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Whats the most memorable live show you've ever been too?

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Whats the most memorable live show you've ever been too? It can be memorable in a good or a bad way, so long as its stuck with you.
KANYe the oracle arena last fall. My voice wa hoarse the day after from screaming the lyrics
Ariana grande
chance the motherfuckin rapper

his whole show was a performance, it was like watching a movie for the most part, the light effects were amazing, he was super energetic, the stage had puppets and shit, it was overall awesome and i only paid $15
Action Bronson. It probably helps that he was throwing 50in flat screen TVs and sandwiches into the crowd the whole time
OPN, easy. the GoD tour was so amazing. the fucking visuals, the crazy cyver-guitar playin, danny singing his heart out on sticky drama and animals, god, so fucking good. i cried druing i bite through it, saw a girl cry during sticky drama
close behind were code orange, anco, dan deacon, uhhhh thrice were surprisingly great
Yeah, I saw him a bit after acid rap came out, full band and everything. great show
Deafheaven and Pissed Jeans. Both had so much fucking energy and interaction with audience, which I just love.
merzbow, sunn O))) and guitar wolf were all memorable in their own way. Guitar wolf show was a cluster fuck
andrew jackson jihad put on a fantastic show
did they let you fuck their gfs?
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buhhhhhhh huuhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhh cuck LMAO
yeah, and nice trips
Foxygen at Coachella, Swans, Deerhunter, Neutral Milk Hotel.
Mucc, but only because it was the first festival I ever attended, and the added secrecy factor of it all. (I pretended to go buy a hot dog and snuck away to their tent to avoid being shamed by my metalhead friends)
Any more pictures or gifs of Anthony with this haircut?
type o negative
Thank you
Radiohead MSG last summer. They played Weird Fishes, I may have shed a tear.
i would've been a mess the whole show t b h
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Unironically, Paul Mccartney.
It was the first concert i've gone to, and since where i'm from we don't get many famous musicians, i was a very big thing.
Now i've been seeing many local bands, and they are all great, very comitted to making good music. Da Pawn is my favorite of the bunch, and one of my favorite artists overall.
Nine Inch Nails 2013 Tension tour Vancouver

Went baked, holy shit that show production. When Reznor was soloing the Frail, then it slowly melts into The Wretched and then The Big Come Down immediately after. He's a much better showmen then people give him credit for.
>Foxygen at Coachella, Swans, Deerhunter
what was deerhunter like?
Is that fantano?
dubs and satan trips

always bet on trent.
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James Blake, I was so surprised how he was able to perform his electronic music but with live instrumentation. A lot of the stuff is layering samples so I thought it would just be press a button and have the music playing but it wasn't that at all. I was super impressed and his vocals were really good I didn't expect him to have so much range
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Sleep is the most memorable, because it involved lots of hash smoking, and because they are the best doom band that exists

I have seen Sunn O))) twice, and both times have been very memorable because it's Sunn O)))

Eagles of Death Metal was memorable because the frontman was so nice to me and other fans after the show. Truly decent dude who respected his fans no matter how weird/obnoxious they were, and this was way before the Paris attacks.
Wilco during their Wilco (The Album) tour. Seen them posted a ton on /mu/ but never really listened to them.
Was at a festival and I walked around and saw the camel picture and was like "hey, that's the wilco band right? maybe i should stick around and see what the deal is"

was an amazing show. One of the most memorable things was when they did this crazy noise jam while Jeff kept playing normal. I loved every second of it and i could hear people in the audience talking to eachother like "wtf? but why"

hooked on wilco ever since
swans a couple weeks ago
Skinny Puppy. Ogre is the performance artist Manson always wanted to be but could never quite reach.
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Godspeed You! Black Emperor

I did acid before and the energy was absolutely euphoric.
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The visuals he had on his booth were insane, the amount of unconscious dancing from people in other dimensions, and the beautiful women that moved with the music made it to be one hell of a show.

The acid helped a bit too.
Godspeed You! Black Emporor was probably the best I've seen. Just complete perfection.

I've seen Ween a few times and they've all been top tier as far as concerts go. The most memorable one Gener was real fucked up (apparently he was on crack) and show was a trainwreck. Still though it was hilarious to witness.
Seeing Lil B live in 2012 was a life changing experience. At one point we all rushed the stage and started cooking while Lil B was performing Wonton Soup.

Saw 'em just under a year ago and I was completely blown away. Bradford Cox has some serious talent
Run the Jewels, I was right up front so they were spitting right on me, and I was very high
Death Grips in Austin.

The pit was insane, Stefan screaming his brains out, Zach being a monster on the set as usual and Andy being a sperg with his laptop.
Yeah Ween Chocolate and Cheese tour is one of the best I've seen and we got to meet Gene in the alley.
I don't understand how anyone could chose a hip hop show. Hip hop is cool and everything but pretty much every show I've seen has either had playback/lip sync or rappers who could barely bother to spit out half their lyrics. Also, fanbases are the fucking worst.
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i really liked system of a down

btw is that thicctony thicctano in your pic?
Sigur Ros without a doubt, I got legitimately upset when it was over.

The show ended with Jared Warren making noises with an iPhone and an amplifier for 10 minutes
Destroyer. It was him with the full ensemble, saxophonist and trumpet player included. The venue was tiny, less than 100 people. I stood maybe six feet from Dan Bejar. The music was so loud that it was almost literally palpable. I could feel my brain stem vibrating. I thought I was having an acid flashback.
Tool, I legit had a mystical experience
Would you call it euphoric?
yes, It pried open my third eye tbqhwy family
unironically Lamb of God
Ty Segall
Went to see another band but there was an indoor and outdoor area and the band I wanted to see was indoors, however I went on acid and ended up walking to the outdoor. Nonetheless the show starts and when Ty comes on everybody just goes nuts.
Saw him again this year and he still puts on one hell of a show.
>type o negative
sick af
Fuzz is great live too.
Saw them in April this year. Played Subterranean Homesick. It was surreal.
Unfortunately the best show I ever went to, I was uber stoned and don't remember much from that night...
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Kanye West: Yeezus Tour

My first time ever seeing Kanye West. Saw him on his second night in Toronto. The whole setup Kanye had with the mountain and all the actors he used made for a really theatrical performance that i've never seen the likes of since. Kanye fucking killed it too, I was impressed. Played all sorts of track across his discography as well as much of Yeezus. Drake showed up in the middle of the show and he did a couple songs, it was fucking amazing honestly.

The Saint Pablo Tour was wild no doubt, but the Yeezus tour takes the cake for me.
why did you even comment? so people can know some random asshole got too high at a concert?
Source on gif?

the guitarist is stupidly good
Gorillaz a few years ago, such amazing production, full band and everything. It was just after they released plastic beach, I live in aus and snoop dogg wasn't allowed into the country so they had a massive projection of him rapping the intro. So good!
Sun Ra Arkestra. I really dont like free jazz but, man, they were amazing...
The first time I saw Skinny Puppy.

Incredible concert. Blew my young head off.
nice to see underage posting never dies here
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Saw '68 and Every Time I Die about a month ago. ETID was great, but '68 absolutely blew me away. Josh is an incredible performer.
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The first festival that I went at was in France in 2013, I was a young pleb at the time and was with my ultra pleb chad friends. This festival was the first time Godspeed you ! Black Emperor did a show of their last album. I can't describe what I felt this night, you got to understand that this was my first big concert, it was like the music was inside me, the show was a 1h long noise and multi ambient spectrum. Of course my friends left seconds after the show began but I stayed petrified during what felt an eternity.
Last Liquicity in Amsterdam was the best one ive had.
Michael Rother was the best rock show I've been to.
Fantano is the musical version of sam hyde
margaret glaspy but mostly bc i'm her biggest fan

i saw slipknot last fall and i can still remember how sore my neck was the next day from headbanging too much
Death Grips, just yesterday
Peter Green era Fleetwood Mac
Tristan und Isolde in Berlin
pixies at brixton desu. it was so much fun.
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I saw John Coltrane live in 1966

Yep I'm that old
Death Grips
i saw a show with kool ad, despot, and run the jewels (killer mike and el-p also did a solo set each before the run the jewels set). it was fucking crazy
0))) 07 for mine. 7-piece with csihar, ambarchi, atsuo, sin nanna. lasers and serious volume. total immersion.
you forgot to mention how shit the music was though
the Mountain Goats. John Darnielle came down into the crowd during No Children, he stood on a chair right in front of me, we grabbed each others shoulders and shouted into each others faces for a second. Got in for free too
hopsin in 2014
Saw new reign era born of Osiris and after the burial 2 weeks after they got a new singer and we didn't know yet because it was only just announced
Holy shit that was a disappointing show.
BoO was surprisingly good, ATB was so shit that they went from my favorite band to the band that killed metal for me for almost a year.
They fucking had the gall to re-release rareform with this complete shit head.
It was at that time I realized that Sumerian records was buying up all my favorite acts and turning them into complete shit.

can you eleborate why it was the best one
My most memorable (sort of) gig I went to was a locally famous punk bands. Me and 4 other friends took mdma about half an hour before and went in.

Id seen the band before (also on caps) and they were great, so I initially sorted the night. Everyone starting charging right as it started and it was amazing.

Looking back, we were massive cunts, but we started a mosh by just pulling and pushing every one around us up the front. One of my friends started attacking us (he didn't really understand moshing) and i ended up copping a few hits to the face, and a knee to the jaw. Nose ended up being broken and I'm pretty sure we got beaten up by the surrounding crowd, but it was one of the best nights of my life.
Actually an equal first would be Beyond the Valley 2016 fest. We all took pingas and went to jme's set.

It was amazing, as he switched to a heavy as fuck song, it started absolutely pelting rain down. Everyone lost their shit and the standing area became a mud pit. The whole situation combined with the pingas made it insane.
When I saw Sunn O))) at my local venue there was a drunk white trash girl grinding on her white trash male friends the entire 2 hours
saw him several years ago. boring af senpai. also the crowd was nothing, but bros so there was this weird sweaty virgin vibe going on. ended up sitting outside smoking and drinking all night.
I've only been regularly going to shows for about a year now because it took me a long time to conquer an anxiety disorder.

I saw Phil play A Crow Looked at Me in full live, plus two new tracks and it gave me some low-grade secondary trauma. I cried at the show and on the bus home afterwards. It still occasionally gets to me.

I also saw Xiu Xiu in Portland a couple weeks for that.

NMH a few years before that was divine, too.
got in a private silversun pickups concert in an apartment in brooklyn after they played on colbert with three of my closest friends -- i had a nice conversation with them all after the show

got on stage at deafheaven in brooklyn -- clarke pulled me over the barricade at right before dream house and i hugged him and lost my shoe

saw genesis in 2007 in giants stadium -- my first concert, my favorite band of all time and probably the last time theyll ever play together
too bad shpongle is shit
That sounds intense and beautiful

I tripped Acid and watched Kamasi Washington. Would definetly do it again, the energy was just massive
The Cure - Reflections tour 2011 in ny

daniel avery at sublub. had a nice healthy dose of mandy and completely lost myself in the nasty dystopian beats. that or the fat white family at leeds festival last year. utter chaos.
jelly, did you ever see prime dylan
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>that "music"
Saw Days n Daze and hung out with the band. They're sweet people and I wish them the best.
Care to talk about it more? I got perfect seats at the Gorge Amphitheater in WA a week from now. Never seen them live.
Dude that tour was insane
oh anon that was truly murder
i don't believe you but it sounds amazing
maurooooo that's my boyyyyyy
I heard it bombed

grow the fuck up
You listen to Da Pawn!!??
They are th greatest band on earth
Are you from Ecuador?
no man I'm from venezuela, but Mauro is a good friend of mine, we even studied together in Argentina.
Death Grips.
ehehe, fellow Zagrebro.
Went to a Foo Fighters concert back in the mid 2000's, the chick I went with got soaked by a bottle with piss in
This ain't Tumblr
did someone hurt your feelings?
I saw death grips and MC ride and I touched hands
That's amazing.
I think he's great, very talented. I've seen him 3 times with Da Pawn and his other band. and took a picture with him and some friends on one ocasion. Don't know him personally but he seems like a great guy.
What di he studied? Somethin related to music? Are you a musician too?
Sunn O)))

I saw Black Sabbath and Swans in the same year, but boy, Sunn was my favourite. Their discography is not that interesting, but the concerts are an otherwordly experience. Especially Attila's poems and voice, absolutely scary.
How about you fuck off to Tumblr you special snowflake cunt?
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>pic related
it was litty
Saw Radiohead at the Roundhouse last year. I hadn't been to many concerts before so it was magical. They played Paranoid Android to end the show.
my band in college put on a show at the end of our senior year. playing shows in college was the time of my life especially since my guitarist also happened to be my best friend.
Keep in mind that this video was made 10 years ago
He was 21 at the time.
He started running TheNeedleDrop later that year, and he wasn't even vegan at that time.

Van Halen 1982 3rd row...

Honorable mention- Allman Brothers Band with special guest Eric Clapton- 4th row...
Darkside at Lollapalooza. All the bros and rave girls were off seeing Chance the Rapper and Skrillex while Darkside played in the most tucked away stage. 50 people there tops and the security was chill as fuck. My buddy and I were right up front smoking as many bowls as possible before the show. Fantastic performance.
I don't get people like you. Its not like someone you know was in that crowd of halals
does anyone have the sauce of this gif?
I saw the video a long time ago but can't find it now
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Probably a 2-5am set from the Flaming Lips at the second Bonnaroo when I was tripping balls on mushrooms.

Kings of Leon/the Strokes concert where they both played full sets in Atlanta, Georgia. Kings of Leon had just released their first album, no one really knew who they were and they kind of blew the Strokes off of the stage (Julian was hammered).

Doc Watson in a room of like 20 people in Asheville, NC.

Warren Haynes' legendary solo (mostly) acoustic set at Bonnaroo

Saw My Morning Jacket at Bonnaroo in 2003 as well when no one knew who they were on a very small stage. They came out to tune their own instruments and do their own sound check and no one even cheered, they were entirely unrecognizable. Great show with stuff from their first album.

Flaming Lips/White Stripes New Years Eve show 2004 in Chicago.

And of course, a 5 hour concert from Bruce Springsteen where he played everything you'd ever want to hear him play.
Totally forgot to mention an outdoor concert from Radiohead in 2004 (I think) when it started raining as they played Paranoid Android.
sorry that someone you knew died at Manchester mate
Holy shit if this is true please share some details
>Doc Watson in a room of like 20 people in Asheville, NC

killer- saw Doc a few times but crowds were 1000+ what a treasure.

>Warren Haynes' legendary solo (mostly) acoustic set at Bonnaroo

great set- was that at sunrise? Warren is the man
this forum is filled with assholes
The Doc show was great. It was near his home in North Carolina and was very informal, kind of like this

I don't remember when the Warren set was. I just know that everyone thought 'Warren Haynes at Bonnaroo, totally going to be a jam fest.' Everybody was expecting a full band and a really heavy set and then he came out with this. It was really nice because it was such a surprise.
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>inb4 djentfag
Someone post the picture! You know the one.
I missed out on their headlining tour late last year but I'm seeing them open for Megadeth later this month. I really hope they do a decently long set and it's not just a half hour thing.
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Melvins - Paris - Bataclan 19/09/2015
Big business opening, ended with double drums solo.
Never seen sunn, but I'm still searching for something equally massive
Probably Puddle of Mudd back in 2001. When they played "Blurry", everyone sang along, some openly weeping.
i got on the stage at a pissed jeans show and matt gave me a piggy back
i saw them in a church it good visually but sound wise it didn't work
why do you even come here?
you guys aren't too quick are you? (it's bait)
Royce da 5′9″.
was my first concert. he pulled my up on stage, because I had a camcorder. was fucking awesome.
looked through all the replies looking for this
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