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Thread replies: 271
Thread images: 90

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This is a actual govt department recruitment ad

Katter getting fired up
Feb 28 #Essential Poll Federal Primary Votes: L/NP 37 (+1) ALP 37 (+3) GRN 9 (-1) ON 9 (-1) NXT 3 (-1) #auspol
Australians are the scum of the inbred scum.

pretty faggy flag lad
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got this shit in the mail today
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explain yourselves melbourne. contain your candy ass shit to your containment state thx
this is some brave new world shit
Have you lads seen this top story today?

Funniest shit I've read in a long time.


top bloke if only i was in brisbane i'd give him some work
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>top bloke if only i was in brisbane i'd give him some work

I'm not in Brissy either but I sent it to some mates and asked them to use him in the future.

He's a fucking hero.

His company facebook shares hitler videos and race war memes.
Fuckin nigger Yasmin on sbs. Fuck that cunt she's so into herself.

>watching sbs


just dont vote labor
its either
labor - safe schools
liberals - roe 8 & 9

picking between the lesser of two shit shows is getting old
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Feb 28 #Essential Poll Federal Primary Votes: L/NP 37 (+1) ALP 37 (+3) GRN 9 (-1) ON 9 (-1) NXT 3 (-1) #auspol

Feb 27 #ReachTEL Poll Federal Seat of Dawson Primary Votes: LNP 33.2 (-9.4 since 2016) ON 30.8 (+30.8) ALP 27.1 (-5.7) GRN 3.0 (-2.2) #auspol

Feb 21 #Essential Poll WA State Primary Votes: LIB 27.5 NAT 6.8 ALP 34.5 ON 13.7 GRN 10.7 #wavotes #auspol

Feb 19 #Galaxy Poll VIC State Primary Votes: ALP 37 (0) L/NP 41 (-1) GRN 10 (-2) ON 8 (+8) #springst #auspol

Feb 19 #Galaxy Poll VIC State Seat of Werribee Primary Votes: ALP 29 (-27.6 since election) LIB 35 (+6.3) ON 21 (+21) #springst #auspol

Feb 13 #Galaxy Poll QLD Federal Primary Votes: L/NP 35 (-4) ALP 29 (-1) ON 18 (+6) GRN 8 (0) #auspol

Feb 10 #Galaxy Poll QLD State Primary Votes: ALP 31 (-4) LNP 33 (-4) ON 23 (+7) GRN 8 (0) KAP 3 (+1) #qldpol #auspol
It's all Jew media sir no matter what channel.
throw out your fucking tv
havent watched that trash in years
Nick folkes is on there to annoy them.

>watching sbs
caught me mum watxhing one of these top chef shows

fucking puked in mynmouth at how gay and stuck up that shit is. its fucking cooking you fucking retards, or this braindead reno bullshit looool
I bet you waste time doing something else.
TRIPS FUCKING GET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fulltime work, gym, gf and pol duh
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The heat mates, the heat.

White people are not meant to live in these climates.
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Do you wish to be nuked again, old boy?
im not watching some shit skin presenter
fuck sake
here we go

can't watch, must have expired. What did they say about it?
Seeing Katter get angry like that is fucking beautiful.

I wish he could just be made dictator for life of this country and we'd never have to think about politics again. Just let his steady, wise hand guide us to our ultimate and great destiny.
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we gonna getcha
It's funny. That exact idea came into my head today to. 'Dictator for life.' Same words and everything. Katter is our best hope.
There wasn't an interview with the panel itself. Just some pre-recorded responses on the bare basics. Carrie was just bombarding with buzzwords thought. And seemed to attribute this to the US post Trump's win. Whereas it's been around a lot longer.
>a lot longer
There is a lot more energy and people in that part of politics now, but it did start before Trump, but not too much before. And Trump intensified it.
What exactly constitutes the 'aussie alt right?' They never even pinned down what the original was meant to be so how can it have offshoots? Do you think that if I call them up claiming the be the alt-right leader in Australia I'll get an interview?
I assume they are talking about the TRS podcasts which is where most of the 'alt-right in Australia congregate'.

I wouldn't really consider aussie protest groups alt-right because they aren't anti-semitic and sometimes not even racist.

Alt-right is openly anti-semitic and racist
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Git farked
What's that?

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Unfortunately Australians just aren't fucking smart enough to follow him in mass numbers.

If only they know what we could achieve with him at the helm.
>the rarest flag posts in an aussie thread
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That is some top shelf lulz

The Right Stuff - US alt-right podcasts but it has alt-right podcasts from other countries.

Basically /pol/ humor podcasts
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The Alt-Right.jpg
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Yeah you're right. I didn't even know about it until Trump's declaration of being a Republican candidate and reading some /pol/ recommended reading material.

That's hard to answer itself. But I guess you could also ask the Afrikaners what their Alt-right could be. But from what I could interpret they just seem to think its SOLELY a white nationalist movement. Which isn't entirely the case in the slightest.
You could. But you could also do what this anon did to destroy the projects credibility as a "former alt-right".

I've always thought that being alt-right was being aware of the JQ and being against globalism, open borders, etc. E.g. I can't consider myself to be apart of the alt-right because I'm mixed race, but I definitely sympathize with it.

I think the bigger problem is that these pollies don't know how to articulate themselves. If they can improve on this then they would wipe the floor with globalist guts.
How did the Greens become so irrelevant?

They were literally one of the most important political movements until a few years ago, and Bob Brown was one of the most important politicians in Canberra.
They hit their peak then burned out.
The Greens were harmed by their perceived chaotic effect on the Gillard government (normies weren't impressed), and also have been harmed by Labor moving more leftward while in opposition.
Identity politics
daily reminder Mark Latham appeared on a TRS podcast
Minor parties tend to be held together by a single leader. The Greens with Bob Brown, Democrats with Don Chipp etc. The same will happen to One Nation once Pauline retires.
>I've always thought that being alt-right was being aware of the JQ and being against globalism, open borders, etc. E.g. I can't consider myself to be apart of the alt-right because I'm mixed race, but I definitely sympathize with it.

nah alt-right is basically white nationalism for millenials/gen x/genz

But I mean most of the young guys believe in National Socialism. Alt-right is just a way to make it more palatable to normies and lose the skinhead image.

It's mostly uni students and young professionals.
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>mfw the Socialist Party is gonna get a taste of me once my MAGA hat comes

They're recruiting at Uni again.
>that image
delet and never repost unless you want people to think we're all autistic LARPfaggots.

My brother got me one of those in America. I don't think I'd wear it to uni. It looks nice sitting on top of my bookpile.
The Project did a bit on the "alt-right" tonight lads.
They showed some tweets too.
>Why are jews pushing pedophilia

I had to control my giggles cause I was having dinner at a mates.
Same with Nigel Farage and UKIP too I guess
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>Tfw finally spent $24 on vodka instead of $10 of wine
Moving up in the world

>Tfw it's not yet legal to beat up the blacks on campus
>Tfw I know my English assignment will get the same mark as monkeys who can barely spell 'cause diversity
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Vote for continuity and change goys
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>I don't think I'd wear it to uni

I'll do us proud. I've got no friends at Uni so it's not gonna bother me. It might bother the Socialists near the library though.
I'm not concerned about upsetting people so much as the hat potentially coming to harm. I like it as a decoration so I'd hate for some autist to damage it in rage.
I'll guard it with my life Anon, I'll only wear it a few times though.
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jesus christ buy a bottle of russian standard you poor cunt
Why not wear a shirt with MAGA on it?

They can't steal that
the whole point of uni is to dorm and bang sluts with your mates

what the fuck are you paying for???
I honestly don't see it doing much. Socialist Alternative only seem to half-assedly wave their flyers at people walking passed them whenever I see them. I doubt they'd have the balls for a confrontation. Also they probably know they'd look bad.

How much meme-clothing do you think I own?

fuck off normalfaggot
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If I am going get T R I P S, OP will die as a sacrifice to me.

Praise me!


111 get
We will probably just have to see how it goes. They were having a conference of Marxism though.

Why dorm when I only live an hour away?
Start lifting and learn how to walk. Shoulders slightly back, aware of your surroundings a slight sway to your arms. Let me break down arm swaying cause it's more complicated than you think.

>no arm sway when you walk
You're a target to any predator, you stand out like a whore in church

>slight arm sway while being aware of your surroundings, resting expression and making eye contact with people as you're looking around
Hmm second thoughts, might not wanna mug this guy

>over exaggerated arm sway
Look at this over compensating fag I'll love to smash his fucking face in
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marshall island people.jpg
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that's rich coming from coconut abo island
If you are going to make an autistic image like that then at least get it right and don't repeat entries in different categories. Now you've gone and triggered my autism. REEEEEEEEEEE
we're all voting liberal right? Don't tell me there are fucking labor voters here.
Wow you're a fag

Wear a "God Bless Adolf" shirt and claim it's part of your religion. Universities can't legally touch it.
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Makes sense. I never really saw why the media clung so hard to Milo being the "leader" or "spokesperson" for it.

Nigga where do you think we are?
I was more so inferring the traditional sense. Having children. I see so many white couples my age have pets as "fur babies" or not having kids in general. Where as muslims are having minimum 5 children.

not having both.
I also have a murdoch murdoch t-shirt. Those guys are fucking brilliant. Shame that their twitter got shut down and their last video taken down.
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mate marshall island has made posts on and off for the past few months.
you need to step your /flagtism/ up desu senpai
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so you can pull any girl at the uni back to the dorm and fuck her brains out during break

duuuuuuuh, they dont say no when its a 5 minute walk from class
You activist cunts need to hide your tism, your teachers are all lefty and the administration is too

If you show your powerlevel you'll be rewarded with nothing or lower grades and annoyance

Word to the wise chrissy
Says the guy saying wear a shirt they c-c-c-c-can't steal that. Ok mate.
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Who knows maybe I'll pick up someone wearing my MAGA hat around campus.

Then I can say "Trump got me to lose my virginity"
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They steal your hat and you look like a moron trying to get it back or go to jail if you attack them. That's the law.

A shirt they can't do anything
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Cuck-cannons (guns) and their lovers have NO PLACE in a modern Australia.

Australia has never liked, needed or wanted guns on our streets and not in the hands of professionals. We are a safer society without them and will will take further steps to get them off the streets thereby making our fair nation greater.

And before you ask, no, I'm not a "leftie" I'm actually quite right wing.
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>Just one of you regular anonymous! haha! Liberal forever right guys?
CFMEU owns the labor party, and the labor party want to increase migration. Also they support censoring the fucking out of the internet.

And greens wont win
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fuckin girl
good luck explaining why you have a maga hat when you arent american to some dumb uni bitch
What kind of pathetic limp wristed poofta feminized numale who jerks off to tranny porn while listening to fucking lady gaga lets people steal their shit?
I'm not the one who made it. But I did notice those inconsistencies when I saved it.

Voting for globalist shills. Fuck sake these are the same faggots that wanted the TPP.
Labor sell our land to the Chinese to pay debt and increase the shitskin migration. Liberal's do exactly the same. Also holding back the NBN. FUCK THEM. Also why haven't any of the pollies wanted to go nuclear yet? We're already behind the rest of the developed world.

>implying I don't already work
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fug that's some shit
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>Lebanese man advocates the ban of non-white immigration

I swear to god, if wogs end up being what saves this country I'll eat my hat.
I'll just ask "Why do you have a sign that says 'Fight Trump' when you're not american?"
5 O'clock Charlie
Come on sixes

links to gay nightclubbed??
Absolute fucking waste.
You got sevens m8.
This 'Katter = Wog' meme is silly.
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Fucking mad cunt
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top shitpost
wtf i love sevens now
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Congrats you won!

Do you wish to gamble your winnings on the pokies or shout your mates a couple of beers?
I don't even know where to start
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anyone got that image of this guy flexing infront of the australian flag?
what are you in melbourne or some shit
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>they look happier than me

truly blessed people, living in a "1st world" country isn't what it's cracked up to be, people are so disconnected from each other and it's hard to make a good living
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pls be kind, have worked hard for this

NSW my man

Ive always wondered what it would feel like to ram one of those up my ass and jack off
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cheers mate
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>tfw it's real
how can brit/pol/ even compete

It's the Zyzz pose for future reference
who else



I like driving in Canberra.

Apart from that there seems to be a lot of niggers
Why didn't they mention Roz Ward being a literal commie?
The missus just took a shite on my chest.
Really? Lived here all my life and only started seeing niggers as of recent, and only in the city. We have a LOT of poo's though.
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post flag collection
>he has a flag collection

do you believe in life after autism?
damn katter. that was his voice i heard on the radio
almost as bad i guess
check the van

>surface to allah missile
they need some multiculturalism to ensure they forget their culture and happiness
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don't worry about it m8

the mixed abo/euro will be the majority race in australia soon so you'll be black & will survive the heat
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Australians all let us rejoice.png
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More fine quality posting from the greatest nation on God's green earth
Because they're lunatics and don't realise it because they lack self awareness
up the sixes!!!!!!!!!!!
i know cunts who go overseas to pay prosties to do that
"I've been here for less than a year and am happy to involved in the modernisation project."

AKA "I have no idea what I'm talking about and am responsible for completely changing the unelected government that our elected officials have to deal with"
Joining the army wish me luck
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steve o.gif
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well done
Department of (((Finance))). Typical.
What ever happened to Saint Pierre and Miquelon? Haven't seen him in a while.
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thanks for pointing that out
No policy on immigration cunt.


Isn't he one of those cunts that wants to 'populate the north' so we can sell fuckin mangos or some shit to the entire world?

Yeah he is cunt. I remember him saying we could have 60 million in QLD alone, doing it in that crazy angry voice of his.

He's a poof, and so are you.
Work at the department of finance, ama
>Islamic State
The fuck?
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https://cytu(put dot here)be/r/8a9sd981212e

Get in and watch Romper Stomper
done your you?
post result
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wtf did u just say u lil cunt, talkin about kater like thats bound to get ya stabbed real quick bloke so you better apologize okay ?
that graph is always like that, abos dont mature very well and have a life expectancy of like 60 its even worse in the bush
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My you is on Monday that's why I said wish me luck I should be fine tho
Get fucked ur a nigger too, and a boong.

I told, probably you, the other day he mainly cares about the area where he lives, in fuking Birdsville or Ipswich whatever. He wants it to be some king shit part of Australia.
Don't join the military and it's cuckold system

Come join australians watching an Australian film

https://cytu be/r/8a9sd981212e
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I was not prepared for that...holy shit.

Where are my sides?
special forces isnt cucked, the rest of it though, too many girls larping
what job u going for m8
the IPA has been pushing for a northern 'special economic zone' for years

eventually they will get it and all the land up there will get raped to fuck

never sleep on IPA wishes
All of it responds to cuckold command

Now get the fuck in here and watch Romper Stomper

https://cytu be/r/8a9sd981212e
Skin head skin head looking for a fight, looking for a root.
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Fucking oath, while this state may be one of the best, the fucking restrictions are crazy.
Banning knife because it looks scary is the most poof fucking thing in existance



Infantry or MP
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EF88 austeyr.jpg
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come out to the middle of queensland on stations like me, you can own automatic rifles and pistols n shit if u want, just gotta get an easy to acquire licence
MP is an agent of babylon
> It advocated the creation of a special economic zone to cover the northern half of the continent where companies would have lower levels of regulation, cheap labour could be imported from developing countries and tax rates would be cut.

yeah based Katter lads

Smack him if he's yellow
Smack him if he's black
Smack him till he fucks off and doesn't come back
look forward to saluting me and calling me sir m80
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get it right
Wow I suddenly need my light switches changed for no reason at all.
We made it better
Proof that Christian Arabs can assimilate into being authentic madman Aussies within 3 generations.
Yeah, just like you did with marmite
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>D-DO YOU?!?

made it better
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we actually made it so much better

She's old as fuck.
shes 26
>"If you misquote or mislead people on what I say I will come after you legally."
>They cave instantly and provide his full message

Lame stream media fake news BTFO, the court of public opinion would savage them and they know it.
there is so much wrong with this image
i am just going to leave it alone
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10 years overage
goodness me this. hurts
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praise kek!
We did nothing, the EF88 is a variant of the F88SA2

Luna Lovegood got pwned by Father Time too
it was funny how they wrote "We don't legally need to but we did anyway"
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>she turned out uglier after puberty.
that's rough
Bless this man
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yeh we use this anyway
holy shit this cannot be fucking real

i am dying, the BALLS on this guy.

if i was in brisbane i would be hiring his ass for any and all work.

all you brisfags need to support him, the left is going to try and financially cripple him.
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Smerf Electrical.png
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100% /ourguy/
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dude you're everywhere, what the actual fuck, don't spam this shit, kek will turn onto you
btw did you guys see the latest fuckup from the pollies?

you know that whole centerlink scandal and how normies are mad about it because non-bludgers are getting caught up in it?

well the government threw fuel on the fire by releasing some bludger's ENTIRE record to the media to shame her (i shit you not) and now normies are fucking FURIOUS.

see, they just got redpilled hard about how the government might release THEIR data and even people who hate junkie scum are getting angry over this because it's a big fucking wakeup call.

politicians threw a huge amount of fuel on the fire with this and now normies are digging into government corruption.

i think we can exploit this to redpill a ton of people on these things

>the job seeker agencies collecting more than an annual wage (and being owned by the wives of politicians) to not find these cunts work, instead of just employing them at minimum wage

>politicians getting zero interest bank loans from gonski for homeloans = houses are in debt and the politicians can reduce their tax bill while getting FREE HOUSES
chaos doesn't turn on or off anyone

chaos simply acts as it wishes

i hope kek chaoses on you for trying to define chaos
like do you cunts know they collect 44k per year for each cunt on newstart and the companies are owned by people like therese rein (krudd's wife).

it would be cheaper to just employ them for minimum wage doing anything and hand them a job.

we need to start showing normies just how shitty our government really is and how much taxpayer money they waste because.....the normies are actually listening right now.

releasing that woman's centerlink data redpilled them fucking hard that our government is not to be trusted.

we need to jump on the bandwagon here.
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download (3).jpg
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do you have a buddy?
God bless this guy, his website is fucking hillarious and they look like they do good work, too. If I was a brisfag I would use them for elec stuff too.
Cheers mate! We give it a blast!
fuck that noise. If you like Auntie Pauline's policies, give her first preference on your ballot. The major parties will see how much traction she has with the people and will either adjust their policies accordingly, or we might yet live to see the first One Nation state government.
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nice get. gas all aussies.
Haha i actually process the claims for a job agency, the absolute maximum the company makes per person in a year is about 6-10k depending on how long they have been unemployed. There is a pool of tax payer funds but that is not job service providers money
Any of you abo's got some good trough man stories?

>pic unrelated
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Puberty ruins all females
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If only you knew how bad things really were.

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>ywn be Australian
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Straya and Canada shitpost kangz
Eyyy joining the ADF? I keked when I turned to the section on the F88 and that's literally all that's there.
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what i want to know
is how is this shit passing through parliament
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yeh officer via RMC mate
voting for one nation in the wa election.
Trying to get in as either Armoured Cav or as a Surveillance Aircraft Operator in the Army.
>surface to Allah missile
holy shit lad
nice. aiming for infantry gso but i was told i need to be i top 20% at rmc for that, armoured gso is backup
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I wanna try for Infantry general entry at the start of next year but I might not be able to bc im colourblind and might have to settle for artillerymen
yeh they specifically do a colour perception test
if you score bad it can prevent from being rifleman
if you get laser eye surgery you need to wait 12 months before applying again
you could call a recruiter and get a definite answer
is katter our guy?
sounds like a right cunt
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It's a solid rifle so get the fuck out.
those aren't sixes
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In what way is he a right cunt, you dumb dog?

Katter is the saviour of Australia.

Liberal are no fucking better. They're bringing in over 200 000 a year.

He's part Afghan but mostly white. Who gives a fuck though if he's pushing the right policies.

Yep, very wasteful. Could have asked if a revolution will reclaim Australia for the Anglo-celts!
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The genocide is already underway.
The replacement population has already been born in most white countries.
When they say you'll be a minority in 2050, they mean across all age demographics.
The time to ACT is NOW.
you're a fucking idiot if you're against roe 8 & 9
vote one nation
Roe 9 is fucked
you're fucked
quality post, anon. Shame it was posted so far down this thread
Voting for one nation in the WA election what are my lesser choices?
Post wall hag only capable of pumping out genetic failures.
Every single right wing minor full of nutcases should go before the majors and lefties.

Our guys are:
+ some others that escape me

Their guys are:
+some others

You've got to come here more often my friend. You will learn much. There is fraternity to be found here if you are so inclined.
why are you lads still awake?
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I keep putting my drink in front of the desktop clock.
I remember this company was discovered by an anon trying to find an apprenticeship, top pip
sorry i thought it was a compliment
if you become a rifleman you will hate your life. if you become an artilleryman you will hate life even more.

>t. ex-rifleman
He's an Arab that wants to import 60 million shitskins to work on his mango farm.
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He's pushing for a muslim ban in parliament.
What do you think about a redpilled chink and pajeet? I have made friends with two of them at uni.
taqiya, he's an Arab. his 'ban' doesn't include Turks, Lebs, Niggers or any Asian countries, plus there is the usual "muh persecuted minorities" cuck-call. if he were truly based and not a goatfucker dressed like a cowboy, he would call for and end to immigration, period.

They have to go back. They can be redpilled in their own country.
I don't think that will happen. How will Australia manage to enact that policy when we are in the Asia-Pacific?

Our 3rd biggest export is Uni education too
So mass deportation would hurt Marxist indoctrination farms? This is bad?

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Yes he said North Africa and the countries inbetween Greece and India.
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A waste of get there kangaroo bitch boy
God I love the nuAUG
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based aussies
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