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The WW2 is still going on and Nazis are still fighting

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Thread replies: 229
Thread images: 71

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Last Thread and the rest of the general informations:

Quick Rundown
>Nazi germany still active in Antarctica base name B211, infiltrating different organisations and starting their own to fight the kikes
>Nazis are behind (many) UFOs compare Haunebu and Vril to most ufos and Cigar Ufos to the andromeda mashine
>Trump possibly captured USA for the Nazis
>Nazis quite possibly inhabiting Hollow Earth/Agartha
>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement was maybe a trick by the nazis to create one giant concentration camp known as Israel surrounded by walls and jew hating arabs

Also general Antarctica, UFO, and secret Nazi thread
Nothing is happening. Everything is fine.
Antarctica is just the outer ice wall on our flat earth.
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If digits Nazis wake up and save the world
The Nazi's are on the moon actually.
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its all just coincidences goys.
in the last thread some anon said the SS symbol, the 2 Sig-Runes resemble/look like 44. the Nato building are 4 Sig-Runes, 44+44=88

however im going to sleep now. keep the thread going
these threads are always just circle jerks. guess we'll just wait for Hitler in the meantime.
>tfw 4chan gives the best education


I wonder what the nazis would say about modern day germany.
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Can someone give me a quick rundown?
Das ist verboten!
Yeah, bitch. Run down to the shops and buy me some smokes.
Protip: Empire beneath the ice.

To be honest, if someone started modeling everything we're doing with math, it would be a complete education. If I had kids, I'd show them this thread and the last one.
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those look exactly like what tesla drew. In his notes he was never able to build the flying machines because he couldnt errect his wireless power supply. That means the nazis figured out how to capture radiant energy from the universe or something because those ships are too small to have a powerplant.
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>quick rundown

I certainly hope that Saint Adolph made it out of Berlin, God bless that man for his Faith and his bravery against the Jews and the NWO.
>quick rundown
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>tfw TayTay is an act and if I met her she would be a bitch
Jesus, either grow the fuck up or take it to /x/ ain't nobody got time for this shit
Currently watching this one.
If this ever happened it would have been fucking incredible. But need to do some research, I have yet to try and debunk this one.
/x/ is that way you schizophrenic fuck
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Really last bump this time, thought these would be interesting, instructions on how to get to agartha via submarine. Check out lake vostok, the graphic on the wikipedia page resembles the passageway of these instructions. Around the same area as lake vostok is, there is also some magnetic anomaly
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Thanks, CREW. Pic related, it's the internet hate machine 2017 f@spik edition.
> creating a giant concentration camp called Israel, surrounded by walls and Jew-hating Arabs

im interested in more, fuck these bluecrew ctr shills that care more about traps and pedos
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... what?
Nice proxy senpai
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Is this the new bogpill, I've been seeing these threads for like a week now.
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Then look more into it. I provided about everything i have
Wish I was rich. I'd take a submarine there.
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There is significant evidence indicating that the Nazis have constructed a Dyson Sphere in star system KIC 8462852, about 1276 light years away.
What is the science base for claims of hollow earth?
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I did one +an eventual follow up thread the last 2 days, and one a few days before with a bit less info and less refined OPs. I believe thats ok considering noone complains about dozens of "is x white" "is degeneracy degenerate?" "Im some random faggot, ask me anything" "i revealed my powerlevel and no my live is ruined because i just behaved like a complete idiot" threads

Also i added always something with each new thread
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>14 rounds a day
>28 miles range

Wow it's fucking useless
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They appear to be harnessing this energy to power a super weapon within our own solar system.

It appears to be a small moon orbiting Saturn.

It's likely they have nearly acquired enough energy to fire it at Earth, so that they may rid the universe of our degeneracy once and for all.
>be me in apartment parking lot
>on a phone call
>look at the sky
>3 spinning red orbs
>move toward them fastly for pictures
>they fucking scatter

explain right now i have 2 confortations with orbs the other time was with a singular orange orb.

Vete a la mierda.
>Not knowing about neu-schwabenland until now
Are you twelve?
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>The Third Reich establishes base in Antarctica between WWI and WWII
>Makes contact with the Aryan race living inside the earth
>Alliance is formed, Nazis join advanced race underground
>Plan to join superior breakaway civilization, no Jews there
>Word gets back to US via spies and double agents
>Germany "loses" the war on purpose, all important members safe in Valhalla
>US sends admiral Byrd to fuck up the surviving Reich via Operation Highjump
>8 month expedition over in 8 weeks because US got BTFO by Aryan technology
>Begin UFO and WWII propaganda to cover up massive failure of a mission
>NASA founded one year after Byrd's death via Operation Paperclip
>No such thing as outer space, only inner space
>we wuz astronautz n sheeeit
No speeki spani

t. Earth science PhD
For the subs to make it into hollow Earth at WWII German tech, they would have ran out of o2 and fuel, right?
i can only hope
Global warming is a Jew op though

t. Chemistry PhD
Their travel was aided by the Aryans advanced technology.

Literally "go to the shit".

"Fuck off" more or less.
No, they'd be fine. They could stay underwater for weeks at a time back then
But If you read the occult stuff, they just believed that consciousness came from another dimension. You should read Jesus, the last great initiate. It's pretty Jew based but even Nazis didn't believe in the ayys

And the pressure? How would they navigate without good optics and lights that would work underwater. Just seems implausble given all the physical restrictions. I guess if digits science btfo
Thank you for the recommendation. But I didn't say anything about lmaos, they don't exist and are a psyop to cover up interdimensional entities.

Curious why you think so, are you aware of the radiative (forcing) trapping effect of CO2? I mean... It's only when you modify the Stefan Boltzmann equation to account for the trapping caused by this type of atmosphere, that you get the real temp of the planet..?

I mean I see *why* normies would think it's a Jew Op - I mean I totally get it - but warming caused by the trapping of longwave radiation caused by CO2 (and methane), which we are emitting
Something more dominican, brailyn
this retarded crap is x tier
According to those charts pressure wouldn't be much of an issue. There are instructions somewhere that tell a crew exactly how to steer the boat from a known starting point. Go x distance, turn so many degrees, go x distance, etc.
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Michael kasha coined the, if I recall it, the CO2 or greenhouse paradox, that even though these compounds absorbed into the ir bands which release energy by creating heat (vibrations), they don't seem to do it. He was a leader in physical chemistry and kashas rule, which is only tangentially related, helps explain what's going on. Most likely the energy is being transferred in non heat producing methods but that has yet to be confirmed
Seems like fantasy that they could control distance in cold viscous water. But if the Nazis got to hollow Earth maybe we should gas gas gas

Y que quieres que te diga, mamahuebo?
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Lol wtf

Antarctica is just a frozen tundra.

Nothing to talk about really.

Not interdimensional. But a product of consciousness. They were manifested by us, unintentionally.
Now that you have seen them you will have more. There are no coincidences.
what are they
Dude wtf rare
Don't lie man
Fair enough. It's a short read and worth just skimming. Explains a good amount of esoteric stuff

No fucking way.

Seriously, mang.

Prove it, show us some snow or penguins or something.

how did you make france's flag say antarctica?
Interesting angle, I'll check it out.

Still though, a greenhouse is a simple enough experiment that shows CO2 does indeed trap heat... All intermolecular energy transfer aside
Manifestations of your consciousness (subconsciousness to be precise). All of this phenoma is related to a huge elephant in the room: our thoughts create reality. Love and Fear are powerful forces. UFO's are kept secret for a good reason. I'm also starting to come around to the idea that bluebeam is a necessary evil and actually a good thing.
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>Said the kike for the seventh time while checking under his desk in fear
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Holy shit a french battle flag.
Just to follow-up to this, fret or Dexter energy transfer methods would explain why there is not much heating very simply
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> he's still waiting
For years people have been saying that the Nazis infiltrated US and UN intelligence agencies.
This is nothing new but still interesting.
Bruh antartica is the moon. Get woke
Read Sekret Machines book 1. Has a pretty decent intro into the Nazi Bell, Antarctica, Byrd and the subversion of the US SSP
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Earth is hollow with polar openings that lead into its hollow interior. Outer Earth governments know about this, but are not telling the masses.
Daily reminder that there was supposed to be a voyage to the North Pole in 2007 to find out if there's an opening at the North Pole that leads into the Inner Earth World (and thus prove once and for all that Earth is hollow). The leader of the expedition was Steve Currey and he suddenly died from a brain tumour shortly before the expedition began so all of the money they got from people who were going to join the expedition was refunded. The new leader of the expedition was Brooks Agnew and the new expedition was meant to be in 2013, but shortly after THAT expedition was about to begin, his film crew suddenly vanished without a trace so THAT expedition was cancelled too (and, once again, the money they got from people who wanted to join their expedition was refunded). The expedition was/is known as the 'North Pole Inner Earth Expedition'. Here's a link to the official North Pole Inner Earth Expedition page:


Also, Terry Smith was an Alaskan bush pilot associated with this expedition who agreed to fly directly over the North Pole to see if there was an opening there but he suddenly died in a plane crash on August 9 2010 before he could make that flight. NONE of these incidents are coincidences. There is a world inside our world.
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this proxyfag animeposter shows up all the fucking time

he has the gayest collection of anime reaction images known to man. sad!

Antarctica is Atlantis. Remember that Plato said that Atlantis was larger than Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) and Libya (which in those days referred to Northern Africa minus Egypt) combined. Antarctica is larger than Asia Minor and Libya combined. Read up on Charles Hapgood's theory of crustal displacement and keep in mind that Charles Hapgood died suddenly in (((suspicious circumstances))). Antarctica (Atlantis in those days) used to be near the equator and thus had a tropical climate. Also, Plato said that there were elephants and bananas in Atlantis. Elephants and bananas naturally exist ONLY in tropical climates. Crustal displacement made Atlantis slide southward to its present position.
Sure, but the atmosphere is much more complicated than an experiment that true to mimic it. I have yet to see one that correctly uses the atmospheric rays that penetrate at elevated levels, etc. As a physical chemist I am very skeptical about stuff. However, there is no question that in the high upper atmosphere above the ozone that methane forms chloroform and a bunch of other nasty green house gases. CFCs that plants released did destroy ozone converge. I'm just skeptical about CO2. A major push people give is acid acidification and the deaths of coral reefs, but senpai simple stoichiometry and the pKa of carbonic acid shows there is no way you could change the acidity of water because of carbon. It's because we're dumping really nasty shit into the ocean

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity..... anything you can imagine, we already know how to do." - Ben Rich, Lockheed Martin
Antarctica is not Atlantis. But both civilisations were destroyed at the same time.
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What we call 'the world' is an infinitely small frequency band. It is not solid as most people think it is, because the atoms that compose 'the world' are made of empty space. Furthermore, 'the world' as we know it does not even exist 'out there' - it exists only 'in here' and is projected by us only when we tune in to it. What we call 'ghosts' are beings that are so close to our frequency band that they can 'bleed' through like a form of broadcasting interference. A radio accurately tuned to a radio station frequency will produce a clear, sharp reception with no interference, but when the dial is slightly off-centre, another station or stations can be heard alongside the main one. What we call 'ghosts' are based on the same basic principle and reptilians (for example) are basically beings that we could think of as 'ghosts' in that they inhabit a frequency band that vibrates very closely to the one we inhabit. To us, a 'ghost' would not look solid - but to that 'ghost', we are the ones who would not look solid. There are an infinite number of frequency bands and they all share the same space usually without interfering with each other.
lol nice meme

No, Antarctica is Atlantis. It is larger than Asia Minor and Libya combined (just like Plato said).
>anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.

This part has a double meaning. Imagination and the mastery of our own thoughts will be our next big leap.
right right
so nazis are coming back
and aliens are coming back

If you are deciding which places could be Atlantis based on being larger that Turkey and Libya you could point to any landmass. Atlantis really isn't Antarctica or vice verse. Atlantis was much closer to west Africa. These people were also visited by the gods, which spelled their doom as they were not mentally prepared for it.
This is the most underrated post I've ever seen in my life.
Even if, ancient ruins show no reason to think that a great ancient civilization lived before our time. It has been a meme that has lived throught the ages. The very old ruins that we have no evidence for that predate all knowledge are just stone. No metals, no chemicals. Just stone and clay.

All esoteric knowledge refers to the idea that all religions are fake but serve to make humanity better. These ideas are kept secret because the priest class would be attacked unenlightened if the true facts of religion were made public.

That's their opinion though, up to interpretation

>If you are deciding which places could be Atlantis based on being larger that Turkey and Libya you could point to any landmass.

No, you can't point to any landmass because 'Libya' in Plato's time referred to Northern Africa minus Egypt. Thus, 'Libya' was FUCKING HUGE (and, by extension, so was Atlantis). A landmass bigger than Asia Minor and Libya would make it bigger than Australia and ONLY Antarctica fits that criterion.
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>Seems like fantasy that they could control distance in cold viscous water
Density isnt that different, they had primitive (by todays standards) gyroscopes, compasses etc. They could easily navigate underwater as long as their batteries would let them, and could operate normally at shallow depths with snorkels for the diesel engines.
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yeah, but its firepower

>The very old ruins that we have no evidence for that predate all knowledge are just stone. No metals, no chemicals. Just stone and clay.

The reason all we have left of super-ancient civilisations is stone is because metals oxidise and chemicals decay, whereas stone endures.
Probably not. Icke doesn't understand science. Dark matter is something we cannot detect yet. We probably need to go to extreme conditions to make the materials that can absorb the radiation from these materials. Remember if we cant absorb it, we can't see it
>>111630592 (me)
Here is a good starter for Uboats, should have navigation somewhere, also watch Das Boot, probably the best movie ever.

That thing was truly glorious, imagine mounting it on a motorized base for fortress defense against niggers, zombies, dinosaurs, chimera freaks and fucking nephilim etc.
>Antarctica is Atlantis.
Wrong, but people lived there.
The ancient world has seen several apocalypses already. It's pretty fucking amazing humans have survived all these happenings.

The thing is this, you ask people "How do you know X?" and they'll probably reply by saying something like "Well, because it's in my science books." or "Well, because it's been peer-reviewed." or "Well, because it's been agreed upon by a majority of scientists.", but these are flimsy defences, because unless YOU can verify for yourself whether something is true or not either by OBSERVATION or by doing an experiment about it BY YOURSELF, you are relying essentially on external sources for your information and it is naïve to think that those sources don't have agendas.
What people call 'mainstream science' has been hijacked by politics, religion and corporations. So-called 'peer review' these days is usually nothing more than a circle-jerk. Just as people support the separation of church and state (and RIGHTFULLY so), I support the separation of SCIENCE and state. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING.
what's the deal with the twins? someone please give me the 411 on them.
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>nazi secret base in Antarctica
Should have built more fighter planes desu.
I see no reason not to chose this reality.
Can you give me a quack rundown?
Bro. I get skepticism. But you need a little touch up on your carbon cycle, dissolved carbonate, bicarbonate and the effect on carbon-secreting marine organisms
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Precious metals do not so all of the gold and similar metals would have to been removed
There is something up with Antarctica. I assume it is a staging ground from food seeds, missle silos, fuel and other life supporting equipment. The Nazi stuff would be fun but seems impractical. The more logical approach is that they are doing good research there about conditions like that near the pole and that they are just preparing for a massive human Extinction
800mm shell = 4800-7100kg = 47,000yd
(M4 Sherman USA) 76mm shell = 10.03kg = 14,650yd


I found it interesting since history doesn't seem to discuss it much at all...
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Next week on /pol/

/Mediterranean/ - Nazi build underwater base in Atlantis and Hitler time travel to future?

Just stop....
As a German do you wish the Nazis would rise up again? Or any German here

They deserve it for capitulating
Shhh no tears.
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I like to see the outcome of this. The reaction of the world, especially to kikes.
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dont talk shit about my wife
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>Just stop....

No, I will NEVER stop. EVER. :)
I have seen things that are similar. Once you know how to look for them you will see them on the regular. You can show other people without hassle but everytime I try to take a picture something happens.
Thanks for this bit of conspiracy. Now, people definitely won't believe ANY conspiracy, regardless of evidence.
Of course but go use any spectrometer, or build one. Hell. Your eyes only absorb the visible region that means the visible light resonates with the rhodopsons on your eyes. When we build detectors, we use similar principles. It is very likely that there is light out there that we don't have the ability to make a material to absorb yet. I encourage skepticism but there are things like islands of exotic atoms that we simply cannot support on earth due to the conditions we have here. Maybe they would exist in a steady state on space close to the extreme conditions that are out there. There is just alot more to think about over than everything on science is a conspiracy.
yeah the Nazis are still fighting that's why Germany is being flooded with mud people, right?
Great movie
It's something that I find so absurd I think it's not worth it given simple chemical principles but I will look into it

If I'm a Jew but don't do tricks will i be allowed to live? I love Goethe, Neitszche and Wagner and all German culture before the war.
Come on Hans. Take a picture of the tunnels under the ice and post it for us
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Space is fake.
Earth is flat.
Nazis just fled passed the ice ring, "south" of Argentina.
And now reside on another landmass out there in the endless flat ocean.
>nazis crawling out of their icy tomb to finish the job a century later

Now THIS would be the best timeline
Why is it a good thing? Can you explain more about blue beam in general as well?

Space is real. The sudden popularity of the Flat Earth theory two years ago is a CIA psyop that is designed to hide the fact that Earth is actually hollow. This is a common technique that intelligence agencies use to deceive the masses (I call that technique 'conspiracy misdirection'): They promote a conspiracy theory that they KNOW is FALSE and want you to think you're red-pilled by believing that false conspiracy theory is TRUE while using that false conspiracy theory to hide a TRUE conspiracy theory related to it that has even MORE far-reaching implications than the false conspiracy theory. For example, the 'Moon landing hoax' conspiracy theory is being used to hide the TRUE conspiracy theory that we went to the Moon and found artificial objects there (or we knew there were artificial objects there all along and went to the Moon simply to bring some of those artificial objects back to Earth). The official account of the Moon landing AND the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory are BOTH FALSE. NASA itself is covertly promoting the Moon landing hoax conspiracy theory.
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Antartic Ice Nazis are no longer German

Look ip Nordic Aliens. I'm sure it's just them after 50+ Years of eugenics.
Flat earth cannot expand why there is a constant acceleration down by (((gravity))) just FYI, unless of there is a massive sucking device under is. At least hollow Earth could explain it if you want to go crazy on theories
Cant wait for the Nazis to detonate simultaneous nukes under the Antarctica ice sheet and north pole using subs as the opening move of their attack.
If you are on the coast, you're fucked.
This board has gone full fucking retard. What is all this shit?

This is a russian conspiracy vid which explains thoroughly the nazi germany - antarctica - ufo connection
Our entire flat surface Midgard was created by God. I prefer to fall him Odin.

Not larping.
(((Science))) is fucking bullshit.
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>Ben Rich has stated in more than one interview that the US still has a massive stockpile of secrets from the Nazi's that will remain classified for decades to come. He should know, he's one of the few to have access to them. Russia also has a secret nazi stockpile.

Its Ben Rich former head of lockheed skunk works.
Disclosure needs to be tightly delivered in a very positive and controlled way. This cannot happen until there is either a one world system of government or that the apocalyptic religions have stopped pedaling their prophecies. Remember, our minds are able to manifest anything and the power is multiplied by the amount of people thinking the same thing (reason why secret societies use symbolism).
Blue beam may he a third way to win. Create a fake disclosure with happy aliens that look like us, come in peace and want to rid us of our fear and suffering. As long as a majority of people buy it, we will be able to manifest it.
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>tfw no qt Aryan gf from the Pleiades
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>born into a rich white family
>become a celebrity at an early age
>only ever have a-list bfs
I wonder what being her is like, she must be in a different universe
Whats the scientific basis for solid earth?

Trips of truth! Thank you, Based Singaporean!

The truest conception of the structure of Earth is based on the idea that when it was in a molten state during its formation, centrifugal force caused the heavier substances to be thrown outward, toward its periphery, in the form of rocks and metals, to form its outer crust, leaving its interior hollow, with openings at the poles, where centrifugal force was less and where there was less tendency to throw materials outward, which was greater at the equator, causing the bulging of Earth in this region. It has been estimated that as a result of Earth's rotation on its axis during its formative state, polar depressions and openings thus formed would measure about 1,400 miles in diameter.

Some of the original fire and incandescent materials remained in the center of Earth to form a central 'sun', much smaller, of course, than our Sun, but capable of emitting light and supporting plant growth. We shall also see that the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis that illuminate the sky over the poles come from this central 'sun' whose rays shine through the polar openings. Thus, if Earth was originally a ball of fire and molten metal, some of this fire remained in its centre, while centrifugal force as a result of its rotation on its axis caused its solid matter to be thrown toward the surface, forming a solid crust and leaving its interior hollow, with a fiery ball in its centre, forming the central sun, which provides illumination for plant, animal and human life.
Hivemind is eh, it's a way to dumb down man to make some become supreme.
the earth is likely solid due to the structural requirements for a spheroid shape.


The Hollow Earth Theory may still be true, as it doesn't infer the earth is a shell, but that instead there could be massive cave systems beneath the earth not yet discovered.
>Despite decades of scientific research declaring the addition of fluoride to water supplies to be safe and beneficial, many people still believe it’s nothing more than government mandated mind control. One of these people is Australian zealot Ian E. Stephens, who wrote a pamphlet that quoted another anti-fluoride researcher, Charles Perkins, who in turn quoted nameless “German scientists.”
>safe and beneficial
>decades of scientific research
>quoted nameless "German scientists"

>decades of scientific research
>quoted nameless "German scientists

>safe and benificial

What the fuck is this article supposed to be?
Well shit... guess I better drink some fucking fluoride to keep myself healthy because decades of science contradict those nameless scientists
U boats were precision war machines designed to strike targets then escape by navigating underwater.
Of course they were able to do it
Why would (((THEY))) let something like the Marvel Cinematic Universe exist, if you are describing the HYDRA plot running through most of it as something that is actually happening?
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Will they retake their beloved home, Germany? Of course they would purge them except White Germans.

I am wondering...
this isn't entirely false.
the central 'sun' as you put it would describe the earth's molten core


the amount of debris thrown off of it would still make the earth relatively solid.

It's more likely that there are massive cave systems below the earth, similar to "The Underdark" in D&D.
What I don't understand about this theory is the idea of a central sun. How does it hang in the air? How does it not melt all the underground nazis? How does it keep burning?
In terms of literal illumination that's just easily proven wrong. In a figurative fence, the connection with the planets to the esoteric is a joke. We are in tune with the bilogy of the solar system but in no way tune with some sort of magic they provide. Very well could be on tune with sports that give us souls to use, but for that we have little facts
>implying nazis are not awake
Nazis are free to hijack the EU and turn it into the 4th Reich as it was intended any fucking time now...
They have had 60+ years of Eugenics, the only true Aryans are the Nazis not the diluted bloodlines of the old white races.
If the earth were a plane moving upward with a constant acceleration of 9.8m/s/s that would explain gravity. I'm pretty sure the earth is round, can't stop the autism though. Also theres a nasa file on their site mentioning a "flat non-rotating earth" if anyones seen it
Its more like honeycomb. Lots of empty pockets and pretty porous.
>linked for pretty pictures
>not paying attention to disinformation

"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual`s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him."

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>Rate of fire 1 round every 30 to 45 minutes OR typically 14 rounds a day

Learn to into reading comprehension mate.
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eh, I don't know man they're not THAT rare.
probably a proxy, unless of course anon posts pics.
Stop fucking with the american army. Their wrecked submarines are a pain in the ass for navigation.

are u a wizard?!
the US army doesn't have any subs
than navy or whatever you call that fraction of the army
You and him are the same person, nice proxy fag.

How do I join?
it is advised that when you are new you lurk the board for at least 3 months before even thinking about posting anything
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It could fire 48 rounds a day if the reload rate is just one round per 30 minutes.
I've seen them, they zig-zag through the sky in random patterns.
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Very nice Aryan features1.jpg
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If you pass a sophisticated Aryan test, you may have a good chance of joining. Otherwise, you will be purged.
Fuck you nigger, dont try to pretend like you see antarctica posters here every day. Even if its a proxy, its still rare as fuck.
Stop talking about Antartica there's nothing fucking there. FBIanon here.
the same radiant energy of the universe that the psychic vampires are feeding off of
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Amazing how these "Aryans" got convinced they originated from Aldebaran/Pleiades.
Hypnosis is cool.

No one ever asks "Did the 'aliens' lie?"

< Billy Meier in 1942 at age 4.
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< ???
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Is that picture of a space-pedophile?
You guys r dumb. There's no such thing as aliens and wait for it. The nazis were FAKE too! It was all an illusion to make the military industrial complex. Kek.
I suspect, back then, was a plan to further the Nazi philosophy adoption by pretending to be aliens. This basic idea has been enhanced over the decades as we got better at controlling genetics.

We are still falling for it.
what do plants do when there is more CO2?
Two nights ago I walked outside (i live on 100 acres in the middle of the country) to let my dog piss and as i was doing so I looked up and said to myself "come
ON show me
something cool, universe." And right as that thought passed I noticed a satellite being followed by two orbs that were doing a figure 8 pattern around it. Either ayyy lmaos or some form of high end military plane. Either way a great experience.
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>a small moon
[star wars quote]
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Where does david icke fit into this?
>a trick by the nazis to create one giant concentration camp known as Israel surrounded by walls and jew hating arabs

What a bunch of crock
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Or we have been visited by a breakaway advanced human genetically modified civilization.

> The blonde alien hair revealed an extraordinary anomaly. Depending on whether we analyzed the hard hair shaft or the soft root, its mitochondrial DNA appeared to be of two different kinds. From the lower hair shaft we again obtained a rare Chinese mitochondrial DNA substitution. But from soft root tissue, we obtained a novel Basque/Gaelic type mitochondrial DNA, which had a rare substitution for that racial grouping along with several other characteristic substitutions.


Show someone weird tech and they will assume aliens, just as planned ;)
Even if true, a bunch of their scientist will appeal for the genetic strenght and usefulness we have as well as our tech which can be different in many ways and usefull too.
Very interesting. Someone is definitely here.
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Here is a alleged participant helping the CIA fake alien abductions since at least 1955.

Well crap the link for this got nuked.
It used to be https://ufor.blogspot.com.au/2006/01/vilas-boas-event.html

Must be time for me to dump the whole document on 4chan :)
nice effort would derail thread again 10/10
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>I know, I'll shitpost on /pol/!!! :))))
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>It is very likely that there is light out there that we don't have the ability to make a material to absorb yet

If a wave is too long, the antenna which is too short cuts off the part of the wave which exceeds the length of the antenna.

So a 1m antenna would cut off the 0.5m portion of a 1.5m wave. But anything smaller than 1m is going to be picked up, as long as the antenna is sensitive enough - but the relative power of a wave goes up with decreasing length, so short waves tend to be picked up perfectly by long antennas.

This is currently what limits astronomy.
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Cool fanfic. Wish it were true.
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The Dark Fleet apparently traces their origins to the times of the German secret space program, when this group formed a strong alliance with the Draco (Reptilians that david icke speaks of)

> moar on ze germans and the secret space program. This is mind lowing stuff.

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REPORT and SAGE all off-topic posts.

Nazi UFO conspiracy theories are not /pol/ just because they involve Nazi's

Fuck off retards.
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goys wtf is this? https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79B00752A000300130001-1.pdf
There is a base / argument on why the gov militar facilities must be atleast 40 years ahead of civil one.

Look at those late russian subs, with ICBMs launchpads, no other nation can beat it in specs and results. Designed in the 80s built in the 00s; based in nazi schematics. Ohio and Borei have many principles developed in the XXI uboats.

So, if modern subs can do it, so did nazis.
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Never have I wished for something to be truer than this.
This is the UFO case the report seems to refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant%C3%B4nio_Vilas_Boas
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Disclosure in 3....2.....
David Icke is right about everything - including the Reptilians and the interdimensional beings.
>dig 2 mile deep mine
>temperature is 130+F

Are we roleplaying or am I not understanding something? Do these mole people have +15 heat resistance or what?
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>Everything is going according to plan, your excellence..
This flag triggers nu-fags
That's no moon!
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