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https://www.theguardian.com/world/2 017/feb/15/think-differe

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Thread replies: 302
Thread images: 104

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Charles Saatchi grabbing.jpg
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The British government is spending 60M to counter alt-right "propaganda". This means /pol/, basically. Expect more Schulz memes and Antifa memes from paid shills.


His life needs some mess
Bump, i can't believe the last thread went on without you cunts figuring it out. I want credit for figuring it out.

So basically the uk government is funding a fucking wife beater TO MAKE FEMINIST PROPAGANDA.

We need to meme this to HIGH HELL right now and get liberals raging.

When the liberals find out holy FUCK.
this is the guy that choked out nigella lawson at a fucking cafe, anyone remember that? feminists were RAGING about it.

wait til they find out the guy just got a 60mil contract!!!!
My OC from other thread, if the last thread dies I'll repost them all ITT
If you have twitter just send this to someone like bakedalaska or shit like that
Every single bit of propaganda they create needs to be turned into a /pol/ meme and used against them.

Hell, use their very propaganda to spread racism just to spite them. And I'm not even racist, but they need to learn.

Get 'em, boys.
Can you send him?
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OC coming through
We need to be informing the feminists RIGHT NOW of this. You don't get it.

This will turn the feminists against the UK government, they went POSTAL on saatchi last time, they love nigella.

They are going to flip at the idea of this.
Make sure to make it appear that FEMINISTS are criticizing this guy and his campaign, not us.

Divide and conquer.
i dont have social networks
sEE >>112897271

They are going to do all the work for us.
Nigella is well loved and they are going to FLIP when they find out this guy they already hate is getting government funding to make feminist propaganda.

My best from the past thread.


Have fun lads.
Again, we need to keep any indication that we're campaigning against him hidden. Make this purely a "feminist" criticism of a known WIFE-BEATER being given this much money by a corrupt establishment.

Get the entire propaganda campaign completely shut down and unfunded.
>this guy and his campaign, not us
that's a tall order, sir
you are talking about the same people who fervently believed MSM even when the news story was something as crazy as trump pissing in obama's bed
>Choking Nigella

What a piece of shit. Her ass and tits are works of art and should be protected.
Keep "pizzagate" out of it. This is about using feminists to attack the campaign, not us attacking it. If they just think that /pol/ is attacking it, they'll support it.
Exactly. We need to honestly just let feminist circles know right now that saatchi got a government contract.

That alone will pit them against it, they really fucking hate the guy. Remind him of how poor nigela was abused as well, ham it up a little.
Sure, but that's why I'm saying that people need to think that feminists are attacking this guy getting government funding, and criticizing it for feminist reasons. If they see this as a /pol/ campaign, they'll side with the guy just to spite us.
Who are they going to know? I don't have twitter.
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Deploy the meme machine
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>divide et impera
>mfw we the Jews now
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wife beating is still ok, right?
i dunno, this really will fuck with the feminists.

either way we can approach this by pretending to be feminists and just keep mentioning how he's a wife beater getting paid by the government.

just keep repeating that fact, don't mention propaganda at all.

just mention that the government employs wifebeaters.
>His life needs some mess

Wow what a badass.

Here's a thought. Instead of employing the classic fat ass, basement-dwelling leftist slactivism, you do something productive with your life. Posting "BAMP" or posting pictures of frogs won't get anything done in the REAL world you underage niggers!
>mfw professional memer will be a job in the future

>what's your experience in this field?
>virgin at 25
>welcome aboard
I'll trying to get attention until someone important or enough people notice and then it finally backfires.
nigella lawson is so fuccing thicc
someone tweet jk rowling about this

she should get mad, approach it from the feminist angle
just tell Sargon. He's desperate enough to do a video on anything, and plenty of feminists watch his videos for the irony

Bump for #PizzaGate
Nigella Lawson is so fucking hot, 10/10 milf

(Deletion of reference to a Police Caution, in 2013, which is now spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Police Cautions can only be referred to contemporaneously - i.e. at the time they are given.) (undo)

someone edited the wikipedia to remove the police caution he got about the abuse
Feels pretty great, man
They can't be serious.
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Hello I am feminist, yes death to all men praise allah, this man is a wife beater *shrill noises*
interesting that he financed the Young British Artists, i recall that being a lot of post modern anti-art bullshit
You got to remove the Jew, Dad.
dont worry his abuse against nigella is well documented.

this kike is going down.

everyone pretend to be feminists outraged about the government employing a wifebeater!

Huge red flag right there.
She looks sexy when she's being choked. Any more?
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It'll be more than just the fucking Jew at this rate.

These rats need to hang.
No fucking way. Saatchi is one evil sadistic motherfucker. I'm surprised he didn't kill Nigella after she left him. He fucked with her pretty bad, though, career wise.
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How do I get a shill job? I'll post memes for dollarydoos.
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>I want credit for figuring it out.

Bless your kind heart and big brain.
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Read the fucking article, guys.

Bullshit Man is *NOT* the campaign. The Home Office has given £60m to M&C Saatchi to combat "Alt Right extremism" and they have not revealed their brief, they have only said that "if you see Saatchi's name on it, then it probably won't work" they are going to try and target people online to "influence them in social media" and they're doing it secretly whilst also saying that trying to convert the hardcore AKA /pol/ is not going to work because we're too far gone. Bullshit Man is an example of a campaign that the Guardian asked another company for, to illustrate the type of things Saatchi could do.

Stay on the look out for extremely shitty meme campaigns in future, because it's probably going to be Saatchi.
Better yet, the Alt Right is FIRMLY against men who hit women. Take the moral high ground.
Can we make the government cancel this contract?

>JTRIG convinced them to throw more money into an ocean of piss

Did shillary teach you nothing?

They've already handed the money over. Saatchi are probably going to take the money and run. There is no definition for success here. Home Office are complete morons who are out of their depth trying to throw money at a deep spiritual problem in a situation where people cannot be bribed.

Like I said before, the best that can happen is to find out which civil servants green lighted this move and then meme the shit out of them.
I think at the very least we make lefties attack the uk government for giving a wifebeater money.

That will be easy as fuck to do and we can make the lefties find those civil servants FOR US.

They will flip the fuck out typical leftie style at this.
I notice you Ausbro
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stop concern trolling, we have more than enough manpower, boredom and energy to turn every single one of their forced memes into a white supremacist meme
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Kek. This will work.

Kek approves of my Captcha.
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>I think at the very least we make lefties attack the uk government for giving a wifebeater money.

They didn't want to lowball him or he might take it out on his wife. hence 60 million.

I'm not disputing that, I'm saying that the Bullshit Man thing has absolutely nothing to do with the Home Office/Saatchi's anti-far right propaganda campaign.
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>dat captcha
Wouldn't PJW be interested in this?
but it's probably the start of a next battle in the Great Meme War, the first battle being the general elections little before nov 8th
my sides.

i have to go to bed now, i hope this stays alive. i'm still mind boggled no-one made the fucking connection about this, this is so huge you guys don't understand.

we can turn lefties against the uk government HARDCORE
You are right, he fuckin should, I think I will write PJW and request him to make a vid

sweet dreams ausbro
Burger flavored bump.

How can I help?
Thanks for the info, have a goood night
HM, gov gives money to itchi and Saatchi, they give money to media company's, media nice to gov. Mediageld.
Make someone know about the issue in OP
>And I'm not even racist
nobody on /pol/ is racist mate
But I am but a lowly Burger...
It doesn't matter. Look at what this guy is doing >>112900973. Send him a message too.
Who's "PJW"?
Paul Joseph Watson
Agreed, let's write as many of us to PJW as we can, that alt-lite goy has enough subscribers to get the message out of 4chin into normiesphere.

Should I just send a message to his jewtube acc or do I have to send an email??
youtube account. we shoud also write to this strange fag Styxhexenhammer666


I don't follow Styx at all, I won't be the one to write him sorry
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This is literally just modern propaganda.

"Don't think about anything, goyim."
It's okay, just trying to spread it.
So, now we wait?
Write up those who have a voice in the UK about this issue.
just sent to PJW a message.

Can you send a short message to him on youtube too so that we can make it look like a burning topic to him?? I know he reads YT messages, he has quoted his youtube messages in his vids before.
noice, thanks hue
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Propaganda war now, gas the (((advertisers)))!
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I can't photoshop for shit, can anyone make a BITCHSLAPMAN with saatchis face and the caption 'Shut your fucking mouth bitch' or 'Am I gonna have to choke a bitch?' or something and pic related?
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BullshitPepe template is your friend.

I fuckin hate the Saatchi name for some reason... too mixed up with The Culture Industry.
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>Charles Saatchi (/ˈsɑːtʃiː/; Arabic: تشارلز ساعتجي ; born 9 June 1943) is a British businessman

Jesus christ
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Shitti prototype.jpg
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I meant more like this piece of shit attempt, but actually good
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blank template if anyone wants it
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gj on the black trench
this is my aryanman:
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That's on the Big Island of Hawai'i, I've been there!
submitted without comment
Nice. I don't think everyone will miss this opportunity.

the part that needs no comment is that London is internationally recognised as a safe haven for Jews
/pol/ is never left

Of course, as much as I love that the practical explanation is no matter how they try to different the direction and means of attack, they're still fighting a conventional war against an opponent who fights assymetrically.

They're going to lose, lose and keep on losing until they're left like the US at the end of the Vietnam War asking how the fuck the world's most powerful, richest, most well-equipped army lost to a bunch of jungle-dwellers with cheap AKs.

well they're the formal standing army and we're the jungle guerillas of the internet now.
Feels good man.

Let's give the CTR shillers PTSD, aight?
This has to end.
>60m to fight opposing viewpoints from one of the only free speech platforms in the world

This isn't counter propaganda, this is just state funded propaganda and normies need to know it.
No grassroots movements allowed means no one can ever challenge the status quo no matter how horrible it becomes.

>think different

It's funny because this is exactly why they're angry at us.

The worst part is that it is taxpayer money.

Yes, but this board is full of them now. Shills everywhere.
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and yet im just lying in bed in my pjs shilling for the day of the rope

She's proof that women can eat cake and butter and remain sexy in the eyes of men.

Fuck her ex husband and wife beaters in general

I'm really glad he's in charge of the company running this anti right campaign. This will be like shooting fish in a barrel.
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>our shitposts are worth millions

where the fuck is my paycheck
This might work here.
>im struggling to pay my bills but some wife choking kike jew motherfucker gets 60 mil to make bad memes

fix this timeline.
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Post your face when your shitposting in /pol/ cost the UK 60M
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Template dump
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Retweet me @HMMemeUnit
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We do it for free
We take ours jobs very seriously
is it dustox
>government is spending 60M into their pockets
Looks like fags in /int/brit/ don't even care.
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Post something more usable / realistic / normie-friendly.
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تشارلز ساعتجي
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At least you can counter and balance it out with highly sophisticated memes.
You should be thankful they're not giving this to muslims so they can arm themselves.
kek, the comments are pretty funny

faggot leftard dismisses a post without even trying to counter the point by pointing at spelling

very next post it moans about people who just want to win arguments without caring how they do it
I mean really?
After clintons ctr got defeated we now have
the german corrective
and now the bloody british throw even more money at destroying everything the internet is good for.
Great fucking job,humanity.Great fucking job.



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I hope they don't call us nazis

that's our one weakpoint

Holy shit these comments

>"Free speech is fine but a lot of people these days seem to think that they can say anything they want and not take responsibility. One such responsibility is for people to face the law"

These people are utterly retarded
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>women, use our power for GOOD!!

oh god I kekked
We are Anonymous, no one here gets any personal credit you massive fucking faggot.
That's about the average brazilian opinion on free speach. It exists to protect those who have a different opinion, but just stating something makes you a racist white supremacist chauvinist bigot male.
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£60million for this shit?

Jesus fucking wept.
Trump Also hired a guy that beat his wife.
Brett? Is that you?
Dumbasses, /pol power is in the trillions, hillary and her 1.2 billion was nothing, 60m is hilarious.
Charles Saatchi is a Jewish wife-beater. Look him up on Wikipedia.
Why do leftists suck so much at making memes?
How is there not a public outcry about this blatant waste of taxpayer money? Half of the population is right-leaning. It seems very wrong to turn people's money against them (or to try to, at least).
I know petitions are for fags and all but is there any kind of fuss whatsoever about this?

£60M is a lot of money.
I'd have done an infinitely better job for a fraction of the cost.
So what? He was elected despite. These guys received taxpayer money without any consensus in a country know for not being so cucked as Brexit proves.
He also made this incredibly racist commercial... we can't tolerate racism, can we?





And to think we do it for free.

Tells you a lot about the other side, eh?
I just want to do cocaine with Nigella, just a few lines or a big bag I don't care and then I want her to do a wee on me

I'm not even joking
The cocaine thing actually made her even more attractive in my opinion. A hot milf who can cook and who likes to get wrecked. I guess I'd let her piss on me but I wouldn't exactly go out of my way for that.
U wot
Activated me almonds it sure did guvna.
This right here is why we win.

Took their weak ass meme, empowered it and made it ours.

Over half a billion and the best they can come up with is 'Bullshitman'?

Jesus christ almighty, that's pathetic.

Money can't buy good memes.
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>Nigella will never bring you birthday breakfast in bed wearing just an apron
>you'll never see those THICC cheeks jiggle as she turns and walks away, turning briefly to blow you a kiss
Why even fucking live at this point 2bh lads
>The cocaine thing actually made her even more attractive in my opinion.

Pretty much, I guess it shows she has a sense of adventure and not afraid to push the boundaries a bit

Would still let her do a wee on me though
>Over half a billion
I thought it was 60 milion euros.
>grab her by the neck
>grab them by the pussy
I saw this too and thought of exactly this image. someone should poster the city up with this.
>let her do a wee on me though
>let her
>not asking her to wrench your head back by the hair and blast it right in your mouth
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A really hot famous chef/milf from the UK was revealed to be a huge fan of cocaine and it activated my neutrons.
This. It's not their job to tell us what to think. We tell them what to think.
I just noticed that 'paid for by the British tax payer' in the corner.
Do you think that I could get a refund? My tax pounds obviously aren't being spent wisely.

What the fuck is wrong with these people. We do it for fucking free and they think throwing £6million x10 schekels at it will help.

>sorry we can't fix those potholes tho senpai we spent it all on memes

What a fucking time to be alive holy shit this actually makes me want to write an angry letter.
Do it. Nige for unironic PM.

What about a poo, would you let her do a poo on you?
>I want credit for figuring it out.
All credit goes to Mike Molloy.
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Exactly lads. Literally why is this even remotely okay?
And I'm sure it's already been said, but what "right wing extremism" are they talking about?
Even our libtards aren't 'extreme' here in the UK. They are simply trying to censor right-leaning people.
Are petitions ever a good way of making people notice shit?
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Just like the mods...

>We do it for free
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How could this be a good idea?
>you now realise there are no shills and never have been, only shitposters or people with different opinions
>you become aware of the fact that your tongue does not rest comfortably in your mouth
No lad, poo is haram
Everytime I see this images I read bullshitman similar to the way I read Heman.
Angry letter to the local MP, I'm thinking.
Unfortunately my MP is Naz Shah.
Fuck that shit was my jam
>poo is haram

Fairy nuff lad
How the fuck is this legal?
I've never written a letter to an MP before, but this seriously has rustled my jimmies. I'd hope a lot of other people would do it too.
I'm from a solid labour county myself, don't know our MP but I'll write to them either way.
Gonna say "wtf is this shit, ya fuckin bellend. Sort it out lad."
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Cause special interests run the govt.
The govt collects money from people
special interests tell the govt what the spend the money on

That's why /pol is gaining traction and resistance. /pol is like minded people are very much subversive to that reeducation and very good at turning their memes to our advantage and showing their hypocrisy,
But politely.
That is how we talk in the north west lad.
Or whatever gets the point across. Then email the next door MP.
/pol/ is a board of peace
They probably could have just used half the money to pay us to go away.
Boku Saatchi
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Fuck these people. I hope they all die
>spending money to counter facts that undermine leftist control and leftist desire to destroy all borders, naitonality, and culture for a one-size-fits-all homogenized one

Kinda sad, really. They should check British poverty rates and unemployment rates among actual Brits displaced by companies and government hiring the Obama-people over them. That's a better use for that money.
haha fuck you i made the joke first
Yeah desu I'm actually pretty good at professional writing. I think if I hide my north west roots and write a nice letter explaining why they have potentially upset half the country, and that my tax pounds are going to waste, I could actually get my point across.

Any other UK bros going to do this? I enjoy the memery as much as anyone, but I also want them to be officially fucked, not just meme'd.
>posting pictures of frogs won't get anything done in the REAL world

But we President now
Oh well. At least we still have the Russians.
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We do it for free.

I tried to call some guys of /brit/, maybe some came but generally they were hostile and ignored, try to raise their attention.
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Bumping for lulz
Yeah desu that is one thing that our people are bad at. We never seem to be able to unite and get shit done outside like Americans do. It takes a lot to rally british people together. At least where I'm from, anyway. I've never been to another part of the UK except for this one time I was unlucky enough to go to Manchester. Full of kebabs. Never again.
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WHY are these memes so potent? It's almost like they wanted this to happen.
that fucking right leg
god damn

couldnt they find someone able to draw properly for 60 million quid?
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> 2017
> Caring about women
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It's weird, isn't it? It's almost as if MI6 or whoever are secretly feeding us lines to use.
We live in a time when banter and shitposting is seen as a legitimate threat to the globalist hegemony,.
Where are you seeing this?
It does say BULLSH!T MAN.
So normies may read our truthbombs and assume they are bullshit.

Really a template with TRUTHM@N would be better.
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>mfw I work for a partner company of Saatchi
>mfw almost everyone I work with is a libtard
No you may not blow this up
>those guys who hate us for grouping them in with neo nazis for simply disagreeing with any new silly progressive ideas will surely change if we tell everyone they're neo nazis again
Mates,I'm a former Trump lad, its been quite a giggle watching everyone take a piss on him, but in all bloody honesty we cannot let this Yank get the atomic launch gobshit
Good bless the queen.
Hahahah that's crazy. Everyone in the U.K. please reply with your address so we can organise a nazi sleepover ahah
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I just leave this here.
>So they might monitor conversations on social media platforms and intervene in them in ways that might help change behaviour.”

So they are literally going to get paid to shitpost on /pol/

Where do I sign up? I can do a great SJW impression over the internet.
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Yeah. We should probably do them more like this, then?
>some wifebeater got paid insane amounts of money to steal and politisize an old karl pilkington bit


fuck this gay earth

Deploying tactical memes
> we cannot let this Yank get the atomic launch gobshit

Learn English, Belgrano.
Bet Steve is pissed off.
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>Charles Saatchi is the second of four sons born to Nathan Saatchi and Daisy Ezer, a wealthy Iraqi Jewish family
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lmao these are fucking brilliant.
Do one in arabic!
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Sloppily corrected the line on the bottom. These are lazy as fuck, but not nearly as lazy as the £60m originals.
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>They're spending money, and not just money but a FUCKLOAD of money, to counter something a bunch of basement dwellers are doing for free for fun.

God damn I fucking love this timeline.
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So this is it.
Let the great culture wars of Europe to go hot.

Man your stations and roll out your childhood toy baskets.

404th Estonian one-man army reporting in.
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All this fake news stuff is legitimately creeping me out lately.
Anyone else feel like they're losing their fucking minds since pizzagate broke? I could go on and on, but I'm sure other pollacks have the same feelings. It's making me feel isolated from 'society' and nothing makes me laugh anymore.
Except for memes.

I'm the same, it's alienating as fuck. It's like society is literally fragmenting. We're gonna get through this brah.
Hold on m8, if they are annoyed, this means we are in the right path.
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Not society, just the people who foolishly thought they could control it. They are falling apart at the seams now. Good.
As my grandmother said - when society goes insane the war takes hold.

/pol/ is a board of peace.
It's going to be fine. The media doesn't have their television echo chamber anymore. Even if this board is flooded with shills there's still 100k genuine posters with genuine beliefs. Remember that the anti-globalist movements are stronger than ever.
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What font is used on the original m8? I have a few memes up my sleeve.

As much as it sucks that so many of us feel alienated from society, it is good to know other people out there feel the same way. I can't even talk to anyone IRL about this without sounding like a tinfoil lunatic, because it goes so deep. Told my own fucking girlfriend about Obama's birth certificate being proven fake, and she said "SOMEONE'S been on 4chan too much!".

My own fucking girlfriend thinks I'm crazy man.
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Pepe trooper.jpg
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The great meme war of 2017
>The British government is spending 60M to counter alt-right "propaganda"
Holy fuck. I can't even begin to comprehend how stupid these people are.
Absolutely. You can easily sift the shills from the actual anons. It's bringing thousands of people together, and that is the opposite of what (((they))) want. Pollacks are the only fucking bros out there now. Every facet of mainstream society has been thoroughly tarnished. I can't even be in the same room as someone watching the news without wanting to puke.
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I think it's a custom font. I'm just using Calibri Bold Italic 'cos it's vaguely similar-ish. It wouldn't surprise me if Satchi just wiggled a generic font around in Transform and charged more money for it, to be honest.

Dude even when there is literal evidence of sustained Jewish involvement, when there is footage of Jews saying all kinds of insane horrible shit, you could show it to people and they'll blank like the robots in in Westworld who were programmed to say "that doesn't look like anything to me".

I know even I sound a bit nuts in this post too, but the JQ is the best example of something where people have been trained to already know which side they fall on, so any and all evidence on the other side is immediately just skipped over in their heads
>NHS struggling through worst period in history
>record number of "health tourists"
>growing problem with Jihad fighters coming back from their torture orgies

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Ahh fuck, I had a feeling it'd be Calibri. I'll keep that in mind for my next attempt.
Not much, but it has to be done.

M8 I know exactly what you mean. When I first returned from my yearly travels to America (for 3 months), it was a day before election night, and someone mentioned Trump. I had to almost 'come out' as a Trump supporter, and got a flurry of funny looks, sighs, disappointed frowns, etc. I had to single-handedly try to redpill like 20 people, and only one of them actually came round and agreed that Shillary is the bullet we dodged.
So I got alienated even by my friends, to a degree. Now, I don't even bother talking about politics, because it's like you lose before you even start, thanks to the programming you mentioned in your post.
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Member when the UK gov spent about £10M on lifesized policeman stickers to put in shop windows?
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Behold the motto of the Jew.

The reason for his existence.
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Good enough, Satan. With any luck normies won't even get to see this campaign outside of /pol/'s edits anyway. You just know this will be on bus stops for a week and then disappear.
>The name "Saatchi" ساعتچی (sā'ātchi), which means "watchmaker", originates from Persian. ساعتچي This name has a long history in Iran and its bearers are mostly Jewish.
>Mostly Jewish
Did any of you edit his page?
Uh, isn't the Home Office, as an agency of the Civil Service, supposed to remain politically impartial?
No, and I'm here since the discovery of this guy. Look at the historic of the page.
Holy shit, this has happened twice today. Satanic digits. What does kek want with me?
lol good point btw. Our memes hold MUCH more power than their vanilla ones at this point.
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I've been looking for this gif. Thx ameribro

Also have some contribution
>bongs complaining about health turists
Nice trips

The font is bangers

>Spain won't treat anyone
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>when the shekel hits
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Does this look like a face blessed by kek?

Nah, they're probably the most politicised. They're the ones who banned Richard Spencer coming to the UK in 2013. The civil service are supposed to remain impartial tho
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charles saatchi.png
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>you shut your whore mouth shiksa bitch, we own your entire race
This is something that people should not forget


I hope some one archives this shit.
nu/pol/ and JIDF sliding like crazy
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>bullying Nigella
so kek says
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Actually, yeah, it probably is Bangers.

Fucking Hell. £60million and they didn't even get a custom font out of it.
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This is war.
They would've been better off burning that money to keep warm.
>british taxpayers funding shilling in /pol/

Why they just don't burn money ?
need meme image summaries that are easy for feminists to digest
60 milions euros is a fuckton of shills
It's important to note that this shitty meme wasn't made by Saatchi & Saatchi

whatever you say, Mr Satan, sir!
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I am only a simple farmer
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Oh right, who was it then? Presumably somebody's schoolkid by the look of it?
someone make a petition about how this is a waste of money and is biased to other potilcal partys and should not be funded by tax payers pls
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That was a suggestion by another ad agency, Saatchi said you wouldn't recognise their work
She had it coming
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You cant make this shit up. man, what a timeline.
Dank memes are priceless, look at the garbage they are producing.
He has it coming too
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There you go bro
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Well, at least that makes the £60million pissed up against the wall a little less awful to contemplate.

Satchi has done shit all political persuasion since "Labour Isn't Working" which to be fair is a masterpiece, albeit a very long time ago now. I think we'll be able to spot the real adverts for this propaganda campaign when they drop, given the premise is arse about face.

"Gentlemen, we need to stop people fact checking the mainstream media online, whilst they are online..."

"Sir, wouldn't it be easier to make some crass bus posters and slap them up around Westminster to make MPs think we're doing that? Like we usually do for this sort of thing?"
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You know what's hilarious? You brockgobblers think you can sway opinions here. After the election pollocks are hip to avoiding posting in these threads, and when they do like this post, it's さげposting.

That means all you traitors can do is bump each other's
shill threads. In your minds you are creating the optics of dissent, but you are really just burning money.

Also normies are getting redpilled because the quality of the shilling is so bad.

You are doing our work for us, and for that reason, on behalf of traditionalists everywhere I thank you Mr Brock, Mr. Strider, Mr. FISCHBEIN, and Mr. Soros.

Keep it up. The world is watching.......
Batch admittedly lied at the behest of her greedy Jew lawyer. He had a fat bank account. Lawyer saw an opportunity to get some of it
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>won't recognize their work
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Ben garrison man.jpg
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Their memes are pathetic
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memefarm at 1.05.53 PM.png
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Christ, please stop being so suicidal Sweden-san.
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Muhammed was a feminist.png
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I have no clue what we are doing, but have this.
First they ignore you...
Do you think (((Soros))) is involved with this at any level? Stirring the pot, and all.
Nobody even came close to even mentioning black people in the brexit 'debate'. Why are they trying to make it into a literally hitler issue?
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