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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 139

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Trump Playlist

SURVEY TIME https://action.donaldjtrump.com/mainstream-media-accountability-survey/
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #4 2/17/17
>SCJ Alito swears in EPA admin Pruitt 2/17/17
>Pres Trump touring Boeing faciliteis 2/17/17
>Pres Trump &senpai heading to Boeing 2/17/17
>Pres Trump @ Boeing 2/17/17
>VP Pence Swears in Mulvaney (Mgmt/Budget Dir) 2/16/17
>Pres Trump Fake News Presser 2/16/17
>Pres Trump signs HJR 38 (water rules) 2/16/17
>Pres Trump hangs with Trumpublicans 2/16/17

>Marty McFly lands on our timeline
>Alex Jones gets high with Joe Rogan, redpilling ensues
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>113148145
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>No alcohol
I drank vodka twice during new years and 1st week of January...
I guess...Im now a shill...for Hill...
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furfag on suicide watch

more than usual
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Making some OC
Pic related is progress so far
Need some more Awoo's to fill the rest :)
Can somebody make a vid with sound from the exchange at 9:40?

Depending if I get bored, this may be my last thread.
t. Mexican intellectual

Is it true that Donald Trump is a nazi?

If it's true I disavow him, fascism is completely antithetical to America's values
Trump said that he has a big announcement tomorrow right? This is why he called a rally
I drink and fap to loli....
I...guess...I...dont give a fuck.
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Trump, fix the dam. It's a wall.
So what happened that made Don Lemon's asshole pucker into a singularity?
Good. You should feel like a moron for posting these threads on a Friday night and expecting people to give a fuck
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We are going to pray again.

We are going to be happy again.

We are going to have fun again.


WE are going to be PROUD again.
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>reports say Michael Dubke will be named Comm Director
>Pres says Gen Keith Kellogg is "very much in play for NSA"
>AP: "Memo shows Trump considering mobilizing the National Guard to round up unauthorized immigrants."
>Spicer: "Not true. 100% false"
>VERY fake news
>McCain is in Europe to bash/undermine Tump
>President speaks to Boeing in SC
>VP and family heads to Germany
>senate confirms Scott Pruitt for EPA
>President tweets: "The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @CNN, @NBCNews and many more) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American people. SICK!"
>promptly deletes tweet
>minutes later new tweet adds CBS and ABC to the FAKE NEWS media list
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I read the daily report, but dies anyone have a story on how America is greater again today?
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This would be a good one.
>drink to loli
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Trump has cost American taxpayers 10 million dollars with his three consecutive Mar-a-Lago weekend stays alone.

>Barely a month into the Trump presidency, the unusually elaborate lifestyle of America’s new first family is straining the Secret Service and security officials, stirring financial and logistical concerns in several local communities, and costing far beyond what has been typical for past presidents

>On Friday, President Trump and his entourage will jet for the third straight weekend to a working getaway at his oceanfront Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla.

>Palm Beach County officials plan to ask Washington to reimburse tens of thousands of dollars a day in expenses for deputies handling added security and traffic issues around the cramped Florida island whenever Trump is in town.

>This month, The Post reported that Secret Service and U.S. Embassy staffers paid nearly $100,000 in hotel-room bills to support Eric Trump’s trip to promote a Trump-brand condo tower in Uruguay.

>“This is an expensive way to conduct business, and the president should recognize that,” said Tom Fitton, president of the conservative group Judicial Watch, which closely tracked President Barack Obama’s family vacation costs and said that it intends to continue the effort for the Trump administration.

>“The unique thing about President Trump is that he knows what it costs to run a plane,” Fitton added, noting that Trump should consider using the presidential retreat of Camp David, a short helicopter ride from the White House, or even his golf course in Northern Virginia. Of Mar-a-Lago, Fitton said, “Going down there ain’t free.”

>Trump’s frequent travel belies his repeated criticism of Obama as a “habitual vacationer” enjoying taxpayer-funded golf getaways. It also comes after his own promises: He told the Hill newspaper in 2015, “I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done.”

Justify this.
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clock ticked over so i guess i'm a year older now
>have to work today
>live in fl yet going to miss rally
>getting home late and spending night alone
i'm gonna need a lot of (you)s
And fap.
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Or maybe this one.
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He's whatever you want him to be.
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always awoo~
happy weekend, /ptg/
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I cannot imagine why white backgrounds would be a bad thing. Clearly I have more to learn about editing.
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Sadly all of mine have Transparent BGs

Why do SJWs get triggered by the word "oriental" when talking about east Asians?

My gf is Chinese and she has no problem with it?

She says its no different than them calling us westerners.
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Trump clones are already being produced.
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Don't even bother. The mental gymnastics Trump-supporters make to explain Trump's madness will shame Soviet Russian gymnasts pre-steroid testing. They're as bad as the shit liberals pull from their ass to villanize Trump.
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damn, you better at least have monday off
Can't use gifs, gimp sucks :)
I can use white, it would just be boring and bland with the rest of the surroundings being colorful
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i know it's transparent but if you could work it in that would be amazing
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hmmm ...

hm hm hm ........ !

well ?
Don't care, I want to make them do the gymnastics. They can't ignore me forever.
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wait here is a better one
Based black man called out the fake news.
Meanwhile Congress spent about 10 million in 90 minutes
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smash that mf awoo button.jpg
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another one
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mine was just 3 days ago. Call off, say you're sick. Enjoy a /comfy/ day with your friends (us)!
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thanks, Not-Sean!

Is Emperor Don planning any other rallies besides the one in FL? Announced?

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and another one
But these riots aren't for better work hours.

Nobody in these riots even has jobs nor wants them.

And the rest are rich kids who don't have to work.
Stop samefagging, it's quite obvious.
>Inb4 "look at the IDs hurrr"
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and another another one
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i met an asian once who got really offended at the term
she said something like "it's offensive, it'd be like if i called westerners occidental"
i'm confused as to how either is offensive, the worst you can say about the words is that they're archaic, but they're definitely not insulting or degrading
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and another gundam one because lol why the fuck not
Most people still do that?
what a fucking faggot and he just walked off set?
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President Donald J Trump
So long as you keep using that trip we sure can.
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>Without riots people would have more work and society would be more productive

Indeed. Legal to shoot rioters when?
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>>President tweets: "The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @CNN, @NBCNews and many more) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American people. SICK!"
>>promptly deletes tweet
>>minutes later new tweet adds CBS and ABC to the FAKE NEWS media list
There's really nothing anyone can do. It needed to be handled 5 years ago when the spillway needed maintenance.
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Happy birthday you glorious anime-loving motherfucker
He got triggered.
Idk, my girl has no issue with it.

I think its just bored, spoiled Asian Americans who try to act offended by it.
It's antiquated, so that means the word needs to be wiped from existence
I'll give you (you)s so they won't have to waste their time on your pathetic little ass. They don't listen to reason or dissent. Neither will you.
I pray to Allah that the black flag of the Islamic Caliphate flies over your city and you get thrown from the highest tower for being such a tremendous faggot on the internet. That's the fate you deserve.
I Wonder what happened to all that stuff?
Motherfucker, lighting up a starbux and assaulting innocent bystanders and knocking over Shomeekas weave shop isn't fighting the bourgeoisie. Stop pretending like there's rhyme and reason to what your cousins are doing!

the election was over 3 months ago
>invent fake news term
>get mad when it's turned against you
>kill self
Happy b day babe

>Comparing riots about people living in dire poverty and terrible conditions in the 1800s and 1900s (Conditions that modern """oppressed""" westerners have never known)
>To unemployed anarchists many of whom didn't even bother to vote breaking public property to feel cool in their blacked uniforms

Stupid nigga as hell
Gets him out of the bugged to shit whitehouse.
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>MSM are dropping the "Fake News" adjective from Trump's media tweet.

Just like >illegal< immigrant and >radical< Islam.

They make it seem like Trump was talking about ALL media, not just FAKE NEWS (which he even cited specific networks)

How the fuck do you stop this?
Do you liberals get to decide what words need to be wiped from existence?
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This fake news thing makes them mad doesn't it?

Be a shame if people kept bringing it up.
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Do you guys realize that the flat earth stuff and bases in Antarctica threads and whatnot are CIA astroturfing, to distract from the real issues?
It's like calling them Eastern. It's just an archaic term. It could mean Arab/Persian too.
Trump's a high value target, the majority of the cost is secret service protection which he has to have now regardless of where he is.
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not announced but hopefully. was the Boeing thing today scheduled fampais?
>promptly deletes tweet
>minutes later new tweet adds CBS and ABC to the FAKE NEWS media list

good times
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>Comparing union strikes to burning trashcans and smashing windows of random businesses
I'll use this one for the middle
I'll make this one work :)
Not sure what to do for the right one, anyone got an awoo that has a similar stare?
That doesn't mean Trump can't talk about it.

It's a perfect example of shitty infrastructure and commie management.
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Alright then. See you tomorrow.
Progressives want every stereotype they did not create to stop existing, yes
The thing is, calling someone Asian could mean poo in loos or even mudslimes.

Oriental is just more specific for Japs, Chinese etc.

My gf is a real Chinese and doesn't get offended at all.
they just keep creating the monsters that beat them
they created trump, they created this fake news bullshit. the fucking morons
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So both Kellogg and McMaster are still in serious contention, and that third guy I forget is a "maybe".

Personally I'm partial to McMaster, he seems perfect.

>In April 2014, Maj General McMaster made Time magazine's list of 100 most influential people in the world. He is hailed as "the architect of the future U.S. Army" in the accompanying piece written by retired Lt. Gen. Dave Barno, who commanded U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan from 2003 to 2005.

>"Major General Herbert Raymond McMaster might be the 21st century Army's pre-eminent warrior-thinker," Barno wrote. "Recently tapped for his third star, H.R. is also the rarest of soldiers—one who has repeatedly bucked the system and survived to join its senior ranks."

>McMaster is cited for his "impressive command and unconventional exploits in the second Iraq war," Barno wrote.

>"It is for this reason that our smaller Army has to be able to hit harder and be more capable," McMaster said. "Americans -- when their sons and daughters deploy into danger -- do not want or expect or deserve a fair fight. I want to thank all of our great officers, NCOs and civilians who work hard every day to make sure that we don't have fair fights and that we retain our ability to overmatch any enemy, any place, any time."
Shut Twitter down for FEC violations.
Impeachment can't be stopped at this point. Trump never stood a chance. I can't wait to collect the salt from your tears when it does happen.

>b-b-but he'll never get impeached
Congress hates Trump. Impeachment will come to pass, no matter how flimsy the premise.
You expose it.
>caring about twitter faggotry

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see ya.jpg
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See ya, queer.
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Not bad for a leaf.
Hasn't stopped "muh popular vote" or "muh illegitimate president", now has it?
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no don't listen to the leaf
that would be terrible goys
don't forget the 60 gazillion
it will be the perfect example when it blows

Jesus Donny that was a fucking disgrace.
Is this the face of professional journalism?
>what to do for the right one, anyone got an awoo that has a similar stare?
I wasn't talking about stereotypes though.
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This depletes my supply of backgrounded awoos. We believe in you anon
Best wait until it bursts, and it looks like the main dam actually might if they seriously get 12 inches of rain this weekend.
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Did anyone watch Bill Maher vs Milo? How'd it go?
hahahahaha i can't believe people waste their money paying you for this shit
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McMaster sounds like the ultimate McDonalds burger or some shit.

Trump should pick him.
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Milo was even more of a faggot than usual.
Get him the fuck out of this country. Deport.
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>Trump's a high value target
And President Obama wasn't?
>secret service protection which he has to have now regardless
But it costs less depending on where he is. It's cheaper and probably more secure to remain in the white house. New York City is expected to fork out $183 million to protect Trump Tower in 2017.
i heard it was meh, didn't bother watching it myself
>Are you American? No. Then fuck off!
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protection is as fixed a base cost as you get. it's full on 24/7.

trump has done nothing to exceed the basic security cost. no foreign travel, no overnights anywhere other than trumpville. fuckin kek, the man's a bargain.
Surely the majority of Republican senators want to lose.

No, Trump is not going to be impeached nor removed from office. You will be waiting 8 years and that day will not come. You were wrong about him in the primary, you were wrong about him in the general, and you're wrong about his presidency. You're a failure and a loser.

Milo did great. Watch it.
All news is fake news. The trick is to get people to listen to YOUR fake news, which they're doing. Even if that weren't the case, so much of the news would be bullshit that he wouldn't be generalizing all that much.
Hmm, was thinking something like this >>113153783
Maybe I'm just being too picky
happy birthday make your year great again!
>Tolerant leftists are so tolerant and they've sent Trump so many death threats he's had to up his levels of security
>You know who's to blame?
>Donald Trump

Are the left not getting tired of winning yet?
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Alaska awoo~
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Who said that?
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It's already catastrophic damage.

There is probably a ton of damage due to the fact that they didn't bother fucking properly inspecting or maintaining it. It's 50 year old technology that broke.
Did I say Obama wasn't?

>using the bugged white house
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Yes. I've called them out on it multiple times. They're not really distractions so much as brainstorming and data collection - they're magnets for conspiracy theories and allow disinfo ideas to be tested for penetrance.
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Police Awoo.jpg
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Milo went 100% troll during overtime, and the 2 niggers GOBBLED the bait up
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I actually already have an alaska awoo on there
It's just pixelated and hard to see
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Nigger, you fucking invented the term fake news!!! The audacity of this niggerfaggot.
He inadvertently made a meme due to triggering that failed comedian.

So anytime you see an illegal ask him

You:Are you here legally?
Alien: No
You: Then fuck off!
we need a map for the 50 states of awoo
PA, FL, and AL have been posted so far

KEK what a fucking cuck.
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United States of Awoo? I like it, senpai.
>wilderpeople education
Malcolm Nance. It is now a legitimate argument to use against illegals.
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Texas Awoooo.jpg
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Dis gon b gud
pls no
whoever has photoshop should do this
get a map with the outlines of each state and fill each state with their awoo image

Excuse me Jeb
Hahaha, what a fucking moron. I'm sure Milo has been waiting for the day some idiot leftist made that argument.
ford did it without riots
It's not going to burst in all likelihood. There's like a 5% chance of bursting from this.

But 5% is WAY too much for a dam that holds 4 km^3 of water and would wipe out 200k+ (right wing) people if it burst.
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>Surely the majority of Republican senators want to lose
They'd rather risk losing some votes for their re-election than let Trump make a mockery of their powers and ruin their money-making ability.
I hate Trump like the next man here, but it's time to face the reality of his bleak situation:
Either the "deep state" pulls a Kennedy on him (I'd like to see how the ensuing civil war play out) or he gets impeached successfully by a Congress that's stacked overwhelmingly against him. Congress can not trust Trump, as they think he is too unpredictable. Congress can not reign in Trump because his ego is simply too large. The only answer for them is to boot him out of office and deal with a much more sensible Pence.
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2017-02-09 23.54.14.png
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I know some of the anons with beefier awoo folders and higher-level autism have completed this task. The trick is summoning them.
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Nevar 5get
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So coining the term 'fake news' really backfired on the media, eh.

Our media have spent the last couple of months attempting to delegitimize President Trump through various bogus attacks, but now they're freaking the hell out when he punches back and deligitimizes them.

Good timeline. I'm enjoying this wild ride.

Don Lemon fucking roasted, looked like a child.

They didnt care when it was Michelle flying to different vacations than Barack and that cost more $.
What time is the rally tomorrow?
this is an old article from 2006 that talks a lot about him


reminds me of how skepticism of government policy was almost totally dropped during the Obama administration
is it possible to learn such summoning powers?
They're evacuating.

If the water goes over the top of the main dam it will fail. If they get 12 inches even the emergency spillway won't handle it. That's an unbelievable amount of water.
Kek wills it!
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United we're Awoo!
Mormons are faggots though, like they are a fake religion.
>TFW going to rally tomorrow
You will be with us anon
We had one autist count every person at a Hillary rally, there must be somebody who will make the United States of Awoo. We just need to bring it up every once and a while to find that person.
Huh. I guess a mentally ill faggot was triggered by being called a mentally ill faggot by another mentally ill faggot.

>men having sex with other men while dressed up as a rabbit is completely normal, goyim!
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>"and your 10 o' clock hour show is filled with such hatred and venom it's no wonder the ratings are in the tank"

One of the best parts from yesterday's presser is when Trump rekts Lemon without even saying his name while simultaneously rekting Acosta and the counterfeit news network.
Raiding illegals on live pd!!!! /comfy/!!!
I have photoshop and autism but no awoos.
also it's important to remember that General Petraeus had to stop what he was doing in the middle east and fly over to sit on McMaster's promotion board in order for him to get general
McMaster was going to get shut out otherwise because the general officer corps itself is really petty and hates people that make waves
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So be it.
I might do that someday, just take a white blank US map and fill it in
It would take ages, but would look cool in the end
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it's ok awoo...
you don't have to do this
I don't understand the awoo thing because I don't watch anime

Can I get a basic gestalt?
They aren't getting 12 inches, at least yet. The high mountains might get 12 inches of snow but that won't flow directly to the reservoir.
i believe cnn deserves the shit they get
but honestly, if lemon is just talking about secret service costs, i don't have an issue with it. we don't talk about it too much. of course the reason why they bring it up is because they want to make donald trump look bad
>why does a man who gets so many death threats everywhere NEED so much security?
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>Trump still follows Mika and Joe
Kek I was wondering whose show it was kek

Trump probably saw lemon get fag wasted on new years too
Arkansas Awoo plz

everyone forgets about Arkansas ;_;
ABC newsradio kept running a mini-story during their newsbreaks yesterday that went something like

>We're officially retiring the term "fake news". When we coined it, it meant easily disproven stories like the pope endorsing donald trump or democrats being involved with child sex, but now Donald Trump has made it mean stories he doesn't like. We at ABC will no longet use the term
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It's usually sufficient to utter the standard shill invocation,
>every awoo in the thread
>"animefags get out"
anyone got an [AUTISTIC SCREECHING] edit of news channels? I could really use that right about now. Digits too.
I'd love to see that stupid nigger hang from the same tree with a self-blinded Trump supporter
Both of you are cancers on our society.
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It's not justifying the high cost of his expenses though. He's outspending Obama after less than a month in office. You're justifying his high expenses by suggesting it's because he's a higher value target than earlier presidents, which is just wrong.
Death threats? Against a president? I never.

Touhou Momiji
post yfw Trump sends the army engineer corps to fix Oroville's dam thus making it even harder for Californians to logically hate Trump
oriental refers to objects
"an oriental rug"
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well this thread already has some states posted, just scroll up, we'll try and gather the rest as the night goes
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I- i'm shy
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You can kill yourself now. I give you permission.

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Cali awoo~~
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>nigger on the left says if Hackers wanted into RNC they would have got in
>ignores that hackers tried to get into RNC
>ignores that RNC didn't have criminal and shady shit going on so they JUST TOLD THE FUCKING FBI
it needs the us territories too
>yfw someone posts a Guam awoo
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A&E anon . I'm phonefagging right now :(
Its also a region.

You could say western car or western people or western cartoon. Same thing.

Try again.

I haven't seen anyone bring this up yet so let me throw it out there, they want to trash the protection budget to provide an opening to assassinate him.
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Momiji (Awoo) is a character from the japanese video game series Touhou (Space shooter)
It was a /jp/ meme that started to get used on here after Trump's microphone messed up and it sounded like he said "Awoovement"

Personally, my favorite Touhou character is pic related, Clownpiece.
Please one of you do it, I want it so bad. And please name it "The United States of Awoo."
huckabee remembers

Its fake news because the issue came up before multiple times and CNN gobbled Obamas dick to protect him, and MSM mostly buried the story after protecting him.
It wouldn't take that long really. In the past I've filled out autism charts with 400+ boxes and it only took after like 2 hours of editing.
is it just because the thing on her head looks like the MAGA hat?
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>you will eventually observe the state funeral of donald j trump
lads im not ready
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Here's mine from Wisconsin
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>would autistically chant/10
Here's a bunch
It's not wrong, the amount of death threats outweighs the first wave teaparty autists that Obama had to deal with times 10
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vawooorg stop.png
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Fred Oathill.jpg
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Without Hitler you would be doing this...He introduced the 40 hour work week to the world and vacation days
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Well yeah to pressure him to try and save protection money so they stop reporting on it, which is asinine, Trumps no idiot.
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>implying he won't ascend long before death
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The awoovement begins now!!

People stuck a MAGA hat on her head and the rest is history.

I like Cirno desu.

Without slavery, he wouldn't be in America today to whine about demonizing riots. It doesn't mean that slavery is a thing that should be tolerated in the modern day.
What fresh heresy is this?
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everyday we stray further from what trump general is about.
I just heard on Dobbs they're looking at 12 inches. A massive storm is moving in.
I'll try and do that tomorrow, but collecting all the states (or making them if there isn't any) would take a while
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>this fucking tripfag again

he foots the bill

>low energy
GIT IN NHAAA, Trump is in serious sheeit BIGLY

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It may come sooner than you think. People in their seventies can die just like that.
there will be a great storm and a clap of thunder
the lights of the Trump Tower will go dark
when they turn back on, there will be nothing but an empty golden throne from which the God Emperor once sat
he will have taken his place among the stars
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we need one with all the niggers drowning in Long Beach kek
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texas awoo.jpg
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this is the superior Texas awoo
Link please
I mean it sustains the general to 24 hours a day basically. There's no lull in the posting frequency because it's basically half /a/

I'm fine with it
it's because awoo sounds like a movement
Fake news
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He looks so...normal....
Any word on the meeting with Comet tonight?
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That implies that he's limited by mortality.
Uh oh

The turtle is best Touhou please clap.
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Please stop tripfagging, thank you.
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enlighten me
threads turn over 24 hours a day
what would is trump general about?
Most of those guys were mormon extremists or random crazy people who were borderline dysfunctional schizophrenics.

Msm loved to shill that Obama was "no doubt" under threat from kkk/nazi republicans

He was probably the safest president ever because even if a right winger wanted to do something they saw what happened to MLK and how he was martyred. I hope Obama lives a long uneventful live and goes out of old age reading articles about his failure of a life.
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Even the left leaning The Daily Beast admitted Milo knocked it out of the park
May Allah send the Messengers of His Will upon your domicile and strip you of roof and clothing. May His Anger manifest itself as a rain of ice so cold that your clitoris self-circumcises itself. May His Words condemn you to a life of never-ending misery and suffering until He brings this Universe to an end. May His Twitter Account bring a million AIDS-infected niggers into your den and run a train of blood-stained semen on your blasphemous ass so that Allah can throw you from the highest of buildings to be brought back down to Earth, reverse gravity, and do it over again.

Fucking Aussies, we should rangeban their country. Nothing but Emus, sandniggers, and shitposters there.
Did you just make a fucking thread on a CNN article?

Maybe /pol/ isn't the right place for you....
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that's an oven dodger you just posted delete
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Getting your psychotically liberal mother to laugh at Jews; seeing her recover her native common sense?

Do you have a link so we can all be in the same chat?
it's just the rationale I heard in school when a teacher wrote me up for saying oriental
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you know you could post anime without larping as little girls? I mean anime is cute and all but when it turns into pic related it's fucking sad.
I know he's a halfjew but he looks so fulljew.

And Milo for some reason doesn't really look jewish
VERY fake news
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when you shovel coal in the engine for 2 years straight it tends to get a tad bit wacky
so what, is he covering the weather their too?
>implying Trump is mortal
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Takagi hatted 2.jpg
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They have to Punish Maher for giving Milo a platform. Step out of line, get stepped on.
The far left nigger was cancer. Full of himself and either painfully stupid or a complete liar.

I looked him up and in 2016 he said this:

"Nance urged readers to be skeptical of Podesta emails leaked by WikiLeaks, writing that the documents were "riddled with obvious forgeries" and were black propaganda "not even professionally done" and arguing that the even if all the emails were authentic, WikiLeaks' excerpts of the emails were posted to Twitter in a way that distorted their meaning."

Straight up fucking bullshit artist. It annoys me that people like this exist.
reposting for hopes of digits

go to bed, Sven
Full link. Right now its rerunning what aired a couppe hours ago.

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>that's an oven dodger you just posted delete

Jesus, Mel! This is a public forum. At least have the decency not to make everyone laugh at the Jews in public!
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> The security evacuates all the visitors of the deceased, including his family
> They're told visiting hours are over
> But one man remains in with the white coffin lined with gold
> Obama, the former president of the United States, now 80 years old
> he takes a seat on the nearest pew
> "I finally did it. I out lived you."
> no response from the coffin
> "Just as I lived to see you destroy my legacy, I lived to see you grow old and die."
> silence
> "Guess I win, huh?"
> "Come on, say something. That's what you love right? Taking back, fighting back? Our will you just tweet about this exchange later?"
> nothing
> the man stands now, and walks to the coffin
> "Say it. 'Wrong'. 'Fake'. Anything."
> the coffin does not answer
> he bursts out, decades of bottled resentment exploding out
> the coffin remains as quiet as ever
> "You old bastard! You old...!"
> the man collapses, breaking down into tears as he softly pounds against the coffin
> "You made us great again, you turn around and then you die. You won't even give me the chance to say I'm sorry."
> he turns to a seating position, leaning against the cadaver
> "I want to hear our one more time, before you go."
> "Say it, Donald. I'll say it with you."
> "You're fired."
> "You're fired."
> "You're...
Mummy may is right...This should be illegal
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Someone make a new /ptg/ I want to embed the Don Lemon shut it down video!
Next thread will be my last. Anybody want to take over?
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It's almost always pic related, m8
/pol/ never fucking listens if it's anything negative about Trump.
Congress has already been drafting articles of impeachment and it WILL pass in the next few weeks. Their evidence is flimsy as hell, but Congress will do everything it takes to kick him out of the White House.
best thing to do is scour the different news youtube channels
like mox news, fox10, etc
try mediaite as well
this shit is hard to find, good luck, i believe in you, never give up on your dreams no matter how long they take
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you're right I can't stop you from pretending to be a little girl and being gay with other men go ahead.
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who is this lad?
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Oh, it's you again.

Say "hi" to Brock
Well your teacher was a dumbass.

Your teacher was one of those leftists that tries to be offended for other people and declare themselves their spokesperson.
nigger those aren't the digits im looking for
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didn't really need your permission, but cheers
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are you sure.jpg
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il start making a collage maybe.
oh no, it seems to be raining
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this actually made me feel wtf
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I'm interest in how that is related to Trump and American politics.
Some fat kike that needs to go on a diet and get out of his parent's basement

>tell the obvious
>get called a shill
Stay triggered
It's not going to change the inevitable.

larpers can't into basic reading.

Fuck off...

We don't listen to retards who talk about fantasy bullshit...The recount wasn't going to change the election....Faithless electors weren't going to change the election....Obama wasn't going to declare marshal law and Impeachment is never going to happen.

/leftypol/ is always wrong....Always
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I dropped out, but thanks anyway.
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I'm Listening.webm
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>Stupid nigger
>Talking into a mic
>oh god its so deep
you're the reason the world is in the shape it is.
>We don't listen to retards who talk about fantasy bullshit
I don't want to either, but Congress wants to put their fantasies into reality
Wake the fuck up.
As fucking if
Why do think he's doing these rallies?
If they tried impeachment it would be political and quite possibly literal suicide
They know it will cause a civil war if he gets impeached
it won't happen
Wtf I missed this, link?
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>Well your teacher was a dumbass.
>Your teacher was one of those leftists that tries to be offended for other people and declare themselves their spokesperson.


Your parents were Nazis! They killed Russian(s)

EVIL WHITE BOY! You enslaved all those Negroes like it was an industry as if you were a Jewish slave trader! Pay reparations!
>/leftypol/ is always wrong....Always
Always wrong. That's why their trolling is so entertaining. If they want to roleplay failure to compound their actual, living failure, that's their prerogative.
I love oriental women!
His party controls the vast majority of congress

STFU..Literally stop posting
Why do you do this to me?
>Why do think he's doing these rallies?
Testing the waters and checking if his popularity fell.
On a more serious note, he's probably counting on an assassination attempt to further demonize the left.

No, civil war will not happen if the impeachment happens successfully. It will be broadcasted widely and the media will get their revenge on Trump after months of abuse from him.
Pence will be sworn in because he can be predicted and controlled.
>His party controls the vast majority of congress
Are they really "his" party? Do you forget the snakes in the den of the GOP from the election? Do you forget the unchecked ambitions of Ryan?
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why would you type these words...anon....
Who fucking cares...Trump won in a landslide the GOP hasn't seen in 30 years....They do anything they are done.

Which is the shit everyone was saying about the contested convention...Can't fucking, the demographic bomb is about to explode and if they lose any white voters they will never win again

maple syrup
Hi, Australia CTR probe! I am from West Palm Beach and the distractions are welcomed only takes a few minutes to clear up. The police love it and he is expanding our International Airport, really modernizing the city. The tax cost is so small considering the good he is doing. West Palm is getting important and frankly, his huge freaking mansion compound barely cost anything to protect that island is full of stuck ups. The complained for years that his American flag was too big, etc. The American tax problem isn't plane travel, it is all the BS social services that ruin this country. More to add, but don't care to write.
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I was going to work tomorrow but I'm not feeling well, I might have to call in sick.
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For some reason the supporters of the President are psychologically predisposed not fill the media with its presence. I have been a proud supporter of the President and haven't posted a thing really, except anonymously, to his benefit. I feel like it's a waste of time for some reason. The false narrative in our modern click bait news has gotten to a point that I can't see how they can make a sustainable profit considering that most people form their own opinions these days. I think the sudden knowledge of our negative is going to have real lasting effects in the future, even the youth considering Pewdiepie's media hassle see the news as less viable and suiting to their own interests. The MSM isn't too MS anymore, there is going to be a change for sure.
fucking strop it holy shit....
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Thread posts: 325
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