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http://www.bbc.com/news/business-38 654176 China just finis

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China just finished a train route to the UK. How much will this fuck with the American/European economy?
>2 weeks to move 44 pigs.
>The hottest of freight
Further proof that Europe and China can't railroad.
>Yurop and china are one country
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I got news for you. Ships can go from China to Europe and America for centuries.
It's not the same train. They have loaded and unloaded those containers onto different wagons and there have been about 5 other locos before that British Rail class 92 which is sadly owned by DB the German state rail company when they bought English Welsh and Scottish railway they promised not to remove the brand BUT THEY DID ANYWAY and replaced the English Welsh and Scottish rail heraldic logo with their Nazi DB logo fuck I'm angry. Fucking Germans over here claiming all the nice transport subsidies from the UK gov for doing nothing.
At half the speed.
You realise the UK train operating companies could have done the reverse and operated trains outside of the UK if, ohh I don't know, the UK government ever invested a single fucking penny in UK rail? Or if any single minister had more vision than what they'll have for lunch?
>different wagons
Is that because of gauges? Seems like something to fix
Is that towing a blimp?

is it possible to have a multi-guage train that could run from china to the UK? power types and more than 3 gauges seems hard but doable...
They're properly referred to as cars, amigos.
there are only 2 gauges on way from UK to China, standard for Europe and broad for post-USSR

yes, there are already technologies that allow change of the gauge "on the run", however it's efficient only for passanger trains . Russia has launched recently its Talgo train from Moscow to Berlin which works like that.
well that's going to be fucking useless in 2 years.
It's not like this hasn't been deemed possible in the past.

It's an insult seeing a great, British-built loco like that in that garish German livery. Fuck their shit.
calm your autism friend
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This is what they did.
Jesus fucking christ they didn't have to do that... Imagine if DB put stickers saying "Uber alles Deutschland" on trains in the UK...
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>Nazi DB
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How realistic would a standard gauge route from China over Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey be?
Already planned, but the further departure from great circle path might make it take longer time than Russia route even after counting the time spent in dealing with break of gauge. Also, the part between Iran and Turkey is politically rather unstable.
Have a look at the terrain at the China/Afghan border an I think you'll NO the answer.
Magnitudes less realistic than a global vactrain network.
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Wakhan Corridor? Doesn't look that bad.
The route already exists.

So if you need important freight in a hurry, you can ship by air and have it arrive in a day. This will cost a whole lot of money. If you have plenty of time, you can ship your stuff through containers and have it to 35 to 40 days. This will be pretty cheap. The train option is a week or two if you're lucky and probably costs quite a bit more than containers. My question would be why?
>Fucking Germans over here claiming all the nice transport subsidies from the UK gov for doing nothing.
Newsflash limey: Everyone over here fucking hates DB. Don't hate on the nationality, hate on the company.
>My question would be why?

For things that you want a bit quicker than the container route and don't mind paying a little extra for, without the expense of paying for air freight?

Like you literally your own question before you even asked it.
1700 trains went this route last year, so there at least seems to be some demand for a middle ground.
So why are Brits always so butthurt, when their companies are doing the exact same thing?
>My question would be why?
Cheaper than air freight. Quicker than sea freight. It's a niche for those goods that merit it.
It's more about not putting all your eggs in one basket.
From Iran you could also link to the Arabian peninsula and Africa.
The proposal was to use those countries t the north instead of directly connecting from Afghanistan to China
I wonder what would Saudi Arabia think when they are asked to connect railroads to Iran
It's not like they have a land border. Even crossing the Persian Gult would be more realistic in the Strait of Hormuz (which would still require something in the scale of the Euro or Seikan tunnel).
I could see Broad gauge route Beijing - Berlin more probable. Through mongolia. That would be hugely politically advantageouls thing for the Russian to push for. To open some new railheads deep into bo Europe and China, if the can. It seems Northern Afghanistan will be broad gauge as well as Mongolian railways.

It's a shame because the traditional route of the transsiberian express to Beijing (and not some stinky Vladivostok), used to be broad gauge all the way. Today, Mongolia though is pushing broad gauge to China, not other way around, all the way to Jining. It's interesting to see if the Chinese railway trade route through transsiberian railway emerges.

Amazing things are happening, globally even if the usual things we discuss are quite stangnated.
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Yeah, throug existing broad gauge railhead from Uzbekistan.

The point of that message was about China using its influence to build a standard gauge railway through Afghanistan to Iran and into Europe past Russian controlled railways and without gauge changes, theoretically using the came cars for the whole journey. That would be huge. The problem here is that the terrain in Wakhan Corridor (the panhandle) is really inhospitable towards railways.

There may be something to it, because Afghanistan has chosen standard gauge as it's domestinc raiway gauge and is investing hugely into extending its railways. Even the humble railhead that was the point about this article, that is now receiving a direct shipments from China, is being extended. They are also building some Indian gauge railways to serve Pakistan.
Why not just dual-gauge? 89mm is enough space for an extra rail & running wheel flange.
Naturally, tre-gauge that has the outer diameter of 2140 mm, just in case :-) That would open all kinds of possibilities.
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