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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 101

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i'm a BP fan and i false flag as RVshitters while shitting on other groups
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cub bench.jpg
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great thread
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rvbros are just good at falseflagging

plus we dont have many haters/psychotic fans like twice&bp&omg

other groups are fine i guess
i also remember when dia debuted and they were really great and now they are a low budget twice ripoff
I think we ALL are autistic pieces of shit who waste our time shitposting in a fucking kpop thread.
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chaeyoung (26).jpg
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very nice
my kind of girl
and I still don't remember when people cared about your opinion, probably never happened
>implying there are people who post just one idol/one group in the kpg
please we all know we each have like 5-6 groups we like and post about.
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DIA is lucky to have fans like you
i care about your opinion
can someone post jia?
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word i have 10 folders
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i only post 4 idols
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not me desu I only spend like 1 hour here each week
wendy's ass on my face please
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dia is fucking terrible. first they copy rv and now they copy twice even to the point where they added japs lmao
I hope you don't mind me calling her frogfuggo
it's just a meme and I don't mean it
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my heart belongs to only one
I used to only post one religiously until certain circumstances happened, now I post a few
there's legit 0 memorable dia songs
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based minacuckbro
i post pretty much every group desu
i literally post only my waifu
i do talk about others when i'm not doing that
I forgot there is that one irene falseflagger who shits on slug, I honestly don't remember others
some avatarfagging and perfectshitting is present too but not that much
im sure she would oblige if you just asked, irene
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I only post cosmics
>literally one minute apart
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Stay cool kpg
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as a reveluv, I already have my perfect group and sees no merit berating on other groups. Just find what you like and that's that.
*squints* where is it?
>literally failed detective
i hate dia is shit
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cosmetic girls
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wrong choa but yeah
but I'm so hot
word i just dont post much when other reveluvs arent on, i dont shit on whoever is being posted
let me guess now you post binnie and lisa
stay coated
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i was just going to bed but pls accept this jia
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i only post talented musicians
thank you for the jia my friend
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She's more of a thigh girl
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thanks for not thanking me for posting Jia's song you moron
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I only post lovelyz
i never really noticed her in minx. that was a big mistake
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sorry friend i got distracted watching your jia that i forgot to post
>literal prostitute
this song is still pretty good though
whoever is on the right is a serious uggo
wide hips
forget about it, I will never post Jia again
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>reveluls acting all innocent now
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yo you wanna die?
>discussion about the identity of KPOP is now amongst other individuals of the thread
>autism and shitposting are proposed as a trait of KPOP.
>chemical origin seems more and more likely
>amount of 7/10 asian women posted doesn´t support the chemical origin
>as a whole thread didn´t reveal its identity
>and regular visitors themselfs are largely unaware on the matter of KPOP
>I decide to close the question on the matter of KPOP as unresolved, still mysterious.
>only a musical origin can surely be ruled out as ridiculous and false

>My observation ends now, as some people seem distracted
>the observation itself should not influence my conclusions.
>fascinated by the obscure and well-disclosed secret of what KPOP is about, I leave the thread
>I wish a good time for those who intend to stay in here.
y-you too
lovelinuses are the best posters because they don't hide their true feelings
we know
Every time
cmon just loan me another jia i'm good for it i swear
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Damn dude if you wanted somebody to post her then just say it
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i like you
from now on I consider you my enemy I will never give you a (you) again
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good taste anon
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my only feeling is love towards lovelyz and all lovelyz posters
Sauce on this girl? She's fine as fuck
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>lovelyz can't danc-
Hey, thanks for answering my newfaggy question earlier. I get it a little bit more now.
Follow-up question:
How do you feel about kpop lyrics being in korean? I'm guessing most of you don't understand Korean, so would you rather have lyrics in English? Do you generally like music where you don't understand the lyrics?

Just to make it clear: I'm not trying to criticize you. I just wanna understand how you think about this music.
cringing at these posts right now desu
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even that guy who claims there is a conspiracy against lovelyz involving twice and their comeback dates?
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graceful non-sexual nymphs
*unsheathes katana*
had to make this difficult didnt you
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what the fuck is a "perfectposter"
I refuse to believe this is the same girl
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>twiceboy OP
>lovelyz thread anyway
i love the kpg
something he made up just to have a reason to dislike someone
english lyrics aren't important to me, I've listened to songs in spanish, portuguese, russian, german, etc before I even got into kpop. It probably helps that kpop isn't in english because the lyrics are mostly shitty after being translated
walk the flowery path anon~
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based us
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don't worry about it
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it is
honestly if it happens again i'd start to wonder too
or maybe it's just luck
who should be trialed first on the day of the rope?

kfappers or waifu hoppers?
I like not understanding the lyrics, it's pop music, so the lyrics are mostly superficial and almost meaningless, not understanding it it's a big part of the appeal imo.
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I'm glad the lovelyz-twice feud is over
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what is she doing?
If you care to, you can look up virtually any song on YouTube and there will be a translated lyrics video. Normies didn't speak Latin during the Renaissance but music was always written in that language so it's nothing unusual.
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>tfw it will take another 3 years for this to happen
wtf is a waifu hopper?
This greentexting dude is gone now?
is it waifuhopping if your waifu betrays you first?
those 2 are usually one in the same
i love it
a perfectposter is someone who thinks their waifu is literally perfect
jiae's thighs tho
but my waifu is
So sick and tired of tiffany
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yea, word
leave Tiffany alone
so practically everyone here?
funny way of spelling nayeon-posters
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but mine is
now, we
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waifu hopping is when you have a waifu then you see another cute girl and change waifus. its pretty fucking stupid
no. there are two ways to change waifu without becoming a degenerate waifuhopper. the first is if your waifu turns out to be a whore, and the second is if your waifu hits age 25, you can throw her out and get a young one because fuck watching your waifu bust, she wouldnt want that anyway.
So am I the only one who thinks their dresses have an arabic feel to them? they look like those harem concubines
remember when Bulldok debuted and their lyrics were
>we back in the house
back from where you morons? you just debuted
>if your waifu hits age 25, you can throw her out and get a young one because fuck watching your waifu bust
no, this is NOT allowed
whats wrong with you
this is cute and made me laugh
having a waifu is pretty fucking stupid
no offense but you guys say so many stupid things here every day
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babysoul is turning 25 this year tho, I don't want another one
>waifu turns out to be a whore, and the second is if your waifu hits age 25

this happened to me twice
why u have to hurt my feelings like this?
offense taken
i acknowledge my waifu's flaws
irenebros with the 2 for 1
my goal is to say the most stupid shit possible and see if I can make people believe I'm being sincere
how new
your waifu turned 25 twice? what the fuck
based twiceshitter, there is still hope for you

who is this hot piece of sexmeat
How is it possible she looks GOAT tier cute in one pic, and dog ugly in the next?
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2MB, 3276x4096px
tell me this doesn't look like a harem
Laboum arrested yet?
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yooo she looks so cute here tho
this is a falseflag
this isn't a very hard spot-the-difference is it?
minashitters should just off themselves, fucking cowards

your dirty waifu deserves to be stoned for what she did
If my waifu's group disbands is it okay to drop her?
I've been with the same waifu for six years now (ever since i got into kpop) but her group may disband soon.
photoshop can make anyone look good
it's my harem
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don't call her that
her name is babysoul

she's adorable when she looks worried
based aoa bro
I'm so fucking sick and tired of the photoshop
File: drunk korean girls.webm (1MB, 406x720px) Image search: [Google]
drunk korean girls.webm
1MB, 406x720px
you sound like an isis member

chill out dude
I only post Twice.

The rest can all die in a massive car crash for all I care.
>If my waifu's group disbands is it okay to drop her?
i guess thats fair, but you never know, she may go solo or something
AOA is the new dal shabet

how do you even go from famous to nugu
irene is not a whore you fucking idiot
first one was sunny and i'm not saying the other one (it's not choa, mina or irene)
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you just KNOW.webm
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perfect girls like mijoo don't shit bro
did you check?
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dal shabet was famous? maybe you mean after school
look at how uncomfortable she looks just from simply being touched
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our piggy.jpg
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we LOVE sunny here and she's not a whore
this. only one in lovelyz with an anus is babysoul.
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where's the cub club and why aren't they defending her
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remember when IU betrayed us?
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mina and bambam.jpg
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not a day goes by
speaking of an old whore
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Soyou (77).jpg
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I love AOA and post them sometimes but I was talking about Sistar.
>she may go solo
That might be a possibility, her solos usually do well.
shame about the jaw...

and overall face
yeah I remember 2010
based Jiyeon exposed her
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twice mouses.webm
3MB, 450x800px
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cub greetings.webm
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i'm too busy admiring cub
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reminder to keep plenty of water bottles in the fridge
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you better not hop away from soyou m8. she's a keeper
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Just had 2 packs of mi goreng.jpg
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guess who
ok. calling all lovelinus.

how do we make a meme out of their new song?
>Back from observing the test objects
>they question the concept of waifus
>anon suspects the thread is full of stupid things, on a daily basis
>the conclusion might be that the thread is senseless on its own
>a solid explanation for the unaware regulars

>distress amongst the contributing anons about the sense of KPOP harms the calm conversations, observed in the previous thread
>anon calls for a execution by stone to eliminate the waifu of an opponent

>I ask myself if my observation is a mistake

>should not have disturbed the KPOP microcosm, as it is fragile, yet a beautiful
>asking or searching for a sense is contradictionary to KPOP itself, as it is of senseless nature
>now I back away slowly
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ok now really guess who
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C-2pImCXYAARHFV.jpg orig.jpg
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If none of you can point out a flaw with Babysoul by the end of this thread then we can assume she's perfect. No subjective shit.
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Her beauty is secondary she's just genuinely a nice person.
>no subjective shit

she's ugly as sin
by not making a meme
I don't think it's possible, there's no english words or anything
which kpop "gets" irony
I'm afraid she will commit sudoku
id take >>72628902 over >>72628886

he looks all D R I E D U P
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holy shit who taught her how to sing
she's ugly as fuck with a wide face and wide jaw
also she's a womanlet
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we don't do memes, we're going for the talent route, slow and steady

the general public are fickle fans, best to win over fans that will stay loyal 4 lyfe
Nayeon is the epitome of Kpop greatness.

The industry had to pour out constant shit doing trial and error for more than 15 years to produce an absolutely perfect idol like her. Able to carry 8 worthless trainees into global stardom.
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i understood filters becoming popular for common people but their popularity with pretty idols surprised me

isn't this part cool?
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nayeon face.jpg
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everybody likes small girls with round faces
jesus christ she's really hideous
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>Her absorptive force is as strong as a vacuum cleaner and it feels as if his veins would burst
>JYP new gg has 3 nayeon look alike
this guy is on to something
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Soyou (23).jpg
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Don't worry, me dropping her is not a possibility yet.
not really
you're this guy >>72628706 aren't you
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binnie deserves all the bullying from arin she gets
yein gets me FIRED UP
Is Cubs waifuable?
She's so fucking cute, but what's her personality like?
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>ugly as fuck

>a wide face and wide jaw
>also she's a womanlet
these are good things

pic related
shes a cold bitch who hates her fans
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someone tell dawon to chill before i lose my shit
shes kinda like nayeon, an arrogant and conceited bitch
that's not Betsy tho
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innocent and pure.jpg
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Protect Yein!
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thanks for the advice, soob
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from mijoo?
Who's your waifu?
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she tries to be cool but deep down she's a qt pie who wants to be loved
take that back you fucking idiot
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ydf is here
Not sure if serious or not.
its the worst personality you could ever imagine
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it cant be done
dubs confirm m8
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or what?
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what does she look like here
she hates her fans just like nayeon
also probably the laziest twice
twceshitters are so desperate. they pretend like nayeon and cub are cute even though everyone knows they are uggo
your waifu will die in her sleep tonight
cub is cute, I wouldn't go that far with nayeon though
Have you guys checked the KPG on /bant?
The iD's are pretty cool for filtering out bullshit.
why does no one posts yezi?
she's pretty great desu senpai
really gets the engines revving
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isn't that everyone?

holy shit you're blind my dude
she's easily top 1 twice
File: Yein having a beverage.webm (3MB, 450x780px) Image search: [Google]
Yein having a beverage.webm
3MB, 450x780px
we dont have to pretend

if they are so ugly why do you have to post the same pictures everyday to convince people that they are ugly?
we are grown men here so we don't need filters and safespace
>she's easily top 1 twice
>visual group
thats the problem idiot
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nobody tell chaeyoung that kstew got a buzz cut
it sucks
prepare to be BBBTTTFFFOOO
binnie's facial expressions are fucking elite
>muh safespace
filtering is for pussies
go back >>>/tumblr/
its only good for people who samefag, which is always obvious on kpg anyway.
fiestar isn't really active anymore, neither is yezi
dont you mean its bad for people who samefag?
shitty detective..
people argued for something like it so i will check it out
think of all the yein webms that would have to be remade though

she was an actress
I like it so that i can know which waifus the pajeets like.
jav actress in her home country
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>“I felt this strong need to cut my hair short after seeing Kristin Stewart. After contemplating, I finally cut it.” — TWICE’s Chaeyoung

she fucked up
i'd probably get filtered after my 2nd or 3rd post so fuck them they can have ther safespace

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>she was an actress
>dubu op
fuck no
if people don't like your posts then you shouldn't care about those people
>personality reddit shitters

haha no
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protect her from all red boards
meant for >>72629189
>tfw she couldve been a twice member
I think i've just made the greatest arin+mimi webm ever
it probably sucks just like all other omg webms
well what are you waiting for????
thank god she was spared
the next thread
Would drop twice desu, luckily jyp is based.
File: irene.webm (627KB, 534x480px) Image search: [Google]
627KB, 534x480px
the broduce 101 song rise a lot on melon on the last days
it's currently 39
what a fucking IDIOT
dont yell at her
music hella good
Dont talk to slug like that.
File: mask.jpg (874KB, 1000x1501px) Image search: [Google]
874KB, 1000x1501px
shut up
File: C_Hx0MPVwAAARB8.jpg (39KB, 1024x683px) Image search: [Google]
39KB, 1024x683px
this is 100x better with sound
wasn't the original pig me in the top 10
i guess it's true that nobody cares about broduce
File: IMG_20170423_161244.jpg (100KB, 635x847px) Image search: [Google]
100KB, 635x847px
>you will never make slug laugh so hard and lean on your lap
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