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I posted to my college's subreddit the idea of starting

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I posted to my college's subreddit the idea of starting a car club. This was the most up-voted response. How does this make you feel, /o/?
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Makes me feel like somebody is being realistic and most likely making the correct assumption that most of college-age guys who are interested in cars are complete retards who will stop at nothing to show off their sick mawdz and driving skillz
Go work a summer job, kid.

every meet has retards in their straight piped shitboxes (usually a Mustang, Camaro, or Honda) being a fucktard and ruining everything
Makes me feel like I made the right decision to not use reddit
Makes me feel like there are a lot of bus riders on reddit. Shocking...
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you know what to do.

superbike with straight pipes. redline at 3am every day on that street.
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>sick mawds
>check it out I did it myself
Aye, I don't think I'm going back there.

But there exist at this university multiple weeaboo clubs that thrive. They do nothing but watch anime.

Why is working on and sharing our passion for cars frowned upon? I realize other people may not like it, but that's not a valid reason for saying we shouldn't start a club.
>my college's subeddit
Because cars are seen as dangerous, evil, world-destroying things. A necessary evil for now, but an evil nonetheless.
Because we're bunched with the fucktards who piss in the well. Stancefags, ricerfags, boyracerfags, brotruckfags, a combination or two or more of the aforementioned faggots, and any other type of drooling faggot you can think of.

I'm sure there are plenty of these faggots here aswell, and fuck those faggots. Because of those faggots I now have faggot friends who think that I'm a complete faggot because I don't wanna lower my faggy Merc or why my dream car isn't a stanced faggy Audi S4 with BBS RS wheels because its the only fucking wheel they know and look for
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I bet they all drive Marquis
Because they're nu-males and cucks. Cars are scary and waste fuel and you're just compensating and girls like intellectuals and I drive a Prius because it's technologically advanced and gets me from A to B and...
Don't forget the "I'm saving up for a Tesla".
make a comment about a gender studies club or some shit and get them real salty
lol yes...that would be good.

Maybe I'll bring over the Kappa Kappa Kappa fraternity as well.
As I understand it, forming a college club involves going to the associated student body government and asking for a new club form and then getting like 20 signatures and 2 professors to vet for you.

Why would you bother with reddit?
is this supposed to be ironically autistic?

nobody actually made this, r-right?

did you really expect anything different from a bunch of betas. but I agree with him that the majority of "car culture" aka fly by enthusiasts are generally just retards. like the squids of cars.

the difference is they dont that know theres actual normal safe non-faggot car people. so they lump everyone together.
Only to find new members that might be interested. It would be kind of silly to start a club with my current friends. We can do car stuff without making it official. It would be nice to meet new people who share our interests, especially since out of 700+ clubs not a single one is "car enthusiast" club (there's one, but it's nationally organized, collects money, competes in go-kart races or anything else but real cars).

But apparently Reddit is not having any of it. It was worth a shot; I didn't think that there would be any interest out of the few people that actually visit the dead subreddit.

I just did not expect such a mean-spirited response.
Did you even go to college? You sound like a retard.
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>tfw your university is in a big city thats heavily bike/moped friendly and maybe 2% of students have a car on campus
>tfw your university probably doesnt even have a car club
>tfw your car sits at home gathering dust because you refuse to pay the 170/mo for a parking spot and 700/year for a campus parking permit
yeah I have a degree in structural engineering from cal poly, you?
>going to reddit for anything
>cost per wheel driven

Holy shit RWD/panther fags strugglin to stay in the game
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This is how this makes me feel
> College
Well, there you go. Why are you trying to interest facebook socialists in cars?
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Keked under my breath
Just check every used economy sport cars ad its either
garbage mods
>Reason of sale: I lost my license.
tell me that is an illusion and that those arnt the biggest chicken strips ive ever seen. i swear i see a vent spew three inches up
My school had 2 car clubs, one was nothing but gay ricers and some donked late 90's 330i with a fart can

The other was all lifted rolling coal diesel fags.

So yea, they have a point
my university had a gun club.
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