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Sweden NO!

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Thread replies: 317
Thread images: 80

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Youre looking at an endangered species.Take a long hard look, I dont know if youll ever see one again.

This is Peter Springare, 47 year veteran of the Swedish PD. And Peter has fucking had it.

>Here we go; this I've handled Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, off of, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, Rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment.
Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again Christopher... what is it true. Yes a Swedish name snuck on the outskirts of a drug crime, Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again.
>Countries representing the weekly all crimes: Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects, we can't be sure because they don't have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they're lying about your nationality and identity.
>Now we're talking just örebro municipality. And these crimes occupies our utredningsförmåga to 100 %.
>So it looks here and has been like for the past 10-15 years.
>Return next Friday with a statement for the past week

The last man in Sweden made good on his promise as well, hes laying it all out there every week on his (((facebook)))

>“The Swedish public has to be told all the facts now,” writes Åsenlöv, adding that Code 291 is used to hide “all information about the immigration-related crime,” including a ban on publicly releasing photos of migrant suspects.

How will (((they))) ever recover?
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And the public is supporting him, look at all these beautiful flowers the PD claims cant be photographed by journalists for, um, national security or something

Is it FINALLY a new day in Sweden?
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One last time because based Granddad needs our support right now
Death to the patriarchy!
Swedish civil war incoming
I opened this thread because I thought he had his dick in his hands, how are you going to compensate me?

I repay all debnts in the form of (You)s



As someone from Norway, would you help your Swedish brothers and sisters if shit really went down?
He's gotten a lot of support despite mainstream media trying to portray him as a racist!
as someone from the UK - yes. unless it was kicking off here at the same time.

>tfw Swedes are named Peter and Christopher.

Fuck I thought you guys all had variations of Sven and nordic sounding names.
Bump for an honest /pol/ thread.
Why isn't he banned off of Facebook or fired from his job? Lefties do everything to obscure the truth.
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Coming Soon in Sweden
>Right Wing Death Squads
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I could fap to this tbqh

Sven I want you to listen to me, this is an extremely rare golden opportunity you have right now, if you all let this loose steam you may not have another chance for years

Share the fuck out of this, support him every chance you get, dont let people forget there are those fighting against the insanity.

This is your chance to prove all of us /pol/acks wrong, and God I hope you do.


I would as well if shit really hit the fan. Swedes may be our retarded cousins were ashamed of but theyre still family, and family looks out for each other

He is nothing more but a right wing racist. Don't worry. He's already prosecuted and on trial soon as we speak. Police officers who are not neutral and spread racist agenda is a danger to every society.
If we didn't convert to Christianity at some point in history we probably would.

The police officer will be interviewed by danish media according a facebook post.

They are much less cucked than the swedish media, so I'm looking forward to that.

Thanks Swede bro I was getting scared for a second there. Everyone knows muslims are peaceful people.
U got any more of that there meme magic?
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All day everyday
> crime is a race.
What's the rape statistics you got over there, Akhmoud?
Nice source
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new FB post by our guy



Recent days have been some of the most tumultuous days I experienced. I understood, of course there would be reactions from "both sides" so to speak. I have previously over the years stuck his neck out and put me on the barricades in various issues that I refused to relate to the politically correct. Therefore, I am aware of how damned bad bangs do when you are alone in the wind when people with power o influence coming together and doing everything to defame and lower one. In this case I really feel not alone.
The reactions and expressions of sympathy I had received in unimaginable quantities have made me both happy, strong and very moved at the same time. I have received huge amounts of flowers, gifts and letters. Letters in quantities from ordinary people around the country. Single people, families with children and pensioners. They thank me for what I lift up, and not infrequently describe many of his own experiences, thoughts and fears.
What I particularly noticed and touched on much is the amount of immigrants who praised and sympathized with what I want to highlight.
I can not possibly answer and thank everyone personally. It is about ten thousands of greetings. I try of course to eventually read all. Reads the best I can ever since.
My mailboxes, SMS, etc are stuffed several times.
I am particularly impressed by the facebook groups formed and grown enormously. In particular, a plant which is many times more than enormous. I am completely overwhelmed and can not describe in words my feelings about this.

Yea but you see, Hitler, that weve redefined the definition of rape to include all sorts of things. Thats why were the rape capital of Europe on par with 4th world African dictatorships, nothing to do with Islam of course.


I still want to send a special thank you to Hans Dahlberg for your support o involvement. We who camped together as nyabakade cops in Miami in the late 70s.
With this post I want, therefore, to the depth of my heart to thank all of you supporting control and support me in this. This heats o spurs something tremendously, which means I do not have a thought of giving up the fight. The fight for the hope that we openly and publicly, without harassment, threats, verbal abuse on racism and xenophobia could raise sensitive issues of immigration. This is so that, if possible, seek that we can get it quieter and safer in our society, whether it is "native Swedish," or immigrants.
Once a giant giant THANK YOU from me. I will share additional statistics, if not scientifically tested because no one apparently wants to test this very scientific. And I attach images to a part of all the flowers sent to me.
Finally, the police management. I have not flexes in from lunch yet. Do it immediately after the button press. So no need to worry because if I "stole" some time.
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Are the prophecies true? Has Ragnar risen?
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this guy is the real mvp, he´s getting some serious support and sweden is truly at the boiling point. his facebook support group has got 100k followers in like 24 hours. (((they))) dont know how to react.

the fire is truly rising
berg means mountain. Back in the day it was popular for swedish soldiers to take their names after things in nature. It's not auto-jew
>drug crime
All that good shit, tough-guy.
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I am a Swedish man in America, i joined the group yesterday, it was then 34.000 people. Right now its 96.000

People from all over Europe has started to join and show their support.
Its the fastest growing group in Swedish history on Facebook.

It truly is a sign, but this is what I and many Swedes already knew, SD will have 30% or more next election, Sweden is going into an Era.

And seeing the beautiful chart that say that 55% of Swedes would fight for their country, second most in Europe, I tell you we will rise again.

Name of the group: stå upp för peter springare

I really wish your average /pol/ack understood this

Berg doesnt mean in Sweden what it means everywhere else.


The time is now! Seize this opportunity or you may lose it forever.
>no racism pls sweden is for immigrants
>"""native""" swedes

get to fuck. brave to speak out at all don't get me wrong but we need to stop fucking apologising and making qualifiying statements to appease leftists


I just joined as well, I dont understand the language but I want to lend my support in whatever way I can.

Its a new day in Sweden, your day.

Have you joined their facebook yet? Unbelievable activity

I never thought Id see the day Sven rose up
Jean-Luc, get the guillotine.
I dunno man. It's not like people didn't realise what was going on until he spoke out and SD still only poll at like 25%. I can't see that you're gonna get support for the only sort of radical measures that are necessary until the entire country goes up in flames.
Peter Springare is now trending on twitter
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Evelyn Schreiber is a swedish liberal living in Brooklyn. She thinks this is about men commiting crimes instead of... anyhing else.

Orebro police Knight being investigated for incitement to racial hatred

This man is an HERO - support him anyway you can -

@Peter Springare - twitter

Stå Upp För Peter Springare - Facebook

(Stand up for Peter Springare)
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Danish cop supports him
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Wrong pic, pic above this post is swedish border police

pic related is the danish one

he also has a blog
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Finally! Maybe you can get him to run for office or something.
Hmm I wonder what kind of reaction there would be if the Sweden Democrats said that he would become the new chief of the police if they won. Most people hate the current one but he won't step down because the socialists take care of their own.
Translation for the pic is: I am so fucking tired.
Translation for the groupname is: stand up for Peter Springare.

Thx for the support ameribro, im starting to feel hope for this hell hole.

Actually right wing cuck squads

>Cut Mohhamed's cock in half with anal contraction

>Use swedish 13 yo girls to lure jamal into the cuck shed of death

>Fire dildos with pure fresh african pozzed sperm with so many stds it kills you in a day

>Lock muslims tied down in a room full of little girls (and boys and goats) till their dicks explodes

Im going to war in the comments, the commitment of your marxists is impressive.
He's in a Swedish court. He'll get a $25 fine and then keep his job.
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They are few tho. Swedish nationalists (including all normal people ofc that is tired of this shit) out number them pretty good.
Even all the immigrants that came to Swedenborg before 1995-1999 have grown into our society and are becoming hateful towards immigrants, this include slavs, finns, Turks, Greeks etc etc
nah that only works if your name is muhammed and you raped 14 swedish girls. He'll probably get life sentance and declared a worse person than Hitler here
I joined the fb group. Kek I'm one of the only non Scandis.
Is your name Johan? I know a Johan in my area that came to the USA because Sweden was too lefty
Absolutely fucking based.

You'll be the first to go on the Swedish day of the rope, goat-fucker.
inb4 "we got a new moderator team" and they're all cryptocommunists who will censor everything that isn't politically correct
For the most part, the Muslims and Asians that have come to America, were upstanding citizens. You folks are getting the dregs. That your politicians put criminals from other nations ahead of their own people, simply means that they are traitors, and must be removed from office. Revolution, and let the cucks live with their immigrants if they choose, but you should not have to live like that.

Alot of Danish, Norweigans and Polacks.

But yeah, Youre probably thé only French
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Nah, its not.
I live in Chicago. Meet a girl here and got married this late summer.
Sweden is lefty, but desu its worse here in Chicago.
Dude u are talking about the same people that hid in their cucksheds while rest of europe were fighting the wrold wars. The same people that elected feminists as their leaders. The same people that declined help for Finland while russian hordes were zerg rushing us. Swedish men are soft and arrogant.

Well, you cant silence the people, Swedes have had enough and its showing.

Peter Springare is reported for "Hets emot folkgrupp" translate "hate against racegroup"
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fear not! our Alt Light """"""""""Only Real Opposition***""""""""** are here to save us

**they have (((certain people))) in the party top and can't recognize "Ethnic Swedes" as existing, and Jimmie Akesson is #NeverTrump

***Mattias Karlsson, CHIEF IDEOLOGUE, betrayed his white brethren by asking (((Expo))) for help with eradicating "right-wing extremists", ie any political party besides (SD) acknowledging the biological reality of Ethnos ---> Race
why is so many burgers spreading this shit?

Its extremely important to us that you guys fully uncuck yourselves, this could be the catalyst
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My old grandfather (RIP) fought for you. Only Finland(you) are more likely to fight for your country than Swedes in Europe.

Yeah, what they say and do now is to get the "racist" stamp away. So that they can actually gain some influence.

Thé road to power is long and hard, but im sure they have their vision of how it shall end.
Don't worry /pol/. This is just another fascist police officer trying to spread lies.

He will be dealt with and forgotten soon enough.

t. righteous leftist.
Well you should use meme magic and elect him.

>funded by State money (=Taxpayer (reminder that Sweden has near largest taxation of all countries)
>visit gymnasiums/High Schools to push libshit and/or commie propagande, mirroring (((American Liberal Arts))) students

>their founder is a korean who has:

- randomly punched a white kid for being white
- charged for committing Arson
- in the age before Twitter posted things such as "May the white Race die!" in normal print magazines

This is what the Sweden Democrats cooperate with to gain hold of our parliament seats, throwing all #woke people under the bus principally speaking

REMINDER that nationalism must always be Civic and Pragmatic when coming from White Countries :^^^)
maybe you're too far gone to understand but when you see a friend in trouble you should want to help them
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RIP old gramps. Sometimes you have to do what has to be done and that will take the lives of the bravest while the weak will remain and multiply.
>Yeah, what they say and do now is to get the "racist" stamp away. So that they can actually gain some influence.

With policies like "Öppen Svenskhet" or 'Open Swedishness':

>any black somali muslim can become swedish, according to former Youth Leage leader G. Kasselstrand
>Kasselstrand got _fucking sacked_ by previously mentioned Mattias Karlsson
>the crime? Acting 1/10th of Richard Spencer
>he proceeded with dropping the belief in that doctrine of 'Open Swedishness' sometime later

We will not be saved by copying your Milo-and-Cruz circus _again_
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Why do nationalist always depict the white race as a beautiful woman? No fucking wonder you are all so cucked.
Our police force led by a criminal (proven but never indicted) named Dan Eliasson has tons of police-men who find and prosecute any "racist meme" as "Hets mot folkgrupp". (Even underage kids whose parents get to pick up the bill as long as the kids are white.)

Pretty hard to get anything going when "Hate speech" vs non-swedes, journalists and politicians is strictly forbidden in our new fine laws.
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"Swedishness does not lie in any bodypart or skin color, it lies in your values**. /.../ The goal is that of a conflict-free Society, not of Society consisting of a certain kind* of people."

*business as usual, Egalitarian is codeword for Anti-White

**How is this different from Obama or Lying Ted and the like? plus, when you make Israelis sound like Hitler given they deport Black African Jews from their border :^)
>Swedish men are soft and arrogant.
Don't be mean finland, no more fratricidal wars
Joining FB groups to support Peter Springare is actually very helpful. Swedish police can't harass foreigners so it's also safe.
It's helpful since it's difficult for Swedish media to explain why someone they try to portrait as a "lying nazi" gets so much support.
How long until he's thrown behind bars for speaking his mind?
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Not yet

>Bjorn Soder writes that... the MOST PRO-ISRAELI PARTY [of _all_ parliament 'Riksdag' parties]

>who paid the DNC
>which Soros belongs to which (((People))) having funded which Anti-Trump efforts IRL
>who owns such and such companies in the Western hemisphere
>how did people react when Trump merely spoke of a "Small Global Elite" owning the press
swedes ITT don't cuck in 2018
And all this time I thought the north and south poles were huge jewish meccas with all of their icebergs.
why he dressed like an australian
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Om en arab säger upp sin muslimska tro och på allvar ställer sig upp och omfamnar vår svenska kultur, historia och värderingar, det har jag inget problem med.
Hur stort problem har du med alla greker som kom hit under 70talet och idag är helt försvenskade, så pass att du förmodligen inte kan skilja deras barn mot ett helsvenskt i både attityd och värderingar?
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>average Swedish woman
some of them get paid by "EXPO"-like thinktanks, comparable to how (((Scott Foval))) tried to ruin Trump rallies IRL last autumn or Podesta's now infamous (((Correct The Record))) paying 0.10$ for low energy Marxist forum sliding
Att göra så tar död på båda sidornas folkslag. Skulle du köra samma policy på Japan eller Israel?

>Om en arab säger upp sin muslimska tro och på allvar ställer sig upp och omfamnar vår svenska kultur, historia och värderingar, det har jag inget problem med.
Men också ni counter-jihadists postar banter om att muslim-invandrarna är ohjälpligt korkade/tröga/IQ 70, och så vidare; varför accepterar ni biologi ibland, ibland inte :^) ?
>samma policy
Förstådd som

>bosätta sig här
>skolgång här
>skattebetalarnas pengar här
>#BlandaUpp med Vita Människor här


>same policy [arabs or greeks assimilating into swedish society]
Understood as

>permanent residence in Sweden
>schooling in Sweden
>partaking in taxpayer money funded things in Sweden (= previous generations of _whites_ earned labor)
>#BlandaUpp with White Humans [biology and recessive genes, etc]
>Forcing your grandson to be a gunner
That ain't right.
n-nevermind any racial demographics anon, they just have to learn American Folk Dance from the era of the [White, certain geolocation of European] founding fathers to straighten things out
>Hur stort problem har du med alla greker som kom hit under 70talet och idag är helt försvenskade, så pass att du förmodligen inte kan skilja deras barn mot ett helsvenskt i både attityd och värderingar?

Men jag ser fortfarande skillnad på en grek och en nordbo på utsidan :^), eller är vi alla israeliska judar för att vi instiftat en Förintelsens Minnesdag-högtid i almanackan och IRL manifestationer?
Chicago is hell, she better be a good woman
mass deportations soon
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fucking YES, finally our own "overton window" shifting

This would've been unthinkable in 2015
>when you only hear of Chicago as being utter shit

was the city originally HuWhite prior to the 20th century?
For those who cant read nordics:

"I am a criminal assistant in Köbenhavns police and I stand 100% with Peter Springares statements. Because we also have the same problems in Denmark. There are almost no danish names in the daily police reports and a really huge chunk of the polices resources are used on un-intergratable strangers. Let us have a free debate on the subject, so we can tackle the problem. It can certainly not be silence and has nothing to do with racism."
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Du tror på allvar att vi aldrig haft folkvandring till Sverige förut? Okej. Ser du skillnad på valonerna som kom tull Sverige och en svensk?

Jag är helt seriös när jag tror att du är både kort, brunhårig och bruna ögon.
Absolut vill jag inte ha en jävla massa utlänningar överallt.

Men du kan inte heller förneka att om de få som får komma (SD har en låg invandrings kvot, säg 5000 om året) helt integrerar sig i Sverige att du skulle ha problem med det?

Vi har en Jävla massa polacker och Serber i Sverige, ingen bryr sig för att de integrerar sig, men jag ser fortfarande skillnad på en Polack och en svensk, trots att vi båda är vita.
Ta Tino som exempel, han gör med för vår sak i att stoppa invandringen än vad nationalisterna gör, han är en iransk - svensk nationalekonom

Yeah, but northside is fine.
She is!
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Facts are racist, goy. Back to the reeducation camps with you.

Sweden will rise again

kek wills it
What if Swedes decide they value Swedishness.
Nigs everywhere, all of them convinced that they were kings and shit.

But, i do believe its over exagurated how bad it is, sometimes feel more safe here than I did walking home at night in Stockholm.
Israel sparkar under 2015/16 ut ett gäng svarta, afrikanska invandrade judar (!); förklara bort det'

Germansk börd, skillnad från negroida/afro-folk utanför Europa

>Men du kan inte heller förneka att om de få som får komma (SD har en låg invandrings kvot, säg 5000 om året) helt integrerar sig i Sverige att du skulle ha problem med det?
Sverigedemokrater har ju redan problem med mindre än så, på lokal nivå. Åkessons planerade stopp på 90-95% blir mer och mer *verkningslöst* så länge VÄLDIGT många fler hinner ta sig in hit och "fästa sig" (slänga passen, claima snyfthistorier för att få asyl, etc).

>Ta Tino som exempel, han gör med för vår sak i att stoppa invandringen än vad nationalisterna gör, han är en iransk - svensk nationalekonom
Ja, men han och Hanif Bali (som många tycker är "baserad" han med) blir fortfarande aggressive när Vithet-Svenskhet-Nordiskhet någonsin kommer upp; minst Hanif Bali har uttryckt irritation över """"""pur-svenskt""""" i en tidningsartikel för inte så länge sedan, men jag har inte helt koll på Tino i nuläget

Har inget problem med Sanandaji sålänge han återuppbygger sitt (!) Iran och återvänder hem i sinom tid (påminnelse om alla iranier som *flydde* för att landet blev för kaotiskt under en period)
>när man rör ihop saker

Hur som helst, nordbor har mer gemensamt med valloner än vad man kan säga om Arabfolk, Semitiska folk, Negroida/Afrikanska/Svarta folk

Om inte, varför blir Sverigedemokrater så ilskna online över chimpouts från icke-vita ifall det bara är en fråga om inlärda beteenden?
>Jag är helt seriös när jag tror att du är både kort, brunhårig och bruna ögon.
>Absolut vill jag inte ha en jävla massa utlänningar överallt.

Dina och (SD):s

>5000 om året

KAN ju fortfarande placeras i klunga/tätt, så att NÅGON ort i landet får dras med deras problem ändå - handlar det *endast* om numerärt för er, eller om principer?

en FOLK-gemenskap blir dessutom vag när andra medborgar-gruppers Etnos erkänns FÖRUTOM svenska, vita, människors
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Varenda gång
>Vi har en Jävla massa polacker och Serber i Sverige, ingen bryr sig för att de integrerar sig, men jag ser fortfarande skillnad på en Polack och en svensk, trots att vi båda är vita.

Påminnelse om att britterna var väldigt OGILLANDES av polackerna i UK under Brexit-valet 2016

Finns ingen garanti för att ett SD-samhälle med thaifruar, integrerade "coola negrer" (likt USA) och fortsatt 70IQ-invandring-men-i-mindre-mängd från MENA inte kommer generera fortsatta problem som de vi möter idag
Its a warning sign for people here who think we need more migrants.
Oh shit.
Have White men have had enough?
The boots are going on and the foots are coming down. the resolve is building and plans are being made as to how to channel a lifetime of anger that has been shoved way way down.

Will the Jews take this last chance to avoid destruction? Or will they double down?

I bet they double down. Just like women they don't see the danger signs until it too late.
I hope he gets life in prison for the damage he has caused to our multicultural society.
>när sökträffar om hennes namn och 'world zionist congress' ger för liknande svar
>alla judiska namn "går in i varandra"

World Zionist Congress _________BETALADE SD-EKEROTH 600 000 kronor år 2006_____ för sitt passionerade stöd för världjudenheten, som nordisk/svensk nationalist [inte socialkonservativ moderat] så blir jag osäker på om mina sympatier ligger rätt

(jämför allt uppgrävt om standard GOP hos republikanerna, vem som betalade vem $$$ under valrörelsen, vs mera 'self-made' Donald Trump)
>"Police officer Peter Springare under suspicions of hate crime after Facebook post"

If I had to bomb any Swedish news HQ, it'd be (((aftonbladet)))

Hej säpo
>dat virtue signalling
>this Moderates Party (m) poster being this desperate to co-govern with the Sweden Democrats

pragmatic Alt Light civicnatsare more concerned with keeping up the appearance of "Not A Racist" as to suck up to CNN-tier media

>compare that to The Don not taking the shit flinged at him
>he also won the election without cucking himself into PJW/Ramzpaul/Cernovich territory
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Inb4 "civic traitor shill"

this really needs to happen just right anon, especially in such a near-death nation as Sweden. Yeah honesty as you say is needed, but the discussion has to START first. Also Overton window.

Finally, praise Kek, Shadilay motherfuckers!
The group has rules against /pol/speak and actual redpills though. Still it´s a yuge step in the right direction and I am glad to see it. Will be many swedes browsing but not joining that shit, building up rage and solidarity with moder Svea.
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>this really needs to happen just right anon, especially in such a near-death nation as Sweden.
lmao you guys have said this for SEVEN (7) YEARS with not much to show for it, there's exercised cautiousness and being ethnomasochistic-while-still-playing-the-rigged-media-game like you do so far

>the discussion has to START
that's been done years ago m8, stop allowing the Leftists and Cuckservatives* to have a stranglehold on it

*becoming allies with (m) does not look like True Opposition, Nationalism (since (m) are globalist pundits - they EXPLICITLY state that (sd) will not get to _GOVERN_ at all should they cooperate in a Moderates Party led government - and you know it!)) to me
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Shiet Sven, Ive dropped redpills about Barbara Spectre, Marxism, Chaos Theory, no-go zones, the whole fucking lot and not one of my comments have been deleted

You have to do it without using slurs or any language they deem unacceptable. You have to outplay your opponent.

Also dropped pic related on them too, you can still see it in my post about Americans standing with you guys
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Desu I am happy they let his messages stay up for so long at all. We never discuss this in the media or the news, they don´t post quality descriptions if they can allow it, they barely punish non-swedish criminals AND will put extra police in if any Swede gets rowdy, tries to protest or speak up.

Tfw police in a very """sensitive""" area said "We won´t be investigating small time crime like robbery, burglary, threats and scuffles, too much homicide and rape now senpai guys".
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Honorary Nordic, keep on winning
Prepare for "racist hate crimes" false flags now which they will blame on this and then say "Look goys, we can´t discuss this because nazism is on the rise".

Fucking documentary called Defamation was such a redpill on the avarage jew mentality. They really believe it too, forcefed that shit from childhood.
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How long until he (((mysteriously))) dies?
>as if she wouldn't want police protection herself

>lives in (((Brooklyn)))
oy vey another shoah... across the Atlantic?

Why does a SWEDISH newspaper, a ______local__________ one not even a nationwide one, publish her? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
As stated before this group will have anti-redpill rules and it already does. The groups stated purpose is to support Peter and discuss his message WITHOUT resorting to racism, redpills, the jews, etc.

Still go in and try to sneak some good stuff past the PC rules if you wanna help your dying canary.
Low quality bait, if not I hope you get a visit by Mohammed and his lads
We tried to help the good guys anon, we were just busy being subverted by Bolshevik agents so could only give them some iron ore and train rides.

Theyre already trying to charge him with hate speech

I absolutely fucking refuse to let /OURGUY/ go down like that. If they charge him, Sweden better fucking riot.
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>6/6 2015

It´s more like Incitement of hate against a group of people.

What group lol, non-white criminal migrants? Because he states openly he respects the legal ones who works and comes in manageable numbers. He should have typed some other names though, insulting our sharia overlords is dangerous.
Don't complain when (sd) pulls the same crap on Racialist citizens

>see that 'Motion' about TrueFinns (FIN) and Dansk Folkeparti (DK) wanting to create a law against """""""""""""right wing extremism"""""""""
>across all 3 countries
>ie actual not-civicNationalist words/media outlets/political parties getting banned (!)

I've spoken to quite a few Sverigedemokrater and practically no one has heard of this, people oughta read Flashback some more desu senpai

Again, the same mechanism of silencing #Woke people might occur with SD if they don't check themselves before they wreck themselves (and the government)
And to think my ancestors got lined up and executed by Soviets for you.
If this doesn't convince anyone they're spreading pure propaganda, I don't fucking know what does.
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dont worry your local merchant will supply the ammo
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Your side will suffer regardless of who wins, if you didn´t realize that.

Right wing rises = ropes for all of you traitors.
Left wing Commies rise = all useful idiots are shot or gulag´d first because they know too much / are too brainwashed to even be human.

So you are, factually, suicidal.
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I'm sure that the average Swede is supporting him.
Yup, this is a chance for everyone who's quiet to step forward and tell these fuckers what they think.

Can confirm after speaking with a few people
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Be wary of your own complaints about against nonwhite previously muslim, but now-naturalized behaviorally, immigrants never getting heard of in the future

>""""""""""True Opposition""""""""""
>""""""""""Sund Svensk Nationalism""""""""
>när ingen Svenskhet kan sägas finnas enligt Åkesson själv, egna ord

btw, since Nu-SDU "Ungsvenskarna" has signed a freakin' WAIVER swearing blind loyalty to the Parti-topp, good luck changing the party as a regular voter
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Only you Brazil... only you could have written this.

Where do you live? I want to pay you a little visit.
Well they didn´t the other 100+ times. Sometimes I feel their victory is unstoppable this time, but I am sure plenty civilizations or nations felt the same in the past before enough people have had ENOUGH at the same time.
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>tfw no bf
I haven´t been here for almost two decades, was out working in our old righteous clay. Came back home and it wasn´t home, anymore.
kek. He was reported for hate crimes by his superior officers for this
My grandfather didn't volonteer in the winter war only to be insulted by a mongol rapebaby
Berlin must have seen beyond repair in the 1930's, when degeneracy was rampant on a scale comparable to a modern day Sodom. Prostitution, child prostitution, drug trafficking, street crime, you name it.

Hitler steered the place right in like, a year.

Things can change. Things will change.
Many people on my job are fucking mad.
Even some of the immigrants are being racist as fuck towards their own countrymen.

The fire rises.

Never. They made this mess themselves.
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forgot pic
The silencing of the right in any of it´s forms (even just as people trying to learn facts, stats, discuss reality & reason about it) is going on at many levels indeed.

It is extremely tiresome. 80% of my teachers (was too atuismos for school when young) are outright #NeverTrumpers #BettyFriedan<3 #SocialismSoGood people. The other 20% idk but possibly suffering Swedes in hiding.
Still salty about ww2?

Let me remind you who cucked you one more time.

Besides, you would have done the same if Sweden was attacked by the fuhrer. Admit it.
based burger
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Oh and about reading FB more often: /pol/ is too fucking addictive and much more a e s t h e t i c.

Plus I get sick from all the roasties shilling for islam, multiculti, censorship and so on
Fool if we fall to the Caliphate they will expand swiftly into your countries. The infiltration has started and this summer will be EPIC because of war-happenings designed to start the Final Hijra to the west.

Poliser är fan efterblivna
t. Sosse

>an HERO
gotta kick out the nonwhites first so that sort don't get bred out from the gene pool :^)

>sweden democrats being fine with socially conservative socdem mulattos
>80% of my teachers (was too atuismos for school when young) are outright #NeverTrumpers #BettyFriedan<3 #SocialismSoGood people.

you forgot some

#ImWithPaulaBieler #OnlyDemocracyinTheM.E. #BjornSoderAndIsraelisNotGustavKasselstraandAndNordisk-OK
>And no, we would not have done the same. We are not you.


even NMR manage to define separate local chapters of their organization without acting complete dicks about a Superior Sweden

Deras karriär är bokstavligen beroende av att brott fortsätter begås
fick verkligen mina neuroner att avfyra

hehe mm
haha aa
Inte så olikt S "den långsamt kokande grodan/det _måste_ alltid bli mörkare innan det kan bli bättre, 4 more years!" D
mm strax
inga kebaber tillåtna
vill du bli heemad?
Vad menade Kent "labilt svingandes järnrör för PR på en 600 000:- payroll" Ekeroth med detta
*rättelse, de 600 000 (((bidragspengarna))) var åt Ted visst
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Det brukar vara så att man behöver vakter när man har en Nationen.
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*heemar dig*
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Fuck guys Im dropping mass redpills and average Swedes are eating it up

Theres hope after all

Jävla antisemit!

Vakter slakter
Honestly just go on /r/sweddit en masse and ridicule the swedish normies like you do here. no point in redpilling 4chan autists
Couldn't even lie him down in the middle of the blood pools

fucking lazy sandniggers can't do nothing right

Antar att du skojar. Detta är inte Semiternas land. Här kan du läsa vart Semiter hör hemma: https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semiter
här är vi >>>/int/70917115
When he gets arrested the right will literally be BTFO. The economic fuckery from brexit, the terrible, dictator presidency of trump, and now the outing of racism in the police force. All these things predicted and now proved. As a staunch trump supporter, I opened my eyes to actual logic and reason, and have moved to the right side of history. If you won't want him getting his hands on the nuclear blast codes as you watch him crash and burn, follow me.
>fakta från utländska tidningar - judisk press, WZC:s egen (!) sajt - är antisemitiskt ifall det läses av en vit nordbo
C(SVT)NN-reporter snälla
Du är nog ensam i den tråden och skriver till dig själv, har då aldrig varit där.
>t. sidf
I think he's posting in the facebook group
It's not like anyone here needs it
good wörk
>The police officer will be interviewed by danish media
so the memes about the danish despising the swedes or what they do are true...
Nej jag är helt seriös.
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Vi /#FakeNews/ nu

>The Herzl Award is awarded annually by the Department for Zionist Activities of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) to outstanding young men and women in recognition of their exceptional efforts on behalf of Israel and the Zionist cause.

kek Im permabanned from plebbit for doing the exact same thing there
Wait, does this mean that Poles are genetically the most Aryan race?
>Even all the immigrants that came to Swedenborg before 1995-1999 have grown into our society and are becoming hateful towards immigrants, this include slavs

>even all immigrants
>including Turks, Greeks, slavs, finns
>... are becoming hateful towards immigrants
wew good luck (sd) trying to make them all dance Swedish Folk Dancing in unison without still being angry at each other :^) #CulturalNationalism #SocialConservatism #NotEvenAltLight
Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.

And all it took was one brave soul, imagine what millions will accomplish
Här är en sida där ni kan följa nya domar.

>if finns and juggar haven't assimilated in several decades
>if Finlandssvenskar _____still_____ maintain their ethnic and linguistic identity among the majority population of Finns
>why would this instead work the next time around for "Öppen Svenskhet" nonwhites?

really makes you le think senpai

Here is a man who sat down.
Here is a man who posted on /pol/


It's chess (schack)

Here is a man.
I'll make sure to post the (sd) response in the upcoming days

>neither Jimmie Akesson OR Mattias Karlsson expressed any joy over Donald "LAAW AND OOORDER" Trump uncuckening the U.S. somewhat

>Jimmie: "I can't feel any sort of happiness-"
>Mattias: "muh Putin muhfucka oy vey russki hackers"
danes are like the father and sweden has major daddy issues and the dad is asking "wtf are u doing with your life son" and sweden is throwing a temper tantrum destroying his room..

Sometimes, there is a man.
>when jews act like Counter-Jihadist civic nationalists

wait what
Ser du inte karln eller? Han är 47 och ser ut att närma sig 67, jag tror poliser jävligt gärna skulle vilja ha lite mindre arbetspress...
*autism mode*
I made a joke about the Arab spring
>Nerkies Allehanda
>Owned by Promedia
>Owned in turn by Mittmedia
>Chairman (((Jan Friedman)))
Every. Single. Time.
yea, I get it.

hopefully it'll work out before it's all destroyed.
pure statistically unimportant coincidence you neo-fascist ovenheating LARPing RACIST

*proceeds to worry about Puting instead of expressing anything positive about fellow HuWhite Male Donald having won the US*
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stop being such antisemite bastoid
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Swedes uncucked themselves before leafs
>tfw JUSTin "if you kill your enemies they win" Trudeau actually won the fight against a canadian cuckservative in that one televised boxing match

respect where respect is due I guess
make Canada syrupy again desu
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I really hope that you start fighting against shitskins before it's too late. I would not be surprised to see Sweden splitting in two: islamic caliphate in the south and white swedes in the north. Maybe someday Finland will fight with you against muslim hordes.

I'm sad to see Sweden destroying itself with massive immigration. It's just a matter of time when welfare system collapses and shitskins start rioting because of it.
You mean.
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>the day sweden woke up
I will do my best to dram up support here locally, asking sympathizing people to send a letter or postcard or electronic message.

I hope others will do the same. Keep it respectable of course. Let's blow this open, as let's be honest it is the same problem all over Western Europe.
at this point I've just given up
today I heard an immigrant go off on danes and Denmark as a "racist country" and "racist people" and when I told her to move to another country where she would feel her living requirements are met suddently I am the racist.
I'm moving to northern sweden/norway/alaska and becoming a caveman, anyone want to come?

Stick hem till öknen, näsråtta

I've unironically already done this.

Sweden is going down as an example to Germany, which will invade and annex

Varför... är de typ 15?
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The solution for Passive Nihilism is Active Nihilism
Reddit doesn't block IPs moron. Just make a new account

Försvara landets gränser och den inhemska befolkningen genom snabb organisering.
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Things have been turning. A kurdish expat wrote about the migration madness in economic terms and his book tops the bestseller rankings in Sweden. ISBN 9789198378702 (english language version later).

Assorted batik-witches threw fits and accused the government's statistics bureau of racism and there was plenty of autistic screeching.

They IP ban if you take it far enough, happened to me twice

Not worth it to make another account at this point
Just don't go full 1488, the group is trying its best to not be labeled as a hate group by the leftist media. And believe me, the media will jump at any chance they can get to discredit it just so this can slide.
the gayest thing about this is the way he drinks his coffee
Christ he's a dude send him some beer or something not flowers.
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We already have Right-Wing Safety Squads™ patrolling the streets and fucking up Antifa ambushers. Can't wait for the updated Death Squad version. Pic related.
I'm getting triggered everyday. So mad
When are you going to smack some leftists up
You canacucks are naive as fuck.
the more attention it gets the better

don't forget that we are in this shit together, some of our countries aren't that better then yours

this is not the time for infighting
Fucking pathetic logo. Absolutely retarded.
"Sons of Odin" and put the flag of Sweden as symbol...
A fucking Christian cross.
I can't belive that there is no man there who didn't snapped yet and gone apeshit and attacked the rapefugees.
>Japan at 11%
Once a proud nation built on honour and warrior code, where its soldiers would rather charge through open ground against MG fire or cut their guts open rather than surrender, all destroyed by American imperialism.
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>attacking the refugees instead of the high ranking liberals who protect and foster them

You have learned nothing from breivik.
They were all Communist Islamic Sympathizers

Im striking a balance. My main message is to not let the racist meme affect them, and theyre swallowing it whole

Based fucking Swedes.
well if your family gets killed or raped and you don't get any hatred out of it its strange.
Except they are some chance with right wing.
Don't blame us, it was the Finns who started it. Whatever they lack in artistic talent, they make up for with Ebin memes

Nobody uses 1488 in Sweden

And this is some weird group with a weird name that showed up out of nowhere, 100% psyop.
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I agree, Swedes are too afraid, too divided to stand together as one people. Rest Assured, a swede with a penchant for leadership can unite them. Lead Them, and overthrow the Marxists who control society
CTR shill pls fuck off
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it's pretty sad honestly
same with austria here
I don't see a fringe minority of uncucked Swedes saving Sweden from the current shit and quite frankly I don't give a shit.
Swedes are past their expiration date.
The Habsburgs shall return the throne, and the Kaisertum Österreich will rise once more. And I'll be there if FPÖ ever needs it.
joined as well.
> Köbenhavns

nah, they are gone for good it seems

we need a new royal blood
>förmodligen inte kan skilja deras barn mot ett helsvenskt i både attityd och värderingar?
I don't speak Lederhosen but that gave me the impression that a Habsburg bred with a nigress. Now THAT gets the blood boiling. How can he even stand thinking about what all those glorious ancestors of his would feel like if they looked down on him?
F to the greatest royal bloodline in Europe
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you pretty much got the message
also Karl Habsburg (son of Otto von Habsburg, who died years ago) stated that he is happy not to be an emperor

also in lederhosen, just in case you need proof
I just want to make the number of supporters bigger, I don't know swedish so I can't say shit.
I have a swedish friend who is totally brainwashed by the moment he won't do shit against thia madness I'll do what I can.
Is aftonbladet a fake news website?
I've seen Americans, Danes, Poles etc write their support for the group in English, so there shouldn't be a problem. Letting everyone know that they have backers from all over the world would be a great help
No just shabbosgoyim
Who run the world?

Literally Hitler!
>I'll do what I can.
Your support means alot, thank you
Its important to keep these issues alive, these problems are all across europe

ayy im that American that keeps posting
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Don't expect to be released by others, swede. Free yourself!

>that pic

>what is 1) Svenska Kyrkan and 2) __The Roman Catholic Church__ and 3)__the orthodox churches of Sweden...
>... with their unison in the #JulUpproret Vote during Yule '16
close, but no Alternative Fact

random angry swede starts a yt channel after reading about based Springare
How about some links?




(((fb))) . com/groups/279528999133185/

The activity is fucking incredible. I never thought Id see the day.
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Nigga I don't support the Swedish churches, I just like dancing Jesus
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>The Roman Catholic Church
*of Sweden/the #SwedenYes chapter

idk about the international body
Why hello there Jordy Poole, if I'm not mistaken
>no weak Youtube Celeb camerawork
>more passionate than the NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORTHERN BROTHERS and the (sadly (sd)ian ) Angry Foreigner combined
this timeline doesn't stop with the winning
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Still a year and a half until Jimmie's Bizarre Adventure truly begins.


Feel free to shoot me a message on there, Id rather you didnt post my name on here though

pick one, mun veli
>He fights for Freedom

Not really since he already cucked his entire party and its voters by _____GOING AGAINST THE DON on the overtly globalist (((TTP))) trade deal___

Good luck with pragmatically civic nationalism'ing yourselves out of that one once, to lend from Trump, "your hands are tied" economically
This guy is like a national hero, everybody seems to know his name now. Take a good look,this is what an uncucked swedish male looks like, very rare specie

RIP rare Uncucked Swede
Dahlberg is not a jewish name. Berg means mountin here.
He'd still get plenty of "Öppen Svenskhet" Mohammeds to take care of. Having said that, isn't he just a few days short of retirement?
Looks pretty much exactly how your standard racist usually looks like. Honestly not surprised at all.
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Well, there's the Heja Jimmie guy.

>being a boss in the middle of an angry leftard mob
>implying 53% of the U.S. population look like that
Never thought I'd see the swedish (((Correct The Record))) shabbos losing their witty remarks
Sometimes I wish I was a Muslim in Sweden to rape all those cute blonde little girls :3
Sverige är inte , usa förfan, Skandinaver har vart i sverige i 13 000 år, det är vårt och våra förfäders land. Folk började bara invandra hit för att leva på resultatet som tog tusentals år att skapa. Men lite invandring är ok. Kolonisering är aldrig ok, speciellt inte mot svenskar. Vi var aldrig i afrika.
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>Vi var aldrig i afrika
Haha, jävla cuck! Rasist hit, rasist dit, kan ni inte bättre? Er tid är över.
Thats not exactly what i meant. I meant taking slaves, murdering and raping.
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he likes soccer? fuck him
We sent 10 000 volunteers, took your children in to protect them from bombings and provided the ethnic stock of your officer class, you ungrateful ingrate.
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>Er rid är över
>Röstar på SD
>Tycker om Trump
Hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaha...oh... Gud.

>Imblying looking like white trash slobs won't grow dissent towards you.
Stop being disgusting, senpai.
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I just wanna let you faggots know how awesome its been talking with your citizens all day today. I had my doubts in the past, but you guys are gonna be just fine.
I kek'd.
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Ah yes, you sated those lusts right here in Finland.
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>and provided the ethnic stock of your officer class
You almost made a good point.
Now now Erik, no fratricidal infighting when we're dealing with the (((non-euro))) influence here

>muh White Trash rhetoric
stop being ethnomasochist towards your own kin Stefan, nearly all of our clothes are designed by (((foreign run))) fashion houses or factories atm
Since swedistan is a caliphate now he may face charges for godknowswhat. Can we do something for him? Can we get a crowdfunding or something going?
>inb4 hurr /we/ back to plebbit durr
Listen. People are afraid to speak out, they fear to lose their job, goodwill, family in friends for speaking out their mind and truth since free speech is long gone in the west.
Some thought and speech is even criminalized, people won't stand up because they don't want to fuck up their lives and the lives of their families.
If we can get a crowdfunding going, bring public attention via social media to this or .. whatever, something, it might encourage other people to stand up as well.
It might get the normies going, if they realize they get some backup and not a shitstorm from all sides only.
Batikhäxa in Swedish, a term for a typically 40+ left-leaning woman who thinks she's a hot teenager on the barricades against the evil of choice.

May overlap with SJW.
>Imblying looking like white trash slobs won't grow dissent towards you.

>Hitler turned his 50% unemployed (!) Deutschland around

He didn't do so by acting a trendy cunt towards the Middle-to-Lower sections of the societal pyramid :^)
>nothing to do with racism

110k Swedes in one day proved you wrong

We understand youre just projecting because youre not man enough to stand up for your women like Sven

Maybe next year (((Schulz)))
The difference being that Batikhexen are able to spend their #RefugeesWelcome budget on drumcircle trips to Gambia for some #MixItUp, while the SJWs are still in college
I hope you experience death by ass-rape for the damage you cause perpetuating the lie of a multicultural society.
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