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PROETSTS OVER TRUMP..will get violents oon

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Thread replies: 329
Thread images: 70

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another live stream

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get comfy boys, it's going to be a long one
i think someone will get hit
>hopefully a girl so the media has to report it and the left losses support
>Trump supporters out in numbers

This is going to be good
something good better kick off
it will soon..we've scene this with every protest
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Hey hey! Ho ho!
Donald Trump's your president!

>Hey hey! Ho ho!
>Donald Trump's your president!

Hey hey! Ho ho!
Donald Trump's your president!

>Hey hey! Ho ho!
>Donald Trump's your president!

Hey hey! Ho ho!
Donald Trump's your president!

>Hey hey! Ho ho!
>Donald Trump's your president!
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Hey, hey! Ho, ho!
Lynch a nigger and skullfuck a jew!
rollin' for the big one
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Whatever you guys do

>use VOIP
>call the police on their non emergency hotline
>tell them you have a bomb and fuck trump
>tell them you're gonna blow the rally sky high
Don't do this
It would be bad and illegal
Even if you can't be caught
It would be BAD because then the rally will be BROKEN UP
How comfy do you expect this to get?
Trump supporters don't have catchy slogans because they have actual arguments instead of nursery school rhymes
they havent stopped protesting since november
made my first "investment" today mossberg 500 tac, was able to get ahold of some sandbag rounds, cant wait t engage these cucks
These protests will keep coming and coming as long Don is still President.
holy shit
>pizzgate was brought up
Fat Kev stream is good:
fucking ads though
that Hispanic woman is my waifu claimed she is so based

Hello alphabet soup!
dinner bump
>lost a democratic election in which the rules were agreed upon beforehand
>protests the results of the democratic election

No wonder leftist love muslims so much. They both hate democracy.
>off work today
>no work tomorrow

Die comfyzeit ist nah.
I'd go but I have literally no money for gas. Been to a couple protests in Florida, always a ton of fun.
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Would be a shame if the police stood down
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>fat white lady with a sign that says resist
>fit latino woman with a maga shirt asks "are you resisting a diet?"
>This is what america looks like
>fucking bongos playing a jungle beat
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>Love Trumps Hate

Again, why do they hate Trump so much but love his hate?
>another live stream

They wont chimp out in West Palm beach...
Great stream
>get comfy boys
so this is how you fight for America, by getting comfy in your nice, warm basements and following the shit online?

antifa gonna win, then.

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What are they chanting?

EVERYBODY IS .... what ?
>antifa gonna win by destroying property and beating women
our side needs more bullhorns and we need to step up our chanting game. they should use "build the wall, wall of love" to co-opt the feels game
Everybody is A KING
no protests in my city, what do you expect me to do, fly over there? I can laugh at autists from here
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Not only that but,

>Rigged the DNC and all debated to favor you and your party
>Had investigators pull up dirt on Donald and spread it non stop on all news stations
>HAND PICKED Donald Trump to run against as a straw dog opponent

This shit is amazing, the corruption of the DNC alone should piss people off way more than what Trump has been doing.

Have you paid attention at all? There have already been anti-right-wing riots where women got assaulted by the rioters. Some chick got pepper-sprayed in the face at UC Berkeley. The media's standard response is to imply that any violence at a protest is a false flag.
>I'm sit in my basement smiling, whilst the brave women of my kin is getting beat up by communists running amok
>what do you expect me to do, fly over there?
that would be patriotic, to say the least. If antifa can rally across the nation, then why can't you?
That chick by the way was a lesbian libertarian who was wearing a hat that sad "make bitcoin great again"

she was also there to promote free speech and different views on campus.
'Any violence *from the left* is a false flag'
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Because we don't know where they're going to be until they are there already protesting and we have real life obligations. What am I gonna do drive across the state for a few libtards? America is a lot bigger than you might imagine.
Need to organize.
When will the left realize that their "shaming" tactics don't work anymore? You've called Trump supporters every name in the book now, it doesn't work. Protesting "fascism" just makes you look stupid to the rest of us as you destroy your own neighborhoods and impede the daily life of you're own people.
European antifa journeys across nations and oceans, to fight nazis and stand with their comrades. I've even seen American anarchists in Denmark, that came just to fight.

willingness and sacrifice, is the true mark of discipline, my friend. If the enemy has it, and you don't, then you've lost the war before the first shot was even fired.
>If antifa can rally across the nation, then why can't you?
no Soros funds
america is a little larger physically than denmark. there aren't any protests closer than like 8 or 9 hours from me
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who /teamcops/ here?
That's exactly the strategy we've used up until this point. While antifa runs around getting arrested and making themselves look like violent commies, we sit in our comfy NEET holes and cast memetic sorcery that further eats away at their credibility.
Lurk moar, shill.
muzzie bitch wearing an American flag headdress
What's the actual periscope link?
Or claim "incitement".

>you mad me angry
>therefore you deserve to be hit cuz Nazi

That's it. There are no rules.
damn son, red pills for everyone
no so fucking choppy:
you've literally had years, under Obama, to get your shit organized and close your ranks.

you're too individualistic, too complacent and simply too.. comfy.
poor excuse, where there's will there's a way.
nice stream
Meh seems tame as shit. The Trump supporters seem pretty cool though so I'm watching for them.
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Honestly why do I need to go out? They're doing a damn fine job of discrediting themselves to moderates. Nothing needed as yet, but I'm prepared to defend myself should they wander into my neighborhood and the police happen to be late or are feeling Berkley-level cucked.
If you use less than lethal rounds on someone, and you're not a LEO, you're going to jail and getting sued for everything you own.
You only fire on someone if you fear for your life,or someone else's. Some States even require that you have no avenue of escape.
Throw those bean bags in the trash,and get yourself some nice 3" 000.
>if we fight our enemy, they win.
sure thing Gandhi.
oh noez, muh fee-feez
Don't be such a fag 000 buck is trash #8 or #7 birdshot is where the actions at.
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Just got here, what I miss?
screaming in the streets is idiot behavior, and accomplishes nothing.
>he's incompetant
>no wait he's putin's puppet
>no wait he's soro's puppet
>no wait he's israel's puppet
>no wait he's barron's puppet
>no wait he's literally a sleeper agent for the 4th reich and literally hitler's clone
Kev does a good job sometimes
BIG pro-trump counter protests
add alcohol and darkness, could be fun
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These people are PATHETIC LOSERS
>Honestly why do I need to go out?
because your country is calling, brother.

"I dreamt I saw a valley, scattered with bones in blue. All the brave soldiers, who cannot grow older, been asking after you."
Why would I drive for 10 hours just to beat a guy up?
He'll be alive the next day and nothing will have changed
The only change would be in killing someone and I'm not throwing my life, career, and family away to waste some teenager 700 miles away
Call me when they're shooting people
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Don't these people have to get up tomorrow to watch the superbowl?
>Preach about Love and Tolerance
>Assault anybody who doesn't agree with their viewpoints
Liberals everyone
no one is asking you to scream in the streets, Amerifriend.
>Why would I drive for 10 hours just to beat a guy up?
because he'd do the same for you.
don't worry, when push comes to shove, antifa won't stand a chance. right now they are just punks knocking over trash cans and breaking windows.
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They're insane so I don't expect them to think rationally. Like why they hate Nazi's , but love Muslims even though Muslims are a million times wors.
anyone else get filled with euphoria when you realize you're not at all like those idiots dancing in the streets?
Why aren't you guys watching HWNDU instead? Many happenings

Lmao can' Flumpf's presidency go ten minutes without a protest? The "law and order" candidate my ass.
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The last one is nice.

Our boy from Brazil.
Is this worth watching or is it just the usual 'stand around and chant shit'?
Honeypot post.
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>sat night
>not tea
>comfy jammies
>18F outside
>President Donald Trump
peaceful so far. but Florida has very good self defense laws, and many guns. Antifa too cowardly to show their faces (kek) there.
>Smashes window
>Loots corner store
>Punches stranger in face for disagreeing with them
>Throws firebomb at cops
Oh,no. Birdshot is fine if you're indoors and don't want to penetrate walls. But for a tightly packed group heading towards you to cause harm? You want a stack of 40 cal balls flying out.
gunna happen

That's because they're likely CIA
>then why can't you?
you'll lose because you're stupid. it's painfully obvious why we aren't "out there". there's no need for us to protest, we have literally /everything/ on our side.
you'll lose because you have a sub-par neurology. colloquially speaking it's because you are a marginally functional moron.
burger says follow him on periscope, but where? link?
sure, they're just punking about now.. they know they only have the police to fear. But alas, they have the same 2. amendment as the rest of you, and from what I learned first hand dealing with American anarchists, is that they're fast learners who took lessons from the most sinister and violent European anti-fascists, and that they're not afraid to arm up when needed.

they want you to be comfy, believe me.

>the bill clinton rape whistle
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cozy pepes are the best
>That's because they're likely CIA
Alex pls
Any antifa presence or are liberals the only ones present?


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Press F to pay respects for all hats lost in the horrible riots this year

oh I am ready, just like most American conservatives. There is a reason why you won't catch any antifa faglords in Florida tonight, and they know it too.
Did I miss the fighting? I really wanna see people get BTFO'ed
Florida has guns.
They are literally faggots here, that America has no real concern witht. We have Mexican drug cartel we could hire if we did. They are just an annoyance here. Nothing to worry about, Donny.
FINALLY the dork shows his periscope handle:

it will be soon desu
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so, from what I've written, you've gathered that I'm your enemy.

alas, my brother, that hardly reassures me that your cognitive schematics are are fully operational. I'm trying to help you.

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fucking Swaglord
>this is what democracy looks like

What did they even mean by this?
hey, as long as they keep buying them..
Whats the deal with the coffin? This is pretty sick.
good man, gator anon.
>"I dreamt I saw a valley, scattered with bones in blue. All the brave soldiers, who cannot grow older, been asking after you."

where's this from? I'd like to read it but my google search yielded no results
You can cross you country in an hour. You can drive literally days and not leave this country.

Big reason Americans never learn a second language
i've never seen so many snowflakes in florida
They want to redpill people on democracy.
they will win until they actually try to chnage stuff
>then we will fight em
>nobody will remember 'the blud of jesus' guy
>illegal aliens screaming not my president

well... technically they're right
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There will be a happening at the superbowl
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Never forget
kek, "this little light of mine"
g-g-gonna let it shine!
awwww little old man for Trump. so adorable.
they don't have jobs! of course they can leave on a whim.
Holy fuck, this is in WPB? I live here lol... You're right, there won't be any chimping out here... Police will have none of it.
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America, its a privilege, not a right.
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8 more years of this
this shit s getting old really fast.

i want rifles in the streets by the end of the month.
why cant i check that thread...what the fuck
kek wills violence now, please?
...it's been a while since I've seen it. Was Hackers a light redpill of any kind?
You need to buy hundreds of trashcans and set them up prior to any big leftist protest.

Lib B: "but there are so many trash cans, how are we supposed to burn them all!?"
I doubt they'll keep it going for 8 years
in some ways, pretty liberal in others.
>implying (((they))) aren't going to force the God Emperor to bring down an iron boot on their necks

I for one welcome the coming Trumpen Reich
fucking nazi trashcans.
Better off with a paintball gun jacking up the air pressure all the way and using frozen ammo or some other shit.
it's still assault with a weapon but meh.
not likely. but I also don't think they've really even started yet.

wait for spring/summer and better weather
If you kill them, they win.

>We gotta get them all rioting convictions.
This cringe physically hurts
hahahah yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Just saw a Jews for Trump 2020 banner
I ran
Is there any good pro-trashcan propaganda? I'm tried of anarchists discriminating against defenseless trashcans, and I think the right needs to show solidarity.
What the temperature there?
I want to know if I should stay up.
politics is fucking boring
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>those women chanting
Hope their tongues get cut out.
If I had the editing skills, I would make one of those "in the arms of an angel" videos about Antifa and trash cans
La pen
A bunch of white liberals yelling at blacks, calling them racist. While the black yells "get off that Democrat ran plantation." What at time to be alive.
Do we love our Cubanos?
Are they in front of Mar a lago?
No. Security is so tight they can't even get near the gates
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>we'll keep having protest and poking until they shoot us. Then we look like the victims
that's a mailbox isn't it?
Yeah but I'll still be alive and I'll just vote again in the next election and consolidate our monolithic hold on the government.
Like I said, I don't see the point in going that out of my way when the guy will still be able to vote in his local, state, and federal elections
Again, maybe when people start killing each other but until then this is all just a whole lot of political violence that doesn't actually make a difference. Our voter ranks haven't lessened because we're all still alive and they're getting tons of bad publicity. Maybe when their brick throwing actually starts to effect government I'll reconsider
Same tactic used by palestinians in israel. Coincidence?
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I'd say that's a good strategy but we all know they aren't that smart and are just throwing temper tantrums without reason
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don't bash the trash
no. it's for small garbage
lmao that asian guy
WTF is going on.

From the HWNDU stream to these new protests, these damn "protests" seem to bringing people together to engage in civil conversation.

This is height of absurdity.

no, it's a clearly a red-and-roundy-letter-sendy
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>there are good muslim people
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>go easy on the fluoride in the waaaaater!!

based floridians
Where my Cuban's at
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No lives matter! KEK
Kike plan massively backfiring

I spoke too soon
ecumenical christian orthodox reform church of Christ's bro-abs!
ecumenical christian orthodox reform church of Christ's bro-abs!
ecumenical christian orthodox reform church of Christ's bro-abs!
Marxism sucks kek

I like how that one guy started walking slower to hide his commie flag, bitch knows his shit is retarded deep down.
The red flag with that star is a North Vietnamese Army flag.
all lives matter
Everyone shouting seems retarded to me.
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>Marxism sucks kek
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;__; trump bro offering the cops water, beautiful tbqh

Patriotism is back bros

Why do Antifa call Trump and his supporters Nazis and fascists and wave Communist flags when Hitler turned on the Soviet Union in WWII because Hitler hated fascists?
Trashcan rights are human rights, it's just that simple.
You know it makes Trump look bad when you post degenerate sub-human whores wearing MAGA hates, right?
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>"we want peace!"
>invites muslims into home
>allahu ackbar
no more gore
I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight
they did literally nothing but hold garbage, for EVERY man

Nice try antifa

You're either gay or a Muslim if you don't like that pic.
Has there been any physical violence yet?

I'm just tuning in
Nah, it's lame.
They'll pretty much start shit only in Cali
Does the slow destruction of brain cells caused by being around in these protests count as physical violence?
You want to help? Join Antifa. Infiltrate them. Become an FBI informant. Feed antifa crazy violent plans and ideas. Let them do it, and then let the DoJ hammer fall on them.
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Antifa is of absolutely no concern here. If not for mayors, cops would wipe the streets overnight. Our LE branches are like little armies, Donny.
>no justice
>no peace

>peacefully protesting

Will these people make up their minds?
it enrages me when I see an American flag muzzie headscarf
Did anyone catch the 'Jewish Buddhist' sign? Do the left just throw shit together to make their "cause" justifiable.
>Do the left just throw shit together to make their "cause" justifiable.
you know the answer is yes
So, how has anyone made essentially defensive checklist for dealing with leftists?

Y'know, cheap shit people can wear to prevent themselves from getting pepper sprayed and beaten to death with shovels.
Don't feed them plans. Get their identities, and report any possible information to police before it happens.
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>belly piercing
>fake white blonde hair
>taking a nude photo
I guess being able to tell if a woman is a coal burning whore makes me "gay" now.
terrorists in their natural habitat

At least the Nihilists weren't afraid of equal odds. Antifa won't do shit unless you vastly outnumbered, blind, or unconcious.
what a bunch of cucks!
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guess so
>implying you wouldn't at least hate fuck such a slut
Was he trying to tell us something?
>We are all immigrants

This doesn't make any sense.
what happened to the scanner threads? i miss them
nothiefs is running UFC and protests
it would probably be a good idea for Trump supporters to start organizing
it's the whole "we immigrated from Europe to native American land" meme
And do what?
play twister
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to much happenings for them to be popular. Hoping to start them back up again once it gets warmer, when crime rates go up and real nigga hours start
Then I guess we can colonize Africa as its our ancestors rightful birthplaces.
nothiefs isn't live, wat?

surprised they haven't walked into these crowds and kabooooom

it would further their goals of alienation and intimidation

...they aren't the sharpest people
>implying you wouldn't at least hate fuck such a slut
Enjoy your STDs.
Unlike you, I am not a slave to my sexual impulses. Reserve your seed only for those who are worthy of it.
i cant wait for july
isnt that supposed to be the peak of crime?
looks live
I have a feeling (((they))) are going to get ALL the nogs good and uppity this summer
that sounds fun actually
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Our country isn't the size of a city block like yours is, mate. Any happening going down, the vast majority of us are hundreds or even thousands of miles away. So yeah, I'm getting comfy in my nice, clean, low crime, majority white small city watching the left destroy their own cities and their own credibility.
These people are hardly organized
There is one guy wearing a flag
It's a bunch of people holding signs with empty meanings
They chant "No justice! No peace" and hold signs calling for love and peace

If anything the middle of the road people are probably annoyed by these dickheads marching around making all this noise
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July 4th weekend is always the crescendo of Chicago Police and Fire
that just means that scanner threads are gonna get more /comfy/
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don't be silly anon, that would be racist
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>we are number one
oh, I didn't realize they had a new site, was checking their jewtube
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It's pretty comfy
So many cucks. Jesus.
he's been off there a while. His new one is okay, but no adblock allowed and tons of scrips
brah, the BLM riot threads were the best. Charlotte was great watching that one nig get shot in front of cops. They can't even riot against whitey without killing each other kek
Get ready boys. Who you rooting for, Social Justice Warlords, or the Alt-Right annihilators? Either way the blood will be sweeeet.
where is this?
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all these protests do is help trump especially when it gets violent. plz get very violent. someone go there and start the fire brother.
Who is Juan?

Somebody get ded?
is it getting violet? Kinda blue rn
thx bro
Why are they shouting 'we are one' when they're the biggest divisionists going ?
Do you think that BLM has died down for now because of the anti-Trump protests? It seems like all of the attention the left put on it has shifted away.
No, all violence is from alt-right paid agitators :)
Yeah, gobment can totally know you read the post and then went on to do it, possibly from another country

so don't do it cause it's bad
No, not yet. Heres hoping tho.
i hope chimpcongo comes back better than ever
i wonder if there will be a shooting
that would be fun hearing nogs chimp on scannner
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Damn. They've been at it so hard for so long now I can't keep up. I completely forgot about the Charlotte riot.
Oh look it's the same tired chants they have been using for years with a new one mentioning the wall tossed in.
where KKK?
It takes a special talent to craft these astoundingly annoying chant lyrics
Bernie can still win this thing
no, it's just the news cycle, MSM can report on protests now, they have no time to push the cops killing criminals unjustly agenda
some think (((they))) pulled the plug on BLM because it was redpilling too many people. Personally I think it just died down for the election and it will either flare back up this summer, or a new movement will form for the darkies to be mad at whitey about. Just give it time, brother. It'll come
There's maybe 100 some-odd people protesting at LAX
the only people wearing hoods are wearing black ones
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>This is what democracy looks like!
When does the war start lads?
>we are one

muh diversity
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Soon hopefully. I am tired of seeing the same mud people and their jewish handlers chant the same shit all around the country year after year.

They seem to be getting more agitated now that Trump is in office, so it may not be too long now.
Working at an airport seems bad enough, but going to work every day to see this shit would be too much.
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I'm gonna make a prediction.
>Nog gets shot by cop for being the niggin where he shouldn't have been
>Darkies get mad at whitey for being racist
>Darkies burn shit down like normal
>Trump sends in his feds
>Darkies get even more mad
>Darkies burn shit down in other cities in solidarity
>Trump send even more feds out
>Meanwhile lefties are freaking out over Trump being a fascist with the feds
>Eventual semi-race/civil war breaks out
>Trumpen Reich takes effect
>tfw we will get to fight in the war with Trump

what a time to be alive
>Whose America?
>Our America!

Um, excuse me sweetie, but I think you mean it's the Native's America.
these chants are cringy af. reminds me of the come on seattle chants
I really think "the happening" is finally RIGHT around the corner.

Im predicting shit pops off in the warm summer months
Secret HWNDU thread so the mods won't delete it...get in here!!!!!!
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>Implying we haven't been fighting this whole time
very true, but this would be with fists and bullets
Has anyone else noticed it seems to be hijab wearing muslims leading these things?
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why would we fight in a war, we just do a genocide of the brown people in general
Trump will disclose aliens and win reelection in 2020 against Cory Booker!
hey hey!
>ho ho!
Trump will disclose aliens and win reelection in 2020 against Cory Booker!Z
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Reeee this iranian bitch says the ban prevents her from visiting her family NO IT DOESN'T YOU CAN COME BACK YOU STUPID BITCH
>free helicopter rides

/pol/ trolls are fucking brave kek
Somebody should be hittin the BUSES.
>literally shaking right now
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>Palestine to Mexico, All the walls have to go
Which one of you guys did this? kek
No jobs, no families, no life, NO self respect.
I'll bake!
>bringing toddlers to what is obviously going to end in tear gas and pepper spray

wtf is wrong with liberals
kek confirmed happening
It is the progressive stack.
They find some liberal activist Muslims and make them the most visible protesters. It's an attempt to craft Islams image as a more progressive and liberal religion and to make the protest look more diverse.
eh i dont think florida will be as bad as blue states





They don't do anything but destroy some property and assault 2-3 people a protest. They have no actual end game and unless they get radicalized and start committing acts of terrorism, they will never be more than some LARP session for angsty college kids.
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Can't wait for a real happening
i.e. trumps reich
>we walked around the airport
Nobody has fired a shot.
And we'd like to keep it that way.
We don't want it to get to the level where we are in a shooting war with the left.
A lot of us are already carrying guns, millions of us.
More low energy protesting, many such cases!

He would, but the difference is I'd shoot him if he attacked me. I am not going to seek them out and start the violence, but I would answer in kind with my .40 cal if they sought me out first.
"A shooting war"

They don't have guns, they have no money for guns and would have zero experience or training. Maybe a few of them do, but I guarantee 99% of the antifa have never even held a gun in their sheltered little lives.
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