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/sg/ - Syria General - Work is Never Done edition

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Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 86

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Everything you need to know

>Sappers clear Aleppo

The Lies of Syria


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>new Livemap
>Live hohol with ticker
>Interactive military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Aleppo Dec13
>Mosul Dec12
>Palmyra Dec11
>Al Bab Dec11
>E Ghouta Nov29
>Latakia Nov25
>/sg/ daily event map OCT 29

Developments Dec 14
>Jihadi counterattack on army positions in southern Aleppo
>VBIED destroys Shi'a militia HQ in Aleppo
>SAA and Spetznaz retake hill country, abandoned armor battalion outside T4 Airbase
>Nusra terrorists attack Aleppo evac embarkation point
>Iranian militias stop evacuation of Aleppo, demanding release of Fouah/Kefrayah civilians from Jihad control

WikiLeaks: Turkish oil minister links to Isis oil trade
- wikileaks.org/berats-box/article
Top aide to Hillary Clinton: :Al-Qaeda is on our side in Syria
- wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/23225

Previous thread: >>102943784
whats this meme about assad being hated by his people? didn't he have 9.5 million more votes than his opposition in the election? struggling to see how he's hated by anyone other than ''''''moderate rebels'''''''' and the west
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Never Again

Why didn't you stop the Halabcaust? #holocaustaleppo
newfags are starting to really get on my nerves
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so what's happened last 24 hours?
more "muh holocaust" spouting by MSM and UN?
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If you're looking for common sense, lessons of history and an explanation for what is happening with today's wars.

Watch this

Hanson as a classicist explains wars paradoxes very well.

So good there are people like him who are advising Trump administration.
Officially he won by a landslide
According to the opposition he's a "dictator who reign with fear"

The truth is somewhere in the middle but if he really had no popular support, he'd be dead since a long time
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Does anybody have more images like this?
Tiger, backed up by Spetsnaz and 200 Hezbollah retook the SAM site/armor depot ISIS seized and have pushed out a few clicks from there to create a new line near Quaratayn.

Jihadis have been randomly attacking positions around Aleppo unsatisfied with the terms of surrender and demand to be allowed to keep their weaponry.
rebels launched counteroffensive from outside southern aleppo
more fighting around tiyas airbase, ISIS trying to surround them, counterattacks by SAA underway
rebels accusing Nusra of breaking ceasefire, SAA bombing

more holocaust/srebrenica accusations
UK/France/USA declaring they're "gathering war crime evidence"
>Americans being able to decide what elections are rigged
oy vey the war in aleppo is finally coming to end after 5 years

oh nO!

we must help the freedom fighters and save tthe childrun!
to be fair, im not sure if ((progressives)) qualify is Americans
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lol what happened to the isis vs japan meme?
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>what, we fight against Isis-jihadists instead of helping them against putinassad

Has Julian finally lost his marbles?
>>jews jewing goyim into fighting against thier own interests

Fucking WINRAR
He lost it long ago. His tweets still trigger me though. It's like the worst kind of Fremdschämen that's even possible
Funny how no one was marching and traveling to aid in Aleppo while half of it was controlled by Jihadis
>Tigers and Spetsnaz pushing out
better than digging in and waiting for VIEDs to roll up

>rebels accusing Nusra of breaking ceasefire, SAA bombing
and didnt SAA saying it was Hezbollah who were shooting rebels and shit because they didnt agree with the ceasefire?
so Nusra and Hezzies are killing eachother and then everyone goes back to shooting and bombing?
fuck yeah, awesome

>UK/France/USA declaring they're "gathering war crime evidence"
unfucking believable
Not necessarily true, since Saddam was a "dictator who reign with fear".
However, Assad is not even close to as militaristic, and Syrian diaspora here don't seem to dislike him at all, they preferred his secularist ways.
It's a meme. Watch the videos of civilians turnt up on the streets happy because Aleppo was liberated
True I always shiver with cringe when I read the tweets while browsing BILD for Pinocchiopress' assessment of the situation.

Still chuckle simultaneously though.
Is this fucking war over yet or what.
Are spetznaz on the front lines?
I think it's just snipers and FAC right now.
Better than Picasso

What are the feminists against censorship doing there?
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Am I the only one that wishes they were their to get the full experience and see what's really happening? Worth risking your life imo once in a lifetime opportunity I think this Nigger reporter died though he probably got bombed he hasn't tweeted anything in a long time
I know you know what a Fliegerleitoffizier is it's the same acronym.
Imagine to be sleeping in your room and in the middle of the night you suddendly wake up and see that face just in front of you...
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Of course
My personal take on the subject is that the majority of the syrian people root for him because he's the only one who can keep the many minorities safe and somewhat united
While the majority of the ((freedom fighter)) arent even fucking syrian

Would be nice to have a non-partisan group of professionals who go on the field with no political agenda to relate facts to larger group of people, preferably with instrument to capture sound or image
Sadly the technology just isnt there yet, so we dont know much
So we can all agree that Assad is the good guy here, right?
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just kill yourself to go into spectate mode
you are right, I know what that is.
Thx for clearing up
Wait a sec...what the fck is Turkey doing in Aleppo??
trying very hard to prevent an independent Kurdistan from happening.
if he was hated by his people i doubt the war would be going after this long, with so many loyalists dead, but more people stepping up to take their places.
look at his competition, some ragtag ragheads who are mostly not even from syria. the whole thing was set up by the charlie india alpha.
To be fair, he gets a lot of help from Russia, Iran and some others
Yes, but long into the war. Russia, Iran, Hezbolah, don't actually keep law and order. They just fight.
What about Egyptian support contingent? Before the liberation of Aleppo i've heard they are already in Syria. What happened then?
playing enemy of my enemy is my friend meme
as far as I know they don't have any forces in this theater yet.
That's sad. I still hope they'll be there.
The only related intel I have is this: https://twitter.com/Ali_Shams_Aldin/status/809126267291369472
what is aleppo
Hopefully the stupid nigger died, fucking terrorist sympathizer. I love how no matter where niggers go, they have to make things 10x worse then they are.
Niggers are bad. But nigger Muslims... Scum of the fucking earth. Nonetheless I just ignore his biased commentary and listen to what has been happening
A city full of english speaking kids and activists
did SAA fall into a trap of false security, claiming to have won aleppo? it seems chaos ensued when they brought in the buses - ambush? a trap?

they should never have accepted the surrender conditions. fight until the last man. or this shit will continue. they are not an honorable enemy.
Why does the US government hate Assad? I'm sure there are economic reasons behind it to some degree
I don't know guys, I used to support Assad but now he's literally raping everyone. I can't abide by this anymore.

I'm a #freesyrianmissile now

At least they didn't kill innocents for lols
You cant do that on US suicide watch
please decribe, in as graphic as detail as possible, how many women are being raped in aleppo right now

also who's doing the raping?
all of them
The only thing getting raped right now in Aleppo is Bibi's dreams.
Putin and Assad are personally double teaming them all right now.
America hired the whole male cast of BLACKED. The blacked Taskforce went on a raping rampage even raping men
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good evening /sg/


reposting this vid cuz seeing the truth being preached with such conviction sure feels nice

the rebuke of the msm shill at the end is just a cherry on top

i dontated 50 bucks to her cuz real journalists gotta eat

how do you know she is telling the truth and not the rest of the media?
The ending was priceless. What a smart woman and a cutie too
these people don't seem oppressed

is this propaganda or are they chanting stuff in favor of jihadists?
Does anyone have a link to the video proving the White Helmets are dickhead jihadists?

Have bewbs in exchange.
She was actually on the ground, she has a good portfolio and she is asserting the most logical conclusions to what is happening, all these fucking things the moderate beheaders have been saying have been disproved, she even gave examples of what their sources were, one guy, partisan beheaders that have been seen with guns and participating in executions, staging photo ops with children and people and hold hostage the population so they can be bombed where they place them, this is the same shit happening in Israel and everyone knows it's bullshit, why not here?
Also can someone clarify wtf Turkey thinks they're doing?

Do they still think they can take out Assad (can they? against Russia?) or are they just trying to fuck the kurds up?
These shitsmokers are for the rebels.
There's also numerous pictures of them with guns, making phony photo ops, they're partisan, just google it it's all there.
They're fighting ISIS right now but they want to integrate the places they take probably with a proxy autonomous satellite state..
I noticed that, but what are they saying? Is it along the lines of "gas the shiites religious war now" or do they legit like the rebels (who are moderate? are tehre any moderate rebels anymore? even wikipedia admits they're a minority)
So they're playing a Russia?

>Invade to "protect the people"
>Create autonomous republic of not-a-turk-proxy


If they keep moving south they'll end up real close to the SAA
Why does SAA have such catchy music? Is it because they're a secular army?

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Hold the fuck up

There are weebs in the middle east?
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Good night /sg/, stay comfy
>mexican """"cuisine""""
Assad , Putin , Lavrov and rhounani are curewntly raping 250.000 women... And men

They said next objective is MANJIB
WTF she's really badass. Someone should tell her she's based.
Is it from Palmyra?
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Oh, yeah. Both sides.
did they pay for that paint job or just demand it

also, lol what the actual fuck is going on
Is that real? If not good photoshop

Isn't that absolutely haram?
surely you can tell that is an obvious shop

it's still funny though
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Aleppo will be Assad's Christmas present
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reposting this one too - seeing the propaganda machine being so blatant and obvious is great. not everything can go their way

Can someone explain how anyone in Allepo under siege of evil dictator have internet and mobile signal
How much of a loser you've to be for even somalian nerds to make fun of your besieged aleppo ass?


>War in Aleppo is over! Terrorists crying on camera!
I'm embarrassed to be an American right now because our people are eating up this propaganda like crazy. Everyone wants to root for the underdog but when the underdog has committed the most wretched things anyone's ever seen, there needs to be a line drawn. Americans are seriously lacking critical thinking skills.
*sends banana*
Personally I blame HFCS.
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>let check #allepo on twitter today
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>not a лимoнкa

I follow this as closely as anyone.

What do they actually THINK is happening in Aleppo? Are they imagining it's like Pol Pot emptying the cities?

The vast majority of the city seems to be navigable now.
Whats is a Leppo?
you wot? we're barely 1/3rd of the way through ITT
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I don't want to fight about it...
>What is Tyrone bin Jerome doing in Syria
I just thought I would warn you I was afk.
The economy has tanked right now so anything drastic enough that falls short of a declaration of war to take the attention away from that.
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Why don't you guys have a discord or cy.tube channel you can hang out it?

Only an idiot would think an authoritarian dictator's elections are at all legitimate.

Only an idiot would also think that authoritarian dictators rule without a great deal of acquiesce by vested power interests and at least a major minority if not a slim majority of the population either accept the dictator or actually approve of him. There are exceptions but they tend to require the most obscene over the top level of control a'la North Korea or the Pol Pot regime.

Look at the Egyptians - Mubarak won enough votes to get into office but it wasn't some overwhelming slam dunk, then he gets ejected by Sisi and the junta and all the Egyptians are accepting begrudgingly or thankfully the stability and control. There's an old muslim/arab saying "Better 70 years of tyranny than one night of anarchy" - every Arab spring state except to an extent Tunisia has come to recognize that.


It's because a lot of Americans accept whatever the media tell them. This isn't a plug for alt news, I don't listen to that outside of /pol/, but rather that nobody knows what an Aleppo is or was before the media saturated the term and narrative, nobody knows the history of Syria before being fed the narrative version by the media.

It's understandable because not everyone is willing or interested in learning about every shithole part of the world, but the danger is when/if they get baited into armchair activism for a cause they know nothing about by the media making it chic and fashionable.

Without that Aleppo is just another savage war among savage brown people and no average joe or jane will give a fuck. Get the celebs, the social media memes and 'awareness' train rolling and you can make them jump on board whatever you want.
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Tried mentiomapp on BanaBanana, interdasting
oh alright, thanks senpai

Course that twat would be in the aleppo intervention crowd.

>Push for an end to the violence
>That requires more violence and manpower on the ground
>Then complains about the solution.

I know virtue signaling is a buzz-word but when these people complain about something, are guaranteed on million to 1 odds to complain about the only viable solution and offer no alternative solutions, then all they are doing is complaining to feel good and feel like they are on this disgusting notion of a right side of history.

>"You want to stop the slaughter in Syria yeah?"
"Yea yea of course
>"Well that's going to require military intervention. I assume you're okay with us bombing the Syrian army, collateral damage in syrian cities, American/British men and women going on foot in Syria and being killed/maimed, ultimately taking a side in a civil war and overwatching the genocide of the Alawites and ethnic cleansing of the Christians and Druze/Maronites."
"What no of course not war isn't the answer"

Dumb motherfuckers think they can get harry potter katniss everdeen and daenerys to sweep in and save the day when it was, it will remain, and it will always be poor young bastards with rifles or better off young bastards with jets and drones and tanks who decide these things.
Sisi (Army) replaced Morsi (Ikhwan), whose terrorists overthrew and judicially murdered Mubarak ("Arab Socialist").
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We should ask Banana to write something like Thank (you) /sg/ for support of syrian people
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He's a nubian kang.

>Kids in the nubian village, Aswan, Egypt
Did you see the size of that niggers nose and lips lmao. That man is just subhuman and he will get put to death once they find him.
why does sg believe that a minority of alawites from latakia and tartous should hold all the reins of power and occupy all top positions and prestigious posts
the so called secular government is tribal as fuck
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What did he mean by this?
The same reason why all those positions should be occupied by Sunnis. The thing is alawites are the most acceptable for of islam in the region. I've lived in Turkey for a while and I've never heard one instance of them ever chimping out for any reason at all in contrast to other muslims which flock to alawite neighborhoods to start shit at the slightest hint of disorder.

t.christian living in roachland
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>Hanson believed that the Iraq War, given the repeated serial violations by Iraq of UN sanctions, congressional mandates, and the threats that Saddam Hussein posed, in a post-9/11 climate, to the long-term security of the Middle East, was a necessary and worthwhile undertaking—and was, after a flawed occupation, eventually a laudable success that had led to a workable government in 2009 and relative calm in Iraq
there's alawites in turkey outside of Hatay/Alexandretta? unless you mean alevis which are actually completely different afaik
Damn, I think you are right
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I need newspaper articles,documents,anything on foreign fighters in Syria.Not ISIS,but Al Nusra,Jund al Aqsa (former),Zinki,FSA and such jihadist groups.

If you could help out or point out,it would be awesome.I want to spread the truth that this is not a civil war but a fight against foreign back terrorism.

>Residents of #Idlib Demonstrante against Rebels War Strategy in Northern #Aleppo, and call for the "Islamic State". #Syria.

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Wounded soldiers are to be evacuated soon.

Is a general Aleppo evacuation happening or not?
What's the word on Tiyas/T4? Still encircled? Does anyone know if they are being reinforced?
Yes. They should have stayed for a long time.
That's why Trump said Obama created Isis. kek
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They shouldn't have gone in the first place kike.
"reinforced" but they didn't counter attack (the claims about qaryatayn junction and abandonned bataillon are false).
ISIS is on the verge of besieging them totally since it took the town of sharifah few km west of T4.
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Fuck. Thanks for the update
>#BREAKING: Deal reached on Aleppo rebel evacuation: senior Syrian military source - via @AFP

Are those Ukranians?

Reconquista when?
Should they have gone or not is another question.
They did go there. So they should have stayed long enough to deal with that policie`s consequences.
Yep they are ukrs.
Such a shame for all slavic countries.
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>Should they have gone or not is another question.

He is endorsing the invasion in that quote.

Now please go back to whatever hole you crawled from.
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>watching some news report on Aleppo
>mfw they are acting like its a huge loss that the Bashad's """"""regime""""" has taken back aleppo from """""""opposition forces"""""""
>try not to have an aneurysm
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I just wanted to drop this off, since terrorist shitbag @Mr.Alhamdo was tweeting about giving his daughter the banana.
the project last night was horrible enough to have Julie bishop on, shilling for muh moderates and muh chemical attacks

cant imagine any other channel giving less of a fuck
Whats the difference between a BMP and a Tank?

pls help
i hate this faggot
>getting shelled
>stream on periscope for 20 minutes
>complain about "ebil russian and assad evil is evil, we're dying"
>Muh Donate plz
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BMP is pic related
good for only support roles and getting blown up
The Qatar pipeline
but why do they exist? they just seem so useless
looks more like garage that got torched instead of a column destroyed.
a bmp is a light tank to carry troops
It's a fast armored vehicle with auto reloaded canon of smaller calibre.
It also can transport more men.

It's nice for rapidly storming an area

You people are thugs. Just look at these poor innocent Aleppo residents being slaughtered and raped personally by Assad and Putin. Aleppo is not free, it is occupied. Aleppo hates Assad.
>Russia says guaranteeing the safe passage of fighters to Idlib

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from T4
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sorry, sneaked off for a wank

basically, this destroyed colum was the Iraqis attempting a thunder run to some hospital, they got there, took RPG fire, attempted to retreat and got destroyed in the streets

Iraqis fucked up bad
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It was invented to overcome the contaminated area after the nuclear attacks
Which one of you faggots is this:


Fucking nice!
Owner of that twitter is right here: >>102980651
Can I get a tl;dr of who I should be rooting for and why? Who has less of a chance of spreading islam?
In that case I agree with him too.
my wife's family is in aleppo. they escaped to lebanon but ran out of money so they went back home. used to run a large factory for making clothes.

anyway the whole family is quite pro assad. they say yes he was an asshole, but only if you went against him. if you say a bad word against him he will find out and ruin everything you love.

however at least he was predictable. they were able to have lives. so they want him back.
Did you support jews? Then join FSA/Obama support.
We are on Assad's side now so see the op-post to begin with.
TL;DR: Bashar Assad
Iran wants Assad to win. Saudi Arabia, Israel, ISIS, Turkey, and the US want the rebels to win.
Iran wants to spread Islam but only through the Middle East and to destroy Israel and the Saudi's, Israel and the Saudi's export Muslims to the west and control the western governments and use them to destabilize the Middle East and increase their power.
Take your pick

Anissa about those final messages
We need to stop Aleppo EVAC!!

CIA advisers will get away!


On pol we are supposed to say "so-called Israel", because pol doesn't recognize it as a state
Id let her rape me
At least they don't burn their prisoners in this cages.
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>Why does the US government hate Assad?

A lot of it has with him supporting Hezbollah, they forced the US out of Lebanon and ripped Israel a new asshole.
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how can a person know what a ww2 german tank looks like and not what currently used tanks look like? pretty lazy desu
Kek yeah they just starving them to death.
They need to add Iraq and Lebanon to that flag desu senpai. Hopefully soon Egypt and Yemen will join Iran and we'll have a new dreamteam.
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Makes sense.
I avoid that show like cancer. How do u watch that Muslim propaganda
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>Can I get a tl;dr of who I should be rooting for and why? Who has less of a chance of spreading islam?

The moderate moderates of course.
this is a good edit

the implication is that assad = nazis
only on special occasions, like Trump winning the election and Aleppo being freed
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Literally modern-day Hitlerstalin.
the top half of that tank aint german tho

the bottom half looks like a panther, sure, but the rest? nah
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Live stream of Aleppo fighter/wounded "evacuation" right NAO:

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>tfw read that as live executions of rebels
officers corps to get urban warfare experience,nothing more
It's cold there.
How's T4 going and what happened to that FSA "counter attack"
FSA got bitchslapped and T4 is holding
SAA and spetsnaz pushed north and retook an armor depot
Israeli kikes, American kikes, Sunni terrorists and muzzie roaches on one side

The russian bear and a secular educated leader on the other

That should make it easy for you
No way those are Somalis, their vocabulary and grammar is greater than European education
What's the deal with this Bana girl? This video sounds scripted and her tweets look fake.
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any news from yemen?
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The unholy things I would do to their bodies if I had the chance hnnnnnnnng
Go to damascus. Plenty of brothels there for you to fuck those girls.
No thanks
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I don't know what to believe anymore.
It could be ruses from both sides of the coin. It seems the only way to truly know what's going on is to be there in Aleppo.

If anything the Canadian journalist seems to be most credible.
So if what she says is truth, it means that the Syrian gov & Russia are fighting the good side. So why is the US openly helping the bad guys?
This shit is confusing. Doesn't help that it's not a strict 1 v 1 battle
Picking the side that is against the muzzies is always good common sense
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truth is the first casualty of war, famalam
JihadiJulien strikes again. I cant even begin to understand how he lives on with such shame of bringing disinformation to the people. I mean no matter how much he is being paid to shill for the NATO - his tweets are just too much.

We should start a public list or website about journalists who are against German and European (incl. Russia) people for documentary reasons so we can prosecute them one day for siding with the enemy.
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the usual stuff
also apparently according to the calendar that theyre using over there the year is 1438
>Thinking those girls in your pic aren't prostitutes

It's damascus, motherfucker.

Can't you guys just lurk for a few Threads, before posting your Newbie questions?
Also how can you idiots still don't know what's going on? The war is already 5 years old and you are now thinking "Hmm..maybe our moderate beheaders aren't that moderate and our Media is lying to us" just now? What the hell did you think the previous 5 years? If you believed the Propaganda this long, then you really really need to do a lot of lurking.
Stop spaming our Threads.
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Weebshit stronk
which one of you is "Colin Reeves"?
muzzie butthurt is streaming 24/7
>clicking that shit
last thing i read about this was that they got there, then suicide bombers and VBIEDs just starting going off from every direction and they got pummeled.
"they were like ghosts".
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If this shit happened back then, the road from Aleppo to Damascus would have looked like this right now.

Has there ever been a bigger anti-terror/hostage holdup operation than the one in Aleppo? Fuck.
it's from the new jew wars movie
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>That trigger discipline

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nice. 1st one is theathrics tho i think
Link is dead
ye, could be a training exercise
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works for me
her blog https://ingaza.wordpress.com/
Her assertions seem accurate so far.
Was dead for a second worked for me, why did you post it? Thought there was gonna be libtard propaganda.
Tbh, i posted it on the wrong thread
doesnt really matter anyway, it's not porn or whatever
I want to watch it because I love Star Wars, should I watch it in cinema and give the eternal Jew some shekels or should I wait for a torrent?
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Tbh debating it myself
i enjoy the movies, but i dont like disney

this jew is a tricky one.
whats the yellow thin thing that she pours on at the end? cheddar?
isnt alevi = alawite? or whatever?
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Like the fucking brutal beheading of a 12 year old boy with a hunting knife on the back of a pickup by a terrorist group which continues to be backed by USA.
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>implying they care
>secular and educated
>cant sort his country peacefully
yeah nah.
It turns out that the USA is at war with itself both abroad and at home.

>United states Deparartment of Homeland Security attacked the Georgia ellections.


>your government
>literally being your enemy
Dude, 6-7 million people fled internally from the rebel-held (and ISIS-held) areas to government-controlled areas during the war. Assad is still a dictator but many Syrians understand the alternative à la Libya is far worse.
Holy shit this is a gold mine. My sides are In Somalia now
man they are really shitting on moderates.
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>be me have exam state law tommorow
>waste my time on a somalian internet forum about a civil war in syria
what have i become
Russians are STILL butthurt about Ukraine

ffs get over it man, move on
you should really consider your life goals i guess.

here have some grove, maybe it ll cheer you up,


somehow only works on 720p though, dont forget to set it.
time to blame russians
Those fuckos in the cages are actually Ukrainian soldiers locked there for being drunk as fuck on a frontline. Literally half their army are alcoholics, this is such a big problem that they have to invent all those disciplinary measures like cages and shit.
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Leftists and neocon are freaking out about this.

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Can someone redpill me on the government executing civillians and CNN reporting activists making tweets pleading for help?
that's some groovy shit

will use it for ruck march tomorrow
redpill: it's part of the great bullshit narrative as Syria is a major geopolitical enemy of the West/gulf states
beheader shills shilling to the CNN shills
Je t'accuse!
unconfirmable reports,no ngos on the ground
it's the perfect source of propaganda
what is there to redpill, it's obvious propaganda
yeah onra is surprisingly.... amazing. french people make some nice music time to time.
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What do you mean butthurt, we still occupy it according to everyone
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only redpill you need is pic. related.

assad/russia is literally arming isis with missiles and shit.
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This could be my LAST message! Al Leppo has fallen and genocide is being commited left and right! Just an hour ago syrian holocaust-squad captured a local circus that served as hospital and school and SODOMIZED and MURDERED all the clowns inside! Assad personally had his way with my ass and now I am waiting for Putin to arrive and do the same! Send Help! #FreeSyrianAnus
im sick of hearing about it
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Implying they have the training and knowledge to operate them
>implying your average tusken raider would know how to operate the s-125
someone fucked the uploads a bit
they only play in 720p and have a fuckload of grain in them
There are literally no journalists in the area. All they're going on is on a few moderate beheader's unconfirmed tweets.
This means you got butthurt, not Russians, desu.
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They're just parroting jihadi propaganda. Nobody credible is actually on the ground there to very these claims.

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considering USA orchestrated the assault they can also teach how to operate those shit :^)

okay so, assad/russia arms isis, usa trains them. interdasting.
What is that picture?
>Ambulances reportedly moving into Fuah-Kafraya

>As part of eastern #Aleppo agreement, 15 buses moved to Kafarya & Fouaa in north #Idlib to evacuate the ill and wounded people.

Looks like the Iranians got a little of what they wanted
fair enough m8
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>tfw no qtpi syrian basketball gf

grain is intentional as far as i can understand though....

and even if its not tbqh grain sounds very amazing in the context of these songs.
>wanting a basketball Syrian

What about those the videos of people on twitter crying?
>okay so, assad/russia arms isis, usa trains them. interdasting.

you forgot the iraqi army lmayyo
man she was so harsh with the redpills... i LOVED IT.
Assad is literally worse than Hitler nao
kek yeah, iraqi army is the irl training program for isis :^)

are we all fugged or something?
But literally everyone with half a brain saw that Trump's message was positive.
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the full album is very comfy so far
cheers for the suggestion turkbro

some political quiz thing an anon put on /pol/
>some political quiz thing an anon put on /pol/
you should check on carpenter brut if you also like 80s electronic music. another baguette band sort of thing.

chinoseries 3 will come out soon they said, still waiting
They wanted evacuation of everyone in those villages, right?
>Carpenter brut
yeah, i played Hotline Miami too

they're alright
Yeah, armed personnel included. I guess Turkey didn't go for it.
almayadeen live stream. green buses entering.

turkey didnt go for what?
Rebeshits BTFO
muh German engineering BtFO
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Never thought i would like hip-hop(?) remixes of ching-chong ping ling sounds as much
This stuff is great turkbro
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tfw Mosul will be liberated before Ali Baba
By reading Elijah's tweets he says Russia put a pressure to Assad & Iran not to demand so much so they put a closure to E.Aleppo as soon as possible.
Haha RT just roasted Bilal.
np man. gl with exams and shit.

guess we are massing troops etc. those sultan murad guys that ll get out of a-leppo will join us in n.syria as well according to the news.
Turks really cant fight wars
these are supposed to be trained weastern troops '
either ISIS is all shock troops or turk solders and so shit they worse than Arabs
why are they so keen on saving those terrorists? Surely it's gonna bite them in the ass afterwards
syrian tv live stream of buses

>lets dive into city combat and take shit loads of casualties while we can just circle the city and bomb the shit out of them.

its okay when assad does it, its not okay when turkey does it.
Was it an ATGM or just an ISIS dude with grenades like in Mosul?
>#AlNusra are burning their headquarters along with all documents in order not to reveal the identity of those who were sponsoring them
to look good in western media even though they ll shill against you. this way they are showing good faith and trying to turn the tide etc.

tbqh thats a good move. if you can kill them fast and in one shot, go for it, if you cant, leave them be, relocate etc. so you look like a good person.
>shitskins really cant fight wars

Fixed that for you.
i am pretty sure there are enough documents around to prove who supports them anyways.
remember what happened in some wars germany started :^)
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gee, i wonder who is sponsoring them
Both WW1 and WW2 weren't started by Germany. Get your facts straight.
>lemme attack polan and invade it surely nothing will go wrong :DDDDD
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you guys have an odd habit of saying that youre "massing troops" every time you hit some actual defenses

but yeah, Turkey actually doesnt need to hurry with this operation at all, theyre in a pretty good position already so why waste effort on some stupid IS shithole city. The only problem is that youre letting IS atgm and vbied your shit, thats no bueno.

But you never know with Erdo, dude is insane so he probably wants to push further and is kinda failing at it.
To have them in Idlib or in N.Aleppo so they can hop over turkish border eventually.
So how many losses in personell and vechicles has Turkey suffered since the beginning their Shield-operation?
not really, imo erdogan wants to get out of syria most probably but chief of staff and other people are pushing for it (rightfully so). also no reports of tank destruction so far and our chief of staff didnt lie about shit so far so i am inclined to believe them.

>each and every injured/dead soldier is instantly reported and made public
>each and every attack on our soldiers are instantly reported and made public
>each and every destroyed etc. tank is instantly reported and made public

Didn't you know? We attacked them first.
they already say that turkmens will join us in n.syria.
Turks say no dead
turks most likely full of shit or letting FSA do all the heavy lifting and dying
What about the info that you are looking to colonize N.Aleppo with Turkmens from Iraq and other parts of Syria, any truth in this?
Because the Russians are big on cruel irony being a teacher.
The broken terrorists will flee to Europe and cause trouble there for decades.
RT drone stream of evacuation
oh boy what a shame, i guess now we'll never know
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we just like karma related things
Unironically Europe deserves those attacks from terrorists. That's what we get for helping IS and other groups.

Maybe with enough deaths we will wake up.
We need some fresh bread.
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>no reports of tank destruction so far
yeah if this pic doesnt count as getting your shit atgmd then I dont know what does

theres no way sitting in one place and eating atgms and vbieds is a good strategy, just sayin
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I am litteraly appaled
everyone knows that shit is a lie, they are just too proud to not accept it.

most probably yes, nobody wants a k*rd colony there for sure though other than USA.

tank can get hit but survive.
>accuses assad of arming IS
well, well, well..
worst lasagna of all time
they are on turkcell mobile signal. banana is almost certainly not even in aleppo
Kinda hard to do when kikes are meddling with your affairs and jihadis are decapitating your civilians.
any proofs on that?
What did we do this time?
orchestarted inside hacks in USA
they only send their garbage to you and also here
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here is banana before her house was "bombed" and after
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