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just got back from visiting this absolute shit hole, seriously

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just got back from visiting this absolute shit hole, seriously what went so wrong
This is now a kek digits thread
who cares, they aren't white.
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Decades of poor administration and the fact they switched to the Euro. Before the Euro the economy actually worked and people could afford shit.

Source: provincia di Varese, 92-09.
>part Italian
>Italian side of family always makes it a point to hug and kiss each other a lot
>backstab and betray each other constantly

Maybe it's just Italian Americans, but man, I'm glad the Italian was bred out of me some.

Mate the bad part of anything-american is the american part.

Talk leaf.
Where did you stay leaf?
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Thank you for your visit come back any time
But Italian makes it even worse
i just went milan desu.

a lot of graffiti everywhere and trash in the streets, outdated interiors that haven't been renovated since the caesar days, also the women were not good looking
Anywhere you go, a nigger tries to sell you somethig you don't need
Northern Italy tends to be alright. I assume you went south.
Where you went?
Italy right now is pretty fucked up:the EURO is buttfucking us and being forced to accept immigrant only add insult to the injury
Before the current economic crysis Italy was a really rich country
Couple this with Mafia and corrupt politician
(all of them) you get current day Italy:a mere shadow of what we where in the 90'
Check the flag

That's what Catholics do.
yeah people would grab me and try to bring me into their restaurants it was weird
Italy used to be a nice place to visit in the 90', it's all gone down the drain
I like how joining the euro crippled your exports and moved business to china

Why couldn't everyone just be happy with the EEC? The euro has fucked us all over.

Posting in a bait thread
yeah my aunt and grandma don't get along.
At least the aunt is hilariously racist
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gib clay

Congrats, you visited the equivalent of the bay area slums in california.

And my guess is that you didn't even go to the pinacoteca.

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why is everyone so ass-blasted about italy? i know it sucks not to be italian but still....
milan, like most cities in Italy, is a place where you either are rich or you live a shitty life sorrounded by cement, graffiti and niggers.
I hope you didn't willingly choose to go to milan instead of the real great places that are in italy.
Nothing against italians but Italy is fucked
Says Brazika
>We are neutral, do you war and leave us alone
>HistoryChannel_Tide_turns_against Austria_in_WWI.avi
>Austria, gives us Triest and Tyrol now

>We help you Germany beat up nasty allies
>HistoryChannel_Tide_turns_against Germany_in_WWII.avi
>Fuck you Germany we will kill you now!

>backstab and betray each other constantly
is the Italian way to live.

>backstab and betray each other constantly
Because self hating italians gave an image of it that all basement dwellers on here just repeat to enforce the stereotypes, nothing new really
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Make Italy great again
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Fuck Milan seriously. Full of Albanians, Filipinos, Chinese, Gyppos, Romanians, Niggers, and other scum.

Chinese mafia colonizing the place. Wherever you look theres a Chinese supermart full of Chinks.

Dirty place city.

Not an actual Italian in sight.

t. Italian Sexpat
It wasn't joining the Euro that buttfucked us, it was ourselves.
>switch to Euro
>years of campaign on the conversion rate, which was 1936.27£ = 1€
>1st January 2002 comes
>all the clever fucks suddenly fixed the rate to 1000£ = 1€ for salaries, 2000£ = 1€ for all prices
>fast forward one year, all salaries were halved and prices doubled
>everyone pulling the muh euro excuse

Keep this in mind, and you'll see this pattern in every problem Italy has.
>new thing comes
>one half of the population tries to scam the other half
>it was the new thing's fault
Oh I forgot about the fucking main train station. Fuck that place.

Full of Albanian mafia trying to scam poor girls and beggars.

I wish our own mafia in Napoli would kick these bastard Albanians out.
digits confirm
>change alliance before the war
>to get rightful clay
>get invaded by biggest baddest country in the world
>people are starving
>Factory are destroyed
>commie kill german soldier
>German kill Italian innocent
Milan is commie:the city
Only Bologna is worse
Naples is the Italian Detroit
When I went to Italy it looked like Nigeria
Oke Mohammed.
t.Charles al Salamleikum
digits know
Italy is beautiful, you probably went to a dodgy part. I went to Naples a while ago and granted it was a bit of a slum. But places like Sorrento and the surrounding coastline were absolutely mesmerizing.
I felt the same way when I went there. They're more like Arabs than Europeans.
what are you doing in filippendo?
also i don't know if you have heard but they are going to bring the army in the streets of milan because south american gangs are running wild, top kek
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It's literally a "WE WUZ" country.

> Spoke about their past as Romans
> Rome, at his height during the Antiquity, had around 1 millions inhabitants
> Come the barbarians invasions
> Dirty tribes settle in Italy
> Rome population is down to 10'000 souls during the middle age

Scusa pirla, ma dove cazzo t'ho insultato la patria?

Se rimanevate fuori dalla moneta unica e per una volta non elegette un fascio o un communista non sareste nella merda fino al collo.
>big cities full of minorities are just an italian thing

fuck you. fuck all of you. we are in the same ship, the western cvilization, and it's sinking
Yup that's how it goes. In my case the British side seems to have come out on top. Although their coldness and stoicism are just as annoying really.
Correct, if you want to see true Italy, leave the city. Rent a car, drive to the countryside, beautiful villages, great food and hospital people
We spoke more about the middle age
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Fashion capital of the world, my ass. haha.

decent place to live if you're very rich.

But if you're just average person then it is like hell.

Buses are usually broken so they dont have working air conditioning in summer so it's very hot.

Train station is full of Albanian mafia trying to scam women to become prostitutes and pick fights with other guys.

Also fucking beggars everywhere.

Gyppos trying to pick pocket your money.

Main sqaure where mall is, is full of Africans trying to scam you and pick fights.

Chinese run EVERYTHING. Chinese shops, Chinese market, etc.

Muslims are semi decent, good kebab very cheap. But now I think they start acting like assholes because of refugee problem.

So many leftists and commies.

Such a disgusting place why would anyone live in Milano I dont know why.

Graffiti and trash everywhere.

Run down buildings.

European Union flag on everything.

Maybe this is the future of Italy and Europe.

Multi kulti shithole.

Thanks Germany.
we love you austriabros, this time we won't let u down <3

You want something mesmerizing visit the Maggiore or Garda lake in summer and take a swim in that delicious freezing alpine water.

Or hell, if you like caves, the Frasassi ones near Ancona are mind-blowing.
I think we might have some empty caves left. Come on over, a stay a while.
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It's better to do business here than fucking Italy.

Never seen any South American gangs. I was in Milano just recently for business.

Which part of Milano these scumbags occupy?

I know for a fact Albanian gangs try to sell drugs in the station.
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quando mai abbiamo eletto un fascista o un comunista? al massimo democristiani e altri corrotti di questo tipo
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in ginocchio e leccami i piedi anon
Stay salty Luigi.
After the ww2 commie take a lot power and start anti-italian propaganda
I'm visiting in March, Luigi. I'm staying in Rome, Florence and somewhere in Tuscany. Anything I should be aware of other than rats trying to rob me?
>the world population dropped a lot during middle age
Well no shit?

Faccio meglio: t'inculo fatto un pecorone sardo.
>implying canadian have money to enjoy the beuty of italy

if your poor you get shit travels m8
Still, you backstabbed us, so fuck you Italy

Our greatest ally will always be Nippon
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Until the tide turns against us again.

Why? It's a literal shithole. Beware of pickpockets and gypsies.

I suggest you stay lowkey as possible and wear a jacket and maybe like a hidden bag where you can hide your valuables.
Watch out for pickpockets on public means, nigger street vendors and scams for tourists
ma chi ti calcola stupido negro, stai per terra
Eternal German sacked Rome
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Coming from the destroyer of Europe.
My family from Romania once lived in Italy but left complaining it was dirty KEK
My rugby team is playing a local team. I know Rome is littered with thieves, I'm more excited for Tuscany.
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>pecorone sardo

Sto negro é ancora piú bianco di te sardu.

Vai a convertirti all'islam cosí appena scatta la guerra religiosa ti fuciliamo.
>Which part of Milano these scumbags occupy?
don't know, but they have been a recurring theme in the news, some time ago a ticket checker at the station got his arm chopped off because he dared to ask one of these gang members for the train ticket or some shit, and like a couple 2 months ago they were shooting at each other in the streets and someone ended up dead

i literally can't wait until this cancer spreads into the "milano bene" so the ivory tower fuckers get a taste of fucking reality
>gypsyes mad about italys dirt
>they actually produce all the dirt since we have 20% romanian immigration
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>a fucking globe
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>let's choose people by how young and good looking they are! what could possible go wrong?
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Your family not making enough money pickpocketing tourists so they to America?

Fuck off gyppo.

Dirty cigan
Is Florence still worth seeing? It's the only city I want to see before I kill myself
fuck off we're full
Nothing out of the ordinary. Never trust niggers and gypsies.

Full of beggars, thieves, niggers etc. Have a good trip

Milan is a fucking meme and i dont respect anyone that goes there.

Italian bros, when is the vote?
Still better than Finland...

A globe is probably better off when i consider your flag really represents your life.

Ti mangi la pasta in bianco, sei al verde e hai il conto in rosso.
i thought it was last weekend
>Sto negro é ancora piú bianco di te sardu.
I don't think you have ever seen a Sardinian.
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Seriously? Kek I would love to see a gang war between Chinese, South American, and Albanian gangs.

We should honestly import more of those bastard mafioso in Napoli to Milano to fight these scum.

I would rather get robbed and scammed by a fellow Italian than a fucking foreigner.
Yes, don't care about these shills. Milan is the most commercial area and got plundered when Napoleon "liberated" Italy. That's why the leaf is talking so much!
Now isn't that the pot calling the kettle black.
At the Olympic opener this year I noticed while most teams came out scattered, texting, waving etc, every single Italian athlete came up and kissed the camera. I admire the passionate unity, the backstabbing sounds lame though
My father comes from Florence and even thinks this is a shitty place. That means something, un mucchio merda

Fuck off fucking Italy, from a half-Italian, you are one of the faults the most important revolution of all time fell
>t mohammed

There reason that Italians immigrated elsewhere in such large numbers is because it was always a shithole.
Your pakistani father living for a few months in Italy doesn't make you half italian
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1) Avoid turist crap
2)In rome don't just visit fomus monument
>Cripta dei capuccini
>San pietro e paolo fuori le mura
>Piazza mincio/quartire coppedè(fascit era)
>Santa sabina
>parco degli aranci
>San pietro al buco
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Italy was pretty good before EU.
topkek, cosa non si raccontano tra di loro i negretti pur di non buttarsi giù da un ponte
You're right.
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He is probably a filthy refugee or a t*rk.

E cosa si dicono i romani tra di loro per non affogarsi nel tevere?

Che forse oggi il vu-compra ti dá lo sconto?
In what language would he speak to muzzies?
pls bomb us

They need a new Duce to make the trains run on time.
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Italian, seeing as they are his brothers.

If you lay down on the tracks on Italy you'll die of dehydration before the train arrives.
italian living in kazakhstan here. I think just the fact that i'd rather live here than in my home country says it all
Guarda ci crediamo tutti
The language of gunfire.

Muzzies understand boom dead. very well.
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>German to my horse
incredibly accurate

Considerando che in Brasile c'ho un lavoro che mi paga píú che in Italia ci credo.
che lavoro fai? rubi ai turisti in spiaggia?
>Fuck you Germany we will kill you now!
sounds just like Finland
t. sven al sharm el sheki
you aren't fooling anyone

Istruttore off-shore della Petrobas. (O meglio, traduttore per l'istruttore).

Se parli 4 lingue pagano molto bene. Dove cazzo guadagno 3000 euro al mese in italia facendo il traduttore?
There are more muslims in Italy than in Sweden, mate.
Sei del sud?
parli italiano, portoghese, spagnolo, e inglese?

makes me think
What about as a percentage? There are more muslims in China alone then most muzzie countries
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puoi venire a lavorare gratis per noi, pensa all'exposure e all'esperienza!!

as % of the population? i have my doubts, also matter of fact your gov is cooking up the numbers, pic related
>Dove cazzo guadagno 3000 euro al mese in italia facendo il traduttore?
Da nessuna parte perchè qui in italia impariano altre lingue se ne abbiamo bisogno a differenza dei brasiliani
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Italy is so good that we make better superhero movies than America.
Dago flood of Jew York 2:Electric Boogaloo when?
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You will turn into Islamic Republic long before we turn into Brazil.

I hope you memorized the shahada.
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Look who is talking.
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Dear Mohammed and Abdul. My best hope for Europe now involve either Germany, Sweden or France to spiral into civil war / failed state status so that it may serve as a trigger for action for the rest of us Europeans.

I will not miss your arrogance.


Italiano, Inglese, Tedesco (grazie mille liceo linguistico Alessandro Manzoni) e portoghese.

Se parli, sai tradurre e sei disposto a lavorare in mezzo al mare a 30 gradi quasi senza ombra qua guadagni bene, ma porco dio devi conoscere qualcuno che se nó col cazzo ti assumono.


No, provincia di varese.
>Italy 3.7%
>Sweden 4.6%
>down the train
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Spoken like a true rat. Begone you parasite.
if the west goes down first thing that happens is muzzies ganking israel with a new fatwa farted out by the new german prophet-president-chancellor
You went there
Why not just move to Israel now instead of living a country you have little allegiance to?
Bangladeshi "fake refugees"....that's what went wrong in Rome and in Venice... and in many other cities.

They're in overwhelming number.
Strano questi tipi di ragionamenti sono più comuni al sud , scommetto che sei di sinistra o almeno contrario al nazionalismo italiano :DDD
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no doubt
Now add the percentage of shitskin-looking motherfuckers and you'll see that Italy is in deeper water than us.

Centro-destra ma non voto. Troppa corruzione in ambi in paesi dove posso votare.
Which are the nice cities in Italy then?

I thought Milan was near Germany meaning there would be less Africans and shit.

Are there any nice cities?

Generally, the more far away you get from big cities the less immigrants you find.

If you wanna visit the real Italy, stay clear of big cities and stick to small towns and monuments that don't show up on google maps.
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It is a lovely iconic landmark.

Sorry, your point?
We made a tourist attraction and millions of that.
You northerners wouldn't be able to do half of that.
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My point is that you can't even build straight towers.

Italian """"architects""""
Is Rome good place in the summer?
Ok friend. Will do.

But in the small towns, is there a chance I might be rubbed out by a 'Ndrangheta?
why are you posting a picture of a swedish engineer senpai
Imagine the most multicultural, degenerate hellhole on the planet and you have your answer.
Better to build a crooked tower well then a straight tower half-assed
No it's hot as fuck

Divide-and-Conquer thread.
Italy in the cities is a bit shit desu

But the italian countryside is another world entirely and one of the best places in europe
Garda is great

Nah, generally speaking organized italian crime doesn't do petty crime. They're into racketeering, arms and drugs smuggling.

And petty crime is mostly an issue in big cities. If you manage to get mugged in fucking Ispra or Angera i'll buy you a fucking beer on account of absurdly back luck.
>Visiting big cities for anything other than historic landmarks
Best part are small medieval towns desu
Why not build a straight tower well?
That's your mom.

I hear Winx Club has a theme park too. Gotta visit that.
>rightful clay
>0% italian population
idiot, go to one of the actual good cities in Italy and maybe you'll find it worthwile. The duomo, castello szforesco and some other places are nice but in general Milano isn't very nice.

Go to Rome, Florence, Venice, Verona or literally any other city and you'll probably have a better time

To anyone who has been there, is Naples worth visiting?
Nord - Est is not completely fucked up yet.
Trento or Bolzano are probably a good choice
if you are badmouthing italian architecture and not just trolling while yourself being from sweden, you should really just kill yourself immediately.
I mean that. You're a fucking MORON.

I wouldn't know about that, but there's some half decent coasters in Gardaland.

I particularly enjoyed the Blue Tornado, one of the few suspended coasters that didn't feel like my head was gonna get ripped off in a turn.
You just blew the minds of the Chinese
Why, what's wrong with Italy?
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A FUCKING LEAF talking shit about the awesome Italy.

Just die already
no, it's the hyphen
>Why not build a straight tower well?
They did, but the soil dropped underneath one side
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Why is there not a single decent one of your kind, Sven? Why are all Swedes either filthy cucks desperate for black cock or obnoxious nordicists?

How is this supposed to be the masterrace? /pol/ halp pls.
>What are 100 years for demographics, amiright?
We created the university, you ignorants
Nordics are extremists, when they do something, they go balls deep
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albanian diasporas
Went to Italy to see Venice, Rome, and Milan. What a fucking shit hole. Niggers and indians trying to sell shit everywhere (and they are very pushy about it). It's also extremely dirty.

The worst part are the friendship from the niggers outside the Milanese cathedral. Have to yell for the police before the blacks assault you.
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>balls deep

Friendship bracelets*
Maybe they should have supported it better then. Italians are shit-tier architects.
someone who hitchhiked through italy told me a lot of the rural areas look like mexico. cinder block structures with corrugated metal roofs. Can any italy bros confirm/deny/explain?
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always brings up nigger cocks holy fuck you manlets are pathetic gay you know your country is flooded with nigger from north africa coming straight from the boat
Coming from a swede, lmao.
>Italian side of family always makes it a point to hug and kiss each other a lot
>backstab and betray each other constantly
Watch it, Chrissy.
Except Italian Renaissance was the birth of architecture as we intend it (doing a project instead of keeping going and see where it goes) so a few errors in this first phase look acceptable to me
>he went to the shittiest most chaotic nigger-infested shithole in the country.
>probably thinks that the "beauty" of a country can be found only in its biggest cities, like every good liberal globalist cuck.

how are these two not white?

I get you live in a vast country with a low population. So you probably dont have a very accurate perspective of the world.
Southern euros have a lot of things right, like respecting the nuclear family, traditonal healthy food, respecting and preserving their own culture... you on the other hand, bjorn.... WEW
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While we were making towers the vikings were making wood houses.
What was so bad about it? I was in northern Italy last month, around Genoa and Milan. Lots of white people. It seemed like a pretty nice place.
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>how are these two not white?
Do they look white to you? To me they look exactly like the muslim shitskins who migrate here en-masse. You're an American, so I don't expect you to understand what racial purity is, but for Heaven's sake don't you have any common sense whatsoever?

Here, this is a picture of a WHITE man.
It's true. My relatives are worse than fucking jews, dad called my uncle "the rabbi" over an inheritance dispute in front of gramps. Gramps keked and changed the inheritance to benefit dad, but then later grandma made him change his mind but he died before completing the act.

There is also a status of perpetual war between me and my cousins over stupid shit, one of them married a single mother and i call him "il cornuto" (the cuck). The other cousins know it and they always scold me about that but i've recently heard they now use the name themselves.
Fucking italian families.
Nose looks Italian tho

>Waaah it wasn't like the US movies and mom didn't let me look at boobies on the beach.

T. Aiden Smith 14, Toronto.
I think there is a misunderstanding.
We have different definitions of what white is.
I consider anyone who comes from a native european culture and family to be white. Those men fit that bill.

You think white means expressing recessive genes.

I'm also 100% russian, born in moscow, so i have some perspective on the commonalities that exist between seemingly different european cultures.
why are so many people called aiden in this city
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>coming from a part-monkey
Do you have the recessive European genes as physical features?
>There is also a status of perpetual war between me and my cousins over stupid shit, one of them married a single mother and i call him "il cornuto" (the cuck). The other cousins know it and they always scold me about that but i've recently heard they now use the name themselves.
>Fucking italian families.
Top fucking Kek. Sounds like a great family desu, great banter.
Yeah well your definition is taken straight out of a how-to-jew 101 textbook. It's a definition for someone who wants to advocate interbreeding between different European ethnicities. European is not synonymous with white.
>I'm also 100% russian, born in moscow, so i have some perspective on the commonalities that exist between seemingly different european cultures.
So you're probably a jew then. Funny how things always add up.
Got any recommendations on where one can see the beauty of Italy?
yes. blonde, light blue eyes. I look kinda like putin, but better looking
0% jew
well-educated, orthodox christian family.
i dont know why im still talking to you, since you're obviously mentally ill.
Sven, that is quite racist and anti-semitic
You don't want the Cuckold Enforcing Agency to put you in the rehabilitation camp do you?
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>snownigger in charge of defining whiteness
Oh boy now its my time to shine
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Damn, if only nordics carved magnificent statues to represent their ideal human being. Oh well..
The romans were nordic you wop
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Suppose I'll just take your word for it, right? Especially when you're advocating for miscegenation.
Sure, why not?
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*smacks lips*
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Weird how those statues were depicted with blonde hair and fair skin, when Italians are swarthy mongrels with dark hair.
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Such a high IQ yet completely irrelevant within the fields of science.

Really made me think.
>Create dumbshit useless prize that gets assigned to some chink or some jew every year in STEM
>The rest is useless stuff like the tales of Mbotumbe written by Joshua Finkelberg
>the jewbel is a swedish prize
>an astounding number of swedes won it
really makes you think
A 3 pt difference is pretty minute. And IQ alone isn't that great if it isn't paired with other positive traits

Do you have yellow pubes too?
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>nordshit can't tell apart ancient statues and renaissance art
>proceeds to post a Greek reconstruction
how embarrassing
>prize awarded by Sweden and Norwegian institutions
What is that pic supposed to prove? That the prize is rigged? As if it wasn't already well known fact.
Hell, you even gave Obama the Nobel PEACE Prize. Few years later turns out his administration deported more people than Bush and the Middle East is just a bigger mess.
P2 Masonic lodge.

They are keeping Italian Spiderman away.

For now...
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Do you have any evidence to suggest that is the case? No?

>inb4 Obama

PS: Learn how to chemistry, swarth-heads.
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Suppose this guy is Greek as well. Italians on suicide-watch.
Pastabros please help
it depends on what you want to see
>PS: Learn how to chemistry, swarth-heads.
Do you have anything that compares to The Divine Comedy?

Also Enrico Fermi contributions to science are enough to blow that little table.
You mean protestants
Your women are ugly
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yes look at his blonde hair and blue eyes, and that totally nordic nose
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>Also Enrico Fermi contributions to science are enough to blow that little table.
Weird, I barely see any Italian flags on the periodic table. Why didn't you discover all the elements during the days of the Roman Empire? Or even after? Aren't you like THE FOUNDERS of ALL science and shieeet? With your MASSIVE IQs?

Also, how come you're so irrelevant in academia today? You're not even on the fucking list lmao.
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Anywhere that isn't a tourist hotspot. Anyone that comes here assumes that he HAS to visit Venice, Rome, Milan, Florence and all the famous churches and monuments. Shit that everyone from anywhere in the world goes to see only to brag about it with friends after they visited this country.

Go visit small rural towns or medieval burgs instead. The country is full of them and every single one is unique. Many are fucking ancient, dating back to early middle-ages. Food is also infinitely better in these places and cheaper than the plastic overpriced and overrated restaurants you find in the cities. And the most important thing of all: in these places you won't find niggers, sand people, gypsies and other vacation-ruining sights.
not pasta, but the amalfi coast is mind-blowing
I have a nose like that and I'm blonde with blue eyes.

He's got red hair and amber eyes. The former were used to be very common amongst the Danes.
kek'd, nice damage control
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Do most Italians have that bulbous nose tip and a tall nose?
>being this retarded
Poveretto, fatelo felice
You enlightened me, the Romans were actually blue eyed and blonde haired. I must submit to the nordic superiority
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Nice rebuttal, Fabio.
You care
the most american hipster x destination
Rome wasnt great for over a 1000 years.
If was only so-so under renaissance.
My nose is almost a perfect replicate of his, so I doubt it.
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>want to visit and live in Italy for a while
>allergic to seafood
How fucked am I?
nice fake bust Akhmed
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You'll be fine if you eat kebab and falafel.
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I hate the retarded young Italians who worship this nigger
>haha epic troll, it's just memes bro
Let's see how funny it is when you grow up and have to pay for niggers with your tax money or when your street turns into Detroit.
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mediterranean-dinarics have that one
look at it from the side
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oh so you're blind as well, I see
Neither Nordics, Germanics, or Celts look like that.
You're not fooling anyone.
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i am so happy that i am not snownigger,
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it's their inner nigger inside their brains
>most prolific publication
Publishing a lot doesn't make your publications all worth reading, it more likely you just have lower acceptance barriers.

Also I don't hear a lot of groundbreaking science coming from Sweden either.
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This guy talking about how ancient and Renaissance statues were in fact nordics (WE WUZ ROMANS 'ND SHIIEETT).. ..meanwhile >>101341140
24 posts by this ID. He so mad.

Southerners do, more often at least.

You'll be fine.
I'm half german half northern italian. both are god tier stop arguing. Nordics are gay btw and ugly as fuck. Light features on a man are disgusting. Their women love niggers too.
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That's your typical mongrel. He's just not swarthy.
If the current inhabitants of Greece are the same as those 2000 years ago, how come you can't even into kindergarten economy? You needed "snow-niggers" to help you out. Lmfao.
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t. Mohammad Ibn Swedistan
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oh swede u so funny
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>Also I don't hear a lot of groundbreaking science coming from Sweden either.
Oh, but that's where you're wrong. Nobel Prize is basically all about groundbreaking science, and look where you are in relation to Sweden. >>101341451

Pathetic, desu.
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>Nordics are gay btw and ugly as fuck.
At least you didn't visit the frozen hellhole called Scandinavia
If western civilization is to survive, nonwhites must be removed and borders must be enforced. This is the only way.

And remember one of the primary red pills: /pol/ is always right
You have to go back.
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lol you look like faggots seriously sven. Italy produces the highest number of models in the world, its not even close.

i prefer my wife broke, not raped.

P.S we have more cheap hands to send, get ready
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The truth hurts, huh?
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No, he meant Catholics and the digits confirm.
Just pick a place within the hinterland. Cuisine varies a lot between regions, even between provinces and towns. Seafood stops becoming the main delicacy in places that are even just a few kilometers from the coast.
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>lol you look like faggots seriously sven. Italy produces the highest number of models in the world, its not even close.
Yes but you see that's the thing. Practically everyone in Sweden are models. Don't take it from me, this is a stereotype that is globally recognized.

We're just the most aesthetically pleasing people on the planet.
>How fucked am I?
Not much, if you visit the towns on the inside of the peninsula or two islands you don't find much seafood.
Jeg er norsk, Sven. Pröver bare å skremme mr Leaf slik at han ikke kommer som turist til oss
Nordics are globally found more attractive on average. There's no need to lie if you hate them
>Sicilian genetics

Real Italians are family oriented and don't betray their families.
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>i prefer my wife broke, not raped.
Too bad she's both. She probably has a turk between her legs as we speak.

You know what's why you're so swarthy-looking today, right? The turks bred with your women for centuries.

Weird. See pic-related.
Är ju kallare i Kanada än i Norden så tror inte du kommer lyckas särskilt bra med det.
I don't hate them, I'd like to like them. But see >>>101338188.
Haha sant bror
greeks invented pizza
Pizza was invented by non whites
I expected way more from you in terms of bait, Australia.
I was in Milano too, and I didn't think it was that bad. A bit disappointing maybe, as not too much to do/see for such an old and important city.
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You're not. There are literally thousands of different recipes without fish. I'm from Sardinia and you can live for one year there without eating fish and eating something different everyday.
I live in this city and I can explain this to you : They built the tower while it was collapsing to prove their superiority. You really picked the wrong example. Italian architecture (especially in Tuscany) is still studied in engineering schools. Just look at brunelleschi cupola in Florence to realize it. They're still trying to figure how was it possible to make with the instruments they had at the time. Meanwhile sweden greatest construction, is a wooden ship.

this anon >>101335149
suggested you great places. Personally I suggest you to visit San Gimignano and cities inside Tuscany. Florence is a great place also. Don't listen to people who don't live there. I do.
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Had an accident on vacation in Italy and I had to stay several days in a hospital and they kept doing CAT scans to observe my bleeding brain. When I got out they didn't charge me a single €. That is really commendable. If the same thing happened to me in the US I'd probably be thousands in debt.

"just holdin' my 15th century zippo"
>thinking blue eyes are a nordic propriety.

im albanian and i have blu/grey eyes. so what?
most of italians stil have to resort shiting by wya of wicker baskets
the frist univeristy been founded in 1222 in veneto
You're just a buttmad faggot who can't get over the fact that the Goths took over Italy.

first university greek

>they kept doing CAT scans to observe my bleeding brain

You're going to get brain cancer within 10 years.
You are non-white.

White people only have grey and green eyes.
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>Meanwhile sweden greatest construction, is a wooden ship.
And it's a beauty.
okay i got one:
franks invented genoa
>im albanian and i have blu/grey eyes. so what?
Probably some nordic viking who cucked your ancestor. The viking expansion reaches all the way to the mediterranean region.
Fun fact:

Ancient romans hated pants :)
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nah just having fan with the assmad swede, you'd be bothered as well if you had pale albino niggers in your lands back then
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Suppose that's possible. It wasn't actually that many though. I did 2 in Italy and 1 in Germany. They warned me about the radiation and all but they wanted to make sure I was fine. If you know you got lots of radiation though you can just get yourself checked for cancer, not that hard.
Italy is a french project.
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Yeah I saw that, I replied to it I honestly think Nordics have a difficulty with moderation. They can make the cuckiest of cucks, or some of the most fearsome warriors. They just need a healthy outlet for that tendency. Nordics and southern Italians are both European.

Nordics so seem to have a gift for science desu, just like Italians have one for law, finances, and architecture. They are good organizers and builders, and Nords are good at pushing boundaries, of the mind and physical ones

Look up haplotypes, some areas in the balkans share the same haplogroup as nordics
Everyone does, shorts>pants
>I'm from Sardinia
Another? Why are so many Sardinians on /pol/?
What they probably wanted to see was if the trauma had accidentally awoken the nazi-Übermensch part of your brain, to contain the risk of a chain reaction that could lead to the 4th Reich when you got back home.
>Look up haplotypes, some areas in the balkans share the same haplogroup as nordics
not the same, it's I2a in the Balkans/Sardinia, I1 among the Nords
e non ci credere, cazzo mi frega
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A lot of scientific progress/history was made by people who lived in the Italian peninsula. Our ancestors did SO much that we are so proud of what they did, and the history they wrote. Just think about Leonardo da Vinci, Giulio Cesare, Lorenzo de Medici, Dante Alighieri, Benito Mussodo lini, Amerigo Vespucci, Cristoforo Colombo. Italians in the past did so much that we can do nothing for centuries and still be in the podium for our relevance in history.
weep, for italians have been infected with germanic bile
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renaissance was a mistake
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True not the exact same, but still closely related in haplogroup I

>checked for cancer

Brain cancer can't really be repaired, even if it's caught early though.
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Interracial marriage is primarily between white men and black women.
You really are just pissed off that Goths took over your country, and the French were the ones who actually developed all of the most impressive architecture that people think of when they imagine "roman' catholic cathedrals.
Sardinians are everywhere.
Cheers, pastafriends
join casa pound
do you understand english. i have blue/green eyes

I think more probably the contrary happend.
>the ones who actually developed all of the most impressive architecture
That's why the most famous French monument is an antenna? And the french Arc du triomphe is a replica of the Roman ones?
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>You really are just pissed off that Goths took over your country
if you keep repeating it won't be true, but if that helps you deal with your butthurt, keep it up

>the French were the ones who actually developed all of the most impressive architecture that people think of when they imagine "roman' catholic cathedrals.
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s-s-sorry im from venice im black
>I think more probably the contrary happend.
Not really, since you're the anomaly.
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Viva San Marco.
>italy is one of the biggest country in the map
>this fucking swede cant even read a map
Am i getting trolled?
>no timestamp
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No point in being paranoid about it though.
italians are Catholic (which is of greek word btw)
itallian of nice
no bully
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>Thinking that haplogroup automatically means blonde
Ever seen a sardinian?
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It's just even talking about chest.
Still not enough. Watch and learn.

Italy actually stops existing from the southern bank of the Po river. What lives there and below are called Terroni. They have race-mixed for centuries with arabs and are no longer white both in genetics and behavior. Plus, they are corrupt parasites that don't pay taxes. Tri-Veneto should become an independent nation and leave them to sink into the third world. We should all vote Salvini to make it happen as soon as possible.
btw italians are
as we all are
but only those saved will be
>haha I'm just going to totally ignore the Rib Vault, Flying Buttress and the Pointed Arch
I'm sardinian and I'm blonde. Also my sister is. She has green eyes like everyone in my family.
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We wouldn't even be assholes about it if Italians weren't such ass chapped crybabies
The funny thing is the multikulty in our lands began thousands of years ago and we survived.

But you nordniggers are just at the beginin. Seeing how weak and cucked you will not surivive.
Someone can carry the recessive gene without expressing it physically. But you're right about haplogroups not always being tied with physical features. There's an ancient R haplogroup in an enclave in Africa, but they're still black.
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>hahahah I'm just gonna drop few names and ignore the Italian ones
jesus the asshurt is palpable
It'll take only the monuments in Rome to make my point and prove you wrong. The list would be too long, lol.
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Not saying it can't happen, just saying that unlike what he says it's not automatically linked to the Y haplogroups
I've met some sardineans and they all had dark hair and dark eyes, but I can very well imagine it can't be true for 100% of sardineans
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btw itallians are


on the wrong board
All these butthurt nordicists replying. Glory to Italy, the cradle of Empire and home of Catholicism. From a Swede.
>From a Swede.
No, you're probably an italian immigrant. It's funny because you people are always confused for muslim immigrants.
True, true
Anyway it's extremely likely that blonde hair and blue eyes have different origins
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