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Connie Watton Investigation

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Thread replies: 226
Thread images: 38

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A man came up and called for donations for his dead wife Connie Watton. Connie Watton has links to John Podesta and has been killed 2 months ago. She came to public attention or a short period of time, but there is more.


Do. Not. Let. This. Slide.
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Okay somebody do a detailed writeup. I've never heard of this.


Bumping for spooky happenings
send this to david seaman and really graceful on youtube.
Was somebody recording the HWNDU stream?
you can go back in the stream on the site.
Posting this link again. Some other anon found it, but its not getting some attention. Anyone from /g/ that can tell what is happening. The OS is TempleOS, but that's as much as I know
He apparently came up to the He Will Not Divide Us fahgot cam, right? I 2as in the last thread but it was hard as fuck to figure out why so many anons were freaking out about this bitch.

Do we have a video or timestamp?

What is the basic gist of what the man said?
Let reddit have this one. I am tired of redditors coming here to earn their good boy cookies for discovering anything.
He said that his wife was killed in the subway and that he was raising money. That's about it tho, the rest is from people googling her name.
Happened about 45min ago
He claimed she was his wife and he asked for donations for some Central Park "Adopt a Bench" bullshit. Do you honestly believe the only guy using the stream for some donation is coincidentally the husband of a woman killed in a conspiracy?

If you search on Adopt a bench, the links take you to a shitty page, so people will google her name. First result: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5buljx/who_is_connie_watton/

I think this is some real shit going down.
bump for eternal justice, and the burning of the democratic party into oblivion

bamp this shit
Bump, I guess
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Here's the guy holding the sign

Why the fuck you posted that?

It it not related in any way to the discussion of the killing.
spooky shit

but sorry to say, this won't go anywhere
Thank you!

Holy shit, that shia fag shit was useful for something
The title of the video is Connie Watton, same spelling, its posted a week after the murder. Plus, the guy that uploaded that has a shit ton more videos like that. Its not directly related, but its still an interesting link, considering the OS that its used and all.
Okay, thanks for the info!
That fucking account is flooding it's own account with a fucking lot of videos. Nearly every 50 minutes or so it sends another one, what the fuck.
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Pretty disturbing shit

Anyway here's a pic from where you can confirm it's her husband, he wears the same jacket as can be found on pics from google while posing with her
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bumping again
I know, its really creepy. It's not the first time I've seen accounts like this. There were a couple of them over the years, sometimes containing weird codes and stuff. My guess for this one is that the titles and the descriptions are all randomly generated/grabbed from what is trending on news websites/reddit. But its still really creepy.
Some fag promoting his abstract art?

I think it's a bot. Too much content. It's probably an AI or some shit.
Can the whole channel be automated somehow?

Our guy appeared again!

>The woman who died after she was reportedly shoved in front of a moving subway train at Times Square station in New York City was the family housekeeper of Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman, the New York Post reported, citing a private Facebook post of Schwarzman's son, Teddy.

>was the family housekeeper of Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman


>Schwarzman was raised in a Jewish family
>As of 2016, Forbes ranked Schwarzman at 113th on its World's Billionaires List.
>He attended Yale University during the same period as George W. Bush, one year behind him (both were in the Skull and Bones society)
What did she stumble upon?

I think so, I remember some channel posting some sounds and geometric images freaking people out, and then youtube stepped in and said it was a test channel for some shit. So I think it can!
Yeah, anons were posting links to those vids during the whole forgotten languages thing. I thought it was some weird MKULTRA shit
>On February 13, 2007, Schwarzman celebrated his 60th birthday at the Armory on Park Avenue. Guests included Colin Powell, Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg, Donald Trump, and Cardinal Edward M. Egan of New York. The climax of the evening was a half-hour live performance by Rod Stewart, for which he was reportedly paid $1 million.[
Wait, the woman who killed /ourguy/ had already pushed another person into a metro?

And also, how is this anyhow connected to the podesta??
jesus. bump
bump for spoopy

bumping for awarenes!

Remenber that they are killing the best of the best , making humanity weaker.
One of the comments on the thread:
[–][deleted] 1 point 2 months ago
2 strange things I found out about Blackstone
1) They own the Freescale Semiconductor patent which is virtually used in every modern car. It was the source of the huge Malaysia Air 370 conspiracy. Jacob Rothschild is a major shareholder.
2) They purchased the mortgage of Building 7 WTC in October of 2000. One source (Granted, prison planet) says the made half a billion from this. "$861 million insurance settlement - $383 million debt on WTC 7 = $478 million dollar profit!"
Those are the best 'leads' i can come up with.
I can't seam to find anything on Connie before the murder, facebook etc. If anyone does post it plz. Maybe she knew some shit though, maybe she was printing out his docs like hillary's maid.
Did Podesta kill a nigger?

Does/pol/ care about niggers now?
Killed some racemixing asian so that wasn't the end of the world but let's see where this rabbithole takes us

>1) They own the Freescale Semiconductor patent which is virtually used in every modern car. It was the source of the huge Malaysia Air 370 conspiracy. Jacob Rothschild is a major shareholder. >http://www.snopes.com/politics/conspiracy/malaysiapatent.asp

>2) They purchased the mortgage of Building 7 WTC in October of 2000. One source (Granted, prison planet) says the made half a billion from this. "$861 million insurance settlement - $383 million debt on WTC 7 = $478 million dollar profit!"

We need her husband facebook, so we can find her facebook. This really is weird as fuck.
Well we know where it goes.

The so called "elite" engage in cannibalism, pedophilia, and all sorts of crazy occult rituals that have to do with killing or raping kids.

I don't get why the fbi is waiting on this stuff. Just hit them. Like use your guns and shoot these people. If your higher ups order against it just kill them too. Quite simple at the end of the day.
>Steve Schwarzman is linked to the Podesta's
>Trump is linked to Schwartzman
Was compromised after all?
About the Nigger woman that shoved her ( ; she told cops from the 71st Precinct that she suffers from depression and anxiety and that she hears voices. She also said the TV was talking to her, sources said.

MKULTRA TIER SHIT, albeit people often try to claim mental illness
If it was a hit, she was told by them to say that. She get whatever she wants, pay the toll, and they get to shut the maid up. Makes more sense than mind control.

It's mind control, but controlled by giving the whore murderer money.
>I don't get why the fbi is waiting on this stuff.

You can't be this stupid. I hope that was rhetorical.
Not sure, but it is interesting to note
Check this out.


>But her attorney, Mathew Mari, informed him that Liverpool said she was not guilty.

>Mathew Mari


First pic, a photo of the guy with TRUMP.

she was (((Stephen Schwarzman's))) longtime housekeeper.

one of the children confided in her what was going on, she also set up camera's and had video evidence.

she was murdered to cover it up, and this black woman is a homeless person they picked up and brainwashed for this very reason.
Conny Watton

I saw it live on the stream and it was indeed weird. We should take this mission and find out what happened to her.
So what Podesta has an armed detail on him at all times? A fucking civilian could take him out, let alone trained agents.

I know they want to get them all, but at a certain point waiting too long will end the momentum of interest from the normies about this stuff.
Is her lawyer a fucking famous one, and well connected? How she got him?
"please help" is the only thing underlined
Trump looks like he's extremely uncomfortable in that situation.
Husbands name is Robert Watton see if you can find anything, I don't have any social media accounts( thanks to the great meme war)

we need the magot source , not the flies.

In the other threat i notice they are sourrounded by death people (death inside) , Just Bribe them , death people has no loyalties , no feelings , pure programing , they will not respont to fear ,threats or any morals , but if you put a Coin in hs mouth the charon will gide you guys in the underworld.

so Connie Watton isn't a real person it's a fictitious front for a person to mask the fraudulent activities and prevent prosecution of other guilty parties
the fact that she is CFR member's housekeeper raises red flag. access to private information is high. from the philippines, means HEAVILY religious, most likely RC. most definitely God-fearing believer in Jesus Christ- this means she would be almost impossible to sway if she found her employer were engaged in evil. Being an RC filipino woman, she would have been innocently foolish enough to think she could confide in one of her peers. BIG MISTAKE. shoved into a train in public? 1. rarely happens 2. provides perfect scapegoat and open/shut nothing to see here investigation.

it is all a little too cute by half. there is something here.

there is plenty enough to warrant suspicion.

He is pro-Trump, and keeps posting stuff to him.
>Hey @realDonaldTrump
God and The People are with YOU. Be STRONG, Be Courageous.
Rebels in the street & arrogant media cannot defeat US !
So they have a psychopathic mind controlled army? Well herein lies their weakness.

They are micromanagers, and their brainwashed cronies are probably less capable of rational problem solving on their own.

Micromanaging someone has costs. The utility benefit of having slaves leaves out a lot of free expression of your brain's creativity. If what you're saying is true, this means their cronies are essentially lobotomite retards.
That attorney is insanely pro-Trump.

He just post pro-Trump every single day.
not an army, just the means to create one. it's not perfect though, after MKULTRA was exposed they had to be more subtle.

Connie's discovery was unexpected, and they had to pick up Liverpool and brainwash her in a short time, that's why they chose someone who already had mental illness.

they were too rushed though, and that's why she tried to recant her confession, as well as why there was issues with a false confession for the same crime a week prior to the murder.
Why /pol/ never cited HEATHER Podesta?

I just discovered of her existence now. Tony Podesta wife also have a lobbying business running. Never saw that before.
bump for justice
Is the guy still there or what? I doubt he would try to start a search or he will just be fucked. It probably is just his wife
When will you retarded faggots leave all ready. This is what over dosing on the red pill looks like.
Killer facebook


Anybody in the thread? I don't have facebook, plz, someone go check it out
bump for justice

they can't keep getting away with this
Killer had lied about pushing people to death month before the killing of the maid.


>In a bizarre twist, Liverpool-Turner lied to police last month about pushing a different woman in front of a train at the Union Square station, police sources said.

>She falsely claimed on Oct. 19 she was responsible for the death of a German college student who was struck by a train, police sources said.

>The 19-year-old student had been struggling with depression over a recent breakup and had actually committed suicide, police said.

Who was the kraut who killed herself?

Is this her? says she is 27 tho
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TevinTUESDAYS is a redditor. Downvote his content, disgrace his soundcloud!
Well, thread is dead, here is a mashup of all the shit:

>Some guy shows up on HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US STREAM, with a paper, talking about some Connie Watton that died nov 7

>Some anon, days before talks about a operation of killing being taken in the metro, telling to us that we should look at the VICTIMS NAME AT ALL COSTS, and INVESTIGATE IT, it is related to Podesta somehow

The case:
>Connie was pushed into the metro, by a black, suspected schizo woman

>Connie Watton was a maid for one of the most powerful men in the world

>Yale educated, skull and bones, jewish, knew Geroge Bush, lives in the superior strata of the american political and financial society

>He had some shady deals, like a mortgage on WTC7, and some weird transistor patents who were investigated in the internet by conspiracy theorists
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>Do. Not. Let. This. Slide.
lol, holy shit, now you're going to harass a dead woman's family because she might have known someone related to your bullshit conspiracy theory? Fuck you /pol/.

You know what, Op? I bet you have 4 or 5 degrees of separation from John Podesta. I guess people should investigate YOU.
check if he has fb

Found - Team: Connie Watton, Coordinator: Robert Watton
Well this is interesting.

So this is related to Pizzagate and all the other pieces?
Can you just call this fucking shit "Schizophrenia General"?
u r a faget
All those shill threads, and a potential bombastic thread is shilled hard as fuck.

Feels bad as fuck.
Also, the damn facebook of the murderer


I don't have a facebook, plz, someone go check it out for strange shit
It feels like we're on to something.
This thread is dead as fuck.

I won't keep searching alone, sorry guyz
sadly, nothing is going to come of this, just like Pizzagate itself. Pizzagate at least got the attention of normies, this will most likely stay under the radar. If it really was an assassination, they will surely have planned it well
Bump for interesting thread.
No. I'm not the faggot here. You idiots are the ones freaking out over stupid, unfounded horseshit.
i am piss in ur mouth faget u r drink teh brest milk
bump for schizophrenic rights
It's almost like....mm....magic?

>grinch grin
>Skull and Bones
we jason bourne now
Looks legit since the fucking shills are trying hard to distract everyone instead of ignoring it.

On a side note, why would a high powered and well connected lawyer represent a homeless woman? She clearly can't afford him. That means that there are elite people with an interest in controlling the outcome of this story. I think there's something to this.
Bump. I'm mobile can someone make some infographics for this?
>On a side note, why would a high powered and well connected lawyer represent a homeless woman? She clearly can't afford him. That means that there are elite people with an interest in controlling the outcome of this story. I think there's something to this.
How do you do that? How do you just jump off a logical cliff?
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Bumping the only important thread on here.
You're confirming our assumptions by mocking a fair question. Please leave.
It's called reasoning and you apparently lack it or are just being willfully deceptive. I'll explain, there should be reasonable explanations for why certain things happen and the connections to other things. If the explanation given is not reasonable, a more reasonable explanation should be sought. When a large number of seemingly unconnected items start to share a number of escalatingly improbably coincidences, then a reasonable explanation for their actual connections should be sought. But this wasn't for you, just any normie watching the thread. You are clearly disinfo shill.
>make false claims about pushing someone into a subway
>later actually push someone into subway
>creates the illusion that shes mentally ill so nothing to see here
>in reality she was given a fuckload of money to kill this person
>will be sentenced to a (((mental institution)))
>lawyer gets paid
>judge gets paid
>everyone lives happily ever after
This will probably have to go to another chan with less traffic and where shills can be banned quickly.

The timing is relevant

The video could be a coded message or order
2pair GET
kek wants us to keep digging
Trump won guys, you can stop.
feeling the heat, shillboy?
sir im going to have to see your ID
>The video could be a coded message or order
yeah what if that coded computer shit could trigger schizos/programmed-multiples etc
that's what Forgotten Languages was claiming to do
I vaguely remember this. Wasn't this Connie a maid or something for some rich globalist?
Bump for justice.
bumping to destroy the creepy fag podesta
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full house GET
Kek is playing poker and wants us to go all in
Yes. There is fire here.
this goes way, way beyond podesta
this case highlights it: we're talking skull&bones cream of the shitcrop here
if you just wanna nail democrats with this, be advised that no party/side/religion/gov is out of this shit
this is what i've been telling to my jewish cunt
it's not about dems
she finally admitted "i'm afraid to believe this whole pizzagate child abuse thing might be true"
those are the rulers of this world, it was plain from day one of this citizens investigation
see pic
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If it was to trigger schizos then (((they))) wouldn't need to pin the blame on some random homeless women.

Most likely:
>Agent lives nearby'
>one day gets a mysterious email/letter/text with a link to the video and info on how to decipher the message
>orders to make it look like an accident or random act of violence

Regardless, it seems like the FBI want's us to know about this incident, but why would the pizza pedo's go after a house cleaner.

Unless she was sharing something that they did not want her to share.
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The digits are strong in this thread. Praise!
There is something big here!
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Anybody else curious where Casey Champagne got that kiddie porn he was posting to Bernie facebook pages?

Worked for Brock as I recall.
she was a maid for whom?

Bump for anon being three letter agency

8/pol/ thread if this dies and doesn't become a general. If that doesn't work, maybe endchan? This needs to be looked into for sure.

>and kek continues to bless us!

Remember that they have made enemies rich enemies , is there any kennedy alive?


Another du.bs !
No one has grip of the whole world , remember its dimesional chess ,
and i could not care less who is the ruler of the world , but the massive killing of enlight future enlitgh beings like the one Podesta and company is doing is treatting the balance , ther can not be evil or good whitahud litgh and dark beings and Podesta is killing them both.
For convenience, here is a list of Podesta emails that contain keywords "blackstone"


no , if you take this to containment board chan no awarenes is possible .
keep it here ,the normies are waching.
anyone got more info on blackstone?
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It's not a "fair question" it's like
>"Why is McDonald's canceling the value menu again? It MUST be a conspiracy to make us desperate and more poor by making us pay more money. Therefore, they must be conspiring to destroy us. Such violent and unmoral people must be secret pedophiles that sacrifice children in dark rituals. Which MUST mean that they are controlled by the lizard men. WE'RE ON TO SOMETHING HERE PEOPLE, WE'RE FUCKING ON TO SOMETHING. THEY DON'T WANT US TO KNOW!"
>It's called reasoning and you apparently lack it or are just being willfully deceptive
You don't have a fucking clue what reason is. I'm calling the men in black helicopters to take you away now.

Podesta, Alefantis connection to Blackstone here.


J.Tomlinson Hill is the Vice Chairman of Blackstone group. He is specially thanked, as is James Alefantis. Tony Podesta donated several pieces of art to the event.

The event brings together some of the largest foundations in the world, including Rothschild money.
Has anyone tried taking this to:
The level of autism is pretty high up there, and I am saying this as a compliment.
>Authorities claim Watton and another woman, Melanie Liverpool, were talking or arguing on the platform before Liverpool pushed Watton onto the tracks, according to the Associated Press.

Melanie Liverpool

Melanie Liverpool

What can we find friends?



that works as a place to keep the info , not to spread it.
he asked a very simple question m8. describe the scenario in which schizophrenic black homeless woman gets a lawyer like that?

This is some MAJOR fucking shit.
Bump for justice
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Bump for interest.
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Blackstone is said to be the most powerful hedge fund in the world. I know of (((someone))) born into a literal aristocratic family who studied Maths at Cambridge and works for them. If the illuminati is real, these are the people who manage their money.


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Total coincidence guys, totally not suspicious at all


If a conspiracy to kill her, it'd be due to something she found out in the dude's house, whether the owners or visitors
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Jesus fuck you people are stupid.
Here's a website where you can get a pro bono lawyer.
Lawyers do this shit all of the time. All of the time. Simple questions have simple answers, unless there's something fucking wrong with you.
I bet this isn't good enough though. It must be MUH PIZZA CONSPIRACY!
We actually dodged an enormous bullet this election.
Hmm...that's weird.
you sound really panicked, is something happening in your professional life that might add extra pressure and anxiety?
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If you rearrange the letters of her name you can spell 'Cotton Waco'.
What would you idiots know about a "professional life" or human emotional response with your mental illness?
There's nothing weird. You ask a lawyer if they will work "pro bono" and they say yes or no. It's like googling your own name and the word "charity" to see if you're a charitable person. You're fucking stupid.
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I think you're on to something. Quick, check under the skin on your arm for secret messages.
Yeah, that's what highly connected mob lawyers do. Anyways, you're making yourself completely obvious. A normalfag who thinks this is shit would hide it and move on. An actual disinfo shill would keep sperging out like you.
>Yeah, that's what highly connected mob lawyers do.
No, no it fucking isn't. All law firms do pro bono work.
So hide it and go away, shill. Or are you ordered to stay here and stir up shit?
>implying I'm the one stirring up shit
Why do you focus on fantasies you create when so many other blatant problems and crimes exist in the world?
>So hide it and go away, shill.
Let me also point out when you idiots are easily proven wrong you ask people to leave your echo chamber so you can all recycle this shit back and forth.

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why is this not bumped to the top? wtf /pol/?

is CFG gone?

No. We are not presenting a case. We are investigating if there is anything here. We don't need your input if it is not productive. Buh bye.
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It should be as shilling in this thread and slide threads indicate that there is something here of real interest.
>We are not presenting a case.
No you're fucking not. You're making baseless connections on your baseless "reasoning".
>We don't need your input if it is not productive.
You mean pandering to your dogshit ideas? Fuck off.
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This is going to die, but >>108495118
is right. 3 1/2 hours of pure shilling.
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>mfw the jews think they can stop us
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There are a lot of questions in this case. I think it should continue to be looked closer at.
I just posted a bunch of screens in one of the HWNDU generals and it was completely nuked. Fucking spooky.


smart move , use the slide threats to create awerenes .

i am doing so

Dialy Reminder to NOT go in front of that camera and identified yourself as a \pol\ack

Dialy reminder that if they pretend to do this 4 years , is goin to be 4 years of trolling .

Dialy reminder that to avoid the datamine identification and doxinng of thousand of \pol\acks we need a group of local anons who will be identified , problably doxxed to do the Trolling .

dialy reminder that if you already appear in front of that camera yelling pepe or any of the ones who already appear as \pol\acks you are part of the group of foot soldiers.

Also let me remind you this is a slide threat , there are protestors in front planet ping pong and no one is covering that
They've been deleting HWNDU threads for days since fucking retards keep making multiple ones at the same time
also bump
We need to know more about Watton. Where was she coming from or going to when this happened? Had she ever mentioned to anyone about any problems? What about her relatives in the Phil?
12 posts on a topic that is "baseless" and a "dogshit idea" hmmm seems like you would have left if this topic was soooo baseless. Instead you sit here and just shit up others ideas/connections.

Her husband would be the first person to ask questions to, though that might be inappropriate

>she sees shady shit related to her boss and/or his associates
>they get to her before she can reveal it?
>they threaten her to not say a word, she agrees, but they go back on it and kill her?
>she tries to blackmail them?

You'd think her husband would be snuffed out too if he knew. He'd have nothing to lose if he knew something and they killed his wife.
A lawyer oh his caliber would never do pro bono work for a black homeless woman, you know this. Just stop and leave, you are an embarrassment
a bunch of chinks talkin in the background on a few others
im not clear about how this connects to pizzagate

other than her proximity to podesta, is there anything else here

Podesta and James are tangentially related to her boss, who is a CEO of a large company and a member of the council of foreign relations
what the fuck
googling "rostov tower" the 1st result is that jimmy maximum youtube video, but it was only posted 2 hours ago

>that retard that commented on the video with da joos

Fucking hell people are retards.

How i fucking despise these
>Guise I won't say anything because I don't wanna gen v& but you DO so here is a half assed meaningless tip dig from here, you lazy idiots.
You insufferable faggot. If someone is truly from a three letter agency posting on 4 chan and "giving tips" don't think for a moment he'd be threaded differently from his respective employer if he went all out.

That murdered women was a housemaid to some banker who did business with podesta for lobby work that's all.
Jafkshit were gonna get from this.
Three letter homesexuals thanks for nothing , now shut the fuck up and keep on cucjposting keeping the status quo, secretly hoping we'd do your work for you.
Not gonna happen.
Eternally fuck you
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>kek led us into memeing HWNDU so we would notice the sign guy

Well there we go lads
Dig deep
Make a pastebin
Save data on your HDDs
This looks big
Is this CIA spook communication?
What does rostov tower have to do with anything? Pardon my ignorance, this is the first time I have seen this particular story.

fuckin weird i had a captcha that was local to me

What's the significance of Rostov Tower?
>All these vids with 1 view
What the ever loving fuck is this autism. This seriously rustled me.

I'm not sure... It seems risky to put a hit publicly on youtube even if it is encrypted. It would make more sense to give the agent a personal key beforehand, and then later send him a completely encrypted message that only that key can decrypt.

Could it be possible that the owner of the channel automatically takes information from some place, like a news feed, and then automatically generates a junk video and posts it in his channel? Just why, why the fuck would you be so consistently autistic.
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Basically fuck this guy, this muder, and fuck this thread. I'm not chasing down some bullshit rabbit warren of connections because some almost certainly LARPer decided to make a thread about some DC murder.

Seriously. Fuck off. Dump something worth a shit instead of this JFK ate my homework bullshit. We couldn't chase down these leads if we tried.
I am going through that channel right now

>over 30 video uploads a day
>shit goes on for months
>no sense in any of them
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Something feels... off, guys.

Why would the powers that be allow this anonymous investigation to occur? /pol/ is fucking huge at this point yet they seemingly haven't tried to communicate with asian moot or anything to stop it.

This is more specific to "pizzagate" but it also applies here.

What the hell is going on?
this fucking thread
I didn't plan on sleeping anyway
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Then leave the thread faggots
some anon found this video:

On this channel:

With the name connie watton in it. for what its worth, you cant see the video by looking at "all videos" directly from the channel. i dunno if its just not listed or what, i am not a youtube fag.

but the video on the channel titled "FZ981, Rostov Tower." i just decided to google "rostov tower" (without quotes mind you) and the video is the first thing that came up. that seems really strange considering it was posted 2 hours ago and only had 9 views, and FZ981, Rostov Tower is referencing:

why would it be listed so high on google about such a high profile event
>1 Post By This ID.

Aight going through it now
It looks like there are parts of sentences thrown out on random (?) videos
And there is seemingly no end to how many of them are
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prob a youtube channel like this


I'd assume it doesn't mean anything


The exact match in the title has probably have to do something with it. Still weird that it's the first match with so few views though.
Let's be spooped if their is an air disaster in the next day or so.

Figuring out the background noise/convo might be worthwhile, albeit a massive long shot.

Sounds like a public place.
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Pizza. Fish that looks like butterfly. Black cube. If it is just garbage, it's fucking spooky garbage.

they were tricked into killing the best among them , i have been pointing that , not to the anons , but to the NSA ,CIA and the FBI who lurk in this threats , Podesa and company did haved the proteccion of them becose they were CIA seers and provided services to them , in exchange them would ignored their activities , but they used their freedom to kill any posible competicion , killing future enlithg beings from BOTH SIDES litgh and darkness .

Podesta and company are ours now , they have no gods in their side, and we have the full phanteon of the chaos gods. Eris, Kek, Thot.

is hunting season!
im inclined to agree
connie watton died on nov 7 and that "YEAR-OLD CONNIE WATTON WAS" video was posted nov 16. i think this youtube channel just uses some sort of aggregator to generate meaningless titles for its weird videos. anons can def keep digging though

Galactic Ripple is written on the cube

Galactic/Comet -- very loose connection, but still astronomy
>You'd think her husband would be snuffed out too if he knew. He'd have nothing to lose if he knew something and they killed his wife.
Husband is now a dead man walking I bet.
Unless this post has repeating numerals in which case Christ will protect him.
wtf is this
But the /qa/ thread that was getting them deleted was huge. So I started posting screens of this topic there and it was nuked too.

Looks like some weird bot/AI created content from scouring news and social sources.

Or, it could be encoded messages from Reptillians for their agents.

Probably the former.
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although these weird jimmy maximum videos have somewhat (i use the word loosely) visual style to Sex Stains vids, the band that played at Comet Ping Pong and is implicated in pizzagate with their blue triangle pedophile symbol in this video:


the fucking blue triangle is in the thumbnail ffs. its like they're flaunting it. and wasnt one of those comet ping pong instagram guys named jimmy comet or something? is there a relationship to this jimmy maximum youtube channel? honestly i think its a long shot but everything is worth investigating
Could be those Sex Stains and others mimic a style of video used in communications of sensitive materials in these circles.
>"please help" is the only thing underlined
It's obvious he's reaching out. Poor guy.
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Don't let this slide.
its someone playing around with temple OS
literally nothing
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