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Can we have a prepping thread going on? Long time no see. Some

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Can we have a prepping thread going on? Long time no see.

Some topics to discuss
>Sustainable living
>Geography/Types of events you prepare for
>First aid training
>Individual/Family/Friends/Community prepping approach
I love reading threads on reddit, and other forms about bug out bags. The shit people want to take in the woods for three days is hilarious. I don't know what disaster they are preparing for.
>I don't know what disaster they are preparing for.
What do you mean?

Nearly every Western government recommends that their citizens have gear to let them survive at least 72 hours in case of a disaster. It gives their emergency management services time to get organized and deploy relief.

But since you ask, anything that might lead to an evacuation order: earthquake, hurricane, tsunami, wildfire, terrorist attack, civil disorder, volcano, flood, or large-scale industrial accident.

Nearly everywhere is subject to one threat or another. Such kits are also useful in small scale disasters like tornadoes or house fires.

Preparedness also encourages people to develop useful skills and a sense of self reliance. In a real emergency, having planned and prepped may not ready you for whatever actually happens, but it will enable me you to quickly adapt rather than panicking.
Not him but it means they have a humongous pile of inane bullshit and frequently no essentials like shelter/fire/water.

Hell even on /k/ I've seen maybe a grand total of 3 bugout bag lists that had anything more robust than a tarp for shelter. No sleeping bag, wool blanket, or other insulating item, no raingear, just a fucking tarp. Instead they'll have 3 guns, 7 knives, a thousand rounds of ammunition, and enough cordage to let the entire USMC practice autoerotic asphyxiation at once.
Rate my plan.

Buy a plot of land, store food, supplies everything I need. Maybe refurbish a bus for living while I wait for the collapse. Train on tracking, hunting, farming and long range radio operation.

Land is near a large national forest, when collapse happens become a highlander radio operator facilitating communications between and otherwise supporting rebel forces. Write a journal detailing the effects of fallout and ash, the war and the strange things in the woods. Find qt war refugee and make baby with her in magic schoolbus. qt probably dies from childbirth.
Continue ""living"" as a depressed highlander until I make the final trek to die in my radio tower on the mountain and leave my journal and FAL for the post war reconstruction people to find. Become urban legend.
Since many see preppers as complete idiots or crazies, it would be best to start at the family level. Start slow and small with little things like "hey, here is a multi-tool. They're useful" or "hey, here is a flashlight, it's handy to have around".

Also sit down and do some serious thinking when packing/purchasing. While an EDC folding knife sounds like a good idea and you can find all sorts of fancy ones, recall that a folding knife is a shitty knife. Useful only in situations where you do not have access to a fixed blade knife. So rather than buy that fancy benchmade folder, get the fancy fixed blade instead.

Remember priorities when purchasing. Fire, shelter, water, food. In that order. Purchase accordingly and try to have back ups. For example I still carry around a lighter and I also have a magnesium fire starter. Remember that two is one and one is none. So try to have redundancies whenever you can.

The most important thing is mindset. While having all the coolest gadgets and all the skills is a good thing, it's worthless if you don't have the presence of mind to use them. Work on building a survivor mindset, then skills, then gear.
Learn how to grow your own food, can, preserve meat etc.

All the other shit is meaningless if you're really wanting to prepare for the end times.

Now if it's just preparing for a natural disaster then bottled water, water purification means, preserved food, ammo, flashlight, batteries, firestarter and firewood depending on your environment, radio, probably some cash in small bills since nobody will be taking debit in a natural disaster.
Food and fire are key.
Water should be accessible. Otherwise you are fucked.

Have redundancies and multiple uses for shit you pack.
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Sounds about right.

Thanks senpai.

Also it's kinda interesting to see how this kind of topic has globally started to lose its interest. Seems like many zombie and other retarded bandwagoners moved on and the people who kept interested in it are either people who have been doing it for a long time with actual knowledge, who appreciate a more self reliance lifestyle, or are the nutjobs that think a civil war is coming and that we're all going to die in a nuclear holocaust. lel
you didn't learn how to improvise shelter in scouts?
where is that infographic from that guy who was under martial law for like a year and a half in some shithole country in like 2008 or something like that

It talks about how everything is about keeping a low profile, having lots of weapons, teaming up with neighbors, fortification, and talks a lot about antibiotics

The antibiotic thing is real. If I was a nutjob like you guys that item would be high on my list. I don't know about the quality but there's online pharmacy companies that'll sell you common antibiotics for like $.30 a pill for some

pretty soon you'll be trading anal with a teenage girl for 3 antibiotics and a tea candle. think what would pepe do during martial law in a town
That shit in Bosnia or some Balkan shithole? It was debunked-
Doesn't work everywhere, takes a lot more time and effort than a shelter you take with you (a major consideration since a BoB is to get you from A to B safely and quickly), and doesn't address insulation at all.
>b-but just build a giant fire at the opening to your lean-to!
It's insufficient in some climates and is counterproductive to not being seen. It also requires even more time and effort to start and maintain.
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72 hours? Thats like a gallon of water and a candy bar.
You can also buy fish antibiotics off of Amazon that are essentially the same as human antibiotics.
friendly tip, make your workout routine a bodyweight/no equipment one so if SHTF you can keep your workout routine r/fitness has good no equipment routines
best price i've seen is budk
>Buy a plot of land
Beuracracy around that would take months. If shit hits the fan now you are fucked. Not to mention, nothing is stopping others from going on your land lest you shoot them, and they would fire back.

Enjoy your Bear Grylls "survivalist" jack off fantasy, faggot.
Land doesnt take that long, and its more than possible to get a piece before the SHTF.

They wont fire back if they are dead.
>recall that a folding knife is a shitty knife. Useful only in situations where you do not have access to a fixed blade knife.
Total bullshit. I spend most of my time in the woods; coming back to town for only a few days to earn some cash, replenish supplies and point out idiots like yourself to the community. You know what I carry for everything from cutting my fingernails to cleaning game to processing firewood? That's right, a folder, because it's light and plenty durable enough for someone who doesn't abuse his tools.

>For the rest of y'all
I also carry a fishing pole and hooks, a water filter/bladder, a single cook pot, BIC lighter and a bedroll for gear, a 2 liter bottle of brown rice and some soy sauce packets for food.

That'll last me a month out in the Inland Northwest during three seasons, going south for winter. You don't need any more than that.
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I run/walk 5 miles everyday

I light weights for 45-60 minutes 4 times a week

I do stairmaster for 15 minutes a day

I hike 15-30 miles a week always above 7000 ft.

They're all really helping each other, breathing is no longer my issue when running and I don't run out breath when mountain climbing anymore

Also I'm really starting to cut down my layer of fat covering my muscles, some I'm look a lot better too

My wife is really enjoying the increased stamina...
You have to work several days to buy two pounds of rice and soy sauce? Does making up these stories make you feel better?
It would be nice if we could have some Venezuelan anons popping up in this thread. The lack of food, medical goods, huge rise in criminality and so on are close to what shtf looks like.
>he thinks it's possible to survive during and post shtf without land
>he doesn't know guns exist
>reading comprehension

Spotted the amerifat.
been spending some time. getting a little respectable.
Good for you, anon, good for you.
0: I live in B.F.E.
1: I already live in the location I need to "bug out" to.
2: I "prep" with family and neighbors once a month (tasks, equipment, and skills are honed/assigned/learned/planned).
3: I can make my own electric.
4: I have a well, grow most of my own food already, and have 6 months of food on rotation at all times (just because that's how farming is.)
5: The local area has enough weapons to defend the entire area, if needed.

Pretty good thread actually.
Being prepared is good. Was no one here in the scouts?

That said, the people from stuff like Doomsday Preppers should be shot in the throat.
Venezuelans are banned from 4chan.
But you can ask them in the spanish speaking chan.
Most of them just eat little rations. Like, the ration you would eat for a meal, but that ration for the whole family. And they dont move a lot, just the necesary, they dont go to school anymore.
They are also very skinny, I talk to some venezuelans that are like 1.85 meters height, and 55-60 kilograms weight.
>Venezuelans are banned from 4chan.
Are you sure? That's fucked up.

As for the rest yeah, it's understandable that people start to starve when things get that bad. Venezuela seems to be a very fertile country, I wish some farmer in bumfuck nowhere could give some insight about how is he coping with social distress.
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pic related?
Govemerment have all the seeds, and you cant have a farm, or it will be expropiated.
Pretty much desu, I don't have any family so his plan is the only way I can have a chance of not being left behind to history.
You know what I always find kind of funny? The fact that people "in the know" who work for places like the CDC or FEMA or things like that always recommend being prepared for stuff or are prepared themselves, but when you mention it to the average person (even being prepared for something like a storm knocking out power or something similar) they'll laugh at the idea.

It's so strange to me to not be prepared for stuff.

Kulaks should be killed.
Fucking commies, man.

It's not the idea of being prepared that's strange, it's the shit people say they're preparing for. Tropical storms, snow storms, earthquakes, tornados / cyclones, fire... all that shit is sensible.

It's when people start talking about "total societal collapse", zombies, race wars, terrorists, nuclear bombs or fighting against the government (1 guy and his family against the entire armed forces) that people start thinking preppers are raving fucking loonies.
>fighting against the government
Not that I disagree with what you are saying but look at Venezuela for example, isn't that more or less the same that's happening?

I've talked to people about being prepared for normal stuff and they've seemed shocked by it.

Of course, I've also mentioned to my friends that the Zombie Squad is pretty good and not actually for zombies but they still call them nutters.
Those people are probably the same that believe in a bigger state and that its entities will always work everything out.

Also people that put prepperedness in the same buckets with zombie shit are clearly retards, others are just legitimate psychopaths that was that word as cryptic code to whatever they're against or fear.

I am also sick of those "rock and stick" fags who think they're in apocalypse now
>if shit hits the fan now you are fucked

>don't bother to start prepping, if something happens while you are prepping it's a waste of time


Do you live in Venezuela?

It's about risk assessment. There's no point prepping for a tsunami if you live inland. The chances of that kind of shit happening in the us, uk, Aus and nz are about 0.001%. Plus it takes decades of shit leading up to an event like that for it to happen; it ain't gonna happen tomorrow.

So yeah, if you say that you're prepping for that to people then they will think you're a nutjob.

Plus anyone who thinks they can hold off the army is living in a larping fantasy, I don't care how many weapons you have.
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>Reddit spacing
>Reading comprehension
>Total lack of self awareness

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a storm came through, and my power went out for at least 5 seconds. all this gear was that close to being useful.
its actually scary because these desperate faggots are going to be the ones who kill you if anything ever happens. theyll see that you have a comfy wool sweater and open fire.
thats what my tactical assault knife is for, i don't want to get holes in my sweater.
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>be prepper
>live in area where snow storms and summer storms knock out electric for 2+ weeks at a time
>local News station does an interview
>"Here, were are with Anon the Prepper."
>"Tell us Anon, what are you prepping for...?"
>"Stor-...... The god damn zombies!"

I mean why not?

>Reddit spacing

One of these days I'll need to go there to actually know what this means.
Hammock, rain fly, compressible sleeping bag, down blanky. Bug net too
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Anyone in BC bugging out right now?
prepping for any event lasting more than a month is a waste of time. if you expect to survive these inch scenarios you're living fantasy. as fucked as the environment is and the severity of the odds in these scenarios, it's just not worth it.
you cannot just drink random stream water, you cannot hide from thermal imagining, you cannot fight an occupying force with small numbers and small arms, you cannot avoid chem/bio with a plastic suit.
they've never seen an a10 warthog in action apparantly.
>you cannot fight an occupying force with small numbers and small arms
>what is vietnam afghanistan and iraq
My dad has a bunch of Yugoslavian DIY magazines from the era, it's a lot of interesting stuff. There's guides on how to build a bomb shelter or barricade your home, that kind of stuff. And you don't really get to see a lot of DIY magazines these days where the guy on the cover would be holding an Armbrust. Which I am pretty sure they taught you how to use in one of the magazines.
That's nice.
war of attrition is best war
this is either high grade bait or regular damage control
>you cannot hide from thermal imagining
quit the boyscouts and join the army
Had it last year, where i live power outages are extremely rare, but had one last year that started at about 16.00 and didnt get restored until after one am.
I dont prep but have my /out/ gear and a few other bits in case of emergency. Anyway went and checked on a few neighbours , went home, was winter so got dark early, light up some candles in appropriate places , two led labterns. Bust out the trangia and starte cooking dinner for the kids. Had some of the wifes relatives call over, one was impressed that i had the foresight to have this stuff. I thought this was basic shit, then some of her relatives are joking , making fun of me for looking ridiculous cooking on a stove on top of an electric hob by candlelight , while wearing a head torch. Told them to fuck off down to their house and starve in the dark
But aren't we in a timeline of "decades if shit" right now?
Look at the US and europe.
Rape, insane crime levels, tensions, bloody as fuck riots where the police barely can control people anymore.
Ever more crisises and so forth.
People like you make me want to just start shooting when SHTF. The only thing keeping you in check is the government's guns. I wish your parents had raised you better. I hope you don't make it.
>earthquake and tsunami on the Mediterranean
It's happening, boys.

I've heard that it was bullshit for years but never saw any proof one way or the other. It's not bad advice. A guy from Argentina named Farfel wrote a series of posts on survivalist boards and a blog he made, eventually he published it as a book. Basically just detailing his experiences during the economic collapse and the resulting political breakdown.

The thing is, in most scenarios, you're bugging IN rather than out. Your home has a huge advantage over trying the refugee lifestyle. People often think, "oh I'll just go camping, I can live off the land" but those places will be overrun with hundreds of thousands of would be campers who all had the same idea. A disaster bad enough to thin their ranks enough will probably destroy the local ecology too.

Bugging in also lets you harvest one of your best resources: good relationships with your neighbors.

BoBs are great because some disasters really do require you to relocate. But that's not a desirable situation if you can avoid it. And if it's a TEOTWAWKI situation, then forget it. Most places you could run to are just as bad.

It's not enough, obviously, but for people who insist that preparing for disasters is crazy because the government will save them, it's useful to point out that those same governments flat-out say that A) they can't help you immediately, and B) you should do some prepping.

Also that while the odds of a particular natural disaster happening this year to you are low, the odds of SOMETHING happening over the course of your life are very high.

During the Cold War, the Soviets made a big deal of encouraging communist groups in the West to oppose and ridicule civil defense and disaster preparation. Whereas the Soviets obsessed over it. The idea was that if war broke out, American civilians would be less prepared and more vulnerable.

Anyway, so "duck and cover" (a sensible precaution if you are in the outer blast radius of an atomic bomb) got ridiculed and discontinued. The meme spread to Hollywood, and then bomb shelters and other preparation was cast aside as well. The idea was that if you're nuked, you'll be vaporized so what's the point? Of course, that's true if you're close enough but most victims are far enough away that they die from secondary effects which prepping CAN protect you from.

Anyway, right wing militias were the only groups that prepped, and that was mostly as postapoc fantasy. Which made prepping in general look even worse. Vicious cycle.

Anyway, post cold war the situation's changed but social attitudes take time to catch up. Especially since the range of threats these days is so broad (pandemics, natural disasters, economic crises, terrorism) and collectively we're bound to experience at least one during our lifetimes.

Venezuela had an economic development and standard of living similar to the West before it went socialist. 20 years to go from electing Chavez to collapse. The famine in Ethiopia resulted from a civil war (communists again) that raged for only a few years before millions were starving. Lebanon went from a western style, cosmopolitan democracy to a burned out husk surprisingly fast (Christians vs Muslims this time, a conflict that had simmered for decades but flared up pretty unexpectedly). Yugoslavia was peaceful and prosperous by second world standards. I knew several people from there and they all said nobody cared about ethnicity anymore and that everyone in that generation was a mix anyway... until the war started and half-croats / hald-serbs had to decide if they were Croat or Serb and therefore start killing the ones who decided differently. Things fell apart in about 2-4 years depending on where you put your key events. The American Civil War fired up with Lincoln's election (which southern Democrats couldnt accept and decided to resist) and within a year or two the country was ravaged by the bloodiest war in its history.

These things can happen in surprising places that only look inevitable in retrospect. Sometimes you have years of warning, and sometimes little or none. Obviously natural disasters and pandemics give little if any warning and can happen almost anywhere.
>you cannot hide from thermal imagining
You just go on thinking that.
>you cannot fight an occupying force with small numbers and small arms
In December of 1956, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara initiated a guerrilla war against the Batista govrenment of Cuba with a force of only 80 men. A little over 3 years later, on Janurary 8th, 1959, Castro entered Havana, the Cuban capital, after sucessfully overthrowing the Batista regime. A small force of armed men can do anything given the right material conditions.
>A small force of armed men can do anything given the right material conditions

...and lavish support from the Russians.

In a post-apoc situation, you lose all those resources for a revolution. That's both resources from overseas and from sympathetic locals. At best you can turn things into a Somalia style warlord-run failed state. Even then, life expectancy for any particular warlord is brief.

Plus, if you have those genius political, organizational, and mass persuasion skills, why aren't you using them already? Even if total collapse is somehow inevitable, those skills help you acquire more followers and resources with which to surviveand thrive in the post SHTF scenario.

The farfel approach- building ties in your community, fostering self sufficiency, and fostering valuable skills with which to help people including yourself- isn't just more moral, it's more effective and lower risk. It's just sensible.
In basically each and every one of your examples, an outside force was involved in manipulating the crisis into existence. Sometimes it is enough to just fuel the discontent a little bit extra to push things into a critical mass.

There is a certain amount of inertia in a "man-made" crisis, some parts of it resist an outside influence. It happens slower and in a few years time it is possible to get the fuck out if needed.

Natural catastrophies and such are more akin a black swan event, you know it WILL happen, the problem is you do not know when. Case in point: the massive earthquake in California. How many have prepped for that more than "have car, will travel"? (Serious question, am eurofag, no firsthand knowledge of status in California)
over a million iraqis dead and several thousand allies mostly by ieds. keep thinking you have a chance.
The us army won't fire on american citizens. If they do it will fracture, and we will see the worst cival war known to man.
I think they blew up his son too. He had no terrorist bullshit like his father. Also this thread reeks of fat reddit fucks who never went /out/ in their lives and keep hypothesising about shit instead of doing shit.
They subcontract that job to Somali refugees

There are always "outside forces" and you can always tell yourself they were decisive. The truth is that stuff like that can sneak up on you. Look how many people are staying in Greece.

In California? Very few have prepped. Mostly they just hope it won't happen or that the government will save them. Building codes are strong, though. That makes a huge difference.
>being this delusional
You had federal agents killing almost 100 people not that many years ago.

It's funny when people say that when there are lots and lots of examples that prove them right.
At the current state that we're in, certain types of constitutionally-protected free speech are considered terrorism. Which means that if you say the wrong thing, you can be hauled off to a blacksite and killed without trial. But you think they wouldn't shoot someone for declaring independence and subsequently war?
Sadly for most autist preppers, the most important skill you can have in a true SHTF scenario is social skills, being able to coordinate with other people and establish bands of like-minded people

you won't learn that watching YouTube videos. time to join a local group and learn how to talk to people
I trust that a few close friends and family would have my best interests at heart, but putting my life in the hands of a neighbor who has their own kids to feed? Fuck that.
i guess if i was real super survivalist i would join community organizations. but i don't want to survive that much.
>it's the shit people say they're preparing for. Tropical storms, snow storms, earthquakes, tornados / cyclones, fire... all that shit is sensible.
I live in fucking coastal central Florida. The hurricane capitol of the fucking universe.

People CONSTANTLY give me shit about taking measures to protect my house/family against hurricanes. Simple, innocuous shit like hurricane film on my windows and storm shutters will attract half the neighborhood into a milling mass just off my lawn in the public right-of-way jeering at me and calling me a crazy prepper as I install them or have them professionally installed.

Half the people I know that own boats scoff at the idea of (following the law and) having a fire extinguisher on the boat. I know of at least 3 people who have lost their $50,000+ day cruisers to engine fires they could have easily put out with a 3lb extinguisher, but they didn't have one so the boat burned to the water line while they dogpaddled nearby hoping the water cops would notice before they got tired and drowned (because they also didn't have a single life preserver aboard).
>I live in fucking coastal central Florida
explains it right there

Absolutely right.


Knowing who to trust and how far is an important social skills. Also, how to structure a relationship (eg with neighbors) such that everyone benefits with the least damage if someone betrays the other, and with incentives structured so that people don't have a reason to be opportunistic in the first place.

Erring in either direction can be fatal. Too much or too little trust leave you isolated and vulnerable.

Yep. People would be stunned how many people in hurricane alley don't even have hurricane clips. Or water and food for a power outage. No matter how much the government says "no, really, you fucking NEED to be prepared".

And the sad thing is that even moderate prepping by average people would greatly reduce death tolls and the pressure on responders. All those resources that get tied up in stupid avoidable shit could be better used for the people who really need it.


Yeah pretty much.
If you are able to help keep his kid fed you better believe he'll want to work with you.
Until he decides you're not giving him enough for the work he puts in and kills you in your sleep so his kids can cram their gullets with 20,000kcal worth of MRE's in one day.
Why are so many of the televised preppers morbidly obese?

I mean, I know 'murrica is like 30% obese but 99.99% of everyone I see on a survival show is like DAYUM fat.
And then he loses a sentry, a doctor, a hunter, a mechanic, or whatever else you're able to do for him. People exchanging goods/services is how civilization was formed, and how it will be rebuilt.

Now if you have no skills and nothing to offer other than a basement full of MREs and toilet paper then you should just stay quite and hope no one ever finds out what you have.
Most people and nearly all suburbanites are incapable of thinking that far ahead.

Yes, they will lose a valuable long-term resource. 99% of people will willingly give up a long-term resource for short-term gain knowing full well it will hurt or outright kill them in the long term.

Now see you're an example of someone who is putting himself at risk in a long-term survival situation. You're telling yourself that you're being realistic and pragmatic about people (and what you're saying is no doubt true in a few cases) but ultimately if you trust nobody then you're every bit as likely to be taken advantage of as someone who trusts everyone.

In your scenario, the community suffers early losses as the stupid or malicious take their toll on themselves and everyone else. Then the well for scrounging runs dry and starvation begins. But there are survivors and in a year or two you have the beginnings of a community.

But meanwhile there you are sitting there in your bunker playing house. You don't trade with your neighbors, or even talk to them if you can get away with it, because what if they betray you? Stupid sheeple. Your daughter had terrible stomach cramps, but you couldn't go to a doctor because he'd probably just kill her to steal her MREs, amirite? Or wear a suicide bomber vest. So her appendix blew and she died. Fucking neighbors.

Eventually, things stabilize and now your hoarded supplies are less valuable than they were in the first year. Your neighbors suffered a lot, but they pulled together and there WAS a lot of stuff left over. They learned some hard lessons. They're putting together a society. But there you are in your little island brooding over the wrongs they've done to you, or might have done.

Either they leave you alone and your family eventually runs out of supplies. Or you set up something sustainable but have too few people to defend it. What's your life worth to them? They outnumber you, outgun you, and have now acquired the skills they were missing. Eventually there will be SOME conflict over something. Looting rights or water or etc.

When you die, you'll be telling yourself, "See? I just KNEW these bastards couldn't be trusted!" But the truth is, it was a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Prepping isn't a traditionally nerdy practice, but it lends itself to people who are gearheads and love playing with spreadsheets and plans more than other people. Such people tend to be less conscious of their appearance.

Also, remember this is TV. Producers are going to select people to star in these shows who fit the mental image. The fit, good-looking, well-adjusted guy who provides a boringly sane perspective on prepping just isn't good TV.
The only normal people they show are the ones with insane amounts of money and can afford to make a dream shelter that makes for good eye-candy on television
They should show all silicon valley tycoons who are building homes in NZ. That or the kikebook owner and his stealth island compound, where he wanted to expell hawaii natives off at the same time he advocates for an open borders world. Joe blow would be amazed after realize how much the ultra rich actually prep...

I think the other problem is that preppers usually only obsess about ONE scenario: a pandemic or economic collapse or nuclear war or natural disaster or CME or something.

But different disasters look different from one another. And they change what you need to prep for. Some preparations work for a wide range of disasters, but others are very very specific.

And then there's preppers who kind of gloss over the disaster itself and what it'll really be like and skip straight to the part where they're living out their LARPing fantasy in the woods. And conveniently assuming that they'll be the only ones on the Appalachian Trail hunting and fishing because they're the only ones in history who've ever thought of it.
Well, from my point of view there's really only 3 SHTF scenarios that are both plausible and likely to effect me
Again, coastal Florida. We get 3-4 every year and usually a major one every 1-2 years. Not taking at least the most basic precautions such as hurricane film and storm shutters is fucking retarded, especially considering that being CENTRAL FLORIDA you'll get enough of a rate break on your homeowners/renters insurance they'll pay for themselves in 2-3 years. Stocking shit like toilet paper, bottled water, nonperishable food, and batteries or candles is the next step, since my region suffers 10-12 >5 day blackouts every year due to weather.
>long-term severe recession
Second most likely, easiest to prep for. Basically, if you invest, have a diversified portfolio. Keep at least 3 months' total operating expenses worth of money in no-risk assets (cash, savings accounts, etc). It's so hard for the global market to tank now that outside of a worldwide near-extinction-level natural disaster or WW3 we won't see another Great Depression.
>WW3, or at least the close proximity thermonuclear strike on US soil that triggers it
Not even gonna worry about this one, it's so ridiculously unlikely and so hard to survive it's simply not worth the effort.
I got to test out this generator. It's bottom of the barrel but it can run some stuff. I bought 45 ibs of rice for cheap. I have 40 gallons of water. 60 cans of food. lot of other stuff, this is kinda fun.
No, Armbrust.

I think you're underweighing the chances of a global depression (I'm an economist btw) but you sound like you have your shit in order in case it happens anyway. Similarly, a global pandemic is something that in historical terms we've been lucky about lately. But again you're as prepped as you need to be.

A hidden advantage of stocking up on staples: if you buy when they're on sale, the savings will largely make up for the carrying cost, and often exceed it.

Good job, anon.
The '07-08 recession was about as global and about as severe as possible outside of the aforementioned worldwide SHTF or WW3, and while it was bad it wasn't even remotely close to the Great Depression (well, at least in the Western world).

Yes, a global recession is possible. It is even a probability at some point in the next ~70 years. However, again, without a driving influence other than standard market cycle it will never be anywhere near as devastating as the Great Depression was. It will never be a legitimate risk to my life or well-being.

Like I said, you may not believe that it's possible, but if it does happen, you seem to be as prepared as it's possible to be.

Doing what you can to hedge against risk and then going on with your life is the right way to win at prepping. Life's too short to obsess about everything that COULD happen, even though we can be reasonably confident that some one thing at least WILL happen at some point.
I see Venezuela flags on /pol/ occasionally.
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going on popular opinion will leave you begging for water at the superdome for weeks

most people think food comes from the grocery store, and have no concept of the anarchy that will take place if those trucks stop running for any reason natural or man-made
I live in a truly remote community, all we have to do is blow one of any dozens of bridges that connect us to the nearest town and we'll be good through any world ending disaster.

Realistically though, I just buy food in bulk and have enough dry food to last me a week at any given time. There's plenty of clean fresh water and as idiotic as it sounds, I have a biolite stove and a couple bags of pellets to serve as emergency fuel for cooking and boiling water.

If you have to equipment to go on a multiday hike odds are you have the equipment to survive most disasters reality will throw at you.
>Instead they'll have 3 guns, 7 knives, a thousand rounds of ammunition,
its actually scary because these desperate faggots are going to be the ones who kill you if anything ever happens. theyll see that you have a comfy wool sweater and open fire.
HMM maybe they have the right idea - better to have ammo than a blanket. Just shoot for the blanket :P
I have some stuff, but somebody will take it eventually. maybe everyone will be civilized for a while.
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We have these on /k/ very occasionally, which is why I'm here.
Is this the appropriate board for prepping threads?
I see you guys have some hunting threads so I might have to lurk here now.
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>Is this the appropriate board for prepping threads?
Yeah they pop up regularly and have been around for a while. Just try not to be too cancerous or autistic about it. Welcome.
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>try not to be too cancerous or autistic
>on 4chan
I'll give it the ol' college try.
>I'll give it the ol' college try.
You should


Is something unusual going on in London right now?
Just some sweet and peaceful riots. Maybe will see 2011 2.0
Surprised I haven't heard about it from anyone I follow on social media.
I'm sure civil unrest in a major European city isn't exactly breaking news anymore though.
>civil unrest
Canuckistan did worse after the Stanley Cup Finals. Go big or go home, Britain.
>tfw you go buy groceries to add up to your stock and get caught in the middle of the "happening"
Is time, dare I say it, the most important thing to have in account when shtf?

yep this is a mild riot because the bobbies killed a exemplar afro-britbongistani citizen. In 2011 it started the same way tho
>Is time, dare I say it, the most important thing to have in account when shtf?
And no. Well...maybe.
If you had any general purpose rifle you might at least make it home alive.
Yea, but Penguins fans aren't looking to establish a caliphate and subjugate or kill non-Penguins fans because a 1400 year old pedophile told them to.
So they're rioting because a drug dealer ODed on his own stash?
Unless you think you need to build a compound, there's no point in buying land in preparation for a SHTF scenario. Because if S ever does HTF, the entire concept of ownership goes out the window.

It's not like I actually schedule these things. Some times it can take a few days to find a days' work.

You're basing all of this on two concepts:
1) That civilization will completely end and need to rebuilt form the ground up, which... wow, probably not gonna happen.
2) That we live in communities. Which, at least for me, isn't true; I'll already be out in the wilderness, living off of what I can carry and what I find along the way. I probably won't even find out that a major catastrophy hit until a few weeks later when I try to go to town for supplies again.
>You had federal agents killing almost 100 people not that many years ago.

good thing that exact event didnt lead to the radicalization of any nutjobs who may have, idk, blown up a government building or some shit
post pics
>all this survivalist fucks with three weeks worth of beans and a gigagadgets ready for """the end of times"""" couldn't even get out of their house in 60 seconds.

Prepares my fucking ass
>advocates leaving your house, which has food, water, and supplies, in an emergency
>accuses others of not knowing what to do

And I have well over 6 months of food, nigger.
Why don't you go be useless somewhere else.
Nigga you are so much more likely to wake up in the middle of the night to find your house entirely engulfed in flames then the End Of The World bullshit scenarios you believe will happen.
>he doesn't have a fire extinguisher on every level of the house and 4 extra in stock so that he's ready for surprise fires

nigga please
If only I knew where they were, they're sitting in a box somewhere. I thought I could find something online but I can't think of the name of the magazine.
You've obviously never been through a terrible house fire if you seriously think a fire extinguisher is gonna save your ass.
You've obviously never been through any sort of hardship if you think it's a bad idea or waste of time to prepare for hardship.
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>he has an house made of paper walls and wood that will burn to the ground
Nigger jet fuel can't melt brick and mortar walls and tile pavement
My point is your priorities are wrong. You need to put more effort into a Katrina-like hardship and not a fucking nuclear war and no food for a year. You're way more likely to get cucked by weather and are displaced for a few months than whatever you're preparing for. Don't matter how much food you have in your basement when you're boutta get FUCKED by Mother Nature.

Lmao tell that to a lithium battery that blew and ignited my whole living room in 20 seconds. But whatever man, enjoy your 6 months of beans :^)
You obviously don't know what I'm preparing for because that's exactly what I am preparing for, gay boy.
That and if I lose my source of income and can't find a job or something.
And I'd be lying if I said an economic downturn wasn't a possibility.
And yet another prepping discussion with absolutely no discussion of medical supplies. Y'all niggas gonna get a cold and die.
Then why don't you talk about medical supplies.
Medical Items:
3 trauma kits (fully stocked)
2 R.A.T.S. tourniquets
2 CAT tourniquets
12 fl oz Sever cold and flu
1 oz hydrocortisone cream (itch and rash relief)
50,360 mg/200 tablets Aspirin (pain relief)
8,000 mg/40 tablets Ibuprofen (pain relief)
6,000 mg/12 tablets Acetaminophen (pain relief)
900 mg/36 tablets Diphenhydramine (sleep aid)
48 mg/24 tablets Loperamide (anti-diarrheal)
12 tablets Acetaminophen/Diphenhydramine HCI/Phenylephrine HCI (allergy/sinus relief)
32 fl oz Hydrogen Peroxide (antiseptic and debridement)
16 fl oz Acetone
16 fl oz 50% Isopropyl Alcohol
1 in X 10 yd paper tape
4.2 ft X 4 in self-adhering elastic bandage
100 band aids
2 antiseptic towelettes

Well fag, what do you think?
Definitely more loperamide. Thats about what I have, just no rats desu.
What's in your BOB?

>32oz water
>waterproof baggy with all personal info papers
>midland er310 weather radio
>2 towels
>emergency blanket
>an 8 inch serrated knife
>small first aid with bandaids, gauze, isopropyl, and plenty of antibiotics
>one MRE and a box of cliff bars
>an Anker rechargeable flashlight, headlamp too
Glad I read this thread.
See >>1070045
I've posted it a couple times on /k/ and some fag always pops up and says it's fake.
And I recently found out it is not. The guys name is Sloco and he runs a school.

Ok. R.A.T.S. are easy to apply but are less effective on the legs. I was talking to a friend who's an EMT and the medic threw it on the table and said it was trash and I should buy a CAT. So now I have both.
>You're basing all of this on two concepts

I'm presenting the scenario most favorable to the guy I responded to's outlook. In all other scenarios, his unwillingness to trust anyone under any circumstances is even more of a danger to him.
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Wich place would be "safer" in a shtf scenario considering climate, population, fauna, etc.
-Las Vegas and surrounding areas
-North Arizona
>MSS bivy and heavy bag
>4 Bic lighters, de childproofed
>magnesium bar with ferro rod
>4L water split between a 2L camelbak bladder, a 1L nalgene, and a 1L klean Canteen
>2x sawyer minis, one is inline on camelbak
>150ft 7/64ths amsteel
>300yd spool 30lb Powerpro
>altoids tin full of #1 circle hooks and splitshots
>pack of lifeboat rations (iirc they're 2500kcal per bar, 12 bars per pack)
>1L aluminum pot
>20" carbon steel machete I found innajungle on Guam
Depends entirely on how the shit hits.
let's say something drastic like Nukes or civil war or other big SHTF
I'm thinking colorado because it has more places to go innawoods
>the guy
There were actually at least two different Anons you responded to in that post, I was the one that stated that I would trust only a few close friends and relatives. I'm also the guy that spends most of his time in the woods, so I don't really have neighbors to begin with; it's probably a moot point.
Colorado gets really bad winters. Also if someone wanted to nuke the US, the Denver Airport would probably be one of the first targets, since that would eliminate it's use as (reportedly) one of the major US fallout centers. I'd avoid it.
IIRC Colorado has a bunch of missile silos.
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Colorado, outside of a major city.

Low population areas with natural water supplies will naturally lend themselves to longer self-sustainability.

This can depend on your SHTF scenario though. If there's a prolonged period of time without food truck deliveries most places will simply collapse as their populations do some combination of starve, flee, and pillage. The places where the climate and environment is such that hunting is a feasible means to feed oneself year round would likely see their large game hunted to extinction within a few years. Depends on if there's enough military/police/fed/gov still active and stable enough to dedicate time and manpower to managing wildlife. No DNR in the woods or punishments for poaching will mean more hunting and fishing by the local population. That's just the way it is.

Localized agriculture when you can't guarantee regular outside deliveries of gas or supplies has a somewhat limited maximum yield without significant management and oversight as well. Again, depends on your flavor of SHTF and how long it lasts and what else is going on in the region, but basically anywhere with less people and more natural resources is obviously a safer choice.

Seriously, being stuck in Vegas when you learn that there haven't been deliveries of fuel or food in over 48 hours is a nightmare scenario.
>anyone with a sane mind living in denver
thank god i'm far away to not get glassed
nah, they are all abandoned, it all looks like something out of STALKER
thanks, since most of colorado residents are either nogunz or fudds i don't expect it to be as dangerous as other places
These are all solid points, but there is one thing you may have overlooked. Depending on what the disaster is, the remaining population could have fluctuated pretty wildly. If there's simply a infrastructural fallout, everyone will be fighting over food, but in the case of a serious pandemic, there may be enough canned food to last a handful of survivors for decades.
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Indeed, the kind of shit and the variety of fan it hits makes a significant difference in the relative security and remaining resources in a given region.

I would also recommend checking out what Venezuela looks like now if you haven't been following their collapse.
if a Venezuela style economic collapse were to happen i'd try my best to live like the old times, having a ranch far away from the city and plant crops and stuff like that
Not that i would ever afford a ranch or crops and animals but that'd be comfy
If there was a Venezuelan style economic collapse, the socialist government would just take you land and crops from you like every marxist regime has done.
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Not on my property, damn commies
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> and plant crops and stuff like that
>Not that i would ever afford a ranch or crops and animals but that'd be comfy

Agreed, it sucks to be a millennial.

Post-oil farming and ranching wouldn't be what we'd consider comfy by today's standards, but that's about the best kind of life one could hope for in a significant and long term SHTF/collapse scenario.

If the US population was starving due to some kind of combination of drought, heatwave, mass crop failure or what have you and they were also unable to import the food necessary to keep people alive the gov would probably give the remaining viable farmers some kind of executive mandate for their yields. I don't think that's a Marx thing though, I think that's a government trying to maintain control over a bad situation and keep its people alive and appeased enough to not overthrow the existing status quo. Point being, don't expect any ideological power structure to willingly collapse if they think they can stave it off by taking something from someone.
growing your own food and raising animals with your wife and 4 children is the ultimate american dream.
In the 1880's maybe, times have changed
What the flying fuck do you need all that rope for?
Because we can't choose our own dreams? If Anon wants to have a small, sustainable and organic farm, who are you to tell him that his ideals are outdated?

People are always willing to pay more for local, organic produce, especially if it's produced without heavy equipment. You can make a killing, just growing mushrooms in your backyard and selling them to local restaurants.
I everyone lying about their pack weights? I keep seeing people have a tone of shit and say it only weighs 25 pounds (12kg). Do they mean 25 pounds without food, water and clothing? Taking the bare essentials including food and water I'm topping off at 15kg, with 3kg of water and 2kg of food.
Base weight doesn't include food and water, technically. For instance, my base weight is 6lbs, my food weight is about 7lbs and my water weight is about 4.4lbs (that's 2 litres). That's 17.5 lbs total, but it's also for a 30 day hike, so on day 1 my carry weight will fluctuate between 17.5lbs and 13lbs, and by day 30 my carry weight will fluctuate between 11.5lbs and 6lbs, as the amount of water that I carry throughout the day varies and the amount of food I carry decreases at a steady and constant rate.

But, yeah... this is the internet, so there's bound to be a ton of people lying.
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>my food weight is about 7lbs
>17.5 lbs total, but it's also for a 30 day hike
>this is the internet, so there's bound to be a ton of people lying.
Are you eating freeze-dried for every meal?
I only carry brown rice (brown sticks to the pot less) and a little soy and lemon pepper. The rest of my food is mostly fish and foraged veggies.
Do you consider your fishing equipment a part of your base weight?
Yes, but I just realized that the last time I ran the numbers, I was carrying a spindle, since I was pretty close to town. The trip I just packed for will be in the mountains, so I'm taking a rod... I'll probably be a pound or so heavier.

I'm also thinking about picking up a pack rifle, so by the time I leave, I may add another 3 or 4 lbs on the top of it; I haven't decided yet.
I probably dont, although amsteel is stiff and thin enough to work for snares if need be.

Fortunately it weighs less than 30 feet of paracord.

Rope is not a thing you can have to much of. I live 20 minuets from a fuck huge abandoned copper mine. My entire SHTF plan is to load up everything I need into the livestock trailer then head for the mines. I always have my trailer ready to go because it doubles as a dandy storage unit. Once a year I have a "zombie" party where I take it out with my friends/family and we spend a few days in the woods drinking and pretending that we are in the walking dead. Everyone thinks we are having a good time, but I keep track of who can do what and after four years I have a pretty good idea of who is worth bringing. The mine has a relatively small portal (you could fit a four wheeler in, but not a car), but about 20 yards in you reach a big stoped out area that is dry and has excellent air flow. From there there are several tunnels that are of varying degrees of usefulness, but each one requires a rope. With enough rope you can have paths marked out everywhere and people just have to follow the ropes.

Even though I know that nothing will ever happen that will warrant actually bugging out, I can't help but think that one day my friends and family will all be safe down in my mine.
>abandoned mine
What if you aren't the only one interested in it?
How are there so many Venezuelans on chaturbate?
what about an earthquake?

wish it was 72 hours still. Atm the officials are telling people in my area to be prepped for 2 weeks, due to a massive earthquake they expect to hit.

I'm the only one around...
Don't really happen in Florida, and any tsunami created by seismic activity in the Gulf is either small enough to not be a threat above and beyond my seaswell-from-hurricane preps or large/abrupt enough I wouldn't have time to do anything about and would outright kill me and everyone else in my county without enough time to evacuate. Not worth worrying about.
It's not that hard to understand why they do this. You prepping makes them feel bad/concerned for not being prepared but because of their extreme narcissism they decide you have to be attacked and ridiculed for this very minor blow to their ego. A normal person would see you and say, Hey, maybe I should do that too.

I go to doctor school, I'm very well versed in how narcissistic assholes think at this point. You should have seen how the people around me reacted when my wife announced she wanted to be a stay at home mom.
>i'll never have this so I'll attack anyone who might succeed!

Stay jealous, faggot
So how do I know when food will actually go bad?
I know many foods come with packaging that will give a date, but it is the date of the packaging, not the actual food.
Rice, beans, pasta, and ramen come to mind as the most obvious ones.
Depends on how their packaged. Rice and beans in clean 2 liter soda bottles with a dessicant pack should last longer than you do, pasta and ramen would need to have the oxygen removed (this can be done with dry ice chips and leaving the cap loose until it melts) otherwise the bug eggs in the pasta will hatch, which isn't necessary bad but it'll probably kill your appetite.
>You should have seen how the people around me reacted when my wife announced she wanted to be a stay at home mom.
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That's for /k/, this is /out/. At first, that may not seem like a major distinction, but /k/'s focus in regards to first aid is largely based on the ability to treat gunshot wounds during WW3 fantasies, whereas /out/ needs only be concerned with tick removal and poison ivy relief.
Fitness: Work keeps me on my feet most of the day and I exercise twice a week on average, so fit for an average person but definitely not an athlete.
Sustainability: I have some young fruit trees. That's it.
Events: Blackouts, Isolation, home invasion, nothing big.
First aid: Retook the course a few months ago, honestly I wish they would go a bit longer and go over more than just CPR and simple bandages/snakebite for practical.
Family: Either too distant or lacking in skills and resilience.
Community: Just moved three months ago, no good connections yet.
Last year we had a bad storm in April, lost power for five days but I always have plenty of food so no problem. Breakfast was crackers with peanut butter or muesli bars and a cuppa, lunch was at work where there was still power, dinner was either packet pasta or rice with curry sauce. Same as if I was camping.

By friday night I was tired of pasta/rice and wanted a steak, bought a scotch fillet and a bag of hash browns (worth it even if I had to throw the rest away). Not even half an hour after I'm finished the power comes back on so I throw the bag of hash browns in the freezer and boot up the computer to see what I've missed.
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Although the chances are slim in our lifetimes, a Yellowstone super volcano/caldera eruption would be the mother of all prepping scenarios. WWIII may or may not happen, but the next super volcano eruption will happen, just a matter of when... 10 years, a century or next millennium.

Most in the contiguous USA, including myself, will be kissing our collective asses goodbye in the short term following a large Yellowstone event. Those remaining will likely eek out a meager existence.

I still daydreamabout about how I could realistically prep for such an event, but I keep my actual preps tailored to the more like scenarios.
>Individual/Family/Friends/Community prepping approach
I've tried convincing all of my family and friends to get into prepping but no one seems interested.
They don't think I'm crazy, they just don't really care.
Creating a network is probably the most difficult aspect of prepping for me.
I feel like at that point you might as well just pray for a miracle.
>Volcanic eruptions
>St. Helens
Look up David A. Johnston. A touching story.
>Vancouver! Vancouver! This is it!

And Gerry Martin.

My point, black swans are hard to prep for even when they are lightgray swans.
This thing fucking sucks. It's a perfectly good idea to bring medicine on camping/backpacking trip and it's not rocket science or "professional certification required".

Many a times have I been in a situation where the following medicines would be beneficial but I was too green to pack:
>Ibuprofen for headaches/inflammation
>Mucinex for sinus relief at altitude
>Optionally some sleeping pills if you know you're haven't mastered the art of passing out in a sleeping bag yet
>Friend carries anti-diarrhea pills, good idea if you contract giardia or just packed a poorly planned diet

You won't need em but a small collection of pills weighs nothing and is worth it's weight in gold when you do need em.
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>insane crime levels
Violent crime has been on a downward trend in the US for a long time....
I find the correlation to the switch from leaded to unleaded gasoline to be pretty interesting.
There's a lot of things you can correlate the drop in crime to:

Roe v. Wade allowed many (potentially shitty) mothers from having children. This would reduce the crime level in that shit druggies would just abort their pregnancies and kill the cycle of shitbags.

Sharp rise in police enforcement through "broken-glass" policy enforcement. Prevent the "bigger crimes" by ticketing, or even arresting, those partaking in misdemeanors such as public intoxication, public urination, or other crimes typically related to homeless people, drug addicts, or a mix of the two.

Banning lead in products such as gasoline and paint probably had a hand in it, too. We know lead can fuck you up, and the theory goes that removing it from various sources reduced the tendency for disorder.

There's a lot more, but those are the three I'm well-versed in.
Interesting study done, "Modeling ash fall distribution from a Yellowstone supereruption"

Again, not an event we should be realistically worried about, but interesting hypothetical for prep.

got a source on that? I fucking love all the cold war psyops stuff like this
They're talking about administering prescription meds like narcotics and anyibiotics, not OTC shit.

And they're right. Same with NPA/OPA, needle chest decompression, and other advanced care techniques.
I don't prep for much. I live in a good part of NYC, relatively low crime, away from the water(for the most part) and elevated. However since Sandy I kinda prep a BOB once hurricane season comes around, since there's probably going to be an increasing chance I'll need it. I guess I don't expect much craziness to happen. Should I be paranoid as fuck? only unsuspected thing that happened that got me worried was a blackout in the mid 2000's where I kept a knife handy in case any vato's decided to try it.
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It also correlates with drastic changes in concealed carry laws.
So you don't at least prep for snow too?
Snow's just normal even if it's some huge blizzard. It's never really been a problem, just the dig out is rigorous. Never lost power or had anything horrible happen during snow in my personal experience. You kinda just wait, have some hot food, dig out, get on with life.Hurricane's however aren't run of the mill so less experience and knowledge on how to deal with them.
i just saw les strouds off the grid. he did ok, little more primitive than I would like. hope he has a follow up where he expands.
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>you cannot hide from thermal imagining
The way those guns are pointed relative to his hands makes no sense
exactly what i was thinking
based vermont
Does it make any sense to stock some copper ingots?
Not really.
Copper is pretty valuable in the correct market and is useful in the correct industry.
But no one who trading rice and beans is going to want copper because it's not considered money, unlike gold and silver.
It's probably supposed to be mid-recoil impulse.
I'm pretty sure status symbols will still be a thing. Precious metals have always been at the top of that list.
Electric lines can be cut due to snow and heavy winds. Then it gets a bit more interesting. Whip out the multifuel/gas stove to make warm food. Run out of batteries in few days. And so on.
USA anons, what is your plan, other than "don't look at the fireball or flash", in the event North Korea goes full retard?

I presume preppers have their basics covered but what do you plan to do?
Copper can be easily worked with crude tools and a woodfired furnace of stacked stone, because its soft/malleable/ductile and has a low melting point. It wouldn't be a HORRIBLE idea to have a few pounds of it at your bugout location or in your home for emergency fabrication of hand tools and such, but I can't see ingots of it working as a currency.
>live in the midwest
Don't have to do anything at all because nothing they have or are likely to acquire in the next 25 years has the range to get even remotely close to me.
Weren't they already supposedly able to reach Washington (DC) and Florida?
I mean the Hwasong-14/KN-20.

I don't know what their problem is, they seem to want someone to beat the shit out of them.
They claimed that, yes.

Our research shows they might possibly possess a single missile that might maybe reach coastal Oregon (assuming it doesn't follow their tradition of blowing up on the launch pad), and that it's of a type they cannot (yet) fit a nuclear warhead to.

>tested twice, with wildly different results
>"best case scenario" with perfect guidance and a tailwind might maybe put Chicago in range, with luck
>also can't (yet) be fitted with a nuclear warhead
Gold and Silver do have intrinsic value. There is a finite amount of it because they are both rare and do not rust.
Nice pasta
How do you run 5 miles a day without joint damage?
Not being fat.
>One of these days I'll need to go there to actually know what this means.
it's the blank lines between sections of text
on Reddit you need to do Shift-Enter (twice?) to type multi-line posts which results in an extra blank line
it's the kind of thing you either pick up on and apply elsewhere on a near-subconscious level or autistically notice right away, and the latter group likes to think they're catching the former group slipping into bad habits, and to call them out so they can get to be the hero driving people out of their home, when really it's been around for decades
Gold is an excellent conductor and silver is? Shiny?
Also silver does rust? It gets a patina
All rust is oxidization. Not all oxidization is rust. Literally everything oxidizes. Only ferrous metals rust.

Learn the difference.
Silver is literally the best conductor.
>But different disasters look different from one another. And they change what you need to prep for. Some preparations work for a wide range of disasters, but others are very very specific.

Bullshit. Any disaster only affects your ability to have/acquire 6 things: food, water, shelter, security, medical care, and communications.
>> you cannot fight an occupying force with small numbers
What if you're a small but scrappy ragtag group of teens that believe in America?


average nra member cannot hide from $50 million apache and cobra gunship technology idiot
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have a supply of clean underwear
Gotta build dem fat reserves
You cannot outlast a long-lasting disaster scenario by staying put despite how much you eat MRE and listen to your Baofeng in your bunker.
There is a finite amount of everything. Scarcity in a metal othervise devoid of utility other than a conductor and shiny is not really a good selling point.
What constitutes a long-lasting disaster scenario? A week? A month? A year? A decade?
It's not hard to store enough shit to not leave your house for a year. It may not be cheap, but it's far from difficult.
It would be quite easy for them to do so
>go innacity
>act like everybody else
Voila. Hiding in plain sight.
>you cannot just drink random stream water
Sure you can. It's physically possible to do so, simply bend over and suck. It may not be a GOOD IDEA to drink random stream water, but there is absolutely nothing physically stopping you from doing so.
>you cannot hide from thermal imaging
-go inside
-go underground
-use a good insulating layer between you and the imager
-have significant overhead cover
-be somewhere with very little temperature disparity between you and the background
Thermal imagery isn't fucking magic. It's quite easy to hide from. What isn't easy is simultaneously hiding from it and actually doing anything, although that's still possible with some effort.
>you cannot fight an occupying force with small numbers and small arms
Literally every guerrilla war and insurgency ever disagrees with you. Again, there's a huge difference between physically being able to do it and it actually being useful or effective (I could singlehandedly fight the entirety of the US military with a butter knife--I wouldn't win, but I could do it).
>you cannot avoid chem/bio with a plastic suit
Yes you can, quite easily. A Tyvek coverall, rubber gloves and booties, duct tape, and a good gas mask with the appropriate filters will offer pretty much perfect protection against any non-radiological threat.
-b-but what about eating/drinking/shitting?
Go somewhere not contaminated, decon, then do it. You're not supposed to just fucking camp out indefinitely in a contaminated area, and it's physically impossible for any one nation (inlcuding the US) to saturate a large enough area a healthy adult cannot flee it on foot within 8 hours. Even the professionally weaponized chem/bio munitions simply don't provide that much coverage and nobody has enough to cover that much land.
Is pretty funny but man, paracord is pretty handy. Ima have a 1,000 foot roll stashed in my bunker fo sho
Ya bit being comfy and not bored would help. Or food for the neighbors that laugh at u prepping. ...if they even know.
Interesting assumption. You're right.
It is. Fuck me i am really not prepared like i should be.

Recent storms and this thread gave me the kick in the ass i shoulf nit have needed tho. Thanks all
Me also anon.
All good and dandy then
I am a fatty who runs every day. Im 6'5" 252lbs, I should be like 200lbs. My tips for being a fatty runner without joint problems? Ease into it. Let your connective tissue build toughness, it's slower than the muscle/cardio building part. Look into forefoot/midfoot strike style running, works better on my knees than heel clomping, and your shoes will last longer. also run uphill as much as possible, lowers that kinetic energy, helps teach forefoot strike. I run 4 miles/day in summer and 10miles 4 days a week when it's not crazy hot (Texas, aka hell)
Hope many invaders were taken out.

Anyone know what pack this is?
You're a big guy.
>lighters are priceless
>dumbass Bosies can't even make a decent bowdrill set
Pretty much no one can make a bowdrill in the general population.
Even people who know how will have a lot of trouble with it, unless they have a lot of practice.
It would be extremely painful.
Do you have some insight to offer here, or are you advocating the BOL/Mad Max route?
If you can get your hands on some amphetamines, 100 mg/5 tablets IR mixed amphetamine salts
And some opioids in case you get horribly mangled and can't get medically evacuated

Emphasis on run/walk. Sounds like they maybe run a mile 3x/week and are adding the steps from their embedded phone pedometer. You get to 5mi/xay pretty easy. Likely a couch surfing cheetoh muncher with an avalanche gut and penchant for hentai.

Sounds like you have low population/acre. Do you have enough people to defend the crop uf necessary?
How do you prevent a truck of peace from hitting you?
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I get accused of the spacing (is on a spectrum) all the time and pretty much just shitpost from mobile. Never realized there was a trick -just hit enter so your post isn't a garbled mess.

Edit: thanks for the gold kind m'faggot xD
Is this a serious question?
I have some oxy from a surgery like 5 years ago. Is that still any good?
Live in a country with no muslims.
So Poland or central America.
>Live in a country with no muslims.
>So Poland or central America.
Seriously things are getting fucked up. A couple hours ago police shot 4 dead and arrested one more, as it seems some had explosive vests. Meanwhile that police's advice is, run, hide, tell.
>mfw I have no face
Was this a third attack, after the vehicle attack and then the guy who shot at cops?
Yes, 6 people injured plus one cop.
Are all three related?
I don't know but most likely, 5 more hadjis don't just appear out of thin air. Well, it's Europe and we're infested with them so they actually might.
Wasn't this war of mine based on this?
Yes, yes it was
This. Bodyweight exercises (aka calisthenics) are best. It teaches your body to use resources efficiently, trains not only muscles but tendons and joints, and as the other anon said you can so them anywhere. There's a reason military and prisoners exercise calisthenics - it works and it works well.
I lurk /biz/, /diy/, /k/, and /out/. All are great boards that seem to validate each other from time to time.

When The Flash is pumping out new episodes I venture to /co/ for the TalkBack threads.

I've been curious - would a good prep plan remotely resemble the old-timey Minutemen training?
How you prep is going to be dependent on what you're prepping for and how long you expect to need to be completely self-reliant.

For most people, prepping for common issues such as job loss or a small natural disaster, prepping is as simple as keeping an extra month of food and drinking water in their cupboards; no MREs or massive ammo stores, just rotating out bulk buys of canned food and bottled water that they're using anyway. This alone is enough to save your life in most cases.
i too am interested in these threads, albeit i am absolutely not ready other than armed and lots of ammo.
i am also really interested in the aspects of basically prepping simple bartering items that i can trade for anything else of most kinds of value. food will be a problem, though i have a few plans for water.
you must be a retard before becoming a prepper or it's something that happens to you after getting into it?
>it's the fucking commies
jesus fuck amerilards. Preppers are ridicule because they are ridicule not because of the turrists, brits, commies, aliens.
you don't prep retard, you move.
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I know white rice can be stored in certain ways so that it lasts nearly forever, but can I do the same with flavored rice?
Can I put 25lbs of pic related in a mylar bag and that in a 5 gal bucket and have it last the rest of my life?
kill yourself.
Does the bag say "best before just before the heat death of the universe" or "best before 6 months from now"?

TL;DR: no
40 x Ibuprofen? Á 200 mg, one usually takes 400 mg or 600 mg, so say 3 tablets at a time. 600 mg twice a day, this means 6 tabs a day.

Of course overdosing is stupid, but your "stash" lasts for ca. 6 days at that rate. Flus usually are 2-3 days.

Your "prepping meds store" is basically a medium-level stocked every day medicine box for a family of 4.

lol, id suggest you do a first aid course

I did a 30hs coruse at my local red cross and, yes, I learned how, when and where to aplly a tourniquet, but I also learned its a technique that shouldnt be used at all.

If you apply a tourniquet, that person will most likely lose that limb and without proper medical assistance they will die of blood poisoning when/if they remove the tourniquet.

You dont even have a pen and a notepad in your medkit to write off the time you apply it.
I wish I knew. Maybe create a thread asking.
The military takes a different approach to tourniquets. If you can guesstimate to within 6 hours, a trained MD can usually save the limb provided it's still at least partially alive by the time they get there. They've pretty well stopped fussing with times on tourniquets.
>If you can guesstimate to within 6 hours

Stop spouting bullshit anon, the limb recieves permanent damage 2 hours after you apply it and has to be cut off not too long after that.
No mention of marking time anywhere
"Two hours is considered the length of time a tourniquet can be in place before neuromuscular injury and functional loss begin. For applications longer than 2 hours, cooling the limb may help delay injury and loss of function. The best method to save a limb is rapid transport and converting to a less-damaging means of hemorrhage control as soon as practicable.3" [redacted] "7 Most irreversible ischemic damage occurs after tourniquet application of six or more hours"
So, again, you're wrong. Also that article also doesn't mention anything about marking the patient or tourniquet with time.
"If major bleeding is noticed on a casualty, and you can reach them safely, apply a tourniquet, and then rejoin the fight. If the casualty can continue to fire as well, they should be encouraged to do so. "
Oh look, yet again, no mention of marking time on the casualty or tourniquet.

Face it, you're either outright wrong or more than a decade out of date on your info.
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>I did a 30hs coruse at my local red cross
>I also learned its a technique that shouldnt be used at all.

please stfu when adults are talking, tqs have saved countless lives, you have no clue

for those that don't have their heads up their ass: https://thetourniquetproject.org/
>not sure if bait or if ignorant to filters
I repeat, you should go to your local red cross and do the complete first aid course.

If you base you knowledge on stuff you read randomly online you will end up killing youself or someone else.

A tourniquet is a last resot thing for first aid, and if you apply it and dont write the time you apply it I can guarantee the medics will chop off the limb as soon as the patient enters the ER. for safety measures.

>hurr in the army
This is not the army, this is not a warzone, this is camping and regular doctors.
>I was conclusively proven wrong with multiple sources, so I'm going to resort to rhetoric and namecalling
Thanks for reminding me this is still 4chan.
>tqs have saved countless lives,

Yes, but this is a prepping thread where you wont have access to trained medics after you apply it.

Say you apply one on someone on a SHTF scenario, what do you do next?

remove the TQ after the bleeding stops so the patient dies of blood poisoning?

leave it on indefinetly till the limb dies and starts rotting?

You wont have access to medics in that situation and you dont have many hours to get to a medical facility after you apply a tourniquet on someone.

Having one on a prepping medkit is dumb, let alone having four of them like that anon. Specially when you can just make one with bandages.
my prep plan is standing in the flames - arms crossed, head held high, shouting through the clouds of ash and dust that I was right about everything
>tfw get called crazy because I have 2 weeks of food, first aid supplies, generator, and fuel
Many foods' "best by" dates are the actual dates of the packaging the food comes in.
>"lol, id suggest you do a first aid course"
Stopped reading there.
People who say "you shouldn't own life saving equipment because you don't have piece of paper" are retards.
You don't know how to use tourniquets or IFAKS.
If you took an actual medical class, you'd know
1) IFAKS are to be used ON you not BY you.
2) If you don't use a tourniquet, even incorrectly, YOU WILL DIE!
3) You can write the time on the person/yourself or THE FUCKING TOURNIQUET where it says "time:"
4)Even if you applied it wrong, gave yourself nerve damage, forgot to write the time, and had to amputate, and gave yourself blood poisoning YOU DIDN'T BLEED OUT FROM AN ARTERIAL WOUND, HENCE THE TOURNIQUET!

Stop telling people that they shouldn't have life saving equipment because they don't have a piece of paper!

Tourniquet applied or not, if you need a tourniquet on a SHTF scenario then you are pretty much fucked since you wont have access to a medic capable of removing it, fixing the severed artery and transfusing blood.
Yes; don't stay put. Find normality. Move out.

The more you hoard shit into one place, the more you are tied to that place. Corollary: the less you can carry it with you should you decide to move; if you don't plan to take it with you, then you are wasting money today building a Warehouse of Prep(tm).

Buying the things does not guarantee survival.

Of course, you could stay put, but the premise was that an SHTF happens which impacts at least your current location in a way which makes normal life there difficult without "prepping".

Once this level of difficulty grows around your location, you have just become a sitting target for local hunter-gatherers.

Yes. What happens after one year + week?
Long-lasting disaster could be many years, should some (e.g. natural) disaster simply collapse organized society locally and make things difficult to live there because of robbing gangs, mini-warlords, a meter of ash everywhere, and so on.

Staying in your house: that's fine while your supplies last, but what happens when you make firewood and hit yourself in the ankle? Blood gushing. No-one else is around. Tourniquet? Lose a leg. How are your chances of survival now, with the supplies growing less each day and your mobility impaired. Stored supplies are not a renewable resource.

Prepping by hoarding stuff into a storage with the expectation of staying still is not resilient and the prognosis is not good. IMO is better to ensure renewal of supplies and thus continuity of life by farming a small piece of land in a small community that is not impacted by the disaster at hand. Either far away from the natural disaster, or in a difficult to reach place in the company of a group of people who have the necessary survival skills (doctors, engineers, chemists, gunsmiths, ...) are who are ready to resist any unwelcome incoming.

If you follow this line of reasoning, you basically want a rural setting in a small country.
I don't know if people agree with this reasoning, but obtaining 10 k pills of paracetamol and 3 Baofengs and 2 hand-crank battery chargers and filling the basement with MREs for 60 days (inb4 die of constipation) in order to "sit it out" does not equate to survival, if the disaster is of such a scale that the surrounding society has problems absorbing it.

A big car, ready to move to a pre-selected location, packed ready with mindfully chosen gear is more likely to result in overall survival.

Of course one could argue that one is already located in such a place which has much survival, such resiliency - fair enough, in that case hoarding a stationary storage full of stuff could work. However, there is not a good way to know whether one is impacted or not (it depends on the disaster).
>What happens after one year + week?
The people who hoarded supplies and some of the people who went off to go live in the woods are all that's left, have started interacting, trading and building farming communities. The rogue bandits have all died because every time they manage to steal a few days' worth of supplies, they lose one or two men. Then, just as everything has settled down and society is being rebuilt, a defuct nuclear reactor blows everyone away.
Or you have 50 man hordes of bandits who assault nice, plump homesteads, steal all the supplies, rape all the women, and torture all the men for laughs. And they will snowball, reach a critical mass, and splinter into several large groups until the cycles repeats. People fleeing them become bandits themselves. People who survive the attacks become drifters and also bandits.
It will be so bad.
The presumption seems to be that he domain of the prepper remains an unpristine source of abundance and civilization, and everything outside of it descends into uncontrolled chaos.

It could be that the prepper goes nuts in his dark jail, after realizing he has been driven to a corner with no escape, and drinks himself to death.
Agreed. I've spent enough time reading to know the best chance is within a community for long term SHTF. Where are these communities though? Can one be sure everyone in Alpha Rubicon is an upstanding individual? Resources vs. objectives? A ranch in Montana is currently out of the question for me. What about BOB's? The SHTF doesn't look survivable long term so I leave with the most important preps I have. The question remains, where to?
>Set out on predetermined path out of SHTF
>Accosted by marauders a day or two on trail

What are the odds of continued success and survival? Teaching your group self defense does not make them combatants or assets. Not everyone goes from civilian to elite operator with a few trips to the range.
hey, being extra careful not to maim your self would be important. And I found some fairly cheap land out in the middle of nowhere just looking around. Full farm will cost you a couple mill it seems though. But if you just want 10 acres of woodland in Missouri. 10-20 grand. 500 down no credit check, our so they say. kek
not ideal, but if you really put some work in. You might end up with a cool little setup.
and it would be so much fun. like playing minecraft our something in the real world. I'm holding out for a cheap 10 acres with a river right now. But I saw island property for pretty cheap off sc. so idk.
Disaster situations don't go "shits fucked-->shit's fine" without "shit's getting better but still kinda fucked" in the middle. Have some stored supplies. Have a contingency to gtfo if your location is in jeopardy (all the ammo and ramen in the world stored in your basement means fuckle if a major flood has your house 30 feet underwater). Have a plan to augment your stored supplies with new shit if shit doesn't start getting better within a predetermined time (say, 2-3 weeks).

Like, jesus. I thought this was common fucking sense.
is something everybody needs to live by every single day, why would it not apply to SHTF?
>river through your land
There's a reason it's so cheap. It floods every single spring, and usually every other fall/winter.
learn something new everyday, but this was hilly woodland it wouldn't flood. But this sc island is sounding pretty good. swim in the ocean every day, catch some fish. And it's close enough I could get to it pretty easy.
remote cabin ready to homestead in tn for 60,000 5 acres. But now that I've look a little(2 days) and seen what they have. I think I'm need 5-10 acres on the ocean for no more that 50 grand. but you probably can't really use a lot of land on the ocean for anything though. you can't really grow anything.
We usually have floodwaters that are around 30 feet above "normal" water line, here in the St. Louis area (Mississippi, Missouri, Big, and Meramec rivers and literally hundreds of unnamed creeks, drainage ditches, levee channels, canals, etc).

Last year and this spring were particularly bad floods, the Meramec set a new all-time high water level of 47 feet of flood.

When I say that frontage land will flood, it WILL fucking flood.
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How do I get sex? My most basics needs are not being met!
wow you guys suck. kek
You have to become a farmer-soldier, basically.
>I've spent enough time reading to know the best chance is within a community for long term SHTF.
The people who write that shit are the ones who have stockpiled mass amounts of food an ammunition so that if the world ever does fall apart, they'll be the ones that control all the resources in that community.

You're far better off learning how to take care of yourself instead of ending up a subject to a post-apocalyptic lord.

>Set out on predetermined path
>Accosted by marauders
Try staying off the path.
found this might be kinda cool job. It's like state disaster response team our something. I want to know all there secrets.
I like having instant mashed potato packets in my camping/bug out bag, just add water and instant carbs. Cheap AF too. 5lbs dry, makes 112 sevings for less than $11.00. Add in a large jar of peanut butter and some vitamins, and you can easily stay out for a month or longer if you're any good at hunting/ trapping/foraging.

I see how communities could go wrong. I also see how BOLs could go right. It's defending them that I wonder about. John Q with his family of four in a BOL fighting off who knows what. There's positives and negatives to that isolation,.
There's positives and negatives to any plan. There's a lot of people out there that would need a community in order to survive, typically because it's easier to master one skill than to become proficient in all of them.

For myself, personally... I already spend a good deal of time out in the woods alone. I catch and smoke fish, harvest wild grains, berries, veggies and mushrooms, and I could certainly build a long-term shelter if I planned to stay in an area for any length of time. As far as security goes, I'm probably lacking, since my main defense would simply be living in an area that most people wouldn't be able to survive in without the skills that I've spent years developing. But it's not like I planned on living forever anyway, I would just want to spend as much time as possible enjoying nature, regardless of what the rest of the world has going on.
With Harvey hitting Texas as we speak, it will be honestly interesting to hear afterwards from local preppers how their prepping plans turned out in a "live test".

Perhaps there will also be valuable lessons for people not in hurricane prone areas.
I live in Spokane WA. We probably get fewer natural disasters than just about anyplace in the world. When Mt. St. Helens blew almost 400 miles away, people were trapped in their homes due to the ash in the air reducing visibility and clogging vehicle air filters. Food, being transported by road, also stopped coming in for the first couple weeks, since the cost and risk involved wasn't worth the money the food distribution circuits could make doing so. Had it been any worse, or lasted any longer, the death toll would have been in the tens of thousands in Spokane alone, just due to starvation.

Ain't nothin' wrong with keeping some extra food and water in the house.
Where do you get your fantasies from? Walking dead?
That's called war, anon.
I live in tacoma and realize something similar could happen some day again.
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