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What is the most cancerous /mu/ fanbase?

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What is the most cancerous /mu/ fanbase?
Grimes, easily. I like her a lot but I hate that she's so over-discussed on /mu/.

Kendrick is getting there.

Radiohead shitposting also deserves a mention.
>dark souls

literally why?
grimes, radiohead and animal collective fans are all retarded

Kpop don't spread so they're not cancer
>animal collective
>not grimes or chvrches

And at least the k-cucks have more or less contained themselves
>marx instead of zizek or christposters

person who made this didnt stay on /lit/ too long
Grimes definitely.
actually maybe i'll give you the thinkpad one. But i stand by linux being alright. Especially the new friendly linux general threads. You take away linux from /g/ and you have programming and shitposts about phones
grimes and kpop general
also lvaren posters
hating football is so epic and trendy isnt it? "oh look at me look how eurooopean i am woooow "football"? you mean AMERICAN football? hahahahaha more like HANDEGG! cause the ball looks like an egg hahaha soccers so much more sophisticated despite the fact its associated with the most fan violence of any sport"

Americans that dont like football are the real cancer
Kek butthurt Amerifat
it's actually the marina & the diamonds forced meme people
>Americans that dont like football are the real cancer
t.meathead who thinks sports are the height of conversation

I bet you go to sports bars you fucking cretin
i dunno i just find it boring
>getting so triggered over an unrelated image

go pacify yourselvf with a greasy hamburger peon
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I would sacrifice my own life to rid mu of kpop
But Marina is shit, regardless of what you think. She's the worst female artist of this generation.
>I bet you have friends, talk to them and go to places with them

not getting the point here
i actually have no opinion regarding marina and would prefer to keep it that way
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>I bet you have friends, talk to them and go to places with them
Hahaha, he does go to sports bars
Why? Theyre contained. They never leave their thread.
>5 seconds of game and 1 minute of down time
>majority of a televised game is advertisements

Nah, I'm good. 1v1 sports with tournament circuits are the patrician spectator sports. Like tennis
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They steal our gets though, well apart from that one
I dont care, its a cancerous tumor that needs to be cut away from mu.
People come here and think thats what mu likes.
Why do you care what people think of /mu/?

>butthurt grimeshaters that were btfo by her fans
your tears are delicious
add arsenal fans and messi fanboys on /sp/
>Dark Souls
I haven't been on /v/ since DS1 days but it was easily the best threads on /v/.
>he associates doing things with his friends with going to sports bars
WEW you sound like a boring person. The Bills will get em this year though, won't they bud?
Yeah and why is David Foster Wallace there? I haven't seen much DFW shit posting
>proving grimes fans are cancer

Nice one, friend. I have no opinion her as an artist, I just hate you. She even hates you too, you autists kept messaging her on her tumblr and twitter and freaked her out.
Grimes and AnCo
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>Did you see that ludicrous display last night?
>Thing about Arsenal, they always try to walk it in.

Truly a paragon of intellect.
>being this autist
>proving their point
Good job.
>Yeah and why is David Foster Wallace there?
Infinite Jest is to /lit/ what ITAOTS is to /mu/
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>grimesfag goes onto four chan dot com
>sees a post on the music board claiming grimes isn't that good and could somebody explain her appeal
>grimesfag immediately expels an unhealthy amount of shit into his office chair
>types up a long-winded response about how grimes is the best and how if you hate grimes you're just a triggered grimes hating cuck with no taste
>post 100000000 photos of her big-nosed greasy skin face
>ha ha! Those sjw liberal cuck (insert 10 more buzzwords) sure got blown the fuck out!
This is you. This is what you sound like.
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Here, I fixed your shitty chart for you.
/v/ needs to be changed to nintentoddlers, darksouls and persona/smt.
Grimes, p4k hip hop (kendrick, kanye), Fantano
as an arch user, I'll give you that
They're a disease and it's just a matter of time until they spread over and out of their contamination
>da burrs
image is outdated as fuck

>generals in general
>mma /heem/
>tsunaldo (even tho I think they can be funny)
lmao I love football and I'm not even american but you're trying too hard m8
>putting "-fag" at the end of words in order to showcase your level of mental maturity
Lol and I bet you wonder why you get made fun of so easily.
Who's making fun of me, you?
Like I care about the opinions of somebody who literally worships a musician
Agreed. I love Grimes and she's one of my favorites, but grimes threads don't have any substantial discussion. It's like how the gays worship Lady Gaga, and grimefags are unbelievable.
>Who's making fun of me, you?
No, you yourself - you just aren't self-aware enough yet to realize it.
>Yeah and why is David Foster Wallace there? I haven't seen much DFW shit posting
I haven't gone on there in years but when I browsed it regularly there were always multiple threads about Infinite Jest. One of the biggest reasons I left that cancerous circlejerk shithole.
Nice linking your own comment in another thread
Mind if I post the context there too
Feel free to continue sperging out however you like.
>expecting to be taken seriously
stop being so mad, fuckwit.
These are legit music discussions.
>not Marvel
this needs updating
>grimesfag expecting to be taken seriously
grimes, kpop and death grips
>I..I..I can't rebuke his logically sound argument so I'll just spew an ad hominem, that'll show em!!
Seems like you're the angry one here
mad =/= angry
mad = crazy
>Lol and I bet you wonder why you get made fun of so easily.
Maybe straight up worshiping a mediocre pop artist has something to do with it.
Oh wait
...why do you straight up worship mediocre pop artists desu?
At least try to make your damage control halfway coherent
I'm sorry anon but I'm not convinced. It's feels like the same thing is being repeated over and over. However I don't have much to discuss about her either, so I have nothing to say here and am just going to listen to her music instead.
k-pop, Smash Wii U, Doctor Who and GoT all stick within their respective generals, otherwise yeah these are all cancer
If you don' care about Grimes how do you know about her thoughts on /grimes/?
Wew lad amazing image.
Smash bros community isnt that cancer on /v/ I think console warriors in general are more terrible.

/mu/ is fucking on point tho.
Nothing more horrendous than weeabos enjoying overproduced garbage that they don't understand made by disgusting pedophile coorporations.
Nothing more cancer as animal collective fans saying that every album by them is good and that they have "classics" they only have a decente one.
Death grips fanbase takes the cake, they are literally the linkin park for angry weeabos of the internet. Their concerts full of white people. Disgusting. The only thing left for them is mixing dbz fights videos with death grips in the background to show how aggresive and abrassive they are..
Really tired of the "hype" fanbases that think their new thread about a certain artist is needed when there are already 5+ in the catalog.

(what i came here to write)
Grimes. K-pop really isn't cancerous at all imo, they usually stay in their containment threads and aren't nearly as annoying.

I will say, though, that Grimes haters are just as bad as her fans.
invading /pol/tards
I work at one and it's great
Dated, goblinposters are the real cancer
Way better.
Except ITAOTS is good and well-liked on the board
I can't wait for Grimes fans to move on the next eyecandy.

People still discuss Naruto?
Yes, since mods allow naruto threads nowadays
Baseball's better
I hate K-pop but I do have to agree with this, I only ever see K-pop posters in a K-pop thread
Anon, why are you talking to yourself out loud ITT?

>I don't have much to discuss about her either,
Anon, no one's forcing you to post here.
Gorillaz by far

So sue me.
kanyefags, raptards, kpop and death grips
/mu "fans".

At least artist fan bases have actual connections to music.
Sonyggers on /v/ think they're hot shit like PC since they sold like 50 mil with like 2 great games with the rest being mediocre
No, I've seen plenty of k-pop posters in other threads and they are absolutely terrible.
PC fanbase specifically
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>all the kpop hate ITT
>not a single kpop poster comes in and starts posting kpop pics and kpop love

It's weird how contained it is. All the posts in those threads are weird too.
>heh I'm a shitlib so I'm going to pretend grimes' fans are right-wing

pretty sad tbqh
>nigger worshiping fatasses that watch an hour of doritos and coca-cola commercials every sunday

I'm cool with not being a part of that
there are multiple DFW shitposting threads every single week
sometimes they fester for a long time and you'll have 2-4 in the catalog at once
/lit/ has a large Axel Rose fanbase?
Okay Kpop is actually one of the best on this site. Death Grips isn't but I've never seen kpop outside of their thread. They can stay.
The more popular a game on console becomes the more cancerous the PC fanbase becomes
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U2 trolls
/sp/ is the best board
Do you even sleep?
I hate kpop but their fans are the best on this board. They keep to themselves better than any other fan base.
I'm going to get roasted for this, but if we're talking about a true malignant cancer that has infected the board, metastasized, and now threatens to kill it, then the most cancerous /mu/ fanbase is the ridiculous shitty cult of Scaruffi.

I'm just going to list their cancerous qualities:

>The like the Doors. The fucking Doors.
>They think VU & Nico is rock and roll's perfect album
>They pretend to like Captain Beefheart's Noisy Hillbilly Singalong--it's not even that fucking noisy
>They overrate every Zappa album
>They post the "the fact that..." copypasta every single time someone mentions the Beatles
>They get triggered as hell if you say a cross word about Slint
>I just wanna go back for a minute to how they actually admire the Doors and think Jim Morrison is a poet.
>They pretend to listen to eight-hour rap albums.
>They say crazy shit like "Piper at the Gates of Dawn is the only good Pink Floyd album"
>They defend numetal and buttrock
>They do all of this while shitting on Radiohead

--this is half the people on /mu/. This is fully half the people on /mu/. Scaruffiposters are fucking cancer.
>I can't wait for Grimes fans to move on the next eyecandy.
you can dream. it's not gonna happen. very few artists inspire such loyalty as grimes.

even assuming that will happen, what would you gain? instead grimes it would be someone else to piss you off. you will remain a triggered autist just like you're right now.
Both are faggots but Scruffy>>>>>Christgau
christgau isn't a thing besides the one autist who dumps his reviews whenever possible
Marina is still a shit.
It's like entering a whole different world. I don't know much about K-Pop other than PSY, and I really like 2NE1 (better than Little Mix, Fifth Harmony and all those), but it's a whole new level in there. I feel if I wanted a run down of what else to look out for it would be overwhelming.
>death grips
there's no cancerous death grips fanbase anymore
one of the posts you replied to even said that he likes Grimes, fuckwit
I thought five nights at freddy's would surely be one for /v/
Also burrsposting is hilarious
Honestly I'm starting to find the "lol, Deaf Grapes is just Linkin Park of the 2010s! Yall gonna be cringing at yourselves in the future!" Posters are far more aggressive and annoying. Still that could just be because there isn't any hype yet.
Grimes posters are obnoxious as fuck. I like some of her work but these spastic idiots are relentless and put her on such a pedestal they can't be reasoned with. James needs to leave, he's shat on our board enough and it isn't even helping Grimes anymore.
This is the real problem.
The second anybody critiques kpop they come out of the woodwork

Watch this
>Kpop needs to fucking leave
Any minute now.
I don't fucks with grimes or K-pop or Aeroplane or Arca. Am I not /mu/ enough?
Death Grips is my favorite band, but their shitposters can get really cancer. Its really died down, though, with more people shitposting against them nowadays.

Grimesposters are probably the worst though.
cant stand radiohead fans on this board.
football's legit boring though you sperg
>>putting "-fag" at the end of words in order to showcase your level of mental maturity
how new are you lmao
You're right, god forbid people never realise this place is instead a cesspit of underage b&s posting black twitter memes and thinly veiled /pol/bait
This. It seems like a lot of mu is now very aggressive towards Death Grips
t. Triggered Death Grips autist fan
underage b& crossboarding ESL /v/ scum spotted
It's kind of a pendulum thing. It might swing back if they start up another hype cycle.
konosuba fags are far more rampant on /a/ than fateshitters at this point
also lavren threads are on a decrease, I'd swap her out with something else
This but critic obsession in general is a cancer on this board, that shit should be contained in a general.or something.
You must leave. Fucking idiot.
>t. triggered grimesfag
Sorry you aren't a fan of my opinions, anon.
Newer than you, grand-dad.
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where the fuck is the /daily/cucks at on this chart?

> fanbase

any of them in music usually suck, I'm not saying your music sucks, nmh, fleet foxes, deafheaven, grimes, cc, ect are all good and I own CDs by most of them, but if your daily /grimes/ is something you pay attention to more than the child you don't have then fuck
>pay attention to more than the child you don't have
>what did he mean by this

Metal fans and Swans fans are 100x worse than any AnCo or Death Grips fan.
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Well what do you think he meant by this?
>anco worse than waifufags
yeah no
>your tears are delicious
Bend over so I can kick your ass for using that fucking phrase
fatefags haven't been prevalent on /a/ in like 3 years
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How can you pay less attention to something that exists than to something that doesn't?

Because you'd have a actually child if you didn't use pickup lines from subpop LPs you bought from urban outfitters
I don't know, Bloodborne is better
Poptimists and waifufags are the most cancerous

9/10 Swans fans I have seen on /mu/ are pretentious as shit and would probably pay $1000 to smell one of Michael Gira's farts.

DG & AnCo fans may bicker among each other, but don't think their respective band's members are gods walking on the earth, and still acknowledge that other people may like other artists more.
Replace anco and Death Grips with Radiohead and Kanye.
what about the metal fans?
Only one that applies to me is that I like the Doors, but yeah fuck criticfags and their circlejerks
also >implying Re;Zero and AoT aren't trends that will be mostly forgotten within 5 years
not a Scaruffifag here, but what's wrong with the Doors in your opinion?
Death Grips and ANCO fanbases on /mu/ really aren't that bad

K-Pop fags stay in their containment treads

Grime fags are the worst by a large margin
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hi anon are you looking for me?
>K-Pop fags stay in their containment treads
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its only me though and theres like 60 people in the kpop threads :3
>expecting to be taken seriously
>Grime fags
>expecting to be taken seriously
t. butthurt hater btfo by her fans
you okay there?
that's a lot of damage for one man to control
Why does /mu/ hate AnCo fans. Like they stay in their own threads and stuff, but grimesfags post her in tons of threads (even though I suspect a lot of them are false flags). I get why people dislike k-pop, especially since their general oozes onto other boards

Also /nba/ should be on the one or /sp/. I like basketball, but /nba/ is shitpost central
>no Gothic

You should done some research
This Grimes easily has the shittiest fanbase. Example:
More accurate. However Jojo' s Bizarre adventure is the fucking tits.
not even a handegg fag but if you think footballs boring youve never seen baseball, 1 minute of standing in place and then 10 seconds of moving to a single plate, rinse and repeat
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>Their concerts full of white people. Disgusting.
I've also watched baseball, never said it was any better but the point still stands that football is boring as fuck
Most sports are boring as fuck though so that's not saying much
Can you make it any more obvious you have no idea what you're talking about
>1 poster who isn't even arguing
You sure got him there buddy.
>You sure got him
>not you
Anon, only one kind of /mu poster actively defends KPop posting: KPop posters. You are the saboteur of your own point.
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This year its Kendrick, no question

Also, where's Ayn Rand on that chart?
>they only have a decente one.
which one
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