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>They actually had to put visit pa on this Best/Worst

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>They actually had to put visit pa on this

Best/Worst license plates thread?
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best one coming through
I saw one of these a few weeks ago! I live at the southern tip of SC btw. Mine looked like pic related. Did some googling, NW territories population is like 40k. Fuckin'...

Honestly other than the

The other pennsylvania ones are alright, where it says "truck" or "dealer" in the same spot
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Got a nice murrican flag on this
I always love seeing Texas plates for that reason.
Literally how did they get the car there? No roads connect to NWT or Nunavut.
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>It's real
Holy hell, I'm in CA but I want this.
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Here's Florida's full catalog

I'm planning on moving there soon, probably want the Sea Turtle plate.
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are you gentiles even trying?
These are really popular with classics and Teslas in Cali. I don't understand why these aren't just the standard plate, they look so much better.

We should be allowed to use whatever image we want as long as the number, state, and tag is clearly visible.
While I would agree the only problem is then you'd be putting a government office in charge of what constitutes "offensive images" and it'd be a huge mess.

I'm fine with all the inevitable anime and cat girls but I'm not looking forward to seeing hardcore porno driving down the freeway,
You already have a government office controlling vanity plates. What's the difference?
I agree this is the best license plate out there.
It's simple, aesthetically pleasing, and gives off a classic vibe.
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Love these
Fair point, though the way I was thinking it would probably come down to political bullshit on images that aren't 100% objectively obscene.
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I think there needs to be more plates shaped like stuff

I like these older plates more than the new ones
I think all states should offer a plate shaped like America itself, saves metal and people will fork up some shekels for it.
Why make it standard when it sells well and they can upcharge it?

Welcome to a nanny state.
I want I japanese plate
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Obligatory tree plate.
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Fuckinn loved this plate
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A classic
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>it's an everyone posts the license plate from their home state thread
I don't live in DC but I always thought this was a cool way of giving the finger to the gubment.
Have always loved Oregon and Washington plates. Maybe it's because they're almost all I've seen for my whole life.
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Perfect color :D
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I would consider putting up with Florida's shittiness just for this A S T H E T I C sheet of metal
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90s aesthetic is GOAT
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Got the bottom one for myself.

>people put googly eyes on the bear one
nwt has roads from yellowknife to alberta

Then you go through montana
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Ohio has not a single good plate. Feels bad my dudes
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I genuinely don't think any of you faggots can compete.
the house next door to mes been sold to niggers
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Tennessee has these bomb ass jazz cat and smug fish plates.
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Just a reminder to all you non biking scum
Jazz cat is dope.
>his plate doesn't even have a chickadee on it
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The only cool NJ plate
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Illinois has autism plates too.
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left is new right is old
I don't know why they made it worse
easier to read
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Ohhh now it makes sense
i much prefer the blue & white ones instead
nice, are you a TLC? , old ones were better.
Should I, /o/?
Where can I get this? Our basic plate is a joke with that piss-stained yellow.
Do what? Gas yourself? Yes.
>Useless ornamentation on a means of identification
Disgusting tbqhwyf
I'll trade you, matches my car color.
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I've been considering ordering the CA black and yellow plate and then carefully masking off all the yellow part and spraying the plates with the blue used on the old CA blue and yellow plates to get a plate that looks like pic related.
It would be period correct for my shitbox unlike the stupid red cursive text on white background plate it has.
Not even the best Indiana plate.
That ones ok I just hate the pun.
I actually think our normal one is fine, it's simple, it doesn't have any retarded shit or tourism URL on it, and it has our top-tier state nickname. Honestly the New York yellow is worse than our yellow anyway.
also available
>everyone in new york drives a taxi/uber
fuck you
do it i dont know how you would do it well desu
>carefully masking off all the yellow part

It would probably be less of a hassle to paint the whole thing blue and then repaint the yellow parts on top afterwards.
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you mean this one, right?
Silver State Baby!
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>tfw this is an available plate
someone should bite the bullet
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um try again sweetie
PAfag here, at least we don't have NJ piss yellow or boring MD ALL white
I've been so tempted to grab this and put something stupid on it but they don't make them for bikes, only the regular plate size.
Hahaaa (Keekkk)!!!
Those are so fucking cool
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I always liked this neat motto
this is a great way to get your car keyed by blacks.. or if you work with blacks, you better not fuck up
Damn I remember that one. How are you liking the new NE plate?
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I'm so glad I'm not American. All of your plates look like fucking shit.
Yeah boi
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Tell me are you """"""free"""""" though?
hell yea!
why are these so long?
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Ditto, it's very simple.
I have this one and I actually kind of like it.
NY'S license plate thing is stupid. They issued a new one that is like...optional? because if you have an old one your ok but if you get a new car you get the new one. I kinda like it though....honestly its just another way for the dickheads in Albany to fuck everyone over and fail to use funds for actual crumbling infrastructure . NYC needs to go its own way...it is in every sense of matter "its own state"...fuck the rest of New York. NYC,LONGISLAND need to go their own way...gone are the days of them generating the majority of the income the state sees. Fuckoff
Because it's used to convey lots of information about the vehicle.
This is a EU wide license plate, with 291 million cars in Europe, so it needs to be informational.
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Its better than these disgusting things.
These days, the rest of the state generates the majority of NYC income because the whole city is fucking dindus on welfare.
I think the letters are reflective though.
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The MN specialty plates are pretty sweet. Hate the normal ones though.
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>filename related
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>his state requires a front plate
Florida's standard license plate is just an advertisement too
The only reason to stay in this shitty state
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wtf I hate california still
Freedom ain't free.
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Oh shit my state has one!
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looks like this now
Oregon plates kind of remind me of Manitoba plates if Manitoba plates looked good.
My childhood is ruined.
The orange is the state fruit, that's why it's on the plate.

The blossom is white which is why the plate is white
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Can I get an opinion platefags? My most recent shitbox acquisition was sold to me without the front plate, and the rear plate was damaged (had a hole gouged into it).
I repaired the rear one with a rag and a hammer, but to avoid getting any (((tickets))) for not having my front one on, I'm looking to get a new set of plates.
If you guys had to choose from these five, which would it be?
>Palm tree one is probably my favorite, but I'm limited to 6 characters, which is a bit of a bummer
>Second favorite probably the 9/11 one just because of the retro font used to spell CALIFORNIA
>I don't want the >>17322331 plate because I feel like I've seen too many pajeets in BMW X5's with them already.
fellow PA'er
also, we only need 1 ugly plate
those shit states require 2
The old new york plate had a white and blue Niagara falls and empire state building in it with the statue of liberty on it. Now it's just some shitty orange and blue plate with no other designs it's fucking awful
Personally I like the whale one, but the palm trees don't look too shaby.
The drunk driver plates wouldn't be bad if not for what they stood for kek
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>2006 plates say tnvacation.com
>implying theres anything in tn worth visiting
Best Indiana plate is the new one with the red covered bridge.
>autismo hio
muh dick

The battleship one isnt bad either, but NJ has some pretty shitty vanity plate options. At least the 'default' one is pretty good.
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Worst default plates in the nation reporting in

Am I being detained?

God fucking dammit, I want that jazz cat.
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New in b.c
You kidding? These look great to me.
>t. Californian
Are the letters embossed or is it all flat just printed on.
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What the fuck is this
There can be only one
It's good, better than the previous 2 I think.
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Forgot to post the actual plate,
Really dig the little Nebraska as the dash.
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>TFW your state puts their marketing bullshit on their plate.
Fuck you guys I now live in the state of PurMarichigan
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So does Ohio.
Saw toonami at my local Giant eagle.
At least you allow custom vanity plates for commercial vehicles. Saw DIRTYMAX on a duramax while on vacation in Maryland.

The Ohio plates that listed the county at the bottom are one of my favourites. Our new ones look dumb.
>when you're so sparsely populated that no one cares that your license plate is a bear.
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