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3rd Reich was never defeated

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Thread replies: 296
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3rd Reich never dissappeared and is still fighting a covert war against the establishment and the jews to regain their strenght

First of, the 3rd reich never surrendered. Only the military did, but the head of state never meaning officially the war never ended.
>The German Instrument of Surrender ended World War II in Europe. The definitive text was signed in Karlshorst, Berlin on the night of 8 May 1945 by representatives of the three armed services of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) and the Allied Expeditionary Force together with the Supreme High Command of the Red Army, with further French and US representatives signing as witnesses

Furthermore you find a lot of SS symbolism among the Nato, and Adolf Heusinger, general and Chief of nazigermanies military became chairman of the Nato.
The Nato Headquarter (Pic related) is basically 4 of the lightning/sig runes (2 SS symbols) next to each other.
The Coronado Navy Base is formed like a swastika (will upload later)
The militia in ukraine uses the Wolfsangel (symbol of a nazigerman tankdivision) covering the sonnenrad/sunwheel (also upload later)

There was some scandal previously of 2 guys from the naziforces having nazisymbols on their helmets, those guys later got badges for their duty. (https://www.rt.com/news/czech-commander-resigns-nazi/ doesnt mention the badges but the other stuff)

Last Threads I archived if anyone is interested
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(Pic related is the symbol used by the ukrainien militia)
Another hint are the rumors and pictures of Hitler after WW2. If some random pleb makes pictures for everyone to see, dont you think Hitlers enemies would have gone after him? Unless when some of the structures of Hitlers power still were in power and protecting him.

Furthermore the EU, having close ties to the Nato, consists of almost the same area as the 3rd Reich did. My guess is their role is to gain their land back through diplomatic subversion to then let it fall apart and "another force", probably the Nato (3rd Reich) taking over all of it swiftly in one go, maybe under a different name to appear as a new player instead a result of of a decade long conspiracy.

Trump, having german heritage, quite possibly could be the one who just conquered the US for the 3rd reich through said subversion which would explain why Clinton and company went apeshit over him trying all they could to get rid of him.

Putin, BTFOing Rothschildbanks from russia probably means he is kinda on the side of the 3rd reich instead of on the side of the jews, which then would explain the antagonization of russia from Clinton and Obongo, while quickly embracing Trump, or russia is just a neutral player working with who ever benefits it which is also quite likely.
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The allies got tricked into thinking the 3rd Reich surrendered (by accepting the military surrender) and after announcing their victory so big they couldnt make it public they were wrong and the fight was still going on so they had to covertly try to keep the controll of the conquered countries, through subversion and infiltration. A lot of SS personal dissappeared without a trace and assuming they never stopped their cause they relied on the same methods as their land was conquered and the infrastructure destroyed. Now the SS people werent alone, quite some powerfull people were planning on allying with the nazis against the russians including Churchill

>The majority of any offensive operation would have been undertaken by American and British forces, as well as Polish forces and up to 100,000 German Wehrmacht soldiers.

You can assume the Nazibase is in antarctica, there are warm springs and reports talking about warm wind coming from further down south so we can assume that there is not only a frozen dessert down there.
Pic related also doesnt seem to be too cold, unless you imagine them wearing some superior nazigerman clothing keeping them warmer than usual clothes

There is also Nazigermany apparently still claiming Neu Schwabenland/New Swabia while the claim of Norway stopped in 1945

Another weird thing is that Germany, just like Italy and Japan are still enemy states in the UN
>The UN Charter still designates Italy, Germany and Japan as enemy states to the United Nations. In legal terms this means that any U.N. Member State can launch a “preemptive” military aggression against these nations without a declaration of war.
Then why is the western world a jew poz shithole?
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>The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down

So shortly before the end of WW2 there are suddenly a lot of UFOs. There are also numerous of german blueprints around allegedly showing how the UFOs are build, and these structures resemble a lot of what people commonly refer to as flying saucer. a few years after the war we got Rosswell.
Probably easier to explain visitors from another world than a Nazi in SS uniform flying a highly advanced aircraft never seen before years after the nazi got defeated and destroyed.

The Nazis researched a lot of flying saucers/Reichsflugscheiben, like the Haunebu, the Vril (Pic related) or the "Andromeda Gerät" (Andromeda machine) which has the cigar form often common in UFO sightings, and according to the plans (will post one later) acts like a mothership harboring multiple of the flying saucer types.
So the jews overlords are actually nazis using the jewish card to be untouchables? oh shit.
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Pic related are instructions on how to get into agartha via submarine saly on german only. But for fellow german anons
This guy (Wilhelm Landig) was in the SS and talks about the warfare in antarctica. Among other stuff he talks about a "nuketest" where they detonated a nuke in the air, but in reality it was a nuclear attack on the nazibase in Antarctica. He only let the video get oublished after his death.
Admiral Byrd, which led multiple expeditions to Antarctica including Operation Highjump and deepfreeze and talks about a land "as big as the United States, never seen by a human being before on the other side of the southpole" (Ignore the flat earth tag) I will post pictures which supposedly are maps of Agartha down the thread

the Chairman of the nato was a Nazi too
>General Adolf Heusinger (August 4, 1897 – November 30, 1982) was a German general who served as head of the West German military from 1957 to 1961 and as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee from 1961 to 1964.

Just like the founder of the Bundes Nachrichten Dienst (german intelligence agency)
>Reinhard Gehlen (3 April 1902 – 8 June 1979) was a Nazi German general who was chief of the Foreign Armies East (FHO) military-intelligence unit, during World War II (1939–45); spymaster of the anti–Communist Gehlen Organization for the U.S.(1946–56); and the first president (1956–68) of the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) during the Cold War (1945–91).

Hague Land Warfare Convention Article 24
>Art. 24. Ruses of war and the employment of measures necessary for obtaining information about the enemy and the country are considered permissible.
Ruses like a fake surrender signed by some unauthorized guy?
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Because the jews infiltrade everything in return and keep people thinking everything in that direction of idiologies is pure evil
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the andromeda machine

That feel when witnessed two bright orange orbs 'playing' with each other in the sky doingphysically impossible turns at high speed and my sighting is confirmed by MUFON

Hans stop sending antartic ice Nazis to my neighbourhood, thx
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Makes you wonder doesn't it what's really going on down there.

>John Kerry
>Buzz Aldrin who said about Antartica "We are all in danger. It is evil itself..."
>Prince Harry
>Vladimir Putin
> King Juan Carlos and his Queen
>Rudolf Hess
>Herman Goering
>Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow, Kiril III
>Admiral Richard Byrd who mentioned "enemy fighters that can fly from pole to pole with tremendous speed."
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Surely just a (((coincidence)))
meanwhile german girls are running around tel aviv beach getting dicked by israelis
bump is there more info ? giv info pls
>a website run by schizophrenics corroborated my own schizophrenic visions, this confirms it happened and likely connected to an advanced hidden society of nazis in antaractica
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lake vostok (in antarctica) looks a lot like the map of the instructions to get into agartha from >>111379618

pic related is from
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Wow, that's one of the most moronic thing this place ever created. Don't mind me guys, I will be in one hour to check what's under your tinfoil hats.
Not surprising from a Pole.
This is some cool ww2 fanfic. One can only hope its real, but unlikely.
But is there any confirmation of Hitler ever visiting? Or would that kind of visit be secret? It makes me wonder how many other secret visits. If something big is going there and you're a world leader, certainly you would go?

>It never happened to me therefore it couldnt have happened to me

Kikes, I swear..... this stuff is better documented than the collective psychosis known as the Holohoax
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A UFO in the cigarshape. Possibly the successor of the andromeda gerät
you seem to have a cigarbrain
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>globalist kike lovers are third reich

Germany what have they done to you. The land of my ancestors is filthy now.....
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This is the best sighting of a ufo I've seen caught on video. Tell me what you think about it. Could it be related to the cigar shaped vehicle?

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no "Arrival" spoilers you pasty nerd <3
The Swastika on the NATO symbol I can't unsee.
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So, Ukraine is /OurPeople/?
Wtf I hate Russia now.
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This is one of the most batshit insane conspiracy theories I've seen on here. If Trump really is a nazi agent, then why is he so pro-Israel? How did the Germans survive in Antarctica all on their own?
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russia probably is just the third player, and isnt affiliated with either the jews nor the nazis. when the nato took over he wanted to secure his access to the middle sea via crimea. the conflict however was started by the EU, escalated with the snipers shooting police and civillians alike meaning it wasnt russia or the ukraine government as they wouldnt shoot the forces that support them.

But i guess the nato wanted to reclaim their Reich
Inb4 le 5D checkers
Well, what's taking you so long Hans?

Why would you associate yourself with a country that's getting gobbled up by Russia?
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>"Die deutsche U-Bootflotte ist stolz ein irdisches Paradies, eine uneinnehmbare Festung für den Führer gebaut zu haben, am unteren Ende der Welt" - Karl Dönitz, 1943
>"Germany's submarine fleet is proud that it created an unassailable fortress for the Führer on the other end of the world" - Karl Dönitz, 1943
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This is fucking nuts >>111387275
>"Germany's submarine fleet is proud that it created an unassailable fortress for the Führer on the other end of the world" - Karl Dönitz, 1943

That's all good and well, until you run out of food. Now who's going to supply an entire fortress on Antarctica for more than 70 years and keep it a secret? Also how the hell are they building aircraft on these limited resources?

So what is this "agarth"? And how is the SS not defeated when Merkel is alive shit smearing Deutschland?
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>So the jews overlords are actually nazis using the jewish card to be untouchables? oh shit.
Would not be horribly surprising actually.

Pic related.
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Here is the same picture on the website of RIA News agency, and here it is on the website of Russia Today.


His grandfather was a Nazi!
Also how do you get new people without women since they are likely dead by now?
start to worry about the next 6 shillion goyms, it will surely happen
They have ufos that can travel extreme speeds. Getting resources and abducting people isn't that hard, especially when you're granted permission into any country that's in on the secret.

Hard to believe all these jews are locked in with Nazis.
>His grandfather was a Nazi!
Now tell me, from all the Jews that created Israel, how many do you think were actually nazists in disguise? The future generations would be raised withoun't knowing the truth, but the evidences are there if you look hard enough.
Agartha is commonly believed underearth utopia. Commonly as in it is present in many cultures around the world.
Merkel is nazi. she is using reverse psychology to unite Europe under one rule. Some say she is hitler's daughter
Why are LARP threads not banned on sight?

Like seriously.
This is really the first time I've ever heard of that. I'm gonna look into it.
finally a higher resolution of that pic, thanks a lot

The Nazi machinery was decapitated after WW2, but, its structure and organization was retained and deployed by the allies against the threat posed by the Red Army.

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the jews and the nazis arent on the same side. i see 3 major parties. the nazis, the jews, and the russian. i guess you can assume the chinese are a fourth player. its just all sides infiltrated and tries to subvert each other. some major organizations may have been founded by nazis, but the its all mixed up, and the jews mostly had the most approval of the people by always talking about emotion, most importantly fear. Now the other side is gaining influence and approval, thats why (((they))) seem to be in panic mode
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It's not Larping it's conspiracy theorys.
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EU building being shaped like the tower of babylon, might indicate its supposed to fall down just like babylon did so the countries can be overtaken quickly by some other force

what am i supposed to be larping as? basementdweller?

hello again anon

great read here if you haven't seen it already - https://supersoldiertalk.com/2016/01/09/occult-history-of-the-third-reich/

Cultural remnants of the 3rd Reich is very different from your claim of this covert war.

Didn't Iron Sky 2 cover this?
sure as fuck doing a terrible job enforcing it then
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>This is really the first time I've ever heard of that.
Of course it was, the truth gets hidden by a mountain of lies, deception, false evidence and shills upon shills upon shill.

But yeah, on that note it might be a good time to inform you that neither Hitler nor Heinrich Himmler, Josef Mengele (the notorious doctor of death), and many other high ranking officers died in the aftermath of WW2, many have even been hired by YOUR GOVERNMENT as seen here >>111385301

The fact this all indicates is that WW2, the cold war against Soviet Union and even the 9/11 terrorist attack on the WTC were really all a clever jewish deception to justify the global changes they desired...

The reason of WW2 and the fake holocaust was to justify the USA sanctioned takeover of Palestine and the creation of Israel, as well as justifying their nazist like actions and hostile annexation against their neighbooring countries.

Cold war was to justify the globalized capitalism that we see today, as well as crushing any possibility of another system overtaking capitalism.

And the WTC? It was to justify shit like the liberty act and allow YOUR government to actively spy ON YOUR PEOPLE and violate their constitucional rights at any moment simply by branding you a terrorist.

Pretty disturbing, isn't it? What has been seen can never be unseen.
My punjab friend, how is in anyway is that possible?

Nazis were not affiliated with religion. She is literally part oof the Christian democratic union
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god i wish you were right
the sad truth is national-socialism is gone, adolf is gone and they will never come back
feels bad man
Don't you lie to me /pol/!

Don't just be pissing in the wind with this...... I thought I was tired of winning after Trump and all of this commotion..... but if this is all true.....

I will be a very happy happy boy.
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That's fucking spicey. I've always found interest in the information that Merkel is a cryptonazi. The only way the Reich could rise again is by violently embracing the opposite ideology.

Wow. I'd rather you be right than for the book's editors to be that stupid to use that image without realizing the implications.
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cant make it anymore obvious than that. literally the tower of babel and the "one voice" like the one language everyone spoke back then and then didnt because of that tower.

becomming tired of winning was one of his promises after all, and so far he worked a lot to keep the promises
Ok. If that's true why are they flooding Europe with muslims?
one of the best threads on /pol/
We will Win.
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Maybe this? It's absolutely retarded though. >>111389261
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I would love too read and put my hands on the works o WLandig.. About Hyperborea and Atlantis. Do you have such works? They need to be translated to english
Oh so its that sour kraut again,the desilusional fuck who cannot accept that his nation died in 1945
and will soon be the craddle for a new muslim caaliphate.Keep on dreaming Hans your country is not cucked,
your politicians are not sistematically exterminating their own people and all those bad people that rape nad kill outside will soon be gone

Just hang tight...kek
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Well, IIRC a few ships full of German women actually disappeared after the war. I mean, they could have been sold into slavery, but this theory is more exciting.
you really have to be a stupid german to think that NATO = 3rd Reich
NATO has nothing in commpon with the Reich, otherwise multikulti wouldn't be pushed everywhere in western countries.
Kill yourself
Actually you are wrong. I know a lot of Awakened Germans I do not see riots like these in Romania.
Explain this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8qLpVxn6S8

Anyway the speakers shit and the sources fucked up
Just waiting for ufos to invade poland within a week
It gets weirder when you realize the countries openly fighting against each other actually have a background deal and all the leaders on each side are the true ones to profit and gain while the unknowing suffer from it. Such as, Soviet technology is all from USA and we supplied Soviet Union during Korea, and how the point of Vietnam and Korea was never to win but for the leaders, bankers, complex etc to gain and get more powerful and get more control (globalism). Even the Space program was for show (Soviet Union would never have had a space program without American help, and USA would never have had a space program without the Nazis). The first space walk by Alexei Leonov was clearly faked, and yet USA did not call them out on it. From what I know, there was no argument between the countries about what was fake or not.

We've had a close secret alliance with Soviet Russia and now Russia for a long time, since Alexander II at least.

I believe Nicholas ii in fact was never killed in an assassination. He was part of the whole jewish operation that would take over the country. His relation with King George V was too close and he ended up living in USA under cover of a different name.

This all just goes on. Everything is just a lie to cover up another lie to cover up another and so on...
But it's all to feed a secret occult society that has been harbored deep within every super power. And I think we will find in time the true head of this secret power is the one that's also the most obvious: The Pope.

Except a lot of changes within the next 8 years. Expect to see the rise of Catholicism and the Islamic instrument will help to make it happen. Expect a "miracle" event to bring people back to the church. Nazis in Antartica deep inside the world could just be that...
Well the fucking Nazis need to come the fuck out of their fucking zero-point energy Antarctic hiding place and BTFO the cabal of zionist kikes that have taken over the planet
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>he hasn't heard the doctrine of imperial translation
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>doctrine of imperial translation

bless us with knowledge fellow anon
I just wanted too show how much more aware are the germans than most europeans along with some slavic countries such as Poland and parts of Russia. Hope France, Spain and Portugal awaken soon as well all western culture.
The second video, that fucking scum is a traitor and should be hung.
>It gets weirder when you realize the countries openly fighting against each other actually have a background deal and all the leaders on each side are the true ones to profit and gain while the unknowing suffer from it.
Just like your bi-partidary political system, democrats and republicans supposedly fighting one another and making a big circus as a distraction to the fact they are best buddies in disguise working togheter to further their own secret agenda.

Have you seen the orange flying orbs?
To aid on the information of this thread
I knew it!
Never heard of orange flying orbs.
What do they do?
Not so fast... there are much complex things behind it. WE ARE FIGHTING A SPIRITUAL WAR right now awaken before its too late.
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this time the gas chambers are gonna be real
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Order out of chaos. You need to create the problem to offer the solution. It's called the Hegelian dialectic.
pedo goym kikes freemasons 33 degree are supposed to be experts in that.
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>Never heard of orange flying orbs.
I have personally seen one, so I know they are real.

All over latin america there has been widespread sightings of mysterious lights flying around the sky, usually doing impossible angles or causing weather changing phenomenom.

I seen one over my town one night as I was laying in bed with insomnia, it moved at lightining fast speeds and did non-sensical sharp curves! In many senses it would look much like a shooting star, except this one was of a weird color, much brighter and seemed to be much closer to earth.

>What do they do?
That is a good question, my theory is that they are top secret military drones your country is testing on our airspace, most likely with permission and cooperation of the local governments.

Probrably testing to see if they can evade detection and the likes before sending them to actual warzones in the middle east and africa.

Either way, it is the sort of thing that when you see it you can't go back to being a skeptic, sure opened my eyes a lot.

>implying you wouldn't be the first to go

naziboo pls
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The Jews in Israel right now are not the Jews from the bible.
Fuck off Martin
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do you feel in charge?
If they are super speed drones then why would they have the lights unless they are meant to be seen?

What reason would they want you to see them? Perhaps they want to see what kind of stress they can cause in the community, or they are perhaps setting something up for the future. Some kind of psyop.
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>The hurt box
Ten years and counting here

The trick is not minding that it hurts, log back into the real world for a day, a week or even a few months every so often.
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looks like a 5th grader wrote that
Hitler was a figurehead. An idea doesn't die with one man.
re: no women

thus "alien" abductions

It's right in front of your eyes, anon.
Something about captured territorry in antarctica and the treassures beneath its ice, scientist, wehrmacht, air force, sabmarine forces etc and wanting to hire more people in those fields. When im home i can get more into detail
thats a mirage dumbass
I'm impressed a deutschbro has the balls to talk about this. good on you, anon!
American WW2 forces called these foo fighters I think. we thought they were Nazi tech. freaked us out bad.
Admiral Byrd said in a telivision interview that there is another continent further south from Antarctica, it is on Youtube.

Admiral Byrd doesn't lie.
am doing the translation now
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cool thnx!
>an extraordinary undertaking carried out by Nazi Germany.
>Operation Bernhard was the largest counterfeiting operation in history. Its goal was to replicate the paper of English notes, copy the printing plates to reproduce the tiniest detail, and employ mathematicians to work out the Bank of England's numbering system.
>Nazi Germany was trying to erect a hidden system of finance aimed at wrecking the British war economy...they were at war with the British financial elite. It's important to note the connection between financial fraud and intelligence bureaucracies. The SS had essentially created a counterfeiting bureaucracy.
>Although conceived as economic warfare, it morphed into a virtually inexhaustible means of financing covert activities. Industrial scale counterfeiting became the link between covert operations and research projects.
>Access to this type of funding could allow any intelligence bureaucracy and/or secret research entity to become independent of its controlling state and its financial institutions, whether public or private.
>industrial scale counterfeiting survived WWII to become the favored method of the independent financing of covert research and operations of what has become often referred to as a “breakaway civilization”. Operation Bernhard survived WWII, at least conceptually
can anyone with good amounts of autism archive the links to a pastebin?
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um. w-what's this?
first part to bump so the thread isnt gone till im finished:

Top Secret
Review of the order of the Führer from the 10.01.1940
No 9

The United and organized researches of our scientists, marines and submarineopperatives of the Kriegsmarine, which accomplished the impossible and the succesfull work of the SS-Unit for the study of the heritage of the great Reich allowed us to claim the new and infinite territorries for the german Reich in antarctiva which was which lay beneath the ice of the southpole
They'll be back, and in greater numbers
Why there hell are there hammer & sickles in the star pretending to be religious symbols? Is this real?
the hammer and sickle is a symbol of saturn
The sickle is the Saturn symbol (like the nike check mark) which means Satan and the hammer represents freemasonry. Together they are illuminati.
>why would they have the lights unless they are meant to be seen?
Maybe the lights are caused by their propulsion system? Maybe they have not worked it out yet?

>What reason would they want you to see them?
I don't think they are trying to be seen, I think they are trying to avoid technological tracking systems like radars, which they seem to be doing quite well.

They move so fast and so silently you can hardly notice their presence, and if you do you dont have the time to record it unless you were coincidentally filming the sky when it shows up.

>Perhaps they want to see what kind of stress they can cause in the community, or they are perhaps setting something up for the future. Some kind of psyop.
Maybe, who knows, this is not the kind of thing you discuss with people irl out of fear of being branded a lunatic and thrown into a mental hospital.

>The trick is not minding that it hurts, log back into the real world for a day, a week or even a few months every so often.
Indeed, works for me.

>American WW2 forces called these foo fighters I think. we thought they were Nazi tech. freaked us out bad.
Those could probrably be the original design that your government retrieved, it is likely they reverse engineered it, that would surely explain the major breakthroughs we have had in drone technology in this decade.
Could just as easily be a reference to the great works people can create with teamwork. Probably proposed by a naive, or smirking, architect.
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also the saturn rune (used by the jesuits) is very similar to the commie hammer and sickle.
Oh that's right i remember that.
the cube is also a saturn symbol, as is the cross since its just a unfolded cube. the islamic star and horns ("crescent") is also a saturn symbol, as is the 'star of david'.

most, if not all of the symbols on that poster are saturnic
Complete version

Top Secret
Review of the order of the Führer from the 10.01.1940
No 9

The United and organized researches of our scientists, marines and submarineopperatives of the Kriegsmarine, which accomplished the impossible and the succesfull work of the SS-Unit for the study of the heritage of the great Reich allowed us to claim the new and infinite territorries for the german Reich in antarctiva which was which lay beneath the ice of the southpole

In context with the acces to new territories i order during the next 6 months with the forces of the specifical developed commission for recruitment inside the wehrmacht, luftwaffe (airforce), Kriegsmarine (Warmarine) and the units of the SS to create a covered selcetion of volunteers for the colonizations of the new territorries of the german Reich in New Swabia

The commisions, which work regarding to the selection of canditdates has to considder that the volunteers will be part with its fatherland for ever and will be send for a permanent settlement in New Swabia.

The means for the resettlement of the best recruits of among the military and SS-forces have to be done in total secrecy.

As responsible one in the Reich for the resettlementof a part of the populations of pure aryans to New Swabia and to keep the secrecy of these action i declare Reichdirector (Reichsleiter) M. Bormann

The Führer and Reichchancelor (Reichkanzler),
The highest commander of the armed forces.
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while we are at it
The hexagram or the star of david which jews stolen from the Hindus is the main simbol of Shiva. the kike are a bunch of rotten failed mystics which perverse every culture simbols and powerful sources of knowledge. Actually the hexagram is an Aryan simbol.----» what was not aryan culture that was built in this whole planet even the -kikes- but they try to subvert what we give to them and try to corrupt our heritage and culture with mysticism such as kabbalah and weakened religions.
The real puzzle is Christianity.

Is it just a coincidence that Christ sounds similar to Krishna and Abraham sounds like Brahmin?
david kike never used that star. solomon was mystic which tried to seal gods into sigils what failure. like Moloch, Baal etc. jews are rotten as fuck.
it was pretty clearly a saturnic kike psyop from day 1. thats why they cannibalize on effigies of jewsus, etc. 'lamb of god' = goy cattle, slaughtered for food and pleasure
No its not its simple too debunk it.
I have heard it can all be traced back to the phoenicians. The real jews, yes?
and your notion of krishna christ is its accurate 25 decmber is the birth of Krishna not jesus of nazareth king of the jews
yes they were jews but it goes futher back than that, babylonians too. it goes before 'recorded' history
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That's right... Wasn't Christ born in summer? Was it the longest day of summer or I'm mixing that up...
true since Phoenicians were a large group of dravidian people. the jews hebrew were a big tribe (but more tribes were in that big tribe) then they corrupted themselves even made war agains other not corrupted semits...
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>The Nato Headquarter
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pol prophecy from 2016
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where is the üic from the right from by the way?
started and try to fuck every people and culture they were a bunch of merchants prostitutes, mystic failures mercenaries and loseres. they were hated in every region where they were they are quiet similar semitic version of what gypsies are for indians. both races being dravidian.
>but the head of state never

That's not true.
We are heading into the fourth turning. Steve Bannon is obsessed with the book about it. How every 80 to 100 years a country must go through a very cataclysmic event. For USA it was the revolution, then the civil war, then WW2. Now the next one is coming just around the corner by 2020 to 2040. Or it's believed we are at the start of it now...
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This timeline just keeps getting better and better
In my dreams.
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in exactly that posts you have a source saying otherwise. at least provide one supporting you claim
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Fuck, thanks a lot, anon.

Now I can't unsee it either...
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shiva and other gods are fallen angels

noticed the serpents?
>Mr. Trump Please reflect and respond.

>Please take personal note of the fact that on March 14, 2008 ce. JAY REEVES published an AP report about the long-standing offensive structure. Operations manager, one Mr. Giles, gave Reporter JAY REEVES every indication that a repair/construction project to alter the building's shape would be pursued. Of course, not unlike its "SISTER SWASTIKA" located on the NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE [NAB] CORONADO, nothing has yet been done at THE OFFENSIVE METHODIST HOMES OWNED FACILITY to either Alter or Mask the "HATE-SPEECH" which continues to be Expressed by THE METHODIST HOMES ORGANIZATION & THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.
>Avrahaum Segel

>Methodist Homes' Giles said Segol's conspiracy claims are ridiculous. The building was originally designed to be much larger, he said, and cutbacks resulted in a shape that resembled the four-armed swastika used as the symbol of German Nazis during World War II.
>"It was certainly not intentional," Giles said.
If the trump was pushed by the so called shadow nazis so why Ivanka trump and Donald are grandchildren are jewish?? literally...
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>coronado is shaped like a swastika

What the fuck are you talking about retard?
It's pretty common knowledge that Karl Donitz was made head of state after Hitler died, and surrendered.
its a double layered deception

tricking most people into believing hes gonna fix the "real problems"
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This what you're looking for?
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This fucking thread
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what you NOW call angels i know the Serpents are angels and angles anyway... the jews are just making corrupted cult around it. and I know jes worship annunaki with different terminology a proof of the corrupted spirituality.
The cult of the angels IS Aryan and was learn when "jews" met the Aryas of Iran Persia and the ones on mount kalash and gobelki tepes
this is so frogdamn crazy that I'm actually going to do my work instead.

Y'all are nutterbutters.
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you are looking in the wrong place mate. a bit more to the east

h never signed something. the guy who signed it was allegedly ordered by Dönitz, but it wasnt signed by Dönitz and thus never surrendered
the proof of the rotteness of kabbalah only can be that.
is there a good documentary about the andromeda machine?
What if, while the jews have been taking over our politicians and media, what if the nazis have secretely infiltrated our naval bases. And when they're ready they will have the biggest fleet in the world through their hq in Antarctica. It won't matter how many politicians the jews have in their pockets, control the world's navy and you control world.
>h never signed something. the guy who signed it was allegedly ordered by Dönitz, but it wasnt signed by Dönitz and thus never surrendered

This is common practice though. By your logic the Japanese never surrendered either.
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that could be reason that japan just like germany and italy still count as enemystates

well, i heared the military does like trump a lot so...
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I have seen the UFOS crossing the atlantean ocean and went to mountainous regions... This mythos might have some truth... now I look like an ufo nut neckbeard guy ahaha..

I challenge anyone who claims that is false Ufo sittings just go too mountaneous clear starry sky region sit there 2 hours looking for the stars and tell me that you will not see strange Ufos and flying things crossing the sky... like the ones documented along the history. ;) Haunebu II
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>Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat in ständiger Rechtsprechung festgestellt, dass das Völkerrechtssubjekt "Deutsches Reich" nicht untergegangen und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland nicht sein Rechtsnachfolger, sondern mit ihm als Völkerrechtssubjekt identisch ist.

>The federal constitutional court did now declare in constant juristdiction that the subject to international law "Deutsches Reich" did not collapse and the Bundesrepublik Deutschland wouldnt be its successor, but is as subject to international law identical
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>descent to a depth of 400 meter

Not sure how this would be possible for a German U-Boat. Crush depth is around 250m.
But then it says this...

>because of the moving inside the corridor the pressure on the ship body is insignificant

I suppose that works...since the land mass displaces most of that water. I suppose that would affect the water pressure?
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heil Hydra
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Massive Swastika under a lake in Antarctica?
Honestly the idea that the Nazis are still operating and have more advanced technology than we could ever dream of seems very plausible, especially when we consider how much the Jews have managed to hold back scientific progress since the second world war.
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Are we really gonna have to kick your ass for the third time in a century before you get the fucking message?
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Ok but where exactly does Islamic multikulti come in on all of this?

This is some heavy duty LARPing Hans. Stop distracting yourself and actually DO something about the Arab cock penetrating your anus. Fucking Christ ...
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mind equal blown
Yeah, you've officially lost me. So do we nuke Israel or not?

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when did that happen? was it before the nazis uprising? like when the jews tried to throw over the german government in 1918?
I'm confused you guys. So NATO, Israel and Antarctica is nazis in UFOs and globalist kikes are still globalist kikes, Merkel is Hitler's daughter and the earth is hollow. Did I miss anything? What about aliens?
>believing (((NATO))) is the successor of the 3rd Reich

wew lad


Hail Hydra
>tfw you shill for Trump and create OC for the cause
Can't even get a normal job, let alone a third-reich shilling one. Fug :DD
aliens are probably demons, or demons are aliens. maybe there are both around.
merkel might as well be some forgotten DDR agent sent to destroy germany. maybe some nazi puppet trying to make us hate the left and everything assoicated with it, or just a kikeshill. maybe multiple of those at the same time
How could a P-51 Mustang get that close? I'm assuming that Foo Craft / UFO is as fast as a jet or maybe faster.
Yeah, I've heard this theory floated around a bit and I often wondered if Cultural Marxism and the SJW cult was just a polarising psyop orchestrated at a preordained time (possibly to coincide with a certain Mayan calendar datum) and then /pol/ was created to funnel and direct the backlash. I've seen memes on this boards which more or less admit to this fact that we are all just pawns. Makes sense when you see all of the enthusiasm for a cartoon frog. Praise kek btw,
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The thing is they could have easily covered up most if not all of these visits.

The Buzz Aldrin tweet was fake though.
Oh shit, it all ads up. Man it's gonna be great to see the collective mind blowening. I knew something was fishy about all this.
What the fuck is that bell?
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Pic related says "Hovercapabillity (Stillschwebe fähigkeit): 8 Minutes

If it can hover, can go faster than a jet, plan says 4800km/h but 17000km/h calculated. And probably everythin in between. It isnt dependend on flying a certain speed
So when is the war starting?
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There are rumors from Vril girls from aldebaran as well
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This thread again. You have it all backwards so please stop posting.


The third Reich was defeated, yet the did not surrender! Germany today is not Germany. It is a Zionist Occupied Government. It is an anti-german state, controlled by Israel. Hitler sought to defeat these communist Jews. They have infiltrated and control the EU, UN NATO, western Europe, and the US.
Wake up,
Dump Israel,
End the Fed
and Make the World Great Again.
>3rd reich still goin stronk guise
Yea thats why Germany's such a muzzie and nigger infested shithole, right Hans ? Kill yourself you filthy nigger.
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The monolith from where the first arians were created.
The NatSoc never believed in using underground tactics to spread their cause.

Fuck off
Operation Paperclip, they CIA now.
Everybody is trying to lay claim to the untouched minerals and petroleum reserves.
Global warming has caused the ice sheets to thaw and break off, now the extraction corporations are figuring out who is going to get what. Of course the military industrial complex will find a compelling reason to go to war down there.

Free Antarctic Confederacy NOW!
Supposedly that's what Antarctica looks like with out its icesheet. Several old maps show this to be true, some of them predated the official discovery of the (twin) continent IIRC.


Pheonicians aren't Jews. If they are, then so are Muslims.
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Reminder that Poroshenko is a Jew.
He was printed in Jewish forbes (then asked to remove him from that list as he's "not jewish") but there's a video of main Kiev rabbi telling that he's a friend with Poroshenko who's also a Jew.

tldr Ukrainian nationalism currently is actually a russophobia led by a literal Jew
Bist du wirklich so dämlich oder nur Ossi?
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you are mixing historical facts with fantasy.

get after some real conspiracies like Gehlen, Gladio or the Okotberfestanschlag.

Why Germans and Australians always have the most retarded conspiracy theories?
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Hier, dein Freund im Geiste

>Ukrainian nationalism currently is actually a russophobia

Katsap psychosis continues.
No, it actually is. I don't mean what actual people think, I mean what the govt pushes. And don't tell me it's psychosis, I listened to what your leaders say, I've read what they write. It is a russophobia. The whole """fascist"""/anti-soviet twist was to make it rusophobe.

I'm sorry if I'm ruining your dreamworld
We can only hope
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i agree
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yall niggas postin in a troll thread
is there any reason to believe that guy? where is he claiming he got his infos from?
i found he is geologist but not much more
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Here are some facts that are based in reality









https://fas.org/irp/agency/army/mipb/2010_02.pdf read page 43 - 47
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Kollege, ich hoffe du meinst es nicht ernst. Axel Stoll war Geologe und war ein dilettantischer Metaphysiker, der mit Altnazis den ganzen Tag Bier gesoffen hat und der guten Zeit hinterher getrauert hat. Unsere Geschichtsschreibung ist sicherlich nicht koscher, aber bei Ufos und Neuschwabenland hört es wirklich auf.

Die fehlende bedingungslose Kapitulation des Reichsregierung hast du korrekt ausgearbeitet und auch die Übernahme von Nazis in das nachfolgende System. Aber bitte hör auf mit dem Ufokram, dass zieht alles was du anscheinend an echten Wissen besitzt, in den Dreck.
dude what are you chatting
I looked up the Andromeda machine
the picture directly below the one you posted says this thing flex to 'galaxies over 3 light years from Earth'

Like, of course it did, if it flew to other glaxies

Am I missing something?
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Based in reality. Pic unrelatet

>https://fas.org/irp/agency/army/mipb/2010_02.pdf read page 43 - 47
Bluepilled af
>muh reason of the terrorism is not underlying organizations financing them but MEME DISEASE
>muh reason of the liberal brainwash is not liberals owning media but MEME DISEASE
Another proof that psychology is a fucking meme itself.
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You're one to talk, kike.
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stop jumping to conclusions. nothing can be done in this world without financial backing, you poorfag know this as good as i do.

I don't believe in memes, also Dawkins thesis was debunked a while ago. But this doesn't matter, whats matters is what the elite is thinking. Maybe it's is just make believe that turned into reality.
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Danke, Bernd.

Werde ich mir anschauen!
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KEK WILLS THIS THREAD A SPECIAL ATTENTION. Ultra memes Magic here.. Aryas NATSOC. know what I mean.
>what the elite is thinking
Elite is not thinking like that. They are detached psychos.
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Also ich hab mir den Doku-Zusammenschnitt nicht komplett angeschaut, aber sieht ziemlich nach einer Vermischung von wahren Fakten mit esoterischen Energiegelaber.

Ich glaube, wir alle wollen lieber in einer fantastischen Welt leben, weil uns die Realität nicht sonderlich gefällt. In gewisser Weise wollten die Nazis auch in einer fantastischen Welt leben: Mystifizierung des Germanentums, Thule-Gesellschaft, ausgedachtes Runenalphabet, Tibeter sind die wahren Aryer, et cetera.

Das ist wie das Meme der unbesiegten Wehrmacht und der technischen Überlegenheit in allen Bereichen, von denen meine Großväter schwärmten, weil sie auf die Nachkriegsgesellschaft nicht wirklich klar kamen.

Trotzdem find ich es gut, dass du und OP sich wenigstens abseits der MSM informieren, man kann aber auch auf viele Enten reinfallen.
>21 trips to galaxiesover 3 light years away from Earth

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Detached psychos, that believe in Transhumanism, Eugenics, Globalism, "The End of History".

I really don't know where your problem is?

Common dump some sources on your claims


are you a katsap faggot who can't deliver?
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You sucked up the stupid dialectic of the elite, like most of the this board did, since the normie invasion.

Just call me bluepilled without real proof of your claims.

That is the same with liberal media calling someone "racist" without evidence and then the accused person has to defend himself with sources? Why isn't it the other way around?

Also the pill-meme sucks
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like realistically why do people do anything aside from the memes that control them and the internal logc that governms that
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mehr lesen und weniger den elektornischen Juden nutzen

fuck yourself, /new/ was the best /pol/

>3rd Reich never dissappeared and is still fighting a covert war against the establishment and the jews to regain their strenght

If this is true, they are doing a TERRIBLE fucking job of it.
>Trump, having german heritage, quite possibly could be the one who just conquered the US for the 3rd reich
trump's not a socialist



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new swabia membership?
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Translate/interpret please
New thread

Next time, don't rape and murder your way across all of Europe.

And maybe avoid having an art school dropout for your leader.

If youre coming back give the map to the top secret department
In danger destroy this map first

Where it was made special laboratory kz Dachau and 300 pieces where printed
Do you know the story of the Tower of Babel? How God punished mans' hubris by making everyone speak different languages? If you ignore the punishment of god bit, it makes perfect sense for them to use it. Melting pot and all that crap.
Really? I mean REALLY? For fucks sake man.
>he hasn't heard the doctrine of imperial translation

Neither's Google mate. Explain.
They're flying Nazi's with bike lamps on their heads. Obviously.
>Sonderlabor KZ Dachau
neat. This was made just a few meters from my house
They're corruptions of names from different languages and eras. Yes, it's coincidence.
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>Using the untermensch as cannon fodder
>Same as giving them equal rights and citizenship as a gesture of gratitude for their service
>Also promoting yourselves as nigger lovers

Am... Am I supposed to be impressed?
what are the UFOs then? aliens traveling millions of lightyears just to confuse some caveman? Or are you trying to say all UFO sightings are fake?
random bump
Another galaxy, 3 light years away. Yeah, right.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Just like the other sane people. This thread has been the most entertaining one since it was last up. Utter fucking lunacy from beginning to end. Toppest kek.


so entire cities just masshallucinated UFOs in the sky? sure thing
Goodnight all. Try to get some rest, the doctor will be round to see you in the morning.

Oh, and next time /x/ for fuck's sake.

Maybe diverse nazis are the kikes greatest fear
Israel is a concentration camp.

>gather most of the world's Jews in one place
>build walls around it
>surround it with hundreds of millions of Jew-hating Arabs so they can't get out
When Iran gets the bomb, it will be Shoah 2.0.
>Nazis are secretly out there still trying to fight Bolshevism in all its forms.
Is this supposed to be scary? Thats a good thing.
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why is the upper part in old german letters and the part under it in new letters?

Holy shit. Merkel flooding Europe with Muslims is a tactic to force the Jews to flee to Israel.

Germans are corralling Jews, and walling them in with Muslims.
That building is in fact in the shape of a swastika. The two buildings before it are in the shape of bombers.
The symbolism isn't hard to grasp here.
File: IMG_0727.png (293KB, 500x320px) Image search: [Google]
293KB, 500x320px
Yeah, it's called Israel. Pic related is IDF special forces.
>Things that never happened: the thread

Pretty much, fucking retard anons failing to understand basics. Iron Sky Universe, the production company, hires anon to push Nazis hiding in hollow Earth for 20-50k tops for a few months, likely less actually.

Anon signs non-dis and we have this. After a few more months/weeks it will be picked up my msm to make fun of conservatives/chans. Then Iron Sky 2 trailers come out in late June when everyone remembers it.

People watch out of curiosity and marketing is good to go.

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