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/vid/ - Video General

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Thread replies: 287
Thread images: 34

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Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gh-fomKSuIEZ-GJo2tere4YMjsDvmmsuyiJKzQ-1ZRk

Archived Threads: https://fgts.jp/p/search/subject/video%20general/

Old Thread:
So what's everyone working on?
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First for is it alright to upgrade to a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera after multiple months of practicing with a Panasonic GF3? Or do I need something else that's not as demanding and complicated to use as the BMPCC to make a slightly more gradual transition into professional cameras, like a Panasonic G7 or similar?

Fuck, I know it would be a big leap to go from a half decade old compact system to something as badass as the Blackmagic, but I've wanted one of those ever since I got into /vid/eo ;_;
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You're building up the blackmagic too much in your head m8. If you know the basics of exposure then there's really not much to worry about except how to expose for the expanded dynamic range and color grading the footage in Resolve. Even then you can set it to record more conventionally so you don't have to think about it and avoid Resolve altogether. Anyways, Blackmagic basically designed this camera for DSLR users, so if you really want it, then fine go get it. Really though, I would suggest rethinking how you do video if you're using one camera to "practice" before getting another one. Just try to make the best videos you can with the equipment you have. While I haven't used a BMPCC, I have used an URSA. It's a cool camera, but has its own set of limitations too.

Well, on to my own question:

I've offered to really cheaply shoot a wedding (at the cost of renting equipment) for a family member. They didn't want to pay for a pro videographer, but just want to get a recording of the ceremony. Obviously I got the video portion all figured out, the only question is the audio. The space is a medium sized church and I don't believe there will be any kind of sound system to get an output from so I've been thinking of setting up a mic, but where and what kind? I thought of setting up a shotgun mic on the camera but that would sound too distant. So should I put like an omni mic or maybe a stereo mic closer to the front like on a pole and run the cable back to the camera?
g7 is better.
if you want raw get eos m + magic lantern.
it's so cheap you can get both.
So heads up, I don't have much experience shooting weddings (the only one I did was 4 years ago, before I'd really started doing video work, shot on a shitty camcorder)

But based on all video work I've done, including that wedding I mentioned above, an omni mic attached directly to the camera should be fine. You won't get professional quality, though you'd need the B&G to have mics on them for that anyway, but as long as the mic is half-decent and you correctly adjust the sound levels you'll have more than useable audio

The church means the sound should echo anyway. Ask if you can sit in the front row for the ceremony and you should be grand. If you can, maybe try some test shots before the ceremony in the church so you get an idea of what levels you'll need
>if you want raw get eos m + magic lantern.
at what resolution can you pull that off?
just ready lots of sd cards and battery.
Even though magic lantern can do raw, is there a way to have it record 10-bit instead? Or force the camera to output video in 10-bit?
>So what's everyone working on?
Some school project about intolerance and discrimination.
We're finishing the screenplay now. Gonna be shooting three weeks from now.
Not entirely related, but fuck it
What screenwriting software do you people use and recommend?
>not hand-writing all your scripts
What's the best shoulder rig that I can get off amazon/build for under $100? I'm trying to advance in my gear for a class that I'm taking, but I'm a poorfag, so it's a little tough coming up with dough for a legit piece of work.
One rig I have my eye on is this:
Its' fine.

The camera itself isn't complicated - to take full advantage of it (via good color grading) is the tough part. I'd also agree with >>2840265 to an extent, using one camera doesn't necessarily train you for the next - more or less the next camera may be more or less forgiving on some aspects - lighting/lensing remains relatively the same (inb4 crop factor discussion).

If you can, sneak a decent mic+recorder into the podium/front row. Most weddings I've been to have ran a microphone/PA, so even a distant mic would work.

I use Finaldraft, Celtx is fine.

I draw out my stories on paper first (shooting it on paper essentially) and then write the script.

music video this weekend, writing,


save yourself $60 (it's the same rig, your link has a little metal cage on it).
Google keep, google notes, notepad, word, paper. Whatever is most convenient at that moment.
I have junk scripts/notes/outlines lying around everywhere. I amalgamated most of it a while back.
Got one of these fuckers cheap off of aliexpress. It showed up broken so the guy sent a replacement part.


a script. just that.
Camera pictured?
No idea but it's Leone filming Once Upon A Time in The West, so it shouldn't be hard to find out

Man the italians are OG.
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So I recently started working at a podcast network to record video podcasts. My bosses are still designing a new studio and are wondering what lights to get.

Anybody have suggestions on video lights that can run for a long period of time (1 hour or longer) and aren't too harsh on the hosts eyes? The studio space itself is quite small so it can't be anything too big.

I was thinking about softboxes. Any suggestions?

Thank you.
What cameras besides GH4 can record at a taller aspect ratio than 16:9 without just cropping?

GH4 does the basic 16:9 4K 3840x2160, but it also offers 4:3 3328x2496 and 1:1 2880x2880. Are there any other options with similar flexibility?
What are the best drone options I can buy that have a good camera out of the box or can you rec me some good drone cams? I want to add in drone shots in my vids and am completely clueless. I also posted this thread >>2841697 if you want to give some insight there.
You can get some 1 by 1 leds lights http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1056832-REG/litepanels_903_7013_astra_1x1_bi_color_led.html Idk your budget but get some softlight like the ones you have in that image. Or you can look up some diy led lights
Or you can get some Kino flos
You're better off using the bmpcc, it gives you true 1080 raw, as well as ProRes.

Low budget(<1600$) options are the DJI Phantom 3 Professional or the Phantom 4. Small, easy to fly, has a live video feed you receive on your tablet/phone.

There's the DJI Inspire 1 if you have some more money. Multiple variants with the lowest starting at 3100$ or something. One involves a camera with a M4/3 sensor that can capture 4K RAW with up to 2.4Gbps.

All DJI drones have cameras stabilized by 3 axis gimbal systems.

There's also other good brands for drones such as Freefly Systems but I don't know much about FFS.

Does anyone remember a pdf that was linked to this thread a couple of weeks ago? I failed to save it and the archive is down. I'd be grateful because the book looked quite interesting.
I am taking a design course at TAFE and we have just started a unit on video.
Is there a "good" budget (<$150) external microphone? Some cursory searches are leading me towards the Rode VideoMic/Videomic Pro, however I am having trouble finding them under $250-$300 in Australia.
I got a Rode videomic for about £60
I don't know how that compares to Aus$ but if you can't find it cheaply on amazon, check ebay
What was it about?
>read about movie released as free open-source by a smaller German studio
>they also sold it 30k times
>think yay, free movie
>wanna get source
>it's 56GB, torrent
>well played, Sirs

no wonder people rather buy the pre-compiled version..
Any of you guys do more expiramental film work? I'm very interested in doing something in the same vein as the videos on this site : http://www.orphandriftarchive.com/cyberpositive/strange-wars.php

I'm just not sure exactly how to go about it. Is it all just a ton of weird post production effects, digital or otherwise? I have a shitty old hi-8 home movie camera, but in not trying to do the typical "glitch art" sort of videography.
The clue's in the name
I linked painting with light a few weeks ago or was it 101 tricks, either way here's both.

Painting with light by John Alton

101 filmmaking tips/tricks:

Videomic/Videomic pro, ntg2 (check used as well), there are cheaper mics like the takstars or generic chinese brands, but they can be quite noisy.

That's pretty much what experimental work is, throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks.

music video this weekend, writing/story boarding and prewriting next project. Gonna put my 'new' lens through it's paces on set.
Cheapest digital film camera?

What film is it? 58gb is nothing compared to the amount of storage you need for most films, even an encoded DCP can be 2TB. The raw rushes of some projects I've worked on have been over 50TB.
I recently got a T6i and a Rode Mic. Is there any solutions in regards to audio monitoring? Doesn't look like Magic Lantern is going to be an option for a while.
>digital film camera
What's the cheapest way to get a lot of light in my studio? By studio, I mean garage. Halogens are [probably?] out because they are hot as fuck and burn out too quickly.
Portable lav mic with a clip and an external recorder like the H1 that can fit in a pocket. I use 3 when shooting weddings. One on groom. One on officiant. And one on a mic stand with a shotgun hidden off the stage. I really only need one but having backups helps and allows for crowd noise, random people that read bible verses, and easy cut away when you dont need to hear about family problems being whispered. Layered and extra audio always helps. I also shoot with up to 4-5 cameras at a time so i can always do cuts and get lots of angles when needed.
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thanks for the advice man. I was thinking about a lavlier...only issue is how to deal with all the mic's then. Do you bring your own mixer (like pic related) since that's three audio sources? Also why no mic on the bride?
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Problem is, it doesn't get cheaper than halogen/tungsten for lighting. I've heard a lot of people use work lights or flood lights, like the kind used for construction work and those can go for like $20 and give off a ton of light.

If you're willing to spend a bit of money, you can go with fluorescent, which I believe is the next cheapest and a lot cooler and obviously last longer. I've used pic related with decent results. They aren't super powerful but do okay. These go for about $200 ea but provide nice, soft lighting
I edit everything later in post. It keeps all the sources separate for me to deal with later and with enough backups i am always garentueed 1 or 2 good tracks at any given time. I do all this with me and one other person as a small team. If I could afford a dedicated sound guy I probably still wouldn't as 90% of my method works well enough for my clients at my price point. Anything the bride says is usually within 4 feet of the grooms mic so i may raise a level in post temporarily and run a slight noise filter when she is talking l. Primitive but it works pretty good for my projects.

I sync all the video and audio sources with Pluraleyes and it almost always gets it perfect. I edit the levels as I go through the footage as well as basic color correction when needed.

Again. I'm no pro but it works for run and gun lightweight video work.
I should mention the recorders are portable and record directly to a micro SD card. It doesn't send the signal anywhere for me to hear live. That would be sweet but considering i can get a mic and H1 recorder for under $200 it gives decent enough quality.
So to clarify, you use a separate recorder for each mic?
That's what they also said. They compressed it from 1.6TB to that "reasonable" size. It still would take me like a week to download it. Marketing-gag in my opinion.

Unless I'm mistaken, I believe from the t5i onwards, canon has had in-built audio monitoring
go onto the menu, video, sound and set it to manual audio levels
then in live-view mode, press the Q[?] button I think and scroll down and one of the boxes will be audio where you can see the levels and adjust as needed

This can't be done while you're recording though
Posted in the gear bread earlier

I'm planning to come into about $2.7k that I intend on buying equipment with and I had a couple questions about what I would get more of my money's worth out of. What would be a better investment:

>A high tier MacBook Pro and Adobe/final cut software (all the editing computers at my school are macs)

>Studio equipment (full frame dslr, lenses, lighting, stands, reflectors, audio equipment, possibly a shoulder rig or a dolly) (most of which I can check out, but a lot of the equipment is worn down and frequently checked out, the only dslrs they have are 60Ds and a few C100s, the latter of which they're really touchy about)

I can use most of these things out of the equipment labs at school, but I'm wondering if it would be a better investment to have it all on my own?
you're an idiot. you should invest your 2.7k$ in a prada hand-bag.

Yup, that sounds perfectly fine for a feature length project. No idea why you think its marketing, they're supplying the raw materials not a final film.
do you use cine design in order to create your sets prior to shooting? if so is there any way to create your sets with open source software or really cheap ones?

Yep. And i also have the bonus of the camera audio (shotgun mics on them) so i have lots of choices for which signal to use. I can cut out crying children or the sound of things dropping, etc. Live events are tricky with such a small team (2 people) so I think it is ok to be careful. It doesn't add too much work for me in the editing processes and it is nice to have the flexibility
If you want an open-source alternative then go with blender. In any case you need to learn stuff about 3d modeling.

Furthermore I doubt you really need that. I doubt you even have a storyboard for your projects. So what's the point?

Think about who needs 3d stage design for what case ... Do you use cgi? Do you build sets from scratch (or do you just shoot on location)? Do you use motion control? Are you planning complicated camera movements or tricky light/sound conditions? Will you have to share the 3d objects with other (b-)crews in order to sync your desings?

... yeah ... no.
quick question /vid/,

I'm editing something where someone is wearing dark sunglasses. You can see something in the reflection I don't want seen. They're basically black sunglasses, so I want to know the best way to black them out and remove the reflection totally. Is that realistically possible? Something like keyframing? I'm new to editing so anything else.
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Anyone can answer this?

I really need to make a decent decision. I don't wanna get fucked.

Thanks in advance
I'm not sure about the sony in that link, but I know you can get a used canon vixia for about $200. It has a slightly larger sensor and more zoom than the sony model.


It won't be amazing but they look decent under the proper lighting conditions and the built in mic isn't terrible (but I would buy an external mic as soon as you can afford it). My college bought like 30 of these things for students to check out. Very easy to use

thanks for the suggestion. Also it is supposed to be the next thing because you wont have to use storyboards and staff like that.
So I'm working on a short film that I've spent some decent time on. Almost done with pre-production, but I've seen to run into an issue. I totally assumed my city had an equipment rental store, we don't. So DIY rigs and whatever cameras my friends have will have to do.

That being said my friends have 2 Canon Vixia HF G20s they are willing to let me use. Is there anything specific I should know about this camera? The little time I had it seemed pretty straight forward and had an effective zoom.
Any good film grain filters / overlays for DaVinci Resolve 12 as an alternative to FilmConverter?

I've heard good things about Gorilla Grain but they've been inactive for years and there isn't a direct download link for their stuff on their page.
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I have a lot of experience with the XA25 which is basically the big brother to the G20 (as far as I know). Very, very good cameras and do decently well in low light for the price factor. Really loved the fold-out screen as well, but I'm not sure if the G20 has an OLED like the XA-25 does.

The main issue I ran into is the highlight rolloff outdoors and the lack of built-in ND filters. We shot football with the Xa-25 and white helmets turned into glowing white blobs. If you're going to shoot in daylight, you might consider shooting in the shade or using a scrim to lower the amount of light.

Make sure to use the zebra bars which help prevent you from overexposing.

Really though you don't have much to worry about. Very good cameras.
keyframe a mask over the top and then reduce luminance/gain/colour balance
Youtube for a tutorial depending on your editor
>Also it is supposed to be the next thing because you wont have to use storyboards and staff like that.

Very unrealistic promise. Storyboarding is faster than any modeling and has more room for experimentation.
Thanks. However, I actually looked into something else last night, and I found out I can get some really cheap replacement batteries with about 1.7 times capacity as my current one.

I'll use that for the time being.

However, I will still be interested in this when I get further along.
At the price listed, though, would the one you linked be better or maybe this one?

It says 9.2MP and can run plugged in.
However, it only has a built-in zoom mic but no compatibility for external mic. Reviews seem to say the mic is pretty good, though.

What do you think?
>they've been inactive for years and there isn't a direct download link for their stuff on their page.
torrent it man
Hey /p/, I just started shooting my own little cooking show in 4K and want to learn to milk every last bit of quality out of the footage possible.

I am able to get the kitchen pretty decently well-lit, for what it's worth. I also think that I can line up a solid shot without missing focus.

What would you say are the key elements to post production with an ultra high resolution aesthetic? Color grading?
Yeah that one you linked seems pretty nice and it's more recent. It also uses a newer recording codec to get higher quality video. The lack of an mic input is a bummer, but you can just buy an audio recorder for when you get a microphone.
Ok, when I do get a new camera, I'll get that one.

Thanks for your help!
Downscale your footage to 1080.

>pretty decently well-lit
>ultra high resolution

I think you need to shoot for "excellently lit" instead.
This. And by excellently lit it needs to be almost obnoxiously bright without excess contrast if you want the best footage possible otherwise noise is going to show up big time unless you have a very good camera. Got a link to the show?
What meaning DPM in "3x 2/3 inch HD-DPM CCD"
Currently looking for my first camera and was wondering between a Panasonic G7 and a Canon 70D, I saw some videos of the G7 and they look fantastic, I don't plan on shooting 4K because of many reasons (storage, would need to upgrade the computer, etc) but footage shot on the G7 in FHD looks amazing and better than the 70D.

Now the 70D is recommended a lot for many other reasons (large choice of lenses being one) but if you had the choice what would you take? Knowing that you're looking for versatility and relative ease of use.

I'm open to other ideas, knowing that I'd like to spend maximum ~1k1€ with lense.
I think more people would say G7 + speed booster + lenses but thats alot of cash.

personally id pick the 70d because its a sooped up SL1 to me even though i know manual focus is the way to go, its dual pixel whatever tracking is pretty astounding.

used 70D and maybe get the 35mm f2 is usm?
Question is: do you want to focus pull manually or use autofocus?
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Hey /p/

So I was recording a photoshoot and the photographers had these LEDs set up that caused this sort of scanning in my video footage. I was shooting at 60fps, and I think I notice it increase when I pushed it to 96fps.

Anybody know any post processing techniques I can use to eliminate it?

Here's a short clip that shows the issue I'm having.


Thanks in advance.
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not super informed as far as post processing elimination, but its regarding shutter speed and the frequency of the lights turning on and off.

when i try to record from a crt display i usually have to set shutter to 1/60 or 1/120 to match the frequency to minimize catching the refresh line.

hope i helped somewhat

[EXIF data available. Click here to show/hide.]
Camera-Specific Properties:
Equipment MakeCanon
Camera ModelCanon EOS REBEL SL1
Camera SoftwareAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.6 (Windows)
Maximum Lens Aperturef/1.8
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Image Created2015:12:13 21:05:22
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That's Flicker, you need to match to the LED's frequency (60hz U.S. 50hz EU) - which is likely way slower than yours@60fps/96fps (it's likely fine for 24/dropframe 24 shooting or even NTSC).

https://vimeo.com/80187743 problem solve.

Digital Processing Module?


It aint 4k but it's free.

Have you considered going and trying both of the cameras or renting them to see what you like best?

What/how do you shoot/what ecosystem are you willing to invest in? - every camera on the market (say, under $25k) has it's pros and cons to be considered, and ultimately you want the camera that is right for you and how/what you shoot.

Color grading helps, but you don't have anything worth grading if what you capture in camera isn't well lit & shot.

adding to what >>2843625 said -
Keyframe or Powerwindow over the sunglasses and track them, you can either soften them a bit, dim them down, or pull away from the color of the reflection (depending on what it is in the reflection).

If you notice it on set next time, a good polarizing filter or frost on the sunglasses/glasses lens can fix it - if not, remove what you don't want to see in the reflection.
Get the G7 if video is important. Consider using some of the money for more storage because if you have the option for 4K, do it. 5 years from now when you are looking at your video snapshits, FHD is going to look a lot worse.

I guess that a manual focus is more interesting as you have more control over the shot, I don't know how the G7 behaves on that point, is it autofocus only?

>Have you considered going and trying both of the cameras or renting them to see what you like best?

Yes, the G7 isn't available anywhere near my city unfortunately, they only have the GH4R and GX8 to rent. The 70D is available though.

>What/how do you shoot/what ecosystem are you willing to invest in?

I must admit I have no experience on that yet, the Canon ecosystem seems interesting, for a first camera I'd love to try on a cheaper setup like the G7+kit lenses since I also have to buy audio and lightning equipment but maybe I should just go for the Canon and build on top of that?
Thanks for the advice on the flicker/scan line issue.

I shoot on a GH4 and the closest option have for 1/120 shutter speed is 1/125. If I want to shoot in 60fps, what shutterspeed would then be my best option?

1. G7 does manual focus.

2. Since you want to get audio + lighting gear as well I'd honestly also go with the G7 kit. Great camera, and you'll have plenty left over for good audio equipment. You really don't want to skimp on your audio gear and get something along the lines of the Tascam DR60, Rode Video Mic, Rode NTG2, etc which are all solid pieces of kit.
Im not sure what you mean by "ultra high definition aesthetic". But I did used to work on production that was going for a live tv look (like tv news). Bright colors and crisp image.

When you shoot, expose faces at 70% (if the talent is white). Make sure the talent doesn't wear anything too dark or black since that will look noisy.

Post production- I like to boost the contrast by stretching contrast just enough for a full range from 0-100. Makes it pop more. Just don't crush the blacks or whites

Also, add just a bit sharpening/crispening. The reason live sports and news has that sharp look is partially because they actually add sharpening in-camera

In addition, I've used Bloom's technique in the past and it has worked great, but it this method isn't flickering, it's causing a series of scan lines to gradually move top to bottom. His technique also adds a lot of motion blur which I don't want.

I'm going to be doing a similar shoot next week and I could use some advice. If I'm shooting on a GH4 on 60fps at 1/125 shutter speed (closest I can get to 1/120) how can I avoid these scan lines, or fix them?

What are the best brand of hi8 tapes to use when filming people skateboarding?
That *is* flicker. The frequency of the lights and your shutter aren't aligned, so the place the flicker appears on your frame will slowly creep up and down.

This is kind of something you'd have to have accounted for when you were shooting. There's nothing I know of that solves it acceptably in post.
Cooking show guy here, thanks for all of the helpful responses.

I would downscale but it is kinda part of the show's shtick. Needs to be playable in 4K.

So far I have two softboxed LED lights and try to record during the day for the natural light. I'm gonna install some more lights around the kitchen.

Thanks, this is really useful. I am a total noob to videography but am learning by doing stuff.

Here's the most recent episode.


I'm only posting this because I value criticism and want to make better videos. I am not shilling. I want to keep it low-key while I'm learning videography then grow the channel organically.
Good start man. I really liked the editing and b-roll shots.

1. Have your host wear a clip mic or use a shotgun boom when he's talking in the shot. That room was really echoey.
2. Make sure to mix audio properly too. Sometimes the narrations are drowned out by the music.
3. The host could have a little more energy in his voice. it almost sounds like he's croaking at certain points.

At this point I would say just experiment as much as possible to improve. It can always be made better
Video quality and editing is looking good but the audio could use improvement. The music is overpowering and the narration has some vocal fry and it sounds like you are way too close to the mic. There's a lot of annoying plosives which a pop filter and maybe speaking off mic axis at a greater distance should fix.
I'm the host, cameraman, and editor so I feel you on all of those points.

1. Agreed. I do use a shotgun mic but I need to acoustically treat the kitchen.
2. Yes, the second track is a little busy, so I really should have put that lower in the mix.
3. I have to work on breathing when I do voiceovers. I get on a roll when I'm recording and end up choking out some sentences.

I really appreciate the feedback.

Yes, I think that I am way too close to the mic. I do use a pop filter but it's true what you say about the plosives. I'll fix that moving forward. Thanks.
Look forward to your next vid! Also the black napkins were kind of cheesy but overall a hell of a lot better than what I could do. Acoustically treating the room sounds like a real pain but in general I prefer the voice quality during your speaking versus the narration.
bumping my post on gear cause vid related
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In two days I'll finally do my first video project.
I'll be filming the rollout of a college-student project, they built an electrical racecar. I probably will do 1 or 2 interviews. I know lots of theoretical stuff from college courses and I have done a bit of Video editing with Blender for a YT channel, but I never did something with different types of video.
I have a Lumix G7 (MFT) and a 14-140mm lens (28-280mm equivalent).
It can shoot 4k 25fps, 1080p 50fps, 1080p 25fps and a bunch of other resolutions nobody gives a shit about.I'd rather not shoot 4k because I think 50fps provides the better jump in quality and the cam has a 4GB file limit per recording.
It can soot in MP4 and AVCHD (no 4k though).
I have a Rhode 70€ mic with no additional recorder.
I have a small tripod for in the pocket and a video-tripod with fluid pan-tilt that with which I can bring the cam to eye level (maybe 6feet)

That's more or less my setup right now.
so now my question is: how do I do it?
What settings do I use? My Cam has all these settings like "Cinematic Dynamic" "Vibrant" "Natural". Do I use Auto? I guess not! What kind of aperture do I use? how should I improvise lighting? SHould I do the video correction in Blender? I know how to do stuff like Colour corrections and contrast, although the blender tools for that are very clunky. If not In blender what else should I use? (I'm on Linux)
/p/ need a good basic cheap video camera
Needs enough detail to see faces from across a classroom, what do you recommend?

Budget is around £20-40
My dude, you should watch a video about the basics of technical DSLR shooting. Your FPS is not going to provide you with a jump in quality, its only going to diminish motion blur and make movement look smoother, which is an effect notorious for looking amateur. I recommend reading your G7 manual, as it will give you more info about your camera settings and that is more of a stylistic and artistic decision on your end, so just preview them and decide which one you like the best. Video editing on linux is one of the only reasons I haven't fully made the switch from windows myself, it is easily the weakest point.
>which is an effect notorious for looking amateur

I don't get why tho.
Why is it so bad to have higher frame rates, the motions look more natural, panning doesn't make the screen chop up like crazy.
Just because some fucks think that horrible framerate is "cinematic"
It's associated in a lot of people's heads with soap operas because they used to be/still are filmed in 60i

But honestly the footage does look a lot better when done properly. The thing is, you will get a lot of people like that guy who will instantly dismiss your video if you film it in a higher framerate just because

It's your call
Personally I can't wait until higher framerates become the standard (and they will, give it 10-20 years) but for now I still film at 24p
I like both 24 and 60, but I can see why people dislike 60.

60 reminds me of looking at those fake 120hz tvs that put in fake frames to stuff thats at either 24 or 30 fps.
Talking of video-editing:
I still dualboot windows, what free programm would you recommend for windows? I heard many people like Blackmagic's da vinci.
I tried to get it on Linux, but for some absolute retarded reason the only Distribution it works on is FUCKING CENTOS. WHY? Why a SERVER-Distro? Why not good old Ubuntu, or Debian, or basic RHEL if you must go for an enterprise-Distro?

Having to reboot just for video would break my heart, because I work with Darktable, which doesnt work on Windows and that would separate me from the entire rest of my workflow.

Made this short video on a trip to Paris. Feedback is highly appreciated, so be mean. I shot this with a Sony A6000 and two prime lenses, a 50 and a 19 mm. I'm still shy when I go out with the camera and that's really a problem. Nearly impossible to get interesting shots when you are afraid of people. :-/
everything looks really soft and flat.

color correct/grade the footage and double check your export codec settings.

shave off all the blank frames at the end.
Learn to use curves. There is barely any contrast. Even for a documentary, that looks hella flat.
The shots with sky in them lend themselves perfectly for a blue-green contrast and some deeper gamma.
Do you strictly need college or film school to become a successful dp?
Say the one who works at hbo, netflix originals and such
College often distracts you from working. Often academia uses these studies to also sneak int bullshit like Postmodern Theory and sociology bullshit, then let you do one or two student films. Do vocational things. Try to get a lot of work done by yourself.
- an unemployed "science communicator" (read: sociology light major)
Crap, re-reading my post almost makes me wretch. I've had too much to drink.
To say it in a different way: rather study something with more industry-wide applications such as webdesign or something like that, where the central theme is a craft or a science, not an art.
I have studied electronics (studying system is a bit different here in my country than the United States)
I'm good to go if I build my c.v with some good experience or I need some degree / piece of paper to work with the bigs?
It's an employer thing.
Some will want to know you have theoretical understanding of composition and shit.
But by no means do you need a complete degree. If there are like community college courses or similar, take them.
If you don't have time/money to build a CV on a semi-professional basis, try starting in a company where your skills right now are close to the skills you want to get and take opportunities. Let your bosses know what you know and are willing to work in another department/role. But don't expect to be able to do that in a big company.
For lack of a better word, try to be a "roadie", maybe at a small marketing company or actually at an entertainment business.
I know it's a bit late into the thread but for anyone reading here's a pointer:
The BMPCC can't do anything higher than 30fps.
The G7/GX8/GH4 can.
If you know you will never shoot on 50/60fps and can deal with all the attached shit including post-processing on a REALLY good level, go for BMPCC.
Otherwise, get the others.
48/50/60fps will probably come for documentaries and sports for sharper movement pictures.
Hey, here's the new video fwiw. I took y'all's tips about doing better voiceover, though I'll admit I was a bit self-conscious when I was recording. For some reason, the intro audio from the shotgun mic was full of noise so I had to slam it with Premiere Pro's denoise plugin. Anyway, I think that this one is an improvement overall from the last.

why is there a minute of nothing after it finishes?
In my quest to git gud at video editing on Linux, I have turned to the Compositor of Blender.
I previously used Strip modifiers but the available UI space to work with was crap.
So now here I am and the moment I noticed two stupid things (I haven't gotten further yet but if the trouble starts now I better find out what it is.
1. I tried making that rusty-red stastue to the left darker by lowering brightness of the red in hue correct, but instead I get these really dark artifacts. Where does that come from? also happens when I do it in strip modifiers
2. When I use brightness+Contrast, I can up to very high values make the entire set negate each other (see how the contrast/brightness is set and how top and bottom half of the picture are identical except for the red parts). SHould this be possible? I didn't know this was possible.
I shot this as MP4 HD (720P) on a Lumix G7, purely as test footage for this purpose. also I slightly underexposed and undersaturated for this, because I heard people recommend that.

Any pointers/help?
Well shit, cant even tell you what happend there. I shouldn't stay awake all night and upload things when i'm half asleep.


Thanks for the feedback!
So why are high end ENG cameras still made with CCD's instead of CMOS? Like a $30,000 Hitachi broadcast cam uses CCD sensors.

Is there some advantage they have instead of global shutter?
Don't know much about blender but could be because you're not using a raw codec? I don't know if the impact as similar to RAW vs JPEG photo editing, but my guess it's similar.
Did a short video for a friend's car club https://youtu.be/2gBrR0r1-gM

First time using Davinci resolve
It's a video...so...yeah. That would be a problem. My cam can't do RAW video, only MP4 and AVCHD
Not bad. Personally didn't like the closeups of people's blank faces, but I don't know what kind of look you're going for.

I would have tried to get more shots of them interacting and socializing with each other/ having fun. It just seems like some people awkwardly standing around

Looking good! The voiceover is a definite improvement. Voicework is a skill and it takes time and effort to learn. I'm not amazing at it, but what I did when I had to teach myself was record myself reading the script, play it back and listen, then try and do it again. Listening to yourself is important even if you hate your voice. I liked the closeups you had especially cooking the broccoli at 3:45. Overall I would expose brighter (expose to the right). Basically make it as bright as possibly until the highlights start to clip. The best way to improve at this point is just to keep making videos and critically reviewing your work to improve. Maybe at one point get a friend to help in production.
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Me again. >>2846893
I uploaded a test I made.
This took more than an hour to render (5.23 seconds of rendering per frame, 852 frames), which I consider way too long.
I applied some contrast, colour correction, hue correction and so on and so forth, as well as sharpening (via doubling the image, blurring one instance, remixing them and increasing the factor). Without sharpening, it took "only" 3.6 seconds per frame. Without any additional effects, just straight from file, it takes 0.2 seconds per frame. I get a lot of noise, I assume that's because I only shot under normal, indoor light conditions with no additional studio lighting.
I encoded in 12 mb/s btw.
Guess I'll have to dualboot windows and use Da Vinci Resolve, because the tools and interface for this on blender are clunky as fuck. What a shame about my digital work environment though, especially because Windows doesn't have Darktable.
Or is there some secret to advanced video editing in blender I haven't been told yet?

Also, apart from all of this: does anyone have any pointers?
I tried to recreate a cool, dim environment with flat colours.
Cam and lens are the same as picture related

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Bumping this.
The price is high precisely because the camera is using CCD instead of CMOS. Don't know exactly about Hitachi (they seem to offer studio cameras rather than pure ENG), but Sony's 3CCD ENG cameras cost 20k and upwards while their CMOS counterparts at around 10k.

It's interesting that 3CCD sensors may not show up in 4K cameras because the level of precision needed is too high for existing manufacture.
thanks for watching!

Gritty was what I was going for so socializing / having fun is off limits.
Not all of them. Sony uses CMOS.
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How do I make a video like this in After Effects? Fairly new to the program.

But that doesn't explain WHY the expense of CCD is worthwhile
>Overall I would expose brighter (expose to the right). Basically make it as bright as possibly until the highlights start to clip.

Thank you for this, I really think that this is the ticket right now. Also, I'm gonna shell out for some more lighting.

>The best way to improve at this point is just to keep making videos and critically reviewing your work to improve.

I agree. The critical remarks from you and other people close to me have been a big help.
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does anyone know of a way to have a camera slide vertically while having the freedom to rotate around?

pic related if you can't understand my words
this is perfect. thanks!
>After Effects

I don't see anything that would need AE in this video, are you talking about making a new video looks "old"?

The rest of it could be done in Premiere.
hello, is it better to shoot shadow +5 highlights -5 in camera for that cool look, or best to shoot it low contrast and do the shadows and highlights in the editor?
sorry if it's a stupid question, im new to this
In any capture medium, you want to get as much information as possible on the scene, and then add contrast and saturation in post.
ok thank you

one more thing, say i want my scene to look a little more blueish, can i set the white balance to get that look in camera, or is it also better to just do the correct balance and then do the colour on the computer?
oh forgot to ask, so i guess i should set shadow to +5 and highlight to -5 then for maximum info?
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Did you guys see this yet? https://youtu.be/rz_ZjdwtUQ8

I think we're nearing the ending of dedicated camcorders soon if the smaller cameras keep progressing as they have been doing.
As soon as they make an A7S mark3 with 10 bit video and 4:2:2 colour, it will kill the market for the FS5, C100, and the others unless they really get themselves together.

At this rate, the only few things standing in the way in the sensor is rolling shutter I think. But if they eliminate that too, then...
Yes. There are profiles you can load to your camera to get the smoothest flattest profile possible, in many cases.

Google things like:
this guy begs to differ http://blog.josephmoore.name/2014/10/31/the-three-most-misunderstood-gh4-settings-part-3-highlight-shadow/
the GH4 is not all cameras, believe it or not!
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Well no rolling shutter is precisely why CCD cameras are prefered. For movement critical footage like sports it goes a long way.

Also you should keep in mind those are 3-chip cameras, not single chip, so as I said, the price increases compared to any single-chip design like CMOS. There's an additional beam splitter in the costs there too. I've attached an explanation.
Yea that and just how to create one in general. Like a step-by-step process
Why does nobody make still image cameras with this principle?

Seems like a sensible way to get rid of all the bad in Bayer matrix cameras without having to give up the good things like high ISO performance, as with Foveon?

Is there something I'm missing, aside from triple sensor cost?
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It would make them enormous. Nobody would want them.
The 3-chip arrangement is only practical in small-chip (2/3" or smaller) cameras, and even then, they're usually bulky.
davinci is good, but it lacks a lot of frills that adobe has. Lightroom is worth a shot but I have never tried it, and there is a version for debian.
>edit project in premiere CS6
>export EDL, video only
>grade in davinci
>export individual .mov's
>trying to bring back into CS6

so far what I have tried:
>Avid AAF
>>makes a bunch of MXF files, Premiere won't read them, but if I drop the AAF in After Effects it makes a bunch of QuickTime pointers to them, still doesn't help that I can't being the sequence with footage into premiere though
>Final Cut XML (and roundtrip)
>>CS6 doesnt read .fcpxml

using windows, anybody have this issue?
does anyone write scripts? if so, do you share them with an online community for critique?
thanks man, that makes sense
Seconding >>2848969 on DaVinci, it's the best thing in the world for color grading, for the fucking wonderful price of 0$. The last update 12.5) seems to make it even better with numerous audio editing options, although I still haven't been able to try it out because my shitty Nvidia doesn't support CUDA 2,0.
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I might not actually keep using NVIDIA because they're about to turn their drivers into EA's origin.
Plus, they're dicks.
Right now I have GTX660

And now to a question I recently asked myself:
I currently have a Lumix G7, with a Vario G 14-140mm 3.5-5.6 lens, a decent video tripod, a Rhodes Camera-mic and a bit of extra stuff like a bag and batteries and SD cards.
What should I get next, considering I want to do event filming and interviews:
>a new lens (wide ange or tele, I dunno but prolly wide angle)
>an audio recorder
>a new graphics card (I really want to jump to AMD). I currenlty need 5.5 seconds to render one frame if I apply stuff like colour corrections, contrasting and sharpening. WIthout I need 0.2 seconds
>maybe an entirely new PC alltogether

And another question: I want to use my Smartphone as an improvised light and am looking for a smartphone holder for any phone that can go onto any kind of pole/rod/tube like a boompole or a tripod-leg. Any tips? Most stuff I can find on amazon is for the ventialtion grills in cars.

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adobe premiere really doesn't like AMD/OpenCL, it's pretty strange I suspect some form of nvidia henry kissinger psyop paying them off. I think the recorder is the obvious choice
Still dunno what to do with the Rendering-speed.
Should I work unedited or should I try other programms than Blender?
Anyone here got an A6300?

I mostly shoot bikes and such and I know the thing has got a pretty atrocious rolling shutter but it seems actually really good in 1080p mode and I don't really think I'll be bothering to edit in 4k at any time.

Would filming action-ey go fast stuff be out of order in 1080p mode on an a6300? It'd be on a fluid head tripod or some kind of steadicam most of the time soon as I don't care for handheld much anyway, it seems like the BM 4k is the cheapest thing you can get with global shutter anyway.

I'm coming from a d3100 so no matter what the video will be better but still I'd like to know.

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I'm looking for a camera for factual programming. I don't need the "film look" which is what I think the dslr and cinema type cameras that get recommended on here are great at.

What I think I'm looking for is a Professional Camcorder that can shoot 4K and is decent with low light.

The Black Magic Ursa Mini has been on my mind for a while but apparently it's horrible in low light.
Sony A7s is a very good low light camera,but it's not a camcorder.

Canon C100 has decent low light and all of the functions you'd expect out of a pro camcorder.

Thank you. I will put that on my budget :)

and I'm also looking at reviews on it now, It's definitely what I was looking for so thank you again.
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How do I into that Tarkovsky green-ish color grading in DaVinci 12?
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if I were to hazard a guess.

filmconvert to make it look like old film or whatever, boosting blue and green with curves in shadows, dropping saturation + blowing out and mildly yellowing highlights

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Not him, but I assume using a softer lens would also add to the Tarkovsky look, along with boosting grain/noise.
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If you're not going for the film look and are doing documentary work you might consider the Sony PXW-X70 or Z150 or the panasonic AG DVX200. These are fixed lens cameras but are meant for more ENG/news gathering style work that you're more looking for. /p/ does not like these kinds of cameras but they're more practical for that kind of stuff.

If you don't like fixed lens, the FS5 is also a good option at a slightly higher price point
2 questions

Panasonic gx8 or a used bmpc?

Audio equipment for small weddings?

High Definition Video System.
Sony's first HD recorder was the HDV-1000,
which captured analog signals onto 1-inch tape. It was based on the
BVH-2000 Series Type C recorders.
HDC-100 Camera
used 1-inch electrostatic deflection tubes


It really makes you think.
I mean not really. If you think about it, HD is just more pixels (or back then, more lines of resolution). It just took a while for it to get cheap to make.

That link is great though, thanks for that
I shoot with my K3 and was hoping to get further than 1080p/30 for the purpose of short slow motion clips

Option 1
Cheapest camera I can do 1080p/100+ and still strap a lens to? black magic?

Option 2
are there really any good programs to do tweening? the stuff i'm filming isn't very eratic, just people moving around with clothes/etc.
What you need 1080p100 for.
Personally I get most of my needs on the 5dmark3 doing 720p60 with the h264 codec.

Can't tell the difference from normal tv viewing distance between 720 and 1080.
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Does anyone know an universal clip-on wide angle lens for the smartphone. I want to buy one for a fieldtrip for my students. Would be nice if it was around 50 euros.

Moondog Lab's lenses are too expensive and only work on iPhones unfortunately.
Why I get chromatic aberration when I use b4 lenses on the gh4 wide open?
I'm just interested in doing the semblance of slow motion, I dont care about high framerate otherwise, I ussually output in 24p
Anyone here work in local/community television?
Yep, I agree with you pretty much, rolling shutter is a big one though.
What about built-in ND filters, XLR inputs, on board audio mixing, and SDI output?
>tfw fucked up in hs
>dad got me into broadcasting school
>tells me not to take any part time job
>dies halfway into course
>take loans and small jobs to help pay fees
>enrol in 2 unpaid internships where they declare "lol were not hiring"
>have one last project to submit then complete qualification
>no money at all,live with relatives
>few and very far calls for jobs from former colleagues
>school is apparently out of money but promise to take me into another job only if I come in and push hrs/help around
>I cannot afford to commute for that and willing on for assessment days
>Relative hooks me up with course.material for another field
>Computer dies and its now difficult for me to study the material since its on an external hdd
>Dad died and left nearly 75k worth of equipment
>Cant use orbtouch bc family politics but his nephew is naking money from it

Have been in JUST limbo for past 8 mnths and wanted to vent,only have my phone which is dying too.

Blackmagic have one forgot whats it called but it worked on the Avengers.

My cousin did and described it as taxing with low pay and next to no upward mobility,meanwhile I interned as a cam op at the production house that owns said community station(of which a close source told me is raking in millions per quarter.Cousin switched to a big name publishing house with a similar job description.This is not in teh USA/EU btw.
ENG lenses are more often designed for 2/3 inch sensors. GH4 has a 4/3 inch sensor so you get to see parts of the image that the lens isn't designed for.
>This is not in teh USA/EU btw.
What general region are you in?

I'm in USA, and while it seems like there's a high workload, the pay and benefits is better than comparable positions in the private sector.
Wrong. B4 are designed for 3 chip prisms. GH is single chip.
Sony made a new video explaining how to properly expose in S-log/cinegamma on Sony FS5 if anyone's curious.

South Africa desu
He claims a higher pay and less work and responsibilities than the biggest community station before.Then again our broadcast industry is generally held back due to politics
Just take your smartphonw
Is there a /p/ archive?
fgts.jp is down it seems
i'm looking for a post from the video general a few months ago, /p/thread/2740994/#2754568
Cape town ?

You didn't happen to go to CityVarsity?
Gauteng reluctant to reveal,whats wrong with CityVarsity? I know a guy in his 2nd year of their film programme

You guys seen this yet?
Can someone more tech-savvy explain if this means we'll get cheaper, faster lenses or if this just means that we'll get cheaper shitty lenses
Is it possible for white males to get grants?
Anybody here uses Final Cut Pro X?
Any advice on filters and stuff i can download for it? I was looking into something like VSCO for Lightroom.
only merit ones
sorry, anon
I'm an 18 year old student.

Should I get a GoPro session for urbex? $200.
Look at my dab. Look at my quads.
oh and a helmet mount or such

Can anyone please help me
Does anyone else get discouraged looking at the type of shit the type of indie shit that gets nominated for and wins festivals.

It's like no one tries and are obsessed with the same kitschy sentimental comfort with their film asthetic. I fucking hate it all and the buzzfeed tier shit like nofilmschool that promote it.
What I hate is DSLRetards who act like they're expert cinematographers, but actually have no fucking clue what they're doing when it comes to video. They also have no respect for traditional videography.

>hurr durr if I use shallow DoF it will magically make my shitty youtube video more 'film-like'
>The FS5 is a rip-off because its sensor is smaller than the A7

Don't get me started on their complete lacking of understanding of dynamic range
wtf? ya'll hatin' on photographers GTFO this aint the video section. >>2856751
Yeah I hate those DSLRetards too. Especially the ones who go on and jerk themselves off over shit like dynamic range instead of caring about the important things like how to light.
> Especially the ones who go on and jerk themselves off over shit like dynamic range instead of caring about the important things like how to light.

I know a guy who rented a RED Scarlet and decided he didn't need to light his shots because he thought the camera was so good he didn't need it
How do I get a good forest/tropical/jungle sound for my film like in video related
should i try to make the foley myself or download some tracks and layer them etc?
You will have to layer them anyways. It might be hard to get the nature's richness right with one recording. If you listen in, some sounds stop and others start on edit. One such moment is at 10:56 as the branch gets cut, you can hear birds etc. Next shot with the chainsaw has no bird sounds at all, the chainsaw takes importance.

As for searching for existing recordings I can't really suggest much. This depends on your geography, you may want an authentic experience.
well ideally i would like something that is as close to what's in that video as possible, it sounds really rich and vibrant
i live in the UK though, so recording such sounds myself is problematic
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How to pull off this sort of film aesthetic on my a6000?

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purely visually speaking?
shoot at your highest ISO in bright light. Add tons of contrast so your blacks crush, your whites blow out, and then lower contrast a bit in the mids so you get some tonality. Add more grain in post, and lower resolution.
use vintage lenses too
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Any DPs here? What is your opinion fellas for using 3d platforms (3ds ma, cinema 4d etc) as a learning tool for lighting up / animating scenes?
I'm just starting out, it seems like a pretty accessible way of learning the basics
any tutorials for this specific types of situation?
This guy is the bomb: you will find 3d stuff in there (he developed this plugin for cinema 4d) but all his content kicks ass
Shot an experimental art film recently, it's being shown at two film festivals :D one here in Scotland and one in Ireland.

Pretty proud since I had basically no budget and sound problems (bad microphone that kept rattling)
sony a6000 vs olympus em5 mark ii

which is better for video?
are those rendered in real time or do you have to render a scene?
Anyone have a list of entry level cameras?
Yeah, in the OP
whats art about it
whats experimental about it
post it
How do I into getting stuff shown in festivals?
it's running in Cinema 4D, that's all I know
find festival
submit film
post film
if you know what you're doing blender is a mighty tool for post-processing. I always use it for vfx.
ofc it is slower due to the full-render frame-by-frame processing. but dude - then you just need more processing power or a more intelligent composition design .. e.g. sharpening? wtf? what did you wrong to need to sharp the images?

you most likely want cinelerra. it is a very good NLE (really good) and fast as hell. I use it for grading. Linux, open-source, free and real 32bit float internal processing.

go for that.
>visit this threat for the 100th time since making that post
>given up any hope of it actually getting replies
>this nigga shows up
Thanks man.
In the instructions to install, it's saying to use "mkdir -p /opt/cinerella" as a directory. But I don't want to use my system directory, rather an additional harddrive, do I do this via "mkdir -p /media/profile/HardDrive/cinelerra" rather than the above line?

And general question: what's a good ressource on what filters do what for what purpose?
I'll suggest to get a pre-compiled version (it's on their site), you can use this just out-of-the-box.

Also you can compile/install the soft whereever you want.

The plug-ins are quite self-explanatory. I personally swear on blue-banana. That's how a grading tool should look like. So mighty.
Cinelerra is not meant for amateurs. So you will not find detailled instructions or turorials. If you understand how digital signal processing works, you will have no trouble in getting used to the soft. Otherwise consider some personal research on this topic.
It's at least partly marketing. Air no. 3 was made by this German filmmaker/media scientist who developed a model for wom-marketing. They sold their movie using this 35k times without spending a single penny on advertisement. I read about that in some Australian film-dude's blog. Forgot his name, but saved the link to an essay: open03 stop synserver stop de slash question-mark r=BCMPPSRI16
So, that whole open-source story was surely part of the marketing. But in the end, why not?
>Cinelerra is not meant for amateurs.
Does that mean there are skins that make it look less 2001-ish?
No, it means there are no skins at all.
>pre-compiled version
Can only find .txz

Also, how do I install it in a specific folder, that was my question!
Now that I managed to install it myself I am trying to find a decent tutorial, but while I'm browsing half of youtube for that a short question:
Is it designed to fuck everything up?
>load videofile (2.2GB)
>takes 3 minutes to do so
>want to load my standard title card
>unloads the video
>can't set standard folder and bookmarks in the 1995 filebrowser window
>the icons have jaggies so sharp it cuts my eyes
>the "media" tab in ressources seems to be able to only hold one file
>can't drag&drop files
>can't start new projects because the pop-up doesn't happen
>doesn't automaticall add tracks
>pushes around tracks when inserting new media rather than overlay
>doesnt push around the video track to associated audio tracks that were automatically pushed around
>cant manually push&drag around files/drags
>accidentally leftclicking somewhere deletes parts of tracks
There seems to be no interface coeherence at all.

Did you use luts for that color?
I'm currently building my gear setup.
What I have:
-BMPCC + MB SP + Sigma 18-35 1.8 + filters
-tripod, slider, glidecam
-Rode NTG2, Zoom H4N, boom pole

My glidecam ist for sale, and I want to reinvest the money into gear. So, should I go for light or for a shoulder rig with a follow focus? Which one has the greater cinematic and versatile impact?
I'm looking for a wide-angle-lens for my Lumix G7.
I currently am eyeing the Olympus 9-18mm and the Rokinon 10mm.

They both cost around 400-600€ and I can get them used for 350-250€
The Olympus can zoom, autofocus and take a filter in threading, but costs 150€ more new and has an aperture of f4.0
the Rokinon can't zoom or autofocus, can't take filters in threading, but costs 150€ less new and has an aperture of f2.8

Should I wait more until my pricerange widens or should I maybe look at adapting to other lensmounts?
of course lights.

there is a good mft oly wide zoom with 2.8. but it's pricey.
forget adapting wide angle on mft. due to the crop you'd need like 6mm fl lenses which you'll hardly find.

rokinon is a good start.
this is not a cinelerra support forum. so I won'r advise you on this. but you seem not to understand the interface at all. the usage is not like you expect it to be. but the useages are not limitated.
probably you should look for a NLE with more usability as like you would expect it, like kdenlive or lightworks.
Would I lose a lot of wide-angle properties when going from 10mm to the ROokinon 12mm? It has an even wider aperture of f2. it's also even cheaper .
I already have a Vario G14-140mm lens so there would be only a very tiny gap to my current setup.
Also, The Rokinon 12mm can take Filters via threading, which seems to be a huge deal when looking at how people talk about filters in professional forums/magazines.
actually the 14-140 is good at the wide spectrum and 14mm is sufficient for nearly all wide shots - especially in regard to video.
in your case a new lens would only make sense if you are dependant on a larger arperture. with 14mm on 4.0 (resp. 3.5) you cannot isolate any object with dof, but actually who needs this at wide angles, so just decide on how much low light performance you need.

actually if you shoot much on wide angles consider the vario 12-35 f2.8. that will be everything you ever need for wide video.
cool, thanks for the info.
I never noticed a realy wide-angle properties on the min zoom, but I tend to zoom in a bit every time.
the 12-35mm seems like a decent lens too
I guess I'll just wait till my pricerange widens and reconsider then some really nice wide angles are only really an option at 700€ and higher anyways, especially the 2.8f 7-14mm, which also covers ultrawide and fisheye. ,might invest in an audio recorder and some lighting instead.
In what ways is the Rode VideoMic Pro superior to the Rode VideoMic?
OK, with unemployment looming with a move to NYC, I figure now is the time to try getting into freelance videography. Is this doable or would I just be wasting money on equipment I won't get jobs with?

I have the camera and lenses as well as a rode mic. If I'm a one-man-band should I also have my own lighting equipment or is it generally not needed for small videos expected from people working alone? What's a good rig for a canon 7D for smooth video when moving? any cheaper options other than the glidecam?
I wanna be a successful DP someday, I'm not ashamed to say this. You know, I wanna be "that guy" who works in major a+ series on Netflix or blockbuster movies.

But where do I begin? Is film school just a waste of money? I figured I should just build my curriculum by working, but what's the simplest thing I can look for work? I have lots of theoretical knowledge but none in the field. I'd love to start by shooting documentaries, commercials and "small" things like that, but I'm really not sure whare/what to look for to begin in this journey.

What do.

Find a film crew, start as a 2AC. Do a real good job of schlepping cables and fetching coffee, slapping clapboards and taking notes. Get promoted to 1AC. Do a real good job of schlepping cameras and mounting filters. Try to do a good job of pulling focus. Get promoted to camera operator. Do a good job of operating cameras. Build your reel with the knowledge acquired from your rigorous hours spent on set, apply for DP when the opportunity comes. It'll probably be a small, shitty film, but it'll be yours.

You will pretty much never walk onto a set as a DP without paying your dues for five or six years first.
Hm, seems like a valid target you have there. Let's see. A successful Director of Photography in major productions. Okay. What we have there. Approximately 500 top-tier productions in the (western) world per year. Let's assume one DP does 2 of them in average. So we have something like 250 DPs who satisfy the market. One of them will stay in the market for ca. 20 years. So ca. 12 of them leave the market per year. So there are approximately 12 free positions a year.

We have ca. 5000 film-schools in EU and USA. There are approx. 20 students at a time for the field of DP/image design/camera/etc.. That are ca. 100.000 students. In average they study for 3 years, so 33.333 leave academy every year. Let's say 40 drop out, makes 20.000 degree people looking for a job a year. Let's assume there are just 10.000 career changer, like self-employee or photographers, art students etc. So we can consider 30.000 people looking for the job you want every year. And 12 open positions in the top-tier market.

Let's assume 1% of these have advantages due to good connections within the branche. Like relatives or profs working in the field. So 300 of them are prefered in the first place. Let's think 10% of those previledged are also talented as fuck. Makes 30 best-choice candidates for 12 open positions. Let's consider 50% of them also have a very wealthy and mighty background, like a rich family in some industries or the like. 15 of those high-talented, wealthy and privelidged people with connections to no end can fight about the 12 jobs. And since they can afford to wait, they will wait to the next year if it does not work out.

On the other hand we have you. End 20s probably with no degree, no connections, no priveledges, no wealthy background and most likely no outstanding talent. You surely could join the group of 30.000 people pushing on the market. Means: You will waste your time doing image-videos for local companies, doing mid-tier mass production stuff. End.
This is not the way. If you believe this then you are stupid as fuck. Slaves will always remain being slaves. How often do you think your rediculous American Dream worked out in reality? It's just a story, dude. It does not happen. Hard work is NOT the way.
>End 20s probably with no degree, no connections, no priveledges, no wealthy background and most likely no outstanding talent.
Not even in my 20s yet, electronics degree, priviliged and wealthy enough to buy a 15k rig if I wanted to (Red Raven + Cp.2, not your gh4 with shitty speedbooster or dslr) and talent is something you prove on the field.

But I'm done answering you, you're most likely projecting yourself onto me, so your opinion stands way below the limits of where I start to care.

Thank you for your suggestion, I'll try to make it work. Now I'm not in the U.S though I plan to move on it not too far from now, do you think I should wait before investing time and effort into this or should I start working on this in my local country right now? Will it actually matter once I move to the U.S and apply for serious jobs?
Yeah. Welcome to the real world. I admit I'm envy on your youth and confidence. Och, these have been good times. The absolute assert that everything will be possible and work out. I loved that. The motivation. Marvelous.
15 years and dozens of failed attempts and projects later, one realize the world is completely different than one used to tell us. But noooo, in your or my case it is different. Of course. Because there are these little differences you see in yourself. You are clever. And persistent. You already impressed some people with doing good stuff. You are even at young age a bit ahead of others. And it will be sufficient. No problem. People will see and respect talent and hard work when they see it. Others will give you chances if you are polite and persistent. Quality matters and economics demand that it gets supported.

:) oh, this gonna be fun, dude. And I also admit, I enjoy the total (now new) assert, that I'm not the only one who had and will have a hard time with their ambitious plans. You sucker will go down your knees. Let's see if you have enough willpower and fortunate conditions.

Life is competition.
You clearly didn't have enough willpower to do this, otherwise you wouldn't be crying about your failed attempts to a youngster and his dreams.

You shouldn't even be in this thread, you're no example, you're pathetic.
Let's see how many times you will be capable to fail. Funny enough, you will remember this conversation eventually, and then it'll be your turn to admit. Admit, that I was right and you are just as pathetic as me ... you just don't know yet.
And do you know from where I know this? Because I can see your fear. Your need to degrade me personally - in spite of good since true advise - exposes your fear. The fear that I am right.

Too bad everything you are afraid of will happen. At least I can say that this is a difference between us: I never was afraid to fail. And your fear will break your neck.
Having a little fear is only rational, only a fool would go all in thinking they will succeed immediately. For some reason you're trying to drive me out of my passion, that same passion that keeps me awake until deep in the night in front of my tv watching movies and shows trying to learn from the best in the business. You see, the difference between you and me is that I'm young, determined, with a sense of self respect and the motivation to achieve my goal, while you're an almost middle aged guy who had his (failed) run, and now all he can do is try to blame his failure to the corrupted society while trying to dismantle someone else's dreams. Do you even realize what you're doing? The amount of time you're wasting? The amount of time I am wasting? I should let you rabble about how society prevented you from becoming the next Richardson and not care about what you think. That's fear. Your fear is that someone else, someone like me, will succeed.
I didn't say I will any time soon, but someone like me AS WE SPEAK is working his ass off pursuing that dream, and that is the example I'm supposed to follow.

I have no fear of failing, it's as natural as succeeding, I'm not gonna cry about it in 15 years nor shitpost about it to the next me that comes with the same dream, I will just accept this. But bear in mind: unlike you, I won't go down without a fight.

Right, I will remember this conversation eventually, perhaps while I'll be looking in the viewfinder of an Alexa, setting up the composition for an episode of Doctor Who, or Game of Thrones. I will remember about that guy who bited the dust, left his dream in a closet, and all he could do was try to drag me down with him to feel a little bit better about himself. Yes, I will remember this, and I will feel sorry for you.
Interesting how you take a serious and honest hint in regard to plans and reality as a "try to drag you down". You seem to be quite an aware person. So, why are you so instable? Is it so easy to disturb your confidence?
Whatever. Well, I didn't blame anyone for anything. But this would be an interesting topic. But how could I talk about this with someone who thinks shooting a Dr. Who episode with an alexa would a) a goal worth to have and b) something he could achieve.
Okay, you're young and maybe I'm too harsh and cynical. I wonder how I reacted to people like this when I was young and deluded. Most likely I just did not give a shit about them and their opinion. But I don't remember.

So, let's end this conversation here, in order that you can go and watch a little more TV. .. pardon, I meant 'make your research'.
Maybe you can at least take this little but useful advise: Always consider that the things do not work as they are claimed to work. .. That's all. Have a good fight.

Nigger, I literally know guys who have done exactly this.
Two quick things before we end this conversation.

>But how could I talk about this with someone who thinks shooting a Dr. Who episode with an alexa would a) a goal worth to have and b) something he could achieve.

Not only you countered your own argument right
after you posed it (Having a job like that for a wannabe dp is dream-like) but the fact that you don't realize it is troubling.
>In order that you can go and watch a little more TV. .. pardon, I meant 'make your research'.

You do realize that's literally how you build yourself knowledge, right? Aside from working in the field and learning technical things that's how you learn to be a good dp, you watch how other dp did it. Pop quiz: how do you watch how other dps did it? Well I'll be damned, you fire up a monitor with some content made by a dp and you look at it! Be it a movie, a tv show or a documentary, it's still something.

Writers spend hours in dead silence reading classics, musicians spend hours listening to classics, even when you get your driver's license you've got to stand still and learn from someone else.

Now I'm worried. Did you even try in those 15 years? If it seems so ironic and stupid to you that a wannabe dp is "watching tv" well... I'll be damned, I'm talking to a fool.

Try to stop projecting and be objective next time you feel like wasting time. It has been a "pleasure".
G7 no question. don't waste your money on a 70D. It's not even in the same league

If you buy a Canon DSLR for video in 2016 you're fucking retarded.
I've just gotten an A7S II. Today I tried recording a bit outside. The sky was totally clear and the sun was about 45 degrees up from the horizon. With all of the terrestrial stuff exposed normally, about a third of the whole sky was blown out white with cyan gradations at the edges.

Am I doing something wrong? I haven't messed with any of the picture profile / creative style modes, everything is on defaults. I recorded at the same time with my GH4 also on defaults to compare and the only part of the sky that was blown was the sun itself.
>that's how you learn to be a good dp
I remember reading an interview of Peter Suschitzky where he said he did not watch many movies, and when he did it was as a spectator, not as a DOP.
I'm guessing he probably did his homeworks and watched his fair share of films in the past, but it still had me wondering...
I dunno, expose properly? Just because the stuff below the horizon is well-exposed doesn't mean the sky will be. What were your settings? Maybe show us a frame so we can see what you're talking about?
You should be filming with an ultra flat profile, but dynamic range between the sun and shadows will always be an issue, no matter the format you're shooting. Many large productions will put up huge scrims to block out the sun, and then bring in more gentle lights to add gradients to the scene.

Finding pleasing light for your scene is important. It doesn't just happen.

>>2864482 is right.

PP9 is the cine 4 gamut, probably the most usable for you. Don't fuck with slog unless you either have a waveform monitor or really know how to finesse those zebras.

If you don't understand why you can't get the ground and the sky correct at the same time, then you're not going to be able to make sure your slog profile is always +2 stops.
What are some "real" movies which were shot with DSLRs? I only know Upstream Color.

"The best advice I can offer to those heading into the world of film is not to wait for the system to finance your projects and for others to decide your fate. If you can’t afford to make a million-dollar film, raise $10,000 and produce it yourself. That’s all you need to make a feature film these days. Beware of useless, bottom-rung secretarial jobs in film-production companies. Instead, so long as you are able-bodied, head out to where the real world is. Roll up your sleeves and work as a bouncer in a sex club or a warden in a lunatic asylum or a machine operator in a slaughterhouse. Drive a taxi for six months and you’ll have enough money to make a film. Walk on foot, learn languages and a craft or trade that has nothing to do with cinema. Filmmaking — like great literature — must have experience of life at its foundation. Read Conrad or Hemingway and you can tell how much real life is in those books. A lot of what you see in my films isn’t invention; it’s very much life itself, my own life. If you have an image in your head, hold on to it because — as remote as it might seem — at some point you might be able to use it in a film. I have always sought to transform my own experiences and fantasies into cinema."

Werner Herzog
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Have you seen this yet? Seems like a powerful tool. Crack anyone?
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>If you don't understand why you can't get the ground and the sky correct at the same time, then you're not going to be able to make sure your slog profile is always +2 stops.
Thanks for the recommendation.
I'm not a complete scrub; I'm just confused why the GH4 on baseline settings with the same exposure parameters had everything (sky and ground) exposed nicely while the Sony did not.
>It's colourzones from Darktable
>except you can do videos
Because they're entirely different systems? Who cares what the default settings do, put it to the settings that give you the results you want.
Here's a really base-level question on video editing.

What's the correct workflow for encoding a video after editing it? Should you produce your final output directly from your video editor's renderer, or produce an intermediate lossless file and then encode that using a separate utility? Or something else?

I ask this because the built-in encoding modules in the editors I've used (Premiere, After Effects, Vegas) all seemed to be terrible compared to just using ffmpeg but I'm not sure if that's just me being incompetent.
If you're happy about the export formats in your NLEs and don't have much time then use those. If you need something more customizable or more exotic formats then use the CLI.
I trhink about getting a small, portable light for video work and maybe illuminating some scenes for hpotos.
I recently saw a large LED-panel that even had a hot shoe. I certainly want a light that I can screw on standard 1/4 threadings.
Any recommendations there?
I just discovered the Neweer 160, which apparently is ULTRABRIGHT for really cheap but has also a really cheap housing.

Now the question I have is: What kind of set do I take? The standard one? THe one with the included camera-horlder or the one with the 2 lights + tripods for them?
It's good practice to store a lossless version of the edit. It will save a lot of time, when you have to do some re-encoding for something (unexpected) formats. If you then have to let your NLE re-render your whole project .. well, inefficient.
have enough storage, then this is not a question.
In da vinci resolve, what are the differences beetwen panasonic vlut and standard 3d lut?
I can't decide between the Fujinon 14-35mm T2.9 Cabrio Premier and the Canon CN-E 14.5-60mm T2.6 L SP.
What ya think?

I only know Act of Valor. But that movie is shit.
Plus at least 1.5 stops more DR.

Adobe Story.

Not the greatest of software, but the auto-formatting and premiere support is nice.
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I wanted to get a GH4 yet but can't afford it. Can I make it with around $1000 to get a G7/GH3 + a zoom lense + speedbooster?
why does /p/ shit on camcorders?
can I get a good one for around $1200?
>why does /p/ shit on camcorders?
cause good ones are hella expansive before you even get to changeable lenses
by the time you're spending that much, you could've bought a bmpcc (which shoots raw) or a sony a7s and external recorder

>can I get a good one for around $1200?
good for what? i'd be surprised if you could find one that didn't have a fixed lens, but you can probably get one that shoots 4k with a fixed 15x zoom and aperture from f2.8-4.5
But that's a complete guess based on what the landscape looked like 2 years ago
camcorders are really good for documentaries and run-and-gun shooting
they're shit for low-light in general

Do some research though. Check out the canon and sony websites for an idea of what your buck will buy you, then check youtube to see what the footage looks like
for 24p. promos and film.
Why is this thread dying?
Let's share cool vids!

I just saw this like 5 minutes ago and wanted to share it somewhere
At first it was boring. Then I thought 'hell, it's just been 1min, give it a shot'. Then it was even more boring. After that, it was so boring that I started getting bored of how bored I was. And finally, when I skipped from 2:30min to 4min, because it was just unmanagable boring, there was this person of low remitting skin color in that likewise low-light daytime, rhythmical speaking rhyming non-sense towards the camera.
And this was boring to such an extend, that I literally falled into an existential crisis because I didn't know anymore if time even exists, or if I am now trapped in eternity with a tottering niggernogger in a white shirt, constantly and for all times stottering rubbish in my face and I have to spot the infinite and for all times unsolvable question, circeling in my head again and again and again and aigain: 'Why's he wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night'?
Dude, you just didn't 'get' it
And that's fine
But maybe try expanding your comfort zone?
I tried to watch it again to "get" whatever you mean there'd be to get, and what I assume is some 'muh ghetto deepness'.
But the second it starts, I'm immediately so bored that I litetrally don't know how to survive these endless 5mins. It's torture. You are an evil bastard. This boring zoom on that booring VW car. IT IS SO BORING. This boring girl. The boring pictures. You kill me dude. I never have seen anything so boring in my life. So - as much as I had liked to "get out my comfort zone" for the benefit of getting some real deep and dank dope - I am sorry to admit that I will never make it through this never-ending 5mins, without the risk that my eyes start to bleed and my brain shrivels to the size of a walnut while experiencing the intellectual void and lack of creativity which horribly de-exist space and time and leave me in horrible state of numbness.

.. Sorry, but no.
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Anyone know about the sony ax53/ax100 camcorders?

Or if Sony is going to release a new camcorder of this series? the ax100 is the older one but has better quality with its bigger sensor, but the ax53 has the better technology with stablization.

Ive waited years to buy a camera with the mindset of buy it right one time, to cover the wants i need from it. And unless i got some proffesional level camera up until now there hasnt been anything.

I would get the ax53 but im having trouble finding enough footage to see if it can film landscapes good enough, and if it can shoot the cityscapes good enough(at night). like i know the ax100 can.

Travel is the main purpose of this camcorder.

Does anyone have the ax53 or know good footage to share of the situations i want?
Anybody has a graph about the percentages of the cameras used in big cinema production? It was something like arri vs red vs film vs other. I remember someone posted it here some time ago but cant find it on saved threads. pic unrelated

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I've been using my Steadicam Merlin & Vest for about a week now and I'm still not seeing the kind of results I'd like.

There are a lot of videos showing drop times and how to balance but no one seems to be using this thing with a Pentax and I just have to go to such extremes to get this thing balanced right.

Fore/Aft & side to side is easy, but knowing if you're not bottom heavy enough is so fine it's frustrating. I can shake my camera around on a tripod and it wont swing at all, but when I'm using it it just goes wherever it wants. Could the gimbal be broken/need lubrication?

looking for better tips/videos
Maybe you need more weight?
What are some good entry level sliders?
Hey /vid/, I know some of you guys have an a7sii so I thought it best to ask here.

I'm looking at a used A7sii at the moment where I live (not US) for about 570USD off the price of a new one (713USD off retail price direct from sony).

I'm wondering if there's anything in particular I should watch out for in regards to a used specimen of this particular camera? (apart from the obvious that is). I recall that with sony stuff there's always the issue of buggy or faulty first batches etc.

Seems to be in good nick; grip has some white residue on it (hand cream?), but that's about it for the visual inspection. Sensor's clean etc. Haven't tried a lens on it yet but will when I go back to the shop next.

The store has a good rep (probably one of the first camera shops in the country), and they have an active influx of used goods that seem to be bought soon after the come up for sale.

Just wondering if there's an peculiarities with this specific model that someone in the market for a used one should be aware of.

I'm generally leery of used goods like this; always wonder why the original owner got rid of it in the first place.

Still under official warranty of course.
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