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>go for a long ride >decide to go without a helmet for

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>go for a long ride
>decide to go without a helmet for first time
>holy fuck, feel like I'm finally free
>realize in all the years I've been riding I've never been in a wreck that's involved my head
>realized that most serious wrecks would kill you regardless of helmet
>realize that most motorcyclist passing me aren't even wearing helmets
>mfw I realized helmets are part of a plot to make money and serve no useful purpose
Try working as an EMT. You'll change your mind.
>working as an EMT
>see cyclist who got hit from behind by a drunk driver in a lifted pickup
>man, if only he was wearing his helmet, thank god I was here to see this
>helmet is not magic hat that makes you immortal, impervious to every conceivable scenario, add another 30 rpm to your cadence and gives you blowjobs
>helmet is worthless
fuck off
you arent riding hard enough if you if you can remember that you have a helmet
enjoy going slow

only exception can be on hard climbs.
If you don't use a helmet you get fined 180 bucks in australia.
>>realize that most motorcyclist passing me aren't even wearing helmets
Where do you live OP? Thailand?
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But where would I put the mirror?
these teeth, so disgusting
Trust me, if you hit a deer going down a hill at 30mph, go over the bars and smash your head into the pavement and wake up unconscious, covered in blood, getting burnt by the searing heat of the pavement with no cell reception because you were riding in a "safe place with no traffic," you'll always be glad you wore a helmet. Cause your elbows and knees wouldn't be the only thing bleeding if you didn't have that helmet.

GETTING BLASTED by a truck or sliding out in a corner isn't the only way to crash m8s
Ah, how I've missed the immortal helmet shitposting threads...
This, I forget I'm even wearing mine.
>having to wear a helmet
what totalitarian nannystate shithole do you fags even live in?
If you're so weak you would die if bonked on the head a little you are unfit to ride a bike.
please continue not wearing your helmet.
I bought into the BERN helmet meme and my head looked 2.5x times the size so I stopped wearing it. Probably should, but I don't ride in traffic... so... yeah...
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srs question for "always wear a helmet" peeps: how do you feel about compulsory helmet laws, and bike-friendly cultures with their complete lack of helmets.

The real helmet debate is whether compulsory helmet laws are detrimental to society overall by discouraging cycling (gives it a more dangerous/niche/geeky image). And on the flipside - if helmets aren't compulsory, then only 'dorks' will wear them.

I would love to hear Dutch/Danish views on this.
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Helmet laws r bad pt 1
Helmet laws r bad pt 2
Drivers give you more room when you aren't wearing a helmet

Noobs ride more dangerously when wearing a helmet

Most cycle deaths are spinal cord injuries / bleeding

Helmet prevent concussions. Football (real football) players get them all the time

Helmets make your head hot

Riding safe (i.e. not racing or Fredding it up on a back country road) greatly reduces dangers of helmet-free riding

Helmet on a "touring" ride: buzzkill

The danger is worth it to me but wear your helmet I don't care
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>Be me
>Be Dutch
>Rode out of the womb on a bike
>Laugh at all other countries when it comes to riding bikes
>Bike, Bike, Bike, Repeat
>not realizing helmets aren't to save your life

They're so you don't suffer serious brain injury from slow-speed collisions, or crashes. A car hitting you at 50mph is going to rek your shit, helmet or not. But a car going 10~20mph will probably just hurt, maybe break an arm or leg. If you're not wearing a helmet however, you could slam your head on the ground/car and suffer serious brain damage that will actually make you the retard you already seem to be.
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so did I. Honestly, it wasn't a bad helmet but it was heavy as fuck and brutal in the summer. I finally replaced it with a Bell Influx. Much better.
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>I've never been in a wreck that's involved my head
Hard enough for what? To placate idiots on the internet? I don't think that's a relevant concern for most cyclists.

>Helmet prevent concussions
[Citation needed]
The specifications of the certifications they are designed to achieve are based on the prevention of skull fractures.

>In which a myopia-afflicted fails to come to terms that not all cyclists subject themselves to the same risks
Cagers have more head injury than anyone else and would benefit most from mandatory helmets.
Calm the fuck down op.
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Try biking harder. Then you'll understand.
There are times when wearing a helmet is kind of unnecessary, like going to the store or mild trail riding where a lack of ability or spacial awareness is the main cause of falling.
I think he was referring to roadies in general. Personally, I ride road without a helmet. But I wouldn't fuck around without one on my mountain bike.

Besides, helmets are uncool and make your heal look like the tip of a dildo.
Unfortunately, a good percentage dont have good situational awareness or tend to day dream when doing long rides.
The Dutch don't have to touch a road and cycle at 1km/h
>Drivers give you more room when you aren't wearing a helmet

ahhh yes that one study in Australia that all anti helmet people like to quote.

Cars give me enough room they can't give me any morethan they currently do otherwise they would be off the road.

Cycle in the middle of yoir lane and the not in the ditch and people will give you room. Has nothing to do with helmets.
I've seen a video posted here of a garbage truck hitting a guy on a bike from the side. It wasn't going fast, it didn't run over him, the huge momentum simply made him go from vertical to horizontal in a split second. His head hit the pavement, game over. The remaining 15 minutes of the video was waiting for an ambulance to arrive and pick up what's left of him.
>how do you feel about compulsory helmet laws

Waste of time for both motorcycles and bicycles. We are in need of organ donors. Fit brain dead cyclists have excellent hearts, lungs and kidneys.

>bike-friendly cultures with their complete lack of helmets.

Different style of riding compared to the US. Car free zones and segregated facilities work well with 60lb gaspipe bikes doing 10mph on flat land.
>No space between the number and the unit symbol
Please re-read the SI Brochure

I don't believe there is any such study from Australia to which you could attribute such a finding.

>I've seen a video posted here of a brick hitting a guy in a cage in the face. He wasn't going fast, it didn't run over him, the huge momentum simply made his face go from human to bolognese in a split second. His head hit the brick, game over. The remaining 5 minutes of the video was his fellow cage occupants screaming at what's left of him.

>We are in need of organ donors.
In that case you should be in support of mandatory helmet laws, due to the increased frequency with which cyclists die under such regimes.
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You're mad faggot.
Tell me about Sheldon.

Why did he wear the Bell?
I agree helmets slow you down.
Sometimes on my commute I get there super early and I don't even realize I forgot my helmet till I'm there, and I'm like why was that ride so much more fun and fast then normal, then I realize.
all those momma bikes.
You are dumb.

2 years ago, 1 mile to the finish of a road race, some dumbfuck took me out while we were going at least 25mph. My helmet was dented, my handlebars were bent, I had bruises and cuts all over me, and a hematoma developed my left hip the size of a cantaloupe, and too over a month to completely go away. If I had not been wearing a helmet I would be DEAD.

Therefore: You are dumb.

Stop being a faggot and wear a goddamned helmet.
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Please continue not wearing helmets.
This guy gets it.
Then get a different helmet dumbass
People that ride without a helmet are incompetent fucking morons.
Mandatory helmet laws are even more retarded. Wearing or not wearing a helmet affects no one except the cyclist in question, so the decision is solely up to the cyclist.
The reason people don't normally wear helmets in "bike-friendly cultures" is because it's not part of their society/norms to do so. People say they have less injuries too, but that's because they ride slower and are casuals and the drivers are used to seeing them. That doesn't mean they never hit their heads. They, as a whole, are retarded for not adopting widespread helmet use, because even though they are at less risk than cyclists in, say, USA, helmet use would still give them significant safety benefits. However, on the individual level, I understand why a given person doesn't -- they just aren't used to people wearing helmets while cycling, they aren't taught to. But they should anyway.
>And on the flipside - if helmets aren't compulsory, then only 'dorks' will wear them.
That's not true at all. Helmet use is very widespread in many places where helmet use is not enforced. The areas that haven't adopted widespread helmet use probably will in the near future (other than third world countries that will probably take substantially longer).
>Dutch cycle at ludicrously low speeds,and MANY of them do.
Many of them do what? Wear helmets? Are helmets becoming common in the Netherlands?
Let him be dumb, anon. Cleanse the gene pool.
The graph shows a decreasing injury trend completely unaltered by a sharp uptake in helmet use. So, the graph shows that compulsory helmet wearing had no significant effect on head injuries. Along with the other statistic (marked decrease in cycling population) - this is very damning for the law!

In essence - had measurable negative results with no measurable positive effect on the intended outcome.
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>The Dutch don't have to touch a road and cycle at 1km/h
>Different style of riding compared to the US. Car free zones and segregated facilities work well with 60lb gaspipe bikes doing 10mph on flat land.
>all those momma bikes.
>Dutch cycle at ludicrously low speeds and "muh comfy" upright bikes

So, what you guys are saying is that given the right conditions, it's acceptable to ride without a helmet. Where do we draw the line - and should it be enforced by the government or by personal responsibility and societal norms. I feel like there is general consensus for the latter.

Great response, I truly am interested to see if there is an increase in helmet usage in those areas.

I don't think anyone has addressed the stigma issue - that helmets (especially compulsory helmets) make cycling seem un-cool, risky, 'a hassle', as well as othering cyclists. Which results in a positive feedback loop of less people cycling -> only fit capable risk-taking ppl cycling -> reinforced image of a what a cyclist is and is not -> so on.

All in the context of urban transport cycling. Sports cycling is obviously a completely different situation.
>I don't think anyone has addressed the stigma issue - that helmets (especially compulsory helmets) make cycling seem un-cool, risky, 'a hassle', as well as othering cyclists. Which results in a positive feedback loop of less people cycling -> only fit capable risk-taking ppl cycling -> reinforced image of a what a cyclist is and is not -> so on.
Regarding helmet laws, you're right. But not regarding helmet USE. As long as helmet use isn't enforced, there will always be some people who choose not to wear helmets. And that's fine, but when they end up getting seriously injured, they shouldn't expect other people to pay their medical expenses unless they have insurance, because it's their own fault. And people that will either bike without a helmet or not bike at all, they'll see that some people still don't use helmets, so they'll go ride without one. But people in general should wear helmets because they can prevent serious injury and death. Not that I really care -- if you want to risk your safety/life, go ahead. Your life, not mine. I just think people should wear a helmet for their own sake. I would never force it on people (unless it was someone important to me on a personal level, i.e. a close friend, in which case I may encourage them to wear one).
Wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot opinions
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If you feel completely in control, you're not going fast enough. Then you need a helmet. Although I wasn't wearing one when I did this so I'm a little bit of a hypocrite
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Uhhm, you do realize bike helmets are for men who are balding or bad right? People who are follicle impaired can't afford to have the wind all over that area. For the unbalding it's a freeing breeze, but to those with this problem it's like a constant mockery, so helmets help at least keep things packaged and neat.

First time I've read that there are people who wear them for "safety".
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My front derailleur has some problems preventing it from shifting to the big ring, so I haven't been able to spin down lookout yet. So I've been getting as aero as possible and coasting down. But I have the parts I need to fix it and I'm looking forward to being able to pedal downhill for once
>>realized that most serious wrecks would kill you regardless of helmet

The overwhelming majority of FATAL injuries do involve the head/neck.
>tfw you know that even if you crash your helmet means shit and you will still die hahahahaha

whats wrong with it? do you just need a new one or is the adjustment off.. the second one is easy to fix
My bike has holes for downtube shifters and the barrel adjuster on the cable boss adapter for it is stripped. And the end of my shift cable is freyed to shit and I don't have cable snips to take it out. But I have a new shift cable and adaper to replace the stripped one. The ONLY thing I need to fix it are some cable snips and its driving me fucking crazy.
Also is there anything I could use in place of cable snips?
yes, probably some $10 dykes from home depot.. or you could get the nice ones from the electrical isle (im an electrician). then just get a cap and crimp it on. desu harbor freight ones would probably work too which would be like $3-5 but given their quality might be a pain in the ass.
Thanks that's good to know. I definitely need to go to harbour freight soon
I don't think helmets are necessary for mountain bikers, unless the conditions are bad and you go too fast and do jumps. I never wore a helmet when I went running in the forest, for example.
Yeah i feel you, recently started riding round town helmetless, although its illegal in my state funnily
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Crashed a couple days ago
The diagram below was a labor of 1000 hours in MS paint
Was going down a short and steepish hill with an intersection at the bottom
I had a car next to me at speed to take it and we had about 3 seconds left on the light
I'm assuming the joker waiting to turn thought we were going to both stop so she started the turn and barely missed the
car and i had no room other than right and crashed into some guys little compact
I didn't hit my head and all I got was a sprained ankle luckily
Its definitely enough to convince me to put a front brake on my next build
Paramedic here, wear a helmet or not, your choice. I transported a man who wrecked during a race and rolled down a hill onto some rocks. Broken ribs, broken leg, two fractured vertebrae. He was wearing a helmet and after surgury and physical therapy he should make a full recovery.

I also make regular transports for a man who is almost a vegetable. He is only occasionally aware of his surroundings, he gets urinary tract infections, his kidneys are failing, he has never gotten over the pneumonia he developed following a septic infection which was secondary to the tunneling ulcer that he only had because the nursing home staff didnā€™t turn him enough. Maybe if he had been wearing a helmet he wouldnā€™t have suffured the TBI and would be able to move himself. Other than lacerations the TBI was his only injury.

At least he is a steady source of income for me. Assholes who were helmets usually have to pay me only once.
>But people in general should wear bullet proof vests because they can prevent serious injury and death.
>But people in general should wear condoms because they can prevent serious illness and death.
>But people in general should wear hard hats because they can prevent serious injury and death.
>But people in general should wear steel-toe boots because they can prevent serious injury and death.
Where can I see your complete list of safety gear which should be generally worn? What is the criteria by which the gear is considered an absolute necessity?

Fast enough for what? Not everyone is chasing internet points when they go for a ride.

>Wanting funk-shaped burn marks on your chrome dome

>I don't think helmets are necessary for mountain bikers unless they are mountain biking
I agree.

>Post hoc rationalisations
That's some morbid shit
Seriously considering getting a helmet after nearly crashing today. Some jerk teens on bikes tried to make me crash into them. I was going pretty fast, so I probably would have taken a nasty fall. After narrowly avoiding their dastardly schemes, they just sat their laughing their asses off.

I wouldn't have ever expected this sort of behavior from other cyclists. Fucking pricks.
>wake up unconscious
that makes no fucking sense. helmets are obviously for fags
That's common in the warmer months where I live, it makes riding a real pain on nice days after school gets out

One thing I've learned is the 4chan mentality helps. Ignore them as you would a troll, and they won't escalate. Show any sign you're afraid of crashing into them, and that's where the problems start

Just keep your eyes on the road and behave as though they're like any other obstacle. They'll sometimes try to get your attention by swerving or whatever, the game is to play it off like they're something between a loose dog and an actual cyclist who isn't really interested in a crash (they're looking for a laugh)

No eye contact, but don't look like you're avoiding eye contact either
The bottom line is that here in a country like Australia the state pays for your healthcare and thus the state decides whether you wear a helmet or not.
If you dont like it, go to some 3rd world hellhole like America and see how a 700k healthcare bill feels if you fuck yourself up.
Cycling needs to be promoted here more heavily but I have absolutely no problem with compulsary helmet laws.
I'm American. I'm gotta go fast. I cycle in traffic. I wear a seatbelt when I get into a car. And I'm not a retarded pleb, so I do what I can to keep my brain safe.

People that have an excuse not to wear a helmet really don't have a brain worth preserving anyways.
>Where can I see your complete list of safety gear which should be generally worn?
Nowhere because I have not created such a list.
>What is the criteria by which the gear is considered an absolute necessity?
When the benefit substantially outweighs any downside and the harm or risk of harm in not using said gear is significant.
>One thing I've learned is the 4chan mentality helps. Ignore them as you would a troll, and they won't escalate. Show any sign you're afraid of crashing into them, and that's where the problems start
This seems like the opposite of the 4chan mentality. 4chan would ride directly into them.

not the one you are replying too but I just stare straight at them and charge, make sure they know I will hit them and as they move out of my way I veer towards them and have shoulder tons of pedestrians now. It also helps I am a little bigger than average and have a meanish looking face.

Its kind of funny when after you hit someone they say they are sorry.. nigga I did it on purpose
Were you in Pac-Man when this happened?
No offense but you sound uncoordinated and new to cycling and at fault for not already having a helmet.

Fix your shit and get comfortable on the bike. Then stomp those shitheads as you ride through them.

Confidence boy: get some.
When I see people standing or walking in the bike lane (bike lane on the street - & not mup - mind you) I buzz them just the same as they [very likely] just buzzed me in their car.

I have zero tolerance for inattentive people using the street. Car; bicycle; pedestrian... Fuck the idiots.
"I'm a grade-A asshole who's a dick to strangers and I justify it by baselessly assuming that they're dicks too"

Pay it forward, son. Two wrongs don't make a right.

But it's not baseless. He's predicting that the same kind of daft fuck who daydreams in the goddamn bikelane on foot will drive like an inattentive nitwit too - a perfectly reasonable assumption.

Fucking sleepers ruin everything they do, senpai. Don't be a sleeper and people won't be dicks to you as often.
I've posted this sob story a few times but it's relevant here so I'll post it again.

>never wear a helmet in town because I stick to fairly safe routes that I know what to watch for
>move to just outside of town
>time to explore new routes on this side of city
>always wear a helmet on back roads for safety on the unfamiliar pavement and/or the risk of that occasional drunk-at-2pm-Mexican-in-a-pickup-truck that we get around here
>August, upper 90s, 65 degree F dewpoint
>such a gross, stuffy day I decide to not wear a helmet, literally remember thinking "what are the odds that this will be the ride I need it on?"
>down steep hill, braking to keep speed under control but still going pretty damn fast
>get distracted by some ducks in a spring-fed pool on the side of the road for two seconds
>don't notice the severe bump I'm coming up on where the spring feeds under the road, freezing in the winter and thus bubbling/rippling the pavement

I woke up 19 days later in a rehab facility, dazed into a pretty serious retardation for a few months. I have really bad memory problems now, occasionally slur my speech, I got mostly back to normal, but my focus is dumbed down enough now, that it can be difficult to wrap my head around an issue if it's got too many concurrent elements to track.

Diffuse axonal injuries (along with a whole bunch of other nasty but irrelevant bits), basically a severe concussion + brain swelling, probably would have been lessened or completely prevented by that helmet that was hanging from my wall at home just a mile back down the road.
Lawrence wouldn't have died

I wear a helmet for fringe cases like >>962782

Cousin lost his shoes and life to a semi in 2007. Ran into the side of the semi after blowing a stop sign. MotoGP level gear won't help you in those cases. A helmet helps for the potato cases.

This is the general underlying argument why I am fine with health care in the US as it is. Make stupid decisions and pay for it. Text and hit someone; expect a lawyer to come for 7 figures after your insurance.
You guys want to hear some freaky shit, listen to this.

When I was first getting into biking, I had a pretty limited budget, so I sank the majority of my money into the bike itself, foregoing a kit. I rode that sucker for probably 6 months without a helmet in my small rural town community, with no crazy road conditions or anything.

People kept pestering me to get a helmet, so I ended up buying some shitty cheap one second hand, and decided to put it on for my afternoon ride. When I was going down this one part of my road I had ridden a thousand times before, I was sprinting and must have hit something that the wind blew into my path when I wasn't paying as close attention as I should have been. I flipped the bike entirely and landed on my head going at about 45mph, absolutely destroying my saddle and rear tube.

The helmet shattered on impact, saving me from what I assume would be brain damage or worse. The worst part was I ended up laying on the pavement for about half an hour before a car came by.

The following day, I headed to my bike shop and bought the most expensive, highest safety rated helmet they had.
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Get a fullface. I highly recommend the Giro Cipher.
Regarding helmet laws:

Personal decision. BUT
If you get in a crash wearing a helmet and get hurt, social services or whatever it's called will pay all your medical expenses.
If you get in a crash not wearing a helmet and get hurt, you pay ONE HUNDRED FUCKING PERCENT. Even if that means you have to work in a slave labor camp the rest of your life to pay it off.

Fair? If you say no then you're a faggot.

And yes of course there can be exceptions.
I.e. if you got a new bike, decide to ride it a few meters down the sidewalk to test it and don't wear a helmet, then some cager drives onto the sidewalk and hits you.. cager's fault, not yours
If you wear a helmet then decide to ride in front of a train and just stand there saying LOL FUCK YOU TRAIN and get half-deaded then it's your fault

But just as a general rule. Wear a helmet? Society will help you out if you get hurt. Not wear a helmet? You're fucked.

It's not fair to anyone. All you're really doing is making helmets into a license to ride like a complete moron/asshole.

>social services or whatever it's called will pay all your medical expenses.

>Its definitely enough to convince me to put a front brake on my next build

is this bait?
>The following day, I headed to my bike shop and bought the most expensive, highest safety rated helmet they had.

What for, you didn't have a bike to ride anymore?
>When the benefit substantially outweighs any downside and the harm or risk of harm in not using said gear is significant.
So bicycle helmets are not an absolute necessity in your opinion.
OP, if you don't wear a helmet, where are you going to hang your mirror?
in the bathroom you dip
Miraculously, all I had to replace was the saddle and a popped rear tube, so I was good to go the next day.
>>social services or whatever it's called will pay all your medical expenses.
I meant whoever pays expenses when people need medical treatment and can't afford it
Or maybe no one pays it and the hospital doesn't get paid
Basically what I meant is this: People who wear helmets would be treated the same way they are now (taken care of if they get injured, even if they don't have money). That's how things work even now. But now, even fucktards without helmets get treated that way.
Fucktards without helmets should be held accountable for their incompetence and forced into slave labor to pay all medical expenses.
So it's not a license to let people ride like fucktards, it just means that people that make fucktarded decisions don't get to leech off society because of their fucktardation.
I didn't say that, learn to fucking read you absolute fucking fucktard moron cuntfuck. Bicycle helmets are an absolute necessity because they meet both of the conditions I set forth, but it's still a personal decision because it puts at risk only the person making the decision.
I'm Dutch.

Dutch people cycle slowly on upright bikes and often on many different short trips around town. There's also separate bike paths/lanes almost everywhere and wearing a helmet is uncool.

The only people on fast bikes that don't wear helmets are our version of Freds.

Note that there's still something to be said about wearing helmets on these boring upright commutes as I've personally seen someone die on my commute. The curb is a murderer.
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Here u go.
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my teacher got hit outside of my school by a stressed out father with two kids in the backseat.
She bled out from her head.

> always wore helmet
>be working as bike messenger
>always wear my helmet
>going fast to make a delivery
>be going over bridge in bike lane
>lots of bikes in the lane
>going fast
>woman goes out in front of me
>hit her with my bike
>lose balance and crash at about 30 km/h
>crack my helmet
>feeling somewhat ok
>bike to the hospital to get checked
>mild concussion
>next day see post on facebook about woman who crashed without a helmet
>had to get plates in her skull because she broke the skull
thanks helmet
>thanks big city anonymity
the woman on the other bike also crashed and I talekd to her shortly afterwards tho lol
o ok. I thot you got away with something close to manslaughter
I got hurt way more than she did
took u long
Fucking hell
>stupid sketbord tricks done by minors carry the same risks as riding a bicycle in a responsible manner
Oh, I'm perfectly capable of reading. What's more, I am also adept at inferring, and since bicycle helmets do not meet either of the criteria you yourself set forth as prerequisites for their necessity, they are, in your opinion, not a necessity. If somehow you managed to reach a conclusion opposite to the logical result of your premises and reasoning, you simply made a mistake. Don't beat yourself up over it, you're not alone. Now either apologise or fling some crude insults, whatever best suits your temperament and level of intellectual sophistication.
1. Helmets are rated for a ~10-12mph impact (brand and quality will vary this slightly, but even the best helmets are about the same.)
2. If you're stationary on a bike and your head hit the ground, it hits with a ~10mph impact
3. Helmets are smooth on the outside and will not drag against the pavement, dirt, etc... as much as skin or hair
4.hard visors can catch on the ground twisting the neck (e.g. some bern helmets). MT bike helmets visors break off preventing this
5. Studys showing that: cars drive closer while wearing a helmet or people ride more recklessly while wearing a helmet are anecdotal at best.
What a helmet is supposed to do:
Regardless of how fast you're going, your head hits the ground at ~10mph (which it is designed to protect against), and slides on the ground (preventing neck and spinal injuries).
What they won't do:
Protect against head on collisions.
>riding a bicycle in a responsible manner
pls leave /n/ for ever
I read about some of your fines, they struck me as a bit nuts.
People getting fined money for riding on footpaths and shit like that.

I've always associated bicycles with riding them as a kid and as a teenager. Couldn't imagine a teenager on his BMX being fined for riding on the footpath.

Granted if some lycra-clad cunt is bombing down the footpath above 8mph then fine that dick
>Studys showing that
Not that i don't believe you, but: [citation needed]
dutchfag here

town biking: no helmet because low speed and not stuck to pedals, I fell of my bike because of alcohol many times and never hit my head or hurt anything else.

road biking: always wearing helmet as the fall can be much more nasty and uncontrollable because of speed/seating position/pedals.

almost everyone on road bikes wears helmets here even though it is not compulsory. Not wearing a helmet on a road bike is just a needless risk you are taking and is frowned upon.
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>1. Helmets are rated for a ~10-12mph impact (brand and quality will vary this slightly, but even the best helmets are about the same.)
>2. If you're stationary on a bike and your head hit the ground, it hits with a ~10mph impact

Oh yes surely the guy in webm related had no damage limitation from wearing a helmet at all.

He was perfectly fine after that hit, he could have been a potato if he hadnt been wearing a helmet. Keep not wearing a helmet your dumb cunt.
I've seen people knocked unconscious just from falling over from a near stand still. Kind of scare, actually.
Of course, i've also seen it not happen, by people having the wherewithal to brace their neck to not let their head flop onto the pavement. I just don't count on it, especially with drunk people.
How about this: if it's less work to find a citation via Google than it is to write a post asking for it, just google it. Otherwise you just come across as content with wilful ignorance rather than being in actual pursuit of the truth.
I don't think you even realize how full of irony your post is.
You're right. I don't. Please explain, and don't forget citations.
I always wear a helmet when cycling on roads or mountain bike trails and b think the people who don't are idiots who think they're too cool to wear a helmet.

However I don't wear a helmet when I'm on this one trail outside of town that is completely flat and paved for 40 miles that occasionally crosses rural roads where it's very easy to see every car that's coming. Feeling the wind in my hair is glorious, and I'm not going to crash on a paved trail that is almost completely straight and flat.
It's like $360 in sydney. Sucks so much.

I've just gone through something similar
>Stopped wearing helmet a year ago because one of the plastic supports broke, $60 helmet fuck this
>Ride all the time, always take full lane when I have to, ride super aggressive, no road rage problems from anyone anymore
>ALWAYS people riding super close when I had a helm on
>go for ride on Sunday night (5/8, 7pm or so)
>wake up next morning in hospital, broken elbow, face fucked
>don't remember ambulance ride, ER, anything from the accident
>5 weeks ago, still have some memory problems but mostly ok

I'm not in favor of a law that requires a helmet for everyone on a bicycle, to each their own, but I'm definitely going to wear a helmet whenever I ride a bike from now on. I probably would've remembered the accident and ER at least and didn't have these sporadic depressing and irritable episodes.
>What they won't do:
>Protect against head on collisions.
Your post was good until this.
>implying the impact was faster than 10-12mph
Also, the anon you replied to didn't say that helmets won't protect against faster impacts, only that they aren't rated to do so.
Was the woman you hit a cyclist or walker or what?
>not wearing a helmet while doing skateboard tricks
Fucking retarded. Did he ded?
She was cycling at the time? Was she wearing a helmet? Did she ded?
Except it meets both criteria, dumbass.
it's kinda weird how the helmet foamers are all super angry people who are going to pop a vein in their skulls and bleed out from all the stress they put themselves under when they get mad about people who don't wear helmets
| hope you're not some paid shill. I'll buying a new helmet because of your story.

I wish I was making this up. I'm also missing a couple of top front teeth, and even with insurance, is probably going to cost me a few grand and between 8 and 14 months to have the implants fully in.

...at least my elbow is healed enough so I don't need a cast/brace but even with that I'll need a few more weeks before I'm back in the saddle.
>live in the netherlands
>if you wear a helmet cycling it is the same as if you needed a helmet when walking
>Except it meets both criteria, dumbass.

I see you went with insults. And no, it still meets neither.
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>Helmet prevent concussions. Football (real football) players get them all the time
they donĀ“t use helmets pic related
You know, all these posters with a history of brain damage from crashing kind of explains some of the posts on here.
I fucking hate Europeans
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>he thinks nasa engineers work in imperial units

yeah this desu.
In 1969 they probably did.
Famously, half of them still did in 1999.
No they didn't.
That's an excellent rebuttal to... someone. I suppose.
>then when not
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