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Comics are degenerate

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Thread replies: 198
Thread images: 46

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Some panels from Captain America: Sam Wilson 17

If this is not retardation in its purest form I have no idea what it is.
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Audible groan.org

This timeline is really full of fuck.
Is this real?
Reads like a parody of SJWs
Yes it is real, came out today.

It is Captain America: Sam Wilson 17
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>I guess this really is happening

Where's the rest? This looks like it's leading into something funny and of a parody nature.
Working on it, btw the first half of the comic has Captain America lecturing about illegal immigration apparently.

A friend is currently scanning it and sending the rest to me, I didn't believe it either till I read this.
I am not fat nor beta nor do I look like some of those statists in Steward's comic shop from the Big Bang so there is no reason for me to give a fuck about the comics, let alone read them.
Honestly I'm fine with this, marvel are selling fuck all comics now after they did this pandering shite. They just need it reinforced that it doesn't work.
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Apparently they are the bad guys attacking a blonde woman who wants to close borders.
I don't keep up with Marvel lately, for obvious reason.

Are sales really tanking? I dropped them when they did the whole female Thor thing.
Looks like everyone dropped Female Thor. I don't think it went past #7. I think Marvel is going to learn very soon that the people complaining about sexism in comics do not buy comics.
This feels more like a parody than anything. This is too heavy handed to be legitimate
They apparently have no new readers and have been giving comic book stores free issues out the ass just to pad their numbers
I refuse to believe this is real. Tell me this is just a joke...

Thank fuck. But they have so many fuckheads working for them now I feel like the cancer is too deep.

I always like Marvel but DC is currently blowing them out of the water in the comic department.

Right now their biggest problem is destroying characters heritages and histories, doing too many big event stuff and not focusing on the characters and smaller stories.

I mean,they completely forgot why we loved the Hulk and Bruce Banner. They put in Cho and got the message completely wrong.
It looks more like satire than SJW propaganda.
Here you go

Mate just sent a link with the whole comic, just read it, pure autism, they are pushing for open borders hard.
>teach your some tolerance, OR ELSE
Haha fuck this is a joke right?
It's hard to tell with Marvel, given their recent history. I do think the suits running the show are savvy enough to realise the SJW gravy train is not only over, it never really was there in the first place.
Forgot link

Parody, right?

For my sanity I hope thats the case
>the bombshells
>not the deplorables

Wasted opportunity.
I'm sorry I doubted you...
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>Make Captain America Great Again
It is ok burgerbro, I doubted my mate when he was telling me about this as well.
I think they're doing this shit specifically because of low sales, trying to make it seem all like big shit is happening and now's the time to be reading them. Plus I think all the SJ stuff they put in it is for PR reasons, people whinging at them on Twitter so to shut em up they make this stuff and make all their bank on the movies.
Is it satire? I honestly cant answer it anymore.
Who the fuck still cares about capeshit?
I do.
This reads like a joke.
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It is.
I was considering getting into comics, but not anymore. Years of this sjw pandering made it sure I'll never buy a comic. I'll stick to reading manga.
Damn it was hard to finish that tripe, I think I lost a few brain cells
This is so stupid. The villains look like the good guys here. Stupid writers force feeding us libcuck propaganda.
Only retarded manchilds read comics.
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>I guess this really is happening
Instant MVP, holy fuck LMAO
It's still about illegal immigrant apologism.
Marvel are fucked, their comic sales are near collapse. Only the films are keeping them above water.

Beacuse it is. That trio is trying to fight the heroes in the book, Rage and the new Falcon.

Spencer is an avowed leftist and Hilshill, his Twitter is awful. But he's a fun writer and his Cap books are actually pretty good. I'm not gonna pay for it though.
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>I guess this really is happening.
there were so many contradictions in this comic.

so much toeing of so many lines, I'm just confused who is good and who is bad. what a drop for a simple medium.
Who are the villains in the panels posted, anon?
This is on tier with that image of fat women destroying scales.
I want to whit wash that cockroach

I skimmed it, it looked to me like it was trying to be liberal but distancing itself from the sjw crowd by depicting them in the most over the top way they could, witch honestly is realistic
Captain Britain is Muslim? Sounds about right. Drown in degeneracy U.K., u deserve it for your retardation
Man I grew up reading those comics, they weren't so bad before.
Califait Britain
looks like she forgot to pull the pin
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This is beyond the pale. This reads like we have a man on the inside deliberately trying to sabotage them.
Somebody posts the ''feminist'' arc of Crossed Badlands pls
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Why can't /pol/tards understand sarcasm?
>Someone said something I don't like
>This justifies me to use violence with no consequences because I'm the good guy!
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>implying that uk is more degenerate than US
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Did you forget about these?
Hahaha who made this
>what is poe's law
>feminist beating up a misogynist black who's entire aesthetic is being a prisoner
How'd they get away with this?
this is the comic
stop pretending like you actually read comics
Trump is degenerate. Whats your point?
Why is captain America black
So are comics as an industry doing well or what?

On the one hand I'd imagine a lot of the fanbase are the kind of impressionable perma-friendzoned nice guys that eat this progressive shit up but on the other I'd imagine that the majority fucking hates seeing their lifelong favourites be turned into progressive puppets.
because the censorship/sjw/conspiracy is a meme and not real
He got niggerfied
The comic is still pro illegal immigration
nobody gets triggered by this stuff except a tiny minority of dweebs

here it is if anyone wants the rest
Trump is pro amnesty whats your point? You're not anti mexican illegal are you? that makes you a Hillary supporter.
yep this is parody

funny tho
Where is the fucking lie??? I swear
>the SJW gravy train
This literally doesn't exist. They've tried to have actual "progressive" series and their sales are awful.

The controversy these arcs drum up is worth something, though. That's the point.
Just read some older stuff. Hellboy, Punisher, Hellblazer, Swamp Thing, Preacher, classic capeshit runs etc. There is plenty of good older stuff to work through.
You do realize that lying about Trump is what got him elected in the first place right?

This has to be ironic.
Jews and other devils are physically unable to tell the truth. They must always lie. They're bound to it.
Good to know it's self-aware satire.

Comics are still garbage, though.
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I want Captain America to apologize.
>Cap'n pissed on an Auschwitz survivor

There were 6 million survivors, must have been hard not to piss on one.
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Jesus Christ, can't we have any nice things anymore? I used to love comics and animation, why the fuck must everything be a leftie shill nowadays?
I don't even ask for a right wing propaganda, I just want a non-political thing to be a fan of.

>can intercept incoming bullets on your wrist
>can't stop a punch at a tied up prisoner

This disturbs me. Not a comicfag anymore, but this is just terrible by any standard.
is he captain piss now or what
ok whoever made this is genius
Somehow the lefties control the media man, and everything gotta have approval from the media nowadays, so everyone just bend over for this assholes.
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>don't they make soap here

Jesus Christ
Very accurate. The modern Left in a nutshell.
are you implying that the wonder woman didn't wanted this guy to be punched?
>Let's criticize obvious edits of some comic
It's Sam Wilson, Falcon. He took Steve Rogers place when he became a hydra sleeper agent
poo on jew
It looks legit, how can you blame us?
Oh for fuck sake
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>I guess this really is happening
what did he mean by this?
Doesn't that make her like, Caliph Britain or something.
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Its not an edit.

But /pol/ is still stupid like a fucking door, because these characters are vilains, and are actually a mockery of this mindset.

If you form your opinions on out of context panels on a bait thread, you are just fucking stupid. This place is like tumblr.
is this real?
This is all because they made Red Skull tell the truth in a reasonable manner. No one here is a faggot who reads manchild comics. How the hell would we know who the main character is and why would we care?
It's not an edit dumb ass
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make it stop
It doesn't matter because comics are already irrecoverably cucked and the fact nobody is surprised of this should make that clear.
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Poland still has the best superheroes.
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your image is a shit, use this one
That reporter just broke the international law on humane treatment of prisoners. She's probably going to lose her job, and maybe be prosecuted.
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Okay, come on. This is obviously a joke.
>Okay, come on. This is obviously a joke.

That's what I thought just reading the panels in the thread. But after reading the comic I can't tell.
I love comics which star the bad guy
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Given that he was elevated to papacy as a reward for assassinating Hitler, that's sort of true.
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kek, I literally cannot wait to see the volumes of tears in the future issues now that trump has won
This is true. Cape comics, even this one, are still drenched in unironic hate for everything right wing. The only difference is now that dems have lost the election, they want to distance themselves from the wacky college crowd. Just an easy way for fans to hide behind moments like the OP as an example of "they criticize BOTH sides!"
It's a tactic >>105626208
A small portion of YOUR side is insane, but EVERYONE on the other side is insane.
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I'm not saying I approve of burning books.

But at some level, I understand the need for it.
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Why are all the Marvel actors such cucks?

>Why are all the Marvel actors such cucks?
Because they're being led by Joss Whedon
Because most celebrities are massive cucks.
Fucking kek
This is true though. Men won't care, since they are dead. And the surviving ones are so traumatized that they're incapable of giving a shit anymore.
If they refuse their pedophilic satanic illuminati stuff is exposed.
And they'll lose their jobs
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That's true enough.
>popesh drunk or lacking acumen
Are there any celebrities who openly support Trump?
When I saw this I finally believed was some Soros figure in the shadows working.
The Falcon has taken up the mantle of Captain America. I don't mind, it makes sense story-wise. I think the Winter Soldier was Captain America after Cap was killed.

It happens.
not all men die in wars.
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Good ol Clint.

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>Implying it isnt true on this case.

Cry me more.

>they made Red Skull tell the truth in a reasonable manner

I dont even like the comic, but it was Spencer intention to do this.

Them, ending up with him making people blow themselves out in the name of the cause.

>How the hell would we know who the main character is and why would we care?

So you like to get mad at things that you dont know? You care enough to be mad about it, but not enough to actually know what is going?


You mean Marvel? Stop being a faggot and go read something good, like Hellboy or The Sheriff of Babylon, you obviously know nothing that you are talking about.
True. Some flee to Brazil.
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Westen comics are really getting pozzed lately.

I'm kinda surprised it took so long, since (((Stan Lee))) himself was a kike.

Left-wing autists and feminists just couldn't let white male nerds have their secluded hobbies. Little did they know that this would lead to even some left-leaning nerds REEEE-ing and voting for Trump.
Hellboy got cucked too.
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The hell are you talking about?
Quintessentially British.
lol i also love this argument when applied to the rape/murder dichotomy
>no see rape should be considered worse because you don't mind it when you're dead
>being an adult
>reading comics

Pick one, virgin.
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Scott Baio
Guys, is this what it feels like to live in a real world "the good guys are actually the jerks" cartoon?

You know, those cartoons you grew up watching where the good guys were actually fucking retards but we were supposed to sympathise with their bullshit because it was a poorly written show?

We're living that. Right now.
But I like Moebius and Jodorowsky's works.
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Patrick Bateman
indeed. Speaking of which, I'm struggling to find it on da internet. I have only like 2 issues. Maybe you can point me at the right direction.
As far as I know, but maybe not. In other canon he can chug whisky and not get drunk because his body processes it so quickly.
It would be a good comic if the guy they are talking with is the Punisher that, in a moment of acute PTSD destroy them with a Mg-42, or m-60, or a PK. in the goriest way possible.

That would be nice.
Whelp, better work on my own comic before morality itself is twisted in such a way that modern conservatism is viewed as pure evil.
Metabaron Caste, Incal, Arzach are a good place to start.
Everything in the Metabaron/Incal universum is awesome anyway.
Female thor is still going
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>I guess this really is happening
>female Thor

Is that a female Iron Man? Is Spiderman wearing a shawl?

who are these people?

Captain Britain and the Whorevengers?
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>don't they make soap here
Fucking kek
laser sights? are they about to get blown away?
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/co/ edited the entire avx run
is this legit? damn she looks bad, much better nowadays.
Surprisingly the actor who played Sam Wilson in the movies is for Trump.

Well, you can get arrested for speaking out against the jew, or simply breaking political correctness in the UK. In the US, that is not the case. Just because the 1965 immigration act fucked our demographics does not mean that we are cucked, m8

The only real group that I would say are cucked would have to be the liberals, and the niggers; the terms for the two being interchangeable

Thanks man
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Just read manga.
Only ones that are about to retire.
Supporting Trump would be career suicide
Oh they can. People like OP are just paid shills trying to rile up the republitard base. That's all this cesspool is anymore.
Doesn't captain britain get his powers from merlin this witch gonna get stoned
It's an alternate reality what if type shit
>Germans having PPSh-41's
Come on now
Tom ''The Eternal MVP'' Brady.

He's going to score yet ANOTHER Ring this year. Truly the GOAT.
>implying it isn't true
It isn't. /pol/ isn't making a twitter hashtag about the problematic content in comics and demanding they cater to us. We're calling it fucking garbage instead and mocking numales who read it.

>He meant to do it
Yes, and? No shit, it revealed how fucking cucked the industry is when you make the villain have more sense than the heroes. The jihadi part just made it not transparent. Comic book writers can never defeat ideas on the merit of argument or reason so they just draw their enemy's manifestation and then punch it.

>get mad
I'm not the autist freaking out that /pol/ doesn't know who generic helmet guy#46 is from one panel. People were asking if it was satire. Do you think we're going to waste time and money to find out when our reaction was only "this shit is stupid"?

>Go read muh other manchild shit
Why don't you do something productive instead?
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> I do come in peace though
> if you pay jizya

And Cap is only Hydra because of Redskull reality warping fuckery. He'll be back to normal later.

The Wall just got new AA guns.
there is a difference between how you should act when you are doing the whole cultural expansionism thing and when you are the one being invaded
>it's an "alt-righters are too autistic to detect satire" thread again
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bruce willis
>this is a safe space except for you

can they not understand that they just showed the cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy of their own work?
wew lad.

People paid to read this.

> Impliying Marvel movies are better than DC movies

Come on anon. Keep up please
Another reason why DC is better, they cuck a little but its not obvious if you're not looking for it
It's true.

That's not to say that certain Marvel (and DC) books aren't by leftist creators who can't help but soap box their Marxist views. And indeed, the writer of the Cap books is a Hilshill who melted down on twitter during election season. But he respects continuity and his writing is fun. His Donald strawman in the Serpent Society was hilarious even for me. And good books without political commentary still exist, even at the big 2.

But they're not written by women. Female comic creators are the worst.
Most of the terrible panels from this thread are from female writers. Women are pathetic creatures.
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Pic literally related
Is there anything he won't kiss?

James Woods is a huge Trump goy.
Thread posts: 198
Thread images: 46

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