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All Suspects in Attack on Woman in Berlin Metro Are Bulgaria

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All Suspects in Attack on Woman in Berlin Metro Are Bulgarian -
The four people seen on CCTV footage during a barbaric attack on a woman in the Berlin metro are Bulgarian nationals, German prosecutors say.

All the suspects are thought to be relatives, Germany's Focus Online quotes an investigator as saying.

Earlier reports had only suggested the attacker himself comes from Bulgaria. While he is thought to have returned to his homeland, German authorities are preparing a request for his extradition back to Berlin, according to daily 24 Chasa.

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>The attacker himself, named Stanislav Stoykov, 26, lives in the Black Sea city of Varna's Roma ghetto of Maksuda and has a substantial criminal record of hooliganism, robbery and other offenses, private NOVA TV broadcaster says


Gypsies are barely even human
Bulgarians are non-whites by any objective measure so this isn't surprising.
>city of Varna's Roma ghetto

sadly we have no ghettos for gypsies and other subhumans
So they live with normal people
>Gypsy scum

They can have Bulgarian passports but they're not Bulgarians.

I thought that was his hair for a sec.

Not a surprise actually. Bulgarians are way worse than refugees. Last year here in Greece some bulgarian killed and cooked his kid. His wife was prostitute and he was an unemployed junkie. Bulgarians are fkin trash just like the albanians, the arabs etc
Info on girl? Did she do the #Refugeeswelcome thing or no? I need to know this.
who would have thought?
Gypsies. Nuff said.

Didn't the Bulgarian television state it's sad and they hope nobody is going to stick this to the Bulgarian nationality because the attacker actually was a gipsy?
(((bulgarians))) are mostly either gypsies or bulgar turks.
That's a clear gypsy. They are not Bulgarian.

Pick one
Has she or the cops talked to the press about a motive? Still seems like one of those
>hey bby
>hey bby
>you don't want to talk to me?
things. Or maybe Roma are just assholes.

>Roma are just assholes
It was all over the media. People are outraged. We are aware that 99% of the europeans can't make the distinction, but it's what it is, so...
Gypsies are scum. They do similar stuff to Bulgarians as well.
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i fucking hate when the media is saying things like "bulgarian citizen" without saying what is his ethnicity. They won't say if it's a gypsy, turk or actual bulgarian.
same with most european medias. almost all of the crimes done by "german citizens" are not committed by germans at all.
When will this kikkery stop?
Aka gypsy/turkish scum. Not ethnic bulgarians.
never gets old
ask our Euro friends and they will tell you all about the Roma. Shit ain't like the disney version with tan qt's dancing with scarves and giving Cardinals boners and shit, anon.

Real Roma are basically fucking scum. One of the few plagues that never transitioned from Europe to the US, thank god.

...You've never actually seen an ethnic Bulgarian, have you Omar?

Bulgarians ARE gypsy/Turkish scum
Post Bulgarians in their natural Habitat. I'll start.

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>All Suspects in Attack on Woman in Berlin Metro Are Bulgarian
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well that doesn't come as a surprise.
Go to Duisburg Marxloh or google it. This place is filled with bulgarians and they are really the worst bunch of people around. They have ruined the whole district and aven the turkish immigrants are very angry about them.
Bulgarians are scum.
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kek wtf
Bulgarians look like that just look at thier PM boyko borisov

I don't believe this is a gypsy

and the fyromians are also bulgarians

Wasn't there some study in the UK that determined gypsies were like 5000% overrepresented per capita in crimes. How can anyone not support genociding them?

This guy isn't lying.

Pls help fix Hellas.
you do they just don't call it ghettos anymore. Any area in city infested by them can be called a ghetto.
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If it's a Bulgarian - why does he look like a Chechen in mountains? They are relatives?
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>sprints at top speed
>immediate spin
my sides
Greeks are arvanite shiptars

We are yugoslav white men by origin
Our Gypos are enriching you ... good, good ...
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sure you are...

I know you are ashamed to call yourself a bulgar. I get it... But stop stealing my history thanks
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Yes pic related is the Bulgarian prime minister
Serbs tried to kill them and other sub-humans, but then you bombed them. Give us a year and you will see no such people.
this guy is a gypsy. Aren't chechens muslim pale gingers?
thanks for taking the gypsies krautbro.
You're talking out of your ass Bonglander. Real Bulgarians are pure white in every sense of the word just like Russians. These specific half breed shitskins are not white though.

Nice try

They're not Bulgarian.

They have Bulgarian citizenship, but they're gyppo scum.
They look Arab
I don't know much about the Chechens and other small peoples, but they are all very similar, so I asked...
Sure you do they beat you up in moscow
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The bulgarian who cooked his daughter was also called Stanislav. Lmao
alter komm marxloh un ich mach dich platt

Wtf I love Bulgaria now
They do the same when a nigger from Sweden or France does nuffin. They say "a French" or "a Swede". So it's not really about Bulgaria.
Oh fuck off

Clinton only bombed to distract from his blowjob and he only became president because Ross Perot is retarded
Any proof for this?
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You know of India's cast system, right? Centuries ago the gypsies were banished from India, because of their numerous crimes and low hygiene and culture. They were later enslaved by the Ottoman empire and brought here in the Balkan. Now thanks to the EU and it's welfare, gypsies are migrating in the west.
Based Merkel
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Gif of the attack

Bulgarians are out of their minds
Yeah but in actual white countries like mine, its easy to tell.
Yesterday: Bulgarian bouncer kills Spanish man with one punch

And Alexander the Great was ''jugoslav white man''?

This what bulgarians are doing when they aren't cooking their kids while their wife is working in the brothel
whats next?
REAL americans are white too
pffft epic meme friendo
proof? he don't look like a gyppo.
he looks like the average south-east european
keked pretty hard. Are they just spinning some old homeless women for fun?
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I live in Surgut, I have never seen Moscow.
Daily reminder that your most popular food is a Bulgarian invention.
No idea.
But she broke her arm falling down the stairs.

bs. These milk products come from ancient Greece. At that time you were in Mongolia eating each other.
It was funny as fuck. Bitch probably deserved it. Stop being a cucked white beta knight.
Lactobacillus BULGARICUS
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Why does your peppi have blue eyes?
I'm sure we can offer the Bulgarians a discount if it comes to genociding gypsy scum.
Consider this: All the talk about Terrorism, Islam, Crime, Education etc. is just because we cant talk about race.

When will it change?
>The cuisine of ancient Greece included a dairy product known as oxygala (οξύγαλα) which is believed to have been a form of yogurt.[19][20][21][22] Galen (AD 129 – c.200/c.216) mentioned that oxygala was consumed with honey, similar to the way thickened Greek yogurt is eaten today.

At that time you were in Mongolia eating each other... Stop arguing now. We never had the need to steal anything from subhumans like you. It always the other way around get it ?
I'm ok with gypos leaving the country and stirring shit up somewhere else. ty based lady of cultural enrichment and open borders.
Not bulgarians, gypsys.
Thats a giant difference, as much as bulgarians are balkan shits, they are good guys.
gypsys on the other hand deserve 2 bullets.
>Lactobacillus BULGARICUS
Not the punch, the poor guy cracked his skull on the pavement.
since when are gypsies whiter than actual Bulgarians?
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>Our Gypos

They are bulgarians. It was a huge story in the german media last year. Even Merkel visited that district to see how it's really like. These bulgarians ruined it.
Marxloh was always known to be the quarter of workers and hard working immigrants. Then the bulgarians moved in and ruined it for everybody.
Honest people who worked all they life to finance their own homes lost everything.
When the bulgarians came the whole housing market collapsed and it ruined many people. Apartments wich where valued more than 100k years ago are given away for 5k and less.
Rats are everywhere. Nobody want to live there so the people who lived there for generations are fucked. They lost everything. A guy financed his house with a bank loan but the prices collapsed and he commited suicide.
All because of dirty bulgarian scum.
I am glad they called them out. If the turks hate you
Shut up, you incredible retard.
Fyromniggers be like: WE NO BULGARIANS
Funny how seriously they're taking this but let the rapefugees run wild
well if they are gypsies we can just talk about Culture

cuz their culture is amazingly shit, it doesn't even make sense, I somewhat understand the logic behind Islamisn but with gypsies it's almost as if the whole purpose of their culture is to be a degenerate piece of shit
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Yeah me too, it's cancer like you people spreading that will turn people to voting out. Keep it up!
Jesus man. Dont be such a retarded shit.
Its just like in Romania, they have plenty of good folk there but buttloads of gypsys
I dont know if you're trolling but the subhumans on your pic are obviously gyppos. Which dumb motherfucker started renting out these places to them anyway?
> bulgarian
> gypsy

Choose one
So still immigrants then?
y, and tehy came with the big wave in 2015

we had a whole fugee camp with about 500 people in it here in cologne, which was basically 100% roma gypsys from the balkans.
what are they fleeing? the nice weather and coast line?
Do you guys really gonna argue if they are original bulgars, gypsy bulgars or whatever ? I personally can't distinguish these 2 groups and I don't fucking care alot. I want one thing. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY !
not trying to yank your chain but i would have real problems to see a difference between a greek and a bulgarian to be honest.
If I see how people act, its easy but straight from visual points. no difference. except, no nothing. looks the same.
Well Im not going to discuss it, but I'd like to know.
Bulgarians kick women in the back. Germans, Swedes and Belgians rape women and blow themselves up. French guys go on shooting rampages and run people over with trucks.
What's new.
>rrrreeee poor bulgarisan get out get out >:^(((((((
>pls russian officials and criminals come here and spen money your stole from your population i really appreciate it no [problems *wink* :^)
greek cuck, not even once
i dont understand why you try to seperate yourself from bulgarians or gypsies, you basically look the same anyways
>I dont know if you're trolling but the subhumans on your pic are obviously gyppos. Which dumb motherfucker started renting out these places to them anyway?

I am not trolling. As I said, just google it. These people came in and occupied apartments and houses. Then the market collapsed and ordinary people moved away. The buildings were sold to criminal sharks (potentially eastern european as well) for bargain prices and they rented it to the bulgarians (who get the money from the german government). The bulgarians live there with their whole kin and the tax payer pays for it. It's a disgrace. I am not a racist ( I'm only half german) but these people are literally sub humans.

he lives in a gypsy neighborhood, has a kid with a gypsy

and i know everyone who's not blonde looks the same to you, but he's pretty damn swarthy

They're gyppos, however.
Gypsies are not Bulgarians

there are plenty of gypsys with a german passport, would you call them german?

god damn monkey.
stop, that half breed is clearly too stupid to comprehend what we mean.

Probably some constantly drunk half slav or turkish neet sperg.
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So let me get that straight. If a syrian is born in Germany he will be german according to your logic?
> I'm only half german
Hello Ahmet
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so you gypsies think you have any right to live?
its not over yet.
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This is nothing, Fritz. The moment you stop paying them, they will start robbing/killing people in their homes.
But of course such highly developed people as you germans will found a way to integrate them ahahahahahahahahaha
Russians are certainly NOT white no matter how much Trump incites you to suck their dick.

The guy on the left is the Bulgarian PM. Do you think he is racially different than this one

All the same crap to me. Im saying this stuff because everytime some bulgarian does some nasty crime(and they do alot here) bulgarians try to dmg control it and blame the gypsies for everything... But when you see random photos of gypsies and bulgars they don't differ really much.
No I think he looks pretty disgusting, but in Bulgaria you never know. Apparently he has a Bulgarian name.
Goys that was a Bulgarian rite, but the Nice attack guy was French, Charlie Hebdo terrorists were also French, Ohio and Orlando guys were American and so on.
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shit forgot pic
Don't fucking deny that shit, I have known gypsies from the land of the Bulgar.

But you can easily tell the difference between a french and an arab invader. Between bulgarian and gypsy not so easy.. Get it ?
>So let me get that straight. If a syrian is born in Germany he will be german according to your logic?

Why not? I am german as well even though ethnically only half. I hope you do understand that most germans don't care about someones ethnicty. It's all about the environment you were raised and if you adapt and speak the language.

>Hello Ahmet

Not an argument. I am not turkish but I know many turks and they are good hard working immigrants. Something you can't say about bulgarians at all.

>The moment you stop paying them, they will start robbing/killing people in their homes.

They already do even though they get money for nothing. Police doesn't act as these people are very violent and attack the officers.
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Tsipras is an idiot but he is certainly whiter than your pimp PM
you know the drill
So it's discount Turks instead of rapefugees?
Doesn't improve the situation much to be clear of intent, blood-related friends.
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Our boy has green eyes, tsipras has brown.....
But you can easily tell the difference between a Greek and white people. Get it?
WTF I love Bulgars now
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>Why not?

So when I get a German passport and master my German language I cease being Russian and become German?
Mind to explain?
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>bulgarian gypsies


Yes you would be perceived as a german
And if you're skitskinned, you won't even need the passport.
I'm not gonna lie, those people are gypsies but a Bulgarian would do the same.
>They are bulgarians.
No they're gypos. GYPOS. ROMA. ROMANI. CIGANI. SCUM.

We hate them, beat them and discriminate them. Constantly.

Now swallow your red pill and learn your lesson about inviting subhumans in your homeland.
>This fucker
Well I guess he is whiter than 60% of your population by now, Ali Salimehmedstein
>Tsipras is an idiot but he is certainly whiter than your pimp PM

what is solarium, you stone-age monkey?
How do did they identify him?

what makes them so sure the bolice have the correct people?
>needing a solarium in bulgaria
you dumb fucking subhuman
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Sweet we never got to this part of the Balkan Wars, let 'er rip!!!
fuck are you talking about bulgaria fought in both balkan wars
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Not the old shit nigger, the Yugo breakdown one. And before you point out the obvious, you're all in the same fucking ass end of Turkish left behind crap in my book, Yugo or not.
>you dumb fucking subhuman
Our PM is dandy, he supports his tan even during the winter.
yugoslav war has nothing to do with balkan wars
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Bulgarian, Gypsy, Roach, other Muslim, other subhuman... all subhumans get the fuck out of my country REEEEEEEE

Bulgarians are a mix of turks, gypsies and slavs
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Heard it was a big deal in Germany and pissed famous people offered money for information that will lead to their arrest. Bulgarians should avoid Germany for a while until it's forgoten unless they want some neo nazi boot to slide in they are ass while they walk on the street. We should post this evil bulgarian deed everyday in /pol/ so we can make sure it's not forgotten.
bulgarians and gypsies killed turks 80 years ago
xaxaxaxaxa bulgarians are 10000 times more neo-nazi than fucking bitch ass german pussies
You will never be German you mutt
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Why are Bulgarians kicking helpless tiny littile Aryan German women down the stairs ?

Are you enjoying it ?
Why u do dis ?
Says the Turkish rape baby
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said what ?

It wasn't me who kicked that poor woman. It was the Bulgarians
because race shouldn't matter here. These guys were pieces of shit but all that should matter was that they were immigrants from a certain country.
Gypsies and Greeks have a more than a few things common. Beg for hand outs and being shit skins.
>These people came in and occupied apartments and houses. Then the market collapsed and ordinary people moved away.
>Police doesn't act as these people are very violent and attack the officers.

This is nothing. Pic related is the future you choose and our constant reality. Gypos are nightmare.
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Greeks don't kick helpless women from the stairs while laughing and drinking.
Bulgarians do.
The greeks were using semen for their "diary" products. They started using milk after the bulgarians enlightened them.
>Implying the Bulgarian mafia isn't leading the Roma gypsy criminals

BIDF please
KEK gave you wisdom.
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Ha мoмeнтa вpъщaнe в Гepмaния и тaм щe ги oпpaвят :))))

Instant extradition back to Germany and they will fix their faces real quick :))))
Bulgarian are the lowest form of Slavs, they just speak a Slavic language while being Turkroaches in denial.
>Western Turkey
Denmark cuck trying so hard. I've seen you shit-posting bulgarians in other threads as well.
Did a bulgarian fuck your girl when you were on your honeymoon or something you cuck? Stay mad Jepsen.
Haven't you looked at our recent genom results? We have as much in common with Turks as Greeks with Byzantines you filthy roach.
i really cannot stand these fuckin bulgarians anymore. all the fuckin bulgarian beggars with their colourful skirts are annoying as hell.

even our arabs & turks hate anticivilizing romanians & bulgarians
I fucking love these threads
Germans rape women on New Years Eve
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Dutch men want Sharia law
was that trash in your pic supposed to
a) show how pretty Bulgarian girls are,
b) show how ugly Danish girls are, or
c) show how ugly Turkish girls are?
I'm confused

No, these people were migrants.
>I hope you do understand that most germans don't care about someones ethnicty. It's all about the environment you were raised and if you adapt and speak the language.
Nakh the guy who kicked the woman was Bulgarian and the guys who raped women in Cologne were German. See how simple this game is?
So either a gypsy or muslim... Really makes you think...
>Why not? I am german as well even though ethnically only half.
I would never have guessed from reading your posts...
Now go back to your garbage can, roach.
Milko pls. Hating on women won't get you less laid.
>pic related your typical serbian woman

This saddens me. Imagine going through life working and hoping for a better life, it doesn't come. You lose a lot of friends and loved ones along the way, you became lonely, weak and vunerable. And then this happens.
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Welcome to the club.
In addition when they say "hungarians" committed crimes abroad, you can add jews to gypes as well.

Even George Soros is noted first as hungarian and then as jewish. Probably deliberately since he's such an obvious piece of shit.
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So i guess it was a Bulgarian one.

And congratulations, you found one of the two girls in the whole country that look like that (the other one is her sister kek). Nice representing sample.
Dont be an idiot. Russians are whiter than most Americans

You realize that that gypsies are like low tier jews?

They are a own race and dont belong to the host nation.
the guy in the picture is a gypsy, can you motherfuckers still not tell the difference? arab+indian features mixed = gypsy

no. kek

lol at the one Bulgarian in this thread making excuses for this barbarity
Yeh, Bulgaria has gypsies, what's your point?

There are literal jihadists with UK, German and French passports.
It's in your interest to learn the difference between a bulgarian and a gypsy.
This one must have been the few that escaped the iron pot.
Sorry you'll never be the ottoman empire again, Mehmet.
Aren't Brits like leaving their country to fight for ISIS?
Not making excuses. We hate the gypsies as much as anyone.
The difference is when we see shit like that we never let it slide, so whoever is in the viscinity beats the fuck out of the gypsy and makes a citizens arrest until cops arrive. Whether you just watch and do nothing, like a true cuck. And even if the police catches him, they'd probably won't do shit. No wonder your country is down the shitter.
Eastern Europe always trying to warn you idiots about the dangers of pretending a gypsy is a human and you never listen, now you have them "enriching" your society and cry about it, but still don't listen.
Keep ignoring the difference between romaians, bulgarians, hungarians and the gypsy plague that took up our nationality. It's going great for you
Every time a bulgarian beats up a gypsy auntie Merkel wags a finger and threatens to stop gibs if we don't apologise.

This is just paying the toll.

I'm glad he kicked her. Gyppos need to move en masse to Germsny and steal all your shit. YOU defend them, YOU give them money, YOU force us to leave them alone.

No, actually nobody here likes them and we do harm to them whenever we can.

Its jsut that gypsies tend to live in cities overtaken my migrants where barely any german lives.
>ITT Westernstans lecturing Bulgaria, while their citizens blow themselves up and kill journalists
top kek

I know it's not a competition or anything but we do have our own gypsies here and they have their own "vibrant culture" which is a nice way of saying they are scum.
Obama isn't black!
No names released?

That's turkish propaganda station.
nah man, greeks may be lazy asses and arrogant but otherwise they are perfectly fine and decent people.

t. holiday in greece every summer since early childhood
and u must have been one of the few that have escaped the gas chamber. lel polak
woah, source?
thats because gypsies feed on garbage like sandniggers
The worst crime ever happened in Greece
>kicking a mudshit down the stairs
it kind of says "psychopath", but i can only guess that there are psychopaths in evry country
Guess it turns out hitler was right about Slavs being subhuman after all
>we do harm to them whenever we can.

lel no, no one in germany dares oppose a brown skinned person. it would be a fight one against 10 + german lefties helping the brownies break your bones.

the courts will just let them run with 30 hours of community service, convict you for nazidom because you attacked a brown skinned foreigner and you would lose everything you have in the process.

its the same in austria, everyone gives chechens, albanians, roma, bulgarians, serbs etc, a wide berth. even police is afraid.
You read often in the news about some shit done by bulgarians here. Few months ago some bulgarian whore killed her 60year old Greek husband and putted him in the rrefrigerator. Stuff like that... Not to mention the almost everyday arrest to bulgarian prostitutes in some illegal brothel. The people are pure trash in my book and I am very unhappy to see so many of them migrating here.
So when are you cucks going to solve the Gypsy problem. They are infesting our country even in winter
u should say gypsies. bulgarians are hard working people. trust me. its like calling all the goatfuckers in germany germans. its oesnt work that way
every day i hear here how much money u owe to the ecb but u fukin cunts aint paying it back
for you
We owe money we dont kick women and cut kids into pieces...
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3rd suspect named.
as i said we dont gypsies do. do u understand the word gypsy?

What are you doing in Belgium Stanislav ? Kicking women and leeching benefits hmm ?
>Comparing an act of 1 gypsy filth to the lifestyle of a whole nation for the past 20 years.
No wonder your country is bankrupt and probably your great-grand-grandchildren will still have to pay for your gypsy-like lifestyle.
hehe what a time to be alive!
we got stealing poles and slovaks just as well, all sorts of eastern euros come here for criminal activities. it isnt limited to gypsies.
lol my name is ioannis kotsoukis my friend
and btw making more cash than u ever will
a taka ebi mu maichicata na tupiq beden gruk
welcome to the era of cultural and national relativism. an "american" is no longer a white european, a "german" is no longer a white german, etc...
y i like tump
Hey dont clump me with them. Id nuke everyonenon tha balkans apart from croatia and slovenia
Pazq ti gurba, bratle!
Jesus. What city is this?
macedonian dont speak, ur nation is a province of bulgaria
Give me a DNA analysis that they're so much different to romanians and bulgarians. I see no difference.
>Be Bulgarians/Balkanshit
>be subhuman
Pick two
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A big part of Bulgarians are nigger-tier and like to chimp out, it's very likely that they are 100% slavs.

How is our denbt connected to some Bulgarian who kicked a helpless woman in Germany is beyond me. Im just saying that your are doing that kind of things here in Greece too and I don't want you to come here at all. That's all. Other countries that have Bulgarian immigrants can confirm that you are scum aswell(bulgarian diaspora posts dont count).
u stupid all DNA is different. go learn some biology u piece of shit
We stop it here. This is what we do.
Gypsies managed to migrate to Europe prior to Ottoman conquest of Balkans
Your a dutch province though. I dont know how you dare to even show your face around.
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Of course they are, since Germany doesn't arrests pure Arabs. Whoever they might be, they aren't native and aren't under control of law.
I wonder what kind of music they were playing.
How much for the little girl.
milko kalaydjiev. look him up
Bulgarbros, don't even bother explaining to these goys, they won't understand either way. Don't stop reminding them that Germans rape women on New Years Eve, French run people over with trucks, Belgians blow themselves up, Brits and the Dutch want Shariah and so on. Two parties can play this game.
Start the killing. Target JEWS, CÜCK PARTY MEMBERS AND MIXED RACE FIRST. Violence works
belgium is a little bit more advanced in society than macedonia
>What is autosomal DNA
To be precise, Hillary Clinton bombed them to distract from her husband's DNA on a blue dress from being discussed. Hillary and that batshit crazy Madeline Albright.
Military partrolling streets. Airports exploding.
Rusev crush
>milko kalaydjiev

Sounded exactly like what I was expecting.

Bulgaria has the largest gypsy ghetto in Europe...well they had, since those gypsies will be leaving to Germany/Sweden.
gyspies dont ke sweden. sandniggers do
Are you sure? Who even knows who goes there? Swedish government stopped checking for papers and you don't need to apply to immigration service, you just walk inside like you go shit outside in gypsy town on toilet.
Pyceв yдpя.
Pyceв мaчкa.
*on toilet
There is no toilet.
bitch can't handle the bants
fella just bantered her and she cried to the police
kek westcucks btfo
bulgarogypos make pretty funny music

I feel you man. Same problem here with some ''italians''
Germany makes good music too:
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You know what must be done yet you do nothing.
The blame is on you.
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Who cares what happen to Germans.

They are obviously have not human anymore.

Anyone who disregards their country and their safety like the Germans have lost what little humanity they have left in them.

They scream out for death and they shall receive by the great enrichment of Europe.
glorious EU taking all the scum away
>all this denial from the dirty bulgarians

You were called out. It was all over the german media. Even Merkel had to admit it that the bulgarians ruined Marxloh. Bulgarians are thiefs, murderers and very dirty rats.
polak u are actually right but if we do this the sjw eu will kick us out

lmao get this cuck anthem away from me

I bet he's called b-tight for his tight boypussi
how will you ever recover
Top fucking kek
Can someone tell me if hey were Muslim though?
yet sandniggers rape ur ppl and they are welcome... i like u germany i really do...
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The name of the album is "Der Neger in mir", which means "the nigger in me" One of most popular rappers in Germany, friend of Sido. But he made that album before this recent refugee crisis started, now it's even more relevant, since the songs are about drugs, ghetto and fucking white women as long as nigger needs them, then she can go back to German man. Those are the best rappers in Germany, people buy their albums.
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>Attack on Woman

Implying cunts don't have it coming.
You best be joking. It's like the brits with the poles. Just trying to divert attention.
>projecting muslim-induced anger onto bulgars because you will get arrested if you say mean things about Jamal and Achmed
just stop Hans

There's gypsies sitting outside every food store in the whole country nowadays
ur whole country is sandniggers like Mohammed and Jawad nowadays

> best rappers in germany
> in germany
> popular in germany

First of all, rapping is for niggers and if you take the "message" in it seriously, sent to you by a guy who gets paid by literal music industry jews, I have nothing but pity for you.

Second of all, what's "popular" in Germany is a fucking joke and all germanics know this.

The only music I listen to from Germany are their house and techno DJs (who despite probably being ultimate leftist cucks, at least don't litter good beats with garbage "messages" to impress 14 year olds) and even then I listen to them when they come to do a show in some club I like.
Man I can't handle news anymore, it literally hurts my stomach.
New Years Eve is coming, are you ready to rape some womyns, isn't this what Germans do?
In Germany
Bulgarian = Serbian = Bosnian = Ahmed
Virtually close to no niggers in Germany
You protect gypsies, you tell us to keep them, you tell us to give them money to exist, you tell us not to genocide them.

They're yours.

Deal with them.
EU eastward expansion was the root of all evil. If EU would stop east of Germany:

>Putin wouldn't be pissed
>Greek economy would have never bothered us
>Brexit would have never happened because no Poles in Britain
>refugees would have never arrived here with borders in every country up to Austria/Germany
>gypsies would have never flooded Europe
>EU would still be a comfy trade union for Western Europe...
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Well at least he sings in German, those new migrants don't even understand German.

Sooner or later we will throw out these bulgarian rats.
Duisburg had many immigrants over the years (turks,other arabs or eastern europeans) and it has never been a problem. Then those dirty bulgarian rats came and destroyed everything.
Take a look at the quarter. It's a fucking mess. Many honest people were ruined. I am very angry and many other germans are angry as well.


google it sven. Those bulgarians are disgraceful
>germany wouldve been better off with the fuhrer
>no gypsies, jews or sandniggers in europe
Fuck off with the propaganda you mongoloid, this guy is clearly a gypsy, yes from Bulgaria, but gypsy.
>some Bulgarian
>what is a minority group?
>who are the roma people?
Stamatis, don't tell me you are this retarded. Generalizing an entire nation based on a few rotten apples (the roma) isn't a really smart thing to do.
If I show you a picture of a nigger ghetto in the USA does that mean the entire USA is a ghetto shithole?
Come on.. I know you are trolling, but you need to step it up.
t. Achmed
This x1448
What would happen if some vigilantes picked up these guys, put them through a wood chipper, feet first, while taking video and uploaded it to the world
Simmer down Mehmet, accept the gypsy enrichment you so desperately shilled for over the years.
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A greek guy here was drunk and killed 2 girls and an elder woman almost year ago with his BMW, he escaped in Greece.
do u like welcoming Mohammed and Sallah from isis?

Don't tell me german women don't love that BBC, where the second 'B' obviously doesn't stand for black but bulgarian instead.

Great, he sings for the 2nd generation turks who can understand the word neger and like to pretend they get with white women.

What a great fanbase.

I'll stick with my ooonts oooonts thanks.

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Its interesting how much the color of somebodies skin still matters to people. Do you guys think this is just naturally how humans are or does it have something to do with being brainwashed? I always thought darker people were kinda gross too especially when I saw this picture in a norway thread.
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The guy is ex commie secret agent, just like Putin. He is full of shit and is very corrupt.
>gypsy trash
Gas them all.
Putos gitanos

I'm talking about real Bulgarians. Bulgarians are a thousand times worse than turks or syrians and the biggest scum on this continent
I am very angry an rightfully so
>All this bulgarian bantz in thread

Holy shit, Bulgarian posters are okay in my book, keep triggering these euro faggots.

It's your country that always wanted to expand East. The eternal complex of Germans that never had colonies to exploit like the other major powers in Europe. Enjoy Stanislav's cultural enrichment now :DDDDDDD
Look at all of those Norwegians
kolegi manite tozi nemski turchin.
Germany is literally Western Turkey, no wonder gyppos feel at home.
t. Hans who's wife got fucked by a bulgarian bull.
>I am very angry an rightfully so
Stay angry :^)

Except Putin still keeps Russia's global interests in mind, whilst your joker PM literally said no to free money when Russia wanted to build a pipeline to you guys, got a cookie from America, and then sat there like a retard once Russia started building the pipeline straight to Germany anyways.

I also remember a story from a bulgarian friend of mine how the mayor of her town said no to building a nuclear power plant (built by Russia/subsidized) and used those funds to build some NATO or American base or some shit like that, which currently houses a couple APCs and maybe 50 troops.

He's just angry the kids that came out weren't brown.
You've never met real Bulgarians.

You're talking about gypsies.

Which you have been protecting for about 10 years and forcing us to not genocide or beat up.
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They are 3 American bases in Bulgaria. It's not like they have a choice they don't even have an army
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Why are you Gy(r/p)os swarming our country?
They were also tricking people to the new countries by claiming they are egyptian christians fleeing the muslim to accept them.
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We are learning from the best.
Good luck with the emus next time. If you need any help call us.
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One of another funny things regarding the ex-east bloc, is related to these Visegrad alliances they're trying to cook up or something like that.

In essence, there are proposals of eastern european nations banding their armies together so they could more effectively defend themselves right? One might think this is a very reasonable proposal, seeing as how first their domestic arms manufacturers would get a boost, since the army is no-longer buying second hand shit from America, and also this alliance would have much clearer objectives than NATO, which is a clusterfuck.

Sounds great, right?

The funny part comes from the fact that in the early 00s there's an interview where evil Putin suggests east europe does exactly that and stops sucking american dick for nothing.
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These are all 100% Aryan Ethnic Norwegians. Saying anything else would be noninclusive and racist!
>banished from India
>low hygiene

What the ... How?
Did they shit in shrines or temples?
Holy shit.
Ya ever met a gypsy buddy?

They're the worst scum imagineable. They cannot and will not integrate. I've met intelligent, educated gypsies and you can very easily tell they'll go back to their primitve nature the very second they lose their job or whatever.

until now you were coming to clean our toilets
now we come to buy houses in your country so you will be cleaning our toilets again. This time in your own home. how sad :DDD
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>Stamatis is bankrupt
>working 6 hours /5 days a week instead of 4hrs/3 days a week
>buying anything
It's mind boggling that you can still somehow keep your gypsy-like leisure lifestyle going.
Stay delusional.
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