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Brit/pol/ - Cuckistan edition

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 343
Thread images: 108

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>"No Hard Brexit for Britain", says Theresa May

>Jeremy Corbyn's Brexit speech in full

>UKIP secure EU funding again after Italian 5-Star Movement fail to divorce

>Green Party accuses Corbyn of 'capitulating to the Right'

>"The NHS will fail within weeks if it's not given a huge amount of money immediately!" say left-wing bullshitters for the millionth time

>Boris Johnson accused of leading "witch hunt" as he attacks Russia in a desperate bid to save his political career

>Britain will not speak with the Front Nationale, UK-French ambassador claims

>"The clock is ticking" - Northern Ireland faces brutal election and a return to Direct Rule

>Crazy Corbynite who blamed his alcohol shoplifting spree on the Tories, Tony Blair and high suicide rates is spared jail

my autism aaaaaaaAAAAAAAA-
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>be English
>Wake up at 7 bong in the morn
>Take a lookyglance outways
>Positively grey and wet like any beautiful day
>Eat my breakfast of seared grickleknob and Prince Harry on White before heading out
>On the way to work come across some impoverished afrikamen
>They demand my wallet at spoonpoint
>Gladly hand it over to the nice gents, and give em an ol' London Lollipop for good measure
>Wipe my mouth off, wish them good day and head off to work at immigration service
>Approve 36000 Pakistani families, under quota today
>Head home
>Blue Caps come me way
>"Oy mate! You're under arrest in the name of the Queen!"
>Ask wot for
>Being within 50 metres of a deadly spoon, not giving the African me wallet fast enough, and not approving enough Pakistani families
>Fair enough, take the fine and head home
>Step inside and me mum yells
>"Blimey mum, English things wotcha think I been doin'?"
>Head to room for an ol Liverpoole Handshake
>Turn on Wundahbahbox, go onto British Porn dot com
>Give the state a call for wank approval
>Purchase porn license for fitty pounds
>Whip out me Knickerstick
>Arrested for not watching interracial cuckold porn
>Won't lie, slight of a shit day
>God Bless the Queen
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Evola. Start reading him.
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Rate my curry lads
Eers voor Nederland
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true brits welcome immigration.

Is this an edited one or did he really put that in there?
Also Garrison is fucking shite
Cromwell did nothing wrong.
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It's real

He let the kikes in
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Based Ben "Tel Aviv Terror" Garrison recognizing our status as an uncucked nation
Bloody hell
He's been trying to appeal to alt-right 4chan mongs for ages.
Just started watching Imperium, what kind of a ride am I in for lads?
Looks like a bowl of poop, so 10/10

You Anglo 1.0s get the worst asian food. Nobody in this country could make phó to save their life
Everyone's missing the funniest part about this picture.

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I'm not going to make it through the night lads, on my way to the bridge now

It's been fun, cheers for making the happenings of 2016 so enjoyable, thanks for all the memes and I hope you all live to see the nation in a better state than it has been the last couple of decades
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Rimmer is on a ban for spamming
>the absolute state of brit/pol/

I love you kristen poster :3
I for one exemplify my patriotism by being open and inclusive towards other cultures. What do you do?
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It's a pretty great strawman. It makes white nationalists look like the extremists as opposed to Muslims who are the group most consistently responsible for terrorism.
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>true brits
If this is not bait, then please read the sticky newfag.

The Rimmer trip has been public for ages.
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Based shouty pagan larper. Died just to early to see the overton window shift ever closer to his ideas.

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Have a nice fall, lad. See you in hell.
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Do a flip.
>dem stockings

>phone out at the table
>taking pics of his meals
Patriotism is pride in your country's achievements, importing other cultures to water your own down is completely incongruous.
>implying the anti-immigration argument isn't filled with logical fallacies
It's a curry. Nobody expects etiquette when it's food you're meant to eat with your shitty hands.
>implying Jews didn't contribute a lot to making UK great
Go on, state them.
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>red sauce on chips with a curry
does anyone ever think about how weird the 2011 london riots were

>go for a curry
>fill yourself up with chips you could have got for a pound at t'chippy

why do people do this
I don't think there's an argument to be made in the first place other than stress on resources
>implying immigration is good
good riddance cuck
Are you a Scotsman though? Cos that would make sense.
>tfw I could carve a better curry out of a banana

How about the argument of 'this bit's ours so fuck off xenos'?
Do you boys like to engage in a bit of paki bashing? My mate and I like to go to this park nearby, a well known cruising spot for pointers. We're not shirt lifters or anything, hate them. So these paki lads walking through the park, pretending their not perverts or anything, just normal people on their way home from work. So my mate and I spot this paki closet case, young guy in a suit, and we walk up to him, acting all friendly like. We tell him we're looking for a lost dog and ask him to help. Then we move to a secluded area and my mate pushes him down. I take his trousers down. He's crying at this point, screaming for help. I shove my huge aids cock up his unlubricated rectum. I cum inside him and we leave the bender crying on the floor with my aids cum and his blood dripping out of his violated hole.
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How long until Krankie's execution?
I laughed.
I agree. Historically we have always been a nation of immigrants. It's one our great strengths.
I don't know who 75% of these women are.

Who are they?
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Read Thomas Carlyle
How about "you stay in your house and I'll stay in mine."
No I did not. You claimed this.
>the areas with the highest immigration levels have the least concern about it amongst the non-immigrant population
You did not support it with evidence and ignored the fact of white flight and the example of Boston, the constituency with the highest proportion being the constituency voting for Brexit with the biggest percentage, which directly contradicts you. The people of Boston did not vote for Brexit because they love being colonised by Eastern Europeans.
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What the FUCK was his problem!?
Wow, bigoted much?
Does anyone else regard life as not worth living?

It's not suicidal per-se. Just a sort of objective assessment. There's nothing valuable to strive for and there are only going to be diminishing returns on effort as I age.

They'd probably call it depression, but if that's the case then depression is just the inability to filter out how horrible the world is, which I'd regard as behaving rationally instead of being something to cure. (God, that bit with the kid in "Hypernormalization" was creepy.)
who is 'ours' in this sentence?
So you don't have any arguments then.

If you don't want to live life then just hang yourself, nobody's stopping you.
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Then it goes to follow that you don't want a shitty curry-smeared phone either. Come on mate, don't be a normie at the dinnertable.
Threadly reminder that the EEA/EFTA model would retain the sovereignty of parliament (we'd be outside the ECJ and would have a veto over all EU law) and alllow us to control EU immigration via Article 112 of the EEA agreement.

The WTO would destroy our trade because our goods would be subject to expensive and time consuming border controls, leading to a backlog of lorries from London to Dover.

Anything else isn't doable in 2 years.
Depends who are the immigrants.
Do you apply this to everyone on earth?
A lot of people feel that way deep down. It's a natural result of the philosophies which society has adopted and adapted for centuries.

I can't be bothered eating the bait tonight lad, forget I said anything
Sure, why not. Play your hand, don't try and borrow mine.
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We aren't leaving, chum.
off yourself cuckold faggot. Jews are niggers

Don't do it m8
White British. We don't want immigration for the simple reason of survival and reproduction. There also happen to be numerous practical reasons why immigration is undesirable. It lowers quality of life and is bad for the economy. And there are not really any for why it's beneficial. The arguments for immigration are the ones with logical fallacies.
It was a pretty crazy time, but not massively unpredictable, in an age of self indulgence and deferred responsibility it was only inevitable that the peaceful protest it was supposed to be over the police shooting dead some gangster would inevitably turn into a massive riot and looting spree, since the police refused to do anything for fear of breaching the hoodlum's human rights. What is even more crazy is that Theresa May as home secretary banned the use of the water cannons that Boris Johnson had imported to try and help the police deal with the possibility of them happening again. According to her the use of the water cannons on our street just wasn't the British thing to do, because they could harm people and she wanted to avoid the militarisation of our police. I suspect that she may have a different opinion on the matter if it was her home that was being burned to the ground by a gang of youths under the thin guise of a fight against the establishment, or if it was her business that was left in ashes, or it was her shop that had been looted and destroyed. Desperate times call for desperate measures, unfortunately we have a woman in power who refuses to accept that we are in desperate times and so we shouldn't expect any kind of proportional response. The same applies for immigration.
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WTF! I hate (((Montenegro))) now!
Of course we are.

But if we fuck it up (WTO) we may well end up begging to get back in.
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Why are you eating paki food lad?
It's this kind of stuff that would bring unwanted attention to brit/pol/ from the media. Please stop.
On the whole that would be the rational thing to do (at some indeterminate point in the future) but for various reasons that seems like an unreal option.

It's not yet a presence of pain, just an absence of purpose. As such there's no real reason to kill oneself when the small chance a purpose will magically appear exists, while the option for suicide remains extant if at some point in the future if things do become too much.

Probably wouldn't hang myself though. Seems a shit way to go.

I tend to wonder whether that's the case, but it gets a bit
>tfw too smart to enjoy the brave new world
after a while.
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Neil is a national treasure.
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He's a cuckold.

Nth for glorious Scotland eternal.

I remember how I went up Schiehallion two years ago. It was glorious and a feel you little beady bed-wetters will never understand: heritage, tradition, honour, pride.

How does it feel to have your race destroyed by the two greatest Scottish politicians of all time - Blair and Brown. Only then to be saved by Cameron (a Scot!).

Truly a pathetic little brown race. Thanks for your women who so willingly throw themselves at my big Scottish cock whenever I'm down winning business over my weak anglo "competitors".

Pussy boys/. We own you.

You ought to be paying us more for having the privilege of our rule.

We're stronger, cleverer, faster, more traditional. Blonder, lighter-skinned, and have lighter eyes.

Whenever I'm in your shithole I'm a God among little brown haired brown eyed beta cunts who literally cower in my presence upon seeing me and hearing my accent.
That's actually interesting. We'd be living in a vastly different world if that were the case. Do you feel that perhaps at some points in history immigration might have been a good thing and it is only now that it should be stopped or that maybe we should have always just kept to ourselves?
If you ever have a proper heart to heart with people they tend to admit as much. It's just that it's rare as people are taught to keep themselves busy and distract themselves with nonsense when not.
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>EEA cucks
Off yourself illiterate. There are dozens of examples of good immigration.
I'll give you one: Prussia accepting French Protestants.
>still can't come up with a counter

What's it like disagreeing with someone and knowing you're too ignorant to argue with them?
Boo. I thought you'd killed yourself.

She is kosher that explains everything
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Every Cornish womb needs a Devonian child.
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Literally the only benefits are "more consumers to buy products and spend money" and, for a small minority of people, "I get to feel better about myself". Neither of which should be a national priority or consensus by any imaginable means.
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No we wouldn't. Continuing the analogy; I have my hand, you have yours. If we both enter the same pot my hand might beat yours, in which case tough luck, or vice versa. What you're asking isn't that we compete for resources or space, what you're asking for is that we willingly surrender our resources and land to other people. You're asking that we go all-in and fold our hand and to that I say "Bring it".
See you back here tomorrow
There's no escape
Not really
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>The Rimmer trip has been public for ages.

Only one Rimmer is autistic enough to post 99 luftballons in German
See you when I meet the Creator. I hope you haven't sinned too much.
>Jews and native Europeans should enjoy the same rights
>"more consumers to buy products and spend money"
More debtors, to be exact.
...don't forget more people to get into debt, that's super great for the economy and can surely have no bad long term consequences
>the EU would let us back in
>public opinion will shift to rejoin when our economy is successful and the Euro is collapsing

These are the ramblings of the hopeless remainer clutching at straws. We're leaving and we won't be rejoining.
Suicide isn't thought of very fondly last I checked.
That's not depression m8
Well at least in my experience
Just sounds like you're a little numb

If you go do things then life will make sense

Actually pretty funny
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Yes please, more ancestral frog people
If anyone here isn't just LARPing and actually is considering suicide then the uk samaritans number is 116 123
Two actually.

Hast Du etwas Zeit für mich?
Jews contributed a lot to many societies. I mean, what are you arguing for here? UK was at it's peak when it had a Jewish PM.
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I don't tink you goin anywhere white boi
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Dann singe ich ein Lied für Dich
>contributed a lot
>Disraeli was based
Literally kill yourself
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Mass immigration has always been resisted militarily until now. And there have never been non-white, non-Christian non-Europeans till now. When small refugee groups (ACTUAL REFUGEES) like the Hugenots came, they came like Germanic Protestant brothers and were assimilated seamlessly into the population. When groups like the Anglo Saxons and Normans came, they defeated us honourably in battle. That's all a part of our history as a nation and did not stop us from identifying with the native Brits and having a continuous organic culture. What is happening now is destroying our nation. Lowering our average IQ drastically, with all the social problems that causes. Importing unnecessary conflict. Breaking up ancient communities. Divorcing people from identifying with the native culture, even superficially. Turning our descendants into an alien people who will not identify with us, destroying our legacy. We don't want that. Why should we? Especially when none of it benefits us in any way whatsoever. It's human instinct to survive and reproduce.
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Or try this: 07036 524963
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>We're leaving and we won't be rejoining.


MODS he's doing it again
Jesus Christ just look up how many scientists were Jewish, for start.
I bet you believe Bolsheviks were all Jewish. Get educated m8.
To be fair, Blair was not without prescience when he said Brexit was about a choice between two establishments.

If we leave the EU just to become the free-trade slut of the world then the real establishment will be more than happy with that state of affairs, and then in due time UK governments will relax immigration controls to the point we'd be begging just for free movement in Europe.

But I suppose we'll have to see what happens.
>ketchup on chips

Are you mentally retarded?
Bear in mind also that Anglo-Saxons and Normans share more recent common ancestry than Pakistanis and Somalians.

>we aren't defending the EU, we're defending mass immigration

They aren't even hiding it now.
>Jesus Christ just look up how many scientists were Jewish
Educated in Palestine? Begone cuckold. Non-Europeans should be purged from the continent
You are the one claiming there will be no freedom of movement under EFTA. I don't even need to argue with you. Your post will not persuade one single person here ever. EFTA is a halfway house to re-assimilation back into the EU. Fuck Juncker and fuck you.
I haven't done it in a week or so you smelly cunt.

>not realising the rimmer trip is public


Here it is if anyone wants it and is too lazy to check the archives.

Bomber Rimmer##meep312312

Bomber Rimmer##meep312312
What the fuck? %90 of 4chan brit/pol/ isn't politics at all and you only have a 300 post limit per thread.
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tfw no cute yktd bf
>Voting remain because people do not want mass immigration to continue

What the everloving fuck

Does that include you Igor?
Why do I feel like I've read this exact comment before?
If its for a good reason, I'm sure he will understand.
He's a Scottish nonce.
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It's our little secret desu
Why does it matter where are they educated? You're going against reality here.
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>I bet you believe Bolsheviks were all Jewish.
Not all. They needed frontmen.

>Putin: Soviet Government Was Mostly Jewish 80-85%

>Winston Churchill exposes forces behind Communism

The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:

Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW

The Council of the People’s Commissars:

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW
It's fucking embarrassing. I'm actually embarrassed for them.
which immigrants in particular are lowering the average IQ of the UK? Genuine question.
I don't think >tfw no gf will be considered a good reason unless God's taken up residence over at /r9k/ in recent years.
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what's for dinner lads? nice omelette chips and peas for me
But we're at least 100 percent more civil than any other general
I feel that way with a lot of brit/pol/
meant to quote the same text you did m8
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Any solicitors on brit/pol?
>Why does it matter where are they educated
>leech off European academia for ages
wtf I'm /refugeeswelcome/ now
As opposed to a bunch of LARPing Americans pretending Trump is secretly Hitler 2.0?
>I don't like the tone of the debate so I'm going to pledge my support to an unaccountable antidemocratic institution

Still doesn't change the fact that the EEA/EFTA model is the best option for the moment.
The free trade = whore analogy has been made a few times by someone else.
I've vague memories of seeing "Blair" and "prescience" together a while ago too.

So on the whole it's not really an original thought so much as a remix of someone else's that I've repositioned because it's possibly relevant. Neil keeps saying "The Establishment" as though he (vaguely pro-Brexit ex-Newspaper Journalist) wasn't part of it.
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>Dutton and Lynn report secular declines in Fullscale IQ evaluated using WAIS of four points a decade in France between the years 1999 and 2008–9.
Nein, Preussen schwein.
Shitskins, chinks and Eastern Europeans
Poo In Loo/10
I've solicited before.
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For reference, Forrest Gump is about 75.
can somebody tell me te story about how pol redpilled ben garrison? i knew that he didn't like beign potrayed as a fascisss
>Dinner at half 10 at night
wtf are you doing lad
You need Jordan Peterson in your life. Do his courses and Self Authoring.
Is it possible that IQ tests are weighted towards mathematics rather than creative thinking, which would explain their higher IQ scores but less development?
Aren't chinks meant to be smart?
No shit, they were both Germanic tribes.
>You voted for a referendum
>Your new non-elected PM is not going to validate it
>Will keep free movement of people and single market if theres a "brexit" at all
>%55 of London is non-british

So you take these facts and decide that you SHOULDN'T be politically active about them? You're just going to let your country die after democracy failed you?
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Based Blair 2.jpg
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Miss him lads
Just a career politician, i.e. a completely socially-inept mong who wouldn't last a day in a job outside politics.
Didn't I talk with you before some time ago and we established your list is totally wrong.
Now you're posting it again. Are you on agitation duty here? Is someone paying you?
>muh memes
I see there's no point talking to a child.

We didn't. Garrison started pandering to the alt-right and they ate it up because they're mindless consumers obsessed with e-celebs.
Denkst Du vielleicht g'rad an mich, Dann singe ich einen Lied für Dich.
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He found the One Shekel.

I'm a fuckin' wild man
Article 112 of the EEA agreement could be invoked by Britain and we could apply a quota system like Lichtenstein has done.

Get out of your little bubble and face some facts. The fact that you refer to EFTA when you really mean the EEA suggests you haven't got a clue and should keep quiet.
>As opposed to a bunch of LARPing Americans pretending Trump is secretly Hitler 2.0?
No, as opposed to IRL right-wing activism like American Vanguard and NPI's Campus Pro-White propaganda campaigns

pretty triggered desu senpaitachi
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Von 99 Luftballons
Ask yourself what the black and arabic worlds have ever created.
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What did he mean by this?
Bwahahahahahahhahahahahaha. Most chinks are nigger tier vermin
>chinks and Eastern Europeans
he disagrees with you
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You didn't establish anything. Putin and Churchill are more reliable authorities than you. Who is paying you to shill our thread anyway. Fuck off kike. You're not even British.
We are politically active about them, that 90 percent figure you made up was bullshit. I've visited the trump generals, they are full of posts with little to no substance, inane comments and people who think that because they elected Trump that their white population in America will somehow start climbing again from 62.6 percent. America hasn't just crossed the racial demographic Rubicon, it's crossed it, gotten out, towelled it's self off and built a 15 foot wall to prevent anyone from ever going back across it.
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is it your only good looking actress bong?
>he disagrees with you
Yes. Political correctness has the power to make people deny observable reality. Look at the data and decide for yourself.
>the hero Britain needed
Dumb Pole.
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What did he mean by this?
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Sie sind nicht deutsch oder preußisch und Sie sollten aufhören, so zu tun, weil Sie sich selbst peinlich sind
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Looks like Eastern Europeans are indeed thickos
Good to see Ireland is still there
>there are some test cheating chinks
>therefore average kwhwen is not a mong
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Lads, I'm struggling in the day to day.

We can all agree that the nation of Britain exists only for the betterment of British citizens. So why is it that all our politicians save a few are rife with anti-British sentiment. They may say it when it suits them, that they are British etc., but when we look at the facts, we can cut all politicians into three distinct sets.

Those who are genuinely patriotic, in every sense of the word, those who have only one agenda in their political ambitions, to serve the intrests of the British people.

Those who want to be as above, but instead bow to modern sentiment, such as the refugee debacle.

And finally, those who express that they are British but in fact only operate against the intrests of the British people. We all know the type, open borders, refugees welcome, Islamist apologists, etc.

I use the term "British people" loosely. We have had no proper national identity since WW2. If I was to ask the population, what does it mean to be British? I wonder what the British people would say. Probably stereotypical waffle I imagine. There is nothing that bands us together, to drive us onwards, to give us a reason for existence on a purely National level.

>inb4 neet 20 stone neckbeard.
Just no, by social standards I'm actually successful. Before I was finished by my gf, she and her friends called me a catch. I'm often asked why I don't have a lass actually, not that it changes much.

I'm sick of white men being trodden on as if we are rubbish, to be scorned and discarded. I'm sick of my views being spat upon by "educated" liberal fools, who know nothing else other than that they have been taught that their views and only their views are the most virtuous. I feel angry all the time.

I know /pol/ is a pooor place to ask this, much less Brit/pol/ of all places, but I can't exactly say what I'm about to in a public forum.

How do we fix modern Britain? Is ethnic cleansing necessary? Are we a doomed nation? Please be serious.
>there are as many Hispanics in the US as there are English in England
Really boggles the mind huh
Give Kasia

Dumb anglo.
>How do we fix modern Britain? Is ethnic cleansing necessary? Are we a doomed nation?
>jews are native to Europe
Don't worry. I'll fuck your wife tomorrow
Hör auf zu singen Riesige Fotze.
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>Those who are genuinely patriotic

>So why is it that all our politicians save a few are rife with anti-British sentiment.

Patriotism doesn't pay as well.
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>tfw my superiority
What was the saying again lads?

Alright, well you're going to hell.
>/pol/ gets comics
>/pol/ shitposts and edits his comics
>Ben gets made
>Ben calls moot out and says he enabling it
>writes a book or some shit
>this passes
>he then realises he's supporting the wrong side
>he switches sides
>/pol/ laps it up
how does it continue, i need to know
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>How do we fix modern Britain?
God, Queen and nation. Nations survive by reproduction. That should be your first priority.
IF you could get any policy enacted, then you'd want to change the law so that the country doesn't really benefit foreigners

>So why is it that all our politicians save a few are rife with anti-British sentiment.
they're all liberals/commies
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Mega faggot
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Yeah, well I don't really believe and haven't been to church in years so probably. I'm just saying I don't remember suicide being OK'd.
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I already posted it.

And it's only growing.
>inane comments and people who think that because they elected Trump that their white population in America will somehow start climbing again from 62.6 percent. America hasn't just crossed the racial demographic Rubicon, it's crossed it, gotten out, towelled it's self off and built a 15 foot wall to prevent anyone from ever going back across it.
Extremely fucking misleading, the United States is the size of three Europes and if we got rid of only southern california we would be 74% white, and its 68 non-hispanic white not 62. Outside of that %90 of our niggers live in

1) Our top 10 largest cities
2) Louisiana and Mississippi

Saying the US is 68% white is like including Turkey in Europe and saying

This is why I support Calexit
Not an Anglo m8. I'm a filthy Wuerttemberger and Norman mix.
>Coca Cola with curry
>Ketchup on fucking chips with curry
>Korma, cos' you're obviously a heavily pregnant woman
>snow-white poppadoms
>Taking a photo of a meal at the dinnertable whilst amongst company
>Sarson's Vinegar in a Curry house

Utterly fucking Concentration Camp-worthy
You're supposed to airbrush out the other 3
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>if the us isn't the way it is then I would be right

But it is though.
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>Tfw in love
If you are killing yourself literally because
>tfw no gf
I don't think God will sympathise with you for rejecting his gift to you, so yeah your're going to Hell.
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It's been a long day, don't shoot!
>God, Queen and nation

This. We'd be in a lot better shape if parliament didn't exist.
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>Turks, Arabs, mestizos, castizos, mulattos, quadroons, octaroons, hexadecaroons, quarteronne, jews

Who else /radicalcentrist/ here
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Cyka Blyat

... You made me laugh
Oh no I'm not killing myself I was just suggesting the anon in question was. No, I'm riding it out.
With Tom Hanks?
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t. pakis

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>But it is though
True but the way you present it is misleading, its not like if you threw a dart at a map of the US it would be anywhere near likely that you would hit a place that is %68 or less white. You would have to land on one of ~200 out of 3500 counties to do that. Thats like showing "gun violence stats" in the US while (((forgetting))) to include racial demographics.
Exactly. There are some obscure figures apart from the obvious mainstream ones, but they are instantly dismissed as [inserttermhere]ist, by people who know only to do that when confronted by an opinion which doesn't fit the norm of "refugees welcome" "not all muslims".

Is it a case then, that we must eliminate the current form of government? Just as with ethnic cleansing, sometimes things of value would be lost. I'm set in my belief that there must be some decent minority folk out there, just as I know that there are scumbag white folk out there, but do we tolerate a festering wound that will bring us all down? Metaphors aside, certain political figures are OK, but some are certainly not.

What good is that if the children that are produced become cogs in the machine? Change is required across the board, not just some faggot crying "breed!" in every maternity wing. Surely our first priority must be fixing the country so that future generations have something to inherit and maintain, not a desperate struggle that we started but never finished?

Sometimes I wonder if a Nazi-esque movement wouldn't be for the greater good. I just finished watching that old series on Mosely from the 70s or something. All it did was make me despair, I think I lack a sense of belonging.
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>>"The NHS will fail within weeks if it's not given a huge amount of money immediately!" say left-wing bullshitters for the millionth time

Let's not fund the NHS and be like the fat cunts over the Atlantic!
Oh right, good on you anon.
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He's right you know...
>he doesn't enjoy eating immigrants food
>he doesn't like chatting up immigrant women
>he doesn't make friends with the jolly immigrants down the pub

Reminder we have self confessed subhumans here
>curry muncher-"Scottish" mongrel
>ukranian(British flag)
>two poles(British flag)
>ukranian(Russian flag)
>beta cuckold with a preg negro wife
You don't actually need anywhere near Nazi policies, but you do need to get a decent government in power.
>Surely our first priority must be fixing the country so that future generations have something to inherit and maintain
What's the point in creating a utopia if it's inherited by invaders? Worry about survival first. Robinson Crusoe didn't start wondering how he was going to invent xbox out of bamboo before he found food and water.
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>NHS is failing
>Need more third world immigrants tho
What is wrong with the left?
hearty chuckle
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Remind me who Ms Helsinki is at the moment...
>What is wrong with the left?

Spawn of Satan?
reminded me of
I hope to help in that. I met a decent chap called Charles at a think tank run by the arts council, was to do with Brexit. He and I shared a lot of opinions, whereas most of the other lot were all

>muh funding

Anyway, turns out he's running for UKIP to be my MP, and wants my help on his campaign. It's paid work, what do? Already had some nice phone calls with some higher ups in UKIP, do I get into politics lads?
neither do i
>Turks, Arabs
They're included in "asian" or "other race" in our demographics
Are sometimes called white on census but never "non-hispanic-white"
Castizos are white though, they're less than 1/4th native
We actually have "biracial" as a demographic in our surveys, american whites don't race mix in general.
Less than 0.2% of our population, %90 of them live in Jew York City
>There are some obscure figures apart from the obvious mainstream ones
I want a list. I'm intrigued to know who you think is "patriotic".
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>jolly immigrants down the pub
>down the pub

Sorry but that's haram. The shariah police are on their way. INSHALLAH!
>he doesn't care that his taxes are being spent on subsidising worthless parasites
>he doesn't care about his daughter being raped and murdered
>he doesn't care if his race, culture and religion dies

>no bongs

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brit/pol/ memes go
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>Castizos are white though, they're less than 1/4th native
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Thank you brother Inshallah
Some of the people in Ukip. Jacob Rees-Mogg. That's it.
I just don't get it. They MUST know they're wrong. How do they not get that they are pushing people towards racism with their crazy shit.
>I want a list
One of those faggots.

I see them on telly when I watch it, I know who they are but I could only name a few off the top of my head.

Starkey, Rees-Mogg are a stand out couple of good lads.
>living in total fear of a few foreigners

it's you who are the cuck
>NHS in crisis
>only solution is to throw money at it until it goes away
>NHS enters another crisis
>only solution is to throw even money at it until it goes away
>repeat forever
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uk ball.jpg
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Daily reminder that parliament and the House of Commons is the root of all our problems.
Is it possible to live in London AND be happy? Might have to try it soon.
Charles McKenzie-Smith was his name btw. Older chap, in his late 60s.
Same, being in love and being loved feels nice. Done with my blogpost, I'm just happy and I'm drunk on it.
Hello Justin
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Dude just like, tax the rich more, lmao

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>need more third world immigrants
>AND let's piss all our money on 'diversity' staff and thousands of pointless management roles
depends on how old you are
Not a Politician
Tory-boy carpetbagger who betrayed us on the snooper's charter

Good start.
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>he thinks I'm living in fear.
I don't think cuck means what you think it means.




Do you understand now?
Jesus the girl with all the gifts has a fucked up ending
Is (((Raab))) our guy? He redpilled a lot of people regarding brexit. Pushes for men's rights.

Bit fat
No, it's possible to live outside of London and work in London though
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100% beef lellington
Dont insult the mogg you wog
Three of those girls have drawn-on eyebrows, that makes any girl look like shit so I can't really make a good judgement on it, the girl next to the redhead standing up is a mestizo but she uses a lighter foundation to appear to be a castizo, look at her thighs.

The one crouching making the weird face may or may not be a mestizo I can't tell because drawn on eyebrows, the rest are white though.
Which commuter towns aren't complete shit? Not inspired by any of the ones I'm aware of desu.
One can never be sure. Stay vigilant.
I've met so many leftists and tried reasonable discussion with them. Nothing ever gets through even if they concede a point such as that mass immigration might lead to decreased wages for the native people.

They don't care what happens to their own people at all. All they care about is their ideology

Only conclusion I can draw is they hate anything decent and good. Satanic is the nearest term but that hardly covers it.
(((men's rights)))
>The NHS is clearly overworked
>Any suggestion of not letting in so many immigrants is racist
I'm happy

My area is nice and I work from home though
This tranny thing on Newsnight

How do you raise kids without them being brainwashed into thinking all the LGBT stuff is OK? Th constantly get fed it, school, TV...
No I don't quite get it, please share more from your folder of deeply analysed nickelodeon children's shows which show how incredibly knowledge you are of this fetish.

You'll be fine for a couple of years then
>Ireland is still Ireland.

What did he mean by this?

>American raciologists
>((( ((( ))) )))
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I said figures, not politcians. I'm not well read on the snoopers charter stuff so I'll take your word for it, give me a TL:DR. I know Sharia May wants to know what kind of porn we watch if thats anything to go by.

Anyways as I said, I can't recall their names off the top of my head, and I'm not going to go off searching names who I think is a must have when the race war ends, I simply can't be bothered to cater to the whims of every lad who is disagreeable on Brit/pol/.

Who would you deem to be patriotic? Since you seem to be most interested in what I have to say, how about you?
If you work from home why stay in London? Surely your quality of life could be way better somewhere else - if your salary is good enough to survive comfortably in London, you'll be rich somewhere else.
probably a potatonogger spawn
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>race war
But he's a nice bloke, he's well read, and he's actually pleasant enough that I can listen to him without wanting to bore a hole in my skull.
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>the NHS, infrastructure, housing, public transport and welfare can expand infinitely to accommodate unknown numbers of immigrants each year
>"just tax people more"
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>the NHS needs to be privatised, the problem has nothing to do with chronic underfunding from muh tories
>I'm not well read on the snoopers charter stuff so I'll take your word for it, give me a TL:DR.
The real purpose of the snoopers charter is to keep an eye on the British who are increasingly unhappy with parliament.
I went to uni in Hatfield and even that was too country for me
>we can cut all politicians into three distinct sets

You didn't but fine I'll concede you Starkey, he's alright for a shirt lifter.
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>potatonoggers ir
Say you were to organise a march on Rotherham to stop the gang rape.
GCHQ would have you arrested well before you could do anything good or morally right.
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Consider this pic that shows the cuck phenomenon a bit clearer in a political sense. Here we can see that Sylvester Stallone made a good life choice. He married a white women and had 10/10 daughters that bear a clear resemblance to him, ensuring his genetic and cultural legacy will survive to the next generation. Robert De Niro has clearly goofed though. He married a nigger and his kids could be anyone's. Thousands of years of organic genetic and cultural evolution murdered just like that. Poof. Gone forever. That is a sad fate for a world famous millionaire. The nigger genes march on strong though. The nigger is happy.
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Ousted by my own writing. I meant to type figures I suppose, alas, it is too late. I loved starkey when he shut down that Muzzie on question time, talking about the golden years of Islam and so on.

I watched his series on Monarchy not long ago, he's a top bloke.
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>it's all entirely to blame on Tory cunt cuts, not also on our insistence upon sweeping as many shitskins into the country as we can manage
Fix yourself and keep posting memes

Try >>106678660
>10/10 daughters
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Is it really this serious? When will it be enacted?
New thred wen
I just thought you'd come here with more than a reddit meme politician given that you made the effort to identify three distinct categories. Makes you look like a bit of a dilettante if that's all you can come up with.

My position is that there aren't really any. There might be some but they don't make themselves known in any meaningful way and sit back, watching things slide further in to the abyss, so I don't particular care for them either.
They're 10/10 compared the the De Niro monkeys, to be fair
November 2016
Already has gone through the commons I believe, the lords are a bunch of cunts these days and only block things people actually want to happen.
It isn't rocket science. You can cut spending in acute care by getting more efficient and adopting new technology. But the pressure comes from the elderly, many of whom have multiple chronic problems even without considering the issues associated with dementia. It is utterly ridiculous for the Government and /pol/ to pretend that this is a management or immigration problem. It's a funding problem.
Fair enough. I believe he is only (((half))) and it's on the father's side of the family, so technically OK do you think?

Well, really all he did in that respect was point out that the tide has turned and men are doing worse than women now because feminism. He ain't wrong.
>Don't Tread on Me
Oh look, another UKIP "Libertarian".

What a surprise.
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kek (18).gif
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>how can the de niros even compete


Holy fuck
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>There might be some but they don't make themselves known in any meaningful way and sit back, watching things slide further in to the abyss, so I don't particular care for them either.
That was my point. The ones who are truly patriotic are the ones you hear nothing from, presumably for fear of being pushed into the public eye under a leftist barrage of "racist!" or "bigot!".
>no goy, wasteful spending and unlimited population growth isn't an issue whatsoever
I'm too tired to tell if you're taking the piss
>the lords are a bunch of cunts these days
Hmm, I wonder why that is.

>fewer patients means less funding is required
>fewer poorly trained foreign staff means less mistakes
There is no benefits to importing all these people. Half the NHS budget is wasted on medical negligence claims cause by poorly trained staff protected by unions and middle managers who do nothing also protected by unions.

Leftism is an illness.
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