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Whats up with Argentina

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Is Argentina redpilled?
They seem like an uncucked country, with a heavy european influence. They appear to be more civilised than the rest of South America.
Is it good to holiday there?
I'm Paraguayan, (very redpilled country btw), and I can tell you that Argentina is so cucked by their populist socialism that they have been bankrupt for 20 years.
Although they were like an European country in the 20th century, they are now niggers, with a literal nigger culture, they are ignorants but as smug as a redditor, and they have a disgusting south Italian accent, which they use, also with their shit slangs, to degenerate the beautiful Spanish language.
Their women are worst than the ones in USA, (but very pretty nonetheless). Everytime I see a pretty girl that starts to speak in argentinean niggerish, I take my shit and get the fuck out of there.
Although some of them are the most charismatic people you will ever meet, the vast majority of them are extremely rude and smug and disgusting.
In resume, Argentina could have been a good country, but muh socialism destroyed it, I always use them as an example of what a left government can do to a country as a warning.
And it is VERY unsafe and dirty, don't go there, really.
I also have to add that the only places approaching decency in that backwater shithole are the Patagonia and cordoba. DON'T GO ANYWHERE ELSE

unchecked immigration, socialist hegemony (broken now for a little), crab in bucket behavior, holding on the malvinas grudge forever

still better than the euro cucks
the parakraut has a point

I'm Norman descent and I can't wait to earn a considerable amount of money to get the fuck out from here lads
You will only find SJWs and people constantly blaming muh murikn imperializm for destroying this country

we are doomed aussie, its better to leave us alone
>Is Argentina redpilled?
My sides left this plane

>They seem like an uncucked country,
Maybe in 1920

>with a heavy european influence.
Yes, we'll receive rapefugees and we gibe free gibs to illegal shitskins from the continent

>They appear to be more civilised than the rest of South America.

>Is it good to holiday there?
Depends the place.
lol, no. only paraguay gets a pass as an uncucked nation in south america.

Dude we've jewed for decades now.

>Is it good to holiday there?

South is top tier, like sweden without muds
Why is Paraguay so great?

Oh, please.
Who told you this?
Did you really believe it?
argentina is the living proof that white people can behave like niggers too after years of liberalism
Colombia is the true redpill, my fellow partners.
Been there. It isn't. As shit as anywhere in SA, but they are fucking smug with their shittyness and trying to stab you in the back.
t. Spanish and Argentinian
we look civilized in comparison to you, congolombia
>that eternal butthurt congolombiANO
Colombia voted NO during their referendum to end the war with the FARC. That's pretty based, but overall Colombia is cucked
We are ultra cucked, the most cuked of the cucks in all latin american
>Is Argentina redpilled?
>They seem like an uncucked country, with a heavy european influence.
"Resistiendo con aguante". Am I right argies

Argentine's are twice as likely a brazilians to watch transexual porn.
>If you fight FARC,They win
Refusing to give amnesty to dirty jungle commies is some of the finest basedness in the world.

Are pretty much dirty jungle commies: the country.
Plz take our FARCwads, they'll fit right in
India is based but still shitty, like Colombia.
The only jungle narco commies I know are the ones in Colombia
No. All of the former colonies are full of identity politics and skitskin violence after the Europeans left.

At least Europe can become White again. Argentina was never really White. Some White people yes, but mostly mixed skitskins.
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>They seem like an uncucked country
Hans Peruvian is right, but not because "muh sossialismm durrr"
We got cucked extra hard by operation condor and foreign banks interference due to massive natural resources, and Argentinas potential to become a world power, and a power other south american could rally to.
So we had a couple of decades of heavy dictatorship to push educated and smart people out of the country, ruined education, and put Jews in figures or education and police and now we are stuck in 10 years cycles where we got culled by the banks before we grow to big to be easily controlled.
The country is torn apart by a great deal of factions, all having splinters of power and very hungry for foreign dollars.
we also need a wall and make chile,paraguay,bolivia and uruguay pay for it
>I fucked up
>Better blame USA
Let me remind you that a big part of the argentinian problem began in the cold war era, thanks america
No, just Bolivia and Paraguay. We already have a natural wall with Chile, and why would you want a wall with Uruguay?
Our south is being bought up by private investors and our natural resources and places of national heritage are being swallowed.
The south is beautiful, very fertile and it has one the most important water reserves in the planet.
Kikes have the Patagonia as a secondary home, a place to move if something goes wrong in Israel.
I shit you not, Argentina was one of the proposed places for kikes in marching to zion,
im argie, and would love to retire around the Chubut/Rio Negro mountain area, near Lago Puelo or so. the country is a relatively civilized shithole. i was born and raised there and as a typical argie, im used to insulting my country(over there the measure of how normal you are wrt politics is how much you bash it), but after spending time in Africa, i realize that we have it very good, tbqh.nevertheless, we're at the middle of the way where we have some of the 1st world comfort but we cant fully afford it, so we get complacent and demand the government to get it for us. we're still an agricultural country, thanks to Peron, and i dont see that changing. also, the people are super ignorant and very susceptible to public opinion/newspapers. everything is 100% visceral, so gov plans are made for next week, rather than the next 5-10 years. there is no vision. macri has good intentions but i feel like we need a strongman to rule the lower classes(our institutions are shit and are bribed 24/7) and motivate them to work hard rather than give social plans and benefits to unions. unions ruined the country, just like they did to france. too much power.
for the most part, people there are cucked bc we're so irrelevant to the world, so we're cucked by default. no "good goyim" thing bc we're already so retarded we fuck our own country up, even from the little things such as littering the public streets or destroying public property(thats perceived as fun by the youth).

And what about the millions of ameri-indios, mestizos and arabs imported in the last decades?
>I'm Paraguayan
>I'm Paraguayan,
stay in germany you goblin
estoy contigo argies y mas cuando un indio se cree superior como este >>107501900
You know nothing. We had decades of dictators that got there by USA and mossad hand. This is not a theory, It has been proven.
>We had like a mini USSR here, people were dragged out of their homes.
>You could die just for wanting to go to college
>Secret police o "Yuta"
>When the dictatorship started, we had no foreign debt. When "democracy" returned, we had debt for life.

It was the same for all south american countries, get in, produce debt with the FMI, smash intellectuals, make the people afraid, insert cultural marxist in all areas of education
Argentina is the most cucked country in Latin America.

5% of immigrants who create crime, favellas, etc.
Leftist everywhere who call you a literally hitler if you even say the word "immigrants"
And 90% feminist.

Ironically, just like whites countries, we are suffering the same things
>I shit you not, Argentina was one of the proposed places for kikes in marching to zion

Haha I read Herzl, I attended a jewish but (((open))) high school
pic related is the only good thing to come from argentina
And this is exactly the kind of sick leftism degeneracy I was talking about in the first two posts.
You can literally see the stereotype with your own eyes.

t. schooled in murica
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Indio? De indio no tengo nada, español indigente degenerado
I'm whiter than all of you
The people is open and redpilled, and it's so easy to make money and be independent that it's unbelievable.
I've been living in germany for some time now (double nationality) and I miss Paraguay so much
>Cokelombians calling anyone uncivilized

anyone else laugh at foreigners talking about South America? Be it leftists or rightist.
How do you even have the lack of shame to post here
Your women are the best I hooked up with one here de pana
I'm Paraguayan
I meant the OP

you fuckers ruined my great Misiones, die nigger, DIE
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This desu
Can agree, Argentina is shithole
Do you come from mennonite family yhe migrated to paraguay?
No south american country is redpilled.

You mean the next Venezuela?
Yes we have niggers but the per capita number is way less than in our neighboring countries
>Argentina is shithole

that's why we have more paraguayan building our houses than your whole population
Although there are a lot of them, no.
My family migrated to Argentina in 1905 as adventure seeking cowboys, and then moved to Paraguay in the 80s (THANK GOD)
That's what happens when you have a shit welfare state. NIGGERS
misionero master race
Hey paraguayan bro, how's it going in Germanistan. I wanted to go there, even studied german for 2 years before Merkel went batshit. Should I just retreat my plan to go there and start learning like danish?
I remember that time when Argentina got BTFO by the british from the Falkland Island.

>good ol' times
>lives in other country
Indios, ladied and gentlemen
You can literally make a living of anything, there is almost no tax, you can own a car with the minimun wage that is almost 350$ monthly, the gas is cheap, alcohol is cheap, the food is cheap, guns are expensive and hard to get.There is also corruption and drug trafficking a lot (in the north) there are so much bandits ready to kill if you don't cooperate (i got stabbed when i didn't gave them my phone) there's also so much students protests
I love how gringos on /pol/ think that Argentina is white

what's your boner with Argentina fellow gringos?
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I remember
This shit is depressing, they are all leftists and cara de culo. If you come here as a young student you will be fucked, forget about going out and having a social life, the Germans literally do nothing. But I think if you come here to a university ambient, or you hang out with people over 20, it is better, but as an exchange student I recommend other countries, Holland is beautiful
I'm an exchange student you smug piece of shit.
This is why I hate all of you, RESISTIENDO CON AGUANTE EH
Tfw my shit leftist school is the one organizing this protests
And dude there aren't SO many bandits it depends where you are and when
Why yo so mad? The indio word triggers you?

Not my fault you have excrement in your veins and that will remain so until you die.
I'm literally whither than you, look up.

And this, people, is why everyone hates argentineans
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>I'm literally whither than you, look up.
It begins
I agree that Cordoba is great. BsAs is pretty shitty in general and thanks to our great border policy, Rosario is no infested with drug cartels.
Mendoza and Neuquen are pretty nice as well.
What little I know of the north of the country is awful and infested with bolivians and paraguayans
the only way that you would live "well" in Paraguay is living in a isolate house in the jungle away from savages and near the argentinian frontier (because the paraguayan hospitals and groceries are terrible) and have argentinian currency to buy stuff.
Sure, and Cristina Kirchner was great eh?
You brain dead nigger
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You can't buy shit with Argentinian currency.
Your money is worthless.
Just as their country and people and culture
if you hadn't voted her,you double nigger cunt.

meant to>>107516106
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Y u so mad tho?
That's what niggers do of course (of which we have very little, they mostly go to your welfare state for the money), but I have to remember you that your whole country voted for her but cordoba, AND FOR THE SAME REASON YOU NIGGER.. DID WE PUT THE KIRCHNERS IN POWER? LOL NO, YOU DID
Well, you can clearly see that there are such wonderful argentinian posters in here, it's a delight to chat with them

This. The thing is that Chile is going the same way, getting jewed on every turn. Probably is a decease... Latam flu or something...
top meme
I've been there before and they kinda are. White people there know how indios act
Idk about the other stuff but the only real good places to holiday in are Mendoza and Buenos Aires. Thats about it
>your whole country voted for her but cordoba
Kirchner was elected in 2003 with just over 20% of the votes. After that, all your countrymen and bolivians and chileans and all the scumbags from all over latin america came here to parasitize and make sure socialist governments were kept in power as >>107516595 shows.
Oh please don't act as if the immigrants are the ones who destroyed your "country"
>Is Argentina redpilled?
M8 they are literally niggers
>gibsmedats with other peoples stuff
>wont pay debts
>blame all your problems on everyone else instead of taking responsibility
Not an argument
Right on. The last point you can even see in this post >>107519741 for example
They are gonna become the next mexico thanks to their brand new drug war.

They also got cucked hardcore and allowed the US to build a base on their clay.
Argentina is a disaster
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Too many nigs
Still not an argument
They are. They are the ones voting for populist governments. They are the ones doing the crime. They are the ones living in shanty towns.

So yeah, it's 100% immigration.
>>107519962 is another example of the last point
Still no argument
says the fag in germoney
We have the money to do it, and they don't do it for votes ;)

Argentina may look white, but it's more of a mixed race. Just looking white is not enough.

White people, especially anglo saxon heritage, instinctively know to stay away from left wing populism, that's undergoing latin america and destroying our future.
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t. Rubenrá
Argentina died when the United Provinces of the Plata were dissolved and Buenos Aires took absolute power, turning the rest of the country into their subjects.
why little brother? why?
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high sleeve of little aids
>los spurs


mongis son
please don't laugh at me
>The Argentine Navy is under-funded and struggling to meet maintenance and training requirements, as a result only 15 out of a total of 42 navy vessels are in a condition to sail.[citation needed] The 2013 defence budget allowed for the 15 operational vessels to each spend less than 11 days at sea, while the submarines averaged just over 6 hours submerged in the whole of 2012.[27] ARA Espora spent 73 days in late 2012 stranded in South Africa for lack of spares. The Almirante Brown-class destroyers are short of spares and their ordnance has expired while the Antarctic patrol ship ARA Almirante Irizar has been under repair since a fire in 2007.[27] On 23 January 2013 the Type 42 destroyer ARA Santísima Trinidad sank at her moorings having been mothballed for ten years

The absolute fucking state desu lads
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Mememagic is strong here at least
It's gonna be ok bro, we gonna make it
Si, querido. Uruguay también aplica a lo que dije.

Cumbia por todos lados, gobierno populista de mierda, etc.

Gracias a Macri con el turismo nos entró algo de plata argentina, fuera de eso estamos en el horno.
>Is Argentina redpilled?
Nope, its filled with jews
>They seem like an uncucked country
We got completely buttfuck by 30 years of uncontrolled immigration, with actual niggers out of africa in the last 10 years
>with a heavy european influence
Yeah Italian and specially spanish, aryan europeans are minority and mostly live in close communities
>They appear to be more civilised than the rest of South America.
More than civilized i would use "progressive"
>Is it good to holiday there?
I guess, you have a really big variety to choose from due to our multiple climate zones

Yep true, shitty nigger welfare yea, but the shitty niggers asking for gibs are your folkmen mostly

You really, really aren't one to talk, Hans.
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