in that vid
song nigga?
Spinning backfists are a thing in MMA, they are rarer because they are generally unreliable. But they're hard to predict. That said, usually you follow through with it. I'm surprised it worked here, to be honest. This was like some scorpion backfist shit
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Ah yes, the good 'ol days

Its from the doom ost

Compared to the rest of the world it's great.
By swedish standards it's decent overall. But lot's of things that needs fixing, or perhaps I should say needs to be deported.

MSM is completely cancerous.
>Compared to the rest of the world it's great.
I needed a good laugh
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wtf dude? Do germans only play those simulator games?
I feel as if most Swedes are redpilled, but they can't do anything because of the cucked government and media.

Same situation here
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Dindu: "What are our chances at trial?"
Public Defender: "We have video proof of you robbing and assaulting a woman repeatedly"
Dindu: "So....good?"
Public Defender: "Take the plea if I was you"
Dindu: "fuck dat cracka bitch, let's go to trial"
Well there hasnt been any new happenings in a while, faggot. How about you go outside and make us some new content.
Holy fuck this is funny.
This is a pic taken in america

Even our worst "ghetto" in nowhere close to this level of poverty and decay.

Perhaps you should take a look at the black on white crime stats and illegal immigration stats before acting all smug.

In the most recent poll SD was the largest party, so there's that.

We've also got a bunch of 'alternative media', also sweden's largest discussion forum Flashback, is basically /pol/ when it comes to immigration and such.
I have the weirdest boner right now.
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When you're so mad you become ghost rider
Glad they got this nigger. He was on a rampage that day.
That's good to know.

Whenever a nationalist or far right wing group gains publicity in the UK, the lefties send a plant in and destroy it from the inside out lmao

As crazy as it sounds, I think Sweden will be better off than us in the future.
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I never understood what pure joy looked like, untill i saw that.
>that bitch acting like she wouldn't get sent to her home crying if any male decided to kick her in the face
frag out
>Rwanda Rousey

holy topkek
Why is this yiddish kike beating that woman
i dont understand this one.

What does he win by approaching the police screaming that?
>the worst of your place is worse than the worst of our place
Oddly enough, the average America is still far better than the average Sweden
>implying niggers have brains
This video is 100% better with sound. You can hear the primordial nigger grunt as he turns that tranny's head inside out.

Love how bewildered that bitch is that a one arm one leg man is better physically than she'll ever be.

>You can hear the primordial nigger grunt as he turns that tranny's head inside out.

Literally laughed out loud in my office at work
E1M1 from Doom 2 I think
Sweden or Germany?
what is the average for america?
David Brock/Correct the Record/Media Matters/Shareblue all Soros funded, paid shills to post here. And elsewhere.

Would kill irl.
somebody photoshop shit ladouche's face with a maroon beanie.
is that a shotgun? how is that first guy not dead what is he shooting out of that thing?
You guys actually are ok with this?!
That's a human being stopped on the head by another human in a violent act "justified" by the fact that they are transgender.
What the actual fuck?
Always love this one. As society breaks down one lone man acts as the vanguard of civilization

Rubber bullets
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You mean afterfx you fucking NIGGER

Wtf you talkin bout racist CRACKA

Can't you see he's good boy on way to church, das a holy bible in hes hand. He'd never do nuffin wrong because momma raised him gewd and tell him if cops come you keep hands up in air and you aint never get shot
Oi, we've been purging degenerates in every civilization except for now.

Some of us have had enough of this indulgence of mental illness and degeneracy.
Beanbag gun I think, its non-lethal crowd control. It will crack a few ribs though.
Nah you're alright mate
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Its a Muslim vs Jew situation
Just let them kill each other and enjoy the spectacle
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Bretty gud
Lel that degenerate freak got his face stomped
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not impressed desu
that granny tho
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My absolute favourite example of liberals getting BTFO

And no
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You fool, that's not even my final form
Not true faggot leaf
What the hell's happening?
Talk shit, get hit

Its a pretty simple concept to understand.

Fucking love this thread!!
OP is still a fag though..
Jesus Christ that sounds terrifying.
I think the word you're looking for is ass blasted

I can taste the salt thru the screen

Shittiest aim... I would have popped both in the fucking head from that distance.. Literally like less than 20 yards...... wtf
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Not an actual dinosaur.jpg
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I can't tell if you're trolling or if you think people playing dress up actually changes what they are.
You can if you're hopped up on meth.
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don't underestimate me!
>nog stomps on a tranny
>pol defends this

You are all idiots. Having gays and trans are a great way to have diversity without the increase in crime. But pol would rather let the violent minorities beat their gays, women, and children because they are cowards.
Have you see the real video?
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That gets me so horny
Looks like spicey
Makes it better knowing she killed one too
Give it time your "refugees" just haven't had long enough to ghettoize Sweden yet but they sure seem to be building up to it
[laughs in simian]
witnessed and bumped
>but men and women are equal!
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Ben Bernanke laying the smack down.
When he almost going for a drag in mid fire fight

i kek every time
yea same bro. what prestige are you
Asian shop owners are territorial as fuck. Home boy probably undercutting his prices and stealing his local customers.
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I fucking love this thread
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Obelix has clearly no time for this shit
a e s t h e t i c
>ok she's gone, let me take another--OH SHE'S STILL ALIVE-- there you go
if i weighed 30kgs i could do that too
That's called a Thors hammer mind you americucks
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o shit
Aggh my dick
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That filename cracked me up before I moused over to confirm the punchline
Why does Mr. Shekelstein have a falange?
lol look at these skinny dyel faggots think they could possibly do anything to another person

look at their fucking atrophied stick legs. could barely puck the faggot let alone try to do anything do him
Equal pay...
I hope that faggot lost teeth and even more brain cells.
That fucking filename
holy fucking shit
legend level post
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2MB, 325x235px

WTf sorcery is that at :34 disappearing nigga

>Rwanda Rousey

That's good.
Damn that's a nice counter.
you can tell this guy's age by his post

Belgian hooligans came to fuck shit up.
>without the increase in crime.
pedophilia is a crime. Also willingly spreading aids
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