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When will the race war start? https://www.youtube.com/watch

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When will the race war start?

>down to <60% white
>still wonders about the race war

it began a while ago
Do whites have it in them?

I know we used to, but we've been chemically castrated, so I'm not sure anymore.
I'm in the middle of an extracurricular activity, I can't watch. What's going on in the vid?
>BLM will defend this.
Never because cucks will still defend this shit, but I guess the "ebil raysis KKK" is still a threat..........
Dylan tried to start it but all of you are pussies.
Not gonna happen white man

Where was the race war in Zimbabwe when white farmers were killed and evicted
Where was the race war in South Africa where white people are getting killed and raped
Where was the race war in UK when Muslim gang groomed and abused thousands of white girls
same thing in Germany Sweden etc,

You are slowing being killed and replaced while you wait for the race war
The western countries have been castrated a long time ago.
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Fire is rising OP
Late April. Cap this.
Niggers kidnapped a white kid, live streamed 30 minutes of torture to jewbook. Basically bound and gagged and cut with a knife on his head and arms. Just a typical day in niggerville Chicago. Day of the rope can't come soon enough
Retaliation is compulsory.
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The hashtag atm is #BLMKidnapping

Show proof of tweet or your mom will fuck a nigger
War? What?

More like little revolt against the white supremacy.

We won so bad they cant even fight us anymore. They gotta kike it up
>implying you low testosterone cum skins would stand a chance





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it is excessive yes but exaggerations dont get us know where im sure that TRUMP Supporter either INSTIGATED PROVACATED OR AGGRIVATED THAT REACTION
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Damn leaf is right on this one

Are you joking? I am white and if there is one fucking race that I am scared of it's the whites. Why? They are fucking smart, just really lazy.

White people will not react until something really big happens, but when it does, they go full retard.

Want an example? The atrocities commited in second world war? I mean, city raids by ruskis, especially.

Oh, and remember the Americans? The white fellas at the end of the war threw an atomic bomb that basically ended the war. That was it. But, fuck it, let's throw another one to show that we are the biggest dicks in history.

Also, think about where the wepons are. The NRA is mainly composed of...?

I do not want a race war, but the whites are a very well fed Lion. But it is now being led to stravation. Merkel is starting to loose steam, and you know when does cucks go ballistic, there is no going back.
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>muh race war

fuck off retard.

Indian man is calling it.

The only nations capable of fighting back are poor nations where the citizens don't live like spoiled brats in a bubble world of money and toys. You have to be angry, you have to be frustrated. Tolerance breeds like a disease when you're fucking comfy (as you faggots like to put it) all the time.

And you Americans, you can stockpile guns all you want. 12 different guns per American /pol/ posters, what a big man. Never shot one at a nigger. Never shot one at a corrupt politician. Never shot one at an antifa SJW retard. What exactly are you doing with your guns faggot? Roleplaying. Living that right wing "lifestyle".
Wtf, why do you burgers put up with this shit from the niggers?
meanwhile islam is the fastest growing religion in india

heres an article. Notcie how they label the crimminals

The happening is up to us.

Go out and lynch a nigger tomorrow.


Ha Ha ! Whity Had It Comin .
>When will the race war start?

Are you kidding me? Who honestly thinks that a race war will start? Modern america, and western society loves "minorities"
Can someone translate this?
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>mfw earlier today they were telling me I was a stupid faggot for living in a suburb instead of living in the city

Looks like 2017's gonna be quite a ride!
Bomb those Arab cunts

When Chicago swat kill those assholes blm is gonna claim police brutality and they wuz jus givin him a haircut they wuz a good bois dey dindu nuffin.

Make my words
Why would the whites go up against a much more powerful and genetically superior enemy such as the blacks? That's the reason the government's over the world do nothing, because they know all the white politicians would die with the rest of the whites.
At least theyre trying to lynch them
Tucker Carlson is about to do a segment on this!!!

Feels bad man, hope hes okay
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Dont be stupid, organize together, spread your ideas, argue with examples and facts, be orderly and then you will bring the change you need, and its going to be much more efficient than shooting a dindu. What (((they))) fear the most is when white people are organized and welded, you guys can do it
>special needs
>trump supporter

Checks out, famaronis

What happens when white people pull a Ferguson?

We need to.
You can do better than that
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>When will the race war start?
White people are too brainwashed. The media only shows whites being racists to others, never the other way around. They'll just make us hate ourselves until we're totally replaced. Best thing to do is gtfo of this imminent Brazil 2.0.

This is the redpill.
RWDS any day now.

kek. white people won't do shit like usual
Don't need to. You whites are cucked already, you just don't realise it yet.
i agree but this isn't what the video is about.

No word yet ignore the trolling.
I think trump will do something about this when he goes into office if the guy was really scalped those niggers are gonna suffer america still suffers war flashbacks of those filthy indians when they scalped people
If we're ranking people in the first place, then 1 mastermind is probably worse than 1 dindu
ahahaha whiteys getting BTFO'd. Www(world without whites) Fuck you all




I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna turn on CNN in about 10 minutes.
Is there any media outcry over this ?
Imagine a black guy would get kidnapped and tortured by evil white Trump supporters.....
Time to upgrade the arsenal I think. AR15 or a quality AK?
blacks are clearly not human
the fact that blacks seem to hate trump supporters more than Hispanics will always be funnny.
>thinks this fake news will be on (((CNN)))
I hope you're the first to be killed in it. Pussy.
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>The victim is repeatedly kicked and hit, his scalp is cut, all while he is tied up with his mouth taped shut. The suspects on the video can be heard yelling, "F*** Donald Trump! F*** white people!"

>Community activist Andrew Holmes was made aware of the disturbing video, which he is calling a "hate crime."

If this is not charged as a hate crime to the fullest extent of the law, there will be hell to pay.
fuck off nigger.
I'll fight solely for the side that offers me the most for my time and risk. At the end of the war I want my spoils, regardless of which side they come.
I'm close enough.

I don't have a lot to use but I've got some tennis balls and blocks of magnesium. We could throw them at something. What's your plan?
When will our people rise?

Chicago dudes aren't hard I faught 2 at once time and the other 1 knew the business, no one is scared of Chicago, this people deserve life in prison tho
these niggers literally tortured a mentally disabled white guy

race war when?
no charges yet, they'll throw the book at them
I hope the day eventually come when whites leave this planet to let all you sub-species kill each other off
>He lives next to a Muslim country with nuclear weapons.
>600 million people in his country don't use toilets and bathe in rivers of shit.
>Thinks its whites that have problems.
Tucker showing the video on his show right now
when there's evidently more to lose doing nothing, than there is doing something
Quality Ars are much cheaper and easier to find than quality AKs right now.
Best part is facebook moderators saying it doesn't violate community standards.
>Leave this planet
genocided ftfy
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i pity you

Let's just say the Australian government is happy that there's no niggers near me.
CBS Chicago is reporting on this: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/01/04/four-people-in-custody-after-alleged-kidnapping-torture-is-live-streamed/
Apparently the victim had some sort of disability.

Fucking niggers.
k. buying a gun. come at me niggers.
Probably autistic.
Call it what you want, but I don't plan on dying for another man's ideals. When I die, whether it be in war or surrounded by spoils. None of it matters. So I'd better make the most out of my few short trips around the sun. Especially if I'm being asked to put my life on the line.

To be completely honest I dont know, all I know is Ive never been this livid before. This shit has gone too far.

We need numbers more than anything, if 30+ people are holding signs with the victims picture with the text "JUSTICE FOR ___" people will take notice. Im done sitting on the sidelines. Ill do anything to counter this garbage.
The funny thing is, most gun owners are white in America. The race war has started. Stock up, if you're robbed or mugged by a nigger don't just hold him at gunpoint put two in his skull
Only if they attack first
Don't you put that evil on me!
Any NJ anons want to meet up and protest white genocide?
Every day they make it harder for me to not hate them.

Here they are on video behaving just like the thugs in Africa that go around brutalizing their own populations.
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>a man who can not protect themselves from women unworthy of existence.
That white police guy said it was just "stupid ranting and raving" and so not a hate crime
I live in Texas.
Anyone else? If you want when it officially starts we can meet up and form our militia
I've got weapons
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>think he can choose his side in a RACE war
So one of us?

Hi-jack #blacklivesmatter?
lern2spell and spellcheck you illiterate faggot.

>Injects heroin in the kid
>Smokes pot
>Torture (use of knives)
>Racial slurs
>Public humiliation

>On a fricking special needs kid

All recorded. They are finished lol. Their lives are pretty much over.
Special needs,
>racial and political motives completely scrubbed
Its pretty common for gangs of black people to target lone disabled people when they attack. They have to have an edge against their attacker.
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explain reddit to me someone pls
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White people are gigantic fucking vaginas if they don't retaliate by burning some ChiChimp's homes down desu.

don't even need that

Just the illusion is enough, as we can see with these black Americans who have been manipulated by the elite liberal media into thinking all whites are out to get them

Of course they are still at fault for allowing themselves to be so foolishly manipulated, but even if we presented the evidence proving that they are not being hunted down and oppressed by whites, they will still follow the illusion and these acts of violence will continue

I do hope that the innocent blacks who see through the bullshit will start to rise up and bring to heel these beasts before something terrible happens

All through history are examples of what happens if you fuck with white people too much. We prefer to be passive and let people poke at us, but if they poke too much they will wake up those of us waiting in the wolf's lair
When there is a challenger. No hood rat is on my level.

Ofcourse, nignogs don't have the balls to attack a white who could fight back. Such alpha big and strong men those blacks.
gooble gobble
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They just asked the black police chief if he thought it was politically motivated and he said "no"
AND THEN A FUCKING MEDIA SNAKE SAID "do you think Donald Trump's rhetoric about Chicago could have caused this?"
>victim blaming
>the other side is worse, provides no evidence
Okay, Tyrone
This way to good Slovakia!!
>special needs kid


Out of interest, how mnay pairs of fingerless gloves do you own?
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So, the left has literally become ISIS and the MSM is still ignoring their actions and falsely reporting that the right are extremists despite 0 recorded incidents of """right wing extremism"""
as much as I would like to see a death penalty for a guilty verdict for this, realistically the best we'll get is a long sentence in prison. It's likely however, with how publicized this is, they might be targeted by white prison gangs.
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>broadcast kidnapping and torture to facebook account tied to your irl name
lol what the actual fuck

are niggers this dumb?
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I'm convinced at this point white people won't be the ones to start it. They are simply too cucked. Watch people come to this niggers defense after being moved by their "innocence".

My bet is on the Asians.

Franco should have executed more of you spineless fucks.
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We need solidarity, not division. It's imperative that our class interests do not cut across our national interests.
You actually can. Sowell chose a side he wasn't born into.
>They're going to prison
>Get arrested too

Genius idea fuckwit.
I guess everyone already knows this but I just want to get it out of my system.

If 4 trump supporters had tortured a minority we'd see wildly different headlines.
>Their lives are pretty much over

their lives were over when they were conceived as niggers
This is a time when we need to come together as a nation to heal.
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White people don't start shit, but they finish it.
Is that the girls mugshot?
Poo has a point
holy shit. story?
Seriously this please fellow whites we need to rise up no more of this shit
No, different case.
the black community must denounce the actions of the perpetrators of these crimes

they will not
How do do that to a kid? My heart is as black as they come but FUCK dude what even is the point?

You could use that kid as a sex slave, a mine detector, train him to be a brainwashed soldier with total devotion but the optimal thing to do was somehow to cut his fucking head off?
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Yeah tell em dude
where at

The law coddles them, you cuck. Grow a pair and take the law into your own hands.

It's over honestly.
Keep dreaming poo. If your too stupid to tell, we're already barreling toward a purging of non-whites in Western Civilization. By the way, enjoy the forced conversion of your women to Islam -- which is actually happening by the hundreds of thousands.
US backed "rebels" beheaded a kid
What's worse, the guy doing the beheading went on to star in a western propaganda to make their side look like victims, all while pulling shit like this.
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pic related
Would be if they had any life to begin with. Remember blacks are the lowest and have adopted living in prison as a natural habitat.
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1st for Tejanos siding with whites

t. Chicago police
what does a "race war" even mean? you're going to walk out in public and randomly shoot strangers who appear to be black?
p-town area, im off heroin highway

At the very least we need to start some kind of group to spread info.
Video 2 just got sent to me

kikebook com/profile.php?id=100010157447383&hc_location=ufi
Burn them all.
Darn was looking forward to it.
I'm no race war wanting storm babby but this made my blood boil.. Fucking animals deserved to be put down like the niggers they are.

It means what it sounds like.
Helter Skelter
Niggers and Mexicans hate each other more than whites can conceive of haha.
>quality AK

You mean upgrade from a rubbermaid, to a fancier trash can? I have a trash can made by SimpleHuman. Its quite nice you can find them at homedepot/amazon.

Or save money and just reapply the Paki Tape with fresh.

Fuck you, I won't do shit for an un-checked post.
p-town? pemberton?

im 609
Jews are expert at making money from goys fighting each other.

And you know, it's a news site in a way so-
>le "aks are garbage for an unspecified reason" meme
>Meme war
Damn, I'm up north.
p-towns where all the niggers are selling dope and prostituting whores
Oh my God niggers are stupid. How retarded do you have to be to record your own crime and put it up for the world to see?
Why are people pretending that these niggers aren't going to go to straight to jail? Stop with the bullshit. They're going to be punished for this 100%. Just like the niggers who jumped the old man awhile back for being a trump supporter, they were all charged. This is no different. Stop being so dramatic.
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Slavs aren't white
Police Chief already said it wasn't a hate crime. This shit happens every day in America. Wake up, we're being genocided by APES.
>injects heroin into the kid
Well, at least he didn't feel the torture I guess.

We can do it in every city if you let us, take the handcuffs off boys.
He has a point about complacency. Hell, people have to be reminded and told and begged to go vote and half still don't. Not just this year, but every time.

How can you stand up to globalism and progressives if you can't even go fucking vote?

The good news is the left is even more sheltered, out of shape, and unable to survive in actual conditions than the right. They don't even have guns.
"Shank him!"
"Say 'Fuck Trump'
"Say 'I love black people!'

Gas these niggers
regardless, time to start flyer bombing local areas. some hard setting glue and a bunch of staples are on the shopping list.
>behind every divide and conquer post sits a jew

Slavs, Anglos, Aryans, Irish, all whites MUST UNITE
Police chief should lose his job.
Where? Link a source.
Cluckold pls

> We have a prime minister who was responsible for the death of nearly 1000 Muslims, a literal kebab remover
2002 Gujarat riots

> We have a shoot to kill border policy


> We have a Muslim registry and are gonna detect and deport 20 million Muslims refugees

You don't see Muslims kidnapping and torturing Hindus in India do you.
We literally lynch Muslims.

Yes India has a million problems, but guess what we are taking action instead of submitting.
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Good post leaf. Any of my fellow Americans who haven't been preparing to leave for the last few years... Well good luck to you.
Hell Yea, I'm into it. Thinking about starting a White Students Union at my local campus at well.
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nice try paco
If this isn't the catalyst for the race war I don't know what will be. IF WE DO NOT ACT NOW, WE ARE SHOWING THOSE NIGGERS THAT THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH THIS SHIT. DO NOT LET THAT HAPPEN.
anyone who thinks mexicans will side with niggers in a race war is stupid

anyone who thinks anyone would side with niggers in a race war is stupid. even niggers hate niggers
Based beaner
He and his boys can sell drugs right outside of my house if they promise to throw out every nigger they see
You know you're a coward, right?
Hahahah, so true

Americans need their guns just for roleplaying in real life or shooting beercans in the desert. MAHHH GUNZ

Meanwhile they're getting slowly outnumbered by minorities.

To top it all, they elected an Israeli sockpuppet for president. Their country is gonna be controlled by the Jews and their population fucked by minorities.

((( They ))) know the jig is almost up. The only way out is to start the race war so that everyone is too distracted, and eventually too dead, to keep investigating. Don't fall for this ((( globalist ))) trap - it wouldn't be the first time they faked an outrage to distract from a scandal (remember Bosnia?). We must keep strong, or else the future is pointless anyway.
>Oh, and remember the Americans? The white fellas at the end of the war threw an atomic bomb that basically ended the war. That was it. But, fuck it, let's throw another one to show that we are the biggest dicks in history.
Wrong. Educate yourself, Pablo.
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>kidnap and torture a Slav

you dun goofed nogs
leave where?

>Police say the man victimized in the broadcast is a special-needs person who had been reported missing from a suburb.

>Special needs

Clearly he was a /pol/ browser
FPBP, war started already whites are just not fighting back.
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Ooops, you effectively just outed yourself as a shill.
I unironically hope that it is niggers that initiate the race war. That way the majority of whites will be guilt free as we systematically remove blacks from the face of this earth.
Facebook deleted my post when I shared this

Purge the degens then you'll never need to heal again pussi
>“I’m not going to say it shocked me, but it was sickening.”

Translation: I hate fucking niggers.
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>thinking the shitskins would actually pay up
Heed the teachings of the poo. Whites are flushing down their tribe down the loo of history.
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Guys....Germany is coming back

>Cologne saves New Years Eve by particularly targeting people that look foreign
>Leftist politicians were outraged but were silent when a poll showed that 79% of the population thought they did the right thing (http://www.n-tv.de/politik/Die-Gruenen-lassen-Peter-allein-im-Shitstorm-article19461466.html)
>Police are currently searching through refugee camps and refugee homes thanks to berlin

and something no one talks about

>When the German Army(Bundeswehr) was founded, the constitution forbade them from invading other countries, this has now silently been changed. Germany can help invade other countries again.(http://derwaechter.net/bundesregierung-plant-angriffskrieg-und-streicht-dafur-paragraph-80-im-strafgesetzbuch)
>Soldiers and Tanks are being sent to the russian and polish borders

We're back

Oh and "Mein Kampf" becomes a bestseller
Stay mad, son, you can't handle the truth. : )
You realize the Jews won't leave any white enclave untouched, right? If you don't fight back now it's over for you and your long, long genetic lineage.
Bill O'Reilly is saying how shit Chicago is right now. Maybe he will segway into the kidnapping.
you mean the media that is outperformed by Alex Jones?

2016 was the official death of the MSM

They are completely obsolete.
Paid shill right here, everyone. Take note of their tactics and use it against them.
There still getting hard time in the slammer for it, hate crime or not. Blacks get kidnapped and harmed by whites also. The two also get kidnapped and harmed by people of their own race.

And the victim here is not white.
Honestly, guys, i don't even see this as that bad. it was ONE white guy. this shouldn't spark any retaliation.
>"fuck donald trump and fuck white people"
oh wow someone hates white people. who is shocked by this honestly. I don't understand the hoopla. this isn't something to bitch about. everything will be fine. if this happens again however, then i will expect someone to retaliate but this is literally an isolated incidence
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Christ! I'm 20 min into this vid, just listening to the noise coming out of these pavement apes' mouths while having to stare at that sheboon's face is making me rage! Never mind the retard they kidnapped and tortured.
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>tfw cozy

naw not participating need to get more achievements
You realize Slavs being not white is a Jewish Bolshevik meme.
you don't know most white people (they aren't like the ones on this board, or this special needs kid)

get out more

The 1 on the left means it's the top article on the page. 2182 comments means 2182 comments. The upvotes are hidden for some reason, probably because admins are fucking with it. News is a subreddit that regularly tampers with and censors posts like this and I wouldn't be surprised if it censors posts from this incident as well.
t. cuckold
>mudskins still do this
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>Not White
Alright, that's it. I'm becoming a monk. I can't stand this shit anymore. I have to remove myself from all of this.
Mexicans. Much larger demo
>Blacks get kidnapped and harmed by whites also.
>not niggers
>whites do it too
Hi Tyrone.
>giving up instead of fighting back

Weak beta cuck.
The media is changing. We're not beholden to jews as much and it's getting better.
Ey! not all the Pablos are such faggots
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>divide and conquor
fuck off, kike

Who? When? What?
I'm white. I can't win. Don't you understand that?

At least i'm lucky I am Orthodox. There is a monastery just a few hours away from me.
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We are not here for fame and glory, we must meme from the shadows.
It's got about 16k upboats already
not even kidding. this is a ONE TIME INCIDENT. This SHOULD NOT cause any retaliation. hell the fucking normies know about this now. it's plastered all over reddit. Let this one slide and we'll see what happens next. the dude didn't even get killed. let's be glad he didn't
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>get possibly killed in meme civil war or come home from work/school and play vidya/watch animu/chill with family and eat

2smart for /pol/
>I'm white. I can't win.

We've conquered the world mate.

The only reason we're losing is because of (((subversion))). You must keep fighting.

If we do lose, we will take the whole of the Earth with us.
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true, but cern is the fucking WORST. of all time.
step your game up dude.
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>kids sense evil
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>one time incident
>ignores all the stolen children
>the prostituted women
>the rapes
>the gang attacks on whites

Are you sheltered? Where the fuck are you from? You must be a rich faggot, jew, or a nigger.
Corbett Report covered it. You can find it with a little looking.
I don't know if he's slav. He's just not white. Look, there's more, unfortunately


He's clearly not white. Looks like he could even be Hispanic.
I shall not be the aggressor in war but I stand by to strike back with righteous fury. I am enraged to the bone by this. The rage I feel is unlike anything I have felt for a long time. Battle may be imminent so I'm going to stockpile as much food, ammo, and water as I can afford in the morning. Once that is done I shall await the call to arms.
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you will die first
when you get off your lazy fucking ass you beta fucking cuck. Why are you asking people when to start something? Just start it yourself you loser
fuck off faggot

this type of shit happens everyday in america you sheltered cuck
How do I get motivated into getting /fit/ and stop being lazy?
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hes not being serous just ignore his ID from now on
The fucking kikes at Jewgle fucked up notifications even more so now I can't shitpost efficiently on the video comments
>which side will I pick in a RACE war
>You don't see Muslims kidnapping and torturing Hindus in India do you.
No you do that to women on your own lul

good premise overall though, hopefully Europe nuts up FAST for their Muslim problem.
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When will the fire rise finally?
This wouldn't be just an isolated incident if it weren't for the fact that white men are the only group of people society is allowed to loathe on the basis of their race and gender. And if it weren't for the fact that niggers have been tearing this country apart at the seams with their chimpouts. White men have had enough. 2016 was the shy emergence, but 2017 will be the year of our full retribution.
They've already stopped #blmkidnapping and #brittanyherring from trending.
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Did they start the fire?
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Look. Niggers loot and riot and its to much for local and state police to handle. So why not put a million nigger hating honkys downtown south chicago and just burn and kill everything. Problem solved.
hating white people means hating science and progress and the only "tolerant" race. hating white people means you want goodness to die.
>you don't know most white people (they aren't like the ones on this board, or this special needs kid)

What the fuck are you on about? Are you implying that "normal" white people are just pretending to be cucked while niggers do this kind of shit? Most people who want a race war won't do shit about it and sit at home waiting for somebody else to start it for them.

I think you are the one that needs to get out more.
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>some autist wanders into Chicago
>supposed to feel sad when niggers nig him
his fault
start something by yourself
>like dylan roof
>get immediately arrested

a march on washington level event is needed, not individual shit. if everyone on pol right now congregated, then the ball would start rolling.
He was a special needs kid. This was someone physically unable to defend themselves. These nigger don't just to have a race war but they're also cripple beaters. Hang them from the highest tree you can find is what I say.
I say we round them up and make 'em fight terrorists!
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>how dare YOU not risk your life in a collapsing country to help defend ME!

Youre safety isnt my problem jackass. Solve your own damn problems.
why don't you have a shoot to kill public deification policy?
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fuck that i literally just bought a gun yesterday. now i know what im gonna use it for when it comes
Take it from me m8, this is normal behavior for a kaffer
By whom?

Regardless thanks
He has his uses as does Milo, PJW, Lauren Southern etc etc. They are handing out baby redpills to the normies, if we storm in screaming gas the kikes we'd scare them all off.

I got my first redpill inoculation during gamergate from people like Cernovich and 2 years later here I am.
Nice try, shlomo. It's over.
Thanks. Not what I expected but interesting.
alright, death by 1000 cuts is ok because enough wasnt taken in short enough time

fuck you
>>Injects heroin in the kid

Damn poor guy's got the aids now
>whites disappear
>everyone is now a drone for the kikes
>human progress disappears
the end
The White dude was probably a democrat ...so is it really worth it?
Is this real?????????????
>tfw mom is a coal burner
I was born redpilled.
I think I might've been in the SS in a past reincarnation. The only reason I came back into an earthy avatar was to kill more subhumans.
if it makes you feel better, niggers are being lynched every day, whites just arent stupid enough to broadcast it
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>white enclave
>fight back now
>long genetic lineage

So let me get this straight. Im supposed to risk my life to delay something inevitable because "white power." God damn you people are stupid.
This literally isn't even the worse thing i've seen happen to a white person. the kid didn't even die and you guys are going rabid. HE DIDN'T EVEN DIE. CHILL THE FUCK OUT
We a have better policy, send excess Indians to Australia.
I heard Australia has vast open outbacks which is scarcely populated.
He went in full Rambo. Ofcourse he was caught.
You could easily fire bomb a couple of these nigger's nigger nests and get away with it scott-free. You'd be setting the tone for others. All you need is a little courage.
It takes time to undo decades of Jewish subversion and we just elected a man who campaigned on deporting Mexicans and banning Muslims.

All this while the media labeled him and anyone who agreed with him as a racist nazi.

We may not be at the "jackbooted, rightwing death squads" stage yet, but the fire's been started.

Every time a chimping happens, it rises a little bit more.

Wow the jewish programming is strong in this cuck.
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What do you do when you have reached a boiling point. You dylan roof every nigger in sight. Amen
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The day I swear to stop shitbrowsing on pol the racewar habbening.
He's not white.>>105671685 And I'm not Jewish. But was you should love me like Trump would.

Hi Timothy.
shut the fuck up you black child, we can tell you're a google because of the way you type.
me and my buddy beat the shit out of a nigger last saturday. i was feeling kind of bad about it.

not anymore
fuck off, kike.
Shut the fuck up you fucking obvious shill.
>wait for someone to die first before you go out retaliating against completely aberrant, uncivilized behavior
Neck yourself you worthless fag.
this x 10 happens every day is south africa
This, make an example of their neighborhood by burning it down.
They will get 10 years, out in 5.
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>this is literally an isolated incidence

(((Who))) could be behind this post?
Things That Never Happened: The Post
>regretting any of the ride
Jew lawyers
as much as you want to think i'm a shill, im not. i just don't want anything to happen before trump gets sworn in. this wasn't even a big deal. i dont see how you guys can not understand that no one died from this. and every one was arrested.
gj replying to obvious bait, newfag
I told you burgers - get your 2nd amendment militia now, when you still have time. When niggers will go out with cartel support, you wont have it.
fuck off, kike
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im a nigger

Yeah, we won't start it, we are too enlightened. Really, we are the nicest of people. Very kind people.

But we will end it if we have to. Bet on it.
Ever happening DESERVES a response a hundred times worse. Every. Single. Happening. Day in and day out. Normalize it. That's how you spark off a race war. That's how you create wide-spread civil disobedience.

What do you have to lose? Nothing. Life is short.
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If that was 3 whites beating a nigger, their would be riots everywhere. Whites are civil, and just, but when mad, we are your worst nightmare.
he killed elderly church goers
wasted his bullets if you ask me.
there is no reason to start a race war from someone who didn't even die.
no thanks, fbi
>Whites are civil, and just, but when mad, we are your worst nightmare.
fuck off, kike.
I hate it in me. Nothing is stopping me from practicing illegalism against black people. I will fight collectively with fellow white men when enough of us are conscious of what state America is in right now.

Leave coward.

whats the best ak deal going on now? i missed out on the $300 vzs 2 years ago and am sad
*have it
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race war when?
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>His original casket was donated to the Smithsonian Institution.
ahahhahhahhha ahhahahahhaaaha ha ahaahahhahahahahahhahaha h aha hh aha hah hahahahhaha ahahahhahaahhahhahahhahahhahahaahahahahahhahahhhashahhahahaha

i wonder what cuck/feminist virtue signaled about this on faceberg after xhe convinced the museum to buy a niggerbox

ahahah ha hah ah a hhaha hah ah ah ahahahhahahahh
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Being this cucked
holy fucking shit you guys are so defeated

go lift some fucking weights and stop being pessimistic fucking defeatist whiny bitches

"IDK IF WE CAN DO IT, WE CAN'T DO IT, I DONT THINK WE HAVE IT IN US" fucking kill yourself if you have this shitty attitude

whoa whoa whoa, guess what the media is taking out of proportion next???
what the fuck is there to be cucked about?? this is a mentally ill kid, apparently high, and he didn't get killed. if he got killed it would be one thing, but guess what HE DIDN'T GET FUCKING KILLED
fuck off, kike





>alcohol, petrol, or gassoline soaked rag
>glass bottle filled with petrol or gasoline
>car with covered plates

Chuck a couple at nigger houses near that neighborhood and leave.
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White nationalist militant Sam Hyde swear revenge for the torture and kidnaping of a young white boy
you're an idiot. The democratic process is working fine and the balance of power is shifting rapidly away from SJW bullshit. Trump is president. There's literally nothing to worry about, you'd have to be a fucking dumbass like Dylann Roof to go landing yourself in jail over nothing. If the democratic process WERE to fail, though, that'd be another story. But even if something happened, like if Trump ended up being controlled by the elite, our problem wouldn't be with niggers but with the elite. If there is a race war, though, niggers will see the full fucking explosive force of angry white autists. It'd be genocide.
>/pol/ complains about BLM chimpouts
>proceeds to chimpout
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I'm armed and I'm waiting for a habbening. Right now, the current wave of blacks are growing up bring taught that
A) They are exempt from any consideration of racism and
B) White people are not to be trusted
I need to spend the next years red-pilling as many allies as possible, so that when the happening comes they'll know exactly who is to blame, and they won't get in my way when I gun shitskins down in the street. We need to socially turn the tides in our favor, especially among the young, if even by as little as 51%. Right now if I smoked a nog in a church like your darling Dylan, I would be made into a pariah and do more to empower the cultural force of BLM than of White Nationalists. I'm going to wait at least 4 years before I even think of using violence/attrition.
You're right.

We won't chimp out.

We will get organized.

We will be cold and calculated.

We will be victorious.
Everyone knows spics hate niggers. They aren't shy about it either.
ignore the fbi anon
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The truth is on our side, but the SJWs and (((academia))) currently has the high ground. People use their social beliefs as their reference level, not ours, and they'll use their criteria when they judge us. The more people we win over in a culture war, the less resistance there will be when we forcefully drive out the threats to white nationalism.
this was certainly predicted.
Seriously, (((you))) should fuck off. Everything you write is shit, but I won't try to pick your shitty arguments apart because you are obviously a baiting cuck
This time. Usually what happens when a 3+ pack of niggers kidnap a whitey for racially motivated "fun."
Chimping out because a criminal was shot in self defense is not the same as targeting neighborhoods full of criminals who pose of threat to peaceful citizen's safety. Keep staying stagnant, afraid of doing anything, and boot licking. The white race will sure to be extinct in a few decades at this rate.
please try to reason to me why this should cause a race war!!!! no one fucking died. everyone involved is getting charged. this is on CNN's FRONT PAGE. everything will be fine. this is seriously not the worst thing i've seen done to a white person. this was a hate crime, but let's be thankful it didn't end in death of the person being tortured
>how dare you retaliate
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