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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 104

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do it amazing
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>not even winning The show
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Im gonna listen to some seventeen and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me
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The Show is rigged
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Woohee is very talented.
moleshitters btfo
Pristinshitters piss me off
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April is a fucking joke
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looks like a rich man's kimlip
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What is her biggest talent?
>dropped out from community college
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[INFO] #우주소녀 WJSN was selected as a new model of makeup brand 'Kiss Me'

>Makeup CF
>Forced to wear revealing sailor outfits

God I love Korea.
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I cant narrow it down to one.
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do i have to become an aidspatient to defeat the pristin menace in kpg
n-nice pit
>community college

get yourself together, man
Don't Wanna Cry is pretty good dbh
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you haven't seen it yet
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anon don't look up her sleeve!
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trouser snake charming
i like boomboom, very nice, adore u and mansae

haven't listened to any b-sides tho
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That's just one of her many talents.
which one is the pristin club slut?
i think she'd look better with dark hair
pledis never had good b-sides anyway
lots of rudeposting going on. positivity is also nice you know
who won
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tfw thinking about burger king with aids
but after school and even OC had some great ones, and hell i even like a few on the pristin EP

i'm just not big on gaypop, i know nothing can beat bts b-sides so i don't even bother 2bh
the fans

jesus christo, what a cutie
god shes pretty
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bts is live now
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post all of the calendar pics
looks like an upgraded bona
never trust a girl if you havent seen her forehead
>800k viewers

for fucks sake
no not her
so what's the point of uggoposting
no one fucking cares
never trust a girl if you havent seen her feet
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they look nothing alike tho..
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thanks. i always miss stuff like this because i find armys disgusting and don't have any friends who like them
those are exclusions, also
>bts b-sides
literally only wings and dark&wild
tfw getting comfy with aids
maybe later
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She sure is very pretty.
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>pyo is a vampire
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Indeed she is
too bad shes a club slut
twiceshitters are shook
she can abduct me anytime
Good morning
I did miss the show? Who won?
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looks like the manface from wuju
this one looks good tho
just look at her teeth dumbo
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Yeah man... totally... just look at these fairies.
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April almost won
only kyla looks ugly here
the sun is in their eyes
cmon bro i love april but they got slaughtered
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The slight shadow is in front of them
that's normal it's their 4th anniversary party

you should get the vlive app on your phone
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hi kpg
that's a different pose and they look a lot better here
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so people stop asking
left is uggo, owl is uggo, dogface is uggo, short rapper doublechin, kyla is kyla, dugeun dugeun is alright
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>they look a lot better here
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not kpop
>they almost won

are there any uploads of this without the horrid interlacing in 1080p

Is it for non lewd purposes?
>mfw Pyo has been a vampire all along, feeding on the blood of the other muses
>mfw it explains why all the other members have left
>mfw I have no face for these feels
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>this should have been OMG's song
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m e a t

i only want the somi fancam
what a mad woman
d.ana tho
All right let me see what I can do.
ok somyi really is cute
word. she's shaping up to be the next nana
frogshitters, everyone
d.ana is shorter and doesn't have a dick
When are we getting another idol with a dick as gorgeous as nana?
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>d.ana: 1.70
>nana: 1.71

we already have bacon?
not a gorgeous woman tho
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>tfw been on holiday for 3 weeks
>mfw around 40+ twice videos to catch up on

wew lad....
Why would you even bother?
we love roa here
hey hey
luck is in my pocket
lets shoot it like a rocket
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what's your point?
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I did this back then but shorter plus I made some JUST bangs
go back to r*ddit
>not watching shows on your second monitor while continuing to post here

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yo exy is that tomboyish girl who suddenly becomes really womanly for the school dance wtf
thanks starship
>thanks starship
you trying to trigger sistarshitters?
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because i like twice

>having a second monitor

i've never really needed one tho...
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what are we laughing at? I don't understand
cumming inside seo jisoo's thick meaty PUSSY
don't worry about it
word except kim jisoo
does he taste like bacon too
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no? i just like that they're making her girlier now
I love Roa but I love Rena too
Our girly rapping leader...
you don't belong here OHshitter

ask taeyeon
word except all 3 female jisoos
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>i've never really needed one

You clearly do now. Get one with pivot so you can turn it vertically for fapcams.
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i like when she forgets to wear pants
This but Shin Jisoo.

Only a white man's cum can cure her of her depression. I'm doing it to heal her.
forgetful leader
What is she laughing about
word except she's ovulating
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what a lovely smile
She just found out how small your dick is
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She asked the other members if anyone of them could flip.
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all this time, it transpired under our very eyes
her members should do a better job of reminding her dbh
She let a huge fart out
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It's rubbing off on them.
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>fapping to kpop

you aint ma nigga
she won't tell me...
is a whore
post nancy's bottom in jeans ..
no one would fap to that
You are missing out then
ill never forgive you soyul
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The Show changed their formula again

Top Score = Digital and Physical Sales
Middle Score = MV views and "Expert Preference" (Yeah just like Show Champion, SBS MTV can give points to whichever group they prefer)
Bottom Score = Realtime SMS voting
>literally no one has ever fapped to twiceboy
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1MB, 3479x2319px
thank god

Pretty good desu
that's because muses are pure and Pyo requires the blood of virgins
are you gay?
This is why nobody takes them seriously.

Music Bank, Music Core and Inki is where it's at.
For that Girl next door guy
I hope this is good enough
source 1080p naver Info: AVC | 29.970 fps | AAC | 2 Channels
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jonger is pure
don't even think about doing anything
good morning OJ
I guess Kyungri is safe then

Sojin and Cumjo on the other hand...
where are you oh oh oh
oh youuu oh
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to keep it short, no
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that's just because she's ugly
pits > feet > tummy
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no one is sexually attracted to Jeonghyeon
Goo Hara...
omooo jimin
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feet uber alles

just wanna date her...
Trips of Truth

Goo Goo Hara
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there's gaypoppers on here at this time??
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still looks pretty bad but thanks for the source
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kpop is for kimchi sniffers
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Girls only
i'm busy watching jimin grinding on the floor and jin rapping
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i like girls better tho
Kimchi is for slapping people

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Even the rest of Dal Shabet cant keep their hands off her.
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[BREAKING] Sasaeng Fan From Ilbe Threatens To Murder TWICE Mina

>A user from the Korean community Ilbe just threatened to kill TWICE’s Mina.

>They titled the post “Mina I’ve got a knife” and included a photo of a knife about to slit their wrist.

>“Unless you slap your boyfriend and rip his mouth, I’m going to come kill you” – Ilbe User

>The post has since been removed, but fans are demanding legal action against the user.

>JYP Entertainment has not yet issued a response regarding the issue.

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waifu shopping.jpg
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which one?
Can't blame em
>i'm going to kill you!!
>but first i'll slit my wrist
it's funny if they released that as a single it would probably do better on the charts than all their title tracks
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I hope pledis recognises that these pre-debut clothes were brilliant and that they should be brought back in the future
>butter knife
It's Korea's /pol/, how could you expect any logic?
Really dumb considering you have to register with your citizen ID to sites.
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1MB, 404x720px
they can't unleash the buttons for broadcast purposes sadly
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>It's Korea's /pol/
not even close
somebody here should do something like that to get on the news but make it more obivously a joke
Butter knives are serious business, just ask the UK.
you don't need a Citizen ID to post to ilbe
you can make an account with google translate like right now
I did it last week
Yes, because /pol/ revolves around korean idols.
iamgine pristin without kyla
>I hope pledis recognises that this pre-debut face was horrendous and that she should be brought to dr kim for another visit to fix it

you're welcome
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toe jisoo...
I don't get it..
>Unless you slap your boyfriend and rip his mouth
the idea that people think bambam and mina are dating is funny to me. has no one heard of casual sex?
maybe just because koreans love that style
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I think you meant to upload this
Krystal Jung
>no scars
>butter knife
>there's a fucking plastic over his wrists

what a fucking pussy
no her last name doesn't rhyme with toe
>casual sex

Yeah, they have heard it's something degenerate whiteys do
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yeah that's what I'm saying...
way to go gfriendshitter you're fucked this time
bambam isn't korean
neither is mina
i'm a newcomer to kpop, can someone recommend me some essential tracks?
Here's the apology letter and thread

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someone said it was a girl who was jealous at mina because her boyfriend is mina's fan
i don't know why she'd tell mina to attack bambam then tho

Twice - TT
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She has fantastic toes tho
A classic banger
it's called 'some' in korea
the absolute state of Thrice
sulli is a peach
Disgusting. Deport them.
snsd - gee
kara - mr
2ne1 - i love you
t-ara - roly poly

what did he mean by that
fx pink tape
wonder girls reboot
tfw woohee will never hug you with 100% of her body
So this was a slut anthem?

its already obviously a joke. cant believe everyone taking it seriously
i want to choke tzuyu and make her call me daddy while fucking her
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> tell minacucks to kys
> they do it with a butter knife

It's enough if her lower body hugs yours - namsaying
lovelyz: ah choo
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it can be more obvious though and have kpg meta
>not making her claim Taiwan as rightful Chinese clay

wasted opportunity
have you ever heard of a love hotel?
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he probably thinks korea is like the kdramas he watches

ignore him
Based satan
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Not on my watch
kill you're self
why do you repeat my memes
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tfw this is what they meant when they talked about a "drinking problem"
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delete this
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just emailed this comment to JYP
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i will kill mina's dog by feeding it chocolate to death
Pyompire looks different
3 hours until I drop her
I'd fuck her when she was 1
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it's okay anon, you can choke her all u want senpai
word except mina herself
She lives in Korea though, babo
stop talking about my waifu like this
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Stop talking about who
afterwards i will then eat the dog
[spoiler]KOREA BBQ STYLE[/spoiler]
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this is the stuff
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time to move to korea.png
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i'm moving to korea, lads, wish me luck
it matters where you have citizenship as well
that's the meme

what's her name
what is gangnam style about?
>anon gets arrested
iirc it's not that simple tho, there's another law that makes it so that sex between an adult and a minor is considered coercive
she is taiwanese if that helps
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>when the most degenerate thing you could do in a western country and be viewed as less than the lowest scum of society is perfectly fine in asia
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a sex position

its always sunny in kpg
That's what you call cultural enrichment then
the secret to getting bitches
MrJ pls get arrested
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no such thing
i liked tzuyu since sixteen started airing
he's in pedo rehab
gentleman too? he gets to party with gain despite being an asshole
how many of the contestants were 16 on sixteen
>tzuyu was the only girl in sixteen who was actually 16
new order's age of consent is pretty great
Dude, Tzuyu would be legal everywhere except Africa and West Coast.
Good luck getting through GOT7 though.
Of course! He totally made Gain his bitch and stole her Abracadabra dance. She hasn't recovered, so she's a druggie now.

And Daddy is about banging girls with daddy issues. New face is about facials.
i could beat all those got7 manlets in a 1v7 street fight
As if niggers could be stopped by laws
isn't one of them a literal kung fu master
Pick one.
Word. They rape babies to cure themselves of their hiv.
did she really make that dance by herself?
i thought new face is about plastic surgery
WTF I feel cheated now
jackson is a fencing master, fencing doesnt help in a street fight

i bet 2pm would kick my ass tho
>thinking kung fu is an effective way of fighting
nigga you've been watching too many movies, a blue belt in jiu jitsu could fuck up a kung fu grandmaster
yeah, he's also racist now because he had dreadlocks
that reminds me
why isnt there a korean character on street fighter?
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Plastic face is about plastic surgery:

because japs made street fighter
Thread posts: 321
Thread images: 104

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