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Israeli lobby behind Trump's victory

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Hahahaha, who the zionist now, pol?
>One recent evening in an Israeli lobbyist's office overlooking Tel Aviv, toasts were made over Trump-brand vodka and sparkling wine.

>A group of activists who lobbied Israeli-Americans to vote for Donald Trump gathered around a boardroom table to celebrate his victory.

>"Mazel tov!" they said, popping open a bottle of bubbly cava. "L'chaim!" they said, toasting life.

>"I hope [Trump] is better than his vodka," one activist joked.


p.s.: Israel is based
/pol/ stands with israel

also shocking news lol

everyone of /zio/'s heros supports israel, and we support them, therefore we stand with israel by proxy
I'm 12 and what is this
Israeli activists != zionists
we're changing /pol/'s name to /zio/ to better reflect this board's character

ya except 99.999% of zionists/jews are against trump, but ZOMG YOU GUYS 0.001% of jews donated to trump therefore trump is definitely an israeli candidate

what the fuck are you even talking about? so desperate
>when you get them to pay for your shit
we da juice now
eric , donald jr and ivanka are all married to jews

ivanka even converted to judaism

trump is KEKED
I see what you're doing and I condone it.
>xyz celebrates that Hillary didn't win.

by that logic I'm the puppet-master.
horseshit, the biggest neocons like Kristol were vehemently opposed to Trump
Em yes it is.
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pic related is how israel feels about trump
every single establishment cuck has been against trump since day one. this includes all the zionist neocons, the GOPe, the MSM, the DNC, hell even the bushes came out against trump...and you know what? every single one of those condemnations drove middle-america voters TOWARDS trump.

the left truly has no fucking clue what's going on anymore
Jew Diaspora against Trump.
Jew Jews for Trump.

... I don't..
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like i said, 0.001% and suddenly it's ZOMG YOU GAIS TRUMP IS OBVIOUSLY ISRAELI PLANT...even though the vast, vast ma jority of jews/zionists wanted hillary. this isn't even debatable.

but you're right, keep linking (((nytimes))) and (((rueters))) articles. they've been SO accurate the past 18 months (they haven't). surely they'll be right about trump this time even though they've been wrong every other single time for the past 18 months. keep believing that, buddy
Are you stupid? There are quite a few people in Israel that are against zionism. Also not every Israeli is a jew.
Israel didn't make almost 10% of Democrats switch from BHO to DJT without skipping a beat for HRC.

He always wanted to prefer with Israel, but consider

>In politics one must work with Jews

>One may work with Diaspora or Zionists

>The former rot society from within

>The latter try to drag the US to wars from without

>The latter are easier to appease and less internally dangerous

>It's preferable to work with the latter
it's true and I would never call them an ally but our far right and theirs have similar problems with death by demography and nationalists tend to view each other favorably
israelis prefer trump, religious jews voted Trump

american atheist cuckaspera wanted hillary

hm really makes u think

do you even know what zionism means? if an israeli jew were anti-zionism he should move the fuck out
so when obama tried to influence the israel election that was for the right kind of jew? trump supports the wrong type of jew? wow how can op be so stupid?
Table of 7 trump supporter's in Israel
>Israel pushed for Trump
Okay then

see >>106799397

they couldn't be happier

only (((hareetz)))-tier cucks are mad
Like everything even the jews (not zionists) are kept as left and right

Our leftists are just as butt blasted as Clapistani leftists btw.
It's like Jews aren't a hivemind of space-faring reptilians after all.
This shit has every leftist Jew across the world panicking, I have no problem assisting our Nationalist Jewbros as long as they don't get in the way of leveling Saudi Arabia.
The lefty Jew fear is real and I want more of it. In twenty years, I want them to be so afraid they disguise themselves as lampshades and hide in our living rooms trying to wait out Ivanka's Presidency.
might as well be shmuley

What's with the fuck ton of Sprite? Is it ((((their)))) soda?

No such thing. They must be exterminated.
Didn't realize soda comes in that color, eh?
Just get the lefties first, senpai.

All I ask.
This is post offers practical advice over the ideal. I'm not going to fault people for maintaining their ideals, but I also don't think all concerned posts is concerned trolling.
That is all business, jews don't deal with non jews. You want the shekels, you infiltrate.
I did not type "senpai".
Is it happening again?
Is it time, Kek?
newfag plz
A 1-ton bomb on Rothschild avenue (how appropriate) will do, (((Greatest Ally))).

Quiet, idiot burger, you'll give us away.
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4chan is an anime website you stupid fuck
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You autistic newfag. 'Senpai' is filter for 'f(a)m'. Stop sperging.
Dude, I really didn't type that word at all. Haven't typed out senpai b4 on this phone either, shouldn't be autocorrect.
Sorry I'm not up to date on my filters, senpai.
Been like that for years, shitbird.
>1993 was 30 years ago
There is nothing wrong with Israel.
Every one of pol's nationalist heroes will win this year but only if you type "thanks based Israel"

They helped Trump, help Geert, are known to be connected to FN and FPO and are close friends with AfD.

Thanks Based Israel!
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Trump is a kike
>Israeli lobby behind Trump's victory

no, fuck off shill. most jews voted hillary and israel has little to no influence in trump's victory.
nice got a pepe I never saved out of it
keep believing this kek

Donald "Moshe" Trump will be Israel's greatest ally in all eternity. He'll uncuck the jewish diaspora and make jews great again

btw only bad jews vote left: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5IqH7oJ9h4

>He'll uncuck the jewish diaspora and make jews great again

And this is a bad thing?

you're missing the point. i said that israel had little to no effect in his victory unless you got something secretive that i dont know about.
Is this the next meme? We're going into deep cover as Jew? Pepe the friendly Jew?
Pepe Goldstein

for poltards it is
No, for you it's a bad thing... /pol/ is a place where Nazi's and Jews can co-exist.

This is why this place is such a threat to the establishment.
Theres 5 female soldiers there right?
>who lobbied Israeli-Americans
oh wow that must have flipped it.
such a large demographic.
They get what they want, we get what they want..kinda.

The problem isn't Jews but the "Eternal Jew" of the media/new/psychotherapy/lawyers that shape the minds of society via the culture industry and the reality that creates.
>ywn have an idf gf

why live?
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Remove the swastika and replace it with the star of david.

>selling your daughter for money

k*rt tier. only currency is different. (usd/cow)
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Wtf? Jews are bros.
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How can leftists fight this? If they stand against Israel they're anti-semites.
someone give me a pepe with a jewish hat
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Yeah, big deal.

We're all Jewish and Zionist shills here who pretended to be natsoc just for luls and misdirection all along.

Ah, don't worry, it doesn't matter, the goys will think it's sarcasm anyway.
Is Putin one of us?
Holy fuck turn on CNN trump just said he is a zionist

Noted. But we both know that 90% of OPs that start out with

Are concern trolls.
n e w f a g
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Bad trigger discipline.

Fake soldiers
/pol/ has become what the Jews were in their early days already. We've illustrated clearly this time that money, the media, nothing is powerful enough to defeat Memes.

We have the early-adopter advantage here. If we can retain our stranglehold on memetic content we will control the flow of political ideas globally within ten years. The problem of course is that power begets infighting, and we're already seeing it start. We need to disabuse ourselves of the notion that simply because we have enjoyed a minor victory in the form of Trump that that means we "won" and can now take it easy and squabble among ourselves.

Realistically this is the first battle in a very, very protracted campaign of societal remoralization. We have decades of Marxist indoctrination to shuck from society, and that must be our focus. I do not care if you're a White Nationalist or a Civic Nationalist or whatever, it doesn't change the fact that the Left is our enemy and they MUST be destroyed. Everything else is a distraction. Stop punching to the right, stop arguing over semantics with others on the Right, locate the enemy and smash him. The Jew, the Globalists, Porky, whatever you want to call him we are literally talking about the same people in all cases. Forget what divides our cause and remember what we have in common.

After midnight we get revenge...
We're already the Jews, anon. /pol/ is an insular society of people, all across the world, who believe that we have been outcasted from society, and who are actively plotting to spitefully destroy the in-groups that we despise. we participate in divide-and-conquer tactics, disguise ourselves as our 'enemies', who do not even perceive us as such, while sowing the seeds of discord on social media. we scapegoat others for our actions, whether it be reddit, hitler, ebaumsworld, ben garrison, communism, or the jew who wrote/edited the article. we hide our practices, beliefs, and our power level in public, putting on a mask and pretending to be good neighbors and citizens while we stockpile ammunition and make our plans to betray them when the happening arrives, or even actively working to cause the happening.
I was talking bout the image
thats just local asscracks

It's ironic how this all happened.

>be elites
>want to create zombified white males
>make vaccines and other things in such a way to give them more cases of autism
>the autistics find eachother on a Viennese music theory forum
>kek finds the autistics
>elites get taken down by the same ones who were supposed to be a non-factor
>the least have become the first
Israel murders muzzies on the daily, is super nationalistic and ethno centric, and also pisses libs off.

I stand with Israel baby.
Not at all; old Tavors (the one's sold in the US and seen in the photo) are quite large with massive handguards. Girls with smaller hands would always end up putting the finger behind the trigger- dicipline or not.
Wouldn't you rather ally with terrorists, commies amd sjws against Israel tho?
Zionists =/= Globalists retard
the final redpill
That's literally what zionism means senpai. Israeli patriotism.
Only stormcucks and ahmeds turned the word into the equivalent of "spooky globalist jewish cabal". Zionists are not diaspora leftist cucks.
Trump seems to be mostly concerned about moving from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

This is one of the most cringe inducing shits I've heard from Trump, but maybe it provokes the WAR.

And WAR aka the purge is, unfortunately, the only solution.
I thought they liked Clinton more and just didn't want Bernie.
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Reminder that the Iraq War/Syrian War/Arab Spring are Israeli instigated conflicts which has cost trillions of dollars (US and Russian predominantly) and hundreds of thousands of lives.

>A local subsidiary of the New York-listed company Genie Energy which is advised by [board members] former vice president Dick Cheney and whose shareholders include Jacob Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch -will now have exclusive rights to a 153-square mile radius in the southern part of the Golan Heights.

>That geographic location will likely prove controversial. Israel seized the Golan Heights in the Six-Day War in 1967 and annexed the territory in 1981. Its administration of the area - which is not recognized by international law - has been mostly peaceful until the Syrian civil war broke out 23 months ago.


>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the thenPrime Minister of Israel.[1]The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction".

You cannot be pro-Israel and simultaneously pro-America.
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