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/ovg/- Barney is gay edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 72

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Welcome to Auto Video Games General. The place to discuss racing games on /o/!

Previous thread >>14790171

New thread will be made at the bump limit (310 replies).

Our Wiki should answer every single question you could possibly ask!

Our Mumble server is incredibly ded and features over 2 regular visitors, drop by and introduce yourself!
>Mumble IP: mumble.get-good.net
>Port: 64738

Join the /ovg/ group on Steam!

Join the /ovg/ club in GT6!

We're racing on Saturday,Sunday and sometimes on Friday. Check out our Google doc for info!
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nfs3 multiplayer when
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2nd for another GT3 series
19th for I can't wait for the matrix so we can all do shitbox racing
is that summer car simulator ever coming out or is it vaporware?
Bentley is updated and ready for testing! Get the DLC stuff and find WAT: Pirelli Meme Challenge and start doing laps!

Please install pTracker if you decide to help with testing, it allows me to see splits on the server tracker.

New Bentley here:
It's okay Aspie, they're just for people with good taste in waifus.
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Probably going to come out in a few dozen years since, I mean, one person indie project and all.
So how's that update to Dirt Rally?
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do NOT bully waifus thanks you!!
Ever watched rally on telly and thought, 'pfff, doesn't look so hard...'?

Buy this game. Buy a decent steering wheel. Discover a whole new level of respect for crazy men with mad talent driving ludicrously fast cars with no grip while someone yells numbers at them.

10/10 - welcome back to rally, Codemasters. We missed you.
+ No more Ken Block/X-Games/Gymkhana bull****.
+ Early access done the right way.
+ Lots of respect to rally history.
+ Hard, unforgiving, enraging. Rally as rally should be.
+ Physics and force feedback improving at each update.
+ Great, varied car roster. Each car REALLY has its own behavior.
+ Awesome feeling of reward, since learning is slow and gradual. You'll definitely learn the fundamentals of rallying.
+ Truly 3-dimensional stages, faithful to the real ones.
+ It's a sim and really asks for a wheel, but works great with an analog controller.
+ Yep, it's better than Richard Burns Rally.

– Stages get repetitive after some time (150-200 hours), since they are so few. Rally eventually turns into hotlapping.
– Issues with gravity. Cars are light and jump too much.
– The faster you go, more noticeable are the limitations of the physics. Especially at Finland, which sometimes seems to be another planet.
– Damage system is OK but could be much better.
– Random, unexplainable tyre punctures.

Some serious cons, but still overwhelmed by the pros. The most fun racing game of the last decade.
Difficult seems to be translating to "real" for most players here. I grew up in a small northern town and ice races were a big thing. Can't remember my cars ever feeling weightless and more or less uncontrollable as they are in this game. Same for gravel as well. I just think it has been overdone a bit. Also the ditches seem to be wayyyy overdone. Here and there, yeah sure. But they exist at almost every foot of the few tracks that are in the game. Has potential but defintiley needs some iron-ing out before i could recommend this game.
This game had real promise. Upon playing the v.1.1 I have come away very disappointed. I do not understand how they can sell this product half finished / half .

The feedback is from an arcade game. If you like driving and have a wheel do not buy thinking this will be a good platform for rally driving.

Apart from physics and feedback. The game is great looking and has a nice line up of cars. Cant wait for the DLC.......................
>Random, unexplainable tyre punctures.
to be fair in real life there's going to be rocks on the path that will sometimes just fuck your shit up
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>iracing keeps giving me this message
>reinstalled 3 times

what do, is there a launcher I need to update it for? where's that launcher?

>literally 4 different game launchers
nevermind, I was being autistic
>didn't realize you needed to run it from the webpage
user error
>+ No more Ken Block/X-Games/Gymkhana bull****.

your mom isnt watching. You can say naughty words on the 4 chan.
>nice line up of cars. Cant wait for the DLC
I want some of those Suzukis
>Monster Tajima
And some Celica GT-Fours and Corollas too, then the lineup would be basically complete
It's just a copypasta from the Steam reviews.
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just played my first race on iracing, literally learned how to play during the practice/qualifying.
did pretty shit desu.
>dunno wtf going on
>move mouse up to rev engine
>"black flag black flag"
>spend first lap periodically stopping and starting
>figure out I have to pit to serve black flag
>kill myself, pit
>juke another miata when some retard cut the track (and me off)
>he even says "thanks!"

this mouse control is odd, but comfy.
my left hand kinda feels useless but the way they made the mouse controls really feels natural. If not for other racers I could easily cruise through the entire track.
If you want to remain anonymous don't put the session id in the picture.

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dude weed lmao
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can anyone else not access the google doc?
ITT: Dumb people
dude, you really need to invest in a wheel. it's worth it. I used to use a gamepad and fucking hated sims, but ever since I got my Fanatec I've been finishing incredibly consistently and driving competitively against other drivers instead of just ducking behind the driver in front and waiting for him to wreck himself.
You anonymized yourself the worst way possible, famalam.
most hektik thing i have ever survived.
Before we run a Generally GT3 cup, maybe.
Get good™

Nicely done
I agree, feels a bit too slippery. Perhaps it is just the older tc system on the car I was driving *sls.

May not even participate, as gt3 usually becomes a no fun series after a few rounds for me. I find myself usually driving like shit as i just get mad over everything, other drivers, my pace, etc.

Might join up if the scg03 is added. That car is fun and cool.
>ass corsa series
In 2016 everyone must have a version of iRacing provided by the government for free!
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>under-steering while fishtailing
>back off throttle a little bit
>accentually end up going backwards
>apply handbrake to commit J turn
turns out doing 85 on a gravel road is no such good idea
Will the AC GT3 servers run with booking and therefore the ability to run custom skins?
That is a hassle to setup. If the host can be bothered, than probably. Not like we need custom skins though.
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I was just asking because I started making a skin some time ago and this seemed like a good enough reason to finish it. But whatever, skins aren't that important anyways
Keep working on it if you like, looks very nice. Wait for an announcement from paul or who ever is running it if there will be skins or not.
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>no skins
fucking dropped
Is it possible to have DLC tracks and cars named differently so that they appear as mod content? I bought AC and I'd rather not have to put the crack to play on Jack Sparrow'ed DLC content.
Don't be a pussy
So say you have a cheap wheel, less than a foot in diameter

And you nigger rig it so it's the size of a normal wheel

Does this make a difference? All hypothetical of course.
define 'cheap wheel'
Genius for example
people "in charge" of the AC leagues can't even put one skin into their proper folders to make it work

Hopefully yes, considering I love seeing all the skins you guys make I will try and make it work
wouldn't bother
Will this be a saturday or sunday series and when are the races going to start (rough estimate is enough if it isn't clear yet)?
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Related question

How much do these wheels slow you down?
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tfw no qt to race with

is that kira

Saturday at 7UTC. Can move the time if enough people want it moved. Don't really want to go later than 8UTC though
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Can you play as a cop in multiplayer?
Any coupons for iRacing renewals out there?
iracing shills pls go
In NFS4 both players could choose freely, so you either had two players chased by AI cops, one player chasing the other or both players chasing a pair of AI racers.

I assume NFS 3 was the same
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aight, I'm willing to play right now.

Are you in mumlbr?
It's more like lazyness, I don't want to remove the crack when an update is out, and in these days some hotfixes are out now and then because of 1.5, I guess it'll be stable again in a week until June.
can someone explain to me the seasons shit in racing because i dont get it
The season is 12 weeks. You do 1 race in 8 of them in some particular series, you're somewhere in the championship standings for that series at the end.

All the stats (including SR) is turned off for Week 13.
How do I into Clio? I can clock a high 53, but the soft tires fall apart after about 10 laps.
oh right
The races are going to be 5 laps long.

Also I urge anyone who doesn't have anything to do in particular when the races are going to happen to join us. After the netcode fix, the tight circuit is tons of fun with all the cars and and you can bump with others for position too, without sending both cars off the track like a pinball.

And please, if you're going to race, please fill in the car cell the car you want to use, so we can avoid the possibilty of people not being able to join with their car of choice in the server, although it might be unlikely. I will also repost the pros and cons of each car after this post.
That week 13 thing isn't true - some series keep their SR and iRating during it, while most series simply don't run at all.


Clio, the certified dive bomber.

+ Grip, and lots of it.
+ The deepest braking points of all the cars.
- But it can dive the most because it's the slowest in the straights.
+ Feel the rage of the others when you pull away in the corners.
- And then feel the mocking from them when they catch up to you in the straights.
? The sierra drivers will despise you.

Civic, the best choice for your JDM tastes.

+ A bit more power down the straights.
- But slightly worse cornering.
- Requires left foot braking unless you like slow skidding.
+ But puts the power down great on exits.
- Single cam, so no Vtec.
- Ramming people off in this car is not allowed too.
? Just admit you chose this car 'cause you're a weaboo.

Cavalier, the one that rammed a lot of people in BTCC

+ Handles like the civic but faster.
- Also shares its loose braking.
+ Sequential gearbox for fast changes without the use of the clutch.
- Likes to spins it's wheels too.
? Drivers might experience the urge to throw middle fingers at the opposition.

Celica, because the tarmac road is just a suggestion.

+ 4wd grip.
+ You're gonna gain a spot or two at the starts.
- 4wd brings complimentary understeer
+ Which can be negated by ripping hektik skids.
+ Said skids if done correctly block the ones. behind you.
- But they will make the ones if front of you pull even more away.
+ Rally ratios means you're always on the sweet spot.
? Even babies can drive this one, so don't complain if others call you a shitter.

Ford Sierra RS500, because balanced cars are a joke.

+ Boost
+ More boost!
- No seriously, your braking is going to make you look like a bus compared to the other cars.
+ With enough practice, it can almost be as fast as the other cars.
+ Feel your opponent's heart weep when you leave them to dust in the main straight
- But beware of the laggy turbo, 'cause it's easy to put it in the wall if you accelerate too fast.
? The clio drivers will hate you.
what should i get, an iracing 1 year subscription or assetto corsa

Assetto Corsa
1 year subscription for iRacing

FTFY :^)
If that's what you're choosing between, I'd honestly go for iRacing.
I've been really enjoying AC's Fiat 595. It's got almost no acceleration so cornering is less about powering out of the corner on the limit than desperately trying to hang on to as much speed as you can.

Anyone have any low power historical shitbox mods they can recommend?
yeah any miata mod
Thank you @honsplaysgames, thank you Kappa
6 months of iR and three items; when that sub runs out wither you then do another sub on black friday (50% off) or you buy AC out of the bargain bin.
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>tfw I found out ETS2 runs better if i don't use the in game radio
red macca is that you? i saw u mentioning ovg in chat
Yup. Who are you, anyway?
i don't chat. I just watch malone
Calling BS but, whatevs, feel free to join anyday, best place to shitpost second to this.
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not lying. I have the stream open in VLC so i can't even use chat. :)
why do people donate to these fuckers

can i get rich from doing this shit
Well, grow boobs, go play some meme games and yep, do it.
Other than Matt, I guess no one makes like any money out of it. And even with all the subscriptions, he don't make that much.

>you will never make money being a shitter on hitbox

>5 laps
Oh, that's good.

>mfw there's still about a second worth of time somewhere in that lap
Matt is a shitter. Thing is, he's a really fun shitter.
do you have a link to his stream
where do you even get NFS3 or 4 outside of buying it off amazon or something. I am assuming thats not the PS1 version.
twitch / showdown1983

Isn't like the 4-5k iRating he is averaging pretty good?
tfw I had NFS Hot Stakes/Road Challenge (1999?) on PC on a disc ages ago but either lost it or threw it away
Jesper, JP, Dustin and Flisko are considerably faster than him and they aren't that special though.
Cem, on the other hand, is incredibly fast, and that's kind of expected from a real life F4 racer.
Well to be fair, it must be hard going fast and reading chat at the same time
>talking about ecelebs

What the fuck has happened to this thread?
better than screenshots and old webms
this and iracing shills, what is happening to my ovg

old webms are best
>/turnleft/ race time
>2 people on server
>this and iracing shills, what is happening to my ovg
James dont be mad because you got banned
apology for poor english

when were you when turnleft dies?

i was sat in server waiting when tomthy ring

‘turnleft is kill’

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Pick one.

He's specially good at reading chat, indeed
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>buying Italian Never Finished Sim 2013
>buying a game from a dev who got himself banned at RD for trying to strong arm them into banning people he doesnt like


Stick with iR or automobilista. Atleast the online has modern 2016 features in both
You mean rfactor?
you forgot your trip, James

>Lets Go

Literally who?
James' ex ex boy friend.
>talking about ecelebs

>the year /ovg/ had atleast 20 full threads dedicated to talk about pretendracecars blogging and shilling

>talking about ecelebs
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Is Ride any good?
>i remember playing this and many other downloadable miniclip games
What's wrong with it?
physics suck apparently according to some bikefags
why the fuck is this kid wearing a skirt?
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poor tastefag is back
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It's modern style you boomer
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DMC-12 TT Hot Version special
changes: fonsecker sfx, inertia, aero, collisions and setup
that was beautiful
1:01 at vallelunga club, default setup using 60% turbo
Is the AC DLC unlocker safe to use on Steam?
No, i got a vac ban for using it.
I'm using it for a while, with no problems, so I guess, but according to some people the dlc stuff is outdated, so you'll have to wait until w e upload the new stuff.

For now you won't need any of the dlc cars/tracks. We're going to use the DLC 3 track next week though
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r8 my time

>Finished a boring run in RSRBR
>It actually looks much cooler from the replay

Based s2000 frog machine is so fun to drive I didn't even noticed it.
>barriers doing a mexican wave
>tfw someday a perfectly accurate car sim will come out
>tfw old cars will be banned by then
You'll have to feel happy with 9.5/10 laser scans of tracks in your lifetime. It's pretty hard to translate an unique machine on a game engine.
I think you underestimate the crawl of technology. A decade or two from now, sims will look as insane as going from 1990s sims to now.
>hook DFGT up to PS4
>doesn't work
>google search
>wheels older than g29, no work on ps4

wtf sony.
no games AND no wheels?
diminishing returns etc. we likely won't see a leap like the previous gens

>Why doesn't my PS2 wheel work on my PS4!?!?!

>why doesn't my PS3 USB, wheel that works on my PSX, PS2, PS3, PC, and Phone work on my PS4......
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if that's the case then why are sims not only not progressing, but even regressing in many aspects?
>A gimmick feature in now progress.
They aren't, features like that are hand-coded, single-function features whereas the future is actually modelling everything properly. Eventually, we will reach a point where every part of a car is semi-accurately simulated and so all damage and wear can be represented as it would actually happen rather than bodging it with RNG and timers.
there won't be a decent simulation in at least 100 years because people do not care about a wide scope of simulation. no market demand = no drive for developers

for the most avid simfags, it's all about muh physics/suspension/tire model and muh laser-scanned Spa-Faggotchamps/Nurburgerking. for the casuals, it's muh graphics, muh sounds and muh legendary/meme cars

you can get an occasional tech-demo sandbox playground with some few neat features but it doesn't affect the complete games at all
I think you thoroughly underestimate what automation is going to do for every part of society but I'm not going to do my usual futurist argument shit.
You know what more racing games need?
doesnt iracing do that?
>second to last lap
>wreck in turn ahead, the 3 other guys around me brake and be reasonable to avoid further carnage
>4 name BR comes through at full speed, trying to drive his normal line
>he taps someone and gets sent in the gravel
>move to edge of track as he is rejoining near me
>he comes all the way across the track and wrecks me
>BR hoonspeak on chat as he is mad that his shit race is over

how do i save replays so I can make BR driver webms
Someone should make a F2P racing game where, if you wreck your car, you have to actually spend the time fixing it up. And in order to get a car in the first place you have to do pizza runs like a chump.
Would get rid of the types we all know too well.
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The in game radio doesn't play superior codecs anyway.
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Impressive, very nice
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Is NFS worth buying? I watched a review from a guy called gamermusclevideos and he said that the steering was the worst he has ever tried in a racing game.
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How many Dirt Rally players do we have there? Optimally, bad players?
If ten or more, it would be cool to open league. I could do it, but before i'd like to see if there are people willing to play it.

Don't be shy if you're shit, i hope everyone will be so i can feel better about myself.
The handling really is horrendous. Cars auto-steer and crabwalk, the crash cam triggers way too easily, and overall with similar tuning all the cars feel really samey, from the Miatas to the pigfat Challenger. Same issues HP2010 and MW2012 have. Even as a ricing simulator it disappoints with pretty shallow performance tuning and visual customization. Not even worth the $30-$40 if you go to a 3rd-party key reseller.

But I got it for free after a refund, kek. The copy I bought was broken, so I took it to customer support and they gave me another free copy I could still play after refunding the copy I bought.
i'd join.
okay think i will just stay with The Crew then for my arcadey needs.
Sorry if its been asked before and the lack of pictures.

But does anyone know what cars are in Top Gear for the SNES?. Not the cpu ones if theres any difference, im talking about the red, white, violet, and blue cars. If they're not modeled after real ones what cars do they resemble the most?

i plan on buying it soon

>tfw still a controllerfag because good wheels are a fucktillion dollars
I have DFGT )i guess i paid for it less than i paid for early access Dirt Rally) and it's great. Lack of clutch may sound kinda cheap, but seriously, this wheel is more than "good enough" and you can find used one in a priced similarly to six-pack of good beer.

But then again, DR is pretty playable on controller. Not even nearly as awesome as on wheel, but totally playable.
>in a priced similarly to
oh boy, my english just reached new low
i don't know how it happened
Yeah, despite all the shit The Crew got for being a shitty game, the new NFS still does many things worse than The Crew.
>Whereas teleporting in The Crew took basically 2 seconds, in NFS you got 15-30 seconds of loading screen
>You can't start an event directly from the map, you have to drive there or teleport (and wait for the aforementioned 15-30 seconds)
>You can't switch cars or add upgrades on the fly, you need to sit through 2 loading screens going in and out of the garage
The few advantages NFS has over The Crew imo is less of a grind to max out cars, livery editor, and a much more weeaboo car list (subjective).

Red's a Testarossa, purple might be a Jag...

That's all I got
>be on AC forums
>someone says that URD just released a Mercedes CLR
>look it up
>find preview article from 2 months ago on virtualr saying that the mod will be free
>go on URD's website
>only links for their payware mods and templates for these mods
>no mention of the CLR
>not even a mention of the '04 Audi A4 DTM (which is a free mod from URD that has been released a while ago)
>projects tab on the site clearly hasn't been updated in a while since it just says "coming soon" for the payware mods that already have been released
>find YT vid of the CLR that was uploaded 11 hours ago
>try to find DL link in description
>only link is for URD's website
i had the same problem as well because they said it was gonna be released on rf2 as well
looking through the comments on their facebook page i dont think it has been released for any platform yet
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who /clio/ here?
I'm not too bad desu, I just can't fly through the courses. Rarely even hit enough speed to jump, which says something considering dem physics.
I just focus on getting to the end of the roller coaster in one piece
I don't know if you're aware of it, but you're practicing on the wrong vallelunga layout.

Also, if ranek doesn't show up, I guess we're gonna bite the bullet and get paul to host a server again, since we're getting a checksum for some reason in the current one.
>Paul hosting a server
I spoke to soon. I managed to get a hold of Von, so if he will be a bro, the new server will be up eventually
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Spoon feeding time

Which F1 game (the recent codemaster ones) is the best one and are there mods to make it replicate the current 2016 season of F1?

Bit poor at the moment so would preferably torrent it, would mods still work for it or would I need a proper steam version of it?
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Niggers not allowed, go to Reddit.
I play it regularly and would love to participate, but only from next month when I get back home to my PC and wheel.
ul [dot.] to / mw5njpx3
I play, but only when I'm at home with my wheel.
Keep doing that eventually you'll get faster
We getting any updates to the open wheelers?
Yes. Can't tell exactly when tho.

Virtua Racing
just get f1 2015. No mods for it, but it handles and drives very nicely for an arcade racer.
Rfactor 1, there are already many 2016 f1 mods out there for it.
red is a testarossa
white is a 288 GTO
purple is a Vector of sorts
idk about blue
I've always wanted to make a game like this, but I'm shit at coding, while my brother is good at it.

You'd start at something like basic driving at track days, then progress through the ranks, set back by health factors and you only lose if you are injured/killed or go bankrupt/fired. Outside of the race atmosphere you could drive cars in a sort of Horizon type environment and compete in little activities like in GTA for extra money
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A new hot version server by von is up and running.


Download this and delete the old clio. You should be able to get in with the renault and not get the checksum error.

Report back in thread if you still can't enter with it.
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>thread claims mumble is autistic
>go on and check it out
>first 5 lines i see
>leave immediately

is it always like this?
It's always like that with Australians online.

fuck off barney
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>tfw you can't stay up for REAL AUSTRALIA HOURS anymore
blue is an rs200
έχω kρύα αρχίδια
πληρώσουν τα χρέη

>I Kria balls



>pay debts

Άντε γαμήσου Fin σας φτωχή , σkατά σειρά βαθμίδων δρομέας
pay debt
Άντε γαμήσου Fin σας φτωχή , σkατά σειρά βαθμίδων δρομέας
Άντε γαμήσου Barney
god king pantsoo back when?
πραγματιkή ελληνιkή ώρες πληρώσει τα χρέη αν μέχρι
Daily reminder: Pantsoo owns all of us
I like Kira's balls
pantsoo and blackgoldsaw made all the autists so butthurt with kurwa and/or questionable racing techniques

Είμαι το αφεντιkό του γυμναστηρίου
πάρτε το αγόρι kολέγιο
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das brew.jpg
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>Kill yourself for the worst of the Greek alphabet alphabet
cacaй лaлкa
t. pantsoo
>this race
i wish he would come back
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did the thread go a full circle now
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>"yeah that valrys guy practiced a whole week"
Also shen's voice is smooth as fuck it's beautiful.
Awesome, you getting involved in the tournament? I am, we have a team and stuff. probably suck and die, but I don't care, I love tourneys.
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Rarely nowadays because I refuse to play with randoms so I can be mad at people I know, and not a lot of people from ovg play it anymore.
wait what

what tournament
Ay debnts
i'll play with you baby.
>all these high level plays
Actually, on >>14817402 I'm the one making the pass for the goal. Probably one of the very few good matches I've had with randoms.
Playing with ovg is the most hilarious shit you will ever experience
well, he said THE tournament, so I thought it was something special that I haven't heard of.

Thanks for your help tho anon
Not the same guy but I have been wondering myself and kinda want to get a wheel, whats a good and affordable option to start?
>Probably one of the very few good matches I've had with randoms.

>get rocket league last week
>playing randoms a bit every night
>games are generally one sided but remember all the good players names
>be last night, load up into a random game
>somehow it's loaded into a super evenly spread game, recognize a few of the players from previous nights
>every game either goes to overtime, or it's only a one goal difference
>every new game jumbles up the teams, but it's still ultra competitive
>after each game nobody wants to leave so we keep playing on

The best night I had with Rocket League, played today and it just felt so boring.
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Didnt know there was a page for that on the site
Anyways, thanks anon
why is the header in japanese
it's japanese for "paltala is a furfag"
because we're a bunch of Mongolian animated comic book enthusiasts
this seems the most believable answer
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Which Hot Version server do I join?
try entering both with the clio.

stay in the one that doesnt give you a checksum error. Grab the new clio from the doc.
I get a checksum error on both.
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Alrighty, about that:
I guess there is some glimpse of interest. Is there anyone else? Come on, i'm sure there are more players who wants to have fun, early access /v/ dirt rally league had, like, 100 members.

I'll make a league soon so people can join already (since i'm pretty sure there are more people, they're just not ready for commitment as high as writing the post "i'm in"), i really hope it won't die out of unpopularity. It would be awesome to have 12-track rally with single repair point again.
Friendly reminder /ovg/ had multiple Dirt Rally leagues that died out
damnit. Let me upload a new car
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we already have a league with 70 people in it.

Add me on steam and I'll make you one of the admins so you can do events

"TheMoro9", although it's "Lancer" now
i just lost my motivation

Welp, no one-shot no-repairs rallies for me anymore, i guess.
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no don't be like that anon. It'd be great if someone would revive it again, I know a lot of people who still play dirt rally. I just havent had any time lately to organize events.
/ovglfs/ when?
just do a one-off event or something
Since you're not starting them (and you can do it in five minutes through browser, right?), i guess problem is slightly deeper than just making new events. Reviving sounds slightly more difficult than making one for the first time, suddenly task of keeping people interested sounds pretty hard.

I can try (make events and post a post about it) but now i'm really, really not sure if i'm up to the task. Then again, i guess there is no harm trying. Maybe if i'll make stupidly "one-shot" unrestartable, unrepairable event, people will talk about it there.
Anyone tried a sim with VR yet?
I think it's weird that race/flight sims haven't gotten more attention since they should be the perfect match. Especially flight if you can actually flip all the switches with the tracked controllers
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dunno, shall we just go on a demo server or something
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and how would you rate it?
What headset (and version) have you used?
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Okay, attention please: i created an dirt rally event, there:

8 stages;
no restarts;
no repairs;
dumb weather so everyone can fall off the track have to and finish the event without a wheel or something;
80's cars (so everyone can pick glorious renault 5 turbo).

Starts now, ends in two weeks. Come, play, have fun.
>no restarts;
i joined, but do you seriously expect anyone to finish with these rules?
>8 tracks
>no repairs
>no restarts

I'll give it a shot, but I'm probably going to do two tracks and quit.
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i've got the rift DK2. it's good fun and nothing else short of real racing (3) can quite match dat immersion but only a selection of games support it. I use it in LFS which supports it well, AC which vaguely supports it and you can use it in rFactor-based games but it's a pain to get it working. it's worth a look if the games you like support it.
Well, people on /v/ finished it in early access and it was super fun - this entire saving up your car, having important reason to watch out, conserve, not taking unnecesary risk.

Should I add one servicepoint in the middle? I still can do it, i just believe it'd be way more fun to run through 8 stages with only 'one life'.
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I gave the new car to a friend to test it, and he still got checksum failure. The clio is dropped for now, unless I say otherwise. I apologise to everyone who wanted to run the car, as I also wanted to run it myself. I'll keep you posted via the thread if I manage to fix it.
goddamn right, the original point was asking specifically for bad dirt rally players.
How much of your sim racing do you do with the headset?
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>he doesn't ALT F4 to reset after every crash
I'm a porsche fanboi, I wanna get the fanatec GT3RS package.
Is it worth it?
I'm mainly getting it for iracing as it's hard to do anything but oval competitively with a mouse.
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Mostly just offline stuff. Only did one online race with it with /ovg/ which was fun but it's too much of a pain using it with rFactor or GSCE
Well, it should teach bad players about measuring risk properly. Seriously, try it, i was running this kind of event right after purchasing the game and it was fun as fuck.

Well, i can create multiple events. I guess i'll make second, smaller one so people who don't share my vision of fun won't sulk.
Quitting after crash in this kind of event will DNF you.
>ask for bad dirt rally players
>listen to complaints about dead series
>think to yourself the best thing to do is frustrate new players into quitting this series too

we're not sulking it's just that you really didn't think this through.
As i said already, i strongly believe this kind of event is good for newbies. Maybe it sounds infuriating on paper, but it ends up in loads of fun and emotions/tension - plus it kinda lowers skill ceiling since everyone have to be extremely cautious and therefore pros can't just fly around the map like they always do.

But okay, okay, i'm trying to set up second event right now.
i'm just saying mate, try doing events with two tracks a piece, get some following, then blow us out with a weekend event of the full shebang.
I would help if I didn't work so much, only reason I'm shitposting here is I decided to use a sick day.
even as I say this, I'm launching dirt rally to give it a shot. see ya'll on the other side.
oh crap, i can't set two seasons at the same time

well, no services it is
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>stage 1 finished
>car is fucked
yeah, this isn't going to work out too well.
Did you fix the clio?
I'm working on it as fast as I can
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>stage 2
I thought i set sprint tracks

I'm slowly beginning to realize something important.
Oh well, i'll try to beat it myself tommorow.
>stifag goes to driving school.jpg
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>all that autism
Fucking hell, is that Ross Hornby / djh3max in the background voices?

For use in the "WAT: Hot version update" server
Download this but delete the original folder first. Don't let it overwrite.

And a big thank you to Starking.

The Delorean has new suspension, have you updated it?
For this week we are running a fixed set of cars.

Next time kita can use the delorean is at Round 6
>And a big thank you to Starking.
>Starking took a break from sucking cock and crying for 5 minutes to actually do something useful
Color me surprised

What was wrong with it?

make sure to grab the new clio, and enter the "WAT: Hot Version update" server. Password is 4ch

I have no idea. Maybe a mismatch between the server and the clients. But it's ok now.
quali in a few minutes.

Last chance to get in here.
Just get a t300 with the t3pas

remember to use the code MAKEBARNEYRICH at checkout
>over 500 bucks
nope, you can buy it for me tho.
race 2 in 5 minutes
Time for snackies
is that really worth $100 more than a g29?
Yes, it's just a rebranded g27 with no shifter
I'm well aware. What makes the T300 so much better? I'm just some shitter on a DFGT that I bought a while ago, might be looking to upgrade sometime soon.
Smoother/better FFB. Arguably better build quality, logitech stuff feels more like a toy. Stock pedals are awful, but the T3PA Pros have significantly better materials and build quality than the G27/9 pedals, can be mounted GT style (i.e. upside down), and have progressive resistance.

Can someone upload it somewhere else, please?
Thread posts: 320
Thread images: 72

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