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>be on turnpike >18 wheeler in fast lane holding up traffic

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>be on turnpike
>18 wheeler in fast lane holding up traffic by going ~5 under speed limit
>overtake from right and get in front of him
>keep off gas and downshift till I reach about 40 mp/h
>he has to slow down to avoid rear-ending me
>finally gets in slow lane and stays there
>speed off into the distance
Who else /streetjustice/ here?
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Why not just pass him and continue with your day instead of being an asshole?
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>have to watch my sister's bastard kids
>take them on a ride in my old piece of shit chevy suburban
>kids making a fucking racket and i tell them to shut the fuck up
>go to a local mcdonalds and order 5 spicy chicken sandwiches
>buy them nothing, so they cry about it (as expected)
>stomach starts to hurt 15 minutes later I and have to fart real bad
>this is my big chance
>turn off ac, locked windows, and i-
>have cloth seats to pound in the smell
>kids could not stand the stench
>one gets sick and throws up all over the seat
>i'm having a big kek fest as they all started crying for fresh air
Lol cool story. No (you) though.
fuck you
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do any cars have a power window off button?
>driving sister back home
>was going to go to shooting range after with libcuck friend to get him to not be afraid of guns anymore
>had python in backseat
>had sister in passenger seat
>very protective of sister
>some poo in loo toilet wizard almost hits my passenger side trying to get in front of me since the right most lane was merging into mine
>literal inches from hitting where my sister is sitting, have to slam on brakes
>follow him to exit
>two lanes, left lane turns left only, right lane can go straight or turn right
>he is in left lane
>get in right lane
>had momentum still from coming off freeway, nobody in right lane
>time it perfectly and get in front of him
>he gets mad at me
>cuts me off hard
>we get to next intersection, 3 lanes
>left lane turns left
>middle land goes straight
>right lane turns right only
>he tries to be slick and get in left lane thinking i won't follow him from just being in right lane
>follow him
>he freaks out, cuts some random dude off hard
>he turns right
>i slowly go across intersection, going straight (i couldn't have gotten over to the right lane safely)
>he turns right but makes a u-turn
>meanwhile i've pulled over and gotten out of my car shouting at him to come over
>he slowly goes across the same intersection but doesn't turn right like he wanted to
>don't even remember python is in car still

if i was alone and you cut me off bad like that that's fine, but when my sister is in the car i'm gonna get very salty
let me guess, 'strayan?
a lot have child safety locks that prevent the rear windows from rolling up
>protective of sister
>can't let stupid situation go, keep endangering her by bringing her around a proven stupid driver
>pulled over, got out of car, escalated situation

Nigga you're a hothead
What a long and pointless description. You're an idiot and your sister thinks you're retarded.
you guys must listen to "Let it go" on repeat in your vehicles huh? sorry but if someone pulls some blatantly stupid shit like that i'm not just gonna bend the knee like some cuck. i didn't do anything on the freeway, i waited till we were off of it going 15 mph, no danger, i'll go to whatever escalation the other person wants to go, if wants to fist fight let's fist fight if you wanna get crazier i'll get crazier, we go as far as you want to. he could have left it at, "oh i cut that guy off and he cut me off, okay then"
instead he cut me off a 2nd time. don't come in a story time thread if you don't want to read a story.
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>tfw 550 pounds
>tfw i can't fit in a 5-year-old F-150
fuck you and your sister.
shes gonna get knocked up and felt to feed that kiddo while jumping from cock to cock
>two wrongs make a right
you are a mighty tard

>"you guys must listen to "Let it go" on repeat"

Jesus christ how autistic. I bet you practise that saying in the mirror and fantasize about bringing down justice.

your life is just a fucking caricature isnt it?

Because op has a tiny ass dick and can't help but try to get a little chub by making himself feel cool.
Yes. Like all of them.
why do you come to a /streetjustice/ thread if you're pacifist drivers? i'm not trying to be right i'm trying to get even. someone gives you a push at the local bar you're telling me you'd just take it? i couldn't, if i did i'd be thinking about what i should've done all night long. call it short tempered if you want, i just don't put up with bs anymore. if someone threatens me to my face i treat them like they've already done whatever they've threatened, i never assume threats are empty. they call me night master.
>truckers going under the speed limit
either it was a fuckhuge hill or you're lying
nothing personell
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You are the biggest homo to be on this board in 2017. Congratulations.
Street justice=/=road rage
Most trucks are governed to something around 65 so I can believe he was topped out at 65 in a 70 zone.
almost all the trucks running the eastern seaboard cruise at 70 regardless of the limit
>4 lanes of traffic
>dude in fast lane is going 60 in a 65 so i move right
>man-child boomer in blacked out new GMC truck with blinding xenons does the same
>i wait till we clear the car, start signaling that I want to merge back lift
>man-child with tow mirrors gmc just cuts without signaling and speeds past as im signaling and getting into the fast lane
>aww hell no
>drop 2 gears go over right 2 lanes, reach 120, then get back over and brake check the obese man child
>brake check him then speed off into the distance
>see the man earning lower middle class salary in his blacked out pickup turn off the exit not a half a mile down
>what the fuck was even the point, eat shit and die
road rage would have been cutting him off and slamming on my brakes, causing an accident not only for myself and him but possibly others while still on the freeway. i was completely calm the whole time during this, except for when i shouted AFTER i had parked my car, road rage = rash decisions without thinking.

how do you enact justice when someone almost hits you to the point where if you didn't slam on your brakes he would have? keep in mind he sped up to pass me after his lane merged into mine. what justice would you have done really?

thanks but i'm not gonna stop standing up for myself just because you think i'm a homo for doing it. not saying my way is perfect, only that it is better than doing nothing.
You may think it's 70 due to speedometer differences but ALL major carriers are governed. Independents do as they please. Small carriers split the difference between governed and not.

Also it's the engine that's governed so whatever it' set to is the max it'll go on level ground/uphill but downhill it's whatever the driver feels like letting it do. Or Safety Dept says is a no-no.
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>be on turnpike
>18 wheeler coming up fast behind me, switches to the fast lane
>watch him pass
>blink turn signal once he's far enough ahead that he can see me and rejoin the right lane safely
>he slides over and blinks his taillights back
>we both continue on our merry ways
You're gonna be dead in the next 5 years my dude. You gotta lose weight. Water aerobics are good for people of your stature because it takes the weight off your joints as you work out.
The "justice" would be thank god I didn't just have an accident. Then I keep on driving and let this random person I know absolutely nothi g about keep living their life. If I'm pissed off enough by it I'll wave a peace sign at them in anger. What the hell are you talking about enacting justice? How is intentionally cutting someone off not road rage?
You said you weren't standing up for yourself but for your sister earlier. Your story changes a lot, you must be mad confused or a troll. Have fun raping your sister in 5 years anyways
I am tired as fuck of motherfuckers driving around with their high beams on blinding oncoming traffic. These are the motherfuckers that dont turn the brights off when I give them the "hey your brights are on" flash. I've decided that Im going to install the biggest, brightest, most fuck-off asshole lightbar on my truck and use it specifically for this situation. /streetjustice/ coming soon to a theater near you.
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>Have fun raping your sister in 5 years anyways
I don't know why but this made me giggle uncontrollably
it can be both, you do realize that right? when i say i'm standing up for myself i mean i'm not letting someone almost harm my family.

so you get pushed by some random dude at a bar and the "justice" is "thank god he didn't stab me!" that makes sense.

i can't tell if you guys are mad i didn't do something rash like lead him into the guard rail while slamming on the brakes or mad i was trying to enact justice at all, if you picked the latter reason it means you shouldn't be in this thread though. never in all my days of green texting have people been triggered this much at my post. i cut him off SAFELY, and not at 75 mph, it was about 15-20 mph. literally go reply to every person who did some justice in this thread and tell them they road raged then if this is the case, idc.
He's probably in NJ and the speed limit is 65 here. So no way the trucker was going that fast. Trust me I would know
Why won't people let shit go? It's so much easier.

Like, I had someone cut me off and then flip ME off, yesterday. Was I mad? Sure. But I just realize that he's obviously dumber and less happy than me, also ignorant of basic traffic rules a teenager should know. What would I accomplish by letting him know he won? Nothing, he'd still be miserable and stupid and I would now be angry and have the possibility of getting a serious ticket. It's pointless.
Thats so stupid man, your sister doesnt need you to protect her, she might even think its weird dude.
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