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Autismfest 2016 Thread 7: Thread 6 a shit edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 31

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>1st thread: >>14851502
>2nd thread: >>14861999
>3rd thread: >>14876710
>4th thread: >>14889498
>5th thread >>14918330
>6th thread >>14949437

>Where: Opposite the Poet & Castle, Codnor, Derbyshite DE5 9QY
>When: June 19th
>Time: 10:30 onwards

>shitposting spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bRCUBc-mBWiEhbrRej0-caXlWxypMD1uqtY1OB5BDW8/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0

>seekrit chat that anyone can join: uk-o-meet.slack.com
>Post an email here and someone will invite you

Slagposting welcome. Scots not welcome.
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Mocking Ford Pumas edition
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>not putting "brit" in the OP
It's like you want this meet to fade into obscurity.

what car does everyone have

will i be made fun of if i turn up in my clio
>what car does everyone have
Ford Ka
>will i be made fun of if i turn up in my clio
It's in the image, but I apologise senpai.
>what car does everyone have
>will i be made fun of if i turn up in my clio
There seem to be Micra and Ka clubs coming, but there are some nice cars. I'm informed that the meet is a no bully zone.
this is only my 2nd post on /o/

how many of you post in /brit/? how many are going?
Majority of people here aren't /soc/fags, at least I hope not.
>how many are going?
Check the spreadsheet, no idea how many will actually show up but there's a handful of anons that live in the area of the meet so they're likely to show.
/brit/ is an /int/ general
Post email or burner email if paranoid and I'll send invites to the meet chat on slack

pic related is my car but in red plus a few scuff marks where i reversed into a tree

may investigate this meet up further, or just scope you out from afar and then drive away
Sorry, I don't browse those boards.
>what car does everyone have
>will i be made fun of if i turn up in my clio

I'm a regular /brit/ poster and I found out about the meetup through /brit/, but I have been an /o/ poster for just over a year.

check the spreadsheet, but I think in the last few meetups there have been about 10 people.

I can't make it though
I posted it in /brit/ the other week because i knew no one would come from there, i was hoping it would turn into another manchester meet up kek

i have quite a few well known /brit/ gimmicks, if i reveal them at the meetup will people get them?
fuck off ribena you paki cunt
i'm not him but you'd recognise my gimmicks
Keep your bullying to /brit/ please, this is an adult board.
>literally ribena
Someone said that cars are a fairly normie hobby, so it would be reasonable to assume that the Brits who post here are on average more normie that /brit/ /britfeel/ or /britpol/
randomly mention the gimmicks on the day and I'll gimmick back so we recognize each other.

like morse code
>literally a racist child
Yeah without a doubt, hence why /brit/ and /britfeel/ meets always fail. Generally people here have jobs so aren't as inept as the average /brit/ poster.
Most dagumi car you can buy in the UK for under £2500, go

You better not be coming to this meet ribena you sex offender, does the court even let you drive?
I have no idea who Ribena is

Toyota MR2
Nissan 200SX
Mazda MX-5
Lads if a paki turns up to the meet it'll be Ribena, stay at least 10 meters away from him he's a convicted sex offender and stalker.
>under 2500
No one knows or cares who ribena is
I'll admit that you'd probably have to stretch to at least £3000, but it'd be worth it.
>suddenly it's a /soc/ meet
Might change my mind about this
>pic related is my car
> No pic
Found the busrider.


I just failed at an oil change and don't completely understand why. It's overdue for a wash, because it got coated in dust and soot and pollen yesterday in some filthy-ass rain.
I don't want to work on my car or wash my car.
I just want to sit indoors and game on the bank holiday.
Fuck this shit.
you will when he starts raping someone
Nobody cares, you racist sack of shit.

Great. Really fucking great.
It seemed to be a good concept to have the meet until the wankers from /soc/ decided to appear.
Will you both then fuck off so the adults can continue with some comfy driving?
>thinking shitposters will turn up
>thinking they will dare shitpost in real life
Have you ever been to a 4chan meet?

yeah must be a real 'adult' in your shitbox micra you cunt haha
Yeah, but you fags seem to take autism to a whole new dimension.

Holy fuck lads Ribena is actually here, literally promoting rape you sick fuck.
>Other car

Pick one, and only one.

Using the wifi on the bus are you?
Who are the real autists here

The ones having abit of laugh at you lot or the ones whom are getting anally blasted at the thought that people from other boards are going whom won't be smitten by your shit heap car.
>he insulted my micra
>he must ride the bus

holy fuck this board is hilarious, i bet you all sit here comparing figures of supercars and lap times when in reality you all drive 1.1 micras fucking lel
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>I'm a real car enthusiast
>I own a 1.1 clio
>guys, let's have a car meet
>yeah sounds cool
>who the fuck are you we just want a car mee-
>So guys, about this car mee-
>So the car meet, wha-
>So what about the fucking car mee-
You know that you aren't going to get to the meet if you don't have a car/bike, right? Are /soc/fags so incapable of organizing a meet that you need to crash ours and make it about some tripfags that no one cares about?
Gee I wonder if only real trainfags own locomotives and tracks
Difference being you are all meeting up to compare your 1.1 clios with eachother.
>comparing cars
No, we are meeting up to collectively experience a drive on one of the top British driver's road, and to have a good time with likeminded people. The fact that you think we're going to compare figurative penis lengths speaks volumes of how fucking /soc/ you are. You will stand out like a sore fucking thumb at the meet and I doubt you will feel particularly welcome.

Only ricerfags and stancecucks go to meets to compare their cars (ie dick lengths). /o/ isn't really that sort of board.

Yeah, but no.

It's to go on a comfy drive and watch a Micra roll over as the driver runs out of talent.
>we are meeting up to collectively experience a drive on one of the top British driver's road
In a 1.1 clio
I think the next OP needs to include some info about the route we're taking, because right now it does look like one of those shitty meets rather than a group of people coming together for a fun drive.
So, what do you drive?

Your dick into your boyfriend's arse, doesn't count.
The less information in the OP the better. The google docs link should be removed too. Giving too much info in the OP leaves us open to more faggot gatecrashers like faggot-kun here >>14963654 >>14963665 >>14963694
did i insult your clio?
Jokes on you I drive a Honda Jazz
>Implying I have a Clio.

That's cute. There's only one Clio signed up so far, and it's the RS version, which isn't a 1.1

You've still to let us know what you drive.
It's a GT isn't it? A 1.6?
how can we gatecrash when it's an open invitation anon?
>/soc/ being invited anywhere
I thought the whole purpose of your little pustule of a board was that you had abosultely no other way to "socialise"
there aren't any 1.1 k11 micras it's 1.0 or 1.3
Well that's a grossly twisted an exaggerated recollection of events. Hell I've been keeping posting to a minimum just so I wouldn't come off like as much as a cunt as you made out. Still coming though so be happy you get to berate me in person you fucking aspie
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>a literal "say that to my face fucker not online see what happens" post
This is the entire route map exportable to google maps.

Here's your (you)
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>tripfag harping on about (you)s
Stop giving them attention.
Well now that the argument is over, maybe we can go back to talking about cars and the meet. Favourite driver's car under £1500?
No it's mine, it's a 2 litre
Who's the cunt bringing a GT then?
Gt what? Go look at the spreadsheet
A couple of threads ago an anon was gonna either come in his Clio GT or buy a Clio GT and join the meet.

I thought that was you.
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This is where the whole 'anonymous image board' system starts to break down a little.

I totally want to show up to an automeet in something like pic related sometime, just to fuck with people. Maybe engine swap it so it's got ridiculous acceleration.
Never heard of a clio Gt, mines listed as rs 182 on the spreadsheet
3rd gen Clio is when Renault started doing a GT
Someone add me into SEKRIT CHAT.
[email protected]
How many Micra's do we genuinely have going, is it just me and will or are there more? I love all this Micra banter :3
More MX5s than Micras or Kas now.
2 micras, 2 kas, 3 mx5s, 2 bikes, one aw11, one scoobaru, some other shit no one cares about.
bike represent, carfags go home
wow rude
>my starlet is classed as shit no-one cares about

>no swapped e30
>no starlet
what's this jap swapped E30 about
>inb4 1.0l micra engine
don't worry so is my E30, not like ours cost the price of 3 mx5's wew
my bad lads, no need to rub sand in your vaginas
>bragging about the price an e30
I'm just shitposting, no bully pls
you really hurt my feelings guys i legitimately nearly cried
pls don't call the hurt feelings police
we're all going to get beat up by chavs and have our vehicles stolen
>thinking it was will shitposting about himself
Top jej
Why does every mother fucker have a tripcode.
attention seeking
How else would you know if you're talking to a Godly Ka driver or a shitty Micra driver?
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I wrote autismo fiction about racing on the C1 loop in Tokyo. I felt important enough for a trip.
bluebear do you remember that tripfag called thatoldbastard or whatever it was, the old 60 year old with the jag.

whatever happened to him i left this board shortly after that meet you made, you're the only trip i recognise.
I certainly do, not a clue what happened to him.

Wasn't he thinking about buying a Saracen or something at some point? Or was that someone else?

I know he was a taxi driver.
Last time i remember he bought a limo or some shit, it's good to see old users though. Have you been here ever since?
Yeah man, if I wasn't doing the Loop Monster story threads it was mostly lurking.
Really looking forward to your Glanza, only ever seen one before they're awesome

It's a GT Turbo son, get it right.

Don't confuse me with the Micra-wannabes
Me too. Looked in great condition from the other photo.

What is this chat thing everyone's on about?
I'm sorry senpai!
Post a burner email and I'll send you an invite.
If im not mistaken I think I've seen him a few times with no trip and he's restoring a piaggio Vesta
>tfw your ride was included in a rudepost
Bampu pantsu
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Still not in the slack channel?
>tfw no slag pics?
>question mark
Nah man, this phone can't handle it and I'm never actually home to go on it. I'm still keeping updated on here but missing out on the circlrjerk sucks!
invite me
[email protected]
Would probably look better without that black center ring?
those things tend to wear off the paint on the edges too.
Brit/fur/ is coming
>Looka Bomba
Oh god no. Not them again.

Well, I am officially an idiot. Turned the oil filter 1/4 turn too far, bent three screwdrivers doing so, and then with pliers proceeded to wreck it trying to correct my fuckup.
Had to call Green Flag to get someone out to undo it.
Next time, it's going to be easier. I didn't put it on stupid tight.
I bet he thought you were a right twat, getting called out because you fucked up putting a oil filter on.
you like lego m8?
I was taking it OFF. Damn thing was on way too tight already, though.

And yeah, probably.
>tfw no Welsh aw11 gf
>implying girl
lad i have some bad news
implying im not a chav
Danny has a bigger cock that black will.
I'll take them both~
Oh shit was he the scotsman who drove a bus?
yeah i think so, he was like 60, bald had a jag and i remember him buying a limo for shits and giggles.

he was a right laugh made /o/ great.
I have to have it on otherwise I can't have a horn on the wheel. Bought it second hand off a mate and i was looking into accessories for it. Horn is like $60 a matching boss is $100 then you have to guess how much customs will take off you for import tax plus shipment it's just not worth buying the proper one to me.

Keen eye. Not many people are into initial d featured Euro beat after second stage.

Not seen Danny's cock but likely true
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I have all the D Selection albums on my sansa clip for in the car. I think Third Stage is probably my favourite.
I also have SEB190-200 which has some good shit, especially in the King/Queen/Collaboration compilations.
i've got the initial D compilations on a usb stick in my car too but i'm limited to 6 "CDs" of 99 tracks, fukken mazda audiolink

i guess i can free up space for some B*Witched and sophie ellis bextor just for this meet
Man I miss the oldfags. Frolo, 250r, thatoldbastard ;_;
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Get some Marina on there too m8
>sansa clip
I only have aux in and my phone is a Nexus 5, so that's not an option.
Fuck Marina m8 it's all Sophie Ellis bextor
Fuck SEB and Sophie Ellis Bextor, I shall be blasting Mazzy Star.

Spaced out as fuck on Hope Sandoval's voice while I wang the GT round the twisties,
>SEB and Sophie Ellis Bextor
SEB is Sophie Ellis Bextor m9
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Unfortunately Sophie Ellis Bextor has been chosen as the meet music already, thanks.
>tfw dumped by gf today
>stayed in so no driving
Nobody cares
Make Danny your new car gf
>unironically rudeposting in the meet thread
Pretty cocky, huh.
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i want an 80s mr2 so bad ;_;
Just buy one then? They're cheap.
If you can't afford the insurance, buy one, keep it off the road and maintain/repair it until you can.
i live in minnesota, every mr2 is rusted to pieces
Buy one in another state and drive it home?
It isn't that simple. The UNITED States rofl
Working nights is a bitch. Don't do it, brit/o/
>am a night owl
>4chan is more active at night
>work during the day, too tired to enjoy 4chan at night
>work at night, can't enjoy 4chan as much anyway
i feel the pain

I've been searching the craigslist for months now. I missed a clean one (pictures of fucking everything) because I had to work and it sold just a few hours after posting.
Only $2000 as well.
Americans everywjere
Thinking of buying a Prelude. The 136bhp one. Performance isn't hugely important to me, more looks, has anyone here owned a 'Lude? Reliable? Super handsome coupe imo
Also lewd
Haha shit, gear shifter has gone sloppy, I think the linkage directly below but has come loose, its all over the place. Still selects fine but its a bit of a minigame now and I'm trying to be gentle with it.

Gotta use the thing for work all week though, Nissan build quality pull me through~
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I'm having the opposite. In the mornings, my shifter is super stiff when pushed over to 1st and 2nd, and sticks in 1st/2nd until it (the box?) warms up a bit.
Yeah mines stiff in first and second till its warm. You have to get the cat off on the micra to get a look at the linkage but at least it all comes off easy enough
Only you can confront the menace of anonymous Willposting. Demand that these Willposters reveal their identities.
You should buy a Ka instead and join the dark side
>tfw nation is paralysed by the constant thread of anonymous Willposting
Thankfully the selector cables on the Starlet are on top of the box, so it's literally gearstick > cables through bulkhead > box.

I'll have a quick dekko at it at dinner. Apparently there's a little plastic cube-shaped bush that can cause issues when it gets worn so it's a case of taking it out and flipping it around. Hopefully that's my problem.
Anonymous Willposting is on BBC News right now as a leading cause of rustled jimmies amongst the Scottish
The bush in mine is destroyed. The stick works perfectly and doesn't move more than it should but at high rpm it vibrates and sounds like one of those kids rattle toys. Haven't fixed it yet because I can't find a brand new one.
Is there a greater threat to British society than anonymous Willposting?
I'd rather work night shift than the day shift tbqhwyf
Yeah mine was very stiff when I first got it, I had the clutch done and changed the box oil, was better after that but still stiff as shit for first and second when cold. I'd assume that's knackered synchros as people will be going between those two most often.
Nah man, too deep in this Micra to drop it. Looking for get a suspension kit before the meet, decent little kit for £500, has a front strut brace and an OMP panhard bar too. Drops the Micra by ~35mm. After that I need to get some decent wheels and tyres, there's some rally wheels for it which look nice and they're 14 inch too so no real issue with the speedo trading wrong after.

After all that I need to replace pretty much every bush on the thing, they're all gone now. Rear is the worst, it sorta crabs around corners, there's no give in the rear, its either got grip or it hasn't haha.

KAs are alright little cars though, should assume they handle really well for what they are. I was in a 1.25 fiesta the other day, really impressed by it compared to the Micra, corners really well unlike mine haha.
anyone here ever done a Clio heater resistor replacement?
>tfw not a brit/o/ meme
Why bother
>Brits celebrating Prince Will posting

There's a spring that centres it. Yours is probably broken.

You pretty much have to dismantle the gearbox to get at it, so just leave it broken.
No you don't it's an easy job. The centering spring is literally under the gear stick it's a common problem fixed frequently

I've always wanted to be a meme
Fair point could be that actually. Its right under the gaiter do not too big of a deal. I'm assuming if it is then it has two springs, as if I move it to the right its all fine but to the left it is loose as shit.

Makes a pretty horrible rattle though when I wiggle for neutral, which leads me to believe that the bushes are knackered. I'd like to replace them anyway, so I will do that as a matter of course.
>he isn't british
>he doesn't willpost
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>"Brit"/o/ Meet
What nationality was St. George mate
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US /o/ meet
Wasn't St George an arab?

Would make sense given englands current predicament.
>not joe daki
no he was a Roman of greek ancestry raised in palestine.

typical left wing shit spreading lies that he was arab to fight against people using the st george's cross.
>their patron saint is a multicultural foreigner

oh I am laffin
so are we all anon no one in the UK is 100% celtic
my ancestors came over from northern europe about 1000 years ago. certainly not some arab diaspora.
>roman is arab now

gg amerifat
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>mfw only Skoda master race at the meet
yeah as with most brits.. celtic, germanic, french, roman, nordic etc etc
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get learning lads
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I'm not a massive fan of the tick to be fair it just looks like a regular old long country road in England with few twisties and few views. If this is successful and we do another one can we do a vote for llanberis pass, black mountain pass, cheddar gorge, the million and one pretty roads in the lake district etc. Etc.
>pic related llanberis pass north Wales
Also micra can into drift now
Stop being such a Will
That road looks powerful matey
>I'm not a massive fan of the tick to be fair it just looks like a regular old long country road in England

I've driven it on streetview and it's very flat and boring, but then everything in the midlands is.
Doesn't seem that interesting in comparison to other roads, like the cat and fiddle
Can't wait to drive it desu, hammer down on the twisties and nice countryside to look at on the relaxed bits.
alright britm8s

what's a good first car to buy and insure for 5k
MR2 or MX-5.
I'm selling a 2002 Ka with 55k miles. If you're in the slack chat I can sort you a price and that.
need a little more boot space

i don't really like the look of a Ka 2bh
You'd buy, insure and tax it for like 2.5k though. And we do have a Ka vs Micra vs MX5 rivalry at the meet you could join in on. And it's a Capri engine basically.
yeah but i don't want to drive something i won't like getting into
There is a very good reason I've never driven one myself senpai and it is exactly that
You're gonna love your first car, whatever it is. Why do you think there's any Micra love at all?
>implying I'm not (You) hunting
The Ka is comfy as fuck m8
btw if you see a redhead tranny who has flabby arms with a 2nd gen mr2, please lynch him.
surely i can find something i like for that price though

i like golfs, would love to get a mk3
If you like any car that's realistic as a first car, you have shit taste and are not an enthusiast. In my opinion, anyway.
Mate. Get the Micra.

I got two motorbikes in there, doing a solid 80mph all the way back from Devon into London. I used one tank of fuel from London, to Exeter and then back to London. Fucking mental little shitbox. I also fit three gpz 500s in there too.

8400rpm redline, absolutely gutless below that but it really does get itself going when you're in the power, has ~59hp at 7400 iirc, a 1.0 polo only has like 30.

Plus its just a joke to everyone around you, you always get kids in corsas trying to show you up and then you give them the 16v BRAP and they get PTSD having lost out to the UKs number one granny mobile.

Plus, there are thousands of them about and you can find ones with a years MOT for £200 easily.
i'm not too bothered about being an enthusiast, i don't know enough about cars

i want something with decent mileage and is nice to look at

are you saying i should just buy a shitheap for a first car?
I always recommend a shitbox for a first car desu. Shitty tiny engined hatchbacks are all you can realistically insure, just get yourself a year's no claims and then get an SW20 or something til you can insure something fast.
i realise it's cheap but i would feel embarrassed going around in it

how much should i be spending on insurance? average quotes for cars i'm looking at are about £1000
In that case if you're looking to be less on an embarrassment I'd suggest just getting a newish fiesta to begin with.

Cheap again, cheap to insure, cheap to run. When you're new to driving you can only realistically get an economy car.
/ovg/ pls
I had a '92 Escort in 2011ish and it was 2300 after I completed Pass Plus. 1.4 carburettor
yeah fiestas seem to come up often

i love the mk6 st but not sure if i can justify spending
>first car
>spending a lot
You just want a shitbox to get used to driving by yourself since you're more likely to crash or be in an accident in your first year than any other year driving.
After that you can sell it in a year for the same price you bought it for and buy something nicer.
Also pro tip: no one gives a shit about what you drive, no one is going to laugh at you. It's perfectly normal to be driving a Micra/Corsa/Ka/etc. as your first car.
Its true, nobody gives a shit about what car you're in on the road, at all. The only people who'd take note would be "enthusiasts" and even then if you're not driving a car they like they'll pay no attention to you.

My Micra gets attention because I've slapped a load of stupid shit on it, but I just do it for a laugh, mainly because I'm a huge attentionwhore.

Just get a shitter anon, you're worrying too much what people think when most people don't know anything of a car other than what colour it is.
Can you do the A2 test on a 125cc bike?
Sub-category A2 motorcycles used for tests must:

be a solo motorcycle
be at least 395cc
be between 20kW and 35kW engine power
have a power to weight ratio no more than 0.2kW/kg
So essentially I would need to pay for lessons to do an A2 test since I couldn't legally ride anything bigger than a 125 on the road by myself? Here I was thinking I could just do CBT, practice for a while then do theory and A2 on the one bike.
Thanks for clearing that up anon.
Tick was chosen for its centrality. Scotsfags, Northcunts, Southbros, and Welshcuck alike.
Should just wait until the night and do a run on the M6 Toll.
Does this count as a slag post?
>not willposting
Sup Bongbros.

How hard would it be to daily an LHD car in UK? I have the impression of your roads being quite narrow, but are they? I've never been to UK, neither have I driven an opposite hand drive car on any roads.
>being this butthurt
Roads here can get pretty tight. Driving with the wheel on the wrong side isn't bad, we have to do it everywhere else in Europe, you just have to use your mirrors more and ease out of places when overtaking or pulling off.
>Roads here can get pretty tight.
I'd enter with Ibiza II as a DD for some time, so I think it's still achievable not to f up.
The midlands itself is flat.

Ashbury hill is a pretty good bit of road that's down south, but it's more of a challenge than a fun twisty bit. It's fucking STEEP, and there's tractors and expensive horses around.
>cheddar gorge

That's only fun to watch the yobs crashing into the wall at 3AM as they attempt to toogay.
fuck the m6 toll
It wouldn't be too hard except for multi-storey car parks lol
>Expensive Horses

More like expensive glue.
Try telling the arabs that. They're racehorses.

Last time I went down that way, I encountered a tractor. Pulling a trailer with a completely unsecured washing machine. At 20MPH.
Epic views, though, and you can stop at the ridgeway at the top of one of the hills and stand in the mud to admire the views.
Can I bring Tractor?
Only if it isn't a Deere or New Holland
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Whoever gets most hektik through this section wins a SEB* CD

>*Sophie Ellis Bextor
Yis that CD is mine motherfuckers
There will be more than enough CDs. Someone should get hold of Soph's PR man and see if he fancies her coming down to meet autistic virgins and look at Micras. Might be a bit weird for her when she walks into a car park and there are 10 Micras, 10 Kas and 4 MX-5s all blasting the same album. And one of them is dressed in drag.
I'm a lift-off oversteer mastah and that road is my fucking dojo
>tfw quattro
>tfw I've already convinced a Ka owner to get a Starlet.

Soon I'll singlehandedly turn it into a Micra vs Starlet meet
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>2005kadude has betrayed me
Only N/A though. None of this silly turbo nonsense~
Sorry famiglia
>keeping the dank black will memes to slack chat
Dick move desu
Depends on if I get dumped out of my power band by one of you fucks or a sunday driver. As long as I can keep over 50, it'll be fine.
Under 50, it'll have to be the clutch dance to try and get power, or crawling up it in third cursing the asshole in front.
Thread 7 is dead.
Ur mum is dead m9

You'll be stuck behind a 1.0 micra so of course you'll be doing under 50
Definatly tempted to buy a new cheap sports car for this meet

I've looked at Aw11 and AW20's, and Mk1 MX5's

Any other suggestions?
I'm going to be missing my Astra's torque like crazy if that happens.
For all it's ergonomic failings, it had torque for days. Torque steer that ripped the wheel from my hand and steered into oncoming traffic. It could probably push a little Micra up that hill.
I can't help but wonder if it's still alive. I've got a horrible feeling that the rear springs rusted out suddenly one day and it ended up sold to a scrapyard.
what's happened to the sheet
Some stupid cunt decided to delete a lot of names. I have an actual list anyway, though I would prefer it that people didn't fuck with that one.
>Some stupid cunt decided to delete a lot of names
Go put them back if you have a list.
>caterham hire
>20 minutes from the start of the tick
who's all doing it
pls to repair sheet
Tell me more tell me more
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>tfw caught at work anonymously willposting
> tfw your boss will come in his Micra to this meet
> noface.jpg
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Mods are asleep, POST SOPH
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How many of these do I need to get?
>>14996960 >>14996953

so hot, skin so soft. i want to fall asleep with my head in her armpit
>Insure and buy an MR2 for less than 5k

Fucking how.
You can easily get one in nice condition for under £2k. If your insurance is over £3k then you're too young to be posting here.
I've ordered two full colour glossy photographs from ebay to give out with certificates for best and worst vehicle. Less prestigious awards will receive a cd.
>spending more than £1500 on a good condition non-turbo sw20 which will get mid 30s fuel economy, cheapish insurance and a god-tier reliable 3S-GE
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MG confirmed for best SEB
£200 on weekend pal
Where can I find either a high enough resolution picture to print, or a poster of this?
>tfw brit\o\ wifey posing on mid engined British turbo roadster
Depends if I manage to get suspension and tyres in time for the meet up.

Honestly if I don't I'll roll at the back of the pack because I will just hold everyone up until I inevitably spin out or roll the thing.
Please reply, asking for a friend

File > see revision history

May 4 @ 10:49 is the one you want to revert to.
someone fix the spreadsheet?
If you know how to do it, why haven't you?
I can't find the 'restore this version' button that's meant to be there. Presumably, I don't have the rights to.

>can't find the 'restore this version' button that's meant to be there. Presumably, I don't have the rights to.

Maybe they don't have the rights either?
>tfw you see a green micra passing you
This is the feel of Ka owners
>Tfw said micra doesn't have a rust hol on the inside arch the size of a babies fist

Well pal funnily enough that's because the owner of the doc needs to do it. Don't come that passive aggressive tone with me boyo.
sheepshagger detected
black will
almost time for another thread. this one had lack of slags
I propose future threads are called Brit/o/ General and are about British cars in general, high insurance, super cheap used markets and generally being robbed blind by the government.
We couldn't be any more cancerous than /ausfag/ so why not
> Robbed blind
Bitch, I'm barely paying any income tax now. They keep nudging the threshold up and up year on year.

Fuel tax and VAT on fuel tax and everything else is a bitch, though. Not sure why they need insurance premium tax at all, either.
Because everything needs a tax, otherwise there'll be less money for the cunts at Westminster to skim.
>paying 4chan post tax and not just putting it through your company
I have a government benefit that allows me to post on 4chan for free. Thanks for paying for my posts for me, taxpayer!
>he doesn't claim government 4chan benefit for his 6 kids too
>not taxing the government to shitpost on a Tibetan needlecraft image board
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first for where they belong
I do, hence why I can post as much as I want because I just say that my kids have been posting too. They never check the forms anyway.
Bampu limito
Someone make a new thread, this one has been shit
you make it
new thread >>15004631
Thread posts: 314
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