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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 122

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>Trump Playlist

>Pence Rally in New Orleans LA 12/3/16
>Trump on F&F 12/2/16
>Trump/Pence on Hannity 12/1/16
>Trump Rally in Cincinnati OH 12/1/16
>Trump/Pence at Carrier Plant 12/1/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16
>A Message from President Elect Trump 11/21/16
>Trump Objectified 11/18/16
>Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 11/7/16 THE FINAL RALLY
>Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16

>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Just The Two Of Us
>The Truth about Trump Protesters
>Election 2016
>Clinton landslide
>SJW Meltdowns 1

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/Ki-fATpXa00

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>101557226
no awoo please.
First for Gorrilaz
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ban crusadercuck
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>Coordinated CDN attack, cloudflare, akami, amazonaws, etc
>Shill storm at the same time

It's going down, find what they are hiding


>ONLY NEWFAGS REPLY TO LE FRENCHMAN he's been at it for 6+ hours, filter france, he will trip up and down trying to figure out if he's filtered for
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>Mexican financial support
Oh damn, all $37?
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ethnic cleansing.jpg
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Rohrabcher for SoS

Huntsman/Gabbard for Deputy

Neocons get FUCKED
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Awoo bully time.png
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i'm gunna bully you and fist that tender anus.
I've been here for 10 hours you stupid.
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Can the People's Republic of China finally be the one to stump the Trump? Find out on Season 3 of You Can't Stump the Trump.
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I'm sick of waiting.

Why can't he just get sworn in tomorrow?
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>no awoo

awoo moar, faggot
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Make no mistake.
Awoo posters are some of the greatest posters out there.
Very interesting: Trump ads *less* negative & *more* substantive than HRC's

Naming the jew?
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fuck off.png
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Are we comfy?
You are actually right. But know what? The Mexican president doesn't care. It's okay if Trump does nothing but he doesn't get to complain. If someone enters his country illegally, it's his job as the leader to make sure they won't come. Trump is as bad as the Mexican president.
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Im going to post this every thread until you like it
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Because the asspain would destabilize the planet's axis.
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is that felix?
I'm going to the innagueration but my democrat representative won't release the tickets to me like he's supposed to


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Goddamn it feels good not to live in Europe
Please help me get my cases dismissed Mr. Trump. Thank you.
Are you now going to be my own personal shill?
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I hate it
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Says the shill.

Fuck off, we don't want you here.
Will Le Pen win?
You wanna know what's really sad? The same kind of shills in this thread right now said Trump had zero chance winning. That night, the 8th, they were completely devastated. All that work they put into trying to subvert us and demoralize us,it was for nothing. Now again, they are doing the same thing, trying to forget how much they fucked up in past, acting confident to hide how really angry and depressed they are. Sad!

I went back and watched his announcement to run, and his message never changed.

Hillary's was all over the place and the last few months was basically 'vote for me because I am not him'
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a vote is a vote friend, the majority seemed to not like you. Just take off your trip.

you're still (you)!
How do you pronounce his name?
Kek says no.
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flannel awoo.png
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Felix doesn't have a floofy tail
>bullying tripfags

it doesnt work.

it never works. You're wasting time.
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>anime pussy = terrorist sandnigger
Now that the right is back in full power, the leftist get to be the edgy "counter culture" group again. With their Jon (((Stewarts))) and such. Get to be snarky and smug etc. (which they fucking love)

You would thinkk they'd be happy.

just kidding I know they're never happy

Fuck off
Why the copypaste?
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NO SHIT. Seriously, all of Hillary's campaign was "Vote for me because I'm a woman and I'm not Trump". Trump at least hit on major talking points relating to jobs, national security and fixing our broken immigration.judicial system multiple times within a single campaign stop.
literally every post you have made in this thread and the last has been @ him
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>personal shill
I remember having one. He lived in Barstow, and I knew he visited /k/ like me. He kept calling me stalker, despite him using the 4chanx extension showing his flags.
>More White People Are Dying Than Are Being Born in 17 States


>52% don't care or want him to stay
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To remind you and get your reply.
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Based clark.jpg
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wow I am so sick of Vlumpf and all this winning
>that tumblr rose

So how many swamp pics have he chosen?
Sec of treasury and what else?
Rowr-Rawr-Baka :3
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I've found that the only time they're not smug is when they're horrified. And it's going to be a very /pol/ Christmas.
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consider MAGA.jpg
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Slow news day,
Everyone reply to this post

1) One image you want all of /ptg/ to see
2) One statement you want all of /ptg/ to read

that sounds gay
And Hillary won the election?

Who taught you math?!
Who else devoted this last year of their life entirely to Trump? I've lost every single friend I ever had, am now vilified by my family and hated by almost the entire PD (full of spics) - but I still have absolutely no regrets.
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cute robot comic.jpg
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when do I get my ai gf?
What are we watching tonight?
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>being on 4chan
>Not wanting anime pussy

False Flag Shooting at Comet Pizza
Are Trump supporters all this way?
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What's this all about? Why is this always happening?
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>"I am calling out all my online supporters. This is a call to action. It's time for a new crusade."
What do you do, /pTg/?
You should have made the choice clearer, if you actually cared about all this.
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Its funny how Trump is fucking with the media at this point with all these name drops.

Extremely slow day everywhere
Twitter is legally migrating to gab, youtube is migrating with benefits to vidme
>just kidding I know they're never happy

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desu 4.png
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also want them to see >>101562277
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"...Okay, Mr. Trump."
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[spoiler]they aren't[/spoiler]

It's call devotion, you should know being here for 10 hours.
Trump is just an idiot and it shows.
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Source, not gonna lie asking for myself

I left a who option for the faggots who wanted him gone but felt bad about tossing the retard off the cliff.

Just accept the digits take it at face value.
Maybe. She's looking good in the polls so far.
>Captcha: Reddit access
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What does this prove?

For all we know you're taking this poll to other boards or even lefty/pol/ to artificially boost the numbers and create conflict.

All your posts are about one autist. It's bit odd no?
>that little black rectangle of censorship

thank god I didn't see that clit
How does west Virginia have a dem senator
I am devoted to helping people to stop being racist.
y-you too
>What do you do, /pTg/?

It's funny, fixing that is pretty simple but it would require nuts and ignoring what women think, something that would actually get that nu-male some pussy

Is it working?
wait a minute...
Decades of blue dog Dems. They got redpilled in a hurry when Hillary threatened to put them all out of work.
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I wish people would stop being lewd.

Also I want everyone to be nice and no bully pls
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Dana Rohrabacher.png
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For anyone wondering why Trump is considering a Representative from California to be his SoS:


I didn't even know there were any people this based left in California.
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>being on 4chan
>infers that poster doesn't want anime pussy
>when poster clearly just doesn't want terrorist sandniggers
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I'll just leave this here
It's the primaries all over again kek

i hope he starts replying to me too!
You still didn't make it clear that "who" was an option for leaving, maybe they didn't want to pick the "No, I am a huge faggot and want to suck his dick." option.
Why don't you try and find out you idiot faggot?

And this autist has to go and if you don't get it then you should go along with him and maybe you can start your own /deusvult general/ on /int/ or something.

Now fuck off.
Trump is a bully.
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pol vs lgbt.png
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ive always supported Grumpf and will continue to support Blump
that's RADICAL islamic terrorism to you
Yep, he just tripped over billions of dollars in personal fortune and international realestate, then bumbled his way into the most powerful position in the world.
He's just like Jackie Chan, bumble-fooing his way to victory.
Gab is just right wing Twitter. It's incredibly slow so far. There are no major brands on there and no news websites. There isn't even an official mobile app yet.
I don't have a problem with you.
They are currently the dominant culture, they try to pretend they aren't which leads to the terrible attitude and the entitlement which is pushing people away
which is why they bully his wife and family and supporters right?
Don't talk shit about Jackie Chan


Then inmate [D] said, "We want some ass." I said, "I don't think so, I don't play that shit." When he said this, I said to myself, "Oh no! I'm in trouble!" I looked toward the door for an escape route finding it blocked, I went into myself to prepare for the worst.
Inmate [D] then said, "Either give it to Jesus or give it up." . . . .
It was at this time that the floor officer came by on the bottom tier (I was on the top tier), doing or supposedly doing, his rounds. He noticed the inmates in my cell and asked if everything was all right. Too terrified to answer, I just nodded. [The officer] never came to the top tier during his round. I was then directed back to my bed. Inmate [B] then stood in front of me and pulled out his penis and forced it into my mouth. Inmate [C] then turn his turn. Pulling me to my feet, he then took my boxers off, bent me over and forced his penis inside. Inmate [D] laid on the bed, took my head and forced himself inside my mouth [All four of them, plus one more] took turns anally and orally raping me at the same time. All of them repeatedly did this.
Somewhere in the middle of this, inmate [F] entered . . . . [D]uring the rape, I believe it was him that said "suck this dick you white bitch.". . . .
[One said:] "If you snitch on us, we'll kill you!!" The other said, "And if you do and you get transferred, you'll still die." At that time, I really believed them, and I still think this today.

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How about using better logic than you did here >>101562262? Trump isn't Mexico's President and doesn't coordinate the affairs of Mexico. What a bunch of shitskin Mexican-bred spics do isn't Trump's problem until they violate the national sanctity of our nation
Post does not want terrorist sandniggers
Says >anime pussy = terrorist sandnigger
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I left that option for people like you.
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Been busy the last week.

Somebody fill me in with what's going on.

If you don't, I won't post anymore sluts.
I like how clear her eyes are. She probably has like 20:5 vision or something.
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my sides are in orbit, holy shit

i can't fap to this
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Why don't you just filter their Tripcode?
Too bad she couldn't see Trump coming
The "who" option?
They aren't bullied. Trump is the one insulting people on Twitter all the time.

Okay, then tell Trump not to take care of illegal mexicans if you think he has no responsibility. It's not like you can blame him since he has no responsibility.
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stop fucking with people dude.

naruto op left because of the powers of kek, not by telling tripfags to leave and expecting them to eventually do so
i dont care who she voted for. thats a nice titty
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1MB, 1991x2531px
How would /o/ feel if she caught /pol/ fucking /lgbt/'s boipussy?
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New California glag.png
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New frontrunner for SoS (at least according to media, he says he's been contacted but nothing more) is a literal madman

Attacking tripped OPs is the new record correcting, two (you) eating forces colliding
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pence kek.jpg
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niggas are gay
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holo smug.jpg
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Ooh, maybe I should start using my trip again.
More comparable to mr Magoo but it's clear now that his Jewish son in law is running his administration and trump is only a sock puppet. Romney will be making all the real decisions.
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Can't you see that I'm doing this for the future prosperity of the thread?
Because they mock and insult him first 95% of the time.

I'd do the same.

And you've apparently not been paying attention to this election.
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Woo wee is that some steaming fresh pasta I smell?

An early recount has been ruled out in MI. This means that the MI Supreme Court must make a ruling before a recount can begin. They make a ruling on Tuesday.
You're weird.
Faggot, did you even read the comic you posted?

>"My pussy is gonna explode like an Islamic terrorist"

You basically posted a comic comparing anime pussy to terrorist sandniggers, and I paraphrased that in greentext as a quote.

You suggested anime pussy = terrorist sandnigger, not me.
mexicans in mexico aren't our problem, mexicans in america are our problem.

this isn't hard and illegal immigration is such insanity that it hasn't even been a partisan issue until this election (even obama and hillary themselves once were in favor of a wall)
You know which option anon.

You know.
We're at shillcon 3
Austria wants more refugees

Italy brings another blow to the EU

As you can see outside forces are wasting their effort to "convert" us lol
Umm, I never saw them insulting him in any way.
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Yeah I'm with >>101563885

Anyone know the name of the original?
1 post by this id
>where were you when the CDNs were under attack and meme harbor happened?
Oh ok

I misunderstood
Someone should tweet it to him
Who are the MVP of /tg/ era?

Portugalposter and TNN/NTNN are my picks.
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th for Tuck
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bitch please
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/o/ a shit

/x/ always has been and forever will be /pol/s main squeeze
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It's all good bruh.

Smiles for Trump!
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As a nigger I can slightly confirm this. Although it's probably 4chan that turned me from being straight to being straight and simultaneosly wanting to fuck trap boipussy.
I agree with you, but if Trump wants to prevent Mexicans from living illegally in America, he has to prevent them from coming. Helping Mexico isn't a responsibility, it's a method.
>5 posts by this ID
>Romney will be making all the real decisions.
Yeah, that was apparent from his face at their dinner meeting the other day.
Rmoney looked totally in charge.
polltugal probably the best
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Well since we're never doing that with /lgbt/ you can go back
based picks
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NTNN had a blog, is it updated?
The homosexual one?
But I feel no sexual attraction towards this crusader guy.

>prevent Mexicans from coming

what even is a wall
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maximum disgust.png
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That guy might be as pol as pol itself.
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It's a heartless method.


that doesn't mean we can't use other methods and even helping mexico as a whole won't do shit to the cartel which, frankly, is about 100x as dangerous as isis is
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Not this year cuck
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DC autist fired shots
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comfy Natalia.jpg
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Don't respond to him. 3 in the morning on Sunday night over there and he's still been posting for 10 hours straight.
Like the WoW guy from South Park
Leftists' aspirations are things like writer or singer which pretty much follows that path. They see a man self made and they must tear him down because he represents what they themselves could accomplish if they weren't such children
Do you live outside?
Let's face it, Trump is not a conservative. He will be the most left wing liberal Republican president since Nixon.
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I just said that you know, but hey if that's what comes to mind I wont argue with you.

There is nothing wrong with being a faggot.
I-I like you, crusader kun, no homo.
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You're right. He should electrify the wall for a swift release from their pain.

more humane than a minefield
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wisconsin awoo.jpg
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I migrated to /k/ among many others, and didn't return until around August 2015. I didn't get involved until Trump General's started appearing.
what's his end game?
>everything about this video was shit and i regret watching that much of it to determine that
What is this the primaries? Also, he's more like Goldwater than anything.

> post arrest interview

The police let him talk to a reporter out of the back of a cop car after attempted murder?

Yeah, sounds legit
Trump showed relief that Romney was there to save him from the responsibility of making tough choices.
>fictious conspiracy theory

you know its true now
Fucking great, some fuck nut went and blew it, or they got a Patsy.
He's a Paleocon

as soon as I saw the title I knew
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>There is nothing wrong with being a faggot
Anon, I think you're forgetting who are VP is.
Could someone remind him of our VP's name?
>Supports same sex marriage
>Wants to keep the core elements of Obamacare
>Going to appoint people like Giuliani and Romney
>Agrees 100% with the far left on free trade

Yeah, he's such a conservative right?
TrumpOP, Designated Shitposting OP, Trumpeter, Crusaderkun, and all our foreign supporters, and the other State's for Trump.
That completely explains why we're getting shills
2016 was such a good year. I finally have a year I can refrence when I'm old.

>hey grandpa this video game was from 2016 do you know it?
>yes, 2016 was a good year.
>a very good year.
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Kek, but to be honest, I didn't see Trump coming the way he did.
Yep. Trump looked awkward and confused, while Romney was smiling widely at his new found power over people.
That's how I remember it.
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I said a faggot not a homosexual.

Anon you need to stop jumping to conclusions.
What do you suggest other than a wall and a prison?

I remember this episode, it was funny, right?

What do you mean?

It's not funny guys...
blonde girl is kind of cute
What happened to Austria today? It wasn't supposed to end like this...
It's a pity no good games came out during 2016 to justify the fantasy.
Except for maybe Total Warhammer
I just woke up. Did Itally pull off whatever they were up to? How about Austria?
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Michigan Supreme Court.png
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Looking good.
I'm assuming they mean it's from the interrogation
Destroying Europe and making sure all goyim remember the 6 gorillion? I don't know.
So you don't live outside?
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the reddit fags who got in bed with /o/ need to go home

Same fags who are doing the gay meme war beret shit
>left wing liberal
Racists lost everywhere.

Good morning.
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>don't forget the plethora of people we memed CTR into reporting because they were "bots" that were actually organic


interestingly he's not new to the police
I have a home.
Austria failed. Italy succeeded.
Polltugal, based man who I hope made good money on his predictions. Fucking red PA, who would have though?
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Shut up /o/ is our waifu
OP and other Trumpgen OP's,

To make the next year as fun as the last, let's post links to debates and major campaign events on their 1 year anniversary as they arrive, just to re-assess how we got here. The next one is December 14th:

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Do the French even have a sense of humor?
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Honestly, watching Dawkins sell out so hard hurts more than Hitchens dying. Anyone else in the same boat? And Harris as well. I'm sure Harris has no idea how many right-leaning readers he once had. The man that said we are at war with the very IDEA of Islam can't stomach a man like Trump suggesting vetting immigrants from terror prone islamic societies.
It's disgusting. I admire ALL of the biological writings of Dawrkins, I could never read them too many times. And I find Harris' summary of Islam in End of Faith a perfect Red-Pill. Even Moral Landscape creates a very useful framework for shutting down the lefty moral relativists. I consider it still a profoundly useful tool for explaining WHY some cultures are worse than others.

But it's hit me really fucking hard to see them cuck out to such a extreme extent. A weird year to have Donald Trump step up and so many people I at least admired disappoint me. I wonder what the old Commie Hitchens would have to say.
i support this idea
I live in the moment, I don't have time to draw conclusions.
Faggot will always suggest someone has homosexual tendencies.
It's a new era, I have come to trust some random anonymous German Sausage board poster over every single previously respectable and trusted outlet.
Glorious times.
Tone up the Romney bit and up the Jew angle. Here's a (you).
also why "fictitious" do they not know words have meanings? They said conspiracy theory, which is usually connotative as a wild insane thing, but it's not pretend, it's real and exists. People believe in this theory, doesn't make it true but it also doesn't make it fictitious.
Are you housing any refugees or are you a racist Nazi?
Reminder not true respond to the true conservative ausposter.
You realize if you stop giving the kike plebbitor cock faggot (You)s, he will go away? There's an easy solution here, folks.
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go back to r/thedonald you fucking tastless niggerfaggot
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You might want to get that checked out then?
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Look who else might be staying in the Rust Belt.

Wait, what happened with Dawkins?
you understand though right? not necessarily games. Just people will mention a wine came from a year and old people will comment on the year.

though when i think about it, they could mean a good year for wine.
>How about Austria?

Austria declared itself a come fuck me fest. Sad.
There's no time.
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>this mad
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i was tempted to, too.
go read his twitter. it reads like a facebook sjw crying about trump
I love both the Hitchen boys, though they both veer from me politically. I will never understand Chris's support for the Iraq war.
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aint that the truth
Yes, but you're not funny at all, sir. Mexican lives matter.
Well we got one.

What was the itally thing anyway?
He's still better than any of the other republican candidates who would've been all talk and no action.
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I just found out:
Ivanka is a feminist, which again proves that you can not allow women in politics .
>donate for m'ladys ebic recount plz

shill for stein/hill
My job requires to help refugees from time to time, but it's none of your business.
His family was killed in the Great Emu War. This is all he has left.
DS3 was pretty good.
Who cares
The core element was the 'tax' that was actually an unconstitutional penalty for not having a product. The only reason why keeping people under parental coverage and preexisting conditions existed was because that was the only thing leftists could think of why it was a good idea and even those aren't central elements, just a tertiary add on for PR

And he is doubling down on labeling China as a currency manipulator, if that is free trade I'll pay for your proxy for a month.
he was very bluepilled on race. For that reason giving everyone democracy seems logical. He saw it as a path to intelligence and justice. But we know that intelligent and just people make democracies, not anyone.
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God fucking dammit, Dawkins; YOU INVENTED THE MEME, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!
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>/x/ cucked us last year halfway through
>Is a coal burner
>A handful of autists keep advocating for /x/ even though they went with others

Fuck off
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>that awful animu shit style

you really should be heading back
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>trump says SNL is a shitshow
>woman on twitter goes on a 10000+ twitter barrage expressing butthurt
>libs call her courageous and support #resist
trump just wants to bring the country together, but i don't think he'll be able to in 4 short years, lads. we're gonna need all the meme magic in 2020 to make sure he gets more time

Good goy! Keep women stupid and useless! Import brown people to do the heavy lifting so men can work office jobs and waste their money on shoes! They can't be helped, just give up!
Are you telling me own a home have plenty of food to eat, all the things required to survive and more, yet you refuse to let one measly refugee from a war-torn country enter your residence?

Fucking Nazi.
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Well, it seems the French do have a sense of humor!
that would be a great bumper sticker
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Best one was Austria. That faggot ruined his chances at meme magic.
I leave in a flat with a friend, you stupid.

wtf i want ivanka to dominate me now
>God fucking dammit, Dawkins; YOU INVENTED THE MEME, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!

Atheists are fags and deservedly sit on the fucking sidelines of the culture wars.
I remember once, when I was in middle school, I saw a bumber sticker that said "I eat children."
I wonder who the driver was.
I don't know, I think once the wall is built and the illegals are gone, most people are either going to have to admit he was right or have severe, long term mental breakdowns from sheer cognitive dissonance.
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Live by the meme; die by the meme
But my point stays the same though, so I want to apologize to Mexicans.
>Wants to keep the core elements of Obamacare
You mean keeping the good parts like being on you parents plan till your 26 and the no preexisting conditions and getting rid of the rest?
>Going to appoint people like Giuliani and Romney
Look at Romney's face at that dinner with Trump. He knows he won't be the next SoS
>Agrees 100% with the far left on free trade
See >>101565989
>trusting /x/ in the first place
As a /k/ommando I came here to laugh at you. /x/-tan is a crazy fucking bitch.
I'm not going to bother clicking it but is it >her?
I'm on your side, m80. There are red-pilled atheists.
When Pelosi called to talk childcare/womens issues Trump literally handed the phone to Ivanka
The Maher interview is hilarious, even if it is a fucking infuriating example of everything wrong with late night propaganda posing as comedy.

Even when he was shilling for the fucking Iraq war, which I detested, I still found myself agreeing with him on every point. Especially when he started bashing Clinton, and doubly so when Maher in his usual mole position inexplicably changed the subject to Bush.


Just watch this lads.
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>he supports a coalburner
So it's not just one Nazi, but two?
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>Hitting your period and Going on a twitter tantrum at trump is now newsworthy
>idiots go on anti-trump twitter tirades every hour
>"America is cheering her on"
>Every leftist simpleton on twitter is "America"

Imagine the absolute befuddlement of the average person as to why people are rallying behind a dying show, he's bringing people together in laughter at that worthless garbage better than SNL itself.
And the OG Pepe maker disavowed him.
Memes go beyond their author.

Far beyond.
>As a /k/ommando I came here to laugh at you. /x/-tan is a crazy fucking bitch.
/pol/ is better at magic and /k/ is better at killing spoops. /x/ is pretty much a containment board for retarded thirsty succubus-summoners.
>trump says SNL is a shitshow
He's right to be fair.
You want to apologize to Mexicans for making a joke implying that their lives are worthless?
Never forget the wrongs of the past, it's ok to forgive but to pretend it never happened will lead to more woe.
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sadly, atheism is the correct stance with regard to the religions of the world. even the greeks did better than this mess we have now. I think dawk has seriously lost touch though. Atheist&redpilled on race is still god-tier.
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God, did micheal j fox draw that?
No, I forgot to write "you". It's late in France.
>Hitting your period
Are you implying """"she"""" has a uterus?
Heil Hitler you racist!
The hour is later than you realize, frog.
Well, I suppose Hitler was a good goy too, he banished women from politics and universities.
Hitchens produced 100s of quality islam bashing videos before it was common to see these relatively tame "X destroys islamist/feminist/commie" videos on youtube.
The man knew things about the word like an encyclopedia. His failure to see race never got him all the way there though.
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It's very late. My neighbours' party stopped but I'm staying here for a bit longer;
>trump just wants to bring the country together
lmao this is what trumpcucks ACTUALLY BELIEVE

He wants to use the office to enrich himself and build his brand first, and if he can help American workers along the way that's just icing.
Fuck yes
Its as good as dead
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>actually directed people to go to change.org to sign a petition
that website has never changed anything ever
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