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Organ Harvesting Market

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Thread replies: 283
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Organ Trafficking is a big part of the violence in Chicago. The fast & furious scandal, the cartel violence in Mexico, the cartels smuggling afghan heroin, the cartels using the niggers in Chicago to sell it, the nignog violence leads to many deaths, Biological Resource Center of Chicago harvests the organs, Organ Brokers sell them on the "Red Market". This is another reason that Sanctuary Cities were put in place.

Connect the dots. Ill post links next.
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Fast & Furious scandal

Lots of murders in chicago

People like this fuck are "Organ Brokers"

The organ trade is bigger than drugs, weapons, and children
This place harvests the organs from the niggers
Biological Resource Center of Chicago

They don't have a website. Check google maps
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Lastly... I think this is what "Pizza" is all about. Check out the painting in Podesta's office. Organ Trafficking makes the most sense.

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Go figure the jews are involved.

Organ harvesting is more profitable than anything.
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Agree with your research, I've been perusing the Venezuelan angle in all this, as Trump just imposed sanctions on their Vice President Aissami for being a drug smuggler associated with cartels.

They also donated to Clinton foundation
Bump seems interesting
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Totally agree on Venezuela as well. Hit them in the money bags with that.

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Also in Syria, Haiti...
Centered in Isreal
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Been going on for a while. Happens all over the world.

Disasters and wars bring "organ brokers" and this stuff can be smuggled along existing "rat lines" already in place for weapons and drug smuggling.

And yet so many Americans are still are unaware of the infant organ harvesting occurring right under their noses.
Organs are good. Harvest them
Seriously though anon, these disgusting acts of inhuman behavior are become more and more common in the world today.

Are you an "insider"?
A man who has had enough?
A shitposting LARPfag?

Who are you?
Won't this kind of fizzle out on its own soon anyway? We're already able to grow heart valves and shit in a lab, full organs isn't far off.
Uh huh, sure buddy.
Nothing wrong with legit organ harvesting from willing donors. It's the fomenting of wars, exploiting disasters to do this,, and lack of traceability that is what is fucked.

There are even "blood farms" where human traffickers lock people in rooms and extract blood. $350/pint I think.
Look into smart guy.
I'm all good with that
If that becomes solid science then yes, it would end the trade. Still a long way off.
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>23k for 1 gram of bone marrow
and homeless complain about being broke
lazy sacks of shit, bone marrow grows back
Just an anon like you. Perhaps an autist with good pattern recognition. Wanted to get others on the scent.
Fuck circumscion and fuck Jews for spreading this practice.
Minors too not only organs.
Should be legalised because it would grow economy.

If you don't agree you're a communist ruskie who needs to be hanged.
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>The overwhelming majority of Syrian refugees are women and children.
Why do they lie? Why?
This happened in Syria. The kids its happening to are syrian. Yet they still call them 'refugees' to imply that the hordes of war aged men invading europe are all 'women and children'
you are correct.
Well at least welfare niggers have a use now.
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The lie because evil is real.

Also Moral relativists have infected too many minds.
Harsh but thanks for making us kek.
Maybe a dumb question but is there really a demand for that many organs?
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Keep up the good work vigilant anon. This is really making sense to me.
>tfw they still harvest your organs if you say you don't want them harvested
>>tfw they still harvest your organs if you say you don't want them harvested

Kinda hard to enforce your will when you're dead, right?
you're an idiot
I realised I wasn't a moral relativist when I studied Islam and FGM at uni.
>Maybe a dumb question but is there really a demand for that many organs?

With aging population? Absolutely.
Anybody have a list of all Clinton foundation donors?

I need to cross reference some companies
Would anyone care to post a reputable, non tabloid source for these salacious claims?
It grew the 90s albanian economy bigly.

Who was US president at the time?

Just use some logic:

- Who are in NGOs? mostly feminist women and mediocre people.

Do you really think feminists would support the entrance of millions of refugee women who are younger and with studies? who would steal their jobs and their men? or smart children? these are COMPETITION, sandniggers are not.
Is also why presenting women hates russia (women)

I´m sure NGOs are just traffickers who make sure no women or children can enter (they are raped, killed or sold somewhere else)

This is why NGOs call refugees to african men, they are no competition.

This is why collaborators should be hanged.

I'll be back later. Have to go wagecuck. Keep helping me dig, anons.
>Organ Trafficking is a big part of the violence in Chicago.
Yeah, I don't think you understand how things work with organs. There's a very short time period after death until the organs are all useless, and you actually need people who know what they're doing to even collect reuseable organs. You have Chicago niggers leaking to death in alleys with their bodies pumped full of bullets that already wreck key organs before they die, and then they die. And then their bodies are collected. They're not donating any organs whether willingly or unwillingly. Only if they're still alive when the ambulance arrives.
these guys are a good intro to organ harvesting in china
check out some of the movies they promote too
There are other organs that do last longer after death like skin, retina, bone, tendon / ligament.

I don't think OP is suggesting gang bangers in chiral are getting shot and somebody is harvesting their organs immediately. But organ/tissue "theft" from funeral homes is a real thing.

The "gangs" involved would be the higher ups, not low level street thugs.
Be careful you don't give the game away:
IE Venezuela / Halo

Case study on organ trafficking

Aaaaaaaaanddd it's the Jews
How long do people stay in the blood farm? WHere are they located?

What about breeding farms? How do they get their slaves? DO they åarticipate in ordinary society? (the slaves)
Often these organ harvest stories are just that, same as with roids be made from brains and such bullshit.

But it happens in choina that is confirmed, gassed convicts gets harvested into.

Been hearing these stories since a kid

Not saying it isn't possible, but I would take it with a grain of salt
....and there we go
This one I can confirm, Syria it's been happening and the marked is Israel

It's from last year
It's not as huge of a business as drug trafficking, but it does serve its purpose of filling the coffers of these international criminal organizations, and keeps the elite alive linger through organ transplants, blood transfusions.

I would love to read a full dossier of elites medial records
Do you watch George Webb on YouTube?
What kind of idiot donates his blood to places that make a profit off of it? Why not sell it directly to a consumer? I am O- so mine is probably worth more than $350 per pint. I never have and never will give anything away for free that I can sell.
Also, DO NOT become an organ donor, they will let you die to take your organs and make even more $ after they leave your estate broke from medical bills, Sad! Don't get Jewed, your body, your choice.

Planned parenthood guys.
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>Sunday morning schizophrenia
You can't possibly think the crime in Chicago is because of organ trafficking, can you? It happens, no doubt, but a 30-year old dread-headed nigger named Jamal keeping an organ trafficking conspiracy secret is laughable, never mind multiple nigs.

It's because of drugs. Chicago is a transport hub once drugs get past the border.

You need to take your medicine or get prescribed some, OP. This is not fact- or evidenced-based thinking you've got going on here. Telling people to connect the dots is indicative of loosening associations. Your neurons are becoming too tangled, seek help please.
So what you're telling me is that planned parenthood aborted negroes are the only thing keeping the clintons alive?
spooky bump cuz this shit is pedo cannibal tier conspiracy
I think we should gas all problematic groups and legally harvest their organs to save lives. This will help combat the black market.

I personally wouldn't want a nigger organ or Ashkenazi jew organ in me but if it will save my life and there is no other choice I will take it.

This is a good way to sell jewish extermination to the public I think. We could also re-use other parts of them for animal feed and arts and crafts (from bones). Fertilizer. Make sure not one part of the jew goes to waste and it is totally humane to kill them all like this
Well hello stranger, I've got some new things on sale for you today.
Chicago - Two Children, 11 and 12 years old - separate incidents - both shot in the head, one is reported to have been kept alive and taken to Comer Hospital (Harvest point?) Grandmother was a "research tech at the Univ of Chicago for 30 years" possibly unrelated to anything nefarious.


A little strange they completely avoid mentioning the other child in the article at all.

Here is the real 'head scratcher" - it was written by LAURA PODESTA??


A: Laura Podesta - whaaahh?

Trying to find a connection I came on this website. A few of the videos are from her actual "Laura Podesta" channel - (i.e. 26 Febbrio 2016 is a little weird); some are unrelated except they are "pizzagate" and probably hit off the "Podesta" part in the search; and some other videos that show her name with funky music and related videos on different "sauces." One labeled "Swimming" one labeled "Allamandes Sauce" Just weird. The two kids getting shot is more relevant.

This is problem one for the Pizzagate folks.


Homan Square Under Fire in City of Chicago


To shine a little light on how the "opioid epidemic" came to be - 100% government created by way of a 2013 recommendation by a 29 member group of FDA advisers who voted 29-10 to move the most prescribed analgesic Hydrocodone/APAP category, Schedule 3 Controlled substance, (which can contain multiple refills a doctor can simply 'call-in' refills) to a very restrictive Schedule 2, in practice, maximum 30 day supply - no refills - 'no call ins' for refills.

They choose to go the "Enforcement route" and the proverbial black market prescription well dried up quickly. With the uptick in the heroin coming from South of the Border, it was there for those who couldn't quit or get help.

This was not unexpected. In addition to patients not adequately being treated for pain due to the increased barriers to legal access, you have the 700 lb. gorilla in the room:

"I also feel another likely outcome is if prescribing decreases, illicit opiate use will increase, with dire consequences," Mendelson said.


Speaking of "Black Sites" like Homan Plaza, Wikipedia notes in its entry for "Black Sites" that "mobile sites," like contracted jet aircraft: N221SG a Learjet 35
N44982 a Gulfstream V[76][77] (also known as N379P)
N8068V a Gulfstream V
N4476S a Boeing Business Jet[78][79]

Incidentally, those Tail numbers correspond to those listed here:


Well, shit.
All of this could be prevented by making organ donation mandatory for everyone who dies in the optimal condition for transplants, but muh human and religious rights must come first and (((they))) prefer to go with illegal trafficking instead, making fuck tons of money out of it.
Prime contractor

Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) was the prime contractor for at least one of the outsourced elements of the renditions programme, inheriting the role when it took over DynCorp in 2004. Under the prime contract, which remains classified, DynCorp, and consequently CSC, entered into agreement with the CIA to provide a range of aircraft for covert operations (including renditions). .
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Nelson Brickham - “Yale Anthropologist” - Author of the CIA Phoenix Program


Homan Square - WikiSpooks


CIA Blacksite in Chicago - Homan Square


I wonder if this is connected with Pizza if you knowwhatImean.
OP mentions the gangs, but we should realize it's criminal organizations that associate with abortion clinics, funeral homes, and corrupt surgeons who will do the organ harvesting and legal transplantation in a hospital setting.

This doesn't seem to bring the amount of money as drug trafficking but it's profitable (buy kidney for 10,000 and sell the kidney for 120000 to wealthy buyer)
Dr. Robert Ashton's Jump to his death tip from Twiiter ( www.yahoo com/celebrity/abc-health-correspondent-dr-jennifer-130319253.html). Relatively 'young' thoracic surgeon (2000 residency) and it is really just a footnote on his LinkedIn - Business associations seem to overshadow

www.linkedin com/in/robert-ashton-md-100b0833

He must be better at sitting on the board of upcoming companies that do research into "nanomedicines" ( CytImmune Sciences
October 2013 – Present (3 years 5 months)
and one company that specializes in developing drugs designed to cross the BBB (Blood-Brain Barrier), usually thru the use of nano-liposomes that encase the drug to help get it across. ( Jenrin Discovery
July 2012 – Present (4 years 8 months)

Cytimmune Sciences
Jenrin Discovery

One thing to note, a set of the "Creepy" shills have appeared on Dr. Ashton's (wife) FB page and seem to be ruthlessly attacking her with very stinging comments, en masse. Not a natural occurrence at all usually - seems like some group is trying to make sure she keeps quiet, perhaps?
www.facebook com/JenniferAshtonMD
George’s comment - that’s too bad. I am sure she is grieving. They have beautiful kids.

Art Vandelay one of your viewers added the following comment & link:

This story about Dr Robert Ashton, cardiac surgeon, is all over the news today, not sure if his name has come up in any of your investigation. If so it would prove to be suspicious timing. www.nj com/bergen/index.ssf/2017/02/surgeon_ex-husband_of_abc_medical_chief_jumps_to_his_death_from_gwb.html

One other thing that is not normal - and George can ask his son about this because he has mentioned he is in residency - but I know of NO RESIDENCY - less a Thoracic Surgery Resident - that can do a "2 year residency" and then head off to practice.

General Surgery is typically 5 years. Even pediatrics - the shortest is 3 years. Something doesn't add up with him....

Robert Ashton MD

Thoracic Surgery Resident
Columbia University Medical Center
July 1998 – June 2000 (2 years)


I did some additional research & found the following interesting connections:
He has a background on transplantation among other things like oncology, but is also connected to healhtcare venture firms. http://www.bloomberg.com/research///stocks/people/person.asp?personId=207747463&capId=8032161&previousCapId=134579357&previousTitle=Plasmonix%2C%20Inc. AND he was a director of Cytimmune (Cancer treatment research). http://shapiroglobal.com/

Guess who is also on board there? IRA SHAPIRO of Global Strategies LLC, Albright Stonebrigde..

Mayo Clinic Helicopter Crashes on Donor Organ Retrieval


NTSB Report

Bumping. OP is doing god's work. FYI, posted on Leddit and currently suffering a good bit of down-votes

This thread inspires me to go donate some bone marrow for cash.
Organ Harvesting and the Black Market ------
Broker-friendly US hospitals w/surgeons who don't know or care where organ comes from.

Published on Apr 12, 2016
Cleveland Clinic doctor, Dr. Suha Abushamma, sues Trump after being forced to leave U.S
Hundreds of medical professionals -- including MD candidates, doctors and nurses -- have signed an online open letter to the heads of the Cleveland Clinic, asking that the hospital publicly denounce its perceived support of President Donald Trump.
The letter also discusses the Clinic's upcoming fundraiser at Trump's flagship Florida resort, Mar-a-Lago. The Feb. 25 fundraiser was planned months before Trump was elected, hospital spokeswoman Eileen Sheil told cleveland.com, and it has been held at the resort for at least seven years.

..... "the Cleveland Clinic silently continues to promote ties with the Trump administration. The Clinic's upcoming fundraiser, "Reflections of Versailles: A Night in the Hall of Mirrors," is still scheduled to be held at Trump's lavish Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. Tickets to this event cost between $1,250 and $100,000."
They want the Clinic to relocate the event and condemn Trump's ban on immigration - among other demands...
I think one of the Cleveland Clinic people from Iran detained at JFK is 24yr old Parisa Fasihianifard. She was with SUNY PHD Student, Kahideh Rasekhi. Parisa's husband is a doctoral student 26yrs old from Iran but attending Ohio State. He drove to JFK to get her. His name is Mohamad Zandian
Body Part Prices
Cleveland Clinic Transplant Center
Perhaps these two docs?

Sudanese Second Year Intern?
Bijan Eghtesad, MD?


John J. Fung, M.D., PhD, plastic surgeon (served in U.S. Army Reserve Medical Corp as Lieutenant Colonel), kidney, liver, pancreas, islet, and intestinal transplantation
* Chad Gordon, D.O., plastic surgery, allotransplantation (tissues & organs)
* Mark Hendrickson, M.D., has published re transplant surgery
* Frank A. Papay, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P., allotransplantation

Hands and Face Transplantation?


DHS Quiet On Unnamed Iranian Doctors at JFK

Suha Abushamma, M.D. (medical intern; citizen of Sudan), was detained in New York IN ADDITION TO THE TWO UNNAMED Cleveland Clinic doctors:
STILL NO NAMES for the two mysterious drs. Clinic spokeswoman Eileen Sheil declined to give names:
Could the two be among the 6 out of 11 staff drs. at Clinic who are affiliated with organ transplantation and/or organ donation?
* Bijan Eghtesad, M.D. (from and schooled in Iran), SPECIALIZES IN liver transplants
* John J. Fung, M.D., PhD, plastic surgeon (served in U.S. Army Reserve Medical Corp as Lieutenant Colonel), kidney, liver, pancreas, islet, and intestinal transplantation
* Chad Gordon, D.O., plastic surgery, allotransplantation (tissues & organs)
* Mark Hendrickson, M.D., has published re transplant surgery
* Frank A. Papay, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.A.P., allotransplantation
* Marie Siemionow, M.D., Ph.D., A LEADER, director of plastic surgery & training, has trained over 100 international Fellows in the field of microsurgery and transplantation research, etc., etc.
I find it odd that the two drs. names withheld across the Internet, but the medical intern's name is given, along with a pic supposed of her, all across the Net.

Bone Marrow Can Be Harvested 17 Days Later


octors detained at airports:

A tweet by Samira Asgari, an Iranian doctor, stated that she was denied boarding when she arrived for her
flight to the U.S. from Germany.
In a Skype interview from Switzerland, Asgari told us she had planned to come to the U.S. to start a study at Harvard Medical School analyzing tuberculosis.
In a Skype interview from Switzerland, Asgari told us she had planned to go to the U.S. "to learn, to be able to go forward in my career." (Published Saturday, Jan. 28, 2017)
her tweet:
Samira Asgari @samsam_86
I was pretty excited to join @soumya_boston's lab but denied boarding due to my Iranian nationality.
Feeling safer?
>Often these organ harvest stories are just that, same as with roids be made from brains and such bullshit.
I take these words back... reading what you got here...
How long have you been collecting these info? make pastebin.

I met this man(the author) in real life. This book is real.

He stated to me that the kidney came from an executed Chinese prisoner on death row.

Organ transplant tourism is real
In the massive reddit post by Donald Washington at the very top his first words are:
"branson obama soros clinton"
Two comments posted asked:
"What is Richard Branson's role in all of this? I did find it strange that BO decided to spend his first vacation
post-president with him.
-- video: https://youtu.be/Vqhw8kxVd2o
"I saw the link re Eve Branson Foundation and it's work in Morocco. But, ELI5, how that is connected -
please. (Human trafficking through Spain?)"
...... there were no answers to these questions....

Branson Pushing For Mandatory Organ Donation With Opt-Out in UK


Eva Branson

David Fleischaker, Oklahoma Secretary of Energy


Eight Countries With Organ Harvesting in 2008

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Bumping this I saw on voat. Interesting article showing ties to Clinton and our old buddy Ball Sack Eyed Soros:

Body Snatchers of New York


Shalala Talks Future of Clinton Foundation


DONOR ALLIANCE (history 1980 to 2005).
Doc published 3/1/2012.
"Alliance formed 1997 [SAME YR AS CLINTON FOUNDATION] as merger between Colorado Organ Recovery Systems (CORS) and the Mile High Transplant Bank (MHTB). This timeline ...IS THE HISTORY OF ORGAN AND TISSUE TRANSPLANTATION IN OUR NATION. ..."
* Why MINORITIES donate less frequently.
* First successful heart/lung transplant (at Stanford).
* An act is proposed to clarify concept of "brain dead" that western countries would adopt [I assume for bioethical reasons/organ harvesting].
* First DECEASED DONOR kidney transplant.
* Synthetic solution that increases storage time from 6 to 36 hours for organs (livers, Pancreas).
* Rabbinical Council approves organ and tissue donation as permissible, even required, from brain-dead patients.
* AlloSource is founded as non-profit processors of bone and soft-tissue allografts.
* *“Death to Dust: What Happens to Dead Bodies?” book on how organs and tissues are recovered and transplanted.*
* Porter Adventist Hospital in Denver transplants a kidney from an OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING VICTIM.
* Donor Alliance is formed.
* Legal efforts to make donor declaration irrevocable; Medicare must report every death to OPO.
* Internet transplant matching database implemented.
* "Secretary of HHS, DONNA SHALALA, asks the
transplant community to trust their desires to
make the transplant system more safe" (huh?)
* Pres. Bill CLINTON signs first federal
employee organ donation leave act.
* HHS (Shalala?) expands initiative to include
living donation.
* For first time, number of living organ
donors surpasses number of deceased donors.
* In wake of September 11, TravelAire
Charter has 1st plane in the air for organ recovery.

3/25/2008: Hillary's book: "My Finest Hour..."
* She piloted a relief mission to Bosnia taking penicilin, amoxycilin, and 1M meals to starving children.
* At night she "corkscrewed the C-47 down from 8 miles high to evade the sniper ground fire" and landed.
* That's how she won her Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB).
* "It was my finest hour."
You can't make this stuff up!

MAY 16, 1997: CLINTON'S PRESIDENTIAL APOLOGY RE TUSKAGEE SYPHILIS STUDY SCANDAL(that happened 25 years prior!) about the study of hundreds of African-American men used in research without their knowledge and consent.
George, could this perhaps have kicked off the big push for organ harvesting of blacks?
* QUOTE FROM APOLOGY: "Still, 25 years later, many medical studies have little African-American participation and AFRICAN AMERICAN ORGAN DONORS ARE FEW. This impedes efforts to conduct promising research and to provide the best health care to all our people, including African Americans."
* Directs DONNA SHALALA to issue report on how to involve people, "ESPECIALLY MINORITY COMMUNITIES," in medical research in "ways that are positive."
Donna Shalala Named President and Chief Executive Officer of the Clinton Foundation

New York, NY – Today, the Clinton Foundation announced that Donna E. Shalala, President of the University of Miami and former U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), will join the Foundation as President and Chief Executive Officer.
"Donna has more than 30 years of experience improving communities and changing lives for the better – as a scholar, leader in health care, and university president. We are excited that she intends to join the Clinton Foundation as President and Chief Executive Officer after she completes her final year as President of the University of Miami," said Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton. "Her leadership will enable the Clinton Foundation to build on our nearly 15 years of helping millions of people around the world live their best life story, and we have no doubt that she will be a great asset in strengthening the Clinton Foundation’s future."

Shalala, who has served as Professor of Political Science and President of the University of Miami since 2001, announced last September that she would step down on June 1, 2015, at the end of the current school year. During her 14 year tenure as President of the University of Miami, the University has solidified its position among the top research universities in the nation and she has led two successful billion-dollar fundraising campaigns at UM raising nearly $3 billion.

Shalala previously served as President of Hunter College of the City University of New York and Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Donna Shalala received the 2009 Dole Leadership Prize for her long record of public service, including acting as co-chair of the Commission on Care for Returning Wounded Warriors with former Sen. Bob Dole. Chosen in 2007 by President George W. Bush, Shalala and Dole led a task force to evaluate how injured veterans transition from active duty to civilian society.
In 1993, Shalala was appointed U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) by President Bill Clinton. She served in that post for eight years to become the longest serving HHS Secretary in history.
As HHS Secretary, Shalala directed the welfare reform process, made health insurance available to an estimated 3.3 million children through the approval of all State Children’s Health Insurance Programs, raised child immunization rates to the highest levels in history, and revitalized the National Institutes of Health.
At the end of her tenure as HHS Secretary, The Washington Post described her as “one of the most successful government managers of modern times.”
In June 2008, President Bush presented her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian award. That same year, she was honored as one of “25 Great Public Servants” by The Council for Excellence in Government.
At the time that she was awarded the Dole Leadership Prize, Shalala was President of the University of Miami.

SHALALA -- Lobbying, old-time politics block legislation on human cloning Bush administration articulates no position
By M. Asif Ismail 12:00 am, February 15, 2001

In the spring of 1997, scientists at Scotland's Roslin Institute successfully reproduced a sheep using DNA from a single adult sheep cell. It was a spectacular breakthrough. But the birth of Dolly, the first cloned mammal in history, provoked outrage among anti-abortion activists and many bioethicists, and triggered a debate on the dangers of human cloning.
The FDA said soon after the birth of Dolly that it had the authority to prevent human cloning. Then-Health
and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala told BIO President Carl Feldbaum in an April 9, 1998, letter that the FDA had jurisdiction over attempts to clone humans and that the agency was prepared to exercise that jurisdiction, according to BioWorld Today, an industry magazine. "FDA's authority does not address the larger question of whether or not creating a human being using cloning technology should be prohibited altogether, but this authority will help ensure that such experimentation does not proceed until basic questions about safety are answered," Shalala was quoted as writing.

SHALALA --- Embryo research: profit vs ethics?
Corporations team up with patients' rights groups to overpower opposition to research that destroys embryos, but could save lives
By Shaun Taylor-Corbett 12:00 am, August 24, 2000
In a letter dated February 23, 1999, to members of Congress who oppose the NIHs determination, HHS
Secretary Donna Shalala stated that "research on existing...stem cell lines is both legal and appropriate," and that "there is nothing in the legislative history to suggest that the provision was intended to prohibit funding for research in which embryos - organisms - are not involved." In other words, because stem cells
are technically not embryos, companies and NIH scientists should be able to use government funds for
embryonic stem cell research as long as they derive the stem cells from the embryos at their own expense.
Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation Officers
Board of Directors
•BRUCE LINDSEY, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Compensation 2014 $395,460
•Hillary Rodham Clinton (shown as Director on the 2014 and 2013 IRS 990 form)

Leadership Team as of February 2016

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Body Brokers - Annie Chenney

Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency Not a Member in Good Standing


He's a baddie
sorry for going apeshit ITT but georgwebb's slides have some good stuff in them and i know most people won't browse them directly
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This the PG thread I believe So

concludes organ harvesting infidels is OK

It's interesting how 2 of Kosovo's "prime ministers" are

1. Leader of organ traffic gang+a known terrorist/killer etc

2. Serial killer who got jailed in Hague but USA provided him a list of witnesses and he killed them one by one until there was noone to testify against him -> free man

Both of these guys are USA's bffs.

Fuck you USA
Bill Clinton is a known CIA asset. Hillary might be, I have no idea.

Organ harvesting is a revenue generator for the CIA and the people that invest in its front companies (proprietaries).

George Webb speculates that human trafficking might even be a cover for its organ harvesting activity.

See the slide above that shows how much the sum total of one's organs are worth.
This random fucker is killing anon5 with one post. Bump.
FBI anon was right, this is a fucking spider Web of massive proportions.

So many people involved in this at high levels. Each play a role in Promoting the globalist agenda.

Each "conspiracy" is in some way connected to the overall project

FBIAnon's twitter account just got suspended
Witnessed. Can you link his account? I saw it and didn't follow cause I thought it was a LARP.
OH dear god. I'm gonna be sick. That poor kid.
I'm starting to believe that so called bases in kosovo/afghanistan are just a cover up for drug trade to european nato bases under the guise of military cargo.
The city that has the most problems with drug cartels in italy it's also where the US navy anchor.

> home to U.S. Naval Forces Europe and the U.S. Sixth Fleet.


follow any link to @FBIAnon and you get

dunno who has archives, but I think it was this thread of investigation that got it locked
McCain, Schumer, Graham, Brock, CIA, Mossad, Human trafficking, organ harvesting, destabilisation etc.

apparently fbianon but unverified

Just look at Afghan opium production statistics, and correlate them with USA/UK military interventions. This is basic 'ish Italianon

Dude you don't have to bother with US military to explain Naples' problem with crime, basically is camorra ruling shit there for decades, no need for any conspiracy.
If the way they deal with their allies in afghanistan is anything to go by they've nato rubber stamp and/or they're on some sort of whitelist.


Dan Quinn was relieved of his Special Forces command after a fight with a U.S.-backed militia leader who had a boy as a sex slave chained to his bed.
It's a well known fact that the CIA used to (maybe still does?) have very close ties to the American Mafia. J Edgar Hoover was friends with the mob too.
Venezuelan Vice President charged with being complicit in drug trafficking

I'm convinced he's a CIA plant and part of the goal to destabilize the country because it's sitting on MASSIVE oil reserves. They haven't been able to export oil and are spiraling down into further economic collapse. This is a soft coup from the globalists.

The human trafficking is part of the problem here as we see in other countries like Syria, Haiti, Kosovo.

Illien adoptions intl inc is a adoption agency that works in these countries. Recently had their certification voided by the state department for not keeping accurate records.


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Another story with USA military base

4 Alboshit planted a mine on a road in 2001, activated it when a bus full of Serbs was passing above it, 12 Serbs dead, 40 injured. Those Serbs were random people, going to local cemetery to visit graves of their family members. We found out who those 4 Alboshit were, found dna evidence and USA intervened, saying they will "guarantee the legal process". They jailed one in Camp Bondsteel, pic related, and imagine, he got away, on foot, without any help, allegedly.

That happened 16 years ago, no one sentenced for this crime. Some UN official got pissed and wanted to at least put a memorial table next to road but alboshit didn't let him, because reasons. Imagine that
American mob is not the same of italian mafia.
>Thinking someone will answer a question that will lead to them being harvested
Didn't your shitty country start a war?

George Webb has so much OC it's hard to find a starting point.

Here's a relatively concise but potent intro to the organ harvesting issue:

Day 100, part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPdPI3KSqbA&t=3s

Day 100, part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZNnGXzkCm8
No, we didn't
FBI, if you're lurking here, drop us some good nuggets of intel so we can keep digging
Saw an organ site on the dank web once. Was pretty creepy how matter-of-fact it was about the whole thing. Seems like most of the organs on that site came from homeless people and the like, as they mentioned "no one will miss them".
George Webb posits that Podesta has ties to the organ harvesting network and that this is in fact being advertised by the artwork in his office. see >>113340250

see also the affinity these guys all seem to have for pretend cannibalism

Kosovo is a mess, it is known that the Calabrian clans have invested millions of euro in small construction activities, also sending entrepreneurs to control everything, dealing directly with the business. The KLA - born as anti-Serb army of liberation and now allied with the Calabrian 'Ndrangheta - it is at the center of an international criminal network, under the tacit protection of the United States. Heroin comes from Afghanistan and once in Pristina, is sorted on the European market.

Another point to consider is that removing organs is easy.

The transplantation is exceedingly difficult, as well as the follow up and management of these patients.

These harvested organs are for rich people, no one else.

Saudi royalty regularly gets treated in US hospitals
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US uses human trafficking as a political tool : UN
F-ing saved
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The Anti-Traffickers are the traffickers

And the Anti-Fascits are the Fascits

What a timeline
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have this one too, a little detail on smuggling routes and methods
and have a look at the document that is linked, theres a few chapters on Dominican-Haitian trafficking

In my opinion, the UN is in on it too, big time. Lots of times where Ban Ki Moon has overlooked or hushed up scandals

read up here

I bring this up, to add to the investigation, not redirect. The UN actions merely reflect the actions of member states / groups.
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>The Anti-Traffickers are the traffickers
>And the Anti-Fascits are the Fascits
>What a timeline


>Pino Maniaci, il giornalista 'antimafia' che estorceva denaro

Anti-mafia journalist who did extort money.

That crossed my mind as I browsed the site. Not only do you have to be wealthy just to be able to afford one, but to know a qualified doctor willing to transplant an illegally obtained organ requires a degree of influence.

I'm sure there are desperate average Joes just looking to do whatever they can to save a loved one's life by going this route, but no doubt the majority of black market organ customers are people of importance. And of course some cannibals. Speaking of which, there's also allegedly a 'cannibal marketplace' for 'consensual cannibals' where people sell their own bodies, presumably for financial stability for their families.
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I remember reading about how Jeffrey Dahmer had high level White House connections. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
nothing wrong with selling pieces of shits organs. I'm okay if cartel members get their organs sold or if niggers in Chicago get used after getting their brains blown out
Interesting, don't know how they would make much money off that. But wouldn't put it past them.
There's nothing "wrong" with organ transplantation. It saves lives.

The problem is predatory harvesting. And the associated human trafficking that supports these practices.

Even stem cell research is great, but they are promoting abortions and harvesting fetal body parts for stem cells, instead of focusing on fixing the societal ills that promote the need for abortion in the first place

That organ traffic story in Kosovo had one hospital that apparently did transplantations, it was is in Isreal

Private sub about cannibalism, totally cool.
Anything on the right of the political compass, perma-ban.

But I'm sure they're just all just roleplaying.

After some quick research it seems a lot of people think that whole 'spez is a cannibal' thing is a red herring to try to delegitimize any conspiracies about him because he's caught up in Pizzagate(?). Even people with open minds can get scared away from an idea if there's too much tinfoil involved.
Threads about spez being a cannibal were deleted when they started trending in T_D, and you will notice that spez is no longer a mod at /r/cannibalism. Consider it for what it is.
Is this what pizzagate is then? A smoke screen?

The connections are there but always just out of reach with real evidence. Yet we have a masssive amount of real verifiable reports of human trafficking, organ harvesting, corruption, sexual tourism including pedophelia that is not tied to podesta directly (albeit he's in the circle).

The "pizza gate arrests" are already happening and we keep focusing on Podesta and Alefantis when there is a huge network of smugglers and pediphiles that we can find online.

Research sexual tourism for these countries and we can find the low levels and tie them to higher ups.

And with some help here and there with intel drops from FBI THEY WILL FALL
yfw alex jones was right about pizzagate being a psyop / disinfo

Maybe it's time to look at the podesta emails again, with fresh eyes.
>George Webb

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Prior cases in the US of investigation and media hush hush

and an interesting"" thread on icke forum, if you can wade through the info, lots about freemasonry and organ harvesting through the ages

why are """they""" obsessed by kidneys and uteruses?

Kidneys have the highest demand because of conditions related to them. Uteruses for black magick baby sacrifice rituals. Presumably.
those are the organs that sell the most
>why are """they""" obsessed by kidneys and uteruses?

>Most of us transgender women have wanted to conceive a child since puberty and I am no exception! I've wanted the opportunity to have and carry my own child to term for years! After some success in uterine transplants I have hopes to live that dream by the year 2020! Im super excited to say the least and am glad to talk a bit about it to all my Super Sisters, Bromandudes and Rainbow Buddies. I have gone through a year of transformation in transition starting from accepting who i truly have always been, changing my habits, starting HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) to applying for the finding for SRS/GS (Sex/Gender Reassignment Surgery) and this would be one more step towards living an authentic female life like I've dreamt of for years!

Eventually a child will be born to a frankenstein with an artificial womb and ax-wound "vagina". What could go wrong?
Kidneys do well when transplanted, can keep you from being on dialysis which is a slow death.

Kidney failure comes from chronic hypertension, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.

Kidneys are easily removed during organ harvesting especially if you don't care if donor survives. Kidneys do well on ice and can survive transport to transplant hospital.

You can make a great profit off a kidney transplant.

Hearts are more complicated. They guarantee the donor will die, require recipient be put on bypass to implant the heart. High rate of complications in older patients.
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Israel seems to be central to organ harvesting

Ukraine harvesting goes unreported

Organ harvesting in Ukrain live and well

OSCE finds ZERO evidence of organ harvesting [[despite many reports and verifications]]]

The Clinton connection in wikileaks is Bill's relationship with pinchuk, destabilising via Maidan

ISLAMIC STATE accused of harvesting organs. We know who started IS


This shit goes deep. and I agree to an extent that the paedo PG was used as a diversion / distraction.
>the paedo PG was used as a diversion / distraction.

One thing does not exclude the other. It is highly possible that both are going on at the same time
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>axe wound vagina
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"Iraqi Ambassador to the United Nations Mohamed Alhakim had made the same revelations last year, saying that the ISIL is trafficking human organs and has executed a dozen doctors for failing to go along with the program.

Alhakim based his claim on the discovery of dozens of bodies left in shallow mass graves near the city of Mosul, currently an ISIL stronghold. Surgical incisions, along with missing kidneys and other body parts lead to an inescapable conclusion. “We have bodies. Come and examine them. It is clear they are missing certain parts,” Alhakim revealed. He further described the carnage:

“When we discover mass graves, we look at the bodies. Some of those bodies are killed by bullets, some of them by knives. But when you find pieces of the back is missing and the kidneys is missing, you will wonder what it is.”"

from the Global research article on ISIS

>executes doctors who don't go along with it

doesn't sound like extremist islam, more like extremist Clintonism

also check this : http://www.inquisitr.com/3526938/isis-selling-small-children-for-organ-harvesting-to-fund-shrinking-caliphate/

no, i agree, there's defo paedophilia going on, that much was obvious.
but i think the MSM allowed Comet to become the main focus for news reporting on PG was because not much actually occurred at Comet, it was just the tip of the iceberg, they thought they could discredit with the false flag guy who shot the ceiling.
but anyway, it makes sense that both go on at the same time due to the illegality and trafficking
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Almost vomited. No wonder most of them kill themselves.
I-is that a modern art?
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The old man in the sky must've been really drunk that day, fuck
I just read in the newspaper this morning that due to the increasing number of heroin overdoses, organ for transplanting is up. Apparently if someone died from a drug overdoes, it doesn't effect organs needing to be transplanted.

Reading this proves to me that organ harvesting is a legitimate concern.
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I don't believe that is a real penis, it's like they attached a really thicc italian sausage to her sternum
The gangs are a storm to cover the silent war.
What is the fucking point of getting a hole between your legs that will require constant care and drugs to keep open because your body treats it as an open wound? Science has totally NOT caught up with the hubris behind such decisions.

You can pretend to be a girl or whatever, who gives a shit, but for fuck sake keep your dick. This is medically the same as chopping your arm off and then doing everything in your power to make sure the arm stays festering, forever.
Why do you save these?
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All of these monstrosities are surgically done.
Nice place for Jewish nose


I wonder when Jews will start getting elective surgery to enhance their noses
if i'm correct heroin overdose affects the liver?

therefore other organs would be okay
also heroin addicts can drop off the radar, unaccountable
it's also easy to kill heroin addicts by boosting the quality of the heroin provided, many users will then overdose from the 'usual' amount
and who controls the flow of heroin?
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Jesus Fucking Christ.

Dr. Kinsey and Dr. Money were fucking evil people.

here's a big link Clintons - Nigeria
pic related
look up Chagoury

Chagoury related to EKO Atlantic and Echo art

Chagoury in Panama papers

Also claims the Clintons supported / funded Boko Haram as a threat / punishment to Nigeria

Nigerian organ trafficking

Clinton ties to organ trafficker KOSOVO
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After the surgery they have to use dilators to keep it from healing shut.

Not a bad result, yeah I'd fuck that. The most disturbing thing was how Unfazed I was by all that. Do send help


>In Michoacan, Mexican authorities arrested a henchman belonging to the Knights Templar cartel (aka Los Caballeros Templarios) for kidnapping and killing children to harvest their organs.

Also this is how most people hint at black market connections. Source: I have lived.
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Likely human trafficking
Oh shit, that is so fucked up, I retract my comment about woulding fucking such a thing knowingly

One would think. However, (((agencies))) like the FDA would ultimately have to approve such advances for general use, bureaucratic delays and red tape WILL hold up the approval process, and when it finally does get approved the (((insurance))) companies step in.

People will STILL go to the black market for organs over that time period, which itself could take a decade, conservatively.

>Getting tits while you still look 100% male

I mean...it's not how I'd do it.
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OK, now that people are ready on ht organ and blood trafficking, I think its time for everyone to take the real Bog pill that will make you REEEEEEEEEEEE... here it is.
he did ground breaking research on this stuff

a communist from belarus in the early 1900s who was an associate of Lenin

alexander bogdanov




George Webb, is that you posting?
kind of hard to miss an heart.

Most of the dank ones are scams, not all!. I know people that have done the Israeli route. Its normal for Norwegians. Think they got goys doing running around giving tips aswell.

Been interviews on tv going like "it would take me so and so long to wait in Norway, in israel i got it in 1 day"

Ofcourse its hinted at its legality
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Oy gevalt, I need those 5 heart transplants, to scheme for another 100 year.

This image fucking upset me. Fucking animals.

Holy shit, I know of someone´s family that the man fell into cocaine, he died for drug overdoes, months before dying he said he would like to donate his organs.

Do you think people who gave him the drugs influenced him to think that way?

Is the same with the cocaine? I know he went to the hospital once and I don´t remember the doctors saying anything about drugs.

a pioneer in life extension through blood transfusion
Thanks to this thread for teaching me how to use 4chanx to block disgusting content.
organ harvestig eh? it's either sherkli or the jews.
omg. the bog pill is real!?
Actually it is the Jews

Look up the Israeli organ trafficking rings
Bogdanov , or 'Son of Bogdan"

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In Norwegian. Use translate.

>Israel has confessed that doctors at Abu Kabir had stolen vital organs of three Palestinian teenagers killed by the IDF. The Israeli Minister of Health Nessim Dahhan said in a response to a question from an Arab member of the Knesset, Ahmed Teibi, that he could not deny that organs of Palestinian youths and children killed by the IDF were taken out for transplants or scientific research. Teibi shall have received evidence that Israeli doctors at the institute stole such vital organs as the heart, kidneys and liver of Palestinians killed by the IDF in the West Bank and Gaza. Israeli authorities retain normal bodies of Palestinians killed in a few days without any explanation.
Many US states have made organ harvesting opt-out rather than opt-in. I wonder whether the politicians that have pushed this are connected?
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I dunno. I have about 10 years in this site and the words that emerged from that person are one of the most disturbing things ever posted here.

>Levy Izhak Rosenbaum of Brooklyn called himself a "matchmaker," but his business wasn't romance. Instead, authorities say, he brokered the sale of black-market kidneys, buying organs from vulnerable people from Israel for $10,000 and selling them to desperate patients in the U.S. for as much as $160,000.

The biggest jew red-pill is the living game
>Those replies
>I look at image and don't even flinch
4chan changed me as a person.
No shit... First they stick a needle in your bones nd inject a chemical to turn your marrow into jelly , then it is pumped out..... Forget moving for a month
>Jamal keeping an organ trafficking conspiracy secret is laughable
I've heard niggers talking about it. It's not surprising to me.
Not like they go around talking about their hustle with reputable human beings who would actually be able to get the word out. No one's going to listen to a ghetto thug or crackhead when they talk about that kind of thing and corrupt authorities can ignore them without issue.
Talk to the hood and you'll hear all kinds of horror stories. You'll also hear a lot of stories about being ignored. I still hate niggers but dark forces with government backing have created thug culture to cover up dark shit.
Fucking kikes.
How many grams of marrow is in the body?
How would losing a gram affect your body?
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spank the wives and gass the jews
smash the banks and burn the dorks
chip the hebrews and glass the fakes
That's what George Soros hates

Cut the shills, trail the fat
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat
Pour the jizz on the pantry floor
Splash the blood on every door

Dump the kikes in a boiling bowl
Pound them up with a thumping Pole
And when you've finished if they are whole
Send them down to hell to roll

That's what George Soros hates
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Chargoury & Bill
Brothers in crime
Remember this?

Just come up with the idea yourself and look around if someone already implemented it. Won't have to look very far probably.

>Inescapable closed area
>Heavy guard
>Confidential and efficient transportation
A prisonlike institution with heavy guard in a desolate desert area is my guess. Probably one of those mountain bunkers near big cities or if you want to make really sure it doesn't get out, drop it in a tundra


now lets tie this to venezuala and rumors from fib anon
How about a windowless manhattan skyscraper with no windows and likely underground connections?

>windowless manhattan skyscraper with no windows

Should've checked it before pressing enter.
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yep yep
check online because it was in wikileaks, both panama and clinton emails

>Lebanon, Chagoury was aligned with "Hezbollah"
>Left for Nigeria, has empire
>USA knows he is bad, blocked his visa last year
>Connections with Boko Haram


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>ctrl f
>george webb
>6 results
I guess it really depends on what you've seen already

A photo of a corpse, even of a kid who was murdered, just doesn't have the same impact after seeing something like those russian kids

I still stay away from some of the stuff the pedogate threads find. Thanks but no, I don't want to listen to children being tortured to death.
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Nuclear resistant built for old timey switch phones.


>If you have any photos or information from inside 33 Thomas Street, you can contact the authors by email (addresses below) or through SecureDrop.

Lol wat?
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this would just make hospitals kill people in order to harvest their organs, as some have already been caught doing anyway
yeah in the usa
alex jones mentionned it on joe rogan

cartels don't smuggle afghan heroin

only like 1-2% of the heroin in north/south america comes from Eurasia

the heroin sold in US is almost all from central/south america

drug trafficking in the old world and the new world is almost entirely done through separate networks although this is just beginning to change but not much

italy recently busted a human trafficking network from nigeria

the nigerian college fraternitys are supposedly full of organized crime and occult stuff
Tareck el assimi also blocked from entry to US.

Now we will connect these two as they are both Lebanese and associated with terror groups
A few years ago a physician killed a child patient under his care so he could sell his organs to Israel. Nothing happened to him because he was well connected with politicians.
Children being tortured or rape would probably upset/piss me off, but dead children is just... nothing to me now. Seeing the pictures of that little kid dead on the Turkish beach? Nothing. Seeing the pictures of that kid after having his building bombed? Nothing.
I don't intend to look at CP or torture though, not where children are concerned, so that's probably different.
Just came from /gif/'s wrecked thread too, and only one thing (the box cutter video) in that makes me bothered.

but the turks used to have larger hand in it

and thats getting into GLADIO territory
It's absolutely a legitimate concern.

After learning more about it, there's no fucking way I'd be an organ donor now. It's not a joke that doctors are more willing to let you die if you are - no, not all doctors, but the rare ones who can make a hundreds of thousands of dollars off you if you just happen to die in front of them?

Some countries have now legislated mandatory organ donations.

Genetically modified pigs with human organs, or vat-grown organs, cannot come fast enough. This shit has to happen yesterday and destroy the organ markets.
They bust them all the times, the export prostitutes since the 90s by the thousands.
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TFW I signed up as early as I could (16 or 17)
>cia introduced crack cocaine to US
>cia ran cocaine into US via Mena, Arkansas, among other links
>cia ran heroin from golden triangle
>pablo escobar's son confesses father's ties to cia
>majority of US heroin now coming from Mexico / central / south america
>definitely not CIA again
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>You can't possibly think
>You need to take your medicine
dude we've heard those lines since the internet took off
you really think we're not savvy to them by now?
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when i see shills saying "seek help"

>we will m8

plz dont let this thread die
>they thought they could discredit with the false flag guy who shot the ceiling.

He actually went in and shot the server HDD that was behind a locked heavy duty sliding door. They let a news crew in to look at it.

Single bullet. Right into the computer.
>Art Vandelay
That's actually not confirmed. The media reporting on what actually happened was shit. Initial reports were that no bullets were fired. Then that he only fired into the air. I didn't even see that he directly shot the computer's HDD, only that he'd tried to shoot open the locked door to the server room and that bullet "accidentally" hit the hard drive.
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by that point, when PG hit the MSM hard, it was all becoming disinfo, shilling, counterinfo

was on the right track but drew the wrong conclusions? or didn't conclude far enough.

here's an infograph, just from hillary emails, can be useful for jogging memory about which country etc.
How much longer until we see their heads on pikes?
I'm not sure how much more confirmed it can get, they literally had a news crew, on camera, walk inside to show them what the gunman shot.

They walk in, a guy opens a sliding metal door with a digital keypad lock on it, and inside is a computer tower with a single bullet hole in the top of it, down through the case.

They couldn't have made it more patently obvious the guy in question was a plant so they could destroy any evidence they had, with plausible deniability, before any FBI got involved. The guy has no idea what's on the computer, he's just told to go in and shoot it. The people who owned the computer can't be brought up on destruction of evidence charges - because they never destroyed any evidence.
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Not sure if you're asking me for my opinion or not. I'll share it regardless.

I was one of the people researching pizzagate in realtime, as the Podesta emails were dumping. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed any of this.

In hindsight, the way in which Comet Ping Pong entered the zeitgeist is a little suspicious. If I recall correctly, the chain of research was:

- podesta emails
- talking about epstein / lolita island
- photo of bill clinton with woman identified as rachel chandler on private plane
- link between chandler and epstein found
- rachel chandler's social media and photoblog get dumped
- chandler and Comet link found

I've always thought that in isolation that the things that make Comet suspicious are would have been no big deal in isolation, but that in the broader context become highly suspicious. I've also thought that some of the Podesta email leads are weak ("dominos on cheese", "cheese vs sauces" etc.)

The relationship between "fake news" and pizzagate (see image) is remarkable.

It also feels to me like calling it pizzagate was a way to distract from the broader network that it seemed to point to.

I'm starting to come around to Alex Jones' argument that it was designed to be disinfo tbqh.
can you provide a link?
Clinton involved with Venezuela directly


Drugs, money, people...

Talking about hezbollah and Iranians entering Canada through Caracas.




Well fuck, that one could work. Even the near surrounding localities are convenient.
Big shit if true. Have a bump.
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pic related is my google trends,
it defo points to manufacturing of consensus
like this stuff was all Plan B or C after Trump got in

Yass, Venezuela needs an infographic.
USA is so bad for S.America, it's not even funny. How have they stayed passive for so long?
Why is this Fast & Furious op such a scandal? It's genius if you ask me. It's not like the intelligence agencies haven't done things much worse.

trinidad and tobago is a major recruitment area for ISIS....


f my network connection

fucking hell its next to impossible to post because of fucking wifi
Correct, Trinidad and Tobago has strong ties to Venezuela and they are neighbors.

Both have oil.

So we can deduce that Clinton was involved in destabilizing Venezuela. Likely to take the oil rights. Also to allow isis and hezzbolah free access to South America and then Leap frog to Canada and USA.

Proof is in Wikileaks and stratfor emails. Tareck el Assimi connections to drug trafficking and hezzbollah.

The human/organ trafficking and pedophelia / sex tourism is part of the profiteering from such a destabilized country.

Just like Haiti, Syria, Ukraine etc.

They are evil people but they are out for money and power, it's. It just kiddie diddlers and goat worshippers

which means the venezualans are fucked because they are stuck with a socialist

fuck, this is a narrative and a half

need more proofs, like wikileaks emails etc. but we can begin making an infograph / mapping this stuff
2nd wave

other countries include, south Sudan, Kosovo, Libya. pretty much anywhere the USA has destabilised & interfered in

knew it wasn't all about the oil, that's only one part
wikileaks' state department cables might be helpful too. massive amount of stuff to go through.
Hope you live in a plastic bubble anon.
We need some anon with extra time and interest to open an front on Papau new guinea

figure out what the fuck the civil war/peacekeeping is about in a investigate the cannabalism and see if it is related
Jews are at it again
holy shit! i live in martin county, this case shook our entire town. we hate niggers
Should we bake a new bread?

Yes absolutely. If this doesn't hit 300 let's get that bread going sooner than later. Lots of good insights here
Venezuela was destabilized by hindering the oil production as well as mismanagement of govt money.

Chavez died of cancer, which some claim was an assissination by CIA
(They've tried to kill Castro numerous times)

Country went to shit after Maduro stepped into power and appointed Tareck el assimi as VP


This is their playbook. They have been doing this for a long time.
What's a snappy pun for riffing on HWNDU & organ harvesting?
He will not dissect us
File: Zoltan Istvan.jpg (2MB, 3000x1997px) Image search: [Google]
Zoltan Istvan.jpg
2MB, 3000x1997px
Organ markets are good and save many lives. People should be free to engage in mutually-beneficial exchanges with each other, and do with their bodies whatever they want unless it harms other people.
Someone edit my copy, I suck at this:


> the bog pill is real https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Bogdanov
> Kosovo, Haiti, ... Chicago?
> Cannibalistic artwork signaling blackmarket connections
> Organ harvesting is incredibly profitable
> Human trafficking might even be a front for an organ harvesting network

George Webb is doing great original research. Here's a relatively concise but potent intro to the organ harvesting issue.


Previous thread
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71KB, 531x414px
So need multiple anons to cover each of the countries recently involved in civil war, financial collapse, or other natural disasters that cause break down of society.

Each front will reveal more connections to the globalist cartel and even pizzagate related information.

This is the final boss boys
Please suggest edits.

Subject: HE WILL NOT DISSECT US: Organ Harvesting Market mk 2

Updated copy follows



> the bog pill is real https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Bogdanov
> Kosovo, Haiti, ... Chicago?
> Cannibalistic artwork signaling blackmarket connections
> Organ harvesting is incredibly profitable
> Human trafficking might even be a front for an organ harvesting network


George Webb is doing great original research. Here's a relatively concise but potent intro to the organ harvesting issue.



We need to reread Wikileaks in this new context. Organ harvesting is a global phenomenon. There likely is important information that we missed in the Podesta emails, State Department cables, Stratfor leaks, etc.

Previous thread
Papa new guinea
Will use this image >>113340250
>DO NOT become an organ donor, they will let you die to take your organs and make even more $ after they leave your estate broke from medical bills,

110% of all of this
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210KB, 560x421px
Or pic related
>"I also feel another likely outcome is if prescribing decreases, illicit opiate use will increase, with dire consequences," Mendelson said.

fucking called this ten years ago
>make it hard to get prescription drugs
>illict drugs are much easier to obtain
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1MB, 500x645px
Someone has to :/
gods work anon >>113399318
Jesus, how did it come to this?
NEW BREAD >>113400293
NEW BREAD >>113400293
NEW BREAD >>113400293
>mutually-beneficial exchanges
>do with their bodies whatever they want
>unless it harms other people

you're kinda thick aren't you?
hopefully people can keep the discussion going :-/
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