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Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 83

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Sweden has to employ guards at churches because people won't stop:
>Masturbating during mass
>Shitting on the floor
>Trying to steal babies during baptizing

LITERALLY shitting on your own culture, ahahahaha.
what in the actual fuck, Sweden
Sweden is a meme country
Why am I not surprised...
>trying to steal babies

The fuck, Sven?
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my country is a meme
Any pictures?
>gimmiegrants shit, piss and masturbate in your church while trying to steal your childen

>Swedish response: train staff in conflict management

Every last Swede should be flogged for allowing their country to be destroyed like this
Would you try to do the same thing in a mosque tho?
haaaaaaahahahahaha. wow
It's not your country, there is anything wrong with, Sven.

It is you.

Fucking go do something about it.

Man fuck Sweden they deserve this
you should be shaking with anger and hatred, not laughing. people like you are the problem
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>trying to steal babies
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(((They))) are commuting sacrilege of your religion to further the evil kabbalist grand plan.
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With Jews you lose
>implying poster is an actual native Swede
Swedens, why do you stay in your country? Why don't you immigrate to USA or i dunno, switzerland?
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These immigrants are even more progressive than Mohammed, they start after 9 months instead of years.
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Oh shit, it's the "refugees"

what the fuck
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No, they expect one of us at the wreckage brother.
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holy shit hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah

The church is open to the public at 11-17 every day. But its central location - opposite the central station in Kristianstad - attracts guests of smaller devotional reasons.
Screaming people throwing bottles of alcohol, climbs the organ play and try to take children from the priest during dopförrättningarna. Staff meetings on who pees and poops on the floor of the church. At one point, a man sat and masturbated in the pew.
- It was a lying and pulled his penis. He did not stop despite the fact that a female police officer asked him to do it, says Assembly Administration Bengt Alvland to Kristianstadsbladet , which was first to report about the mess.
"They have no inhibitions"
Visitors should have tried to steal the church silver. The organ has been locked up because they could not help but play it - often under the ordinances. When the magazine did a TV interview with Bengt Alvland pulled someone suddenly unplug.
To carry out weddings and baptisms, the church has been forced to call in security guards and staff should be trained in conflict management.
Police describe Kristianstad Church's new guests as aggressive abusers. They lack both the boundaries and inhibitions, according to Director Bengt Alvland:
- It is really strange that we have to train our staff in this stuff, but it is perhaps as the development looks like.
Ask the police for help
Alvland mean that the visits are a result of that it is more security guards at the main station and at Kristianstad City Hall. Now consider these people the Church as its heat cabin, he says to Kristianstadsbladet.
Police indicate that a new clinic for heavy users has opened in the same area.
The church has now asked the police to the security guards will start patrolling even at church.
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Im out of this shithole as soon as Im done with my "free" education
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Maybe we should do like the Norwegians and put them in a luxury hotel... Oh wait, you reserve that treatment for mass murderers.
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dude I've stopped reading "aftonbladet" because they are kike msm and leftie commies, but now that I'm here and looking around I realize just how far off the deep end we really are.

They are not even bothering to hide it anymore behind a veil of "tolerance" it's like it's all normal now.

It's not funny anymore.
sweden needs to be nuked

>The Muslim the convert Michael Skråmo, in 2009 were invited to SVT, where he told Swedish viewers how Muslim phobia (Islamophobia) and hatred was spread around Europe. Now he has traveled to Syria with his wife and children to wage war for the brutal terrorist organization Islamic state.


holy shit what an idiot you are
Maybe you should help pewdiepie organize the white uprising
No, because I don't have an IQ of my age

At least the money is being spent on their own and not the alien.
Soooooo butthurt HAHAHAHAHA
jesus christ what?!
holy shit sweden get your act together
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leaving is not the answer, weakling
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I laughed way too hard at this
what did he mean by this?
Ok. Sorry for not "shaking with anger and hatred" because a radical-left church in a radical-left city has to face up to the reality they created.
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>In pictures published on Facebook the 29-year-old is posing with AK-47s, and in a propaganda video he sits outside the Syrian city Kobane and calls upon all Muslims in Sweden to follow his example and join him in armed jihad.

->We need you to come down here and give support to the religion of Allah, Skråmo says in the video.

That's...actually a brilliant idea
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I actually feel pity for your country. It's to the point where there doesn't seem to be any way of recovery. Once an example of western civilization irreversibly reduced to a shithole, all in the name of tolerance and to line people's pockets. Your ancestors would weep so much they'd die again from dehydration.
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don't worry goys, the swedish people can reconcile their situation whenever they want

just look at this raw military might that the swedes possess

It's not immigrants. It's drug users.

And at least we don't have white supremacists shooting up our churches yet. :-)
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The priest said that the people responsible all speak Swedish. If that is true then they aren't gypsies or the fresh batch of shitskins. Might be a rare case of regular junkies taking it to the next level.
I can't stop laughing holy shit
You know that the swedes would be arrested if they tried to do anything about it.

He's a lefty and covering for the sandniggers.
they're actually going to give 11 billion kronor to the defense budget by 2020, citing "russian aggression" but knowing the prior incompetence of that sector it will probably fund something stupid
no they're immigrants, they are using newspeak to hide it
>The priest said that the people responsible all speak Swedish
>Swedish priests
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Such enriching vibrancy!
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Who gives a shit about churches? I'm 24y old and I've been inside a church 2 times. Both times were for funerals.

Fuck man I thought Jesus was just some old dead celebrity like Elvis until I was like 11.
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Like this is some one in a million situation. I hope every non-muslim gets beheaded so your sorry ass country can serve as a warning to the rest of the world.


>Sweden to give returning ISIS fighters housing grants and free driving licences to encourage them to reintegrate into society

Any Swede who isn't in Nordfront deserves death.
Might be the case but the article that included that detail is in a newspaper that the leftists like to accuse of being nazi racists. It'd be weird if they just took his word on it.
I thought things were in a horrid state in the Church of Scotland but Sweden takes things to a new level.

Every fucking time.
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lol drug users? are pawnshops buying babies? im not fully convinced your lying but im not dismissing it. elaborate.
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>Implying that national socialism won't work better.
Also, Sweden isn't "Socialist", Its "((((((Socialist)))))))"

>More Swedish priests


>Implying that's a bad thing

Also, see >>102036911

digits don't lie
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It's not over yet, but damn if it isn't darkest before the dawn.
Sweden has literally become Sodom and Gomorrah. I hope God punishes them for their wickedness.
This is why your country is going to shit you know
>"I haven't been to church more than twice my entire life"
>builds 100 mosques for the mudslimes anyway

Don't indulge other religions if you're not even religious yourself, fucking sweden!
I'm not religious or I would pray for your country. At least if everything continues down the current path your country (and Germany by the looks of it) will serve as a warning for the rest of the world.
<W-w-what happened to christian values?
It's some sort of drug clinic nearby. That's what's causing it. They don't put that type of stuff on the side anymore, just smack it down in the middle of where people live and work, to be "inclusive". It's actually good, because along with immigration and feminist snow-plowing it'll make citites unbearable to live in, thus make decent people leave and fill up the rural areas again.
Is this bait? You're like a caricature of a Swede, in addition to being incredibly stupid.
Holy shit finnish army could annex sweden in a day
The priest is a cuck(like all proddies) and want to cover the shitskins.
I guess the guards are there so nobody interrupts sandpeople practice their culture?

Sweden is NOT fucking around!

I am too afraid to liberate THAT country.
>Masturbating during mass
Arabs are animals. Anybody got that webm of the one masturbating in class?
Why are they speaking in english ?

And why the priests have masonic pyramids on their costums.
>thus make decent people leave and fill up the rural areas again.
This is why (((they))) systematically place 1,000 'refugees' in small villages with 100 inhabitants - first the cities, then the rural areas. At the same time they force your children to be indoctrinated to become multiculturalists
Nigger we have something like 8 actual mosque buildings. You have 5.

If we go by mosques/capita you have more than us.

Most mosques in both countries are smaller congregations held in fucking basements and shit. I literally couldn't give less of a fuck if they want to meet up and crawl around on mats in a basement.

This reminds me of the story from Sweden some years ago, when loads of adult male rapefugees occupied the children's section of public libraries. Just generally loitering, causing trouble and bothering the other guests.

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no. your country will die with a whimper and the sound of cocks going in and out of every asshole
I thought this was just a meme...
Fuck sake Sveden.
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It's the poles
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that's just like, your opinion, man
Poles are a plague here as well, but the reason they're statistically a lot worse than Arabs is authorities cover up for Arabs, they use Poles (since Poland only sends it scum away) to say "LOOK ITS WHITEY NOT MOHAMED!"
What are the conservative groups/areas in Sweden? Are they any good?
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you wouldn't even need the army
You sure your not gay?
I'd take Norwegian mass murderers over ungrateful 3rd world filth any day. They're literally shitting, pissing and masturbating in your churches and raping your women
>a day
Do you guys march slowly?
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you disgust me
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sylvie a cute
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Princess Madeline married an American

and I dunno
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Don't forget the baby stealing. It seems like they are an out of control meme.
being a norwegian homosexual is less gay than just being a swede at this point
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for fucks sake
I'd like to point out that our Muslim population is 6%.

Yours is 14%, Ivan.
>Yours is 14%, Ivan.
First of all, I would like to see your source on that exact percentage.
Secondly, those muslims are native to our clay, not imported.
Finally, do not be jealous, your muslim population will outgrow ours in no time.

Any else piss poor whataboutism-tier arguments that even a babby can counter, Sven? :^)
>they're native
Going to do that. Almost finished with my engineering degree. Lost my patience long ago. If people don't want help you can't help them.

Might be real. People like that exists. That's why Sweden looks the way it does...

Been saying that Sweden should close the borders and throw out all the economic migrants since middle school (since around 2005) and I was called an evil nazi. People are starting to wake up now, but they are late to the party and still not willing to do what has to be done.

Sweden will survive, but people will suffer and things will be different. These things happen every few hundred years or so.

At first I was angry all the time, but you hear about these things every day now and so you start to find it funny. It's some kind of coping mechanism.
Same shit in our maternity hospital's.

We had to change all sorts of rules and bring in guards in maternity hospitals when mothers all of a sudden started
1) stealing
2) fighting
3) kidnapping.

It's Africans. They do thing you would never expect people to do at a time like child birth.
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Too bad the ruskies know how to deal with muslims, while you let Adullah and Mohammad rape your daughters at festivals need I remind you?


You handed out "tafsa inte" bracelets for fuck sake sven!

>"plz no grope"
But Christianity is not a Swedish religion

And it's not immigrants but drug addicts
Wow, Sweden winning the game out of nowhere! Germany cannot possibly top this.
Why would a black man steal a child? They usually can't get away from the fast enough.
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jelly of our magic mudslime-repellent bracelets?
Islamists? Surely he meant jews.
this. if russia have 14% muslim population they're doing a damn good job of keeping those fuckers in check. while the cucks of sweden let 6% rape their entire country
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You have to go back.
I would actually like one for myself, as an memoir of the third world dystopia that was Sweden.
The thing is though, even if we try our hardest we'll never be as shitty a place to live as Russia.

I don't doubt for a second that even if we became a 100% Muslim caliphate under sharia law the quality of life here would still be higher than the depressing hellhole called Russia.
To shoo away ruskies.

Sure they can

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> Nordfront
Why am I not surprised...
to rape it, duh. didn't you know raping babies cure AIDS?

>A survey by the University Of South Africa (UNISA) in South Africa found that 18 percent of laborers thought that having sex with a virgin cures HIV/AIDS. An earlier study in 1999 by sexual health educators in Gauteng reported that 32 percent of the survey participants believed the myth.
>I don't doubt for a second that even if we became a 100% Muslim caliphate under sharia law the quality of life here would still be higher than the depressing hellhole called Russia.

shame you still can't stop the boats outside of a simulation
But I'm Norwegian, and Christianity isn't a Norwegian or Italian religion either.
Their families are banned from the hospital while they give birth. Child snatching is a problem with them.

I do not know their motives.
>implying they want to stop the import of bbc for their thirsty men and women....and children.
haha, BTFO
>even if we try our hardest
So that's why you're importing experts on that topic from Somalia, huh.
We only have 3 Gotland-class subs tho.
I wouldn't be so sure
somebody has to do the tough job of filling up the designated shitting churches
>simulated in a war game
in real life a swede is too "caring and compassionate" to kill anyone, even the rapist and murderer of their daughter
Don't come here though
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Sven is very progressive and tolerant!

Oy vey! If you don't want your women raped by niggers, your little girls and boys sodomized by Muslims, and your country forcibly converted to Islam... then you're a racist Islamphope.
"I forgive you Abdullah"
english source?
Somebody that isn't a fucking white male.
Transformation is now complete, swedish people are niggers.

Niggers steal everything, even if they don`t use afterwards.
Well we seemed to have forgotten the art of the rape that we mastered in the Viking age. Our melaninated brothers will surely teach us that fine art once more and usher in another age of rape and pillaging.
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Sweden is just a meme.
the country doesn't even really exist anymore
Islam is a religion of piss and shit.
jajajajajajaajjaja o fuck jajajajaa omg please stop
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Just use google translate you fucking monkey

inb4 du lämnar landet med en gymnasieutbildning och hamnar på gatan
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>I don't doubt for a second that even if we became a 100% Muslim caliphate under sharia law
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I was in the army.
Women should not be there period.
Aircraft carriers BTFO
Where did you get that? I saw rough estimates between 17-25%
Sounds like gypos or rapefugees.
hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahaahahahaahahahaahaha holy fuck sweden your country is such a fucking joke
Doesn't Sweden have an army or whatever? Aren't the military fed up with all of this bullshit?

AFAIK all military in the world are patriotic enough to be the ones most resisting this kind of bullshit when it happens.

And what about the general population, the normies, the Silent Majority? Aren't normies also fed up with this? Or are they in fact also in favor of it?
Source on tweet please ?
I'm looking around like mad, can't seem to locate it.
SHART IN ______?
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stop posting shit tier pics of sylvie.
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University, got tired of being a wagecuck for Muhammeds gibs
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So what unholy retribution did you alphas inflict on the murderer of this girl?
Never mind, disregard that I suck cock & that my mother did crack during her pregnancy.

[twitter] /DVATW/status/697170371007664130
Those were some projected numbers for 2030 if we keep importing muslims at the same rate as in 2015. Quite unlikely, but who knows. Anything can happen I guess
>As of 2010, 1.33 million people or 14.3% of the inhabitants in Sweden were foreign-born. Of these, 859,000 (64.6%) were born outside the European Union and 477,000 (35.4%) were born in another EU member state

That was 2010 and in 2015 alone they took in 500.000 rapefugees so about 20% is likely


also even if they stopped immigration completely, the number would still rise every day because of birth rates and old ethnic swedes who are dead in 5 years skew it
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then give me some good ones Ivan

din äckliga quisling och Judas lärjunge, när ska ditt folk sluta bränna ner Guds kyrkor?

be Kristus om förlåtelse

Johannesbrevet 1:9
''Om vi bekänner våra synder är han trofast och rättfärdig, så att han förlåter oss synderna och renar oss från all orättfärdighet. ''
I don't, if there aren't people trying to fix it then they deserve extinction.

They won't ever "become redpilled". Nice attacks left me with no hope over it all. There was a literal terrorist attack and people forgot about it in a week, if they even heard the truth about it to begin with.

No one cares anymore.
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>Trying to steal babies during baptizing.

dast ist mein land ja.
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Stockholm has more mosques than Abu Dhabi.
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>the worst thing about the Nice attacks was the fact that racists expected it
>And at least we don't have white supremacists shooting up our churches yet. :-)

That's the best you could do? Are you even a pol user? Most of us are glad white supremicists shoot up nigger churches.

Don't get butt blasted because your country is full of pussified men and niggers taking your women.
>24 year old male
>talks like a 16 year old tumblrina

Damn Sven keks
Yeah you're right 100% of immigrants are doctors, lawyers, women and children. None of these people could possibly ever used drugs, especially if they're from the Middle East where hashish and opium are all over and widely used.
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>not posting the updated flag in a Sweden YES thread

What the fuck?
What is swedens SECDEF ;^)
>If we move the goal post for this statistic, I win!
Can some Swede tell us about everyday life in Sweden? Like the no go zones, the ghetto's, the media, the brainwashing, the schooling, the deporting of your dementing grandma because the nursinghome has to become a refugee shelter? Please debunk everything the average /pol/ user knows
Quality of life means nothing when you can be evicted from your home to house a "poor refugee".

Don't delude yourself.
Even as much as it hurts me to say this, I think this is done by druggies and not immigrants. At least the article mentions needles and stuff D:
>disregard that I suck cock
It's been awhile since I've seen that.
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>Two women immediately before him before taking position in 2014
He also looks like a major cuck.
You're Sweden-tier delusional, indeed.
Shit mår du bra din efterblivna cuck?

Everything is fine here.
Our ula class did that too, but it's already outdated, new sensors renders those subs obsolete, it's the same for Gothenburg subs.
>sandnigger religion
>our culture
Varför mobbar dom oss? Jag bad aldrig för detta
Tyrone, I have bad news.

I have accepted a job offer at a hedge fund in NYC and the founder used to work for Soros. Not joking. Starting in less than 6 months.

I you can't win you join the dark side... Especially if it pays really well. Lel.

People are starting to wake up, but it's late. Warned about this long ago, but I realised that many normies has to be red pilled by life. The only way they will get red pilled is by suffereing for what they have done. And if they don't wake up they deserve to die.

This is good because it weeds out the weak. The weak doesn't deserve to live.

Sweden will survive to some degree and the new Sweden will at the end of the day be stronger.
>No rebuttal

Why am I not surprised
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>Even though a female police officer told him to stop it, he didn't,"
>female police officer
I wouldn't doubt it if someone told me that pol started that meme
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Inte jag heller. Vi hade oturen att födas i fel tid.

Bara att fortsätta gå framåt och överleva.

When a Swede says "Ghetto" what he really means is just an area with lot of immigrants, but still higher standard of living than every other country in Europe basically.
>>Trying to steal babies during baptizing
Tyvärr väldigt sant.
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This is like watching some movie, this is so surreal that this is happening right now in a nordic country. The world truly is changing, and Sven my former friend, you are one of the guinea pigs.
hey sven dont you have some church floors to shit on?
lmao fucking cuck
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SATAN SVEN, HVA ER FEIL MED DEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????
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Because it was not an argument. Do you have a problem with Nordfront? If so, what?
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>public shitting

another thing burgers have in common with third world muds..
>Quality of life means nothing when you can be evicted from your home
But Piotr, if this actually does happen we have an actual working social safety net that will find you another place to stay.

If a commieblock in your country gets overtaken by gopniks and krokodil abusing criminals there ain't shit you can do about it. Nor will your corrupt state lift a finger to help you.

Man, I'll never understand it when 3rd world shitholes like Brazil and Russia shits on us.

I mean, I can understand it when places like Finland, Netherlands and etc do it. But not corrupt shitholes like Brazil and Russia where you have to struggle to survive.

Here's a list of the no-go zones if you're interested

They're basically ranked from worst to not worst there.
Sweden have less non-whites than France, GB, Belgium and Netherlands, but they are taking in at much higher rates the last years (100k in 2015 for a population of 9,5 million) and I saw a claim of 300k waiting for family reunion. The parties that was favour of this amount of immigration is still the parties having a large majority over the only one opposed to it.

Sweden also seem to have the extreme SJW infected left you see in the US/Canada, but not a lot of in the rest of Europe.

Swedish youth can't find jobs and flock to Norway too, the youth unemployment is rocket high - not sustainable.

It's not as bad as /pol/ makes it out to be, but the fact is that it's just getting worse and worse. You can live a perfectly find life in Sweden now, but if they continue they are fucked.
>Man, I'll never understand it when 3rd world shitholes like Brazil and Russia shits on us.
How so, idiot? I'm just stating facts.
You're the ones shitting on yourselves, Ahmed.
Nah I'm on your side, I just like shitting on swedes, like they do in their churches.
s****n is already a third world shithole, now off with you, don't you have church floors to shit on?
>Trying to steal babies during baptizing
I bet those are gypsies though, not sandniggers
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p-please stop, sverige
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my city isn't even on the list and it's pretty bad here, can't even imagine how bad it is over in those places

fucking kek
Eevery day i wake up i hope Kim Jong Un has wiped the swedcuck off the face of the earth.
>I'll never understand it when 3rd world shitholes like Brazil and Russia shits on us.

They're shit because of many complicated reasons that is not easy to fix. You will soon be just as shit BECAUSE YOU VOTED FOR IT.
Poland and some other eastern european countries are actually good examples. They kept mudslimes out. Russia is not, you're a muslim infested, jew infested shithole with a garbage economy, language and army, and you're slowly going broke, because you're too stupid to invent or create anything.
Gypsy tatic, they literally steal children whenever given the opportunity, then they take them home to their coutnry and raise them as gyps.

... t-thanks EU.
>Araby, Växjö
Sums it up good. Hope the election in 2018 goes well.

Also, I agree that Sweden is a mess right now, but it's funny when you see places like Brazil shitting on Sweden. Kasta inte sten i ett glashus.
stay mad
>But not corrupt shitholes like Brazil and Russia where you have to struggle to survive.
No, just Sweden where you have to struggle to not have mohammed al abdul bin mohammed jafaar shit and piss in your church and steal your babies.
Memes are supposed to be funny

There is nothing funny about this sweden
Says the german...
How do you feel about surrounded by countries much larger than you filling up with shitskins, Denmark? What will you do about the inevitable spill-over from the Swedish Caliphate and Germanistan?
Rich coming from frau merkel.
One of my first suggestions a few years back was that Denmark should bomb that bridge connecting to Sweden. I made that suggestion with hope for the future of Sweden.

Now Sweden is threatening to spill them in the other direction at Denmark? Denmark, bomb that bridge now!
Sylvie is not for sexual.
Don't confuse those things: gopniks and krokodil abusers don't evict you from your house\flat. Sure, they may infest the surroundings, but you can only be evicted from your property on account of not paying taxes.

Does your government find you a house exactly like the one you got evicted from? Why can they even evict you from your own home?

This level of cuckoldry is inexcusable, Sven.
I bet you're going to vote for mother Merkel.

> b-but based Merkel cuz b-b-burqa ban
Or Germany should just bomb the shit out of usa and its allies 1939 and all this shit wouldnt happend...
>Does your government find you a house exactly like the one you got evicted from? Why can they even evict you from your own home?
Not how it works tho. They can only evict you if you're renting the apartment. If you own the apartment deed or a house they can't do diddly.
Tänker och har försökt fixa problemet Danmark. Men jag tänker inte offra mig för en bunt idioter.
"refugees" know how to use boats, how do you think many of them came to europe
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Holy fuck.
shut up you fucking sweden, your country is a joke
of course germany has a refugee problem, but atleast its not a cucked faggot country like yours
germany has a stable population which yours does not have
to be honest, most turks/arabs/blacks that didnt come in the last few years of the refugee crisis are pretty cool guys
they are integrated very well, have a sense of fation, go to work, a chill to hang arround with and so on
mostly those who are born in germany
if you are not a faggot or cuck you wont have a problem with them
the problem are the refugees, but even the turks and arabs and blacks would fuck a refugee instantly up if he says some shit about germany or doesnt follow the law
this is something your country doesnt have, and thats why germany even though, it will have many aliens in it, will not fail, but your country will fail, and your country will be the first to fail
They correctly asked for our help and warned us against walking into the Jew trap that would get us snagged in foreign affairs. Took out a full page ad in the NYT about it even.

What Germany did wrong was to not actually have a holocaust. Never forget that it's the Jews who are responsible for this mess.
this. fucking spineless faggots stand up for yourselves!
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I'm literally shaking
How can we compete with such a mighty army
We should just surrender before ever having to face those brutal viking armies
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>t. achmed muhammed takdir

Finland please, I didn't expect you to fall for that, let them show they are niggers that fall for Jew propaganda.

Yeah but you don't need to give them a fucking walkway. Same thing with the Chunnel. It's basic logistics 101 to control the choke points.
shut up you fucking sweden, your country is a joke
of course germany has a refugee problem, but atleast its not a cucked faggot country like yours
germany has a stable population which yours does not have
to be honest, most turks/arabs/blacks that didnt come in the last few years of the refugee crisis are pretty cool guys
they are integrated very well, have a sense of fation, go to work, a chill to hang arround with and so on...
Civic nationalist cuck detected. All the sand niggers have to go back
I've been on the toilet ever since I started this thread, I've literally filled the entire bowl by now.

Just thought I'd let you guys know.
>Trying to steal babies during baptizing
Can someone tell me what's going on?
Muslims and shitskins are not punished for anything they do, so they take it as far as possible for fun.
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>Trying to steal babies during baptizing
>Trying to steal babies during baptizing
>Trying to steal babies during baptizing
>to be honest, most turks/arabs/blacks that didnt come in the last few years of the refugee crisis are pretty cool guys

You fucking idiot cuckmeister these shitskins will never be cool they will take over your country bit by bit but i bet your a fucking shitskin yourself fucking ugly monkey!
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Phew... faggot gas, wont affect me then.
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We shit on you because we know better than anybody here What it is to live in a "diverse" and "vibrant" country.
You are a fucking joke for having a beautiful country and choosing to turn it into a piece of shit. You deserve this.
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swedes, what are the context of this?
Why would the landlord prefer an equivalent of a somalian village instead of a paying customer though?
>when you get told by .br
>to be honest, most turks/arabs/blacks that didnt come in the last few years of the refugee crisis are pretty cool guys

Right.. 1000 years later in Romania = we was wrong, we should just deport all gypsy with out any reason.
>shitting for 2 hours
what's wrong with you?
Fair enough
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If the only way to end this goddamn insanity were nuclear war, that would plunge the world into a dark age for a thousand years, I would still choose it.
>That stupid fucking arm swing

Holy fuck Swedes can't into DNC worth a fuck. Almost as bad as that retarded British high-stepping shit.
No, you have muslim rapists instead. Well done bro
Nah, wouldn't be effective enough. Maybe weaponized black holes or like, a super plague that only a very small percentage of people are resistant too.

I'd guess it's a mix of stress, excess caffeine and bad diet recently cuz of exams.
Christmas can't come soon enough.
I wish they'll burn in hell and I'm not even christian
>that pic
It's over lads, burn it all and start again.
underrated post
It's a funny video.

WTF you got more niggers that all our gypsys??? How you managed to do that?? ROFL
Idk they couldn't just keep making these
Yet despite all this, Russia is still a better than Sweden.
Please do the community a favor & consider leaving 4chan for ever.

>>>/c/ >>>/h/
nothing to hide, nothing to fear
what kind of evil things do YOU need to hide from the public when you are alone, shitting in your secret bathroom?
In couple of decades Sweden is set to fall below Cuba and Mexico. Unbelievable. The Swedes have lost their fucking minds.

How many Ruskies live in Israel again?

Keep dreaming buddy, we're in the best situation out of all White countries, yet you're too stupid to realize this.
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I hope you get ass raped and lynched. Only way for you to learn.
what the fuck lmao. only non-nigger thing in that pic is the architecture, but that will disappear in the chimpouts to come
Alas, the architect of our demise decides to join the thread.

Do you all know why Sweden is derailing?
...We acknowledged Palestine.
USA will fall first due to their over 50% nigger/shitskin population. After that its a race between Germany, Sweden, UK and France.

Don't be silly, that happened way after.
Because you'll avoid civil war, because you're already zandnikker country?
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More than 1mil if you include all former USSR immigrants.

Yet since they arrived the level of living has risen, and even if they are only 1/8 of the population they make 25% of the demographic of the army.
This is good, now they will get tangible evidence of migrant crimes in God's holy house.
If the police will ignore these crimes, the local security guards will have to deliver justice. Not long will it take for it to turn violent at their hands.

I was reading these kinds of news coming out of your country back in 2011, before we even had shit-skins except a few Turks selling Pizzas. So who's really fucked here?
You cuck. You fucking idiots.You better hope that their isn't a stash of oil somewhere in Sweden. Your pet Mutombo sand niggers will not save you from some American enrichment and freedom.
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What else did you expect?
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yes goy, let your anger flow through you, good goy
must protect those poor babies from muh evil christianity
The Dutch are very different. Most of them fucking despise zandnikkers. When shit hits the fan here, the Dutch will be united.

The Dutch people just want their house, work and retirement, and they don't mind if things are somewhat worse for wear - even though they despise the zandnikkers. However, touch the Dutch directly in their traditions and ways of life, you'll have a bad time.

A perfect example is the Zwarte Piet discussion.
>that pic
So, it's definitely over...

I live in Minnesota, which has a shit town of Swedish/German heritage. Somalis too, don't ya know! Well, one time when I was in my A+ Certification class...

>Asian guy was playing shooter game since he finished homework
>Gets shot or something and says "Ah, you nigger!"
>One black guy in class freaks out and demands apology
>Said black guy is known ghetto weed dealer
>Asian guy refuses to apologize. Black guy comes over
>Asian guys white friends is in way of Black guy
>Black guy demands white guy move so he can whoop asian guys ass
>Cuck white teacher (old guy) is all "come on guys come on guys calm down"
>Black guys knocks over computer monitor
>Asian guy stands up to help white friend who nog is trying to assault
>Another teacher comes in and breaks up nig assault
>White guy is the one who gets taken to office and is kicked out of school, and not allowed to return
>Black guy doesnt even get a smack on the wrist
>Asian guy sees this shit for what it is and leaves that class since his friend got unjustifiably kicked out


Seriously though. This state is nothing but "black is beautiful we quz kangs n queens nigga", Somalis hordes, and illegals. Fuuuuuuuck. Funny how the state with most swedish heritage gets the most Somalis.
SWEDEN NO. Don't you like the vibrancy?
Your cuck genes aren't worth spreading, you miserable faggot. Go fight for your nation and maybe you could look into going once the house you leave is in order.
I'm not from mehico but at least Mexicans are still men with some dignity unlike you fucking cucked Swedes.
ffs america invented this degeneracy, and now you're blaming it on Sweden?

Oh I see so you're a Mexican, what a surprise, seeing as there's only about 30-40% real Whites in the U.S.
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>drunk people throwing liquor bottles in church
>people shitting and pissing on the church floor
>people climbing the church organ
>someone's trying to rip a child out of the priest's hands during the baptizing

Swecuck's response:
>oh thank god there's no racists here to stop them

When did I blame it on Sweden? I was more or less shitting on my state.
I understand now why Sweden threads get so much attention. Every poster from countries in pretty much exactly the same situations, delude themselves into thinking they are in a better spot. You do this by following the /pol/ hivemind like sheep, despite having no real experience with Sweden.

It's understandable that this happens, we all have to feel better about our situations somehow.

The funniest thing of them all is the desperate clinging to an old statistic that showed Sweden being third world by 2030. Clinging to the statstic like people to a fireplace, despite not having any idea what it was based on and that it was actually disregarded by the very people who made it immediately afterwards for being inaccurate.

I get it, you need a way to feel better. Know this though, all western countries are in the same boat, collectievly bashing on one country is not only pathetic but also a damn waste of energy.
Trust me. Mexicans are infinitely superior than your inbred, 60 Iq and degenerate pedophile worshipping Sand niggers.

I trust you man, good luck.
Nobody gives a shit fuck off 56% non-white!
why are the dutch so bad at english

Also God bless Black Pete. You guys better keep that up for unity.
Shut up Sven hahaha
Zandnikker is just the translation from sandnigger. Nikker.
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as a racist and nazi-larper I have much more respect for mexicans than swedes
Yeah, I totally couldn't tell zandnikker = sandnigger. It's just that every time there are at least 3 dutch people in a thread they start spouting dutch at each other. Normal European countries don't do this.

t. West Sweden
t. cuck shed
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.. unless the Swede is a member of Nordfront of course. Did you see >>102034364 ? That's a country who deserves death if i've ever seen one

Great response, moron.
It happens quite a lot actually. Finnish, Swedish, German. You see it all regularly. You fuckers should learn your ancestors languages.

English is an piss-easy language to start with. You can make yourself understandable very quickly. Mastering it might take some time though, but I wouldn't know. I haven't mastered it.
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Why are you defending the flagship of western degeneracy? Sure, Norway may be onboard the sinking ship that is Europe, but atleast we're not the ones that rammed us into the brown iceberg and set fire to the lifeboats, you fucking cuck.
>all western countries are in the same boat
Norway doesn't have a single no-go zone, faggot. And any country who doesn't wake up after seeing that is fucked. At least Front National have a chance of winning in France.

His daughter getting raped and murdered isn't enough for a Swedecuck to think critically. Not for Germans either, but at least that makes a tiny bit of sense because they were literally Hitler.

>but atleast we're not the ones that rammed us into the brown iceberg and set fire to the lifeboats, you fucking cuck.

What is this even supposed to mean? Do you have any experience with reality at all?
Two words
liberal democrats
Swedes are so uncivilized, im glad we're replacing them with nice people from poor countries.

Let me ask you something; are you up to date at all with Swedish politics regarding immigration?
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