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Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 90

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Young black man claimed Police officers butt raped him with their baton, chaos ensue. Two nights of riots, real shots fired. President Hollande visited the black man in hospital.



Meanwhile, Marine Le Pen new campaign video

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bump for frog happenings
>Young black man
it's called nigger
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Lol your cuck president went to give him a handy in the hospital.

Fucking hilarious.
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We call them 'boungoules' and our Police is kind of used to deal with them. Paris suburb is the biggest zoo in France.
Stick to kikebook. This place was better before you came to it.
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Been pissing in this ocean of piss for over 10 years
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Reminder that French Police is based

Reminder that French are 61% OK WITH THE MUSLIM BAN

This nigger got a 4 inches open wound in the anus
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Reminder that french police will arrest and prison a young white because he's carrying a little pepper spray can or he said something "racist", and will not enter parts of cities because it's under control of the subhumans. A nigger rapist would often serve less prison time than a white man accused of a minor infraction.

Reminder that this isn't a "happening", just a normal chimp-out and it won't lead to a racial conflict because most french (like today's white people) are beta pussies. And white people from Paris are the worst of all France, extremely weak feminine men and extremely bitchy women. Both equally stupid. Most other french hate them for this reason and they think highly of themselves, because they live in their third world shithole capital city.

Reminder that the Lepen family are huge kike shills, they are used to demonize french who want to resist white genocide (by saying truths in a "swearword" way) and canalize their time and energy into something useless. Even if this kike-shill woman gets elected, it won't do shit against the genocide of the french, even if all immigration was stopped in a day, it is too late.

The only solution is to get rid of the kikes and the race-traitors who created this situation, and only then to deport en masse all subhumans invaders. This can't be done by voting...
And yet you're still a collosal faggot

Why are the speaking French? ffs cant they do anything right
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dont be black pilled, there's always hope. Do whatever you can to benefit, remember that most whites understand whats going on to an extent and all they need is to be given permission to voice their views or act positively. You can give them that permission simply by talking to them.
wtf is this shit??
>President Hollande visited the black man in hospital.
Mais quelle bonne idée!
It's just a raid from the melenchonistes, the far left is too powerful on the french youtube. Anyway they are predicted to do 8% and the FN almost 28%
Who Parisian /pol/ice here who wants to meet up at Aulnay?

I can take an RER and be there in like 30 minutes
So was he raped or not?

What's the cops' ethnicity?
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Tu n'es pas très Charlie Anon.
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whoa, this is literally nothing.
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I would have followed you,
my François...
My President...
My King.
no, bougnoules are for sandniggers, and nègres for niggers.

Are you 10yo ?
>So was he raped or not?
He was a good boy who dindu nuffin'.

Rape? More like forced masturbation.
Je suis Matraque
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nigger drug dealer being arrested
more niggers resist and fight back
melee fight ala american football
police baton hit on his legs
cop pushed forward
baton slide in the well lubricated nigger butthole hungry for BIG BLACK STICK
Y a des français qui essaient d'envenimer lse choses sur twitter avec des faux comptes?
Someone has the Periscope link?
>Give a sandnigger a BIG BLACK STICK
>others sandniggers ask for BIG BLACK STICKS too
You can't make this shit up.
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Yes, it is happening. Chaos will spread.
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i fucking love this jpg
Melanchon is the only redpilled politician running for president.
MLP has nothing, except her "islamism fundamentalism" as an argument. Melanchon has written an entire book, covering everything, not only little french cuck problems they are responsible of.
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a real greek god i swear
those are ear plugs
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Just in case
>actual shill
fuck gay police baton
Dude looks like Carlos Danger.
Wow you are going to do a lot of damage with your grandpa's ww2 amos ! Be careful with that non-cuck french anon. Obviously non-cuck.
A lot of authors have written books for Marine
The civil war is a literally a sub genre now
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>Jews say you must take Muslims into your country
>so you do, and they rape rape rape
>Jews say don't get mad, your culture must change to accommodate the new arrivals
>so you do, and you rape a Muslim
>they riot

I just don't get these people, there's no pleasing them
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Where is your direct democracy vote on every major decision mélenchonfag ?

Oh I know... He can't propose that because he would be impeach on the first vote with his 5% voters.
Its 9mm, any others dumb questions ?
>against nuclear energy
Yeah how about no
for newfags and underaged, this is what happened fucking 12 years ago, when political climate was way more calm
Well I have never asked which kind of ammo it was so no I guess ?
belgians being retarded is part of their charm after all
>12 years ago
fuck I'm old
Yes why take the easy way and stagnate at a primate level with nuclear energy, when we could actually advance the human race and produce 100% clean energy ? It's like you guys don't want to evolve
Guys what does Lys Noir mean? I forgot to ask about it in the previous general thread.

They some kind of monarchist group?
>destroyed kfc

Fried chicken is universal for nogs
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>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYWnuQc5mYA [Embed]

Why so many dislikes? I thought people liked her?
Mélanchon is not for France sorry
I'm talking about the actual work the politician has put in his campaign. Like you know, not using weakness of the french cucks and proposing actual solutions. Not the amount of literature I don't know who has done which is in accordance with the political view of the politician.
I know what it means but don't if it's a group or something
Perhaps we should fix that. ^_^
>Guys what does Lys Noir mean?
Lys = Lily
Noir = Black

It sound like the name of a military ship, or a srs bns mercenary group.
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Why does niggers like BIG BLACK STICKS so much ?
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theyre anarcho royalists according to what i found, no idea what the fuck it means
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>anarcho royalists
Everyone writes books, even our meme Le Pen-wannabe Salvini.
Vast majority of politician's books are written by ghost author (in italian is "negro", nigger) and only signed by the "author".
I saw this "police brutality" thing in the news. What did actually happen, french /pol/?
Getting brigaded by pro-Melenchon cucks
The police officers claim that "his pants dropped and one slide accidentely his stick 10 cm deep in his rectum"
>implying they are humans
2 cm
Black Lilly are a Greek neo-nazi group that fight in the Syrian war.

That's retarded

Makes sense, because they said they were more of Lys Noir but were part of AF.

Not sure wtf Anarcho-Royalism would be though.
maybe its just my retarded translation, still no idea what its supposed to mean in french
niggers can make youtube accounts.
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These guys?
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found this, have a look in maybe it will make more sense to you
>Why so many dislikes?
Melenchon's BBCloving cucks think internet belong to them and only them.

Sames cucks that are impressed by a ((((hologram))))
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Typical day in Europe. Nothing to see here.
Guess u would know as you stick your nose up nigger ass everyday.
Our doctrine, a kind of libertarian royalism advocating the introduction of "canton-republics (1)" almost sovereign democracy direct, and population of about 35,000 inhabitants (i.e. an average between San Marino and Andorra), is not an addition between anarchism and royalism. It is a doctrine in itself which is called thus by pure will be immediately shown and understood, causing the interest of apparent contradictions... In truth, anarcho-royalism is an old intuition that dates the cercle Proudhon and Henri Lagrange before 1914.
Our system could also be summed up to the principle of a successful anarchy imagined a few times by Maurras himself.

Black Lilies arise no question: the King, it is Jean d ' Orléans, which is not banker in Carracas but forester at the Nouvion en Thiérache (2000 hectares of wood that are the legacy of his mother the Countess of Paris...) It reported much, wood... In any case, it is infinitely more healthy to lend hand to capitalism, we agree.
Add that our concept of royalty is not absolute, nor maurassienne, neither constitutional nor Gaullist. She is Japanese. The King symbol living, just that. A King walled and silent so that we are all best...

Amongst the black lilies, dynastic debate was settled the day where we learned that prince Jean and his young wife Philomena did their honeymoon trip by walking on the road to Santiago de Compostela.
Most of us do not have faith, but it slapped us. We do not have faith, but we defend our nice King, so fervent Catholic with what there is of best in us..."
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>Allah Ackbar! I have ID!
Thanks for radicalizing me, anon. I now want to kill muslims who hurt children.
bougnoule ça vaut autant pour les ratons que pour les bamboulas.
OK thanks guys. They seem pretty obscure even in France.

Wish I could have gotten more out of that Anon, they seem rather peculiar.
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>mfw this will never happen
>mfw Europe will evntually be lost to the shitskin hordes
>mfw when that happens, America will follow
>mfw no matter how hard we try, people will never wake up to the menace that is Islam
Black Lily. Idk what that is
We've already lost to the shitskin hordes, have you seen what's happened to our metro areas?
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>quitting something you started before fully mastering it
>easy way out
Sure Tintin, let's get back to coal like Germany
They are Strasserists according to them actually
What happened?
Are they in France?
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Full set for consistencies sake.
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Few months ago after some mudshit assaulted police officers with a molotov cocktail :

you can live with this


This is why chimpouts can escalate in civil war, France is not Sweden or Brazil (or USA)
Police wants only to kill (and rape) every muslim
I kinda love the madness which lies in there. Hope they get a lot of followers.
>people get uppity when you shove stuff up their asses

Who would have thought
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>A nigger rapist would often serve less prison time than a white man accused of a minor infraction

The problem is with the leftist cesspool that is called ((("""justice"""))) not with police.

Notice on this table that the most pro-FN are those who are the most in contact with shitskins and their antics : cops and public hospitals workers.
*niggers get a taste of the BIG BLACK STICK and ask for more

Well, I'd say they're too crazy to ever get big, but considering I found out about them in a bread with 5 Francebros who said they were Orléanistes of various persuasions, who the hell knows anymore?
My point is the incident is clearly a provocation for them to flip their shit just before the elections
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We need to get used to constant attacks in our cities.

It is a normal part of integration on our part. If we are not willing to do that, what kind of beasts are we then?

Remember, these people don't have it easy, they come from a difficult childhood. Often from countries with a lot of systematic violence, war and poverty. And we have it better than ever.

Who do we think, we are? Who are we to judge?
the town i live in will probably go to flame if Le pen is elected
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People of France, I have to make a decision soon if I will study abroad in Aix en Provence. How cucked is the area? Are there hot french girls? Will I feel in danger from refugees?
What Town ?

rip zyzz
They keep doing this everytime. Before Théo, there was Traore, before Traore the two little nigglets from Clichy, and on and on...


It's as if they know they will get media coverage and money. Soros is trying to create a BLM France but he keeps failing because French don't care about niggers.

In France Black Lives Matter LESS
I am intrigued by them. Perhaps they have some ties with Illegalism, another big anarchistic branch in the history of France?
Dude stop being a pussy and be the American warrior we saw in ww2 its not a sandnigger that is gonna scare you right ?
He look like grand moff tarkin
Les Ulis, it was litteraly built because there were too many migrants coming to paris in the 60s

If I could summon kek to memeify a statement and make it become mainstream, it is the mantra that "We are expected to live like prisoners so that muslims may live free".

We are supposed to be okay with being raped, murdered, beheaded, beaten, threatened with bombings and arbitrary slaughter so that they can live free among us.
This is not about race, this is about Islamic youth.
Stop trying to use American categories.
Will these protests bring votes to Le Pen or is it normal at this point?
>>In France Black Lives Matter LESS

my kind of country
>How cucked is the area?
part skinhead, part bourgeois, strangely no niggers, it's like a mini Paris in the South of France without the niggers
>Are there hot french girls?
you bet
>Will I feel in danger from refugees?
no, you have more to fear sandnigger from Marseille if they decide to go there
Aix is okay. But Marseille is near, and it's sandniggerland !! Good thing in the south there is a lot of FN supporters !
Red pill me on the frog's link to kek: Will it begin in France?

Open season on the nigger then - or cucks
No, it's not normal, it isn't /pol/ overreacting.
You don't want some American faggot in your country anyway, it's a good filter.

Look at the like/dislike ratio on this one.
It also happened in 2005, that was glorious. It was the time when Le Pen dawned.

And outside France, it awoke the right of Europe.
>I will study abroad in Aix en Provence
>How cucked is the area?
It's a region above marseille, that's basically living in a city near detroit in a way, except it's pretty self-contained.
>Are there hot french girls?
You'll be in the South, not finding hot girls would be a proof that you are cursed.
>Will I feel in danger from refugees?
Shouldn't be any more dangerous than anywhere else tbhfam
honestly it's normal now. Couple times a year there is things like this. Good thing is it keeps the cops in good shapes, and people hate negro more and more :D
If it is proved that the niggers lied to get money, yes

If a riot occurs and police officers get killed after receiving order to not defend themselves, yes

If a riot occurs and they just chimp out and break things, yes
>Are there hot french girls?
YES, they're bitchy af though
It's not that cucked, when Hollande was elected president the mayor said that he was illegitim and a danger for democracy, she's republican. The city is pretty clean compared to Marseille
Look horrible

merci bien mes amis
Soros is funding the CCIF (Comité contre l'Islamophobie en France) that was very vocal during the burkini thing
They have ties to CasaPound from what the Francebro said. He said AF kind of works in tandem with them too, since they are more active.

Sounded like he lived around Nice.
Aix en Provence is pretty based I think but I only went there once
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Bougnoules, Jean...tu ne connais pas tes propres insultes...
We should thank that guy one day. Without BLM and SJW, Trump would never have been elected.

Without constant media propaganda against the Brexit, it would probably have not happened.

Now he create a 2005 style riot.

Thank you mister Soros, and please continue to fail.
I like the starship trooper like voice over and editing, just missing the "Would you like to now more?"
>All those dislikes on Lepen's video
France is kill, time to nuke
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>Reminder that this isn't a "happening", just a normal chimp-out and it won't lead to a racial conflict because most french (like today's white people) are beta pussies. And white people from Paris are the worst of all France, extremely weak feminine men and extremely bitchy women. Both equally stupid. Most other french hate them for this reason and they think highly of themselves, because they live in their third world shithole capital city.
>Reminder that the Lepen family are huge kike shills, they are used to demonize french who want to resist white genocide (by saying truths in a "swearword" way) and canalize their time and energy into something useless. Even if this kike-shill woman gets elected, it won't do shit against the genocide of the french, even if all immigration was stopped in a day, it is too late.
>The only solution is to get rid of the kikes and the race-traitors who created this situation, and only then to deport en masse all subhumans invaders. This can't be done by voting...

Tu me sembles plus intelligente que la moyenne des Frenchies, Jeanne...

>not available in your country

>what is raiding
>thinking communist are glue-eating retards
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Can someone give me a quick rundown of these guys?

Are they behind all this?
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Based frog on the end
Last I heard those guys were the gay cops..
Really fucked up to rape an innocent African-Frenchman like that..
Well so long as it all helps Le Pen win its ok.
That's a really really bad neighborhood though
Vintage N.W.A. hat in the crowd. Nice.
"This video is not available in your country"
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>ww2 amos
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> Aix-en-Provence
please don't go near me anon

girls are ugly, many refugees, very cucked wow xD we all love reddit here do not come
Let those frogs die. They imported all these nigs.
Upvote this so that people see it. Gonna make plebbit useful for once and have them like the video.

works for me, its your government blocking it intentionally.
try putting 'nsfw' before the word 'youtube'
>italian fascists having ties with anarcho-royalist
They're the complete opposite
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>>not available in your country

Pas étonnant, Jewtube s'arrange pour que les gens ne puisse pas voir la vérité...

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>tfw censorship is real
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>That's a really really bad neighborhood though

Comme Roubaix, Marseille, Lyon, tout le nord de Paris, etc...ca fait beaucoup de 'mauvais' quartiers...
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D-Did Verdun do something to the French we didn't know about?
Use a proxy
This is ridiculous.
Is there a riot or what? Im bored.
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FUCK FRANCE!! These muslim lovers, collaborating cunts should be left to burn. These fags imported so many muslims they don't even know what to do with them.
groupe M6, bloqué dans votre pays, FRANCHEMENT
This litteraly happened 6 years ago.
>3 military murdered in front of their house
>not sure of suspect because victim where black and arab before we realise it was islamic terrorism
>meanwhile guy managed to attack a jewish school
>during the assault he grabbed a 6-8yo girl to put a gun against her head and shoot her.
>he filmed it with a gopro on his chest
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and the 3 withes are not french...
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>"This video is not available in your country"

Un vieil homme qui rentre de l'épicerie se fait insulter par des jeunes bougnoules, pathétique...
>These fags imported so many muslims they don't even know what to do with them.
(((They))) imported them
what the fugg is happening in france
is Le Pen doing well? France really needs her, she's also planning to make a Frexit if she wins.
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Best opportunity for race war ever

> Install
> Choose America
> Past link of video into browser
> Enjoy every video
> Deactivate and repeat when you see a bloked video
> (Also works for Germans, when watching NatSoc material)
>is Le Pen doing well?
Fillon got turbofucked with scandal and dig himself deeper by the minute
Melenchon is a dirty communist
Macron is a bank puppet
Lepen benefit from this clusterfuck
oh im fucking stupid i should have just read the op thats retarded
Griezmann is French. Well... he is part Alsatian and Portuguese, true.
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Défaitiste de merde qui poste depuis son trou à rat et qui ne va rien faire lorsqu'une guerre civile éclatera.
Sale tapette va. Ressaisis toi.
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Rappel quotidien que les truies Francaises sont des traitres et vont abandonner leurs males a la premiere opportunité...

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Did he get the big black stick ?
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black refugees rape white women all the time...whites don't react violently somehow...cops do same thing to black guy, blacks freak out...chill guys, it's called karma.
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>Il poste des extraits de Secret Story comme preuve
s'il te plait.
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Canadian are no better
This is where last time spread
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I have seen a short video where it appears that the police just beat him a few times, without showing which lead to the whole situation, but that is enough for these niggers to burn everything and riot?

Where is the "put a baton up his ass" part?
Cette dévastation anale
fake news, shit's not even trending on twitter
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Vous allez ressortir cette merde pendant 10 ans?
Any live streams up?
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Hahaha putain tu pues la rage.

Mohamed Merah, he chose to end his life by jumping from the window and firing-in that order! Perhaps he thought of living in a videogame..
If France ever called for help, I will be on the next boat.
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nice smug pepe picture, /pol/bro.
Car insurance in France must be expensive.
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>Hahaha putain tu pues la rage.

Pas autant que les putes qui se font violés par des bougnoules a chaque jour...

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>Been pissing in this ocean of piss for over 10 years

True oldfags wouldn't boast that, newfriend
I'm french too and I didn't even know Théo was black before reading this thread (maybe because I only read articles and don't watch TV)
Updates? Last night spike of violence was at 2 AM
Things are heating?
See for yourself.
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BLM France insult cops on TV
Marine Le Pen declares she stand with the cop
More chimp out in Aulnay AND Paris
Would it even be news if it was an actual ethnic Frenchman sodomized? I doubt socialist voters would care.
There was an illegal demonstration in front of my building (East Paris), but the police broke the demonstration
Good (or bad), it's spreading
Are French niggers mostly muslims?
Police officers are redpilled, they won't do this to a real French.

I'd say 60/40. Niggers from African colonies (Mali, Sénégal, Côte d'Ivoire) are mostly muslims, niggers from Carribean colonies are Christian
Cops in general are redpilled, so that's no surprise.

It was hypothetically speaking.
The blacks in my area are Muslim but I doubt they're very religious.
Paris banlieue niggers are muslim? And what about that Theo?
Yeah, it killed them
In my area (East district of Paris), they are mostly Christians. In the 93 (surbubs of Paris), they are mostly muslims because only muslims would want to live there

That le Pen video gave me a boner. I've already masturbated to her niece, but has anyone masturbated to Marine herself?

Also, why the fuck are there no men in France saying the things Marine is saying? Why do you need a woman to lead a far right movement?
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Secret Story ...

Sale putain de feuille

we have the exact same shit when we try to view "controversial" videos from our own country. But foreigners always can.

Really coagulates my capillaries
Another "hands up" dindu?
Because Le Pen don't have a son.
So is anything happening now ?
well someone still has a gun in jolly old England.
If only they stopped there.

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>Also, why the fuck are there no men in France saying the things Marine is saying?

I bet you don't know about Marine's father. He is France national Banter, he litteraly said in the EU parliament that gaz chamber were a detail in WW2 history and accused a socialist marxist of pedophilia. He served during he Algeria war and tortured mudshit terrorists.

Buy your media are too cucked to show a an old man dropping so much redpills, they prefers to show beautiful girls to max their audience.

Before insulting someone of being a cuck based on what you have heard of, ask yourself if you have not been cucked before.

Is the Twitter filter up? It's absurd that the #paris hashtag has literally 0 tweets about this
T'as l'air d'être un bon abruti.
Breivik had right idea
Traitors first
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Try fapping to her mum, Pierette Le Pen,
she did a photoshoot for Playboy
le papa lepen, c'est un collabo a deux balles. Il s'est fait rejeter par la resistance quand il etait gamin par un socialiste et depuis il n'a jamais pardonner les "cocos".

Torturer les bougnoules en algerie, pas de probleme - c'est cool. Mais pretendre que les nazis sont des bons fistons qui n'ont rien fait de mal, meme si tu te fous des juifs, c'est pathetique en tant que francais. Barbie Klaus et compagnie, hein, faut pas oublier tout de meme. Les anglos qui larp, c'est une chose - ils n'ont jamais connu ce qu'est une occupation.
basically : dindu nofin
Here is your (You) now go get your shekels from your kikes master fucking shill
I see you guys still have gun stores in France.
Get yourself a bird gun or rifle, be a sport shooter.
This, join shooting club, make a little paperwork, buy gun. Handguns are not threaten of any regulation from EU, AK and AR might be but if a lot of people own some it cannot be applied, ownership will be grandfathered (at least for the 5 years you obtain the authorization for)
That beard and no mustache, he's from Congo but I bet that he's muslim
>ils n'ont jamais connu ce qu'est une occupation
Yes they knew what it was like to be occupied
and they still know, although they surrendered hard this time. Join the Resistance anglos ! Sus au juif !
They have basically occupied the streets to prevent the chimpout
Or it's only the calm before the storm

Les patriotes etaient les gaullistes et les combatants de la division Charlemagne.

Les autres, des communistes et des traitres.

Absolument rien a foutre de la Gestapo qui torturait des communistes.
ah okay, t'es un con. Ma faute.
Do you have a sauce Anon...for r-research purposes?
They are in another neighbourhood
Le post entier est un bon gros cliché.
Bien joué tocard !
Ca change rien au fait que JM le pen a commencer sa carriere politique en tant que poujadiste, aka les connards qui pensaient que vichy etait genial.

Sa fille n'est peut etre pas super non plus, mais au moins elle a capter que celebrer des collabos, ca n'aide pas a gagner des voix.
footage of the school
Search for "Pierrette Le Pen nue" or "Pierrette Le Pen playboy"
Finally nothing has happened?

C'est quoi ton probleme avec Vichy ?

Il aurait fallu restaurer la monarchie mais c'est difficile de faire ca en six mois et incompatible avec le projet hitlerien.
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mdr, tu fais honte a la france. Voir des collabos qui pensent serieusement etre le dernier espoir de ce pays est franchement risible. Degage merdeux, Marine t'a ejectee du parti y'a deux ans deja.
>burning schools to make a point
Enough already, opération ronces when?

Si je me mets à corriger ta saloperie de propagande inconsciente et pleine de bon gros sentiments de petzouilles on ne va pas s'en sortir...

Cela étant dit, c'est quoi ton projet ?
Official march tomorrow at 18:00
We'll see after that
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Mon probleme avec la collaboration? avec les rations? avec les deportations de soldats pour travailler dans des camps? avec le travail non remunerer des citoyens? Avec les viols and les meutres? Avec la trahison d'un des heros de la premiere guerre mondiale? Avec un regime qui a preferer ceder a l'enemi que se battre? Avec l'humiliation nationale qui nous poursuit le cul depuis 1944?

Honnetement je sais pas.
But was it provoked by them?
It's near Aulnay
>ma propagande
Et la tienne mon bisounours, hein? C'est super de celebrer se faire humilier, piller et massacrer par MUH HITLER.

T'es un couillon comme les autres, c'est meme pas la peine d'essayer de raisonner avec les types comme toi. Les traitres meritent a pendaison, pas un recit.

Aucun sens de l'Histoire.

Il est preferable d'etre conquis par Hitler que libere par les americains et les sovietiques.

Regarde la merde dans laquelle on baigne depuis la fin de la guerre.
>can't stop to shitpost
>literrally : "I red my history book in high school guys, I know everything from the bad guys and the good guys, could I have a coockie now ?"
elle a le cul plat! dégueulasse
Pour l'effort de syntaxe.
Has Zemmour been proven yet?

Is Ronces real?

Les vainqueurs ecrivent l'Histoire, l'education nationale impose cette version de l'Histoire aux jeunes esprits

Resultat : desastre
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Cry harder faggot. The FN "a la jean-marie" is DEAD and never coming back again.
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>Mon probleme avec la collaboration? avec les rations? avec les deportations de soldats pour travailler dans des camps? avec le travail non remunerer des citoyens?
Effort de guerre pour mettre un terme à la domination de la race youtre sur le système financier mondial
>Avec les viols and les meutres?
Les GI nègres ont violé plus de françaises que les allemands
>Avec la trahison d'un des heros de la premiere guerre mondiale?
trahison, lel
>Avec un regime qui a preferer ceder a l'enemi que se battre? Avec l'humiliation nationale qui nous poursuit le cul depuis 1944?
L'humiliation c'est de ne pas avoir repris contrôle de notre pays, de son système financier et de la main-mise des juifs sur la culture qui nous rend docile à leur contrôle.

La vraie trahison c'est d'abandonner sa race à un système qui place le profit au centre de tout. Mais heureusement Marine n'est pas stupide, elle bannit les symbole mais garde les principes. Fermer la BCE, introduire une politique culturelle démocratique, l'affirmation de nos racines chrétiennes, autant de coups porté à zog.
j'ai pas de clavier francais ici, donc je fais de mon mieux avec les maoyens du bord. desoler fiston.
Zemmour is a serious guy, i have very few doubts about it
Jo france I'm thinking of helping you guys out by joining the legion d etranger.
I have 4 years of military experience but can't handle the cuckery in our nation anymore.
>would my help be appreciated?
>do you think I'll be activly used to stabilize France in the legion d etranger?
Or will they yet again send me to some shitpoor country to clear IED's with our lives and help people use the guns they'll shoot us with on the next mission?
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s-shut up
marion will bring it back
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I don't live too far from there, getting nervous desu senpai.
Just waiting to see if Drancy or Blanc-mesnil join the riot game.
I don't know, I haven't read the book and they quit talking about it one week after the polemic started, I'm just shitposting. Although I wouldn't be surprised if the army made plans for a scenario like that
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kek confirms

Florianfag BTFO
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>Les GI nègres ont violé plus de françaises que les allemands
I don't understand why Hollande webt to see theo(black guy) at the hospital even though there was no sentence yet for the cops? What about présemption d'innoncence?(innocent until proven guilty)Could it be that he is being a stupid cunt affaire leonarda style?
>Drancy or Blanc-mesnil
What exactly is "white" in Blanc-Mesnil ?

The big shit will probably start in 2020.

If I was you, I will join FFL next year, to have some experience in Africa before the big shit...
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simple, les allemands n'ont violé aucune française, les GI nègres l'ont fait

ils en ont donc violé plus

source : les tribunaux militaires et les pendaisons
He's trying to avoid a riot I guess
I've only had experience in the middle east thus far.
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Dude its in your fucking song

The Legion doesn't typically operate within French borders.
kek, k
>The Legion doesn't typically operate within French borders.
>implying we are still in France...

What is the consensus among French citizens on people that join the legion d etranger?
It's for the lost and the desperate. The last stop before suicide.
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Praise Kek!
People don't care or think they're cool because it's hard to get accepted
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Damn that hit the spot pretty hard.
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i come to your town only to buy drugs lol, i only see commie blocks and niggers everywhere. Especially around the quartier near la poste and carrefour.
0/10 would not live in
Yeah to ireland
This. France is the canary in the coal mine.
Mehdi, it's Hollande you are talking about, of course he is being a stupid cunt, what else would he do?

Its also full of KANGS and ayyy-rabs now

That's like, the whole point.
hahaha le sel.
Je suis sur qu'elle a adorée ça la petite Bouchard, toute serrée qu'elle était, de se faire écarter la fente par ce nègre mastodon.
Not true, mostly Eastern Euros nowadays.
Niggers from Africa are too dumb they very rarely make the cut.
Thread posts: 309
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