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kpop general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 114

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you just know edition
trying to let you know
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first for Moon
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omogine that in soob's b**tte
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you BETTER know edition*
Article: Jessica, "I may have left SNSD but 'Soshi' is something precious that I can't erase"

Source: Newsis via Naver

1. [+3,397, -461] She's probably regretting it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+2,489, -370] Tried to pass herself off as a designer until the industry started putting her down ㅋㅋㅋ now she's calling herself a creative stylist? Is this a comedy? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+2,230, -342] I knew she'd say this someday ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+2,060, -371] Is she not doing well on her own? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She should know that she was able to sell anything at all thanks to her SNSD name ㅎ

5. [+1,614, -237] The reason she gets hate is because she didn't leave in a positive way in the first place but keeps releasing her albums at the same time as SNSD and uses them for dirty marketing ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+479, -87] I would've understood if she wanted to leave to go solo because of musical differences but she said she was going to quit being a singer to focus on design. She's back to being a singer only after she saw no results as a designer, how are we supposed to view that positively?

7. [+373, -60] She's probably better off not talking about Soshi

8. [+397, -70] Her and Jang Hyunseung are the same

Source: Nate

1. [+182, -13] She caused all that fuss acting out on her own and then tried to media play as if SM kicked her out... and now she's saying this... ㅋㅋㅋ B2ST and SNSD look so much better off without that member messing things up for them

2. [+131, -8] So Soshi is "precious" to her but she left them for Tyler Kwon's agency ㅋㅋ conclusion: her man is more important and she'll use SNSD's name to sell her albums if she has to ㅋㅋ

3. [+117, -11] Her Chinese advancement wasn't a success, neither was her stint as a designer. It's pathetic that she's mentioning Soshi in her interview and wrapping it up by mentioning her new album release. Obviously she's in a bend and needs to resort to this tactic but her intentions are so ill.
yaaaas queen
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you just know.webm
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should i even bother with the new weki meki or not?
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I had a really weird dream that I was going to a Red Velvet fanmeet and ran into Irene on the street and we started chatting and really hitting it off
Then suddenly she pulled me into an alleyway we were passing and pressed me against the wall with her hand covering my mouth and then pushed me to my knees and urinated all over my face before saying
>"We're going to do this every single week and if you tell a single soul I'll just say you raped me and everyone will believe it" before doing this terrifying artificial but cute aegyo face

nofap is making my dreams really ba
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cheers, chingu
Only if you want a good laugh
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she was kicked out
what the heck is this?
delusional soshitters
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what is this autism?
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you're probably not smart enough to 'get' weki meki's debut if you need people to answer for you
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she said herself that she left
lierene is fucking sexy
>already on damage control
She didn't state outright that she was kicked out because she still has some dignity. She's so classy.
literally looks like a neanderthal
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>American electronic music trio Cash Cash have revealed to be working on a song with Hyomin!
stop damn it, those are just small blemishes
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because she wasnt kicked
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spending like 4 min to watch a mv isn't too much, form your own opinions and what not. personally though, the title song was like ponponpon and some of exids songs where it sounds like very different songs mixed together for some reason
maybe you should turn on your monitor and stop staring into your reflection
meant for >>74429949
>nigga with a fucking ipad
that's clearly dried ketchup
meant for >>74429926
all three of my monitors have been turned on
reminder that this is the undisputed official ioi rankings

>dia - gugudan > pristin > weki meki >cosmic girls

>chungha > sohye > somi
from what i remember, her manager wouldn't let her high five people, so she did it anyway when he wasn't looking
cute bra
which nugu groups you want to see in one of the upcoming idol revival programs

KBS The Unit (formerly The Final 99 Match)
MBC upcoming idol revival program
YG upcoming idol revival program (wth groups of other companies)
It's honestly better than I expected. Not amazing or anything but I think it's worth giving it a try.

I'm pleasantly surprised to see that it looks like the group is more balanced and cohesive than the other IOI off shoots... but I'm still 100% going to forget about them just because of that name. I never even get the order right
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>damage control
>damage control
>damage control

maybe your father should've controlled how much damage he inflicted on your head when you were younger, stinky twiceshitter
meant for >>74429963
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Chayeon choked.webm
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my wow was meant for moon dbh
1/10 :/
weki meki? more like shitty shitty LMAO
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Dong is so cute.
dubu falseflagger is weki meki falseflagger now?
damage control
me on the right
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stupid minafag never believes me
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if that's herpes then i have herpes
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>stinky twiceshitter

are we still doing the whole ''blame twiceshitters for everything'' thing?
don't forget to buy her albums/songs tho
do you have just moons picture?
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>her manager wouldn't let her high five people
i wonder why?
yes, it's funny
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let it burn
Forgot your nayuggo
>we hate wendy now
what happened?
>ywn do this with your waifu
just fucking kill me already
it's a catch all phrase for 'retards' and it's right a lot of the time either way
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rv eliminate.png
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He basically hand raped her, don't rape your waifu
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She looks like a fucking sticc ogre
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we still dont despite your best efforts
>proxyfagging wendy
for what purpose?
twiceshitters everyone
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DGtX7clVYAAN0Pt (1).jpg
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no I don't, sorry
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we've always hated her and the other members
well, i appreciate the effort anyways
Really not as weak as I expected

But please, kill off the stylist
should i blast and to whom
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>But please, kill off the stylist
you mean the composer?
>hand raped
that sounds oddly hipster
>made from a batch of carefully selected, hand raped waifus
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I promise I will work harder in the future
i think he's talking about the perfomers??
that actually made me kek
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everybody holds plastic spoons like that
maybe he meant the PD-nim???
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Netizens are assholes who bend the truth what else is new.
apologize to krystal
that's not krystal
she's so beautiful she could be in loona
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everything they said is fact
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rachel has the best dimples in the game
Hamster worse something like this
anyone has those pics?
yeah and mina is intelligent and seolhyun isn't a whore and chanmi isn't fat and jimin isn't annoying
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sounds just like kpg
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t. retard

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you are very right about all of that
imagine arin...
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why do people call ksoo fat? fat people can't dance like this
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yw bro
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looks more like dubu
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our hamster.jpg
60KB, 400x489px
Qt English speaker.
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>low res
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guess who.webm
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guess who
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1MB, 2912x4368px
what now?
got any more chewy ones?
better than the cub version
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seung yeon.jpg
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do what you must, i've already won
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guess who.webm
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>tfw I made both
better than the arin version
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Nice choice of location
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no you didn't
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I might.
fucking kys
That's in Switzerland, chingu.
>american education
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hamster beauty
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thank you
oh damn thats cute...
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what's wrong?
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I live in eastern europe and you are wrong
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soshi meme 38.gif
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>soshi meme 38.gif
>american education
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soshi meme 93.gif
497KB, 249x200px
this is just disgusting
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3MB, 984x720px
>say that Switzerland is a slav country
>call other people dumb
why are americans like this?
post 27

best post in the whole thread
sorry but i have to say it again

File: tzu stare.webm (3MB, 502x480px) Image search: [Google]
tzu stare.webm
3MB, 502x480px
>muh american boogeyman
Hamster is kpg's official Karafu
Did you get the photocard you wanted?
only seven planets left after i destroy uranus
what did we think of meki weki's debut song
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3MB, 984x720px
it's your lucky day
1 out 2 jiu
it's terrible
you mean eight, theres another one past the kuiper belt
i already have it under my belt
are they still on melon?
who's hyped for our queen?

>It's a good member

I'll allow it.
impressive... carry on then
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>melon chart
>Hyosung isn't #1
what the fuck?
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3MB, 999x562px
weme did that
Not bad! Hopefully you find someone to trade with for the other card.
>good member
i dont see any sana
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imagine a third jungsis
did they just copy wjsn?
She's the other good member.
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they're all good members
no lol
good reading comprehension, i bet your mother is proud of you
I'm getting three more "before" prequel albums. So far I put at least one jiu out of every dc orders
jessi took over
>wemeshitter shitposts about snsd doing bad
>weme does even worse
No they're not.
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2MB, 720x480px
the war is aoty
she is so cute
>blond sohye
>she flips
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>tfw no hamster gf/wife
>Hyosung isn't in the top 100
what the hell man
cheng xiao btfo
victoria did that way before cx did
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do the yoojunger.webm
3MB, 999x562px
all weki meki bros are seasoned sones i don't know what you're going on about
raped by hwadog

who will marry her now?
>check catalog
>kpg thread with 200+ replies
>too late
>wait for it to die and shitpost on the new one
all one of them?
>saving memes for over 100 posts
but you didn't wait to shitpost
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2MB, 720x1280px
just feeding my waifu
Ham cut her hair if anyone cares
>We're gonna be seeing this on all those lists with like Rocket Girl and Tilt My Head.

weme btfo
>tfw you hate twice and love Sana
why do koreans hate jessica?
she praises snsd all the time, what do they want from her
the one who should be hated is taeyeon, she's the one who kicked sica
>tfw gordon ramsay calls your waifu's food shit and overcooked and tells her to fuck off
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688KB, 720x480px

brainwashed scones will hate her until they die
Same but with tzuyu
nice, it looks great
>all HV members supporting weki.meki on IG
sica literally just said that she left
>i will never do this
why even live?

does anyone else see 6 white squares?
File: lua ult.webm (3MB, 999x562px) Image search: [Google]
lua ult.webm
3MB, 999x562px
there are like two or three other ones i think

also my posts are meticulously constructed in such a way that anybody who even looks upon them gains the subconscious ability to get into weki meki over time

damage control
theres a lack of momo and dubu in these webm of yours
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I love it when groups/idols do that
like when Bora posed with wjsn
they actually don't hate jessica
it's that minimalist art you wouldn't understand
tfw infinite can't do this for lovelyz otherwise inspirits will attack them again
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the plastic has gone to her brain
I will do this

now what
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best twices
they don't, it's just that crazy sones hate her
sica still does well and has star power, but sones will say she's a washed up nugu
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they dont deserve infinites support after what they did
shes an alcoholic
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what did she mean by this?
not even hyomin would troll people with "unloaded" images when drunk
File: momopabol.webm (2MB, 720x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 720x480px
she once posted a pic with that play arrow like in vids
this 'scandal' made me realize that kpop fans are mentally ill
i will never let you touch my waifu
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1MB, 245x245px
don't know but i think i like it
see now you've got a reason to live
ill just kill you and then ill do that to myself
remember when Hyo introduced her gf to her fans during a vlive?
good times
its solidarity for >>74429951
File: twice.jpg (628KB, 2160x1442px) Image search: [Google]
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>tfw you love twice and all their members
who long did they film for?
good song
t-error at it again
i hate dubuggo b/c shes uggo
i hate nayuggo b/c shes uggo
i hate twicedyke b/c shes a bully
why the long feet
momo has some tiny af feet
File: dubusly2.webm (339KB, 720x480px) Image search: [Google]
339KB, 720x480px
like 5mins or so, but it was only nayeon doing cute stuff so you didnt miss much
show you who's the boss of this gym
she is a big girl
You mean attention whoring stuffs
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well, yeah
of couse i do
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japanese prostitutes general is that way --->
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2MB, 1920x1200px
but there's nothing that way only my scrollbar
cant't wait for jessica's comeback, it will be nice to see both snsd and her perform on the shows
is this her feet?
File: twiceround.webm (2MB, 720x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 720x480px
SM blocks jessica from going on shows
really? that's messed up
can't she pay off the showrunners to let her go on?
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she isn't allowed to perform in music shows
SM has more money
literally none of them?
this guy again
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3MB, 700x500px
this was a such a bad thread jesus christ
don't bully sica
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1MB, 2160x1442px
Fixed it.
>bully sica
jessicunt is a bitch and her feet are massively overrated
i had a great time
>stop posting what I don't like!
based virgin
>jessicunt is a bitch
>her feet are massively overrated
lmao loser
Thread posts: 312
Thread images: 114

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Search | Top | Home]

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