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Syria General /sg/ - Bye bye Obongo Edition

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Thread replies: 309
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Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>N Syria/alBab Jan20
>Wadi Barada Jan20
>Palmyra Jan19
>Mosul Jan19
>Deir Ezzor jan17
>E Ghouta Jan14
>Aleppo Dec22

Developments Jan21
>Russia to keep Tartus facility and part of Hmeymim base for 49 years
>sy gov & militants start peace talks in wadi barada
>IS launches powerful night assault to seize DeZ Airport- no gains by either side last night
>SAA launches offensive in Dez
>Armed female civilians swear to defend DeZ from IS
>Several citizens arrested by Jaysh Al-Islam for wanting to reconcile with gov
>SAA takes Al-Ba'ir Al-Mar and several gas wells 20km S of T4
>Trouble in jihadist paradise as rival factions battle in Idlib
>Turkish Army failed to capture Al-Sulfaniyah for the 9th time, 5 soldiers killed, 9 wounded in a carbomb
>IS starts destroying Palmyra’s ancient theater
>IS abduct 150 children in Tal Afar amidst manpower shortage
>Gambia's Jammeh step's down

Previous >>108145874
>must watch

American senator tell the other side of the story
https://youtu.be/0FNtEWfay_8 [Embed]

>THE TRUTH ABOUT White helmets

The Face of American Regime Change

Virginia senator on Aleppo

>Soldier met family after 5 years

>Assad visits monastery for Christmas

>Neutral report on "War Crimes" in Syria

Syria ambassador in USA

>NGO’s and hybrid warfare

What's REALLY Happening in Syria (by SyrianGirlPartisan)

>The Lies of Syria

WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade
- wikileaks.org/berats-box/article
Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria
- wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/23225

>SJWs are planning to march all the way from Germany to Aleppo over the course of three and a half months:
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Daily reminder that Iphone was Syrian, White and Based unlike Ass*d
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>Where should I bomb?
first for the emperor and the god king ERDOGAN
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Pray for ISIS. Deir-ez-Zor will fall!
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>6 #RuAF long-range Tu-22M3 bombers attacked ISIS targets in Deir ez-Zor.#Syria

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Fuck off bydlo
>said encredibly nervous somalian
Remember this link doesn't work
is it useful against a mobile enemy? i just googled some details about this bomber because i don't know shit about weapons, and it seems that 90% of what it carries are freefall unguided bombs.

I remember that they were used in eastern Palmyra against ISIS when the SAA tried to advance on Arak but it didn't help them that much because they didn't manage to advance.
Thats cause it misses one character
if you love snow and getting comfy, watch this


quinstessentially russian c o m f y K I N O
I thought I fixed this last time... got dammit notepad
Indeed they were used for Arak/Sukhnah area back then, quite a number of bombing runs

And indeed, I dont see these bombers having much purpose against mobile technicals or such

I bet theyre mostly used to target vehicle depot, HQs or other buildings/infrastructure
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Is BDD armour as effective against a shaped charge (aka the main tank killer in on the Syrian battlefield) as ERA would be?

Would the SAA be able to just retrofit ERA onto their new tanks?
ok thank you for your informations

I wouldn't even fuck around in Russia. I know you think it's edgy but KGB almost certainly monitor /sg/ and you are definitely on some sort of list you faggot

Reminder that depressed suicidal Syrians are WHITE and BASED
Naturally it helps, since the charge has to first penetrate the BDD, travel through it and then penetrate the main armour itself. It won't do much good against a dual-warhead though.
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>said retarded brit who never lived in Russia
FSB is a meme. Untill you start to blow up people or promote russian nationalism you are safe.
I know it's probably bullshit, but it would be hilarious.
Can someone explain to me how the fuck Americans can go through college? Are you supposed to get a 120k loan then pay it all back when you're 52?
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RPG-7 sucks
You can also have rich parents :^)
Or get a scholarship if you're smart and black/poor.

I think that's how it works.

>mfw 2 5 years of engineering at university and 2 university degrees

Total Cost: £0.00
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Yeah, I wish we had more sources! if confirmed it would be a shameful situation for turkey. Or they could spin it around and say that they will overlook and assist with information SAA to make it look like they and Assad are getting along and now work against terrorists
that`s a really comfy atv mobile home
forgot the pic
it's 99% made up, though. The pro-Assad crowd lies more than the kurds and the "FSA" combined.

You go to community college for 2 years and then transfer to a state school. If you're poor enough (and you probably are if you are going to cc) you can get financial aid.
you were lucky, soon May will make sure only the upper class can attend university.
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I am going to miss that black man
Even scholarships still seem ridiculously expensive to me. Seriously how can anyone afford a quality college in the west without putting himself in some serious debt?

So wait you're going to college for free? Are you some grade A Nigerian transsexual?
why would a "Lebanese journalist Hussein Murtada" have access to such information? nice meme report and the fact that masdar is reporting it makes it even more suspicious
heh. it`s a boat too.
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>let's play spot the t*rkish expat
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I'm ok with this.

I got what I needed
In most of Europe education is free
>Are you some grade A Nigerian transsexual
even better, he's a Scotsman
It's not free though, we're all paying for it.
If you're really smart and will study something like medicine school can be free in the US. It's all about the effort.

I already graduated like 2 years ago

And no, I was just a Scottish resident for 5 years so entitled to 5 years free university tuition.

People who are poorer than me actually got paid to go to uni but I wasn't eligible
Turks getting BTFO
And are CCs any good?
what is a fsa

It's the same course work like any other college. The professors also teach at the bigger colleges too.
> Seriously how can anyone afford a quality college in the west without putting himself in some serious debt?

That's the Anglo-Saxon educational system. In most of Europe you don't have to pay for college.
Yeah, but as a student you usually didn't pay taxes yet
New pics of Major General Issam Zahereddine in DeirEzzor
mere technological malfunctions

No, you don't have to pay, but you have to earn the right to get in through good marks. In the US anyone can just pay and go regardless of marks.

I don't believe that institutions like MIT or UC Berkeley aren't considering applicants GPA
They allow you to skip most of the SJW bullshit classes without paying for them (except a small entrance fee of course).

A great way to save money, but only if you attend one of the top ones with good teachers. Otherwise it's not worth it.
There are some hurdles here:
>The other students are stupid and degenerate, not a good academic environment
>It can be quite difficult to transfer, especially if you let your grades fall
>classes are often at weird hours
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another one
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That Senator is a moron and the syrian ambassador can't even speak english. Why would you trust these people?

Well for the elite schools that is true. I should have added.
Wow. I didn't know Scotland had such a generous welfare system.
Does that mean that people could even get tuition free education in Scotland's most prestigious colleges or is it that limited to a few select ones? Are those free colleges any good or are they commie tier intellectual black holes like the ones we have in here?

I don't I doubt people could get to a place like Chicago by the sheer virtue of having rich parents

Don't (at least) the state universities have to accept CC transfer credits?

The kids of rich parents tend to be smart and motivated so more often than not they get in those schools. The money from the rich parents does help of course.
Makes sense
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im also going to miss Obama

I doubt Trump will help ISIS BTFO YOU FUCKING TURKS
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>implying i want to pay for foreigners and degenerates getting a lousy art or social study degree that means nothing
that was a good watch! thanx! that scene when they tired the wheel to the trailer
That's one of the reasons I left my home country. Loads of eastern europeans coming for free educations. I don't want to pay for that.

I could live in one of those.... Russia has a reputation for being depressing and dark but I it's max comfy.
he burns rather well. Did they drench him in gasoline?
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Watch your tongue, kikenigger.

All universities/colleges/schools in Scotland can be attended with free tuition. If you are eligible for free tuition for University then the only entrance requirement is your UCAS score (British version of GPA). Most Europeans and all Scottish & Norhern Irish residents (5 years) are eligible but ironically English people have to pay but not as much as non UK and non Euros (primarily Chinese but also Nigerian and American) who can pay up to £27,000 a year.
What country are you from?
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so ud rather your tax money go towards paying for terrorism and salafi mosques?
quit playin

There are no taxes here
why so mad? did the refugee named abdul kadir mamlakat steel your white girlfriend?
Nice try abdullah but these morons have no proofs whatsoever.

>imblying he pays taxes in Al-Amarat
Alright ty
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Here's a reporter who did a lot of research into the chemical attacs. It's just surreal what he finds out.

His website: https://bbcpanoramasavingsyriaschildren.wordpress.com/

Maybe this belongs in OP?

im mad cause the turkroach said he is going to miss Obama, the guy that actively supported and let ISIS foster, the same guys that are killing turks, or did you miss the point of my post?
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I'd rather pay taxes than living in the desert.
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Away with you and your conspiracy theories. Next thing you`ll tell me is that you believe bush did 9/11 lmao
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UAE is pretty nice though
Turkey supported them even more, shouldn't the roaches be mad with Erdogan? No they love him!
> Seriously how can anyone afford a quality college in the west without putting himself in some serious debt?
it costs like 1000euros/year to go to college including books
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Yeah, I understand. At least I get a ton of money :)
Yes, but only if you meet certain minimum requirements which they raise all the time
College is so cheap here that you can easily ruin one try by not studying and wasting your time on this vietnamese ricecooker board.
is it true that the turks are retreating from al bab? did they actually get beaten by isis? this is iraq army tier incompetence

Yes and with the price of a pint over there you're going to need it.
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hurr durr

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>Acquire oil money
>Instead of investing it, blow it all on desert cities and wild sex parties for elites
>Shale oil discovered
>Uh oh, my resource-based economy just got fucked

So sad
What's the latest news

Are the terrorists almost gone?
Except that's not what's happening at all.

One thing about these muslim kingdoms is that they have very little taxes and very good economic policy, so it's very good for business.

Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world, but their country is still a complete shithole?


Because leftists are retarded and their retarded economics dont work
Yeah around £10 for a draught

Dubai is not dependent on oil directly though. They have diversified their economy quite a lot and the main income is tourism now
Burden of proofs lie with the (state) Senator and "ambassador"
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Better webm for publicity
>t. paki imprisoned in UAE
Will you ever rise up and slaughter the citizens?
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proof their proof is false before opening your mouth
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It's alright if you want to live in a big ciy, I guess.
I live in pic related village (don't dox me pls) and I would go nuts in the desert.
At least he earns a shitton of money.
Schwäbische Alb?
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>redpilled trap
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What is happening here?

Watch the video. No quotes, no nothing. Just vague claims.
No. Bavarian Forest.
I love how the village follows the land instead of cutting through it

For example a lot of our roads cut through mountains and hills instead of going over them

I'm guessing some kind of chemical weapons attack.
Almost. (No further doxing.)
Venezuela was socdem and aspired to replicate the Nordic countries but in South America

They all seem to be doing fine.
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Proof that there are no quotes, no nothing and vague claims

>What is happening here?
Totally legit footage of chemically attacked peaceful syrians brought to you by the BBC
This is great. Thanks for sharing.
>Venezuela was socdem
And then went full Castro and ruined the country.
Now there are even people who starve and inflation is 800%. Hooray for socialism!
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>Proof that there are no quotes, no nothing and vague claims
I can't force you to watch the video....

>Schwäbische Alb?
swabia is best region desu
But you forget my German friend, it's not REAL socialism
It will work out better next time, promised :^)
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what is the point of those uniforms?
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>I can't force you to watch the video...
You still haven't disproven any of these vague claims. Get going, shill.
Can't you see the camo patterns?
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Communist syria when?
It's Giraffe cavalry unit, of course
>implying both sides aren't lying about Syria.

Nigger soldiers wearing convict jumpsuits...

Canoflage to blend in with the crowd probably
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There might be some lies yes. But the culprit is clear.
>There are no taxes here
That's why the place is so succesful with bussiness & tourism at the moment imo
>what is the point of those uniforms?
When did Venezuela ever go full on Marxist Leninist?
>What is happening here?
This reporter Robert Stuart did a thorough investigation into the BBC-made news story on the chemical attack that happened to happen while UK parliament was voting on whether to make no-fly zone and while a BBC film crew happened to be in the hospital where they took the patients. It's a long watch, but well worth it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lu6TlmHnd4c
One golden example: The doctor say's: "everybody who's not medical personnel please leave – so everybody leaves except the cameraman keeps following – lol.
Also you can glance through the guys website - but imo it's better to just watch the video to get the info in context.
>No taxes

Nice, so how do they pay for their military?
Or their police, or anything else for that matter?

It couldn't possibly be that they are paid for by the US taxpayer right?
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Will they try to take Tabqa, too?
I think it's a huge waste of men just to get more American weapons.
When the roaches attack, they will have to give up much of it, anyway.
Maybe it's a life insurence. As long as they are advancing on Raqqa and are useful to the Americans, the roaches can't openly attack Manbij.
thats some cyprus tier shit komşu
Tiger Forces suffer first casualties in the Aleppo offensive against ISIS after SVBIED

Republican Guards launched an attack on cemetery backed by RuAF (footage)

Ahrar al-Sham captured JFS checkpoint

Also I suggest adding pastebin about Idlib infighting to the OP, don't have the link at the moment.
>good at war
Pick 1
uniforms? what uniforms? I can only vaguely make out some heads floating in the air..
>how do they pay for their military?
>their police, or anything else for that matter?
Tourism I think, it's the main income of UAE, other than that - oil.
Yes Taqba is the objective of the currents phase

Also why is there a big blob of green in SDF territory


fuck off londonistan
The SDF would head back to the north and the ground taken from ISIS would be recaptured by them.
I don't say that the roaches would be able to capture the YPG hold so easily.
At least you've got that right.
Most men without rich parents and a decent work ethic usually go to trade schools to learn specific jobs like electrician, iron working, etc. They usually pay you to train and in a few years you're making as much as most college fags, assuming you don't get caught in the drug culture around these jobs
>Also why is there a big blob of green in SDF territory

cuz hoholmaps
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Tabqa is a huge town, as big as Manbij. The SDF can only attack it head on over a narrow corridor.
It's a recipe for a military disaster.
I forgot war hasn't changed in almost 100 years.
Remind me, how is al-bab is going?
ISIS is not attacking today because it's Sabbath.
They have enough manpower to hold their Raqqa gains and also send reenforcements to Manbij. Keep in mind there's already a 4,000+ strong Manbij Military Council there so the YPG wouldn't have to send huge amount of men.
Yeah, but the smart ones with a work ethic go to college, get a STEM degree and make double what the tradecuck does.
The goal is to capture the dam, because it´s the sole Euphrates crossing that can´t be destroyed by airstrikes, provides water and electricity for Raqqa and it would be a huge disaster if ISIS blasted it as a final suicide.
For those schools you need an alum to vouch for you, money, and a good gpa in that order
That's a nice Empire m8. Just gonna reach in real quick, dismantle it and partition it if you don't mind.
ISIS wouldn't be able to blow it up. Even if they wanted to it they did it would kill everyone in Raqqa so it just makes no sense.
I don't know how many if you have seen this yet, its a Saudi police officer shooting two ISIS fighters in Saudi Arabia. Now this made the news because the officer was only armed with a pistol and the two guys had automatic rifles, but it seems everyone is missing the big picture, which is that FUCKING ISIS IS NOW IN SAUDI ARABIA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA, THOSE PEDDLERS OF TERRORISM ARE GETTING WHATS COMING TO THEM.

The work ethic is important. My friend busted his ass and got his ME degree and now has a cushy government job. Another "engineer" I went to school with is still waiting tables
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What happened to your empire after Gallipolli, or right, it dissolved.
>>Turkish Army failed to capture Al-Sulfaniyah for the 9th time, 5 soldiers killed, 9 wounded in a carbomb
Turks are so incompetent it hurts
>Muh Gallipoli
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fuckers getting put on the naughty list way early this year
But Gallipoli was early on in the war.

After that we curb-stomped the Turks all over Mesopotamia.
and several other nations and tribes :)
It took 6 major european "super" powers and dozen of tribes to stop the rape train. Even with that you crashed your empire with no survivors.
>SDF has captured most of Suwaydiyah Kabirah from ISIS

those Kurds... if they continue like this they will be in Raqqa before Spring.
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pls let this be a serious post
Blasting a dam isn´t that difficult and they certainly can do it.
Please, Ahmed. Even back in the 19th century the Greek Independance War fucked you in the ass so hard you had to call the Egyptians for help because your troops literally fled instead of engaging. It's been downhill ever since.
Absolutely based. That's a relatively big fan town too, about the same size as Jarabulus
>German flag turkposting
Not even surprised
"Several other nations"
Do you mean our Empire? Because that was really it. None of the other Allies were involved in Mesopotamia other than the British Empire. You're just upset that you got wrecked despite us having to fight on three continents at once. I mean of course we'd also use the tribes of the land we'd be occupying. You'd be stupid not to.
And it just gets better and better - Like the regular staff of the hospital happened to be in Turkey on some training course on the date of the attack - and they drag apart the curtains to have better lightning for filming - And the most surreal part: One of the two female doctor featured in the BBC report now happens to work for a firm that replicates war wounds and real life situations to train military personnel: http://www.traumafx.co.uk/actor-services/
You can't make this shit up

Here is some action from Deir
Most people honestly don't have any sort of work ethic these days.
ISIS must be busy on other fronts kek
>United kingdom
>New Zealand
And nearly half of a million casualities. Nice "curbstomping"
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>all of this roach butthurt from germany
You have to go back, Mustafa.
You were already irrelevant before the war even started, Sick Man of Europe. During the war, you were nothing but a distraction for the British while the grown-ups were getting down to business.
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Daily reminder that Hatay is Syrian clay occupied by the roaches.
>SDF takes strategic town by dam in less than one (1) day

>Roaches can't take similar sized town in 3 months

It's like poetry
>Not rightful crusader clay
SDF has US special forces, while Turkey's special forces are in jail
Again. Those were all part of the British Empire, not independent countries. Would you say Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Armenia all "helped".

Battle casualties didn't even reach 100,000. In terms of dead, the number didn't even reach 50,000.
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Reminder that Jews are white, based and the real master race.

G-d's chosen people will always win in the end.
>consistent roachposting from germ*n flag

Cannot fabricate
>part of the British Empire
Which you betrayed all of them in order to survive after the buttfuck you got. Tell me, where went your empire after the war?
After World War I? It grew actually.
That's a manface

Turks seriously need to chill out desu. Constantly engaging in shitposting wars with Greeks about the origin of kebabs, Armenians about the genocide, Brits about WWI, Kurds about then insurgency, Arabs about Islam etc

How the fuck do you acquire so many enemies lmao
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Seen this one?
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Woops meant to post this one, but the other one was also relevant
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Here, take a girly face.
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N-no one? This is big news guys.
No hadn't seen it, do you know the context, where the photo was posted?
Respect to the cop. Seems like he was mostly lucky, but he didn't run like a little bitch, which is pretty non-saudi to be honest.
I'm not surprised Isis affiliated groups are fighting the jew sypathising saudis though
No, some other anon posted it long time back. Verified the tweet existed at the time, nothing more.
im starting to think bashar uses apple computers just because (((steve jobs))) was a half syrian half jew
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>not 223388
what would happen if isis captures a usa soldier?
England, you take out a loan (everyone can get it easily) and then pay back once you start earningmore than 21k a year
Nothing. They're allies
Hookah and chill.
Burn him, probably.
Don't let the tinfoil cut off circulation to your head.
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Carpet bombing intensifies
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Are you brothers with Austria?
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Are you upside down serbia?
By the way, I'm christian hohol.
To point a finger against the US while yelling "imperialism" only to then support the a different face of imperialism is laughable hypocrisy. But you're probably a Bashar mouthpiece so why bother.
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My god this thread is useless lmao

Delegation from Washington won't attend Astana talks on #Syria, US "will be represented by our Ambassador to Kazakhstan," says @toner_mark.
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And also a butthurt shitposter
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>this post
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#Iraq joint operations officially announce Al-Qawsiyat district North #Mosul completely liberated.
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This isn't your safe space anymore so cough up a rebuttal.

Begin retaking east side when?


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sup blaire
he looks like borat
throw the jew down the well
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Latest map from Bab
fuck off commie
So what was the message from the movie? I thought it was to avoid falling into tribalism but the movie ends with him being a well dressed officer like the Arabs expected him to be.
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The k*rds are famous for being commies, ergo why they say death to imperialism.
But it turns out all they needed was some guns to change their mind.

Tone down the autism please.
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Comfy T-90!! Do you know where was taken?
ISIS Attacks The Syrian Opposition Positions Near Tasil Town Western Daraa

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>"Our morale is high!"- Syrian Republican Guard Gen. Issam Zahreddine near the front-lines against Daesh in Deir Ez Zor today

@hohol maps
The enemy of my enemy you know the rest
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IS propagandists are promoting Firefox browser add-on that directs to CloudFlare-protected sites hosting English versions of IS propaganda

He was a British Officer first and foremost. Yes, he adapted to appease the Arabs and complete his mission to BTFO the t*rks but afterwards he retired to his quaint English countryside home to live out his days as a gentleman of leisure.

>so long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous, and cruel
#Egypt-#Sinai: Heavy gunfire reported in the area of Husaynat, #SheikhZuweid
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Syria: SDF forces seized the village of al-Suwaydiya al-Kabirah near the Tabqa dam in Raqqa

Pic related: The English version of Amaq's infographic with stats for IS ops during the 3rd month of fighting for control of Mosul - 58 suicide attacks
True. Assad has never fought ISIS. It's a fact-checked-fact.
he liked arab dicks inside his ass tho

Peter O'toole made him out to be a bigger faggot than he actually was
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>CIA not knowing their location
Syrian army transferred equipment (missiles) into Yemen, starts destroying Saudi bases.

Fuck YPG
Fuck Communists
Fuck you
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>Everyone above them except Iran is cool though

Thanks based non-biased western media
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I doubt he faked it. And he was a British officer who was enamored with Arabia. He didn't have to avenge the village pillaged by the Ottomans, getting himself all bloody and barbaric. He didn't have to take the beating from the Ottoman lieutenant. He told Sherif he was white and therefore could never truly be one of them. He wanted to be an Arab.
Delegation from Washington won't attend Astana talks on Syria, US "will be represented by our Ambassador to Kazakhstan,"

SAA now has T-90s?
Denmark extends military mandate into Syria nDenmark will deploy 60 special operation forces to fight ISIS in Syria

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delete this antisemitic bastard.
for at least 6 months , prolly more

>he didn't have to take the beating

He was a known masochist, it probably got his dick hard
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I like his cold weather hat!
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For all of you who posted in the /ttg/ or /tgg/ or whatever general, I told you yesterday that it would not exist at the same time tmrw and i was right

We get a juicy video.
The operations against JFS in Idlib are about to start as i told you
In the coming hours/days, a big rebel operation will target JFS in Idlib
I don't get what made people support him on here. He was retarded enough to hold elections and he lost.. .and then like a true nigger he refused to acknowledge his defeat.

Tbh it did show the true colors of some people that visit /pol/ or should I say new people that visit /pol/...

Fucking jej!
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destroying JFS (as for now, they only aim to destroy the ex JAA group to weaken the organization) will make them get weapons (and not shitty GRADs) and advisors
what are you guys listening to?

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su-34 carpet bomb.jpg
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>Syria: TU-22m3 Russian jets target IS positions over Deir ez-Zor region

They thought he was anti soros or would start some war in africa which would be awful since it means more refugees to europe.
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It was never a serious thing, it was just following the situation for the keks and the support for Jammeh was simply because the longer he resisted the more likely it was that the situation would get worse and therefore more happenings.
Where did you find that accounts?
homosexsuheil music
fag and gay
nice taste
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Best song


Kampfgruppe Lehr has proven its superiority once again.
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houthi cat.png
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>different face of imperialism
>le spoopy russia maymay
Even Dugin the "fascist Kremlin Rasputin" bogeyman wants a multipolar balance of power as opposed to repeating American-style world hegemony. Now piss off to reddit.
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>Renault FT
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JFS crumbling:

Abu Ahmad Zakur, member of the consultative council of JFS, in charge of its economy and close to Jolani
Abdallah from Aleppo, member of the consultative council and ex military leader of JFS in Aleppo

leave the organization

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feels like reused footage
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images (1).jpg
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Here in Straya we get to take out our student loans as HECS debt, which we only pay back once we hit a certain wage threshold, so it comes out of our pay/taxes.

Undergrads are generally around 20-30k around here.

Pretty good tbqhwyf, I'm doing my undergrad and I've made hardly any payments yet, and won't have to until I get a decent stable job.

Obscure Austrian neofolk.
underrated post
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SAA take back Tulul near Tiyas from IS
He's not Jew. biological parents were Muslim and Catholic.
Really clever Mr. Leaf
I have a little interesting personal memory I am reluctant to share..
It is a photo of me and my cousin in a al tabqah ( near the euphrates dam ), as kids.
Our faces don't even need to be blurred since phone cameras were so shit back then.
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>near the euphrates dam

Post it!
The UAE is not Saudi you retard
Searching isis on twitter i found the pic.I haven't found isis propaganda room on telegram if you were asking that.
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kys yourself islamofascist
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im very well aware of that, but thanks
You pay that shit off in 3 years if you`re not an idiot.
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anon prove me that you are superior faction in this civil war solve
solve this and i will believe that you have some brain cells in you head
give me y(t) anon and i be on your side
if no GTFO
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