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A conservative author tried to speak at a liberal arts college.

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>As the co-author of one of the 1990s’ most controversial works of scholarship, Charles Murray is no stranger to angry protesters.

>Over the years, at university lectures across the country, the influential conservative scholar and author of “The Bell Curve” says he’s come face-to-face with demonstrators dozens of times.

>But none of those interactions prepared him for the chaotic confrontation he encountered Thursday night at Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vt.

>“When ‘The Bell Curve’ came out, I’d have lectures with lots of people chanting and picketing with signs, but it was always within the confines of the event and I was eventually able to speak,” Murray told The Washington Post. “But I’ve never experienced anything like this.”

>The demonstrations began conventionally enough, with several hundred organized protesters packed into a lecture hall Thursday, chanting and holding signs. They ended with Murray being forced to cancel his lecture and later being surrounded by an unruly mob made up of students and “outside agitators” as he tried to leave campus, according to witnesses and school administrators.

>After swarming Murray and two school officials, the protesters shouted profanities, shoved members of the group and then blocked them from getting to a vehicle in a nearby parking lot. Witnesses said the confrontation was aggressive, intimidating and unpredictable and felt like it was edging frighteningly close to outright violence.
>In a message to the campus community Friday, Middlebury President Laurie L. Patton said her administration plans to respond to the “clear violations of Middlebury College policy” that occurred the night before without providing more specific information. Patton — who was on hand Thursday night — said she was “deeply disappointed” by the events she witnessed and called the night “painful” for many at Middlebury, a top-tier liberal arts college with about 2,450 undergraduate students.

>“Today our community begins the process of addressing the deep and troubling divisions that were on display last night,” her message said. “I am grateful to those who share this goal and have offered to help.”

>“We must find a path to establishing a climate of open discourse as a core Middlebury value, while also recognizing critical matters of race, inclusion, class, sexual and gender identity, and the other factors that too often divide us,” the statement added. “That work will take time, and I will have more to say about that in the days ahead.”

>The Southern Poverty Law Center has labeled Murray a white supremacist and a eugenicist who uses “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women and the poor.”

>“Murray, a statistically minded sociologist by training, has spent decades working to rehabilitate long-discredited theories of IQ and heredity, turning them into a foundation on which to build a conservative theory of society that rejects equality and egalitarianism,” the SPLC states.

>Murray bristled at the SPLC’s characterization of him and blamed it for provoking protests among college students who have failed to scrutinize his work.
>“White supremacist?” he said Friday. “Let’s see: if you have a guy who was married for 13 years to an Asian woman and who has two lovely Asian daughters, wouldn’t that disqualify him from membership in the white supremacist club?”

>Murray, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, was not invited to Middlebury to discuss “The Bell Curve,” but instead to talk about his latest book: “Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010.”

>His lecture was co-sponsored by Middlebury’s Political Science Department. The other sponsor was the AEI Executive Council at the college, an outreach program by the Washington-based group that operates on dozens of campuses.

>“Our goal was not to create a controversy, but to start a discussion and a dialogue,” said Alexander Khan, a member of the AEI Executive Council. “Many members of our own club here don’t agree with everything Dr. Murray has to say, but we still believe in the importance of robust discussion and the free exchange of opinions.”

>“That is a cornerstone of what it means to receive a liberal arts education,” he added.

>The Associated Press reported that more than 450 alumni signed a letter calling Murray’s visit “unacceptable.”

>“In this case, there’s not really any ‘other side,’ only deceptive statistics masking unfounded bigotry,” the letter said.

>“Both students and other community members came out to show that we are not accepting these kind of racist, misogynistic, eugenist opinions being expressed at our college,” Elizabeth Dunn, a student protest organizer, told the AP. “We don’t think that they deserve a platform because they are literally hate speech.”

>Video from the lecture in Wilson Hall showed hundreds of students turning their backs to Murray once he took the stage and began speaking.
>Chants including “Hey hey, ho ho, Charles Murray has got to go” and “Racist, sexist anti-gay, Charles Murray go away” followed as Murray remained at the lectern for close to 20 minutes. The students held signs that said “No Eugenics” and “Scientific racism = Racism.”

>Anticipating that the lecture might be interrupted, administrators attempted to relocate the event and a Q&A with Middlebury professor Allison Stanger to a location where the exchange could be live-streamed. Some of their discussion was recorded, but the dialogue was cut short by loud protesters who slammed chairs, chanted and periodically pulled fire alarms, which shut down the building’s power, according to Middlebury spokesman Bill Burger.

>“It became very difficult to hear in there where they were recording,” Burger said. “Nonetheless, there was a principle at work in that we were determined to continue the event. Both sides felt like they were standing for principle.”

>Murray said he felt like students were protesting a perceived persona more than a person, one they’d labeled “a racist, sexist pseudo scientist.” Asked why he thinks he continues to arouse such passion 23 years after “The Bell Curve” was published, Murray said he could only speculate.

>“I think there is this rage on campuses about Donald Trump and — as someone who has written pretty explicitly about my disapproval of Trump — I can sympathize with that.”

>“But if you have someone that they can say, ‘This is one of those people who is the problem,’ then they latch on to that person,” he added. “That’s who I was to them.”

>Burger said Stanger’s hair was pulled before she reached the car, twisting and injuring the professor’s neck. Burger said she later went to a hospital and was fitted with a neck brace. (Stanger could not be reached for comment.)
>By the time Murray, Stanger and Burger made it to their car with a campus security escort, the vehicle was mobbed by masked demonstrators who climbed on the hood, pounded the windows and blocked the car’s exit while security struggled to clear a path, witnesses said.

>At one point, a stop sign was pulled from the ground and laid in front of the vehicle to block its path. After close to 10 minutes, the car managed to separate from the mob, witnesses said. Minutes later, the group was forced to leave a nearby restaurant when security informed Murray and the others that more protesters were on their way.

>Murray said he harbored no ill will toward Middlebury and praised campus administrators for not backing down from protesters as the night intensified.

>He said he didn’t want to dramatize the events or present his final interaction with protesters as a “life-or-death situation,” but noted that the crowd was “out of control.”

>“Had there not been those security guards, I would certainly have been pushed down on the ground,” he said. “Maybe nothing more would’ve happened after that, but certainly that would’ve happened.”
Shame, I really like this guy.
>College campuses continuing to be hot beds of left wing intolerance and violent zealotry

And water is still wet.
This is why I always call for violence agaisnt liberals. This is why I don't believe you are a true conservative unless you're having to restrain yourself from kicking the tar out of a libcuck or breaking out the flamethrower whenever you see them. This is why Dylan Roof and BlackPowderRanger/Saigamarine are heroes. This is why I'm Alt-Right.

Could you not shitpost here, please?
I cringed.
>left wing intolerance and violent zealotry

Are you sure it's not just the right being more cowardly and always running away?

Everyone is allowed to protest but the right love to run away and cry that they are being silenced by violent zealotry when someone protest against them.
This is a defensive tactic on /new/.

"Left-negative" threads are slid with histrionic shitposting by people pretending to be ultra violent right wingers.

>Are you sure it's not just the right being more cowardly and always running away?
>Everyone is allowed to protest but the right love to run away and cry that they are being silenced by violent zealotry
Protesting and physically attacking people for having different beliefs are not the same thing.

If you don't see the issue with physically attacking people, you might be a living embodiment of the partisan violent zealot who scoff at. Congrats, you're a fascist.
>This is a defensive tactic on /new/.

Have you ever been on /pol/?

Besides, I see those sentiments expressed in both righty, lefty, and even apolitical threads here.

No, I know it's contra-shitposting, it's easy to spot, but it's just fucking annoying.
>“Had there not been those security guards, I would certainly have been pushed down on the ground,” he said. “Maybe nothing more would’ve happened after that, but certainly that would’ve happened.”

>Maybe nothing more would’ve happened after that,
he sure is optimistic.
>Have you ever been on /pol/?
Everyone on /new/ has been to /pol/ at least once.

>Besides, I see those sentiments expressed in both righty, lefty, and even apolitical threads here.
Yes, except these are the only ones that follow a pattern.

9/10 times:
-It's a WaPo thread
-It begins when the OP or someone who's been arguing in the thread hard is unable to refute criticism.
-It's usually a right wing straw man expressing totalitarian or violent views and wishes towards leftist concepts/people that have been the part of the argument.
-It sounds like it was written by a bitter baby boomer.
To be fair, if I posted here like I do on /pol/, I'd get immediately banned.
Wait isn't the media supposed to be so venomously anti-Trump and anti alt-right that they will always lie and fabricate events to make the left look better?

Why wold they write an article which shows the left in the most negative light possible?
This isn't /new/, it's /news/. Learn the difference.
(old)/n/, /news/, /new/, all different corn kernels of the same shit.
Why do you still post here if mainstream media sources trigger your delicate /pol/ sensibilities so much?
>Learn the difference.

>Right wing shitbox
>Left wing shitbox

Because making useful idiots such as yourself launch into angry tirades in defense of an establishment that lies to you and steals our money while falsely building you up a resistance fighter goes well with my morning coffee.
Opinion noted and discarded for being demonstrably untrue.

I'm sorry we couldn't live up to your impossible standards.
>demonstrably untrue.
Demonstrate, then.

>I'm sorry we couldn't live up to your impossible standards.
There are no standards here, other than WaPo and NYT are god.
>the reactionary retard is criticizing angry tirades in an angry tirade
You people are a caricature of yourselves.

Oh lords I am slain. You have defeated me, I can never post again.

Please, tell me how not mad you are and how mad I really am. Again. Again!
>Demonstrate then
How about instead you just don't post again until you've lurked a hell of a lot more.
>There are no standards here
When you one day grow up and realize there was never a contest for you to have won or lost then you will be making progress.
Not him but, that anon doesn't seem angry in the slightest. He's outright mocking the other side, whether you agree with him or not.
>How about instead you just don't post again until you've lurked a hell of a lot more.
How about you just back up your claims. Demonstrate, bitch boy.

>points to post of rules
>rules are almost never enforced.

Threads older than 48 hours are bumped constantly. Blogs and editorials are regularly posted and excused. Blatant trolling goes on unchecked, given the rampant histrionic shitposting used to slide threads. There's no oversight here, I don't ever recall a thread being pruned or someone being banned for obvious trolling.

>When you one day grow up and realize there was never a contest for you to have won or lost then you will be making progress.
Sounds like something someone who just lost says in order to comfort themselves.
Sorry kiddo, maybe next time.
Sorry, I don't placate retards. Lurk more unless you want to be called out more on your rhetorical bullshit.
>“White supremacist?” he said Friday. “Let’s see: if you have a guy who was married for 13 years to an Asian woman and who has two lovely Asian daughters, wouldn’t that disqualify him from membership in the white supremacist club?”

Not really. It's quite common for white supremacists to tout those among them that have non-white family, particularly with "model minority" (small numbers and high-achieving and non-politically-active).

He's accepted grants from the Pioneer Fund, which was headed by a white supremacist and psychologist.
>Sorry, I don't placate retards.
But you placate yourself daily. Why lie?

>Lurk more unless you want to be called out more on your rhetorical bullshit.
I don't think you're using "rhetorical" correctly, but okay kiddo.
I will always be flummoxed by your continued presence on this board which you claim to despise.
Misery loves company
I'm trying to show the young and impressionable the truth of the world.
Fuck off cunt.

Go cause drama elsewhere.
>I will always be flummoxed by your continued presence on this board which you claim to despise.
I'm actually just here to annoy you.

This is all about you, personally and specifically. I'm the manifestation of your psychosis. My name is Jim and I have three hands, all of which are grasping assault weapons and voting for less taxes.
Protest should remain civil. Even without the physical attacks on the speakers and their vehicle, the outright silencing of them throughout the talk is unacceptable.

If I was unarmed and thought someone may beat me with a pipe at any moment, you can bet I would get out. Even if I were armed I would leave, otherwise I may be spun into the aggressor when the story breaks.
>Go cause drama elsewhere.
The only drama here is from agitated leftist trolls who can't stand threads pointing out their violent hypocrisy.

I am going no where. Bask in my anonymous presence, resign yourself to unending conflict. Welcome to 4chan.
> no eugenics
Eugenics would be pretty neat
I am a liberal and I'm not even going to pretend that this is acceptable.

This is an egregious embarrassment in a long line of embarrassments. .

the legal alternative is to take out a gun and shoot anyone that threatens you. is that what you want?
What a stupid story. Nobody should pretend like the so called "angry mob" was attacking this guy for being conservative. They were attacking him because he's a notorious race baiter. Just as Charles Murray isn't representative of conservatives, Middlebury College isn't representative of all colleges. Nice pigeonholing on the part of WaPo though.
And the term "White Supremacy" is an astute academic terminology and not the most jewish, race baiting, and disingenuous verbal slur ever.
It isn't just that he's a white supremacist, he's also a
>eugenicist who uses “racist pseudoscience and misleading statistics to argue that social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women and the poor.”
>the reactionary retard
And the marxist outs itself all too easily.
The cognitive dissonance among the left
>no eugenics
>no racial evolutionary studies

>why do the conservatives hate global warming, are they anti-science?
t. /pol/
>social inequality is caused by the genetic inferiority of the black and Latino communities, women and the poor
Sounds about right. They're probably just mad that he's right.
The work done by Murray and his ilk is not genetics or biology. They're psychologists that have attended conferences held by white supremacists and provided them ideological fodder by essentially conflating heredity with genetics.
where are all the calls of fake news.

WaPo is only fake news when the coverage is unflattering to your guy.
>Why do liberals accept science that has been peer reviewed to hell and back, with solid and indisputable methodology which is accepted unanimously by the science community and not our "science" with somewhat spurious methodology, which has gained different results on different occasions and just so happens to conform to my social biases?

Gee I wonder why.
For those of you who don't know:

Murray himself does not do ground research -- his PhD is in political science and he mostly just writes books and speaks and theorizes at Conservative think tanks. The research done in /The Bell Curve/ was all by Herrnstein, who was much more restrained in his conclusions and his statements, and who was the one endorsed by other genetic psychologists.

When Murray speaks he is deliberately hyperbolic and inflammatory. He concluded an essay about IQ tests on Jews with: "At this point, I take sanctuary in my remaining hypothesis, uniquely parsimonious and happily irrefutable. The Jews are God's chosen people." Obviously it's made in some humor, but it also shows the blissful ignorance of how in the context of all the other racial statements made this can be used as eugenicist propaganda, something that as a political scientist he should have on the top of his mind.

tldr; people like Murray and Milo are professional inflammatory political speakers, and thus are fair game for these kinds of protests and are not individually sacrosanct under the guise of "free academic debate", unlike the actual academics whose research underlies their ideas.

(note: Nowhere in this post do I argue over the merits of the ideas themselves, and I do not think they need to be argued in discussing this news story.)
>shutting him down

I should say I never would endorse shutting down an invited speaker, and should have said that Murray is a political speaker who is fair game to political labelling and angry protest (as opposed to academic or partially-academic speakers who would be better protested with more restrained forms of petition imho). But yeah, blocking an invited speaker to a uni in the case of Milo or Murray is unacceptable as either a goal or an outcome of protest.
>Does it depress you that the nigger is at the bottom of society because that is where he belongs?
This is the core of things. The conservatives don't care about academia or sciences. They only want what they can bend to fit their worldview which is a characteristic they very much like to project onto the left.
nobody denies differences between races and academic performance.
people disagree about the cause of those differences because they're explained just as easily by both models of strongly genetic causation as well as models of strongly environmental causation.
Psychologists like Murray take advantage of peoples' confusion regarding the nature of heredity to suggest that because a hereditary difference exists, observed differences in the frequency of some trait between races cannot be changed because it must correspond to a genetic difference. This feeds into supremacist narrative that we can't expect different races to coexist successfully within a society.
>blank-slate/egalitarian view of the world
>that is where he belongs

Way to not know what the fuck you're talking about.

There are two basic axes of egalitarianism (in a classical model): Equality of Opportunity and Equality of Outcomes.

In terms of equality of outcomes, we can generally agree that all law-abiding people should be afforded the means for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Thus we have basic social programs to keep at least non-terminally-ill people from starving or dying on the streets, as well as legal protections and guaranteed rights.

In terms of equality of opportunity, we provide all of the above to keep parents alive, as well as a foster system, public education, and other social programs intended to increase income mobility, which is supposed to measure in some sense the success of these programs in creating equality of opportunity. None of this however can compare to the advantage in life that the child of a millionaire gets, no matter how much of a little shit they may turn out to be -- and there's not a lot that any society can do about it.

And so considering this summary, I just ask you to think about the following question: even if the percentage of ghetto kids who are smarter than an average Asian in a suburban public school were tiny, how do you provide them sufficient opportunity to contribute to society on the level that they are able? Does your vision of society provide that opportunity at all?
False flaging dyke, take a hike!
Do you look at history thinking only left cucks are responsible for pitfalls? Democrat / republican is the same person, you just like the logic behind one more than the other but logic doesn't change that both sides fuck the American people on a daily basis and are so far removed from average American that doing their job makes them unable to do their job.

>never meeting home constituents, backing whatever big money corporation which legally is treated like an individual like you or I.

and if you think big government is mismanaged wait till you see local government.

>there is no democrat or republican. There's just shitty people
Because they are being silenced by violent zealotry and don't for a moment try to gaslight anyone here into believing that's not happening all over the US to speakers less controversial than this.

I'm starting to think leftists don't understand what protesting means anymore than they understand the concept of free speech.
They don't actually think that makes them look negative. That's why they inserted the SPLC's opinion like it matters, because they're trying to give more weight to the people who were intimidating him. Notice they didn't interview anyone who was there to hear him speak, only "neutral," administrators and opposing "protestors." They simply don't care about that part of the story.

Reactionary is the millennial leftist's version of "counter-revolutionary."

A lot of these posters are genuinely new to 4chan. Someone unironically directed me to /qa/ a few weeks ago to learn more about the site's user base.
Both sides do that. Don't you for a fucking moment pretend there aren't entire departments full of leftwing ideologues setting out with "experiments," designed to confirm a conclusion and bias they already formed to lend the weight of science (or the colloquial perception of it) to their own dogmas.
Planned Parenthood was founded by a woman who wanted to keep the black population in check, does that mean everyone associated with it is an evil racist too?
Hell, a lot of the science we have revolving around rocketry and genetics was pioneered by the Nazis themselves as well.
>it sounds like a bitter baby boomer

/news/ is 100% a boomer board. The low information partisanship, the brain addled creationist-tier argumentation, the rabid consumption and regurgitation of hackneyed MSM talking points, the corny name calling.

Smells of sharts and Walgreens.
> baby boomer
wtf I love planned parenthood now
>Smells of sharts and Walgreens.
All it's missing are minions serving as OP images.
Milo was the only.peeson who ever really should of feared any kind of retaliation. Even the at worse it'd be an egg on the shirt. This faggot just wants attention.
>only "neutral," administrators and opposing "protestors." They simply don't care about that part of the story
Why is neutral in quotation? Because it doesn't jerk off your opinion?
Who wants to hear what the poeple there to listen have to say? It's normally stupidly obvious, what if none of them wanted comments because muh spooky mean liberals?
>Races might be equal for the most part
Do you ever wonder why no one except your own take you seriously?
>pretending to be ultra violent right wingers.
Visit /pol/ more often. They're not pretending.
There are legit unironic alt right Christian posters there.
The baby-boomers are the reason we have Trump. The only entitlements he's not willing to touch are Medicare and SS. Otherwise he's selling out the younger generations for growth at a slightly faster clip.
If it was up to the younger generation, Bernie Sanders would be president.
>If it was up to the younger generation, Bernie Sanders would be president.

And if it was up to the youngest generation, Justin Beiber would be president.

Cry more BITCH
Neutrality is in quotes because with a lot of these leftwing intimidation episodes it's clear the university staff is only paying lip service and is carefully setting things up so they fail. Last minute raises in security fees or keeping campus police from intervening in tense situations for instance.

And hearing from the people that went there to hear him is as pertinent as listening to those who went to "protest," in the first place. You're being childish on this point given "protestors," motivations are often as obvious, or conversely there might have been plenty of people who went intending to listen to ideas they disagree with vehemently but dislike the retarded leftwing strong arm tactics that ensued.

You know damn well when I said dogmas with a plural S it wasn't meant to this topic alone or even at all since the post was directed at a different discussion. Stop playing dumb to undercut points you disagree with. Leftwing dogmas exist and they form as much a stifling and anti-scientific confirmation bias as the people they oppose.

There are also legit communists bumbling about this board as well. You don't get to whine about one side's extremists while ignoring the other.

The younger generation is as spoiled, stupid, and selfish as the boomers. It makes sense they're the two largest generations currently living. Worshiping what younger people have to say or think as if it has more weight than anyone else's opinion is how you imbue an entire generation with the contagious narcissism millennials unfortunately have. I am one, and nothing scares me more than the thought of them being in charge of anything. The generation has a lot of growing up to do.
>Protest should remain civil.
Should, but if nothing gets done then it's the citizens duty to revolt. Where would America be without revolution? It's how radical change happens.
At a college lecture? Get the fuck out, the founding fathers wanted nothing to do with this Marxist bullshit
It's time for a revolution against the communists in our government and schools. Hail the constitution.
>Threads older than 48 hours will cease to bump when replied to.
>Threads older than 48 hours will cease to bump when replied to.
>Threads older than 48 hours will cease to bump when replied to.

This board is a joke.
The south will rise again.
If a single one of them actually read the book, they would change their minds. Because it is literally a book of FACTS.
Do you have a fucking business card?
The revolutionary in this equation is the man being prevented from speaking, not the spoiled and retarded Red Guard LARPers enforcing their accepted political dogma over others.
And it's STILL bumping
What's the problem? It'll get bumped off eventually, all threads do. Is it a problem this story is getting even the smallest amounts of attention? Are you super concerned about a high turnover rate of threads?
>Threads older than 48 hours will cease to bump when replied to.
>/news/ is exclusively for recent news articles, and not general discussions of politics, social phenomenon, or world events.

To be fair this isn't the only thread guilty of this shit but it's safe to say /news/ has neither janitors nor mods.
>safe to say /news/ has neither janitors nor mods
Good. They're reddit.
Good honestly. Having a board be a glorified aggregator feed is a huge waste of time. If new stuff happens make a new thread for it and it'll bump off an older one.

Did all of reddit invade /news/ as an attempt to get more left-wingers on this site because /pol/ is too impenetrable?

Yeah. There's only like 10 of them, max.

A lot of "centrists" here too, which is cool. Those are liberals who haven't fully dropped their ideology. But they're close!

Maybe the world won't become a giant commie garbage dump after all.

I notice that most of the threads are

>Shit on Trump
>Shit on Republican Congress
>Shit on Trump's staff
I'm one of those centrists, though nobody looking to make good graces with leftwing thought will admit that. There are a lot of really fucking stupid ideas prevalent in the GOP and I find myself nearly tearing my hear out watching them make boneheaded mistakes.

I am however, one of those people the left has abandoned in its mad dash to lick the nuts off of every Lenin statue it comes across. My newfound support for Republicans doesn't necessarily come completely from an agreement of ideas (though they do have a lot that I do agree with) so much as it comes from the fact I am fiercely anti-Democrat now. I was one of those people raised in a social environment where everything left meant good and just while everything right meant bad and evil and I've only started to break through that conditioning in recent years. I suppose that's going to be a regular occurrence for my generation if the left and Democrats keep behaving as they are.
Same. But I dropped the left during Obamas second term.

Maybe people like you to help build the new republican party. These old republican shills need to gtfo.

They never really got it, anyway.

Obviously party politics are shit, but this is what we've got in America.

Hopefully Trump and Bannon will start something. A real party for the people and liberty. We've got like zero grassroots activity going on right now.

Is that what they say?
Why is /news/ broken?
>After swarming Murray and two school officials, the protesters shouted profanities, shoved members of the group and then blocked them from getting to a vehicle in a nearby parking lot. Witnesses said the confrontation was aggressive, intimidating and unpredictable and felt like it was edging frighteningly close to outright violence.

Right Wing is the New Rock’n’Roll

>People unironically posting blogs as news sources
>People posting month/year old articles
>Accusing people of shilling for the russian government instead of having a discussion
>False flag posts left and right
>Every few days a flurry of Trump articles

Mods need to do their jobs. There are literally 6 occupydemocrats threads this week and someone has started posting celebrity gossip from the Ukraine. Censoring discussion is out of the question but for fucks sake there are rules in the sticky that are enforced on a monthly basis if the mods feel like it
I meant that as "Why is this thread still bumpable"
I don't think any of those constitute as broken, just people not following the rules.
Within the last 7 days there have been 2 posts with OD as the OP's source. Might want to read up on what literally means.
An American website with a current news section posts about it's president's latest news? Color me surprised.

Sage because the thread is old
Thread posts: 97
Thread images: 1

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