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Thread replies: 426
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>Ali* had just hopped off a midnight train from Munich in Berlin's main railway station
>Ali had arrived in Europe over the Balkan route
>Lena* was at the station with a small group of women posted at the "Welcome Refugees" stand, and anxious with anticipation.
>Lena jotted her name and telephone number on a scrap of cardboard, inviting Ali to call anytime he needed help.
>The next day, he texted Lena to say thanks, in English. She texted back. They met with others for dinner. They texted more. They met more.
>They knew it was love

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>The majority of asylum applications in Germany the year before were from men. And most of those were, like Ali, under 30. For integration to work, German politicians say they want to avoid creating a parallel society of Muslim immigrants living outside the mainstream of German population.
>The easiest way to turn refugees into Germans might be for them to fall in love with Germans and marry them.
What's the point of this thread?
>Ali had hidden out in dingy basements, negotiated deals with shady middlemen, risked his life on a crowded rubber boat,and survived his three-week odyssey on the Balkan route. But he was fully unprepared for the rituals of Western love.

>He spent his first night with Lena in bed
To make fun of Cuckmany, of course

>he met Lena's parents after only four weeks, and shortly after that, he was drinking sparkling German wine and helping them trim the Christmas tree for the holidays in a city in western Germany's Ruhr Valley. Lena's family is enraptured by Ali, and sees the pair's love is real. Grandma gave them an envelope with some cash for Christmas with the words "Truth Love” scrawled in English on the front. Her father cooks with Ali; the two of them go to soccer games together.
Germany deserves rape and terrorism.
>'Every refugee should have a German girlfriend'

>He says having such a schedule is a challenge to someone used to spending a lot of time on his own, and then, of course, Lena has her own expectations. "But look, I am easy,” he quips. "She says do this, and I do it.” Lena says every refugee should have a German girlfriend, to help them get things done.

>"I come from a privileged background,” says Lena. "I know that. My father is a surgeon, and my mother is a physician. We had a house in Miami. I lived for a while in New Zealand. I fully expected I would marry someone from a similar background. I never imagined I would fall in love with someone like Ali."
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>Check the link fully expecting it to be a fake as it reads like a /pol/ shitpost
>It's fucking real


>Every refugee should have a German girlfriend'

He says having such a schedule is a challenge to someone used to spending a lot of time on his own, and then, of course, Lena has her own expectations. "But look, I am easy,” he quips. "She says do this, and I do it.” Lena says every refugee should have a German girlfriend, to help them get things done.

"I come from a privileged background,” says Lena. "I know that. My father is a surgeon, and my mother is a physician. We had a house in Miami. I lived for a while in New Zealand. I fully expected I would marry someone from a similar background. I never imagined I would fall in love with someone like Ali."

That is one of the most disgusting news story I ever red

Jesus, what a disgusting propaganda article.
What's the problem here?
I bet that this guy will integrate well.
It's a bit like this:

>The easiest way to turn refugees into Germans might be for them to fall in love with Germans and marry them.

Male refugees finding love here with the local german girls is the least problem we have.
In fact it would even encourage them to integrate well and to adapt to our way of life.
So where is the arab girlfriends for german men?
I think sparcity of women is what will ultimately trigger the race war
You are beyond repair.

>country so fucking cucked that this family is supporting their daughter's twisted fetish/affair

Literally... just... kys. Unironically. How the fuck have germans not done something by now?

Even we're not this fucking bad.
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top cuck

How about this article is purely fictional and none of these characters exist?
Meanwhile the poverty report in Germany was heavily altered by lobbying groups.

We are in for some terrible times.

But fuck you for posting this. I live this on the streets. I don't need to read about it here.
We need second Marshal plan!
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>What's the problem here?
t. Leftist TV
>He spent his first night with Lena in bed with his clothes on. "We woke up, and she wanted to kiss me, but I told her I can't,” he says. "In Iraq, we don't go out with women unless we are going to marry them.”

But raping 10 yearold boys in Vienna swimming pools because of no sex for three months is okay? Something doesn't add up. This girl is being used.
They don't even think the opposite can happen. Ducking delusional kike brainwashed liberals

Im feeling bad for those poor woman

I blame the reign and their social engineers for that
White society pissing away the wealth.

I always thought women and children are the most vulnerable civilians in a warzone. How come women/ children are nearly nonexistent in the refugee flow?
>theres people on this board that are so petty they get mad when anyone but them finds a gf
Man the fuck up you small insecure pathetic manlets
>german men work and pay taxes, their money goes to refugees via welfare
>meanwhile the refugees marry white german women and have little mixed babies
are germans the ultimate cucks? i mean they institutionalized cuckoldry
no pics
holy get ... wasted on a medkit
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The story would have ended in honor killing of the girl. Many such cases. Sad!
This is seriously fucking depressing. I really hope this is an extremely rare occurrence. Any German Anons here need to man the fuck up, quit jerking off all day and take back control of your country.
German men pay large portions of their wage as taxes so freeloaders from the third World get 150 Euro pocket money PER DAY and free housing and meals to fuck their women.

Germany is even more cucked than sweden
>autism: the post
Whoa nice attempt
To be fair though, as Germany accepted so many "male" refugees, they need to integrate them. Otherwise, they risk the formation of ghettos in Germany like Saint-Denis near Paris.

And, yes, it could be social engineering. But this is probably a step ahead for integration.
It's all such a sick project. Why isn't anyone doing anything to stop it?
What is your map anon?

So what? Berlin isn't in germany anymore.

The real germany yes stories are the ones where judges release arsonists, rapists and murderers because "they don't know any better :3"
Yes, the refugee crisis is a huge burden for the German taxpayers. But how did you find the 150 Euros/ day pocket money figure? Care to point to the source of your info?

So far I know, it's only about 350 euros/ month of pocket money per refugee.

This is exactly what I was trying to explain them before.
Every day there are rants about radical muslims etc. Then some syrians come here find a german gf an want to integrate and it is a problem? I don't think so.
How long until Lena disappears and is found in the woods weeks later enriched to death?
you mean she got brainwashed into believing that sandniggers are some kind of fuckboys
now she got what she deserved :^)
it feels so good hahahha

Germans are dying out, which means less German women. There wont be enough women for those shitskins in the near future.
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>Implying it isn't this
Well, they could have stopped it at the very first instance. Because the authorities also know that most of them are economic migrants.

But they let them in. Now what? Germany will not be sending them back (apart from some Afghans, Pakistanis, Eritreans, and Bangladeshis). EU needs to integrate them, they've brought it upon themselves.

Otherwise, there would be SERIOUS social attrition like what has been happening in France since 2005 riots.
You mean flag? It's Bangladesh!
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>an want to integrate and it is a problem?
Yes. And then what after they "integrate"? As long as they are Muslim they cannot be considered integrated. All this will lead to is more 2nd and 3rd gen Muslim terrorists (to be counted in official statistics as "German born" so as to make leftists look good).
Possibly also a savior for the german economy. Loads of baby boomers going with pension soon, and they didn't make as much babies are their parents.
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This one's a two gunner.

I hope that you do understand that being ''german'' is a very vague concept.
The ''germans'' always have been a mixture of different kinds of people.
Ty anon
I felt physically sick reading that. It made me nauseous.

>TFW I have a gay cousin who spams these types of articles on his facebook and get plus 50 likes every time
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And then Lena was brutally murdered by Ali.

The End
>believing newspaper
>german newspapers
It's just propaganda shit, don't be fucking retarded. They do the same in France, 4 best apprentice in the last 5 years were rapefugee """"kids""""".

Pic related, this ppaki "kid" got a medal for best construction painter with this piece of shit. My 5 years old niece makes better paintings than that.
look up the author find his CV and a info site of him


He is, of course, one of these transatlantic faggots, I bet he as a German-US dual citizenship too, every single one of these supreme kikes should be shot
mate i haven't seen you around here a while

t. Abdul Mohamed Özkan

The article states a nice example. Migrant men who are in a relationship with a german girl will turn out to be far more secular wich is a very good thing to integrate them faster.
They will learn german, they will learn about the customs/tradition and so on.
This is the type of miscalculation that the German right wingers and the right-side of the society will make now.

They could have stopped the whole "economic migrant" flow at the very beginning. But they brought it upon themselves.

Now, the only way forward is the path of integration. Educate them, make them aware of the civic duties, also make them aware that if the laws are broken, punishments will be swift.

France took in millions from Maghreb, but never took solid steps to integrate them. Always half-baked approaches. Now see what happens in France!

I'm familiar with the French system of government administration. And it's shit!
I used to think hitting women is bad but they obviously want it if they're going to something that ugly. I'll drop one no problem.
Are you stupid? less than 100 of these people found employment. That means there are almost 1.5 million people who have been receiving money from the government for assistance while living in shelters propped up by the government. Kankerjew, can you explain how this helps ease the burden of pensions? It doesn't. And the truth is nothing is going to stop the inevitable social safety net collapse. If Germans wanted their pensions so badly they should have had more kids

Dude, you can't integrate large numbers of low-iq highly inbred muslims with a clannish as fuck culture into a advanced economy with high individualism and civic mindedness.

It has never been done successfully anywhere and it's not due to a lack of trying.

Get real. A total genocide or displacement is more plausible than this.
>mixture of different kinds of european people.

ftfy cuck
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>The easiest way to turn refugees into Germans might be for them to fall in love with Germans and marry them.
blandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa up
>plan to breed out warriors with immigration
>immigrants end up being all Muslims/MENAs

If the father had any sense he'd offer this cunt 10 grand to dissappear

Blah blah blah... we didnt integrate gypsy, and so do rest of EU, now you think you can integrate black muslims, hahah ahahah hahaha...
It's YOU and YOUR government and your EU who took in the economic migrants. (yes I admit, over 80,000 are from my country).

Everybody knew (yes, including your government and your chancellor) they were economic migrants. I don't have any problem letting in vetted refugees from war zones.

But Germany didn't do that. They let in everyone; I repeat EVERYONE.

Now, what else can you do other than trying the best to integrate themselves into your society?
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joggin my noggin
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She found someone who she can love. She apparently could not find a white German due to her mental illness, so this is all good.
"Savior" if only they manage to successfully integrate the migrants, which is a monumentally tough task, I know from experience.
It's hilarious to think that there are hundreds of thousands of adult virgin German men and these refugees that don't speak the language, don't share a culture, don't share a religion, come to Germany and fuck German women as soon as they step foot.

Really crazy how fucked western civilization is.
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Just let it go, anon. Every thing West to the V4 is doomed already.
Deport them. They have no place and they will forever change the countries destiny and character even if they are "peacefully integrated".
Ahahahahaha. Fucking hope Hitler can watch this show from hell.

Hitler dream come true, the pure race is about to rise!:) Pardon pure brown race.
are u stupid? How can these people have jobs if the people whos job they should take are not yet in pension? Did they nuke ur parents?
>Now, what else can you do other than trying the best to integrate themselves into your society?

We can pay some dumbfuckistan countries to take the ones were citizenship can not be established. Yeah, our current political elites won't do this but it's not to late actually when it comes to most of these rapefugees.
please stop
Brainwashed culture. With the left being the worst hit by brainwashing. This ensures that the richer families will lose their wealth and destroys the middle classes ever quicker

It's hard to see anything but despair in the future

Pretty much this but I said it many times before and the replies have always been the same:
>muh cuck

Some /pol/acks and right wingers lack common sense. Look what france did. They packed their immigrants into ghettos and it doesn't come as a surprise that this method backfires now.They gave them zero chances.
I always said that the most importnt thing is to accept to migrants coming to germany. This whole wave could have been stoped but now it's too late. Now we have to learn from the mistakes of the french and do it better in our specific case.
We should try to turn them into ordinary german citizens. Make them german.
Having a german gf will help them.
If anyone wants to see what led Germany to it's current state, the men of the country think like this.
german women are so fucking forward
the men must be literal gay boys

The second they step foot on German soil, they became permanent German citizens.

There is no way you will ever round them up and deport them. No way what's so ever.
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And how will you propagate the German nation if you give all your women to shitskins? Why would you even do that? Just stop them coming in you cuckold.

In a few short years, migrants will outnumber Germans in the child bearing age group. How are you ever going to find a gf if your priority is cucking yourself with invaders? All you're doing is producing a generation of tfw no gf robots.

You don't want them to integrate and adapt. You want them to go back to the desert, or at the very least self-segregate in ghettos. If you value existence and survival that is.

You know that their "love" origin basically from a young
unexperienced woman who fell in love, because
((society)) tells her that its "good"

The young immigrant just need to take
--> Thinks he can fuck

And dont think he would like to integrate in society, if hes a mudslime
Most likely he wants to turn the woman around
>Addd one million men to population between 20-30
>suddenly there's greater gendere divide than in China
>expect peace
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This only upsets me because I'm a lonely virgin who has never touched a woman.
No. It's you who is clinically retarded
>not realizing the immigrants will pay our pension meme is based on the idea they will take the jobs nobody else wants (America, Mexicans in agriculture, cleaners etc)

I really think you are trolling
>The second they step foot on German soil, they became permanent German citizens.

This is bullshit. Not even Germany is that cucked. Not even being born here gives you automatic citizenship.
because those pathetic virgins aren't exciting. Those amazing looking boys coming from a different part of the world are so mysterious.
I wish they'd come here I'm jealous lol
Look Nipanon, Germany can NEVER be able to deport the migrants. Not possible in a REAL world.

So the only way forward is the integration way.

At least they can try to do so.

Germans brought it upon themselves. Nobody forced them to take in economic migrants!

"I come from a privileged background,” says Lena. "I know that. My father is a surgeon, and my mother is a physician. We had a house in Miami. I lived for a while in New Zealand. I fully expected I would marry someone from a similar background. I never imagined I would fall in love with someone like Ali."

why are children of the generation 68 fucks so bad at parenting?
Shitty get.

What is the alternative? Go full braindead right wing and make things even worse?
So it will turn out to look like what we see in france now?
Absolutely not. We must help the people who fled here and try to accept them as good as possible.

Are you saying that they will be round up and sent out? You know that's never happening. They already won, you aren't going to do shit to them.
How about not letting them in? Your argument is "we should do this stupid thing because we also do that stupid thing".
The guy who raped and drowned the german girl got 150 Euro of allowance per day.
It was a big fuzz for a day and then it fizzled out again.
True, it's not just letting them in and everything is solved. What is ur experience in this?
its the women who wll conform to islamic standards
And just WHY can't they be allowed to? Is their some tangible reason? Is it because you don't want them to? I am curious
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Why the fuck are you so afraid of refugees?
>they are stealing muh womenzzzz!
are you monkeys?

Guys, this is 2016
Also 90% of the refugees are males, because it's to dangerous for women and children to flee their country.
The man will integrate and find a good job and THEN they'll bring their family to Germany (there's a special law for that)
Don't worry mate, will happen one day, and when it does make sure to have many children and redpill them and raise them right wing.
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>Damn Russians are orchestrating refugee rape attacks so that Merkel won't get reelected
>Let's elect Merkel so she can bring in even more refugees, that'll show those damn Ivans
no, the idea is based on the workforce dropping which is actually happening.
Can you breath on your own or do you have a machine for that?
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Germany and german culture should have been erased after ww2. Its land should have been given to surrounding countries, and its people should have been forced to stop speaking german and stop thinking like a german.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
His asylum application will most likely be denied unless he is a christian iraqi or shia living in predominately sunni neighbourhood.

A marriage with a german citzen would help a lot.

Who would've expected this?!
> They packed their immigrants into ghettos and it doesn't come as a surprise that this method backfires now.They gave them zero chances.
how is it fault of French?do they have some kind of obligation to babysit those migrants or some shit, you're complete fool if you think it possible to integrate muslims
How could a woman sell out their own people like that? They should unironically die.
>Dude, you can't integrate large numbers of low-iq highly inbred muslims with a clannish as fuck culture into a advanced economy with high individualism and civic mindedness.

Dude, let me tell you one thing, you statement is mostly true (not everybody is low-IQ though, and not everybody is highly inbred)

But let me tell you another thing, what REALISTIC plans do you have?

Can you REALISTICALLY DEPORT millions of migrants?

You can't.

The only way forward is to TRY integration. Yes I know from experience, it will largely be unsuccessful in the first generation.

But try that! Don't just sit around and do some wishful thinking which will NEVER correspond to reality.

>due to a lack of trying

Tell me which country tried their best to integrate? I'm quite familiar with your issues.

Remember, your government only speaks softly. And that is a BIG problem. "You need to speak softly and carry a BIG stick".
What the I hate myself even more now?!?
/pol/ turned into shit. I remember when /pol/ was libertarian.
True liberals don't know race or color or borders
Bist du wirklich so eine Merkel- und Medienhure ernsthaft zu glauben dass durch Akzeptanz und Geld in Arsch stecken bei arabischen Muslime mit durchschnitts IQs zwischen 80 und 90 irgendwas zu retten ist?


Entweder wir werden die wieder los oder der letzte Deutsche kann hier das licht ausmachen. Ich werds nicht sein.
>shilling this hard
That's just another bullshit talking point. Kankerjew, please tell me how millions of people, who are illiterate in Arabic, can function in a German speaking working environment? Or are you even a kankerjew? Are you tan?
Refugee cost the tax payer 20 billion in 2016.
Thats the kind of money that could be put towards pensions or native germans.
Germany is insane these days.

What an ignorant post.

>And how will you propagate the German nation if you give all your women to shitskins? Why would you even do that? Just stop them coming in you cuckold.

Are you fucking deluded? Try to read my posts before you post such crap. We had the chance to stop the migrants coming here but now it's too late.
We all agree that the 1 million of them who cam last year are way too much. 250k up to 500k would be bearable. Now Angela Merkel already said that we will reduce the influx of migrants to a rate of approx. 200-300k wich is just fine. Such rates make it possible as well to be acutally able to help to integrate them. We can afford it and our system allows it. Also germany was always in bad need of migrants. Now they are here and we need to do the right thing.

>In a few short years, migrants will outnumber Germans in the child bearing age group

Do you want to tell me that being a ''ethnic minority'' is a bad thing? Why is that? I don't think so at all. People will mix up and change. It always has been like that.
>My father is a surgeon
>My mother is a physician
>We had a house in Miami
>I come from a privileged background
Are we putting in the parentheses yet? The only discrepancy/counterevidence is...
>Grandma gave them an envelope with some cash
I think you're probably right. The beta uprising is already happening, its only a matter of time.

Women are easily brainwashed by media because they don't have the mental capacity to understand the idea that someone may lie to them to promote an agenda that is not helpful.

It's why they get angry about PUAs because they all know how stupid they are and how easily they can be tricked into sex.

When they swallow down the liberal media bullshit about how good it is to have an non-native boyfriend they will be queueing up for Tyrones and Ahmeds.

This will ultimately mean that half of all white women will have to be killed during kebab removal.
>Can you REALISTICALLY DEPORT millions of migrants?
Dude stop living in the fantasy. Deportation of millions of migrants is UNREALISTIC.

I know integration in the first generation largely fails. But it's the ONLY hope Germany has now this moment.

Remember, the Germans (and the EU) brought it upon themselves.
Oh great so 1million turns to 3 million when they bring their wife and kid

Hang on make that 10 million more when they bring their 3 wife's and 7 kids

Goodnight sweet prince
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>Can you REALISTICALLY DEPORT millions of migrants?
Of course you can, why the fuck not?
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>Look what france did. They packed their immigrants into ghettos
German migrants are going to do exactly the same thing. Except thanks to cuckolds like you they will have a fresh supply of nice clean white girls for their harems.

Look at turkish communities. How well are they integrated? They get more turkish with each generation, not because of some failure on Germany's part, but because the natural order of race/IQ will assert itself whether you like it or not. And people prefer to live around others whom they identify with and one of the primary bases of identity is race. Now the turks have millions of muslim allies. Why the fuck should they ever integrate now? They have won. They've conquered you ancient ancestral homeland. It's YOU who will be integrating with THEM if anything. Those are the consequences of cuckoldry.


>germany hates the EU so much it literally implodes itself trying to take it down
Klaus, fucking cease to exist. We're begging you.
Jesus Christ Deutschland get your shit together and take back your land.
I'd be ashamed to be her father.

I now understand honor killings.
>Can you REALISTICALLY DEPORT millions of migrants?
'Course you can, just do it like Soviet Union.
1) Get a bunch of trains
2) Have your Secret Police™ round up illegals and put them in trains.

Oh wait, not one single country has the balls to do that these days.
If the Spanish could do it in the 1700's with their Muslims, it can be done now. It is not a fantasy land to imagine these people will be sent back where they belong. Hell, if they can get here by themselves, the full force of a nation can also send them elsewhere.
>True liberals don't know race or color or borders

This is because they're totally irrational and don't understand that they are constantly committing a variant of the base rate fallacy.

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You're such a fucking faggot. This is gonna lead to war and I hope you die the worst death possible. As for race mixing.
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libertarian is not the same as cuckold or AUTOGENOCIDAL, FUCK YOU ASSHOLE, DIE IN A FIRE
>Every refugee should have a German girlfriend
They'd have to share, then, because Germany is fast approaching a worse-than-China surplus of males under 35 to females under 35. They're headed to where Sweden is now (123 males per 100 females at age 16-17, which is a recipe for crime and violence).

Verpiss dich doch einfach Ronny. Mit Leuten die so eingestellt sind wie du lohnt es sich doch überhaupt nicht zu diskutieren.
Meine Stadt war gewissermaßen ein Hub für Flüchtlinge und daher habe ich recht gut mitbekommen was Sache war. Die meisten sind zu uns gekommen um sich und ihrer Familie ein besseres Leben zu ermöglichen. Diese Leute wollen Deutschland wieder etwas zurückgeben.
the last figure is 30 million

Fuck, we failed to integrate gypsy in 1000 years, did you integrated our gypsy in UK?? No, ok. How about Germany? No. You think all those new immigrants will integrate soon? NO, not in our lives. Who pays for that? All of us. Fucking politicians have fuck up everything in last 20 years.

If you've got to explain all that to these cucks it's already too late.

Goodnight sweet krauts.
Dear Germanon,

let me tell you one thing. EU decided to deport 80,000+ Bangladeshi illegal migrants who got their asylum applications rejected.



Bangladeshi officials are always meeting their German counterparts. But they don't want them back. Why? Because it will cause sudden pressure to the economy!

Be realistic dude.

You can deport some, even several hundred thousand. But you can't deport MILLIONS or rejected asylum applicants.

Firstly, it costs money to send them, it costs money to bribe the recipient government, it costs money to process everything...

And it's a bureaucratic and diplomatic NIGHTMARE.

That's the problem.
Kek why are you doing this????
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fuck EU
fuck Merkel
fuck UN

Nationalists save us
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No way is she Jewish. Jews only marry their own kind. Miscegenation is for the Goyim, to turn the troublesome whites into manageable beige-skins.
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you know capitalizing words just for dramatic impact won't make your statements any more gayer than they are
How? See the other german in this thread who autistically spergs out about his "muh integration!" shit as if pouring out pussy and money over foreign invaders will somehow appease and tame them?
90 percent of german males are that cucked.
Sometimes I think I should just move, because despite how much I love this country about the Majority of people is clinically retarded.
To laugh at those fucking germans and rejoice as they are killing themselves off. Fucking german shits.
Triggered......this nuggets cubes aren't even straight

What the fuck are you even talking about? Try to do some actual research on your own and don't fall for the /pol/ memes. Turks are one of the best immigrants around. It was more difficult for their grandparents as they did not speak the language and the initial thought of them was that they would return to turkey someday. The new generations are well educated and contribute to german society.
Trust me, they are some problems with certain migrants groups but turks are not a big problem at all.
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Where do I get that shirt

She must be fat and ugly. No other explanation. She will come to regret her decision. He will either cheat alot or try to get the familys cash somehow. Marry her, divorce her or kill her once he realizes in anger he can not get the money in time.
Dann müssen sie allerdings wieder gehen. Das Asylsystem ist nicht dafür konstruiert Menschen aus relativer Armut zu helfen, diese Leute schaffen es eh nicht nach Deutschland. Eine illegale Einreise nach Europa kostet zwischen 5.000 und 10.000 US-Dollar pro Person. Es kommt eher die Mittelschicht mit Potential, deswegen werden ja auch die Männer losgeschickt, sie sollen arbeiten und ihre Familien versorgen. Nur 1/10 flieht tatsächlich vor Gewalt und Verfolgung.
Sie werden der deutschen Gesellschaft gar nichts zurückgeben, keine Steuern zahlen und mehrheitlich ihre rückständigen Ansichten in Deutschland verbreiten.
Translating this because this is the state of the majority of modern, German men:

>Then just fuck off Ronny. No worth in discussing stuff with people who have your mindset.
>My city has been a Hub for Refugees, that way I picks up pretty well what happened. Most of them came to us to enable their families a better life. These people want to give Germany something back.
Stop lying.



Thats 20 billion
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fucking hell
>Turks are one of the best immigrants around

First and maybe second generation, third generation is absolutely dogshit. Also, if you want to see people who integrated well and brought something positive with them for the Germans, look at the Japanese in Düsseldorf you rancid left fuck.
This will end well.

I'm looking forward to the meme where this headline is juxtaposed with "German woman raped and dismembered by immigrant husband".

RemindMe! 6 months
Thank you. Is going straight to the list


Commonsense is the key.

Most Germans lost rational thinking when taking in the economic migrants along with the genuine war refugees.

Now, most of the people just flipped and they want them deported.

It just doesn't work that way. :(

But they are not supposed to be integrated. They must leave or have a hole put in their subhuman skull and be thrown into a trench.

Same for german whores who fuck them.
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>Die meisten sind zu uns gekommen um sich und ihrer Familie ein besseres Leben zu ermöglichen. Diese Leute wollen Deutschland wieder etwas zurückgeben.

Vielleicht hat ein Vollidiot mit Impulskontrollproblemen und ner hohen Zeitpräferenz auch die besten Intentionen. Im schnitt wird aus solchen Leuten trotzdem nix, insb. nicht für den Steuerzahler.

>Verpiss dich doch einfach Ronny. Mit Leuten die so eingestellt sind wie du lohnt es sich doch überhaupt nicht zu diskutieren.

Ich zitiere Immerhin Literatur von Experten für internationale Unterschiede in kognitiven Fähigkeiten. Du kommst nur mit deinen Feels und vollkommen irrelevanten Anekdoten.
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This isn't funny.
What? Statistics say that 3rd generation immigrants are even more leaning towards radical islamist ideas, are in general working even less then their first generation counterparts.
so now they aren't even trying to hide that it's all young men

Of course you can't deport them.
Many of them have thrown away their passport and the countries they ''may have come from'' are not willing to take them back since it cannot even be proven if they came from there.
Let them stay here and try to integrate them. It's far better than to force them into illegality.
Let them stay give them a passport and they will work. Many migrants aren't even allowed to work as they are not able to formally register themselves.
Oh shit! I didn't know that.

On what grounds it was justifiable to give him 150 Euros/ day allowance? That's several times the basic minimum wage of Germany!

It's a complete clusterfuck if it's true.
Sorry, typo. Ofc i meant billion.
He didn't even get the fucking perspective right. I failed art history back in high school for only being slightly better than this, and this subhuman son of a bitch gets a medal?

Fuck it. The system's engineered against us and it must go.
No. This is brilliant. I get to see two genocides in my lifetime, two! Germans and swedes. And possibly brits.
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>There are Germans actually defendinding this ITT

Be honest, how many from 2 millions immigrants got a job????? German press say 54?
You should be happy. Germany will soon take Sweden's title of 'most cucked country on Earth.'
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Sieh dir an wie toll das bei unseren bisherigen Migranten funktioniert hat...
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The problem is that these people don't want to integrate at all, the first thing some Iraqi refugees here in Austria asked was to have their children attend muslim-only classes, since christian children are evil, and indigenous people never wanted them here in the first place, furthermore every serious effort at integration gets constantly disturbed and watered down by "human rights activists" and if anything gets done at all it's a limp wristed effort at best, which gets laughed at by both sides.

This debate isn't new, this isn't just a problem since that one "refugee" wave happened and people are getting sick of this shit, for decades all politicians and MSM did was to talk the problem away and denounce every critic as right wing baby eater, but that shit doesn't cut it anymore, which is why PEGIDA happened, which is why asylum centers get torched to the ground, which is why the AFD exists and breaks records in all recent elections. Of course the faggots in charged noticed that their usual lazy efforts aren't working anymore, so what did they do? Double down on their retard logic and rhetoric of course, like the DNC in the US and we all know how well that worked out. Additionally they now fear-monger against Putin like the madman they are and at this point I really hope there will be a war with Russia and the Russians win, I would rather be a Russian than live in this joke nation which is part of a union of cucks and full of retarded shitskins that do nothing but draining money, shitting out even more useless children, all the while despising everyone else in the country that makes this even possible for them, because they are huge racists and bigots.

Integration is a fucking pipe dream, the only solution will be conflict, I know you will not believe me, but I know people here, I talk to ordinary people a lot and at some point this powder keg will blow and every single one of these 3rd worlders will be sorry they ever stepped on our soil.
Master demands and slave obeys. Germans are slaves and muslims are masters of those slaves.
Time to shut down your breathing machine. But first let's take a look how you learned writing and reading. With your 190IQ you probably are an autodidact so you learned it yourself. Maybe you've learned afterwards that not every person is an autodidact and people with an IQ around 100 are most likely not. So maybe we teach those people how to German and maybe even how to write in Arabic.

If these refugees beat conservatism into the heads of these libtards they're marrying, then perhaps it is not a total loss.
>Let them stay
Glad to see I am not the only one making lists
yesterday i went to munich again, i live in a small town nearby, i lost count seeing niggers and saw one nigger white couple

day ruined

never again
This is pure propaganda.
And for all english anons

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There are still people here, thinking there is any thing good at this engineered shift in society by ((them))


Red are people with immigration background
That was before the rapeugees came
And then what happens when a family of nine tries to live on a single mans wage driving a fucking uber or something?

They bring their family and take as much out of the system as possible whilst returning very little. Their women don't work.
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You are the ignorant one you cuckold. The German nation will become a minority and bred out in its own homeland because of cucks like you. No, being a minority is not good. Your interests and destiny will be out of your hands and placed in those of another wirh conflicting interests and possibly a motivation to activey harm them.

This will never, ever end now. Those millions will soon have voting rights and together with the cucks will only ever vote to import more of their kind. You will be mixed out of existence with people with an average IQ of 80 compared to Germany's 100. No more Mozarts or Goethes. Not even a society capable of maintaining Germany's advanced economy. Not enough producers and creators and too many dependants. Thousands of years of the organic evolution of culture and genius murdered in one generation.

Does your virtue signalling make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? The consequence of your """""non-ignorant""""" opinions is genocide.
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>These people want to give Germany something back.

I don't even think he is trolling. His shitty English (the syntax/grammar comes straight from Dutch) suggests that he's either 12 years old and in that mandatory Social Liberal phase all Dutch kids go through, or older and just not very bright.
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>Germany must perish
based jews desu

Of course it takes some time. Germany is very different from Syria or Afghanistan. They don't speak the language and they don't know how the things are managed here. Give them some time. The statistics after 1 year are useless. Wait 5-10 years and it will be a lot different.
Simply use common sense. Is that too much to ask for?
>On what grounds it was justifiable to give him 150 Euros/ day allowance?
Because hes a """minor""" and was living with a afghan host family who got 4000 Euro per month for him.
I'm visiting Berlin for a "family holiday" in a few weeks. Which parts of Berlin should I avoid to not get fucking killed?
I saw the crises, the "benefit cheating" by claiming divorce, underage immigrant status, giving birth to many children etc, the cottage industry to make forged documents in third world countries....

The whole EU migration and asylum policy is a MESS.

There are so many loopholes, so many ways to "cheat" that it will boggle your mind.

But the most sad part is, the police, the government, the intelligence know these things also. But they just don't give a f**k unless people go out against the government.
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If I could turn back time...

People dont expect much from muslims. So they are already happy if they dont sell drugs and assault people. If they have a low paying job and just occasionaly mooch of the social systems. This already counts as succesful integration. You cant bring up the japanese thats too high a standard. We need double standards or else people will realize Hitler was right.
Why not offer another migrant one grand to make the bf disappear?

There is much we can learn from The Jew.
>Implying there's anything wrong with that picture
What's the big deal with immigrants integrating and adopting things from the host country?
On one hand everyone complains how incapable of integrating themselves they are, then they laugh at them when they actually try.
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>You can't just deport them goy! That's unrealistic.
We have money and we can deport millions of people over the long term. Our elite just doesn't have the will to do it, this is the problem and the reason why these fuckers are even here.

Our fed. gov. plans to spend 100 billion Euros in the next couple of years on these refugees and they get additional money by state govs. and our insurance sytem. This would be enough money to kick them out and secure european borders without a doubt.
I personally saw three nigger white women couples at Marienplatz yesterday
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They are actually giving something back to germany though.

Rape and sandnigger seed :^)
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Turning full right wing cant turn out like france because then you start to gun down shitskins on streets.
Please make a thread on 4chan, take Photos.

I would recommend Neukölln, Wedding and Görlitzer Park.

funny, i rarely hear german spoken in most of berlin or vienna. just all sort of arabic sounding shit and good old russian. lets face it, germans are finished. But its ok, becaue economy is good blah blah. but soon you will run out of other european countries to bleed dry with this failed euro project and deutsch bank goes under, then the fun will really begin.

FML, we spend a good chunk of money in securing borders to enter EU, now you guys just tell us fuck you??? WTF??
it really is. last week there was a much protested (((mass deportation))) of 50 afghans. with that rate we need 1000 years to get them all out.

fucking leftist cucks everywhere
Women don't believe in anything. They just want a man to tell them what to do. Unfortunately media has taken the place of the father and the media pumps their brains full of propaganda so they think niggers and kebabs are attractive.

It's sad that so many white women will have to die when we remove kebab
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Are you pulling my leg, or do you really not know any Jews?
>someone like Ali."
fuck you bigot!
Syria already was the most developed country in the ME before the war, thanks to secularian government, yet it takes them 5-10 years to integrate? Afghanistan is even worse, most of them can't even read or write their mother tongue, let alone fulfill complex tasks. And I didn't even start about african """refugees""", who can't even process the easiest questions.

How do I know that? I work for the federal office of migration and refugees. I see this shit on a daily basis. To be fair, syrians and afghans are not the worst, they are at least capable of basic human behaviour for the most part.
It's just not possible.

Most of the refugees claim they're being persecuted by their home countries. So by human rights law, they can't be sent back.

Even if the court decides to send them back, they can do appeals after appeals.

Some (a very tiny fraction) will be sent back.

Then there's their home governments. They don't want hundreds of thousands of unemployed people back to their country. These countries are already poor. Sudden influx of many of their people will put a huge burden on the governments.

Then some countries are essentially failed states like Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia....
You really don't know what you are asking for do you.
Well all I can say is good luck with that. Enjoy your changing demographics while your continent declines due to being overburdened by its humanitarian projects with the surrounding wildlife.
>refugees are all one person
>Turks are one of the best immigrants around.
Well, now we know where you're coming from in this discussion, Ahmet.
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Unfortunately, Germany is not the only one that's cucked.

Seriousily, fuck this traitorous cunt.

Rage fuel :^)
2te generation aufrecht. was erwartest du von tieren deren eltern noch auf bäumen leben?
but the white girl i saw was really fuckable

warum muss jede frau einen prachtneger haben, fühlen die sich besser, ich will es wissen wirklich
Are there honestly people who unironically have the oppinion that all these fucking refugees in Germany are good? That it is our responsebility to take them in, feed them, educate them, get their families into our country, allow them to continue living as if they were still in whatever shithole they came from... and pay for all of it?
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>What the fuck are you even talking about? Try to do some actual research on your own and don't fall for the /pol/ memes. Turks are one of the best immigrants around.
I went to school in Dusseldorf and Den Haag. You're lying. Turks are a menace and always to be avoided. I was like you when I first went there - why is everyone being so racist, not all turks - but I soon learnt my lesson. It's you who needs to do research. Start with this. It's from the Podesta emails. It's a leftwing source and private, so doesn't sugarcoat the truth. Wake up to what is happening in your country.


>More broadly speaking, there is not even a single Western European country with a successful Muslim community, as I've shown with granite-hard facts and figures and will further substantiate with more of the same. Instead, in only slightly varying degrees, Muslim immigration is just one long tale of woe and misery for the long-suffering host countries, which are in for far worse to come in the decades ahead because of barely understood demographic realities. Incidentally, the same sad observation can be made of the Black Diaspora in Western Europe, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean (see previous statistics-packed emails and upcoming info - you have yet to receive these!).
wrong quote? i'm in favor of investing lots of german money on european border security.
>The German nation will become a minority

How is that even possible? Once again I beg you to actually read my posts. I said it before. We need to try make these migrants feel like they are german and it certainly won't be possible if we continue to spread such bogus like ''germany is only for the ethnic germans (there is not such a thing-we are bavarians, hessians etc.)

I won't reply to the rest of your post because the things you stated have been debunked long time ago.
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You really think Arabs are subhumans don't you? Well good luck with your world view.
And this is Germans concern, how? Oh that's right, it isn't. They will be flone back and they will clog up these countries airports if that's what it takes. You really think Germany wants them if their own countries don't? The nerve of you guys
>rents and housing prices getting astronomically high
>universities underfunded
>military is a fucking joke
>welfare cuts all day everyday
>millions unemployed
>people want something done about this
>sorry, we have no money goyim, we have to save even more money tbqh
>shitskins flood into the country illegally
>not only fail to prevent this, but actively encourage it
>fuck laws and shit
>shitskins need money and living space
>suddenly 20 billion appear out of thing air
>citizen get mad about this
>why are citizen mad
>why are we losing in the polls
you can't make this shit up

this is in essence the best part of it. Euro expansion has been (rather ironically now) based on the principle of securing borders first and foremost. Romania, Poland, Moldova, all the roadmaps and association agreements were unpinned by upgrading and integrating border management systems. Even in Ukraine this was considered quite advanced over 15 years ago in anticipation of association.

Then literally overnight, merkel says, its ok, just come on down. Ha ha, i mean, its fucking hilarious,all those years, all those agencies, all that time money and effort. For what? not one fucking thing.
So these are the worst parts or the best?

Also what time should I return to my hotel?

/pol really has freaked me out when it comes to visiting Europe.
They see the niggers as a virtue signalling sex toy. Pretty sure they cant even properly communicate.
your right
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We invested our own money dude, wasn't about money, but if you want a money discussion, you OWN us much more that money because you lost the fucking WW2, and that cost us 40 fucking years of communism, you understand?? And now you bring islam in heart of Europe!!! Fuck...
Good thing the war in Syria is over. It means they can send the fuckers back there now.
>women who date refugees
-so compassionate
-absolutely good hearted
-also get alot of attention

>women who date german guys
-yawn how boring
-way to safe, I want safety when I am 40 and have kids
-wow they are so evil nazis for speaking out against poor refugees ;(
They are subhuman you arab monkey

It's been like this for ages; you must be thinking quite a while back.

I'm no libertarian, but I could kind of respect their core values. I don't know where they all went, but it's kind of a shame.
Arabs are definitely disgusting, inbred barbarians. Islam just makes all the much worse. Wtf is wrong with you?

>Also 90% of the refugees are males, because it's to dangerous for women and children to flee their country.

Dear Germanon, it's not the case in a lot of instances. A LOT of these migrants you see are economic migrants. There's no war going on in the homelands of these economic migrants.

There are genuine refugees also. Genuine refugees from war zones do TEND to bring their spouses, children, and other family members; contrary to what you believe.

Nobody wants their beloved spouses and children to be left in the war zones.

By the way, your media LIES about the whole migrant thing... I know this firsthand.
look whos talking
Dont forget refugees will pay for your pensions. :^)
After 20 years of giving them anually 20 billion or 40 billion they surely will pay for german pensioners, right?
White men's burden my friend

In Görlitzer Park you will constantly be harrased by aggressive african and arab drug pushers.
They don't want to become German. They want the safety, the wealth and the land.

They have no interest in our culture other than the occasional virtue signal. They want to have the same customs they had in their country, they want to speak the same language they spoke in their home country and they want their fucking religion above all.

And another one who doesn't know what he is talking about. The conflict is far from over.
Nevertheless most of the refugees want to stay despite what's going on in the middle east here.
You don't understand culture or religion, these people aren't syrian or whatever, they are part of the clan or muslim or anything else. You can't make them loyal to a country, this is a foreign concept to them. The difference in culture is not just funny hats and food. You europeans think that you're so smart and know better, but in fact you're just delusional. Hubris that brought ww2 strike once again.
Enjoy your migrants Ahmad and don't forget to treat like SHIT the spanish people with degree and fluent german.

Instead take some afghan or iraki people, or maybe sudanese.

That will work, for sure.

BUT only one thing, don't force everybody else take them, or begin whining at the EU that you have taken more "refugees".
Dude I'm being realistic here.

I don't like the whole economic migration thing (disguised under the veneer of "refugees"), I've made it clear many times above.

Think logically or GTFO.
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>tfw too smart to care about race traiting mudsharks

They are the bottom of the barrel. Knowing their dating history will only help white men to avoid them. This strengthens the white race in the long run.
To remind us of what we're fighting for. I'm not going to say you should stop razzing other countries, that's an important part of us. But always remember that Germany is a warning to us all.
>So these are the worst parts or the best?
The ones that will get you redpilled the fastest. Well Görlitzer Park is actually in Kreuzberg, which is full of yuppies and hipsters so its "safe".
Lets put it like this. Over New years I visited a friend in Wedding and on the street you had shitskins firing legit handguns in the air instead of fireworks.
since merkels populariti is still high
id say yes
Look Nipanon, the answer is they largely can't. But the problem is Germany and EU already let in millions.

What realistic thing can you do with them?

That is the issue.

>German: "So what if we're going to be a minority in Germany? It'll be okay!"

>Muslim invaders: *fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap*

Goddamn, Germany, you're beyond cucked.
Oh, so that's the case everywhere else too? No surprise there.
My town of about 25,000 households has a 10-year waiting list for social housing (which is basically the only housing that an average wage will get you, meaning most white couples have to wait to start having children until they're in their mid-30s), but when the refugees started coming in the local authorities suddenly found hundreds of newly-vacant houses (many brand new, some snatched within weeks from the families of the recently deceased), one for every refugee assigned to this town.
>there is not such a thing-we are bavarians, hessians etc

oh i can't be swabian, german and European at the same time? Don't you know what hierarchical classification is?

Have you ever opened a biology text book?

Why do I always take pro-refugee bait from german posters?
I'm still surprised to see how you guys never anticipated this mess....

Your media shilled hard desu.
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I was talking about Austria too, pls help Hungary
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Indeed. I'm just patiently waiting for the day the mudslime decides that she's a kafir and murder her. Cunts like her don't deserve to breath the same air I do.
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This just makes me sad. I'll mostly just be going to museums and landmarks in the city and shit. Any chance i'll get raped their?
Show me how then. Let's discuss.
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>give them some time
It's the same here man. I walked into a market yesterday and there were two white girls around 16 talking to a black guy who was easily in his 20s. The look on their faces made it obvious they were soaking wet for him. I wanted to pull out a knife and kill the nog there and then before raping some sense into the women.

Actually, I'm not Muslim so I just ignored it and vowed to always vote in a way that means this will happen less and less.
end yourself
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How then? Let's discuss.
look guys, women are 90% useless sluts. they fuck refugees, they divorce rape their husbands, they fuck 100 guys in college etc etc. its like getting angry at ebola virus for doing what it does. just take away women's rights and they will be powerless to act on their nature, until that happens dont expect anything else but degeneracy
I anticipated it when Gaddafi went down and everyone just called me a racist.
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They do not want to integrate. What don't you understand about this? They have their own culture and heritage. And they are muslim. German culture is haram. Becoming a minority is inevitable in a very short time if current trends continue. And what's going to stop them when cucks like you are advocating for your own cuckoldry even when you have free access to information on places like /pol/. Look at America. 50 years ago it was 90% white. Now whites are a minority among American school children for the first time since 1492. That is your future. Brazil is the next stop. South Africa is the destination.

Germany only let in 1.5 million. Send them back in waves. No. No it is not impossible. And no, it doesn't need to be violent unless these people get violent. It really isn't that hard to understand. It has been done in the past (before the time of airplanes)
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>First night with Lena in bed

Do people buy this crap in Germany? Really? People would be furious over that here, mainly over the fact that it's promoting being a fucking whore.

It's not Germany's fault, this is (((their))) revenge
probably not, but Berlin like any other big city in europe has a problem with immigrant related crime. Generally it's safe city if you don't act like a complete idiot
Don't feel butthurt. It's YOU who deliberately shot at your butt desu.

BTW, I know my country is a shithole.
>what are deportations?
E N D. Y O U R S E L F. C U C K
I wouldnt worry too much, unless youre female or dress overly tourist.
isn't this how bangladesh was formed?
india and pakistan deemed you too idiotic and inbred for poo in the loo status and deport tens of millions of you to a shitty flooded area that will kill you all within a couple decades due to the oceans rising
>What realistic thing can you do with them?
Send them back. Aleppo is taken, the civil war is pretty much over in populated areas. They have no purpose to be in Europe anymore.
is germany creating new haity from 30 years ago?
>And now you bring islam in heart of Europe!!!

I'm not in favor of this and want to support your efforts to defend your borders. What has any of this to do with me?

A syrian or a person from africa can be german as well.
Normally you are german if you were born here. If you come here as a migrant, adapt and speak the language you are perceived as german as well.
It doesn't really matter. ethnicity is not decisive
Don't listen to the angsty c_u_c_k, especially the tourist areas are safe as fuck.
Where would you send them?

That's not realistic man. Come down to the earth from the heavens of your imagination.

Germany should never have opened their borders.

Safe enclaves in Syria could have been done.
>Lena says every refugee should have a German girlfriend, to help them get things done.
Lena is the German girl.
This is almost as bad as the british girl who went to calais, ditched her husband and kids to fuck the afghan """doctor""""
Yes they are you shitskin loving fuck.
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>What realistic thing can you do with them?
Hmm, no, I don't personally know any Jews.

But I'm sure I saw stats showing they don't marry into other races. I can't find them now. It is basically a crime in Israel to marry a goy, I know that.
Germany is creating new yugoslawia 8 years from now.
I feel like serbia was just a testing ground for the morgenthau / hooton plan
Dude the problem is, we live in the 21st century.

How can you send these people if their own governments don't want them back? Word War?

Japanon, please be realistic.
the people responsible for shit like this really deserve to be killed and I don't even mean that puppet in chief giving the initial order, all people involved in that chain of command deserve a bullet to the head or at least a good beating. For example, after that Rotherham scandal in England came up, there should have been a sharp increase in violent police killings and a few dead social workers and judges, to put a bit of fear back in the system.
Gadaffi anticipated it too.
>Where would you send them?
tfw have lefty family members who want to meet black people for the first time.

Also what counts as "overly tourist"". I'm just going to be wearing super thick shit since I heard it can get super cold in January.

The guy in your pic looks like a really nice guy.
How is it a problem at all? The real danger are the ones who seperate themselves from british/german or whatever society.
Send them to where they came from, what's the problem?
Frontex, our border security agency, is now the biggest human trafficer in the world. And EU changed its laws so NGOs can bring in shitskins without legal consequences.


EU is the biggest joke in european history.
>ethnicity is not decisive
How do you explain this map of Detroit then? Do you think this is just an accident?
it's already too late for us. now it's about what you should do about it to protect yourself. have your civilization arrived to the point of discovery uranium potential?
They marry into other races by a majority, at least outside of Israel.

Israel is where Jews go who care about their bloodline, their religion, their languages, et cetera. Those who still haven't gone to Israel after seventy years either don't give a crap or have ditched religious Judaism for atheistic Judaism, better known as Marxism.
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These Fucks are NOT considered "german" they stay Turks, Arabs or Niggers (Neger). Doesn't matter if they "speak" german. (Mostly its just gibberish). Fuck these illiterate sub-humans and their so-called culture.
Doesn't matter where as long as it's outside the country's borders.

It was not the people
But a alienated goverment who made this wrong decisions


FORCE other countrys to take ITS citicen back
If not possible to know where one came from, cut refugees ALL wellfare
Let them starve, then they go back
We dont owe you shit. Life is tough, before Hitler Romania was a shithole too. Germans really need to understand that they do not owe anyone anything to finally be free from this baseless guilt. If my mother was Merkel I would not feel guilty at all for the shit she did. Because it was not me.
Kek will take any opportunity he can get to remind you do not have a gf, not because he cannot make it so, but because he does not want to.
What, no. This isn't even true in a judicially sense. You can only get citizenship if born to at least one german parent or if one of the parents was legally in Germany for ober 8 years.
Also most Germans will think of you as a turk even if you have german citizenship.
The idea of orchestrated migrant sex attacks is both terryfing and hilarious

>Commencing operation "ficki ficki". Red Ali, stay clear GO GO GO!
Lol, muslims should know better than anyone.
I know about the marriage thing but here they're just total whores that liked getting blacked. They're actually way worse then our women.
Back to Syria?
>who want to meet black people for the first time.
So you have to Check out Görlitzer Park.
Its the niggest place in Berlin.
For citizenship it isn't. But no german really sees non-whites as germans. The only exception might children adopted into german families.

You know this to be true.

And this is rational because there are many differences in the distribution of cultural. physical and psychological traits like IQ between them and the ethnic german population.
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interesting, will dive into later. i like how chomsky is calling it attack on solidarity.
>No to Islamophobia
>...and anti-Semitism

Pick one. Muslims HATE Jews.

Also I wasn't aware Jews were immigrating to the UK?

>Stand up to racism

I also wasn't aware that being against immigration means you are a racist.

How much do you want to bet those professionally-printed signs were handed out by some George Soros clone owned company? "If you're against Muslim immigrants you're a racist and an anti-Semite, the worst possible thing a person can be."

I need to get this out of my system before it becomes illegal to name the J.
the things you consider not realistic will become realistic real quick if the situation gets worse enough, which it will, because these "refugees" are scum of the highest order.

End yourself
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This. There is no integration. Ever. Look at the City of Essen. We got a awful problem with Lebanese Gangs here, of course this started when they came as "refugees" in the 80s from war-torn Lebanon. Let them die in their home-countries. We have NO moral obligation to house those primitve criminals.
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*sigh* this will be a hard 5 days.

Hope Austria is better than this.
We just let the immigrants drown and Australia has never been better off. Thanks Abbott
True. I think at this point, a lot of civil servants and politicians have debts that can only be paid in blood:
1. Anyone who has had a political choice on these injustices and has made the choice to allow them (council members, parliamentarians, senators, ministers, et cetera).
2. Anyone who helped in drafting or editing the laws and regulations that allowed for these injustices to exist (legal experts tasked with these things throughout all levels of government).
3. Any judge who had the chance to rule against these laws or stop the perpetrators but neglected to (that could be up to several dozen judges per geographical jurisdiction)
4. Anyone on the ground who could have stepped in and stopped these injustices but didn't (including all individual policemen in towns where this sort of thing happened, as well as all social workers and all people working at shelters where kids get taken).

I should think that, in order to really cleanse the government and its related institutions, tens of thousands of people per European country would have to die. But at this point, if people seized them and took them to the town square for hanging, I'd stand there and cheer.
"Speak softly and carry a BIG stick"..

Give them the opportunity... but also enforce the law....

Don't bend over all the time.

You can't however, realistically send back the millions of migrants you've taken in. (well, Austria took hundreds of thousands)

You SHOULD have kept your border shut at the very first instance.

Why are you complaining now?

Integration is never going to work "beautifully" for the very first generation. But what other options do you have here?
We should build some camps so we can concentrate them all in one place.

Of course they have their own culture and heritage. As I said before germany is literally made up from people of different cultural backgrounds. The migrants now will re-shape germany as well. I am very well aware the the definition of ''being german'' will change over the time but it has been like this before.

>look at America. 50 years ago it was 90% white. Now whites are a minority among American school children for the first time since 1492.

America has always been a melting pot.
Some years ago it were different europeans and the descendants of african slaves and now it's the mexicans and other migrants.

I know who I am talking to when looking at your photos. You are some white supremacist and it makes no sense to argue with you anymore.

Someday you will understand as well. Maybe you need to grow up a bit.
>Hope Austria is better than this.
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Was bist du nur für ein widerliches Stück Scheisse. Echt mal.
Fuck off. Making love with chimps eh? Good plan.
>Also what counts as "overly tourist"". I'm just going to be wearing super thick shit since I heard it can get super cold in January.
Fanny packs, backpacks, camera, purse in Ass pockets, try to keep only as much money in your inner Jacket pockets as nescesary. If you wear a beanie go for black or grey. No colorful ones with a wool ball on top.
In munich you can wear whatever, but in Berlin sticking out too much might get you pickpocketed by gypsies. Also no cargo pants
Also yes, it can get really cold.

Tell that bullshit to ex. DDR citizens, you know what, maybe you deserve some black dicks to fuck you for a few years, maybe you wake up. PS. You never heard of Little Paris also, retard.
Oh yeah, I forgot the "minor" thing.

If only I could have a cent for every "minor" refugee I've came across!
Most of them aren't even lebanese, they are mhallyame kurds from turkey, who happened to be in Lebanon when the war started. That also is the reason they are not beeing send back to Lebanon and started racketeering businesses.

This. Kill the traitors or die a stranger in your own country, homeless and penniless because your government gave everything to the invaders.
>Hope Austria is better than this
Where in austria are you going?
Let them die. It's what we did and we'd be doing quite fucking okay if only the chinks and leftover US propaganda would fuck off.
>Are there honestly people who unironically have the oppinion that all these fucking refugees in Germany are good?

There are good ones, bad ones, and good ones that got bad.

>That it is our responsebility to take them in, feed them, educate them, get their families into our country, allow them to continue living as if they were still in whatever shithole they came from... and pay for all of it?

>Integration is never going to work "beautifully" for the very first generation. But what other options do you have here?

Dude. it's not going to work: ever.

There are biological differences between different ethnic groups and they don't magically go away by changing some environmental variable.


Get red pilled.
Dude, you govt. haven't even managed to send 1000 Bangladeshi rejected asylum seekers back (there's 80,000 of them)... And Bangladeshi govt. is very compliant to your demands actually... there's no war going on here...still you haven't successfully managed to DO ANYTHING.

How CAN you govt send back Afghans, Pakistanis, Somalis, Yemenis, Libyans?

I don't see a way.

Most of the governments will claim they they DON'T know these people.

It's just normal diplomatic rope pulling...
>mhallyame kurds
Who cares? Send them back where they came from. They will probably die there anyway. Useless fucks.
Okay let's talk about history then, if you are using this argument.
Name one instance where a large group of a different ethnicity entered a different nation state with succesful integration. Please only name one.

If you want to say hugenots, let's talk about them beeing protestant, like the surrounding majority populace as well. Let's talk about them needing dacades to get rid of their french heritage.
Some few are germans, born here talk only german. Maybe even mix raced german. Perfectly integrated only german friends. Well educated and hard working. Rooting for germany if it plays against their country. If they are not german what are they ?
The entire concept of asylum law is self castration.
well that is the problem, they are basically stateless beause no country wanted them in the first place.
interesting that integration with chinks is ongoing here for two decades without any issues. so it's rather about integration issues of specific populi. i believe first grounds for experimentation of integration were in haity and they're probably going after reproducing the experiment on larger scale.
Flown back to WHERE?

Their home countries will simply say that they don't know these people. You need to ABOLISH the UN to accomplish the forced mass deportation of the migrants. You're living in a dream world dear Nipanon.

I NEVER said Germany wants them now. But they OPENED the gates.

Who forced them to take in millions of migrants?
Taking bets on when Germany will erupt

2017 3.5
2018 2.75
2019 2.25
2020 3.25
2021 3.75
I don't know, german citizens maybe? With their respective background, but not ethnic german, maybe unless at least one of their parents is german?

Bet on 2017, when EU will disband also.
I'm an atheist, not a Jewish person.

Just being a realist here. I didn't want this whole migration mess in the first place. Germans did.
Vienna and Salzburg.
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They are not german. Just some immigrants. This argument does not work. They dont think german, act or support our way of life. They stay in their own ghettos and refuse german law. I really don't know what "integration" means for you. Open your eyes. They only way is mass deportation. Internal security of our country is more important than the "lives" of these parasites.
>Give them the opportunity... but also enforce the law....
>Don't bend over all the time.

this is not happening already, because police get shat on from the PC crowd and politicians, when they do, there are huge problems with Arab clans in certain German cities, Arab clans who came here as refugees in the 80s and nothing has been and is being done about it, it's only a matter of time until people take justice into their own hands when the state isn't capable or willing to do so.

>You SHOULD have kept your border shut at the very first instance.
That's what I and many others where advocating for, we just got ignored, your whole argument works under the misconception that our government is on our side, when in fact and that goes especially for Germany, it works for the US and it's interests and against the indigenous people.

>But what other options do you have here?
I told you, there will be conflict and if they don't leave voluntarily we will kill them en-mass, it doesn't seem realistic now, but just wait a few years, you will see.
>They only way is mass deportation.

Unless you start adopting sharia law and convert to islam, do it when you still have time.
Isn't that punishable by law in your country? Sounds haram desu

The migrants who came to germany (many from bangladesh as well) will never leave and we won't be able to send them away. Many of them have no papers. How could you deport a person when you don't even know where he is from?
It's simply not possible.
The only way we can solve this crisis will be to let them stay here and give them the chance to integrate.
Everything else isn't possible.
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>As I said before germany is literally made up from people of different cultural backgrounds

Different but very similar

>America has always been a melting pot

No, it always had race laws and race based immigration policy until very recently.

Immigration into Western Roman Empire changed into nonexistence. That's what will happen to cuckmany. Yugoslavia "just changed" too as the ethnopolitical dymanics fluctuated.

What's the point of having a state according to you? If its not long term self perservation what is it?

Vietnamese people in prague are rather nice. I think asian immigration just works better in general.
My bet is somewhere during 2030s - i'm guessing that's when gibs run out.
Gaddafi's ouster was the most critical mistake the EU made since its inception.

He was a terrible guy, but he kept a wall standing.

Sub Saharan Africa has the HIGHEST birth rate and the HIGHEST poverty rate in the world.

Prepare for millions of more refugees Germanon.

It's a sad thing, but EU/ NATO (with Bling Bling Sarkozy!) is responsible for this.

How can an entire continent be this suicidal?

Are you fucking lost your minds dude??? You basically say why the fuck we need borders, since anyone can come with out papers, see any logic problem here??



So let's say a migrant from syria or from senegal gets a german girl pregnant. The kids will be half german and half syrian/senegalese and will be german according to law.
well you could at least start to deny crossing the border without papers. Then it's easier for them to send them back.

I they want to marry a german girl those documents are miracously found anyway. Just do sweeps in refugee shelters once in a while and you will be surprised what you will find
Dude. We have a fuckload of money we currently waste on these fuckers. We can give it to their countries of origin to grease the system. For the ones were this doesn't work we can pay third party countries to take them (like australia does). yeah it's a massive effort and a huge monetary investment but in the end it's a good deal for us because keeping them will be a lot more expensive in the long term.

Our current elites are cucked this is why nothing happens.

And No, I want accept their presence and delude myself into believing they will become german in any serious sense or that they will not totally ruin the economy and the social system of Germany if they stay. There is nothing we can do to fix these people. They have to leave.
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There is no way to integrate primitives into a hyper-modern western society.
>Everything else isn't possible
Of course it is. Its obvious they just threw away their papers, but its clear they are from Bangladesh. Impose drastic economic sanctions until they take back their scum (same way for the Maghreb states). Dont't be such a Pussy.
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Nipanon, as I told you on another post, you need to abolish the whole freakin' UN to do this and probably risk economic wars.

You can't realistically send them all back where their home countries won't even acknowledge their citizenship.

Their home either don't exist, or they're so poor that taking in hundreds of thousands will cripple their economies.

And the refugees claimed oppression from their home countries anyway.

So the only way you can FORCE them to their home countries, is to abolish the UN, and make some economic (and some real?) wars with their home countries.

This will NEVER happen.
Basically this.
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Don't care.
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Why the fuck are you doing this to yourself?
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>You need to ABOLISH the UN to accomplish the forced mass deportation of the migrants. You're living in a dream world dear Nipanon.

The UN is itrelevant if you are strong. It can only arrest nigger warlords. If China decided to genocide the Tibetans ( which they are sneakily doing via mass Han immigration) what would the UN do? Invade China? Sanction the world's largest economy?
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I've lived over a third of my 35 years abroad, including two years at school in Germany at the International School of Dusseldorf. I say what I say because I love Germany and Germans. I was educated to masters level at the number one rated university for my subject in the UK. You have no idea who Anonymous is.

>America has always been a melting pot.
No it hasn't. 50 years ago it was 90% white with legally enforced segregation. All the things people love about America was built by that society. Now look at it. Whites are now a minority among schoolchildren. Instead of NASA, those whites must now spend their taxes on welfare for the growing black and latino demographics, the American dream dead and their destiny in the hands of the cuckoos they let into their nest. Germany was even less of a melting pot. Your nation has been to all intents and purposes homogeneous ethnically, culturally and religiously since the ice age. And look at all the conflicts that even that relative homogeneity produced. It's the same in the UK.

UN is a useless shit this days anyway. "Directive 10101 - Don't fuck rabbits with out lube".. fuck..

You don't understand how the world works.
Millions of africans will try to move to europe. These people are so desperate they don't care for borders or anything like that. Under such circumstances you simply cannot say ''oh lets just close the borders and let them die in the sea or elsewhere''. These people have humanitarian rights as well. When they arrive in italy they is always a chance form them to go to germany as italy wants to get rid of them as well.
You did not read my post then. There are some isolated from the rest. They do not have muslim friends. Hate muslims and are ashamed. They think german. Are hard working and educated. I know two people like this. Obviously the vast majority is not like this. They talk the local dialect flawlessly and act 100 percent german. One of them has a German Father. I would consider them german. They do not even speak turkish or have been in turkey before.
We all poo in the loo... unlike India Canadanon.

No, we fought Pakistan with the help of India... but our current leaders are very idiotic I must admit.

Your "couple of decade" statistics is wrong. But my country may take in some water if global warming continues this way.
Whats going on in those cities? Is it as bad as Berlin as well?
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The UN is basically a paper tiger. Nobody follows their "rules" unless it suits the current government agenda. This should not be a problem. Ignore human rights bullshit.

Dude fuck you! You care more about niggers that rest of Europe??? Fuck you!


This is the same as blacks hollering at other blacks for being to white. They aren't white, by choice. I was waiting for a murder in the story... This is just lame.
Their home countries will not acknowledge their citizenship.
Yes it is, If you want to visit Europe dont go to shitholes like Paris/Berlin/London or Vienna. Unless you are shitskin from some 3rd world country and want to feel like at home.
Send them to where they came from, there is zero reasons why germans should be responsible for them. They aren't citizens.
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35 posts all useless cucking. Yeah you're a Jew atheist or not.
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Show me the international law or human right to move freely wherever you want.
So gullible you people are! Most of them are not even Syrian!
I read your post. I simply won't differentiate like that. They stay aliens to me. It doesnt matter if they "work hard". They should do this in their country of origin. Its shameful that they let their own country go to shit. If anything, they are anomalies in a sea of primitive shitskins.

Why just show off something you NEVER be able to do? Small dick syndrome?
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>it's real

Fuck Google.

Aha.. I hope you don't fucking want to dump half of Africa into middle of Europe.
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East-Asian immigrants are ok. As long as the numbers aren't overwhelming they integrate nicely, don't cause trouble and become successful.

Could it be that this is related to difference in IQ, time preference and non-aggressiveness (i.e. no big man syndrome)? Could it be that this is why their countries also tend to support advances stable economies with good societies? Could it be that these differences are to a large part heritable? Oh no, that would be racist and a violation of (((western values))) that prove a priori that all groups are biologically the same when it comes to psychological traits despite having been isolated for thousands of years and living in very different environments. No need to pay any attention to empirical studies, goy...

Why don't you overthrow your government then?

Where are the "shutdown protests" against your government?
They don't have to, since they are in Germany they most likely came over Austria, so Germany will deport them just back to Austria, this isn't even a what if, Germany already does this, Austria could do the same and deport them back to Slovenia or Hungary and so on, let the Greek or the Turks worry about this, I just want them out, I don't care what their home country does or does not.
you just have to ignore them. they are powerless.
I'm also visiting Liverpool, Prague and Zurich.

Am I fucked?

Yes, you can even manage to murder them on the streets. But you can't realistically send them all back.

Such is the situation... I'm afraid I haven't created it. Just stating the reality.
Prague is nice, the rest not so much
The 50 percent guy is technically being in his home country. Whats with all the germans working and living abroad do they also have to go back to germany ?

What gives you the right to decide who is allowed to move to germany and who isn't?
Just because of the fact that you were born in germany?
I can understand these people. If I would be in their situation I'd try the same as well.
Don't tell me you wouldn't. Let's help them.
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You know, I think it would be a good thing to let the Serbs take care of the problem. They should have some more space in their mass graves from the 90s balkan war.
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>you simply cannot say ''oh lets just close the borders and let them die in the sea or elsewhere''
That's precisely what countries like former Yugoslavia, Hungary, Poland, even the UK have done. It's what you are going to have to do soon as well. There are a billion Africans (4 billion by 2100 according to projections) and a billion muslims who have nothing to lose and would be willing to sacrifice even that to live in Germany. Germany cannot sustain a population of 2 billion. Reason dictates that there must be a limit. Impose it now or impose it never. Shutting the borders and stopping the boats is the right, good and humanitarian thing to do, not just for the survival of Germany. For the cost of helping one migrant in Germany, you can help 10 in their homelands. As well as stopping them killing themselves in their thousands to make the hazardous journey to Europe.
The simplest thing would be to just cut all welfare they get and make their life as uncomfortable and boring as possible, basically, treat them like prisoners, they will go on their own then.

This article is about "racemixing". Yes, biological differences can be diminished by it!

That's why I'm talking "integration". If you wanted "white Germany", you should never have allowed unvetted immigration at the very first place.

I'll take a lot of flak for this, but I'm merely stating the truth...

And I'm pretty "reality-pilled" by the way.
>What gives you the right to decide who is allowed to move to germany and who isn't? Just because of the fact that you were born in germany?


So they die of starvation and the country they
came from are to blame

Better they die, than a entire race (its happening in all GERMAN nations)
>Let's help them.

You are full of shit. Remember you economy works because is based on rest of EU and USA, once you destroy EU, be ready to suck black dicks to live.
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Its on the way
you see it?

sorry, but IQ difference is a meme of teens or even generation of people in their late 20's. it's such a horse shit.

we know they struggle as they know that we do. but they fight through it as we do, so the mutual respect is being built over the years.

it doesn't matter if he has attached label with number 80, what matter is that he refuses to bend to authority, if he doesn't agree with it. he's able to evaluate and make his own conclusions without being close minded, like species of germans.
You should have overthrew your govt then.

Where were the nationwide mass protests against opening your borders back in 2014-2015? Where was the parliament blockings? Where?

Yes, I told another poster, that you can even manage to kill them; but you can't successfully send them all back.

It's not possible in a real world.
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Still not german. Won't help to eradicate my own culture and heritage. Why are you flushing everything down the toilet just like that? Too much indoctrination by leftist Multikulti-Teachers with antigerman tendencies? Like Joschka Fisher who literally called for "thinning out" the ethnic germans? Thats simply traitorous.
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There is a material limit to the resources for helping people in need. For the cost of helping 1 migrant in Germany, who need housing, welfare, education, healthcare, etc, you can help 10 in their homelands where the cost of living is much cheaper. Your attitude sacrifices the lives of 90% of people in need.
dudes, i cant wait to see germany burn - just so all these cucks and traitors will be dealt with by the normal germans
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I agree. Cut off the free gibs and shelters and they'll have to leave. I'm mean the guys were saying they don't even learn German so it's not like they're gonna work.
No. It's not punishable by law.

But some degenerates will try to kill you for this. After all.. there's a thing called the "religion of peace".
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>Mfw Germany is draining money from whole Europe, making epic budget excedent only to hand everything over to invader
Fucking traitors
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I don't, it was the german people who elected a government to decide for them. That is called democracy. I am german because for generations my forefathers decided freely to have kids, fight for their country, build themselves a life and try to better themselves for the future of their children. That is the fundament of democracy, a people interwined in collective fate. Allowing mass migration into a nation state without even asking the people, thus changing the face of the nation is an undemocratic act.
Me, personally I can understand them as well, but it gives them no right whatsoever. Let's not helpt them. Let them figure their own shit out. Maybe it's not a good idea to have 7 children you can't provide for? Maybe it's not a good idea to form sectarian government that only fight for their own good? Well, since every human is the same, they will figure out eventually. We did this as well.
Do you know how they arrive in italy at the moment? They get picked up by european ships a few km off the african coast.


>ship in hundreds of thousands of shitskins in with the boats of your border protection agency
>"there is nothing we can do, they will come either way, they dont care about borders"

this is what leftist eu cucks really believe
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