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>Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week

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Thread replies: 101
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>Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Norway's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it.
lol there's a country called Norway? Like how much does a not weigh? Lmao
Question, how will you land here with no naval transport?
go back to eating your shitty fish and drinking your cuck bitters drinks faggot
Alright Euronymous, I think you've had about 3 bottles of vodka too many
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>he thinks Norway can cross the Atlantic without GBTFO

if England, France, Germany, and Italy couldn't do it, what makes you snow niggers think you can?

If Japan couldn't get past Hawaii, what makes you snow niggers think you'll land on our coast?
>us Norwegians
you don't speak for me niggerfag. Fuck right off cuck. Norway wouldn't stand a chance in hell against the U.S army. WE would be obliterated in a single night. Now stop being a cuck pls, and acknowledge that Trump will make America great again.
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If we Nordic countries would just unite you wouldn't be even able to say "we surrender" before you all die
You should be very afraid
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I love you, OP. I see you shit talk us every week but it's like having a little wiener dog nip at your heels. Just wanna flop you on your back and rub your belly.
Ok? Go for it?
Gunna stab me while drinking and being antisocial?
Are you people shills? Or are you actually stupid enough to fall for a copypasta thread designed to discredit Norway?
I mean, you must've noticed the divide and conquer shit that's been going on lately.

Nice try Mohammed
I don't need a knife, my fists work just fine
Youre finnland right?

>Fight with the US Navy

lol good luck. We control the seven seas. You wouldnt even make it to us
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>mfw just 1 Nimitz-class carrier group would be enough to annihilate your entire non-country
Thank god. Since im american ill actually just shoot you. Have fun hippie nogunz finland.
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>doesn't even have a single aircraft carrier
>Once our airforce is done bombarding
You air“force“ more like an airforced ...kek
Anyway your 2 Ikea funiture wood bombers would need like 10+ centuries to bomb every square metre.
In the time they'd reach Nebraska New York till Florida would have been rebuilt like twice ....
First military power's citizens getting triggered over a bait.
Proof of American stupidity.
They are all Trump retards who have no clue about anything here from before the election
Jesus Christ this guy again... so fuckin embarrassing
Really? Is it this easy to troll /pol/? Are you egos this fragile?
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>First military power's citizens getting triggered over a bait.
>Proof of American stupidity.




By the way ;^)
You really don't know anything about our gun laws. I can get one really easily legally if I wanted to.
I'll forgive you since you're American, we know your education sucks.
The fact that people are replying is even more embarrassing.
That's because they are all retards from r/the_donald
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Everyone ITT autistically replying to an obvious shitpost thread.

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You can thank the retards from the Trump general foe that. They are all newfags from reddit.
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>I was only pretending to be retarded
Go back to r/the_donald you newfaggot
Can't even read IDs, huh?
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Er litt morsomt at folk faller for det da. Men Norge er jo ikke kjent for legendarisk shitposting heller
All of you fall for this copypasta lol. Even Norwegians lul. Stupid americans
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>Everyone I don't like is a shill or a newfag

Never change /pol/...
ahh yes this thread again
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Das right, They would have no chance.
Together we would wipe their puny asses off this planet.
>be finnish
>go to bus stop
>stand 10 meters away from closest person
>go to get gun after getting off of bus
>have my knife and bottle of booze on me
>go to get gun license
>too scared to talk to clerk
>go to get gun
>have to get licnese for every gun and reason for why i have it
>go to gun store
>get scared
>walk out
>breathe in and out like a crazy person and go back in
>gotta show that american who made fun of me on the internet i was serious.
>go in and ask for a high capacity semi auto
>no.jpg gun salesman says
>best i can do is a black powder rifle since you have no reason to own a real gun
>die inside a little
>go back to sad finnish house with new gun
>load it once
>drink heavily and get sad
>shoots self in head

Guess you only needed one shot finnbro.
Falling for an old as Fuck pasta is a good indicator that you are new here.
This board is full of newfags because of the election
>Implying I wasn't playing along for the bantz

Go ahead and hang yourself already.
Op go to bed. You are high
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Thats why im here.
Also this is now a finn fuckery thread

Let me quote you back:

>I was only pretending to be retarded
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>mfw we will have to fight the European Khalifate in 100 years
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kek it is back. IT IS BACK!

Here is a pic of some Royal Navy ships, defending Norway's coast from Ruskies, whilst supplying them with their daily seamen supplies for sustenance
I love how when we start uncucking ourselves, post's like this appear.
No we don't support your dumb bullshit. Go Home!
that picture is wrong because you just find another stop button
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I can see you need to talk to someone.

Please, have a seat.
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Its never over.
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Military hardware makes my dick hard. Post more pics.
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>less important that Belgium
I agree brother Mahmud.

Försvarsmaktens teachings on diversity and feminism makes us unbeatable. The American pigs have no chance against our united might.
Hey big bro
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Need help finn?
Holy shit is this the rarest flag
Guernsey, why do you have a nicer airport terminal than us?
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>stabs while drunk
>guy tells you that was the most awkward stabbing of his life and wants to know if you have some sort of disability
>too socially awkward to answer
>goes along on his way since he doesnt want to put an autist in jail
A cooler flag too
Muslim hasnt done an explode or two in it yet.
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Meet me at the Venture Inn by Duques garage in three hours, because I'm going to slap you.
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He's right m8, and besides it's a commonly known fact that men from Guersey are hard as fuck and would kick the shit out of any Jersey "man"
Jersey men also likes boys.
Tvilsomt at du i det heletatt er Norsk
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Tvilsomt at du er her ofte.
fy faen til nyhomser IDT
All these retards posting in an obvious bait thread/divide and conquer thread
Rarest possible flag is the Marshall Islands famalam
So are you going to reply to everyone with that exact line of thinking or what? Fucking autistic toothpaste
Annie Lööf just said we should spend as much money as our neighbours on defense. World domination when?
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Lmao, she is irrelevant.
Jimmie åkesson and SD wants to spend a minimum 2.5% of gdp on defence and as far as i know SD are still plowing through the polls so Sweden will spend more than all Nordic countries combined soon.
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You forget that we control NATO now.
We could just get USA to bomb themself heheeehehee
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These threads again?
I'd hit that.

...How's your new house, Achmed?
Must be hard having to shit sitting down.
Why are american so easily triggered by bait?
Perhaps it has something to do with your lack of racial hygiene.
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>implying Finland wouldn't rape your plump, beautiful asses in a loving manner while you both squirm and moan in a simulations cummy and kiss passionately after, followed by non-gay wrestling and spooning.

N-no homo
I like Norway's flag because it's the same colors and pattern as my bedsheets. So whenever I see it, it reminds me of taking a comfy nap. Thanks Norway.
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>The average American /pol/ack
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no I hate norway now. WERE GOING TO WAR
go away radioactive toothpaste
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Norway has so many that it isnt even on the list.

Lmao, you american cucks will be BTFO
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You surely have more ships than that
Why would you attack a country that is already destroying itself?
Why does every norwegian suck american dick?
t. Muhammed, du må dra tilbake
It is another muhahammed, ignore him
They couldn't fit how many we have on the list
Fuck off. Americans are family. USA and UK could destroy Norway easily. You cunts can't even detect British nuclear submarines.
Ha Ha oh boy thats what I like to call an original and well thought out argument. Oh boy you got me good there. Can't argue with that.
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