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Thread replies: 161
Thread images: 70

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So can Le Pen win?
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With a little help of meme magic , yes.
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>shortly after her divorce Marion said in an interview she loved rap and her favorite was Youssoupha, pic related it's him
>he thanked her on twitter and invited her to his next concert saying "see you soon"
>she got divorced shortly before this

Hmm... I wonder why she likes rap, what happened at the concert, and why she got divorced
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[YouTube] Tiers Monde - MC SOLAAR (Official Clip) (embed)

>Miskine j'ai la honte comme si Marion Maréchal était ma petit copine
>I'm ashamed as if Marion Marechal was my girlfriend

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I really want this to happen, but so far I have yet to see any really amazing French political memes. I'm beginning to think that the French can't make good memes. Prove me wrong, anons.
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Very nice
Rollarion for Marion


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Mélenchon or bust, fuck this whore.
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How do you think she's going to celebrate tonight if Marine Le Pen wins? Call her daughter? Call her ex-husband to try and make amends? Or find a "refugee" from Cameroon and get pounded by BBC all night?
Sauce? This is cute as fuck
Well the BBC will not be best pleased if she gets in so yeah most likely.
oh shit is tonight?
just clicked on pol tonight by accident so im not into the newz
Oh it's not, that was a typo
yeah just saw it
no BBC tonight buddy
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>whore of russia
>only a few frogs in mlp threads
really makes ya think
just a reminder that pepe is french
Pepe is frog, French are called frogs. Victory guaranteed.
When's the election?

what did he mean by this
7 May
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>meme le white into office
Go fuck yourself faggot
She's a stinking commie just like everyone else in your joke of a government
Fillon will win by at least 15% mark my words
You should all hang for wanting this slut to win, I could understand marion but marine needs the fucking guillotine
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just made some le pen doom. it got too dark
She'll win the first round almost certainly..

She'll then likely lose the second round.

But who knows people said the same about Trump. So fingers crossed and keep praising Kek.
>Le meme
Fillon was btfoing literally everyone, after the first round Sarcozy told his people to get behind Fillon when he dropped out
He is going to eat that whore for breakfast and then start beating the shit out of Muslims
The last 4 years has redpilled the fuck out of Fillon
Ok is Marion her daughter or something? >>111271931
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5 Kids

5 Kids

see >>111269519
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France is okay like it is
Yeah she's imperfect, look at Trump

who cares.

Why live ;_;
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Marine Le Pepen.jpg
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Praise Kek.

France will be made great again
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Fillon is Compromised. Just like Macron was. Wiki said to reveal dirt on him.
Fillon it's done. This week quits. Mark my words ;)
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Russian celebration of Trump.jpg
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Russia already thinks she's going to win.

Pic very related. Look in bottom left. Pic was taken on 20th Jan at an event in Moscow celebrating Trump.
Thats not her you mong
I guess you don't know it yet but fillon is in deep shit due to some fraud, there's no way he's going to recover and even some internal voice in his party try to throw him out.
go along ctr shill
I can never have gf because I'm too paranoid she actually lusts for black guys with big dicks, thanks /pol/
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Praise KEK
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She will win and that's the end of it.
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Help us we need digit, we need KEK WITH US.

Pardon us for eating frogs my lord.
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Isn't there pretty much no chance at all that she can get elected?
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M. LE Pen we are with you...
Praise KEK
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Isn't that what (((they))) said about Trump?
When does that election happen anyway?
April 23
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how accurate is that?

Le pen wininng is going to be the solution for a new awakening of the European spirit... Volkgeist.
7 may
Second turn ?
I mean aside from the photoshopped pics, the stuff about her liking rap and being featured in a rap song are true.

French elections are weird
Are there any better options that Le Pen? I still cant get behind the idea of a socialist woman saving France.
Any Le Pen merch I can get here in the states? I managed to get a shit ton of Brexit stuff off EbayUK back during the campaign, but I see nothing on Le Ebay.
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If I live to see a based France., I might cry a little
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Then we shall meme until our fingers bleed!
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we got to make memes for le pen

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In Kek we trust.
>it's good to have cunts in government
Fuck off.these whores should be smacked the fuck up until they learn their place.
Piss off Fillion shill
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I said that I like rap to calm down the jew then throw out the muslim kikes...
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If Geert and Le Pen can somehow be memed into office my hope for the future of western civilization is officially restored
Godspeed, France. You gave the world Joan of Arc, one of the greatest women of all time. Certainly in the top five. She is one of my heroes and one of the reasons I respect France.
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>Double GETS

this >>111271931 is fake, someone post the image debunking this
>someone actually made the edit



Seriously though, since when are we listening to fucking tabloids? She likes shitty music (nobody is perfect) and "see you soon" does not have any romantic/sexual connotations. Stop with the bullshit.

She is /ourgirl/ until PROVEN otherwise.
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>If Geert and Le Pen can somehow be memed into office my hope for the future of western civilization is officially restored

Why aren't you helping SD do the same then?

Not the same girl; not the same guy. Marion would not have allowed him to take this picture, much less share it. Stop posting this shit.
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Praise KEK
If Le Pen wins, expect anti fa and mudslim riots worst than the US ones.

Neither. Just subversive leftists cuckposting.
It'll show the world even more how scummy they are. Hoping France would be quick with armed forces against them.

I'm starting to dig this Claire underwood hairstyle.

>Next Canadian Election

>Next Portuguese Election

>French Elections

>Dutch elections

>German Elections

>Next UK elections

>Next Italian Election

>Next Mexican Election

>Next Brazilian Election

>Last American Election

>Puerto Rico Referendum


>Scottish Independence

>Catalan Independence

>Putin's popularity
Did anything get better for Le Pen lately or is she still likely losing?
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Vive Le Pen.
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>>Hoping France would be quick with armed forces against them.

You mean these armed forces?

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sup bro, make this dream come true thanks to magic meme.
F for all the friends we lost last year, i still make nightmares implying the delegates and CTR shill, but fighting for the God Emperor was worth, even with the PTSD it induced.
We helped you, and we need your help back again ameribros. Lets Make France White Again.
She's not entirely socialist. She wants to leave EU and lower income tax, for example. She also wants to expand welfare at the same time, which I don't fully understand, but kicking all the shitskins out should make that more affordable. She wants to deny benefits to all foreigners that aren't kicked out regardless.

Fillon is the only other conservative up to vote, and his chances are about as good as Le Pen's right now, if not worse due to scandal. Le Pen will most likely be up against Macron in the runoff

> falling for the "muh dick" Jew trick.

> Denying yourself passion and pleasure because there is a small chance of betrayal.

You can never be redpilled until you grow some balls.
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Who says I'm not?

The issue is that SD party leader is literally Wojak, you need a strong character like Le Pen, Trump, Farage etc tat can win people over
wtf i hate europe now
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I thought Jimmie was more like Jacob Rees-Moog, the soft-spoken ironclad kinda guy


That's the impression I got from other Swedes talking about him
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My bad. Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

Take this rare pepe (made by the whitest of Argentinians) and use it wisely anon! Kekspeed.

What's Gott mit uns in Swedish?
Le Pen has been building up international attention since last year, I have never heard of the other guy so he probably doesnt have a chance because of that. Hopefully she does want to kick out the muzzies, leaving the EU is one thing but there is more work to do after you accomplish that.
dutchs vote here I've been looking for u colgate fags for a week, but pol/der stopped and it was like u got rangebanned or something http://www.strawpoll.me/12241698
Frenchbros can you confirm something for me? I'm watching Amanpour in the Clinton News Network and there's this woman interviewing Le Pen, claiming the that Le Pen made a comment in 2012 here she said illegals immigrants moving into your flat would brutalize your wife. Le Pen denied this, saying that she said something of that nature but that translation probably makes it sound much worse than it is.

Then the woman back at the studio shows the video of the moment in question showing that she was right, but since this is CNN and I can only relly on the english translation given by them, well I'm not sure how much I can trust in it. The infuriating smugness of the woman doesn't help in that matter.

So who is right and who's lying?
Sometimes he's alright, other times he's a self-victimizing bitch that's just whining about how other politicians are mean to him rather than telling them to get some common sense or fuck off

Gud med oss
Praise KEK
and do not watch CNN
it is totally irrelevant.
Do your duty for PEPE LE PEN KE
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put the video in here i'll translate it 4U


The video cuts the part where Le Pen says she didn't say that.
I think you can trust her on wanting to kick out foreigners. Her party was formerly more or less a Nazi party, which is another reason her rise has been so surprisingly. Her whitewashing tactics worked, but one has to wonder how much her ideals were compromised because of it.

Fillon doesn't get as much coverage because he's not quite as much of an outsider and he's still pro-EU, so he wouldn't upset the international community as much. He was apparently Prime Minister some time ago and got fuck all done.

I'd be worried about Macron. In our terms, he's essentially Hillary without the scandals. He worked as finance minister for the current administration (which is one of the most hated administrations France has ever had, admittedly), but the media loves him and he's polling high. He's the safe, centrist choice that's going to attract all the moderates, though he doesn't have much of an official platform yet, from what we've seen, he's been softly co-opting some of Le Pen's platforms to steal some of her vote away. His campaign announcement had some words that could be taken as anti-immigrant or anti-EU although anyone with a brain knows he's neither of those things. But I doubt that everyone in France has a brain.

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>Gud med oss
Thanks Swedebro. Git gud

> I'm watching Amanpour
Amanpour! Fuck me. The total meltdown on clip below was enough to never stop laughing. See if you can make it to the end of the 8 mins.

Last time I saw General Polder was last saturday. But the lack of threads is a shame yes. Hopefully more power soon.

>I'd be worried about Macron. In our terms, he's essentially Hillary without the scandals.
check this pic related posted higher up in post
Frenchbros should know. Is this cencored/downplayed by TV5 etc.?
Having a connection to the Rothschilds doesn't bother the common person. It bothers the tinfoils, for sure, but this isn't the end of his campaign
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She's already won.
I honestly feel the same way about Trump at times. I like the guy, but so help me he cannot stop himself from lashing out at anyone that says anything bad about him
I guess they both want to be liked by people, but go about it in different ways
she has no fucking competition, she will win
We can't.

French are like the nigger on this scene:

If you don't behave, you'll go straight to jail. We have no freedom of speech here and no habeas corpus.

Also the ZOG here control everything. Jewish militia can stab a commissioner, beat goyim in the streets, and take the control of the screening to filter entry in the biggest courthouse in Paris.

Even our military and police fear them.
Visored Barbute helm=best helmet ever forged.
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I fucking hate France but I'll send some high energy your way.
>She will make anime French blonde women real!
I love bascinet helmet but that is my personal taste. anyway barbute is great though
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Whoever drew this should be hanged
It's funny
I've been watching an anime lately that takes place in 2100

It has a blonde haired, blue eyed white French kid in it and I couldn't help but laugh at the thought

But as each day goes by, it seems less ridiculous
actualy no because its not even manga type but a well drawn cartoon perhaps a little inspired by anime but not anime nor manga. and represents the Ancient Spirit. Go fuck yourself.
butthurt argies lol
nice concern trolling
Kys weeaboo

Kys prajeet
shilling this hard.
Checked indeed.
Paris as a ghetto for the rich rotten kike jew. full of cribs houses. hope le pen do something about and restore a little bit of your Paris its a total multi culti place
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We can't do meme.

Look at what happened to Zeon.
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Also good week you went up almost 5%.
>double sevens
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fuck off southern american monkey sub human slave clay.
t. Alberto Barbosa
LOOL That man is ITALIAN descendant100%. AND ACTUALLY BARBOSA IS GERMANIC NAME you KIKE. BEGONE or you want history lessons?
She's in the unfortunate position of being the most popular candidate, but her opponent in round 2 will most likely win.
t. Alberto Negrosa
She can fuck whomever she likes, as long as she fucks up the EU!
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I triggered you with a black guy..
Sangue Puro seu monte de terra queimada filho de escravos.
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Uchi no Musume ni Te o Dasuna.jpg
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The goofy entertainer from my childhood is now a lesbo GMILF
Thread posts: 161
Thread images: 70

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