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Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win

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>The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials briefed on the matter.

>Intelligence agencies have identified individuals with connections to the Russian government who provided WikiLeaks with thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, including Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, according to U.S. officials. Those officials described the individuals as actors known to the intelligence community and part of a wider Russian operation to boost Trump and hurt Clinton’s chances.

>“It is the assessment of the intelligence community that Russia’s goal here was to favor one candidate over the other, to help Trump get elected,” said a senior U.S. official briefed on an intelligence presentation made to U.S. senators. “That’s the consensus view.”


>secret government report we're not going to show you says x

K. Let me know when we find Saddam's weapons of mass destruction .
>Nothing in this article concludes shit
>It sites other FN articles as sources: NYTimes, CNN, and Wolf Blitzer himself which all claim "annonymous sources"
>FBI official statement is exact opposite
Hell i hope russia did help trump win.

Id bet that they dont want to have to nuke us.
Funny, Trump says this and then appoints John Bolton to his cabinet.
I'll take "Moving the Goalpost" for 500, Alex


>implying they aren't trying to undermine the US by helping to get an incompetent moron elected
>implying nuking the United States wouldn't be mutually assured destruction
>implying they aren't a bunch of 3rd-world snow niggers desperately trying to remain relevant on the global stage
>>implying they aren't trying to undermine the US by helping to get an incompetent moron elected
>>implying nuking the United States wouldn't be mutually assured destruction
>>implying they aren't a bunch of 3rd-world snow niggers desperately trying to remain relevant on the global stage

Welp. If they did anything, im sure it was intentional. Nothing really implied there. Arguably, incompetent moron vould have applied to either candidate.

Of course we would fight back, but another war is not the answer, which in case you cant tell, is exactly why i hope they did.

Snow niggers or not, anytime we can work with another group of people to make the world a better place to be, we should do exactly that. This just seems like a better idea than destruction, mutually assured or not.
FBI said the CIA is full of shit
CIA says Iran has WMD, US attacks Iran.
CIA says Russia hax election, US attacks ?????.


I'm not sure one is so completely analogous to the other.
Either way, you're never going to get specific sources because US intelligence has good reason not to threaten American implants in Russian systems.

But from what we can know this sort of interference to produce distrust in the validity of democratic institutions is a tactic Russia has pursued before in Eastern Europe.

And it sounds pretty incriminating when you have one candidate offering a reset with Russia and asking them to hack the others' emails, and then you have the emails getting hacked.

It's more frightening that they may have managed a hack of the RNC's emails and will now attempt to use them in bribes to get what they want from the next administration.
It's weird how effective ghost hacking humans is. As soon as I saw the "wmd didn't exist meme" go out I knew it would be circulated through the program and you'd start hearing everywhere until the issue dies down. It's scary living in the modern world; actual brainwash already exists and normal people can be its victims :/
That's a great point. I hadn't considered that angle myself, that the withheld republican intelligence will be valuable to have in the coming administration.
Cozy bear is considered to be low probability of relating to the Russian intelligence agency

Fancy bear is considered moderate probability of relating to the Russian Air Force intelligence agency

Yet when we can't even figure out if they are responsible for the attacks (considering they left their fucking name in Cyrillic as a digital footprint in an easily editable way) - we 100% know it's the Russians based on something we're not allowed to see
Update: now they say the RNC was also hacked, but that the Russians are keeping those files for when they need them.




'Secret' The first clue you're dealing with fake news.
That isn't what fake news is, Anon.

So what? Like there weren't other actors trying to influence the election in Hillary's favor?
None of those were dumping hacked campaign emails to wikileaks or getting into the voter database of whole states like Russia was.
>dumping hacked campaign emails to wikileaks
The emails were real, were they not? If they were damaging to the Clinton campaign, that's not the fault of the leaker. Not like Trump didn't have damaging leaks that hurt him (grab her by the pussy).

>getting into the voter database of whole states like Russia was
>The emails were real, were they not? If they were damaging to the Clinton campaign, that's not the fault of the leaker. Not like Trump didn't have damaging leaks that hurt him (grab her by the pussy).
Do you understand that they were leaked with the express purpose of damaging Hillary's campaign as much as possible?
Oh forgot sources on the voter hacks:




>That isn't what fake news is, Anon.
Yes it is.

If you honestly believe the "Secret CIA Assessment" red-scare bullshit narrative you're a useful idiot.

None of those are linked to the "Secret CIA assessment" in any way shape or form are all months old. There's zero evidence in any of those instances corroborating this nonsense.

Also the last two sources are the same story about the same incident. Stop doing google rip-and-runs.
>useful idiot
Stopped reading there. Hello /pol/.
and all the gold digger shit with trump wasn't?
Wow this anon source from the CIA is super credible...I wonder if it's the same guy that told Bush WMD's were in Iraq.

Threads like these is why /new/ turned into /pol/

>Regime Change the fuck out of the middle east and africa the last 8 years
>Ass blasted it happen to them
A blooper real from Access Hollywood being unearthed after 10 years isn't the same as a foreign country hacking the emails of a political campaign and then leaking them on wikileaks.
What's so incredible about it, Anon?
>/new/ turned into /pol/
It seems like you're helping that by conflating fake news with this story.
>he thinks Obama did Arab Spring
Are you 16 years old and don't remember or were you living under a rock?
The level of retardation intensifies.
"Secret" does not indicate conspiracy and because you/we are not the audience of the report or the briefings.
We only know about them is because someone, who was part of the intended audience leaked its existence.

Get some help with the retardation before it gets worse.
>Get some help with the retardation before it gets worse.
It's really difficult when it's being echoed all around you 24/7 by gullible idiots who actually believe in a Trump-FBI-Putin conspiracy to undermine Clinton's supposed electoral triumph.

No one with any functional historical knowledge of the CIA believes this shit.

>It seems like you're helping that by conflating fake news with this story.
This story is fake news and you and your retarded kin keep spamming it everywhere because none of you can accept the outcome of the election.

You're spoiled children who keep wanting do overs because "cheating" until you get your way.
>none of you can accept the outcome of the election.
>wanting do overs because "cheating" until you get your way.
Making assertions about motives not in evidence?
Not everybody looking into this story is a Trump hater. I guess you live some weird binary alternative universe.
McCain, Graham, Schumer, Reed Joint Statement on Reports That Russia Interfered with the 2016 Election
>“For years, foreign adversaries have directed cyberattacks at America’s physical, economic, and military infrastructure, while stealing our intellectual property. Now our democratic institutions have been targeted. Recent reports of Russian interference in our election should alarm every American.
>“This cannot become a partisan issue. The stakes are too high for our country. We are committed to working in this bipartisan manner, and we will seek to unify our colleagues around the goal of investigating and stopping the grave threats that cyberattacks conducted by foreign governments pose to our national security.”

Even Republicans say it is worth looking into. Or is this another Fake News website?
They might believe it does make it true anon remember the WMD's?
>remember the WMDs
You sure don't. That was Dick Cheney.
WMDs? Misdirection is such an art, Thank you for showing us the way.

>OMFG mysides
>You so funny
>You must be great at parties
The Truth behind Trump. CIA Supports.
>Making assertions about motives not in evidence?
Russians hacking the election is a conspiracy theory directly born of out people who refuse to accept the outcome of the election.

>Not everybody looking into this story is a Trump hater.
No, they're just all gullible.

>I guess you live some weird binary alternative universe.
No, I live in the real universe, where paper ballots and mechanical voting machines w/o electricity or internet can't hacked by Russian boogeymen.

>Or is this another Fake News website?
The CIA putting out false intelligence to sway the public?
Factions with the US government being at odds and moving to protect their own interests from a political outsider using old red-scare McCarthyism?

Nah, could never happen. It's more likely that Putin, Trump, and the FBI really did all conspired to hack and rig the election.

>McCain, Graham, Schumer, Reed
Neocon establishment lackeys who love saber rattling and vying for military actions.

>Or is this another Fake News website?
It's not the website, it's the news.

Seriously, when are you guys going to stop spamming this Russian hacker fake news BS?
>Russians hacking the election is a conspiracy theory directly born of out people who refuse to accept the outcome of the election.

Except other Western democracies' intelligence agencies were reporting Russian influence or even interference in their electoral processes.

Except for the fact that they have bankrolled people like Le Penn, right wing nationalist who would see sanctions removed from Russia and closer ties to Putin.

It's not like the Russians did the same thing to the left during the Cold War anyways.

>No, they're just all gullible.

An investigation proving Trump faultless should assuage the public then.

>The CIA putting out false intelligence to sway the public?

Why would they do that after the election?

Besides, why would you trust Trump over the CIA? What does the CIA have to gain by challenging Trump? Trump has every motive to fight it however.

>Factions with the US government being at odds and moving to protect their own interests from a political outsider using old red-scare McCarthyism?

We threw down the gauntlet with Russia when we levied sanctions over Crimea. He's already playing Cold War chess with us, and will do so until NATO is done with and the West's influence is out of his backyard.

>Nah, could never happen. It's more likely that Putin, Trump, and the FBI really did all conspired to hack and rig the election.

I don't think they conspired. The FBI was pressured to keep Congress up to date on the email scandal, and if Putin did interject himself into the elections, then Trump was likely clueless.

>Neocon establishment lackeys who love saber rattling and vying for military actions.

Who is John Bolton?
>ghost hacking
It's not brainwashing. People are just being total idiots. They can't comprehend an existence outside of a comfortable echo-chamber (created by social media) and therefore believe that anything that threatens that little world must be a lie. It's especially easy among those who are poorly educated, while still having access to massive amounts of information.

What I am trying to say, basically, is that empty heads are easy to fill.
How is life in Russia? How much to you get for trolling 4chan?

Or are from some shit-hole anus licking fucktard place like Macedonia.

Do you know what gives you away? How illogical your arguments are. Either that or you part of the mentally ill that don't get treatment in the US.
>Mods around here are Working for Uncle Sam, as my Previous Threads are often Removed
no shit they will remove offtopic
Off topic? Your kidding me, Human Species and Any mention of Organization gets sifted and disposed of, while Disorganization of All Else Is Accepted? what do you think made 4chan popular? /b/ ...duh.... (Random)
that's not what moving the goalpost means
Obama's momma's cousin.
I hope they release it.

We could stand to shake up both the parties really hard right now.
You mean the WMDs that Donald Rumsfeld sold to Sadam and that he used to gas the Kurds? Those all got used.
CIA is terrorist organization,literally. I trust FBI more.
Do you really think people can get pain to post random comments on some sites?Can you find me job like that then?Where to go who to ask?
The DNC leak had little effect on the general election. It was targeted at the Dem primary. If that can be traced back to Russia, fine, but it didn't really make a difference. The DNC got away with it.

The Podesta hack on the other hand did have an effect, but it wasn't really a hack. A 10 yo could have cracked that account and by guessing the correct password. They would not leave much of a trace since they didn't have to do any hacking per se. Not sure how a successful login to a Gmail account can be pinned on Russia without real evidence.

My husband's ex-wife did that to his yahoo account and we couldn't do anything about it legally. I don't know if forensically much could be assertained other than the IP address of the specific login and I hear it is pretty easy to fake and/or auto-rotate thru many IP addresses.

If any experts can dispute, please do so. I am not an expert.
>My husband's ex-wife did that to his yahoo account and we couldn't do anything about it legally. I don't know if forensically much could be assertained other than the IP address of the specific login and I hear it is pretty easy to fake and/or auto-rotate thru many IP addresses.
>If any experts can dispute, please do so. I am not an expert.

Well in the US it is a federal crime to login into a system you do not have permission to access. Now enforcing this law on the other hand is another story. There is little they can do.
Do you even know the history of the FBI?
Do you know the CIA's?
J. Edgar Hoover is dead.
Republicans 10 weeks ago:
>Fuck the FBI and that partisan hack Comey! How dare they let Hillary off the hook! I've got your reasonable prosecutor dangling between my legs!!!

Republicans yesterday:
>Well the FBI says the CIA is full of shit about the Russians so clearly the FBI is right and the CIA is Obama's lapdog! Hurrdurr iraqi WMDs!!
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