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What should happen to racemixers during the Day of the Rope™?

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Thread replies: 290
Thread images: 90

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What should happen to racemixers during the Day of the Rope™?
Rope for the spouse and the mocha mistake.
"Reeducation camp" for the White person.
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damn she's fine


my dick is anti-racist
This guy looks like he has absolutely abhorrent breath. Also, notice how the black chick has almost no black attributes except for her skin color, with every race, when someone looks hot, they mostly look white. Slim nose and lips.
Today has been the Day of the Rope — a grim and bloody day, but an unavoidable one. Tonight, from tens of thousands of lampposts, power poles, and trees throughout this vast metropolitan area the grisly forms hang. Even the street signs at intersections have been pressed into service, and at practically every street corner I passed this evening on my way to HQ there was a dangling corpse, four at every intersection. Hanging from a single overpass only about a mile from here is a group of about 30, each with an identical placard around its neck bearing the printed legend, "I betrayed my race." Two or three of that group had been decked out in academic robes before they were strung up, and the whole batch are apparently faculty members from the nearby UCLA campus.

The first thing I saw in the moonlight was the placard with its legend in large, block letters: "I defiled my race." Above the placard leered the horribly bloated, purplish face of a young woman, her eyes wide open and bulging, her mouth agape. Finally I could make out the thin, vertical line of rope disappearing into the branches above. I shuddered and quickly went on my way. There are many thousands of hanging female corpses like that in this city tonight, all wearing identical placards around their necks. They are the White women who were married to or living with Blacks, with Jews, or with other non-White males. There are also a number of men wearing the l-defiled-my-race placard, but the women easily outnumber them seven or eight to one. On the other hand, about ninety per cent of the corpses with the I-betrayed-my-race placards are men, and overall the sexes seem to be roughly balanced. Those wearing the latter placards are the politicians, the lawyers, the businessmen, the TV newscasters, the newspaper reporters and, the judges, the teachers, the school officials, the "civic leaders", the bureaucrats, the preachers, and all the others who helped promote or implement the System's racial program.
Well it's still pink after the lips so does that count?
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No you are just a beta mentally ill racemixer without standards. Get some help to deal with your sexual frustration issues
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Racemixing is hot
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All leafniggers must fucking hang

It's fine, it created your country.
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she's hot though
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Also reminder that rice mixers will also face the same fate during the Day Of THe Rope™
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Only to subhuman leafs such as yourself

>I can't breath
That's a nice piece of pottery! Is it yours own or from somewhere? If it's yours do more.
Its natural for a man to conquer the women of other races. Not like you beta nu-males will mix with any female white or not
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Unilateral rope
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nothing. hating on ir-couples and bi-racial people is unchristian.
You can't expect me to marry a local woman, I won't throw my life away for purity.
>that one greek autist that comes to these threads and gets massively butthurt
Wow ugly people of all races exist dude. And greeks arent white
Fuck she's cute.
They'd go to liberia, along with the bad decisions they made. Resist, and get rope.
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>not makin love to a hot black women and producing this way a half white instead of a full black kid

pic very related its the hotti from suits and future wife of the Britcuck king
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Found the subhuman german mongrel abominations products of miscegenation and rape.
>What should happen to racemixers during the Day of the Rope™?
They get to pull the trigger on babydick LARPing stormfag NEETs like you.
They can go live in Africa or where ever their spouse is from.
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Kill yourself mentally ill virgin racemixer weirdo


Fuck off butthurt mestizo mongrel trash nobody cares about your opinion
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She looks like PewDiePie's girlfriend if she were black
Damn shes hot. would BLEACH
found the edgy neo nazi cherry boy
It's from a novel written by the great Dr. William Pierce. I think it was the Turner Diaries.
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The leniency towards traitors in this thread is what prevents the next race war
What if my gf is a nip but I've decided not to have any children because I'm a manlet and don't want my sons to suffer?
that's one way to do it
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>Kill yourself
NO (YOU) also pay your debs you lazy fuck :^)
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Kill yourself deranged ugly autistic racemixer cuckposter


Miscegenation was illegal in your faggot country until the early 60s. Fuck off you brainwashed retard mongrels are an abomination

No such thing. It's just blacking because when you mix shit with milk you get dirty milk.

We don't give a shit what happens from the nigger perspective because niggers are worthless.
>ITT, the faction of racists that are against race mixing, illustrating how incredibly divided and incompetent white supremacy is to begin with, or how a day of the rope for race mixers is a pipe dream of weakness and fear because of YOUR perceived WHITE inability to sexually dominate the world , pussy
Malaka ama den tin theories cute as fuck tin tipisa kati den paei kala mazi sou.
Fucking disgusting. The German mothers are whoring themselves out to the nogs.
If id BLEACH her her kids would be lighter and if somebody would BLEACH her kids theyd keep getting lighter and less nigger everytime
wow, i'm done, ive seen it all.
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Nice job on meeting the standards for the caricature of a garden variety low IQ NEET racist who spends his time fantasizing about hurting people he doesn't like, you must need a lot of autism to achieve that milestone.
this goes into my BTFO folder
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It wouldn't matter whether it's a male or female doing it, you still get the same brazilification end result.

There's more niggers. You can't bleach a bucket of shit with a cup of milk.
why so buttrustled? Who hurt you anon?
My mum is bellow 5', my father is 5'6" but I'm 6'.
Don't let height influence your decision.
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>muh bleaching
>muh dick ooga booga

You niggers are not welcome here GTFO. Go talk to a woman instead of masturbating to /b/ threads all day you autistic virgins
It's just sad. The couple looks nice, but the child is fucking ugly.

If you're dating a black person, at least use birth control. Race-mixed kids don't tend to look well, and it's
incredibly easy for them to end up feeling bad about themselves at some point.
Shut up Mexican mongrel, your entire nation is made up of Spanish rape baby bastards.
They'll be sent back to apefrica.
Anyone really want to see that white guy plow her black pussy? I bet he has a horse cock. How else could he satisfy her ?
>her kids
>her kids
Are you a nigger? Who gives a shit what niggers think or what they benefit from? We think what benefits us from our perspective and it's not nigger genes entering the genepool.

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It's funny how triggered you get from a bit of larping and hyperbole. Stay mad your tears are delicious
If I had a son who ended up 5'7 like me I'd feel like I failed him and deserved his hatred
Maybe in Sweden theres more niggers then whites

Im no nigger im just not a cuck. a half nigger baby isnt my kid. kek. Id still BLEACH her than make you raise the baby
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This is why murica is less than 50% White
Why care? That guy has a kid that looks nothing like him. Same goes with that PoC.

She is very pretty
mixed children can be really beautiful
They should kill every young white male in the suburbs, their entire families, and then bathe in their blood.

In the world, you dumbfuck. 'Bleaching' niggers into Finland will eventually just make you niggers, the genes don't magically disappear.
>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Here is the low IQ manifesting itself again

>muh neetsoc memes will surely offend you!

Kek, nobody on earth is a bigger nigger than a Greek. Go beg for more change from the EU.
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its kinda funny how a shitskin like you tries so set the focus on some hot bea´s cuz he aint get his dick wet in the last 21 y
>im just not a cuck.
That's exactly what you are for being concerned with nigger welfare. Just mind your own business.
you sound very bitter
ignore and keep out of power

unless a threat to the new order. if they campaign for the rope let them have it.
Where have i mentioned welfare?
Females in the UK on average is 5'3" (from a quick google search)

So that means your son would be taller then a lot of women and he'll be fine. Gotta learn self confidence and charisma my man. :^)
Just throwing out the meme. I'm still against mixing.
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The average mexican mestizo nigger has an IQ of 85 barely higher than niggers. The fact that your are unable to make a distinction between serious posts and a bit of exaggeration to trigger cucks and shitskins is proof that your are an autist. Go away indio mongrel nobody cares about your opinion the same way I don't care what my cleaning lady thinks about politics

What if said race traitor got with a white girl and then got dumped?
Could you blame him?
Dude, kill yourself
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you're a good guy
>ITT, the faction of racists that are against race mixing

so all of them?
What kind of disease-stricken abomination can ever crawl out of their vaginas? A dysgenics in progress right before our eyes.
No fucking way
White race mixers share the fate of the nig they chained themselves to
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Jesus Christ is every single psoter from Germany a nigger or a loser sheboon loving insane racemixer?

Lucky guy, she is cute.
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Send them to Greece where they will be with their peers.
Want to backpack to SA. Cape Town safe?
>This guy looks like he has absolutely abhorrent breath.
Laughed hard
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I like black girls.
So what?
>this thread will get 300 replies
>every time
rice mixers are okay though right
Tfw you will never racemix with a cute black girl,feels bad I guess gooks may look good after surgery
dem knees look like telephone poles.
kys niggerlover
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Jus b mur KUNFIDENT bro!
Don't forget that ricemixers will also be one of the first to go during the Day Of The Rope™
Just ignore op, he is a stormfag
She's a 1 out of a million as far as blacks go. The man is still getting genetically cucked. Hate to see it happen. Sad.

Old habits die hard. Germans are all cucks now.
>The average mexican mestizo nigger has an IQ of 85 barely higher than niggers.
In all honesty by the looks of this thread it's higher than yours.
> The fact that your are unable to make a distinction between serious posts and a bit of exaggeration to trigger cucks and shitskins is proof that your are an autist.

That's quite a verbose 'I was merely pretending to be retarded.'
>Go away indio mongrel nobody cares about your opinion the same way I don't care what my cleaning lady thinks about politics
Lmao make me you fat larper, I'll be enjoying every second of your high blood pressure.
noun: welfare
1. the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.

You're basically a pseudo SJW or a closet nigger yourself. Quit giving a shit about their life.
Not even. Her eyes are fucked up.
I have no problem with racemixing on the base of improvement. So naturally, I dislike BM/WF couples, but have no problem with WM/BF couples. Let me explain:

In a black male+white female relationship, the female changes for the worse. She gets more bossy, she dresses like a whore, she acts like a whore, and she in general acts like your stereotypical black woman. I've never understood why black men say "I don't want some bossy black girl with an attitude!" when every white woman who fucks them literally is just that.

Meanwhile, a black woman who is coupled with a white man changes for the better. She dresses more wholesome, like in your pic. She acts more feminine, her attitude mysteriously disappears, and she talks in a more high-pitched tone instead of the bossy ghetto tongue you hear when they are coupled with black men.

I don't care if a black man is actually educated and civilized and fucks a white woman, odds are any children they have will be civilized as well and the woman won't be trash. But therein lies the problem, this couple is exceedingly rare. Probably because 99% of white women who screw around with black men aren't interested in finding husband material, they are interested in satisfying some fetish they have for being treated like garbage and being objectified (which lets face it, your modern woman typically deserves).

Practically every WM/BF couple I have ever seen was a great couple. The black girl is also typically top of the line in looks. Meanwhile, practically ever BM/WF couple I have seen is just destructive. The woman is garbage, and so is the man. That is probably why it works all the way up until kids come into the picture.
can relate
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Assuming you are White and you like sheboons the women consistenly universally rated as the ugliest there is definitely something wrong with you. You are probably some ugly /r9k/ virgin who developed some weird fetish for sheboons by being on 4chan for too long. Whatever this thread is about all racemixing not just racemixing with n*ggers so fuck off
I know Norbro, + we will never lick her black feets
Half of them look like they have some light form of down's syndrome

>mexican intellectuals
Where have i mentioned nigger welfare?
No. They just aren't as autistically edgy as you...
they get sent to greece because they are all mixed race half-white half-turk there
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Asian men are very feminine and hapas are an abomination
Most of them are. They have not realized the importance of RACE. Most don't even believe it exists. SAD!
i am greek
Thats some brutal shit. My balls hurt
Keep the integrated ones, their descendants will be more European then them.

Gives me a good excuse to get some mixed pussy.
When you talk about "her kids" and how they would get "bleached".

Unless you are a nigger or a SJW, why do you care about their life?
"always kill a traitor before an enemy" pretty simple anon
I am greek
This, just give me the rope already Mr Gyros >>101664671
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Mexican brown shitskins like yourself are on average the fattest people in the world. This is what happens when you mix subhuman native genetics with European diets. You indio mongrels are living proof that racemixing is an abomination. DIsgusting fat smelly brown goblin.
That's not even her, faggot.
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no more
No mate, please. Just one more chance, alright?
Just to be clear, is it ok if I bang the shit out of them and NOT reproduce? Or do I still get hung?
Youre a fucking retarded faggot
When you have a gf like her with his face, you just impregnate as quick as possible before she realizes anything.
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Of course I don't like every black women. Only the hot ones ;)
But if a black girl is really hot then I prefer her over a white women
>jesus christ

approved interracial marriage. moses was a race mixer too.
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>3.6% Sub-Saharan

I think there is a bit more than that in her.
Hell no. That bitch is ugly as fuck.
Nice argument you anti-white.

It's not "her" you should be concerned with, but "you" and "us", which doesn't include niggers.
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So would having a child with a lebanese christian women count as race mixing on /pol/?
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Poor guy, but there's no rules on the streets.
hapas are abominations though i agree. They're worshipped in Asia though
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Doesn't matter how much shit did you drop in your food. If its only 1/64 its still spoiled. Also remind me how many blacks there are per white?
How am i concerned with her if id pound her choco pussy with my fingolian aryan BWC and then dump her leaver her in america and fly back to Finland?
>Found the subhuman german mongrel abominations products of miscegenation and rape
That aptly describes you, except replace German with turk and you have the lot of Greece.
however i will say that the finest non white women will be kept for prostituion/forced sex and such. no white women would ever be subjected to that. any children born of it will have to be taken care of though, if you catch my drift
honestly I have more sympathy for the bull

Getting your giant-balls grabbed by a fucking hyena is brutal. You could tell it just blacked out from the pain and sat down. Definitely one of the worst ways to go. Especially I think hyenas wouldn't go for the neck to kill it quick.
I find it disgusting and totally apprehensible and a disgrace to this planet

That you still havent paid denbts.
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I have a Zimbabwean GF and ample ammunition.

Come the fuck at me, dickheads.
>I have no problem with racemixing on the base of improvement.
So, what genes do female groids have that benefit Europeans exactly?

You do know that the admixture, which lowers your Neanderthal admixture, comes from both female groids and male groids?
Ironically: yes
Unironically: no
they will be spared while the rest of the white people are roped by black lives matters?
If you're a shitskin and you wanna fuck her, then yes
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Koska loppujen lopuksi tuo johtaa rotujen sekoittumiseen.
How does that benefit white America? How would that benefit Europeans if Europeans did it in Europe? It doesn't...
Yes, go ahead white man, mix with a black girl and have kids with her. You will never be able to redpill your children due to their their skin color, and then, they will instantly fall for the jewish tricks, such as rap music and BLM. Oh, and wait until they come to you telling how you don't know nothing about the other side of their roots, that their predecessors were KANGZ in the past.
What happened?

>Implying america isnt a mixed mutt jew cuckoild nigger nation already

Ei vois vähempää kiinnostaa mikään amerikka
Is that a man? I hate this society that makes me question everything.
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>based pewds throwing his viking genes away for this guido
Every time i see this bitch i feel like pewds beats the shit out of her
>50 years ago
>"Day of the rope is coming! Degenerates beware!"

>25 years ago
>"Day of the rope is coming! Degenerates beware!"

>10 years ago
>"Day of the rope is coming! Degenerates beware!"

>"Day of the rope is coming! Degenerates beware!"

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>not your gay tendencies
Basically James Nikander in Finland.

Was "bleached", but still looks like a 100% nigger.

Now he's a SJW who is constantly making these anti-Finnish stunts for diversity.
No. Rope for the White guy, slave labor for the mulatto, negress saved as fucktoy.
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>That one Greeknigger and his obsession with nigger dick and ropes.

Switch up your game a bit. Also, stop being a nigger and pay your debts.
Damn you can tell that babys gonna grow into a magnificent chad'qaun
I would consider it if there weren't men pretending to be women.
Looks very white
>surely OP will deliver
rabbit BTFO
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It's acceptable with the left chick as long as you pretend she's white.
No they aren't. Chinks and japs hate racemixing. Koreans, thais and flips want to because they're brainwashed to worship white dick but chinks and japs still want to retain their own people without miscegenation.
Jesus christ.
did it die?
No one takes day of the rope seriouly, it's just a meme, like day of the rake.
Why can't you just leave us to racemix in peace, involving yourselves in peoples personal lives is for lefties
Best anti-divorce match right there.

There's never been anything wrong with race mixing in small numbers. If it were a tiny fraction nobody would care.
Plus their babies look cute. Wouldn't do it myself but I understand.
>flips want to because they're brainwashed to worship white dick

kek this

Except I think it might actually just be a cultural thing. I worked with a lot of flips and they all thought that since flips are mixed and have no roots that they should keep mixing to become """""stronger"""""

Do the Jews have much influence in Flipland or is that sort of dumb shit what they've always believed?
>like the day of the rake
Damn it. I had really hoped this one was real.
It's a big trap, man. You can be a lucky person and find one of those called quadroons who identify themselves as (and also looks like) white and have good values, but despite the exception, don't even try to go further.
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Sorry for late reply. phone died.
Anyway, any rich/white areas on SA are gonna be safe, so Cape Town is a great pick if you stay in the nicer areas, just make sure you don't stray anywhere black/poor. - also Joburg blacks can smell rich tourists
She looks pretty white desu, would date.
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Because the product of your racemixing is detrimental to society
>t. increasingly nervous dindu

It'll be the day of the no foodstamps and starvation.
>he isn't at LEAST 6"1'
gee what a fucking manlet you are
I'd say half of them are joking, while the other half really wants it to happen and are sexually frustrated cherry boy virgins who most likely wouldn't have the balls to step up to a man like a man
They're caucasian so it's not exactly race mixing, it's ethnic mixing. Your kids will still be caucasian, but ethnicity for them would be germanic-levantine.
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This is the future you chose.
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>Best anti-divorce match right there.

Stop pushing that retarded myth nigger lover. Sheboons have the highest divorce rate the highest obesity rate and the most STDs out of any racial group
She could sharpen my pencil if you know what i mean
Gross. They all look off and inhuman, kind of like aliens.
Somebody should probably tie a belt or something around her leg
go spread your (((globalist))) propaganda somewhere else faggot
She looks really sweet and she's tiny. With a little luck she has a pink pussy too.
>brain destroyed
>simply carries on with day to day life
Fucking muslims...
Flips are already hapas since they were some chink island colony that was conquered by Spaniards and they, along with south americans, got dicked and became hapas. Now they have the hapa mentality that their white part is superior and it's actually quite sad to see how far they will go to get some bleach for their skin or grab some old Aussie dick or whatever other sexpats come along.
Should they try mouth to mouth on him? I mean maybe hes still alive right?
>and overall the sexes seem to be roughly balanced.

Nice, equality is what we are all about!
thanks for info, good to finally know wtf their deal is

>Day of the Rope
Since you're clearly talking about the day of reckoning coming for all you stupid beta cuck Trump supporters, the day after you asshats swing will be the day America will again be the greatest nation on Earth.
Are asians the true masterrace?

My gf is mixed race and training to be a doctor, shes far more beneficial to society than most of the useless whites I know
This pretty much.
>tfw entho nationalist.
>Fell in love with an Indian girl
>Best sex I have ever had and closest I have ever felt to a girl.
>Didn't work out because her parents wouldn't let her marry a foreigner

I still laugh at the irony.
holy shit, this is disturbing
probably because of the niggers and subhumans that are being allowed to infest western civilization
That's an anecdote but you do provide a point. /pol/ hates the "not all ____" repetition but it does hold true in that individuals don't represent the group and you may know some good people or bad people of certain groups. Op's just a neocon larper who refuses to pay debts though, so I wouldn't take it seriously.
Suffering will let them grow strong
There's literally nothing wrong with dicking black chicks.
I know it's tempting when you see a pretty woman like this, but know that your child will have nigger blood. That alone is good enough to squash the fantasy.
>30% Native American

As if that isn't almost entirely the reason for her darker skin/hair/eyes.
My ex was also mixed race and studying to be a doctor.
You been eating my man juice out her pussy anon?
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Hey, they're from pic related

And, send them all to Brazil. They can found an English-speaking colony.
Sargon of Akkad = a quadroon who clearly has no allegiance for whites.

Swedish former PM Fredrik Reinfeldt = 1/16 or 1/32 black and the same thing applies here.

Just having a little bit of DNA from these groups that have historically represented the antithesis of white (black or Jewish) seems to have a big impact on people's alignment, and once it spreads it's like a poison of the mind.
Or turn them into elliot roger clones. No lie, every hapa I see usually looks alike, even if their parents don't like other white+asian females. They all have the same hapa nose, and I don't understand how it's so consistent with how much variance there is between parents. Perhaps an underlying eurasian feature that just pops up whenever it occurs.
And because of her racial background, she and your kids will in the future fight for more diversity, which is detrimental in the end.
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Daily reminder that people who are for race mixing are the same retards who fell for the Civic Nationalism meme.

They are worthless.
ER was half Jew not half white but I see your point and it's another reason (on top of my manletism) that me and my gf won't be having kids.
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would date a black girl over an asian
That guy heard his sister's cunt making sloppy sounds while she was getting fucked.
they had spared copious amounts of flammable deoderant

then lit a match
should i VANILLA a hispanic girl
i mean she is half white by definition so if we have kids its only CREAMING the bloodline
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asking a qt out.jpg
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They were huffing butane then the dumb poo in loo tried to light a cig

Here have the video with sound. Prepare your sides, their screams are hilarious, especially with the background music.

>i mean she is half white by definition
She's hapa by definition, white spaniard and mongoloid natives mixed centuries ago and through successful ancestors she's alive today for you to do dirty things to her, like hold her hand.

Uhh... Ok.
that is one hot mama!
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Kill them all, of course. You always kill the traitors first.
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What about your real father?
I thought it was settled that what we see as racial difference is superficial. If someone outside the racial group we identify with can be a closer blood relative than someone in our own group, what does that say about our notions of of race?
In all fairness to that guy she's probably the best looking black chick.
You fucked an Abo didn't you?
There won't be a day of the rope.
We have learned our lessons from Nazi Germany.
Never again will we surrender our mental faculties to racism.
The world deserves peace and love.
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She's got great genes.

Would blanda.
she's like a white chick, but a nigger.
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Same desu.
white people are weak ass faggots, getting blacked removes the autism
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Why do black chicks have the fattest asses?
They're so hot.
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I'll try not to, but my penis is an absolute nog lover
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By the by, would any of your fags let pic related take a dump on your face?
They're not always natural. Fat injections and butt implants are very common.
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Thats a very common way to field clean rabbits, not really impressive.

If you dont hunt you are a worthless man
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Dem genes don't lie.

Proper men with high test are wired to conquer females from other tribes.

It's only the beta providers that are supposed to sit back and baby sit and work for our race back home.

We are the pioneers lade.
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I bet they go through life without knowing that group they belong to. Weird looking people

>you still get the sam brazilification end result

Brazilians are pretty universally seen as the best looking people on earth. Sure, there's some ugly in there, but by and large, they're a good looking people. I'd say only the Nords are more attractive.
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The americucks stationed tons of their army niggers in Germany on purpose to force them to accept race mixing.
no, fuck yes, fuck yes, he'll no
I'm just as redpilled as anyone else. But how do i get over the fact that bbc looks way better in white pussies ? I mean i just can't get off to any other porn than BBC.
I think you mean:
Fuck yes, fuck yes, fuck yes, fuck yes

Not even trying to be edge but those females look like skanky whores that have taken miles of dick.

Sure I'd fuck them - but as the basis of any sort of stable society no fuckin way
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That image is an argument against racemixing.
The mulattoes look like fugly traps while the black girls actually looks decent, sort of.

And in general first generation mulattoes tend to look uglier than both their parents. Mixed people only look "good" when they're mostly one or the other. Black and White facial features just don't mix well.
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Jesus he's going to breast feed his baby

Teach you to betray your race

>believes her parents said no kek
>Sure, there's some ugly in there
Go visit brazil instead of looking at miss universe pageants and you'll understand why most people think hapas or mullatos are the ugliest people next to abos.
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ITT: It's that Greek roastie again triggered that white men can find non-feminist non-fat women in other races

And you of course will be inclined to be more (((anti racist))) because you got your dick wet in some curry pussy.

The most base kind of racial subversion

>pic related what you fucking bastards are creating for the rest of us
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No... the ones on the left and right look like fucking men... the two middle ones are bangable af
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nope, national identity is useless without having goals in life. look at them polaks hanging around my city being fucked up and drunk all the time. the same goes for many germans. jobless lazy autistic. and then i see half black people living healthy lives, going to schools, playing in bands. they are even representing germany in olympic games.
>Fuck toy

No beastiality, you get the rope too.
gook here. your white women mixing with other races is one thing, but if a man does it, it is at least ten times worse. just a reminder because some of you seem to forget
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How do we fix white men?
Hello Darkness, my old friend
I've come to sleep with you again
You know I'm not into the child raising
So get some welfare cash you lazy thing
Spelling is a system of oppression.
non, tabarnak de calisse.

Bet you collect your own piss too

>nothing to be proud of
deus vult
bwwm is perfection
white men and black women were meant for each other

Actually worse than whores that go with apes for beast sex

That can be understood by the whore nature of females

Pencil dick manboy chink with a white women is a type of paedophilia and I'd hand those bitches first

hang obviously
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Rope them with the coon, no respectable white individual would even consider fucking a nigger
Give them rope too. They might use it to hang themselves.
>merely pretending

nothing. the damage is already done.
killing parents essentially kills the kids, which is pretty stupid to advocate for if pizzagate is gonna be one of the motivating factors behind the day of the rope anyway.
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>Dat fertile womb

>Dat youth

>Ywn have steamy interracial sex with black teen resulting in pregnancy

Kill me.
Kike shill
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