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/rym/ Rateyourmusic / general (Sonemic? Wtf is that?)

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Thread replies: 235
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Rateyourmusic's classical system is utter shit edition.
first for Dusapin
second for your favorite artist being shit
L "Y" J The Most Blunted
me, alive
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Sonemic confirmed for 2019 launch. What the fuck is he doing?
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First for WILL NEVER
>create great Pokemon design
>make Pokemon shit

>make evolution that's great
>has terrible design

fucking GameFreak are hacks
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What're you currently listening to atm?

I'm almost done with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkIpddogl_Y

favorite renditions of favorite works, please

but disappointed desu
There aren't many different ones (on Spotify at least)
but listen to:

Seven Solos for Orchestra
Seven Etudes for Piano
String Quartets and Trios

The professional recording of SQ6 and 7 is making me dive deeper in his catalog and I love it all. Ades without cheese, I think.
thanks much
unami's side is much better than lambkin's
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this has to be disappointing

Literally me in real life.
today is itnernational day of having sex.
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when does the man stopping "zzzzz-ing" and breathing at me I didn't think avantness would require so much
why are you all more cynical than I was as a 15 year old
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>not listening to the innovator of dabbing
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What's so bad about the classical system anyway? I don't really understand what all the hate is about
those tags must be a /daily/ wet dream
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you mean this
the fuck even is that
on a composer's page, there's so way to view recordings, only compositions. so unlike a standard artist, there is no way to judge the most popular releases
in your collection, releases are filed under performer, not composer, meaning: 1) a composer's work is spread out throughout your ratings pages 2) there is no way to search your collection for all the works of a particular composers 3) it creates stupidly long artist names in some cases (see certain Nono and Ullmann releases)
not to mention only mods can add classical works which makes the system even more convoluted
what rym should do is file classical releases like:
Composer - Release [Performer]

Send recs/add me plz
Based Dark/Flying Type Pokemon Like Sal
>tfw when 3D ruined your favorite pokemon
Wow fuck that is all really shit. Good points.
I Think I'm Hladik

My Name Is L "Y" J
All 1642 Hgxr Posts, Ranked From Worst to Best
The comments must be good though
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Is he /our guy/?
How do I get started?? Where is the music for starters?
best is between 6 - 7
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https://rateyourmusic.com/~Aaron Kelloway
Repost This In 10 Comment Boxes Or AntiWarhol Will Rate Your Favorite Album 1.5 Tonight
that's what it used to be
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Post cringe / no self awareness *actual* shit users

Sal edition

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Post cringe / no self awareness *actual* shit users

riceshoes edition

is this a ranking? because there definitely should be a hierarchy of cringe users
Redpill me on ~plantwhiteroses being a fat fuck irl
Hey you guys wanna laugh



What's the deal with avant-teens? What are they running from?
Yikes, I'd rush to cover that shit if I were them. What poseurs.
You can find pretty much the same deal browsing through their friend's collections too, those are just two examples. Poseurs attracting other poseurs.
why does rym hate don hertzfeldt so much
2012 wants you back
these lists are meant for everybody

no one is safe
you're mean to everyone you disgusting betrayer
at least hes got hair unlike you you chemo patient
He's nice to his nazi friend tbf
fuck him
because that's obviously what he meant you retarded dadrocking normie
are you mad that his taste is better than yours?
yes you fucking do
not our fault you look and act like a peasant
>i don't view music or tastes in music as a competition
you clearly do
how so? he never comes off that way imo

he has no self awareness whatsoever
these lists are going to change the game forever
calling out "avant-teens" all day for "not liking music" is clearly a way to feel superior for his music taste
>inb4 t. avant-teen
this is what spending too much time on /mu/ does to people jfc
not what i meant. he's always posting middle of the road oldies, that is the opposite of a tryhard poseur. if he cared he'd be at least posting some bandcamp drone shit
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Aww.. well its somewhat understandable
but it oki anon, I forgive u :>

Also, hopefully I'll update stuff when I get uhhhh more time
why are you always attacking other peoples taste
that's exactly what he wants you to think in these threads

he's a piece of shit everywhere else and he has been exposed numerous times
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remember when sal just randomly 'stopped' 'loving' brand new / HaNL / joy division as much as he used to?
he did explain why he got triggered by mean users and apologized for being an absolute normie though
go kill yourself faggot
I already did, actually
go kill yourself faggot
I already did, actually
go kill yourself faggot
don't forget he used to shit on poptimists for liking brokencyde and then two years later he liked it too
he already did, actually
please get out of here unless you want to be on lists that will fuck up your reputation forever
go FUCKING kill yourself you fucking faggot i hate you so much
wtf when was that?
what did I do
you're a normie enabler
Remember when he bullied random kids for a video and then overfed his cat?
he's a dadrocker, a friend betrayer and a cat killer
I really hope nobody itt (especially Sal) discovers my profile. No doubt my beige canonical taste will turn e into a target for harassment by the evil users of RYM.
exposes himself to underage girls and boys on the internet too
remember when he showed everyone his penis and his shit?
bully him he's on one of the lists
Because music is my life and I love rating it, giant bully
Rundo Grasps at Straws
Rundo Flings and Hopes Something Sticks
Rundo Courageous and Outspoken In Numbers
Rate my profile
>This account has been suspended.
lmao what happened?
Besides being an annoying emasculated faggot?
>degenerate weeb
>uses racial slurs often despite being suburban white
>neglects his site moderator position in favour of fapping to traps and futas
Gee I wonder what went wrong
>>uses racial slurs often despite being suburban white

What if i told you that you're in control of how you react to these slurs that probably, most likely, don't affect you anyway? Didn't your father teach you to pick your battles?
>leftist teenagers
Wiggers don't annoy you then?
I don't pay attention to them. They're cringy, but that's it. Much more important things to be focusing on out there, kid.
Good point, honestly.
It's like these kids think establishment exists solely to piss them off. Sad.
Reminder that riceshoes thinks himself as a "femboy."
>le sjw hunting
its like im on reddit
you're an idiot picking on riceshoes
t. riceshoes loving faggot normie fanboy
why is there always that one poltard in here trying to force his shitty memes?

kill yourself faggot
kill yourself faggot
kill yourself faggot
How many pages of a book do you read in an hour?
Let's All Love Lad!
mouth moods is good
he's conservative though
>3 (You)'s

you mean one pal you generic piece of shit
hey! i was 13 when i made my rym account. and ive never referred to myself as an avant-teen in any way. i listen to stuff that interests me. music is my life and i love rating it
I feel like my profile looks incomplete without movies rated so what movies should I watch?
ur lying I got one (you) from him stop pretending ur me that's very rude
depends on the book
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2001 has been a HUGE disappointment.

idk pretend you watched some 5 minute avant garde shorts
goodbye dragon inn
im big on taraosky, shunji iwai, tsai ming-liang, kar wai and bela tarr you could say im a connoisseur of the arts
shunji iwai makes meme-tier live-action anime films
this guy's tumblr theme is really annoying
this pre much

don't know if you meant tarkovsky but tsai ming liang and bela tarr are great with wong kar wai being good if you're just getting into the medium tb h, chungking express is one of my all time favorites
im big on straub-huillet, syberberg, duras, benning and jost you could say im a connoisseur of the arts
im big on dw griffith and cecil b demille you could say the arts haven't had any formal innovations since 1939
solid L "B" G reference
>basically every popular user on the site
makes you think
you mad faggot?
about what?
no trolling, serious question: these are popular users?
no it's a bunch of underage memers
redpill me on ~Doeme
should be added to the cringe list
because he's a insecure positive faggot just like you are
what are blue flags for a user
rp me on savagebear
Does calling people on the internet trannies for no reason make for a good time?
rp me on savagebear
rp me on savagebear
rp me on savagebear
savagebear-kun is tsundere as hell for me.
how do i get savagebear to add me back?
rp me on savagebear
rp me on savagebear
more like savagebae <3
rp me on savagebear
he's a piece of shit who's insecure about his taste anyway

leave him

imagine being so pathetic that you feel the need to virtue signal on as many comment boxes on a music reviewing website as possible
when are you going to kill yourself?
please don't say that
Lads...I miss hlad-daddy
Kys cuck
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>All these 16 year olds on here not realizing that their political views are going to do a 180 in a few years are amazing.

t. 19-year-old commie
That guy tries to get into most of RYM comment boxes discussions that have a certain controversy behind it in order to unload his ignorant PC bullshit propaganda. Only good commie is a dead commie.

this guy belongs in 2007
>you are lowkey the most clever reviewer on this site

Clearly the most retarded if anything
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a pleb pretending to be ploymath

"small-souled bugman" implies that the person has been cut off from their cultural roots, and totally subsumed into consumerist neoliberal hive. they are totally lack any sort of sympathy for their ancestors folkways, higher spirituality, or passion. if they do engage in activities that are somewhat human, they still are heavily tinged by global capitalism. if they are a sportsfan, they will participate heavily in fantasy sports(which is obsessed with statistics, 'scientific' analysis of performance). if they exercise, it will be all cardio, and tracked by fitbit and then uploaded to faceberg. tastes in food, art, music, movies are predetermined by review aggregator sites like yelp, metacritic or rotten tomatoes. political views only appeal to them if they seem 'rational,' and derived from the sort of conventional wisdom, economics influenced worldview seen in works like 'moneyball', nate silver's 538 blog, and 'freakonomics.'
I would be on a one way bus to the suicide forest if lewis said this to me..
Drones everyone, but I think he means well. Hopefully he doesn't purchase a UHS subscription.
good site, thanks for linking

White people are honestly the most sensitive race
are you thinking of killing yourself?
this but unironically
Ask a Master Mason anything

you know that there are many reasons to kill yourself right?
yet to see worse than Qwerty100
>The Cold Vein
what a loser
you're a faggot
Stop telling people to kill themselves, faggot.
isn't this every week in america
this is your future you dadrocking faggot
this is a music board
you're pathetic and ugly looking
>i have no scope
i think it was worse in 2016
I want Kanye to lead the 2010's charts again
I want you to suck my dick
I insist that you kill yourself.
no one cares about some dumb shooting
Call me when these pasty crackers kill at least 15 people - an imitation Dylann Roof shooting 3 insignificant rundos is nothing.
I would if it was a paki/arab doing it
Ok sure
Do you agree though? Does Kendrick deserve the #1 spot?
>Deltron 3030

you are on the cringe list for a good reason
he actually lived in warsaw anon, place of joy division

you're just mad he didn't rate a dadrock release sal likes really high
idunno, I want to suck your dick though
are you colorblind
what's sal's R "Y" M account
just go to the back to mono page and search for mysterious-looking usernames. he's in there
ok but like what's your actual account
savagebear >>>> psychometry
ah ok sure that makes a lot of sense
man like 王人美
their first ep is literally called warsaw you dadrocking faggot
Da fuck is that?
what album is this, I want it
>cLOUDDEAD is mediocre
You're a pleb.
>L "Y" J gonna kill a faggot with his bare hands
Boi he bout to do it!
it's a good song, honestly
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hello, my dearest friends
im not taking cold showers wtf
not him but cold showers make me extremely itchy
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that sounds like some pseudoscience shit desu
sonemic up my sleeve pull up on rym with a new glitchwave feature show em no mercy my name is sharifi
*mic drop*
I Feel Like Deagger
Is he dead?
Based Thread-Saving Ploymath Lad Like L "Y" J
dumb lyjposter
L "Y" J?
more like L "Y" GAY
its redditcore, kind of like rating mac demarco highly
>/mu/core beige trash that i like
>you dont like it as much
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