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Syria General /sg/ Happy Tiger Edition

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Thread replies: 322
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>Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>Hohol livemap
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps
https://twitter.com/hamza_78018:06 2017-02-13

>E Aleppo Feb 14
>Al-Bab 14
>Homs Feb 14
>Dara'a Feb 12
>Raqqa Feb 10
>Deir Ezzor Feb 7
>Mosul Jan 24
>E Ghouta Jan 14

Developments Feb 15
>Jaysh Al-Islam claims 67 Syrian Army soldiers killed in East Ghouta
>IS counter-attacks Hayyan to stop government advance
>Tiger Forces gain several villages in Easter Aleppo
>Jordanian hospitals stopped treating wounded Jihadis
>Rebels suffered 200 KIA in Dara'a offensive
>Jordan has stopped accepting wounded jihadis
>Violent clashes between HRT & JAA in northern Hama
>Qabasin and Bzaah in ISIS hands
>Tigers, NDF advance in Tadef
>Deir ez-Zor military airfield ISIS attack repelled.
>UN/RedCross/Crescent in Ar-Rastan, delivering aid to 107 500 civilians
>Afrin Kurds deny reconcilation agreement with government

Previous Thread >>112720590
death to all shias
Death to all people who say "death to all <group>

oh wait shi-
Daily reminder that Northern Syria is our clay and there is nothing you Ass*dist faggots would do.

We are gonna cuck K*rds next though, wait and see.


Ar*bs are cuck race who is even worse than k*rds
Is this a Turk roleplaying as Onur?

Pretty good
alllahu akbar,
almawt li'amrika,
almawt li'israyiyla,
allaenat ealaa al-yahud,
alnnasr lil'islam
I'm not denying you aren't good. You just don't have the manpower to be more than a speedbump. Also the Russian army had just been purged before that war started.

ottoman never
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Arabs, kurds, and turks are more similar than any of them believe or admit.

Maybe this?
Pretty autistic for sure.
your empire died a century ago, you can stop pretending to be the big bad beast in the east now
I wonder how Arab hate is taught to the current day turk.
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>You just don't have the manpower to be more than a speedbump
>a reserve of 900 000 trained specifically to defend Finland with advantageous terrain, 5 times more artillery than the next West-European country and the highest willingness to defend in a first world nation
>nothing more than a speedbump
you raped them.
Not taught, observed

Ar*bs in general still arent a proper nation, even fuckin k*rds have more nation fabric than you lot
Ever met a Turk? They believe in turkish superiority over all else.
finland would destroy turks in 2 months.
Finns would cuck put*n the manlet forces, easily.

that's probably around 200k in real terms. Do you have the equipment and funds to supply, feed, train all these people? You can't fight off Russia alone.


Do you honestly believe a Turk is superior to an Arab ?

hows al bab ?
They won't be alone, Balts, and pretty much all those squatters hate r*sskis
>5 times more artillery than the next West-European country
that's a pretty low standard for comparison
Good, we are using cannon fodder s*nni arabs there lol
better Türks than k*rds
Of course i do, being superior to Ar*bs is nothing to accomplish desu m8
Oh no, 3 shitholes with a COMBINED population of 6mil that are completley surrounded by russia except for a small bit of Poland.
Arabs are subhuman dogs, there is no hate being taught, they love to live inside their shit, you just need to live with them. They are like niggers, kürds are same too.
I am a Turk who works in a international otomotive company as a software engineer and objective as fuck. AMA
Oh i forgot Poland too.

You are seriously underestimating historical greviances of Poles, Balts, Finns and other people against p*tin the manlet's country.
>that's probably around 200k in real terms.
>Do you have the equipment and funds to supply, feed
What do you think our conscription is about?
>You can't fight off Russia alone.
And Russia won't send its entire military into Finland for the sole purpose of annihilating this nation. Finland is more than capable of defending itself in any realistic scenario.

698 heavy mortars ~800 guns and 113 MLRS system are still 698 heavy mortars, ~800 guns and 113 MLRS regardless of what they compare to.
It's incredible. I've only met them in the US but real people think this, not expats.

Young and old, all different educations, all different opinions on Erdogan and Ataturk, it doesn't matter. Every last Turk believes Turks are the greatest people in the world, living in the greatest country.
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Finland have won 1st war (1939) because of Manerheim and his knowledge. He fought versus communists since ww1.

finns have lost 2nd war in 1944. They have lost 4 soldiers per 1 ussr soldier, because their defensive frontlines were attacked from flank.
Of course they hate us because we fuck them more than 1k years. Its the longest anal penetration in the worlds history
But many peoples believe the same..

This is a pure dilusion.
Finlans has lost winter war (1939) but terms were mild, typo.
Go take a look at the Wikipedia pages of the Winter War and Continuation war, ok?
lol no they ,dont , many people dont believe they live in greatest country in the world
>You are seriously underestimating historical greviances of Poles, Balts, Finns
Maybe, but the fact is they don't have the military to stop Putin. All the hate in the world did not stop the panzers from rolling through Paris or Krakow.

>What do you think our conscription is about?
Yeah, 6 months of training, big whoop.
>And Russia won't send its entire military into Finland for the sole purpose of annihilating this nation.
Why not? They've done it before.
"le Russian army meme"

They lost almost 8000 soldiers (official number)
against low-equipped goatherders in Chechnya.
Even if they managed to defeat the Finns and the Baltic countries, this meatgrinder would cost more Russian lives than Putin ever could risk without losing popular support.
Yes. I said many.

> Allah ackbar
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KYS Sunni wahhabist loving faggot
They still lost territory in that war.

I'm telling you there's something special about turks. Their state education system maybe.

a delusion called nationality
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I did, enjoyed it and desacrated the Quran in a very unprofessional way. 2008 I think.
Turks = Arabs it's widely known.
Thanks, it's indeed alarming.
>this meatgrinder would cost more
You are talking like hohol or turk
you have lost both wars

1st war was won , but terms were mild because ussr only wanted some lands and Manerheim put good defence

continuation war is a meme. it was german Siege of leningrad and Soviet Karelian offensive

Finland was defeated during Karelian offensive and lost 4x more soldiers than attackers
>don't have the military to stop Putin

it's ok, putin isn't really coming. It's america wanting to go visit Putin. And Finland isn't part of the road trip.
>Yeah, 6 months of training, big whoop.
Yeah, 6 months of training. You've got shithole countries with two-year conscription, where they just use them for free labour.
>Why not? They've done it before.
No they haven't, retard.
Turks have a stronger sense of nationalism, but so do egyptians and Iranians
>Finland was defeated during Karelian offensive and lost 4x more soldiers than attackers
No. This is utterly retarded and complete bullshit. Take your Soviet education and shove it somewhere it will never be found.

The whole country has collective autism.
What, no. egyptian subhuman scum still fuckin kills Copts in upper egypt and (((secular))) sisi isn't doing shit against it. They have no sense of nationalism.
no. russia did not send it's entire army to fight in finland.

however, finland faced an invasion force that was bigger than the force the germans faced at normandy. think about it. finland fought a multi normany landing invasion force to a standstill. alone.

man for man each finnish soldier is about 10 americans.
If any country is entitled to be named a nation, it is Egypt. They invented the nation.
>putin isn't really coming. It's america wanting to go visit Putin.
Very true, USofA wants to be a global sheriff but acts like a nigger who couldn't afford his daily crack dose.
well at least you are gaining an education while you shitpost.
>"win" war
give up territory anyway

Yeah, Georgian, Ukraine, Crimea, Transinistria was american agression.

All nationalism is linked to islam in the middle east. This is a fact.

This doesn't change the cat that they still can't win.
i made a typo because i've just opened this page. wanted to join shitstorm.

finland has LOST both wars, but they had good terms because of manerheim defence. he was a ww1 general in russian empire.

finland will not have such person again.
>>>112763089 (You)
>>"win" war
>give up territory anyway
Why are you replying to me?
finland had an entire army of 200k in the 40's.
the ussr sent over a million invaders to finland.

your figures simply don't mathematically possible
Mannerheim is a meme, to be honest. He was just made into an icon, even though others did the work.
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This is why people question if Ukraine is a real country or not

/sg/ Discord:
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finland capitulated after karelian offensive, because defence line was simply bypassed in 1944 and you have lost shitloads of soldiers.

it is well known fact
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True, the one who saved Finland was Väinämöinen.
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>he is trying to look like the image on his shirt

No, it's not. Go to the Wikipedia page of the Vyborg-Petrozadovsk offensive and read about how Stavka stopped the offensive and gave up demands of unconditional surrender after losing multiple divisions and making minimal gains.
the thing the piss me off about Iraqis that they have the best possible equipment that the Libyan army can use to free Libya but they don't know how to use the equipment they flee the second they get shot at
georgia - america was pushing for it to be nato. mutti merkel said fuck that never. putin did the neccessary thing to make mutti merkels words the last words on the subject

Ukraine - again western attempt to push the boundaries up russias arse. so putin responded

transnistria - really. WTF?

why dont you mention dagestan, chechnya and the caucuses where cheyney and cia chums were trying to make a war in russia?
he was a cool explorer tho. walked all across asia.
He was a good commander and all, just not quite the legend he's made up to be. Few people actually are.
no. it is perhaps soviet era 'fakti'. but it is not a fact. it is devoid of fact.
you didnt have any other commanders

he constructed manerheim line after 1918.

in 1944 only 450 and they have killed and captured 5-6x more than lost.

idont give a fuck what people say lol
>FSB is innocent
>they dindu nuffin
>they goin' toschool
give me a break. We won, that's why ruskis are so buttmad about >muh cia
>after losing multiple divisions and making minimal gains
Reminder what some German field marshall said - we destroy 12 Soviet divisions and a new dozen pops-up.


SLIT THE THROAT OF ALL SUNNIS (except based alawites)

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Btw Syrianbros please don't use Telegram & Discord it's quite easy to track you this way~
Soviets had enough of it at that point though. Deemed it not worth it and gave up on taking Finland.
>Two attacking Red Army divisions were decimated in this last major engagement on the Finnish front, before the armistice was concluded in early September, 1944.

>Military historians note that the two Red Army divisions were completely routed after a week and a half of fighting, leaving behind over 3,200 Red Army soldiers dead, thousands wounded and missing, and over 100 pieces of heavy artillery, approximately 100 mortars and the rest of the Soviet ordnance for the Finns to capture.

>This was the ninth major Finnish defense victory in a period of only a few weeks following the main Soviet offense against the Finnish forces launched in June 1944. Moscow now could only conclude that the Finns had plenty of fight left in them.

>The Finns had achieved victory, and the remnants of the two Red Army divisions had barely escaped destruction by breaking out from the encirclements. After the battle, Stavka (Soviet Armed Forces Headquarters) brought its offensive to a halt and gave up its demand for Finland’s unconditional surrender.
they have killed and captured 30% of your army in karelian offensive, thats why you surrendered

countries simply do not capitulate unless they are spurdo autists.
>they have killed and captured 30% of your army in karelian offensive, thats why you surrendered
No. That's bullshit, probably Soviet propaganda.
>countries simply do not capitulate unless they are spurdo autists.
Finland never capitulated.
>Reminder what some German field marshall said - we destroy 12 Soviet divisions and a new dozen pops-up.
I'll never understand why all these armchair generals on /sg/ don't count this as a legitimate strategy.
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Putin is based af, i hope he ll defeat our evil erdoğan and their followers. All of them pro jews
thats truth, they have also killed many german soldiers in that offensive, after Finland capitulation declared war to Axis not to become "FSSR"
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Because it wasn't. The Soviets did not want to do that, they just kept getting slaughtered and had to throw more and more people into the fray. Naturally it worked in the end, but at no point was it their actual strategy.
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>Libyan army
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>the Libyan army
You have two governments, Carthaginian-kun.
Finland never capitulated.
I never did and never will.

Isn't telegram "safe" though ?
cia dindunuffink

you lost in dagestan, u lost in chechnya you are losing in syria

thats why u so btfo.

anyway thunderbum, i'm done with you
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With the amount of Telegram chats & accounts used by IS?
Doubt it buddy.
Don't they use it specifically because they think they can't be tracked ?
>aturally it worked in the end
That's all that matters, just look at your borders.

>you lost in dagestan, u lost in chechnya you are losing in syria
Can't loose what you never had ;^)
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>That's all that matters
Doesn't make it a strategy.
In the first place I don't think they care, but yes, probably.
It's like using WhatsApp or Viber though, it can be traced without much effort I believe.
surrendered, signed a treaty, call it how you want.

if you wnat to be correct.

you was forced to give contribution, land, people, disband army, disarm germans, hungarians and other axis soldiers on your territory, give all war criminals to ussr, declare war to axis etc etc.
See pic. Finland right, Russia left.

u sovietski fakti peddler
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If you were so successful, why they gave us these lands? Mannerheim Line, strong frost and careless commies that's what saved you then.
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thx America
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>can't even take al bab
no capitulation.

Ukraine. Ukraine capitulated first to Germoney, then to USSNomoney
lol, you are moron
we were talking about war of 1944, not about Winter war.
you don't even know about what you are talking
also wikipedia page is heavily edited.
telegram is not safe. no.
it is definitely not safe.
no just one army the in the east the west is full of militias there is no army here, in the east there Hafterand and what is left of the old army
That pic, Greek-kun.
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>you was forced to give contribution
No. They were all evacuated.
>disband army
>disarm germans, hungarians and other axis soldiers on your territory
Remove them from the country, actually.
> give all war criminals to ussr,
Which wasn't done.
> declare war to axis etc etc.
Yeah. Not a bad deal, all in all. All of the other countries fell under Soviet rule, while Finland stayed an independent nation.

If Finland wasn't succesful, why didn't it fall under the Iron Curtain? Check and mate.
That's literally the definition of a strategy.
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Lwów tomorrow, brace your Bandera butt :^)
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>That's literally the definition of a strategy.
>from Greek στρατηγία stratēgia, "art of troop leader; office of general, command, generalship
>The art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle:
Strategy is intentional.
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They destriyed everything there
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They haven't destroyed culture.
We will rebuild with Russian & Chinese contracts :DD
You have 5 max 10 years before this city will die. Its not good Lwow was beautiful
you was forced to disband army, you did it a bit later.
you was defeated in 1 big offensive and betrayed your ally,
i dislike german, but finns (and romanians in similar) acted as low people in that case.

lol i a pro-russian, lvov is a big dirty slum today

but i like the idea to populate polish cities with wild western peasants. LOL
then the facts are even better. finland.lost less than a 7th lost to combat in injuries and KIA.

Total military losses of Soviet offensive in Karelian Isthmus: (June 9 - July 18): 189,000 KIA,WIA and MIA[4][5]
> The old army.

What's left of Gaddafi's old forces, you mean?

Whereabouts in Libya are you in?
> AKP Congressman : If we lose the referandum,prepare for civil war

How does it feel that " /tg/ " will happen in your lifetime ?
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>you was forced to disband army, you did it a bit later.
That's not disbanding, it's demobilization.
>you was defeated in 1 big offensive
No, Finland was never defeated. Peace was sought because defeat was inevitable.
>betrayed your ally,
The Germans sold Finland to the Soviet Union, Hohol. They were never our allies and only fought together because they had do.
>i dislike german, but finns (and romanians in similar) acted as low people in that case.
You can take your retarded honour and shove it up your ass. Victory and survival are all that matter.
>have to write 500 word essay about a historical figure (either living or dead) who I would like to have a 30 minute conversation with. Who and Why?

Shall I choose Bashar al-Assad (pbuh)?
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Yeah, Гeнpих Ceмиpaдcкий'c works are still there though.
they didn't give. you took.

mannerheim, frost, finns and careless commies yes.

the funny thing is russia always thought that the germans would invade via finland. stalin himself wanted to export all of finland to siberia ( he was such a nice guy ) .

But the stupidity, of going to war with finland cost russia dearly. finland was not even the enemy who was going to give russia a kicking. but russia wasted it's men there anyway.

for nothing. because finland was not a threat to russia. only to russian pride.

stalin sacrificed half a million soviet lives for absolutely nothing.

if you want, you can call that total victory.

Finns still laughing tho. Finns still laughing.
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I'm okay with this tbqhfamalam
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I wonder what it's like to be cucked out of territory. This is something Americans will never experience.
Megas Alexandros.
or Brennos (based as fuck)
Poland have plans to return it? Or just talks?
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>only to russian pride.
Strongly disagreed.
Soviet/communist/red/stalinist/bolshevik whatever pride, but please don't call international communists Russians ;_;
probably going to choose somebody generic like Washington desu
Nah, I'm memeing, we have a madman for war ministry though.
I would propably drink myself to death from happiness if it would somehow happen.
First things first - we need NATO out for this.
Kek, is anyone buying this shit there?
yeah, i am in Tripoli which turned to a place worse then somalia
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oh fuck off already.

your country is cut in half. your president is corrupt chocolatier; like a madman evil willy wonka

you have already lost crimea, navy ships people etc.

your country is divided into fascists, communist wannabe's and russian patriots. in 50 years you couldn't fix that.

but you have an opinion about finland?

oh, let me hear it. I am sure it will be good.
Actually yes, it is a gamble and we have lots of plebs who get this and obey erDOGan
I think its very expensive for you. We spent about 20bln dollars in Crimea from 14 till the end of this year and still a lot to do
If you're focusing on American great leaders, go for Thomas Jefferson or Dwight Eisenhower. Pretty based men.
ISIS claimed another SVBIED in easterm mosul today

said it killed 30 + destroyed 4 vehicles

I dont think they can launch an attack on westerm mosul with so many ISIS sleeper cells laying around, once they move their forces to western mosul those guys will wreck havoc.
Is there any sort of law ?

Do you feel safe walking in the atreets ?

Are there monthly wages ?

How can you even make personal life progress in such a place ?

you googled WRONG war.

you are Jewish ape, you must try harder not to be punished by your masters

demobilization was a part of a treaty. you was defeated in battle, 30% of your army was destroyed, otherwise you would not give land, people and contribution.

you do not need to be occupied to lose war.

you fought on the same side as axis, you signed a treaty with them, you was not member of axis, but you was their ally.
we can differ on this. But ok, I will agree. I was addressing a russian, who thought it was a russian thing. but cool. I got no problems with russians.
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>I got no problems with russians
Now you got
>demobilization was a part of a treaty. you was defeated in battle, 30% of your army was destroyed, otherwise you would not give land, people and contribution.
You're baiting right? Not seriously just spouting sourceless propaganda?
>Is there any sort of law ?
there is but there is no cops only militias that do what they want, by the way these militias are being supported by Italy and UK
>Do you feel safe walking in the streets ?
no the city turn to a ghost town after pm, plus i have been kidnapped before in a popular street in the middle of the day
>Are there monthly wages ?
yes but there is no money that you can withdraw from the bank even if there is you will have to wait the whole day for small chance to get any.
>How can you even make personal life progress in such a place ?
from me maybe i am currently studying to get a high national diploma from Britain i am very surprised they still have the program running.
so what, they fear a gulenist uprising? I thought there was no anti-erdogan faction existing (except for PKK).
haah! why didnt you fight for your leader ?
my country has jewish occupation administration, people are more important than coutry. good prt of ukraine will be ok.

civil war would have started sooner or later anyway, because last 25 years west support jews, anti-russia sentiments commie shit and nazis. And it started because of trade in 2014.

ukraine was created by communists and jews and it will be destroyed by them lol
if thats fresh water crayfish and a beer, then I'll drink and eat to that.
You are "tourist" or libyan?
What do you think about Haftar?
>Jewish ape
Major General Muwafaq As'ad becomes new head of security/military committee in Deir Ezzor + the eastern region
He will replace Major General Hassan Mohamad who will remain at his position as commander of the 17th Division

wew lads it's very interesting.
first of all, there isn't something called 17th division anymore since ISIS took the base and executed the soldiers inside.
secondly, hassam mohamad was sent to help the druze beast to defend the pockets, but failed (not a surprise since he fled his own 17th division which got slaughtered).

we were talking about this guy few weeks ago and some of you suggered that he was sent to Deyrezor to get killed for the 17th division disaster.

this is (at least) the 2nd or 3rd time the regime changes of leader in the area since ISIS took the cemetary.
I like Jefferson, but I'd want to know about his military campaign and the first presidency. I'd ask him how to fix our shit too.
Libyan, he is the only hope for this shithole
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I just have a strong opinion on communist, I've never assigned them to a state, more like to Komintern, international/global communism, Russia was just weak and unlucky enough to be overwhealmed by Jews & Poles who could start a commie revolution there.
White generals almost won the war, it was really close.
Yeah well.. If it happens it's going to be the single biggest happening in Europe since WW2
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oh yes baby! ukraine must be part of russia!

not all hohols are braindead jew slaves. slava ukraine!
He really had a contact and guaranties of help from our army?
Damn you have it much worse than me then.

So are you currently in university ?

Militia justice is the worst. Human scum with weapons now control your fate.
why does your proxy keep changing?
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sup lads! Hope all is well with you all!
finland signed that terms because of success of karelian offensive

you demobilized you army, gave land, money, ports, declared war to germany.

i do not blame you because romanians were so afraid that they converted to communism as soon as their army was destroyed and tanks started to cross their border.
They fear from everything, they are blind cowards who leads by media (Which controls by erdogan) and government. I dont know what they are talking about but if this referandum will be lost, there will be election and akp afraid of election. They ll do a shitstorm, they play all their cards because any coalition instead of their win will be their death. They ll try to run away but they cant, we ll show them what justice is. But i have doubts because this country is full of stupid plebs.
Cos you're losing control. This shit needs united armed forces.
Do you think you'd be better off if Gaddafi was still around?
Suburbs or OATS?
I believe there is one god .
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The one and only.

I wonder where thirsty is. Haven't seen him lately.
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>how to fix our shit too
Kill the commies, kick out the mexicans and the kikes (make sure you take their monies before kicking them out). Also ship back the baboon-tier negroes, keep the based ones.
There you go.
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>that image
>Trump asks Netanyahu to hold off on settlements, avoids endorsing two-state solution

i believe so, i think he is being supported by Russia via Egypt but it's still a limited support due to the weapon embargo, not long ago Hafter officially visited admiral kuznetsov before it left the mediterranean.
looks like it, you can say i am in university.
what i see everyday is the reason i support Assad because i don't want Syria to turn to another Libya i really hope you guys fuck the rebels up.
the only thing we didn't have under Gaddafi rule was freedom of speech but who the fuck wants it when you live in the best country in africa
You know shit is bad in Libya if a Syrian expresses concern.
How do you get broadband and electricity?
> i have been kidnapped before in a popular street in the middle of the day
The fuck did you get out of that situation?
u still banned?
are you the libyan that used to visit us from time to time?
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Your belief has to be really strong than.
As strong as people who think Jesus was walking on water.
Fuck I am really sorry man
>the only thing we didn't have under Gaddafi rule was freedom of speech but who the fuck wants it when you live in the best country in africa
This would be impossible to explain to european/american naive "world is black and white" idealists. You would literally fuck their brain.
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>the only thing we didn't have under Gaddafi rule was freedom of speech
I'm really sorry the west fucked you up so hard. Our foreign minister didn't vote for the bombing though, so we cool?
yeah, me too. Maybe the Mukhabarat didn't recruit him, but throw in jail, or something. Hope he's doing well.
How are your midterms going (you studied med as well, didn't you? Or was that suburbs guy?)
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>the only thing we didn't have under Gaddafi rule was freedom of speech but who the fuck wants it when you live in the best country in africa
>best country in africa turned to shit by NATO
For fucks sake
This is so infuriating to witness
still banned! I tried right before I posted here... sucks... I do plan to shit post and get everybody from my ISP banned from posting too, that way they will complain tot he mods and the bans will be lifted ... I think
I hope everything would be ok. Lavrov had a talk last week in EU with Mogerini. Sha is very happy that RF will solve problems in Libya
>you faggots cheered for us

delete this part in your next bait
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>Maybe the Mukhabarat didn't recruit him, but throw in jail
wew it's a possibility
>shooting over your comrades while standing behind them

just asking for accidents to happen
>Chinese military approaches technological ‘near-parity’ with NATO in air domain – think tank

Beijing’s military development has placed it on ‘near-parity’ with Western nations, with some weapons having no equivalent, a British think tank says. Meanwhile, NATO members are lagging behind in the development of advanced military capabilities.
The warning comes from the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), one of the world’s leading defense research institutes, which presented its annual assessment (the Military Balance 2017) on the world’s armed forces on Tuesday. China’s growing capabilities and the danger they pose to Western dominance were the focus for IISS director John Chipman, who presented the assessment in London.


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Sounds like a plan
How did I do in the OP?
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>I do plan to shit post and get everybody from my ISP banned from posting too, that way they will complain tot he mods and the bans will be lifted ... I think
Id love to see what ultra shitposting Romaniabro looks like. Usually you are pretty reserved! kek
>How do you get broadband and electricity?
internet is the only thing that is still cheap and electricity they cut it off from 3 to 5 hours daily
the times increase depending on the weather if it's too hot or too cold they will cut it for 12+ hours last month a lot of people died due to the cold
i think i am the only Libyan i usually just lurk when i am not busy and there some good news.
not your fault. if i am going to blame anyone it's the bitch Hilary
i really hate the freedom of speech it just gives the liberals and leftists the right to whine
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i'm sorry for you guys, our governments really fucked your country up hard. I hope you'll be able to recover somewhat in the next decades.
so u agree now, south africa best country in africa?
We started producing S400 for China
have you written explanation to them?
Seeing them waste all that ammo is just sad.
Instead of using the bipod on the PKM and firing controlled bursts, he just throws lead above the enemy.

I guess random snaps of incoming rounds have an effect on enemy morale, but couldn't they atleast attempt to fire aimed shots from cover like the dude behind the wall..
Do you have any pics my friend? Do you think you will stay in Libya for the foreseeable future, or do you want to leave?
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checked! OP looks great and everything is updated! You did good polandbro!

+1 internets and latakia girl!
After this long time, how the fug have (((they))) not been able to take away al-kebab from (((isis)))?

not so much happenings today.
Kurds going to reach raqqa before they take kebab town.

Assad is just passing by grabbing back all land while they jerk off up there

They got good kebab? I like kebab, spicy shit
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does anyone know how to bow towards mecca if you are in mars?
they honestly look like the drunk guys you see in estonia, taking a tour and getting the chance to fire off some rounds from an ak while drunk.

they have not been trained.
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Feels good thx
So who do you support?
The big nose shows it self
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Allah will guide the bullet.
Well it is partly. We should've stood up against that madness. Very sorry our politicians got their head stuck in the US's rectum.
Man, that'd suck.
checked! OP looks great and everything is updated! You did good polandbro!

+1 internets and latakia girl!

Netherlandbro, I'm not much of a shitposter but I will venture in other threads and hope somebody will report my lame posts => get banned => change IP (will keep cookies) = Ban ISP ... at least that's my plan hahaha... over the weekend I will be stealing internet form somebody as I travel and hopefully be here
Not only that, they have no clue what they're firing at.
as i said before not your fault.
you stole the number one place my black friend
i hope to leave if it doesn't get any better i don't to get beheaded. what kind of picture do you want it's dark outside there is no electricity i can only take a picture of my passport as a proof if you want.
i hope so
>> i have been kidnapped before in a popular street in the middle of the day
i stayed handcuffed for five days until my parents paid the ransom
Who effectively controls Tripoli at the moment? Are there any Islamist militias?
I cant look at this nigga shooting. Terrible
>last month a lot of people died due to the cold
die of cold

You would die in the summer up here then lol
>shoot the clouds
>hit Jesus
>strap him to a bull
>dead Jesus rodeo
are you saying I stole because you think I'm black?
Then you are our guy! I think there was a proxy once so that's why I asked!

I am glad you are doing alright lad and that you still find time to come here! I heard Sirte is cleaned now of terrorists
jesus christ no wonder they get their asses kicked
I just need to ask.
WTF's with your currencies?
I keep reading about competing national banks.
bc the ANC is on a fast track to make south africa libya tier
afrikaaner free state needed desu
We signed the treaty because there was no way we could win and Soviet Union agreed to the treaty because they knew they could not annihilate Finland without massive losses. SU would have never agreed a treaty which would gain them only some land if the summer offensive of 1944 was so succesful.
It's ok anon, you don't have to take a pic, I was just wondering how it looked outside, should have figured it's dark.
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It gets worse
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>you think I'm black?
I think you are whiter than snow in Siberia
>the only thing we didn't have under Gaddafi rule was freedom of speech but who the fuck wants it when you live in the best country in africa

It's sad to see what (((they))) did to your actual functional country there

A dude I worked with, was down there in the 2ks. It was all rite, but he were not allowed to take any pictures near certain areas.
hey finland anon, im going to your country for study and shit. In jyvaskyla. Is Finland less degenerate than the rest of europe?
im going to yakutsk in july lol
not our fault yes, but our governments enabled what france and the US did to the lybian government/people. I'm no friend of white guilt and whatnot but our population should know about the influence it has, and what it results in. A functioning country, arguably the best african nation north of the equator, got fucked up completly because we didn't stand up to neocons.

Can you leave with reasonable chances? As far as i know at least my country doesn't take anyone in directly, we just keep the ones (mostly scum) that make it here in their dinkys.
We need 8bit music
You are lucky. In july in Yakuts about +30 +35
Also, I apologise for Sam Najjair, an Irish-Libyan who was a cause célèbre here in Dublin back in 2011. He even wrote a book about.
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There is no contact option all they do is send me to buy 4chan pass.

After I click more info it takes me to a new page and I get that message thing in blue where if I click more info it's all about 4chan pass...Not sure if you ever been on godlikeproductions but the bans in order to make you buy pass is done on a daily bases(and you don't even have to post in order to get banned there)
you better getting anti stabbing gear when you go lol

Also the language will be really hard for you to learn, but they are good at anglo

wear some anti stabbing west, they usually know where to stab you so you don't die
you have lost 5x more soldiers than ussr in karelian offensive.

reasons why ussr lost more than finland in winter war were mannerheim line and purges. in 1944 they simply bypassed manerheim defence line.
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More K*rdish propaganda

>There is no PKK in Manbij, only arab SDF

>However suddenly arabs in Manbij just discover their love for Ocalan, PKK leader, for no apparent reason (remember, theres no PKK in Manbij, its only arab SDF)



Oh wait, ypg woships PKK leader, but wait no?? WHAT IS THIS ??

Fucking K*rds and then disgusting lies. Erdogan please destroy them NOW.
w-why would i get stabbed
They are their sister organization yes
JKL has a lot of foreigners. It's a uni city. Nevertheless I'd say it's still pretty pure. Uni folks bring some cancer with them, but finnish people generally are pretty based and resiliant to rot.
tradition. It usually gets worse during winter
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random, they drink, they stab

we drink, we fight with our fists

lol. nah they are nicer to foreigners on visit though - other nords lol
if i learn finnish can i stay with a finnish qt
im white
Please tell that to the US, to the western foreign fighters who joinem them, to the arabs that fight within their ranks
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Yes you can
You are not expected to learn finnish.Everyone speaks english here. If you don't tho, don't expect to inherit anything here.
>tfw im taking intensive finnish for a year
>tfw everyone already speaks english
eh whatever
It depends. In every bigger town there are some certain areas filled with lowlifes,nogs and all sorts, but they tend to keep on their own as their numbers are not so many (yet). Avoid nightclubs on weekends and you will do just fine
Deraa: Syrian army fights back jihadists in Al-Manshiyah district
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Finnish is easy as one two three
>Get drunk
you're now fluent in finnish
it's split between a lot millitas that want to control it you have a militia from Misurata, Berbers, and Islamic militia
old people and babies it reached 5 degrees people died because it not usual to be that cold around here so no one was prepared.
not intended i know that you might be white or maybe the Jewish shill that used to shitpost here.
the Libyan diner used to be strong 1USD = 1.30 LYD. but now it becane 1USD6= 6LYD so the prices had a x6 increase.
i don't you can find a proxy for libya.
thanks i am also glad that i am still alive
sirte was cleaned from terroists by the terroists that allowed the city to be taken over ISIS.
if you had a good job and you was Libyan you will like a king
you guys are also suffering due to immigration.
i have a chance if i get my HND i also have a friend outside that might be able to help me leave but the problem is they don't allow people that want to study or work immigrate they only allow criminals
i am sorry for the libyan faggots that live in you country i know an asshole that was born to an Irish mother he is so annoying i really want to behead him.
Unidentified jets raided positions of #YPG units in surrounding of al-Jawadiya town in #Hasakah countryside in #Syria

Finnish is just so different to germanic languages that it's not expected to be learned. To be able to communicate in everyday life on the street is a different thing tho. It's much easier to just learn by hearing the sentences people use than to learn by the theory. Finnish is just too complex.
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>i know an asshole that was born to an Irish mother he is so annoying i really want to behead him.
Who, Housam ‘Irish Sam’ Najjar? [pic related]
wuzzup guys, i heard its huge if its true
i took anime language for 6 years and lived there too. I think them both being SOV helps.I think ill be okay. Plus im good with language stuff
> Berbers.

How are they for the most part, secular nationalists or Islamists?
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This tweet should be in Turkish though.
If you can verify it, please come again.
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>5 degrees people died

It's like when one of my sisters and her bf were down in morocco about these tymus of the year. They went around in T-shirts and what not, while the locals went
>brrrrrr freaking cold man
adopted to different climates.

>This can happen here too, old people trying to save shekels or don't have shekels, turn off heating and such and don't burn wood
But then it's like -30-40C

it seems it didn't explode
Citation needed, but I will call this bullshit anyways. Soviets did NOT bypass Mannerheim line or any other defence-lines on the Isthmus, they simply rolled through, until the last line of defence VKT-line. Isthmus was heavily undermanned in june 1944, cause Mannerheim had obsession holding east-karelia. After withdrawing the bulk of our forces to the Isthmus, the Soviet offensive halted.

I know you will deny this, and you will be unable to present any proofs to support your claims, but tell me, why Soviets did not annex us, if we were losing so badly?
that guy literally doesnt know syria map. he claims SAA is heading east/south-east to prevent a possible turkish move to raqqa. holy shit SAA already blocked us in front of al bab anyways. he looks out of touch.
Okay man have a good travel
More power to you. Finnish is not a written language. The way we write it, makes it so that we don't have any pronunciation rules. The written form is from ~1500.
no my classmate
they are just a punch of faggots that want to control the country
you can try and stay here this summer if you want it can reach 40c outside :^)
it seems so hard that im really interested. Ill make you pround finbro
also, what does Sisu mean to you?

need a roach for translation

btw, his claims for qabasin is contradicted by many fsa guys
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> no my classmate
What the fuck is it with Irish women?
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>cause Mannerheim had obsession holding east-karelia.
>confusing Mannerheim with Väinämöinen
>you can try and stay here this summer if you want it can reach 40c outside :^)
You got me there! I'd melt away lol :)

Actually we can get 40+ here too, but that is very rare.

We are adopted over hundreds of thousands of years to different climates
i can translate but you need to show a specific post you want translated
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It means lots of things. I hate when people obsess over that word.
Autocorrect PERKELE
lol im doing a research project on finnish sisu and japanese ganbaru. no h8 pls
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i have even posted map.
everything from today :^)
Post "Greater X" memes
thats a bit long sorry man.

but he posted a video from 4 hours ago in which his team is repelling an isis assault to the aqil mt.
I almost went down and fought with them, 1.5 years ago I think it was. had all contacts ready.

But they shit them self with this + changing sides. I have sympathy for YPG but PKK can go fuck them self.

They are also propaganda snakes, quite pathetic. But before Russia came, they were the only ones actually fighting ISIS except Assad.

Throwing a stone at Turkey as in slinging shit now and then, but they held them self there in Sýrland. Different now, complicated. I am glad I never went. I think the sec services found out, they froze my assets
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“To your descendants I give this land, from the coast of Tröndelagen to lake Ladoga, from lake Enare to the fields of Bremen…”
(IKEA Catalog autumn 1878)
better syria


those one
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It was like, enough hacking and trolling and getting death threats 24/7. I wanted to put them to the test.
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Everyone knows mate, and noone cares. Communism is a dead scarecrow. Islamic extremism is the new one.

Why can't you accept the fact that Syrians have no choice than SDF/PKK whatever left? The majority hates Assad, Rebels are dead, ISIS too extreme, communalism is the only way forward for them.
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>better syria
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'You -tan?
first post is about turkish internal politics related to the wages of soldiers its nothing important

second one is showing a close up pic of al bab;
>when you see the density of houses in al-bab you ll feel how hard urban operation will be (ied, mines, tunnels)
As I can't read gulag this map doesn't tell me anything. All I see is that they steamrolled through our defence-lines as I already told you.
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Sampo will make you salty 4this
Also I couldn't stand the twitter taqqyia shit either haven't been there over a year.

You need to be diplomatic to gain access
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>research project
Thank you, Sven. Truly magnificent. Does someone have Mexico's? I think I saw an American one before too.
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control you women my friend if i see another entitled faggot that thinks he is something just because he was born to an Irish mother i will bomb someone
>what is university
>what are comparative studies
>what is environmental determinism
fuck off chocolate mountain kike

Most syrians would probably have rebels/ISIS instead of PKK, but thats irrelevant since no parties are actually democratic. Hell even Rebels would probably prefer assad to PKK.
Maybe not ISIS, but rebels definately.

Actual democratic elections in Egypt proved that in MENA countries if no dictator then hardline islamists win

In Egypt people were quick to rush in democracy

.. And then 40% of egyptians voted for muslim brotherhood

and another 28% for even more extreme salafist parties

That's when the army had to step in to shoah the whole thing

I garuantee you same thing would happen in most secular arab countries if they had real democracy

>communism is a dead scarecrow

It's not. They just rebranded. Western universities have been taken over by neo marxists. Sociology, gender studies, african american studies etc etc

Modern SJW momement is basically marxism.
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Lmao mate hahaha, do you speak Arabic? How would you communicate effectively down there?
jews, different types of communism in disguess and liberal "virtual reality" are real enemies

because without confrontation between big countries islamic extremists would have been gassed long ago.

islamic extremism was created by british empire and CIA. anglos created them because of their eternal greed.
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>this is what Americans do in """university"""

bzaah is confirmed being under ES control but not qabasin !
The irish are pretty good in blowing themselves to pieces, no need for you lad
when did bzaah confirmed?
I know. I believe my only choice to make amends is to sit on an ants-nest and get drunk. And then beat my wife and spend the night in jail
let me guess you fell for the STEM meme
ohh that one. yeah i guess.
main strike bypassed mannerheim defence line and routed finnish and german soldiers. they only stopped because finland accepted demands.

defence lines in eastern karelia and polar region were much weaker than mannerheim line.
as a stem guy i ll agree it has meme-tier parts.
>bzaah is confirmed being under ES control
Now we wait for the pong to get pinged.
fuc im drunk
Cut us some slack, in US we get no career advice from society or our parents. If all you ever heard was "You can do whatever you want" without any guidance, you'd piss away your college fund on Jamaican Pottery in Finland and Japan or some other B.S.
the matchball is on
>Most syrians would probably have rebels/ISIS instead of PKK
well rebels/ISIS are dead. Syria has two choices, Assad or PKK. I think they're here to stay.

>muh jews
please keep that shit out of serious discussions
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>under ES control
>implying you get career advice from society or parents in anywhere on earth
>implying only in america they say "you can do whatever you want" without any guidance
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>Lmao mate hahaha, do you speak Arabic? How would you communicate effectively down there?
Kek no, but for a long time I fooled people on twitter to believe I was a mudshit.

And the thing if you are diplomatic, you get help from moderates.

Like I had this trolling bot, well army of them to fuck with isis and then I mean poisonos not just some dog shitting on a book, but take them on their religion instead.

I got help from tons of arabs, verses to pick out that stings them rather than just a dog shitting on a book.

I wuz actually against my will featured in several of you bigger jews papers against my knowledge, I didn't know your reporters. So they went
>oy vey this is really funny, can we use this in our paper
I thought it was just small papers so I said
>Go a head, we don't respect or accept copyright
and omg there I was in big papers lol

later we got people to take care of that part, they are prolly here so know they know who I am and kek about it

But this bot army, they were arguing against it, it spewed out tweets bombing their hash tags

Thinking I sat there writing, nooo... it was a bot, with text I got from honorable arabs(yes they exist). They even cut out both displaying first photos then vids I think

anyways an example;
"He who calls another a kuffar, that believes in the one God, and the Muhammed was his messenger, is him self a kuffar"
got 6 million of those, those sting because that's Muhammed's words and that overrides whatever loophole like kikes they try to find in the Koran (anglo spelling of this)

I had so many bots back then all gassed, they are still on it on twitter though, I'm off. SJW shit and taqqyia was to much for me in the end, so I came here
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Southfront needs our help lads. They're struggling heavily with funds for this month, and if we want them to continue producing the great content that they do we all have to contribute. They've currently only gathered 423$ of the 5000$ monthly requirement for them to keep going. It is every /sg/ poster's duty to donate if you haven't and if you have, donate a bit extra. Seeing as they're one of only a few independent media giving an unbiased picture of mainly Ukraine and Syria, losing them would be devastating. Do not fail them in their hour of need.

Patreon link:
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exgellent :-DDD
>tfw im getting funded by japanese universities and american ones
>tfw I already have job lined up
its fine shit on me for not getting a useless poli sci degree or not taking autistic robotics 101
Russians, you need to airdrop gematogen to the SAA, that's how they will win
>teachers & parents prepared me and gave me guidance
>went to CC
>gonna have all the pleb credits done this semester with an Associate's
>still have all my college fund

feels good senpai
err try to find the Hadiths

How the fuck can you bypass a defence-line, which stretches from lake ladoga to gulf of finland? Also, after 1940 there was no Mannerheim-line as it was left to the Soviets after winter war and of course they demolished it. In 1944 there was main line, VT-line and VKT-line, two of the aforementioned was obliterated by Soviets, but the VKT-line held, and that's why Soviets agreed the treaty since getting to Berlin was more important.

I don't know which propaganda you have consumed but do you really think that Soviets would've let us keep our independence if the offensive was going well? Why wouldn't they continue all the way to Helsinki if we were already losing?

Assad is finished. Assad BTFO. Baathism is dead. Democratic syria incoming


Rebels are done. ISIS is collapsing. Assad will win. Glory to PKK.

That's not how it works.

The strategy againts ISIS atm is very short sithed. Its gonna destroy ISIS in the short term but in the long term ISIS will only grow in strenght if this "strategy" continues.

I've already explained this a few times. But ISIS isint going anywhere for the time being. And even if it does, some kind of spiritual successor to ISIS will happen.

Rebels it depends on alot of factors.
No. Its only for us
>rebels it depends on alot of factors
Cut their pay and it's over in a week.
>5000$ monthly requirement for them to keep going
I hope it's a bad joke.
i am serious LOL

all this islamic bullshit started to stop russian souther expansion long ago.

they would have been killed 1000 times if anglos or CIA wanted. But they turned arms against USA.

British empire started to support turkey and muslims since 1850s. Benjamin Disraeli (one of reptilian jews) was a inspirator of such support.

later CIA started to use nomadic mercenary armies of muslims shitheads, syria was invided by one of such armies
Nah I'm studying IT. We don't have these meme degrees here

We don't have college fund because we don't need it
For 5000 USD a month, you could feed literally 100 syrian families, if Homsi didn't lie and his dad actually makes around 70USD a month.
Please tell me why we should fund those guys instead of victims?
invaded by such islamic armies* typo

btw, they did same in ukraine. shitheads were trained using CIA money
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