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Last Monday I signed with a local dealership to buy a new car

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Last Monday I signed with a local dealership to buy a new car for the first time (I was going to buy used but my family came into a lot of money and insist I buy new). They said it would be ready to pick up Friday. Wednesday I get a call saying they ordered the wrong car and had given me a cheaper price for it. I came in that day and talked them down closer to the original deal but couldn't get it all the way.

They said they'd call Monday to let me know when the new car would be in, but I never heard anything. I need to know what day to pick it up so I can finish applying for car insurance. I called twice today before getting a call back a few minutes before they closed only to get "It'll be in by the end of the week." "So Friday?" "Yeah, end of the week. Thanks." Click.

Am I right to be annoyed about this? I'm thinking of calling them tomorrow and just cancelling the deal. Is that possible? Do I just call and tell them I'm done, thanks for wasting my time? I don't know anything about cars. The next nearest dealership is an hour away!
fuck yeah man if they're dicking you around tell them to kick rocks. they need you to buy a car from them, you don't need to buy a car from them. tell them to fuck off and that (competing dealer) gave you a better deal. hell, go into (competing dealer), tell them the story, and i guarantee they'll bend over backwards for you.
Bait and switch is illegal. Should have told them you're paying the price you'd agreed on originally or they can take the car and fuck off.

Also you're getting fucked around. Car probably won't be ready till the next week.
I think I may just do that. The problem is my wife really wants this car and I don't want to disappoint her (I don't care what car we get, it's just a tool to me), but I can't let them push me around.

I don't let things make me angry very often but this is kind of getting to me. I feel like I didn't even get that good a deal in the first place but was willing to let it slide to get this car quick. Now it's been two weeks and still no car.
>they've already fanageled you into a more pricey car

they're good salesmen, just bad car salesmen. cancel on them flat out, bite the bullet and take that hour ride to the next nearest dealership. don't be afraid of telling the next guys that they're your second choice and why you've gone to them [you're not afraid to pull out of a deal if they start fucky shit]
no, you need to tell you wife they're trying to fuck you and that you're not going to have it. go to (competing dealer) and keep us updated.
Yes, you are getting fucked with hard OP. I recently ordered a new WRX from the dealership because none were available with a short throw shifter in my area. Here's how it should go.
>Negotiate price with desired options and trim.
>Dealer will write up a paper with all the details and agreed upon price.
>Dealer orders car
>Dealer will call you with exact date it will be delivered.
>Unless some act of god occurs you will receive the car on that date.
>Go in sign paper work and leave with car.
You're getting bait and switched OP. There was never any mix up. They are just fucking you out of money
>none were available with a short throw shifter in my area
wtf? you seriously are requesting to overpay for an underperforming shifter?
Yeah, I might have to. This is the Toyota dealer, I might go to Honda instead.

I signed a paper agreeing to the price but haven't put anything down.

This is what I figured. I talked to my grandpa, who has bought more than a few cars in his time. He told me to call tomorrow, demand a better deal for the inconvenience and threaten to walk if it's not in by Friday. The thing is I don't really know how to broach the subject of demanding a better price, I've never done anything like this before. Do I just tell him, "Give me a better deal or I walk now; have it in by Friday or I'll walk then."?
Yes, that's exactly what you tell them. IT'S YOUR MONEY, YOU CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO WITH IT
no, go to a competing toyota dealer, even if it's out of town.
How much below MSRP should I try for? I got 1.5K below MSRP, $320/month for 60 months at 0.9% APR. But I still feel like that's a bad deal.
Underperforming how? Every review I read prior to buying the car rated the factory short throw as pretty good. Sure I could have ordered an after market but fuck I'm already buying a new car it's not like I'm living in poverty.
>buying new
>letting your wife dictate car purchases
>not recognizing bait and switch immediately and telling them to fuck off completely

You're a cuck and should probably commit sudoku.

Dude. Call them tomorrow, tell them to fuck off, drive an hour to the othwrong stealership, tell them what happened, reap salesman karma.

It's that easy. It's your money, don't let someone else dictate how you fucking spend it you dolt.
any honest salesman would definitly do right by you and even go through the books if you asked them to during a deal most people are too pussy to so sales people skim price talk and move to product presentation
What price should I aim for then?
>not living in poverty
>chooses to finance a "pretty good" shifter instead of buying the best one
I don't know what you're buying first of all, I don't know your credit history, I don't know your down payment, and I haven't had a conversation with the salesman.

I wouldn't do business with this place. Period. They have tried to fuck you out of more money. They have lied to you. They have made you wait. Inconvenience them for once and tell them to take the car and shove it.
>being this butt hurt over what others buy
>not able to answer a simple question can only shitpost

jelly poorfag detected
Also I'm 99% sure they legitimately didn't have the car I want in the first place unless they don't list it on their website and keep it in a hidden basement.

Good points. I supposedly have a pretty good credit score for 23, I didn't need a cosigner or anything. I'm putting 20K down. The MSRP is 36K.
Until you take delivery, which means driving the car off the lot, you're not on the hook for shit. Tell them to pound sand and take your business elsewhere. As everyone in this thread has already told you, these guys are jerking you around
How much do you make?
What car? Highlander? Sienna?
You're putting 20k down? Dude. Walk away now. They are trying to wring you for all you are worth. If you have 20k to put down, you fucking own the salesman. He's trying to get as much out of you as possible, because the bigger the down payment, the smaller the commission. Also, your payments are mad high for putting that much down. At this point, I'm wondering if it's bait, because it doesn't make any sense at all.

If you aren't trolling, call them in the morning and tell them to fuck off. 20k is what you put down on a house, not a car
I make ~$50K before taxes. As I said, a wealthy family member gave me $80K and told me to pay off my student debt and set out to buy a nice car for my wife.

It's a RAV4. She likes them (as soon as we finished the test drive and said "I want this car!") and as I said, cars are just tools to me so it doesn't matter. I don't care about cars as long as it gets me to work and back.

I had no idea I had such leverage in the deal! Do you think I could get it for 30K?

I know it sounds like trolling but I'm legitimately clueless. My life has gotten really weird lately. A few months ago I was trying to find a used car for less than 5K, now I'm expected to buy new.
16k / 60 payments is 266/mo he's full of shit because .9% interest doesn't equal 60 bucks a month.
Bread on bank statement (for the 80k) or fuck off.
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God dammit. This thing still gets posted?>>14980875
Fuck you dude. You were handed cash to buy a vehicle and you got screwed by the stealership. We've told you what to do. Grow a pair and negotiate
Go buy from another dealership.

Don't tell the first dealership, let them call you.
I can send you a screenshot from Mint, that's the best I can (paper bank statement doesn't come in till next week).

The price sheet says:
>Cash Price of Vehicle & Accessories: $36,336
>State and Local Taxes: $2,283
>Electronic Filing Fee: $25
>License, License Transfer Title, Registration Fee: $365

$39,009 - $20,000 = $19,009 / 60 = $316

I don't know how to calculate APR.

Yeah, I'm gonna call tomorrow. If I don't get $32K, I'll walk. How's that sound?
>40k for a fucking rav4 when you can get a limited 4runner for that
It's the Limited Hybrid if it matters. I don't know shit about money or cars, man! I got a bunch of money dumped on my lap and got told to buy a new car! I've lived off ramen for five years, I don't know how to handle this!
You're spending way too much money. Get a used Rav4 for 25k. It's a terrible value at 40k out the door.
the kartboy and cobb short throw shifters are both better for less money.
You are getting screwed. You are putting 20k down. Let this settle in:

My wife and I put 22k down on our HOUSE. With your payments, you end up paying 40k for a Rav4... That is retarded. Don't call the dealership. Fuck them. That's robbery. You need to learn to negotiate.
Switch that from cash to investments and tell your wife to suck your dick. Blowing half of an inheritance on a vehicle is retarded.
>You need to learn to negotiate.
Agreed. I feel ashamed. I guess I'll go to the Honda dealership and try again. If I were a good negotiator, do you think $30K for Cash Price with $20K would be good enough? $25K seems too ambitious.

This isn't inheritance, it's for graduating college. I'm going to invest the rest.
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Why is your family trying to get you to blow this money irresponsibly again?

Fucking save it.

Get a better deal before you invest goyim. Like someone else said, you can get a fantastic deal on a used Rav4 instead of paying fucking 40k for that shit.
They gave me the money to pay off my student loans and buy a new car. I mentioned used but the money is on the condition of new. I know it's irresponsible but I don't want to misuse what they gave me, even if I agree it would be smarter.
Explain it to them. Theyre obviously too rich and don't know the value of a dollar.
>my family came into a lot of money and insist I buy new
fools and their money are soon parted
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It's a little different. I grew up legitimately poor, as in not enough food poor.

Family suddenly got several million off an investment and this is just a fraction. There is ~1M being invested regardless of what I do.

I just want a good deal on a car goddamn it!
So what's your zip code? I'll check autotrader
Op, where are you? If you're in VA ill come negotiate for you this is ridiculous.
Just explain to them that buying off-lease/"certified used" from a dealership gives you all the protections of a new car without suffering the depreciation.

On the other hand, some Anons have demonstrated to me a few select models of cars that are so popular and produced in such small numbers that they don't suffer balloon-pop depreciation. I'm not really in the new-car budget club so I didn't pay close attention to what they were and you'll probably have to either chase them or wait-list them but that might be an option your family can get behind. Another anon can tell you which cars it might even make a good new thread.
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I won't give my zip but AutoTrader lists a similar car without the options in pic related at $35,967.

Far, far from there. But if you have tips I'd be happy to accept them.

When I told them the price and my concerns, the reply was "Don't sweat the small stuff."
Oh yeah, and Bluebook says the "Fair Purchase Price" is $35,400.
>I won't give my zip
what the fuck are you afraid of? somebody sending your entire town junk mail?
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Honestly bro just figure out the price you want. As long as it's within reason, negotiate until you get that price. Sales people are good at pressuring you, making you feel bad for wasting their time, making you feel obligated to buy from them. And then they switch things up and you feel like you're already too far in.

Realize that you don't care about the sales people or the employees there, because they don't care about you. You're a sale, a number, a profit to them. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship you have.

As a sales person I can tell you, a customer can treat me like shit but at the end of the day if they're gonna buy I'm gonna sell. So go be a fuckhead, and abuse your power of having the money, and don't be nice. Make it very clear that you're getting the price you want and you know you're getting it because they need a sale. And never be afraid to walk.
No, half these fucks would deserve a few AOL CDs. But I was in the news recently so I'm paranoid about it.

If I lie and say I was looking at a better deal for another car, will he know? If he counters that there isn't really another hybrid in this class how should I counter? That I don't care? I guess that would be pretty accurate.

And if he tries to guilt me saying I signed the "RETAIL ORDER FOR MOTOR VEHICLE" so I have to pay that price, it's just hot air, right?

I think if $40K is his starting point, $30K would be a fair deal, right?
From what I can tell they neither Cobb or Kartboy make a short thow for the 15+ WRX. Only option other than factory is Boomba, which have few reviews directly comparing it to the factory short.

>I don't care what car we get, it's just a tool to me
Uh what? Tools have varying levels of quality bro, you should definitely be aware of what you're getting.
Toyota has a good track record, right? We have an old Rav and it has done good by us. Plus it got good reviews, if those are worthwhile for cars. Of course I made sure it's not a shitpile that'll fall apart on the way home.

I just don't care about getting a "cool" car like a Mustang or truck or whatever. I realize a Toyota SUV probably isn't what most people in my position would buy but I have no real make or model loyalty.
One last question for you guys: if I negotiate down the price, am I trying to reduce the cash price of the car or the TOTAL price of the unit? For example, it looks like I'm signed up to pay 36K bug after taxes etc that goes up to 40K. Is the Bluebook/Edmund's fair priceof 34K compared to the 36K or the 40K?

check mitsubishi, subaru and nissan crossovers before you buy. Why would you want cuckover in the first place? It's shit for offroading and mediocre onroad.
3 thoughts

The RAV4 Hybrid is a terrible deal compared to buying a gas model one and buying gas with the money you save.

.9% financing is a lower interest rate than you'll get on even the lowest risk investments, so you need to put down the smallest down payment you can afford, monthly payments wise.

Look at cars instead of CUVs, CUVs are spendy compared to similarly equipped and similarly spacious hatchbacks, they don't handle evasive maneuvers as well, and they have at a performance and economy disadvantage compared to a regular car of similar specification.
>If I lie and say I was looking at a better deal for another car, will he know? If he counters that there isn't really another hybrid in this class how should I counter? That I don't care? I guess that would be pretty accurate.
The price premium commanded by the hybrid is larger than the fuel savings you can expect over the life of the car, you don't give a fuck about hybrid.
>And if he tries to guilt me saying I signed the "RETAIL ORDER FOR MOTOR VEHICLE" so I have to pay that price, it's just hot air, right?
If you haven't driven it off the lot, they can stick their head between their knees, stand on their shoulders, and eat their own shit.
It's going to be more comparable to the 36 number.
>Ordered wrong car
Should have demanded deposit back (if you made one) and gone somewhere else.
Gonna call to haggle in about an hour. Hopefully they don't call my bluff about walking. Hell, I might just walk anyway.

Yeah but like I said, my wife wants this car. We don't normally get a lot of nice stuff so I want to do this right for her. Plus it wasn't that big an inconvenience for me.
Find the same car at another dealership, tell them the story, get the car for cheaper.
How could you possibly know how they perform on a car you've never driven in comparison to the factory short throw you've never used?
Idk even with 80k i wouldn't buy a 35k car if I only made 50k a year. Seems like a waste when you can buy a model year older and save a bunch of money

>as soon as we finished the test drive and said "I want this car!"

Within audible range of the salesman?

You're getting fucked.

Don't take your wife next time, do all the negotiating yourself. What salesmen do is play your wife's expectations against you.
Don't ask for what you'd think they'd take ask for something theyll probably refuse and work your way to agreement. Odds are you'll get a better deal than if you asked for what you'd think they'd take. Im 19 and even I know how to fucking do this and I'm retarded
I'm gonna drop a fat shit, eat lunch, then call.

My family is covering the car payments too. I'm not buying it outright so that I can build credit since my insane student loans will no longer be viable.

Luckily that wasn't within earshot but as we left she said "I think we'll be in touch!" with a big smile so that's probably just as bad.
Well of course I wouldn't lead with my target, I'm also retarded and know that too. I was asking if that's a viable target, not a good opener.
At this point I'd fuck off from that dealership and go somewhere else. Even if it's just on principle. They're screwing you over so unless you grab em by the balls and twist go somewhere else and start clean
I called. The deal is off. He started yelling insults at me and hung up after telling me to "forget it." I tried to talk him down but even i was getting impatient when he slipped up and said they hadn't even ordered it yet. Now I'm just mad.

A lot more was said but I'm not typing it while I'm still at work.
Buy somewhere else, drive by their lot slowly while waving at him and blowing kisses.
I guess I'll have to now. It kind of gets me down that it's such a lose-lose situation but man, I'm not gonna give money to a salesman who is going to insult me.
Did you try the various online "pre-negotiated best price" deals? You should use that as your baseline comparison price. Then negotiate and compare your negotiated price to the pre-negotiated prices from those services. As an example, try TRUECAR.COM for example pricing.

That Rav4 price you got seems too high. Go to various online sites and try their new car purchase tools to see what prenegotiated price they have. Those are not the true best prices, but they are low enough to at least give you a BASE to stand upon for comparison purposes. The price you get should not be higher than these pre-negotiated prices. In fact, because the pre-negotiated price has a built-in profit for the online site, the dealer loses a bit of profit, so there is incentive to them to both match the price AND offer a freebie such as free mudflaps (all wheels) if you deal with them direct.


If you were in my city, I'd negotiate for you for free too. Just like that other guy that offered, we all hate Bait-And-Switch criminals. It is fraudulent. They don't do bait-and-switch on everyone. They size you up and figure out if you are naive enough to be scammed, then they strike. Otherwise they give you a legit truecar price deal at worst. I believe you are paying above normal negotiated price for that new Rav4. As someone pointed out, you are already getting scammed on payments since they figure you will foolishly sign before you crunch numbers and find out you are overpaying for the car.

Before you buy new, check with next years model to verify there is not a big platform or feature change coming. If so, you might get a used car and trade up next year.
Thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind before I move to the next dealership. I'm just feeling down about the whole situation. I tried to give him a "fair shake" (hell, he basically tried to take advantage of me from what you guys are saying) and he blew up and started yelling. It's like trying to order a car from DSP or something. Just a shitty situation. Guess I've learned my lesson.
>I'm not gonna give money to a salesman who is going to insult me.

He also lied to you. The dealership was also willing to break the contract and compel you to sign a new contract. Furthermore, bait and switch should be illegal in all states (it is in every state I ever lived in). Bait and Switch for a car-sized purchase is callously bad and criminal.

I am glad you decided to not be a victim of scammers. At least you now know you were lied to by the dealership.
Yeah, he even said it was my fault that he ordered the wrong car.
>I guess I'll have to now. It kind of gets me down that it's such a lose-lose situation

It was not a lose-lose. You escaped their trap. They baited it. You walked in. The trap door fell across your back and didn't fully lock. You came here and asked. We told you that you were in a bait-and-switch trap. You backed out of the trap. You survived. You saved money. You didn't reward criminals breaking the bait and switch law.

It doesn't matter which dealership you buy from as all toyota dealership service departments work on warranty cars equally well. So you can still buy rav4 elsewhere and have it serviced at that scam dealership. At least during the warranty period, it is not worth their time to give fake scam bad diagnosis to get you to agree to pay for unnecessary repairs. Paying for unnecessary repairs is a thing that scammer dealers can do too.

Don't feel down. You were a winner today. AND you learned to be a stronger person as you move on with your new life after being poor for so long. I think a year from now, you will feel quite proud of yourself. And you should. Don't be a victim just because you are afraid of inconveniencing the mugger!!! It is the scammer that is at fault, not you.
So the thread has a happy ending in that 4chan /o/ helped someone yet again. +1
Still a cuck though.
You know, you're right on all counts! Screw them. Still sucks my wife didn't get the car she wants.

Listen man, I just wanted to get something nice for my wife. She's had a hard life like the rest of us and I wanted to do something nice for her.
Get her something nice, just be more prepared, and try to avoid the "hybrid model of a regular car" or crossover memes.

Cars designed from the ground up to be hybrids can be good (the Volt is honestly a great car), but stuffing the hybrid gribbles into a regular car means making a shitty hybrid that costs too much.
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Just skimmed this thread but if I got the jist of it correct, you guys might want spend some more time researching. I highly recommend lurking here until LongPostGuy posts or just try to summon him for top tier advice. He and many others on this board are salespeople so they can give you important tips to know if you're gonna get burned.

Have a sit down with your wife/family and see if she'll come around to at least a certified pre-owned rav4. If you're gonna be a family man you need every cent lad don't blow it on a new car if at all possible until you're absolutely secure financially. Half of LPG's stories are people who didn't plan ahead and just bought what the wife wanted and got screwed on payments man don't be like them.
Bro, simple hint here, buying 1 year used is always better than buying new. 1 year used means any early faults from bad construction would have already popped up and have been fixed by the 1 year owner. As soon as a new car rolls off the lot it also is practically instantly hit with an (at least) 20% value deprecation, meaning it's instantly worth 20% less than what you paid for it as soon as you drive off the lot.

Buy 1 year used. It's a new car, except it doesn't suck up your cash so much.
Buying car IN CASH. Opinions?

> never get into credits, contracts; prefer everything prepaid
> would only buy car at a dealership
> both: used or new
> UK
Just get a Robin m9
LongPostGuy, I summon thee!

Thanks for the advice. I've tried to talk her out of the hybrid. I've mentioned we probably won't save money overall and that since it's the first hybrid model it could have tons of problems we aren't aware of. She keeps replying "I just think it's a better investment for the future."

Also trying to aim for a Chevrolet. My grandpa just bought two brand new Chevys from the local dealer and has had a great experience. My wife is also interested in the Equinox but the cuckover rhetoric is starting to sway me. She just really likes the spacious interior and doesn't want to be so low to the ground. What say you?

I haven't heard anything from the Toyota dealer a day later and I hope I never do.
Remove any instance of the word "new" from your vocabulary and replace it with the phrase "one year used"
Then pick whatever, I don't know you
Have you considered asking her son to negotiate for you?
>"I just think it's a better investment for the future."
It still may be.
> what is resale value (hybrid badge, even when batteries are almost done), esp for people thinking anything with electrical shit is future
> what is electric motor acting as a starter
That just came onto my mind, I didn't think twice.

>My wife is also interested in the Equinox
I'd be more interested in his sister. :^)

>doesn't want to be so low to the ground
No, she wants to high above the ground, above other drivers. I won't call it by name like I should, though.
>"I just think it's a better investment for the future."
tell you wife she doesn't know shit about cars. if she actually wanted an "investment for the future", she wouldn't want an unproven drivetrain that is expensive to have batteries replaced jsut because it has a buzzword on the back of it.
Yeah, forgot to mention I'm going to insist on one year used too. What the other anon said about starting my own investments makes a lot of sense, I'm just concerned buying used entails a whole new skill set than buying new and this was a hard enough lesson to learn. But again, I'm clueless.

>tfw you just want to buy a nice cuckover for your wife but her bf and their son keep bullying you with his [cool macho car]
It's not fucking fair, bros!
LPG get in here plox
>that since it's the first hybrid model it could have tons of problems we aren't aware of.
I wouldn't worry about it being unreliable, it's just stupid and wasteful. If she worries about the environment, get her a Volt, or if she just wants to get 40 MPG, get her a Cruze, Sonic, Civic, Fit, etc.

You'll save thousands and get just as good mileage by going with a smaller conventional car than a bigger hybrid.
Don't buy the "1 year used" meme. It makes great sense if you are buying a car with shitty resale (luxury, high end sports cars, Mitsubishis, Chryslers), but for regular cars the initial price difference is seldom made up by the interest rate difference. You can finance new cars cheaper, and paying cash for a car that isn't an appreciating classic or a sub-$5000 shit box is a bad idea.

Don't worry about spaciousness, just being less shit with you places.

My parents had an Aerofront Monte Carlo and a regular cab pickup for their only cars when their 3rd kid was small enough for car seats. Just bring less shit and make your kids so more work.
One last thing I wanted to ask you guys. Even though he said "If you're a dishonest man, I don't want to do business with you" and that I can "Forget it" before hanging up on me, is the paper I signed legally binding? Can they take me to court or compel me to buy the car?

It has my address and contact info, info about the car, pricing and both mine and the salesman's signatures. It also says:

>Purchaser agrees that this Order includes all of the terms and conditions on both the face and reverse side hereof, that this Order cancels and supersedes any prior agreement and as of the date hereof comprises the complete and exclusive statement of the terms of the agreement relating to the subject matters covered hereby, and that THIS ORDER SHALL NOT BECOME BINDING UNTIL ACCEPTED BY DEALER OR HIS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE.
>Purchaser by his execution of this Order acknowledges that he has read its terms and conditions and has received a true copy of this Order.
>Dealer shall not be liable for failure to deliver or delay in delivering the motor vehicle covered by this Order where such failure or delay is due, in whole or in part, to any cause beyond the control or without the fault or negligence of Dealer.
>The Purchaser, before or at the time of delivery of the motor vehicle covered by this Order will execute such forms of agreement or documents as may be required by the terms and conditions of payment indicated on the front of this Order.

If I call his manager or give a bad Yelp review, am I going to get sued or forced to buy the car?
Forgot to mention, the document is titled "RETAIL ORDER FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE" and I was under the impression based on what he told me that this was just to order it, not a final deal.
no, that thing is just a tactic used by dealers to get people to buy cars they don't want because "they already signed". it has no merit.
So I can really lay into them with no repercussions? Can I get a source (just to be sure)?

To be absolutely clear I gave no money and got no car. I'm reading around that nothing is binding until you drive the car off the dealer's lot. Never did that.
Said he never ordered it anyway. If they put pressure on you, just tell them you'll push back for the bait and switch.
Okay. And it IS "bait and switch" when he signed me for one car, told me it was wrong then signed me for another?

During our final conversation he got SUPER defensive about how he didn't make me sign the second time, he didn't make me order the car (ordering the wrong one the first time was my fault not his) and he didn't make me agree to that price - despite telling me we would negotiate when I picked it up. So if doing that is illegal, I guess it makes sense why he got so upset.
He made you sign another order? If yes and you still have it, you got their balls in a vice.
I still have both! I had no idea it was actually bad or a trick or illegal or anything! Shieeet! His manager watched me sign the second one while he explained the whole mix up, too!
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Cancel it or demand free shit. Demand oil changes for life or your first few services free or all weather mats or something substantial. They will do anything short of bending over for a sale and some will even do that. You could check with the closest dealer and see what price they'd give ya. If you tell them the story they'll give you something on paper so you can get out of your current one which would give you leverage and demand free shit.
Too late my man, the dealer started freaking out and insulting me yesterday when I asked what day I could pick up the car. See >>14986577
>Demand oil changes for life or your first few services free or all weather mats
That's really not worth anything.

OP's best bet is to just go find a better car for less money at a different dealer.
id just consider it a lesson learned and move on op.
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Hey OP, I just read through the thread and wanted to say something. Though I don't have any advice to give, I just want to let you know you did good today; I hope you and your wife enjoy your new car, whatever it may be.
Thanks. The most I would do at this point is give them a bad Yelp review or call the manager to complain. And tell everyone I know, of course.

Strangely everyone I talked to has said they hated the place but all their online ratings are 4.5-5 stars.
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