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When did you grow out of the "muh American muscle"

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When did you grow out of the "muh American muscle" meme and joined the Jap riceboy master race?
My first car was a Skyline, I had it for 10 years before I got a 300C. Feels good man.
Holy shit. Is the new Charger that big? The old one was humongous.
literally me. used to live muscle and big trucks when i was a kid, now i like japshit but not riced.
are americans children who never grow up?
Because I like good sounding exhausts

Each are good for different qualities though desu
I don't know if it counts, but after my fourth Chevy Suburban I got a Toyota Tundra

I still have my 70 Chevelle though
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I appreciate cars of all kinds.

I used to get annoyed at people saying only old muscle cars are the only real cars so I used to argue and say Japanese cars are the best because handling and blah blah blah.

I then realised that by saying that shit I was just as retarded as them.
The old muscle cars will never die. Don't get me wrong, I love tuners but the old Chargers, Challengers, Camaros, 442s, GTOs, Barracudas, and Mustangs get me rock hard.

New muscle cars suck tbqh, unless it's a high performance limited edition variant like the Hellcat.
Those are not mutually exclusive you retarded nigger

You're equating American muscle to you being a kid thus everyone who drives it must be a kid that never grew up. In your mind everyone thinks like you, AKA you lack theory of mind. One of the textbook symptoms of autism.
Also, Jap shit is almost always riced. And it's not even the ricing that gets on my nerves it s the people that drive them, mainly Hondas. Like they pretend their shitbox is faster than a ferrari and expect people to believe them, and then get mad when we don't...
>One of the textbook symptoms of autism.

Whatever book you were learning about autism from belongs in the garbage.
That's your counter argument? come on you can do better. Besides its on the official autism website that they lack theory of mind, but wtf would you know (I'm a psych major BTW xD)
>Hondas. Like they pretend their shitbox is faster than a ferrari and expect people to believe them, and then get mad when we don't...

I know my honda is slow and don't pretend it's even remotely fast.
Many of my honda friends know their cars are slow too...

What kind of crap are you even talking about?
I'm not even the guy you were talking to.

I think wherever you are studying you should drop out because it's not teaching you anything factual.
>trying to make me insecure about my major
nice try, genius.

FYI it makes plenty of money and as long as it's not a liberal arts major i dont care.

>Doesn't teach you anything factual

Love it. Mr. Sigmund knew nothing factual and classical conditioning is a meme. Yes, yes, exactly.
Mr. Sigmund's work is considered outdated now.

This comment leave me to believe you have only recently started your degree or you are lying on the internet.

Freud's work formed the basis for modern psychology you fucking tard.
and since then became out of date and lost relevance.
your argument, moron, was that psychology does not teach facts. I cited Freud because his work discovered facts about human psychology.

I proved my point beyond a reasonable doubt. By your logic, Einstein's work is unimportant and not based on fact because it is (for the most part) obsolete and science has surpassed it.

Either way, do us all a favor, look up theory of mind, how autistic people lack it, and then have yourself a good look in the mirror. Because you chose the wrong internet argument.
>young kid
>"I want a V8. V8s are so cool"
>F&F comes out
>"wtf I hate V8s now, Jap cars are the best"
>grown adult
>"all cars have their appeal, V8s are cool and so are Jap cars"

The journey of life.
No, there is a difference.

Freud ideas were seen as cutting edge at the time but have since mostly been proved false.
He was a pioneer that's why he is remembered, not because his ideas proved to be true.

He is basically the Aristotle of psychology.

Einsteins ideas still haven't been proven wrong.

Now don't go talking about psychology again until you are closer to the end of your degree then you are to the start.
Not either of those guys, but
In what way is Einstein's work obsolete? I've never come across any scientific work that disproved anything he's known for. Freud's work on the other hand was all based on fallacious assumptions.
>your argument, moron, was that psychology does not teach facts

Also this is what's know as a straw man argument.

You should probably avoid doing that.
So first of all, Einstein's idea of a universal constant was in fact proven wrong ( he admitted it)

Freud's work is not discard-able or modern psychology textbooks would not study him deeply. And at that, we could take any facts we know about psychology. The whole idea is that it is a science that deals with facts not so much abstracts. That's why I went into it.

That being said, nice ad hominem >>17658669
Pro tip: you can't ever prove on the internet someone has or doesn't have an education.
>are americans children who never grow up?
yes and hopefully we never do
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>tfw i just want a japanese sports car with a v8
That's literally what he said though. I can quote him.
"I think wherever you are studying you should drop out because it's not teaching you anything factual."
After I told him I was studying psychology lmao
Just shut up.


It is painfully obvious you do not know what you are even talking about.
No, what I meant was you must be learning at a scam school with fake degrees.

You should probably go study somewhere decent desu.
Psychology isn't a science. Its studies cannot be reproduced and verified.
Triggered butthurt ricer detected

>Cherrypicked a crackpot theory that has no real citations using google

>Literally oblivious to the fact that I'm trolling you all and turned this thread into an argument about psychology

Honestly on what premise do you speak all you've said so far is "that's wrong so you're dumb" and you haven't even begun to realize that it's not an actual argument
Okay, you can have the last word.

Hope it makes you feel better about being wrong and refusing to learn new things.

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>joined the Jap riceboy

Japs have small cars...
I am a big guy...
small cars are for lesser people...
people who need to squeeze into their place in life...
just like that shitty little car...
I need a car that matches my presence...
Big, loud, and hungry, just like me. ready to dominate.
Just like my country.
I need a car built to roam the wide open spaces of my homeland,
not the cramped dense cities on a radioactive rock in the ocean.
If you and your fwd fart cans dont like it, you can sit in another nuclear cloud.
about 13

muscle cars are immature unrefined garbage that sounds awful and are unpleasant to drive

once I drove an agile import I knew Id never go back to burgershit
>tfw Furiosa isn't going to Gastown
That's because you're one of the few good posters left here.
Did the exact opposite. I grew up loving japshit riceboi cars and now I love old-school muscle and pre-60s luxury cars/sports cars. Still like the japshit though. I just like everything desu. I can find something I appreciate in every car.
This. I'm growing into classics.
I figured cars from a twice nuked country had no worth to me.
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>goes to autism.com
>I'm a psych major
Both have their pros and cons. You have to be literally retarded not to see this,
Ain't u suck my cock once?
if there wasn't a pixar trend with the american muscle revival i would buy american...seriously, they look like cartoon cars
You're supposed to grow out of japscrap, not growing into it.
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