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What cars are not "photogenic", but head turners in

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What cars are not "photogenic", but head turners in person? I'd say Porsche 911. They look kinda dopey in pictures, but seeing one on the road they are very gorgeous.
same for Cayman S, goddamn
I'd say they look pretty good in photos. I like that they don't have the typical stupid car face and angry headlights that all modern vehicles have. Porsches still look like a Porsche.
I guess its a love hate thing. You either think they look awesome or think they're goofy.
Nissan GTR looks better in person imo
to think about it, even 350s and 370 zs don't photograph well.
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Jaguar E-Type

I always wondered why people said things like "It's the most beautiful car ever made" as it looked shit in pictures (at least to my eyes).
Then I saw one in person and now I'm saying the exact same thing myself.
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Yeah porsches really polarize people. Personally I think they look like tampons. I mean they are great cars with great engineering behind them but I've never liked how they look. I kind of like the cayman gt4 though actually.
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Thought it looked good in pictures but not amazing.

Then I saw one yesterday on my way to work and holy fuck I couldn't stop staring at that beautiful bitch.
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Unironically the G37 coupe.

It has very few good angles for pictures. Also anything close fucks up proportions and wrong angles hide crucial lines.

It is beautiful irl though.
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hate to admit but e46 verts are ugly - i bought one

however i break necks when it comes to white moms in their muranos and crv's
Very true but they are at least somewhat photogenic. I wonder if the drivers get tire of the rubbernecks everywhere... you can't not look at them
I get it. Looks like a VW bug stapled onto a fiat spyder
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>tfw live in Nebraska so my chances of randomly seeing one in the wild are almost null
I've seen a dozen 911s new and old and while they are nice looking cars not as stunning as the new NSX. if i have to fucking fly to Ohio to see one i will.
it looks too much like an r8
If you flew to Ohio you'd regret it so bad. I live NEAR Ohio and want to die.
It wears the R8 better than the R8 imo.
I saw one in NYC and thought it was an Accord with a bodykit for a good 5 seconds.

Not exactly what you would call "inspiring".
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Was actually thinking about this earlier this week. The Lexus Lc500 looks wonky and oddly proportioned in pictures, but I saw one on the road on Tuesday and it was fucking gorgeous
Why is it so bad? i live in a huge state with a maximum population of just 2 million people. can't be worse than that eh? i really would like to Tour the NSX factory though.
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The SW20.

There's plenty of shitty pictures of it, but people break their necks trying to look at mine (small town, probably the only one, definitely the only turbo, within 500 miles).

I remember I saw one when I was a kid and it truly was love at first sight. I won't ever forget that car.
This. It's probably because gtrs are all over the internet, but when you see a huge Godzilla in public and it roars past it's pretty special
God i hate those grills so much. They make those beautiful cars and make them look like electric shavers
I wholeheartedly agree.
I think this 3/4s view is the best angle to look at it in pics. It's just seeing one in person really changed my opinion on them.
Forgot pic
I feel like Infinitis in general all have this effect. They seem pretty typical in pictures but whenever I stumble across one I always have to admire it.
nah the proportions are way different IRL. I've seen r8s, gt40s, lamborghinis and ferraris of course, but just the difference between photographed gtrs and irl just doesn't make sense.
It's because it is 90% flat with nothing and 10% cities filled with the worst drivers I've ever seen.

My 15minute commute is filled with texting, non signaling, getting-into-ending-onramp-lane-to-cut-in-traffic, oblivious, road raginest, motherfuckers ive ever seen. I literally have to drive OFFENSIVELY with monk like focus just to predict when someone is gonna do something stupid. And god forbid there is inclement whether. I've worked from home just because it rained and there were 3 crashes between my house and work.

Oh and the only 2 tickets I've ever received were from Ohio state patrol for less than 10 over.
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Saw one the other day and it completely changed my mind about the way they looked. Sorry for shit pic but only sub humans use their phone while driving
Car spots while driving are the only hypocritic scenario where I give someone a pass for phone + driving
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Bangle Butt 7 series is an ugly head turner.
I was driving my dads blue e65 with 19 inch wheels (pic semi related) and was surprised how everyone was staring at it. It's not even an uncommon car.
The bangle designs were way ahead of their time. I catch stares at my e60 pretty often, though part of that could be attributed to how meticulously well I maintain the paint. Normalfags have mistaken it for some brand new model of 5 series.
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The CLA's arch looks really wonky in pics and works irl.
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I feel like I'm one of the few people that actually kinda likes how the E63 looks. It looks weird as fuck in pictures, but in person they're actually very well proportioned and really striking.

But I like the E65, the LCI model tho. The Bangle Butt is definatelly weird af.
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Personally, I'd say the X358 Jag XJs are neck turners, even though they're from 2008, I believe they easily hold up against modern BMWs and Mercs...I mean christ, just look at the front fascia.
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Falcon xb gts coupe
I was trying to convince my dad to buy one but the pictures just don't do it justice compared to the ones I've seen driving around.
Old Citroens like the DS, CX etc.
They look retarded in photos, but you see them irl and it all makes sense.
>They look retarded in photos
yeah that is... something
The last gen Ford GT. You don't get any approximation of its size from pictures. It's truly immense in reality, and there are subtle curves in the bodywork that you can't see in a 2d image. It's like a sexy, curvy woman. You really need to see it from all the angles to truly appreciate it.

It gives me the fizz in my fizzy bits.
Agreed! There was a doctor that worked at one of my local hospitals that drove a heritage edition GT and my god that thing oozed sex when I saw it sitting under a street light one night. The guy parked it on the street instead of something like a special parking spot.
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These aren't very common so not many would've seen one in person but they look better than in pictures.
Drove one the other day, it's nothing special.
It's almost like the TT and CTR3 had a baby...
Unironically this. In Toronto where you have chinks and persians revving their Gallardos and R8s up and down the streets no one really gives a shit because of how common they've become
Then one of these rolled down the street dead silent and everyone just had to look at it
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I've got the slow version with a different engine, but these look so much better in person because 99% of the photos that exist are cell phone shots taken by someone standing like 5 feet away from the car.

I think almost any car looks better when the camera is further away.
they look like shit in person and in pictures.
We pr/o/les are really uneducated when it comes to cameras and lenses.
Which one of these best represents what faces look like compared to your normal vision when sitting across the table from someone? Probably around 135mm+ but to get a photo like this, the camera is at least 15 feet away.

I think the same applies to cars. You take a photo of a car from 50 feet away to make the car look how it does to your eyes when you're standing 10 feet away.
Astons look good in pictures but in person they are an entirely different prospect. Saw a DB11 in the wild the other day and it was phenomenal looking
Real life or pictures, the E-type's styling is the most overrated in the world.

Yeah, got to have a little distance to get the right perspective.

Cellphones usually equals 24mm-ish and distorts too much.
The coupe looks weird, but the convertible with the roof down is stunning.
The XK is very underrated I think. It looks a lot better than the F-Type, the F-Type's huge grille ruins it.
Yea that I mean I'm really uneducated on these things however I'm sick of low angle shots with what seem to be fisheye lenses. What you end up with is a result from a perspective that noone ever sees the car from and an exageration causing the wheels ellipsis closer to the camera be much broader than the rear. Then there's ad agencies godawful postproduction photoshopping however that's another thing also ailing the fashion industry. Overall cars are equally finely proportioned as living beings, they're probably the most 3d sculptures humans have created and at this point I'm simply sperging but I hope a few reading catch my drift.
>In Toronto where you have chinks and persians revving their Gallardos and R8s up and down the streets no one really gives a shit because of how common they've become
Ah living in Dubai, this is my thought as well.
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Mazdas in Soul Red.
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Dude they are one of the most beautiful cars ever made and my favorite bmw ever. Beautiful in pictures and stunning in person.
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ND Miata's

When I first saw them online I didnt care much for them at all

Then I went shopping for a new car and went to mazda on a whim. See a red ND and it looked better in person. Like a whole lot better. Alot of curves on the car that you cant see well in pics

I ended up against my better judgement test driving one. Performed great, power wasnt bad at all. Dont ever listen to 4chan, drive it for yourself. Power is right along what a brz or Si make which is fine for its price range. Interestingly though it has a way better feel too it(guessing its the lighter weight of it and suspension set up)

Anyways Next thing you know im fucken buying a miata.
it helps to not call it a miata at least.

t. another ND MX5 owner.

tend to call it an mx-5 but wrote it up here as miata because how some people see the car in a negative light

really is a fantastic car, all my friends where like hating on it saying that I bought a fucken miata instead of a muscle car

But then they drive it and get won over lol
panamera and porsches in general.
panamera looks like fat piece of pig in pics, but its amazing irl.
also c class coupes in current year
They are fine and slow just like si and brz. Have fun getting walked by mini van

Have Been in faster cars, some of them heavily modified and boosted.

Are the faster? Yes. Are they more fun? Nope

Lightweight/good handling > Heavy/More power
I saw one at a dealer a while back. That car looks awesome in person.

Saw one in person the highway
They are fucken beautiful!!
I own an ND and call it a miata. How insecure are you guys, it's a fun car.
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