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>see this What do?

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>see this
What do?
Respect their right to choose with whom they do business and go to another establishment
If it's in America I'd smash their commie windows out. If it's anywhere else I'd just go elsewhere.
Take my business elsewhere.
Remove our troops and anti missile defense systems
enter store
Start yelling in Hebrew till they call the police.
Come in
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Go somewhere that isn't retarded and want's my valuable american tourist money.

Go fuck one of their daughters in the ass for 50$ later and give them a reason to hate me.
That establishment isn't in America so I'd likely never visit it anyway.

>Go in and demand to see the basement, PRONTO!
If you don't recognize businesses' and individuals' right to discriminate whoever in any form they wish for whatever reason, then you're the commie.
Go in and start ordering in Japanese.
I'd have a seance with Park and let loose the ghosts of their ancestors...
Just say you're Canadian
turn 360 degrees and walk away.
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In case you haven't cracked a history book in a hundred years, I have to inform you that Americans really don't give a shit whether they are welcome or not.
I'm canadian
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trust me good go....guy i'm a candian i sware eh
Call immigration and let them know where all the illegal immigrants hang out.
Walk right in
meme myself inside and shit on the floor
>leaving America
100% this

Fucking gooks only have the land they have, the freedoms they have and the businesses they have because Americans died for them. As far as I'm concerned that sign means they don't want the freedoms we perpetually ensure to them at our expense.

Pull our bases out, pull our missiles out, and slap a massive "Kim Ill Sung eats dick" poster on the business.
Thank you for that incite, Sweden. I truly strive to be like you.
Don't pretend you know Hebrew, Billy.
Probably go to a Japanese place. Same gook food, except with courtesy.
Go in anyway.

What are they gonna do? I bet I have six inches and 40 pounds on most of the men in there.
This is the only correct answer.
Jesus Christ, how do you get that in your pants.
The only thing muricucks did was deestablish the middle east and fuck the rest of the world because muh oil, you are literally the jews of the world.
do they call you stumpy?
>I'll just respect some foreign assholes refusing to do business with the nationality of the nation they're in
what a cuck
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You're just like your mother.
Hava nagila sucka
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If I was American, I'd just take my business elsewhere.

They have a right to do business with whom they please. If they don't want my money; their loss. Someone else will gladly take it.
Walk in, sit down and manspread
Go somewhere else.

Even if I stood my ground and demanded they serve me, they'd just spit in my food anyway.
Start talking aboat how the weather is in Toranna this time of year. How about dem leafs, eh?
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Push over the 5 ft 120 lb manlets
"Oh, I'm Canadian eh"
run a plane through some towers and proceed to take their oil
Walk in, say that you are a fucking leaf so it's k.
At least you help teeth from becoming multicultural.
You met Fat Man and Little Boy, wait until you meet Fat Boy and Little Man.
Point an American electric fan with no shut-off timer at their front door. When they die, walk in and take what I want from their establishment.

Until I get to put up a sign in my shop that says "blacks not welcome here" I refuse to recognize any businesses right to discriminate.
There will ben an uprising in the Netherlands we do not get cucked like the fucking germanistanis.
Local youth has started beating the shit out of immigrants even the Morrocans and turks.
What a time to be alive
Found the nigger.
Politely inform them that my close friend and representative Saul Diamondberg with the ADL will be in contact shortly to discuss the terms of a settlement.
Go in and start ordering things. Get a nice list going. Spend an hour or two learning everything they have to offer. Get ready to pay for everything. Even pull out a nice wad of cash. Then remember, "Oh that's right. You don't serve Americans. Never mind. Can you recommend a competitor who serves Americans?"
Aww, was hoping for at least a chuckle

In America? Run in and shoot everyone in self-defense.

Outside of America? Go in anyways; there is no place I cannot go.
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Pic related then go somewhere else
>Be British
>visit Japan
>See this and laugh
"My kind of place"
>get kicked out

Fucking rice niggers.
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Step right on in, if you're white.

When they say "NO AMERICANS ALLOWED" what they really mean is no niggers allowed, it's a clever way of keeping thieving mud-people out of your establishment without being overtly racist.
Why would I ever go to worst Korea?
Hold an American lives matter demonstration
Cry to BuzzFeed about it and swim in NEET bucks.
>wigger gaijin does this
>gets his ass kicked by the yakuza
>The Netherlands pretends it didn't fuck up Africa, SEA, and eastern America (to name a few)

You eurocucks sure have clean hands these days
Can you actually do this in America? Could I put up a sign saying "No Africans"
Hopefully there will be an uprising across the world. White christian men will rule again one day
Find out what they do business in and take time out of my day to immediately give business to a competing company.

I'd be sure to inform them of why I gave them a visit as I pay for whatever services they gave to me as well.
Laugh and walk in
Annex the western most part of the store as an American settlement.
walk in and have a seat
Not since the sixties.

In the early 1900's they'd also deny service to Irish people or Italians depending on the area (east coast) or Chinese (west coast)
Probably enter anyway and when they decline to serve me I would shit myself.
>I'm Canadian


> South Africa literally the richest African country in Africa you're welcome
> SEA booming economy you're welcome
> Discovered NY provided US with major income source
You are welcome Murifat for literally making your country to what it is today now fuck off back to Mcdonalds.
stupid question, why would I care?

Go home aquafresh, you're drunk again.
Suuuure you will.
Walk in, tip them 10% extra too. Peace of mind and comfort away from these stinky fatties is worth it.
Christ will rule the earth one day
im not an american.
>if they didn't let me in I'd let off my suicide vest allah ackkbar
Walk in with the theme of top gun blasting from my phone wearing a US flag speedo while eating a burger. Once the burger is finished, shit on the floor and helicopter my dick to the repeating theme to top gun.
Why the fuck would I want to go into the DNC in the first place?
Stroll right in and say gday.
walk in and wander over to the fine owner of this establishment and give him a firm handshake for being a true blue all around top bloke and creating an amerifat free safe space for all us higher beings to enjoy
put my canadian flag patch on my bag, like 85% of american tourists do anytime they travel outside of america (this is a fact, how much they are hated they have to pretend to be canadian).

which americans died to sail over those anti-missile defense machines?

can i get a list of their names?
>SEA booming
>takes credit for NY

This nigga got jokes.

Nothing about NY mattered until the British took it from your incompetent hands and did something with it. Same with SEA, I've literally read the translated colonial records.

Can't say much about South Africa, aka the land where white people arm themselves 24/7 because stopping at a traffic light is insta-death.

Sounds more like places get better only after you leave....
we would never want to be wearing A FUCKING LEAF
>enter store
>say I'm American
>trash the place
>if cops find me
>pretend I don't understand and say that I'm a Swedish tourist
Those fuckers in the window look some kind of asian so my tax dollars are going to protecting their shitty state from a chinese invasion. I fucking own that building where they put that sign up.
If I'm American, go to /pol/ and start a thread.
chimp out and claim muh oppression
>Nips not wanting to trade with Americans hmmmm. I wonder what'll happen
Speak French.
It doesn't mean "no Americans" it means "no non-Asian foreigners."

They don't care if you're Aussie or Canadian. If you're white and speak English they don't want you to enter. They just say "American" because they either get them the most or can't differentiate. It's also more or less a place holder for "we don't speak English here."

Beyond that, I know there are places in Japan that won't explicitly say it but they just don't want any sort of foreigner around. They find it uncomfortable or are older and don't like the influx of foreigners into "muh homogeneous society." Likely there are some like that in Korea, too.
We made you you fat pig while you were being lazy niggers in the the frontier, SA became fucked after apartheid ended.
The British gave us a good deal goy before you murilards threw a fit for independcy that only succeeded because the empire got cucked by the royal family
>t. American education in its best form
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stay the fuck out of asia you fucking pedo (all anglos are pedos btw)
Well it only says you're not welcome, not that you're not allowed.
There were Canadians that also fought in the Korean War. But they fought under the glorious Canadian Ensign, not the flag of the maple tree's seasonal litter
Are Jerseyans Norman blood?
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shart in the mart some stupid sign isnt going to stop me
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>he thinks we won by any sort of merit of our own
>he thinks the "frontier" extended past New Jersey before the brits bought the land and did the job for them
>he thinks SA was worth anything even with Apartheid
>trashes American education but the slightest butt tingle destroys his English composition skills

England lost the American Revolutionary war because of France and Spain (with you cunts sauntering in well past when everyone stopped caring if you'd come). We were some fucks with rifles and no navy playing guerilla war in the pines.

What exactly was SA good for before you left? Sending poor farmers out into the boons? Funneling bananas into your faces and gold into Philip's pockets?

And you can't even defend SEA, shows how solid you are at keeping up a bluff.
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You know how that feels right?
Hell, we've been invaded enough times that any claim of ancestry somebody living here cared to makes could likely be backed up with at least some evidence.
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Time to turn off the computer and study your own history John Boy, you clearly don't know shit.
>pic related: it's you
Americans are starting to turn into leaves using ad hocs and strawmans kek.
Remind them who saved their asses from the commie hordes
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Poor business model and a waste of my hate. I'd rather focus it.

Rule of thumb? I hate people for what they do. Were they born somewhere else? Not like they chose to be born there. Does everyone from that place not wash their hands or something? Then make them if they want to use your store.

It's spitting in the face of the idea of individual liberty if you refuse to associate with or sell to people who 'are' something you dislike, rather than people who 'do' something you dislike.
Wonder why I am in some shithole gook country
>"Y-you don't even know your own history!"
>"All of it! I-it's so bad I can't even point out what's wrong. Must be sad, being that wrong. I wouldn't know what that's like....no sir, not me."
>"Pic related. I even said it's you so you'd know. Dumb Americans, need things spelled out for them."

I'm truly ashamed of my Dutch blood.

And just to cap this off, what the fuck kind of Slavic school did you attend while learning English? John Boy? Who the fuck told you that was an expression? Did they also teach you to call people "buddy" at every opportunity, or to call clubs "discotheques?"
Tell them you are Canadian

They aren't going to know the difference
>What do?

Vote against removing the military presence which hurts these people's butts so damn much.
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enter and breathe a sigh of relief.
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Respect the wishes of an owners private establishment.

There is no argument here, and it wouldn't bother me. If I suddenly decide to not serve googles or poos don't bitch at me though.
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>See this
What do OP?
Amerikek gets tilted so pulls out some more ad hominens because his own arguments are false. Why don't you go read that history book son, you clearly need it.
Literally walk in and do what the fuck I want because I'm very likely twice the size of the average gook. I mean what is some 5 ft 2 130lbs yellow shit going to do?
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No just dont go in and trash the place then we know you are superior leaf.
ultimately this.
do they mean people born in the united states of america or people born in the american continents
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a good number of Japanese hot spring resorts are closed to gaijin (foriegners).

I never found that upsetting when I was in Japan. My Nipponese friends just chose an Osen that allowed foreigners instead of one that didn't.

Personally I never felt like I lost out on anything. Never even irritated me.
>still can't name anything that was wrong
>goes full on /b/ 2006 with the "muh strawmanz"
Good thing I'm Italian and not a redskin. :^)
Wouldn't they write "Only Japanese" or something? Singling out American makes me think this is close to one of your military bases and it's some political message or a reaction to murders/rapes.

I know those have happened close to your bases elsewhere.
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>states historical inaccuracies
>tells someone to read a history book
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I have money and an interest. Why, oh Why?
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It's because America is fucking with their country as well as the rest around the World.
Babylon 2.0, worse than the Roman Empire and Viking raids.
This is the product of multiculturalism, all this destruction and mayhem. All to increase the elite's power and wealth, to steal opium from them and put our people on it so there's nothing we can do about it.
but muh freedom
They mean any non-asians. The shop owner is probably just old and doesn't know of foreigners besides whites
Who cares why would anyone want to go to a third world shithole anyway.
I am a former US soldier that was stationed in Korea.

This is totally justified and I fully support their right to ban whoever they want. Soldiers in Korea act like niggers. They get drunk. They fight random people. They fight eachother. They steal. They open tabs for $100+ and run out without paying.

They do this because Korea doesn't have 100 cops running around beating drunk people who get out of line (aside from protests, totally different story). They don't need them because Koreans can go out and drink without turning into niggers. US soldiers can't apparently.

Its embarrassing as a US soldier. I would never hold it against them for banning us. Not all of us are scum but enough that banning all of us is perfectly understandable. Koreans are super nice and have a great country they should be proud of. Soldiers that disrespect it are the scum and I'd be a nigger too if I complained about it.
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>Consorting with slants

Lol, I didn't intend to order dog for lunch to begin with.
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